5 minute read
Interview with Liam Victor
For the active outdoor enthusiast, it's certainly no secret that the Wild Coast is a blank canvas of adventure trails and challenging events throughout the year, and the K2C has seen incredible support and growth in entrants, as they enter in to their 3rd year of the event.
A collaborative affair between Outhere Trails and Crawford's Beach Lodge, this 33km Beach Trail Challenge starts at the Kei Mouth Country Club, heads past the Morgan's Bay Hotel then up and over the Kraanse, through the Double Mouth Nature Reserve and then on past Haga Haga and making your final stretch to the poolside finish line at Crawford's. Now naturally I have made that sound like a breezy coastal doddle, however I can assure you that as much as it is fun, it certainaly has it's challenges with the changes in terrain and river crossings, but what do I know, I'm no runner, so I got in touch with Liam Victor from Outhere Trails, so you can get the inside track, as it were from an actual athletes point of view and not the ramblings of a couch gymnast!
josh: With the K2C being a collaboration between Outhere Trails and Crawford’s Beach Lodge, what was the inspiration behind putting an event like this together?
liam: After running the entire coastline from Wild Coast Sun to Port Alfred in varied stages, there is no section for a one day event that offers so much in so many varied aspects than this route anywhere in S.A. Outhere Trails has a great following so together with one of the best hotels in the business, it was a match made in heaven.
josh: So with it being in its 3rd year now, what do you feel has attributed to the on-going growth and success of the event?
liam: No matter how good the event and the route is, nothing beats the finish line. I always say: “Celebrate finish lines not finish times” and this is truly what this trail run/walk is about. The camaraderie on the route is incredible, but nothing quite beats the camaraderie at the finish line with a few cold beers, your feet dangling in a crystal clear pool, the smell of a gourmet dish and the sweet sounds from a local muso on his geet! (You’re up for a song too)
josh: haha! Yeah it's never a good idea to have a guitar around when iv had a few Castle Lites... Now there’s absolutely no question that the route is along some of the most beautiful scenic landscape in the area, so for the budding athletes out there who might be on the fence as to whether their post-covid fitness level can manage the challenge, what are the fairly tricky parts to be aware of and what strategic tips can you share on how best to tackle those sections?
liam: Fit or unfit, there is NO cut-off time! It is tough, but then again who remembers the easy runs. The stretch between Pullens Bay and Bosbokstrand is the most challenging place, but thereafter a flat 9km beach section awaits. At the K2C you earn your race garment honestly. If you are not up to it we have a 5km beach run for the “Not so FIT but want to feel part of the experience”. These are the people who then do the full run the following year!
josh: Naturally the safety and security of all entrants is always top priority, so what protocols have been put in place in terms of COVID regulations, like social distancing for the START line for example?
liam: We will apply all the rules required and will also have a staggered start with one minute intervals. Once you have left the start line, social distancing will naturally occur and I obviously don't have to go in to too much detail about how good the fresh air and exercise is for you. Alderson Ambulance Services also play a massive role to the success of the event and the safety of all involved and their presence gives me 100% peace of mind and allows me to concentrate on my job on the day, which is ensuring everyone is having a great time.
josh: In terms of trail runs around the East London area, how does the K2C stack up with regards to its popularity among the running fraternity, and does it get pretty competitive?
liam: We are fortunate to have many trail runs and Outhere Trails together with Old Selbornian Road Runners, host some of the top events in the Eastern Cape. There are too many to mention, but the Arminel Hogsback Half is one of the toughest, most incredible mountain trails and we are also working closely with Matola Private Game Reserve, so watch this space. Now that Crawl (Mark Crawford) is an organiser and not a competitor on the day, it will be very mellow as he is our Beep Beep of beach trails. That said, everyone is always racing whether it be against something, someone or their Garmin.
josh: Any final words of motivation and encouragement to the entrants out there signing up to do their first K2C?
liam: It’s all about getting OUT THERE, your pace is not important and the pain will fade away, but the pride of accomplishment will last for 365 days. Enjoy the freedom, enjoy the company, enjoy the route…whether you are doing the 5km or the 33km, walking, running or crawling, just get OUT THERE!
So there you have it, and for those who enjoy lazing back in to a few well deserved ice cold beverages, Crawford 's has some amazing accommodation specials over the weekend of the event so be sure to get in touch with them at www.crawfordsbeachlodge.co.za for reservations and race info.