You may not be able to find these words, unless if you use a Scrabble or Words with Friends helper. Although both games are alike, Scrabble still takes the cake, given that it's the original and it's tactically more comprehensive than Words With Friends. Despite all of the strategies and concepts involved, Scrabble has a funny side: some out of this world words which are too absurd to be considered as such. You may have heard of them before, but you may have never though that you could actually put them on the board.
Zinkify – a magical-sounding word So, is this a word now? Well yeah, and it sounds totally absurd, and it's like a word created by a toddler who loves watching unicorns and fairies leaving a trail of rainbows in their wake. On a serious note, this word is actually a variation of the word “zincify”, which means to plate, coat or cover in Zinc, silvery metal and a vital trace mineral in the body. It gives a base score of 26 points, more if you count the bonus squares.
Zzz – the sound of snoring Yep, you read it right: the sound of of snoring is actually a valid Scrabble word. Although there's absolutely no chance of anyone playing it (why would anyone waste their zero value blank tiles with a couple of Zs, it comes in handy if you're out of ideas and if you want to see a funny expression on your opponent's face. It gives a meager 10 points – thirty if you place the legit Z on a triple word multiplier.
Mbaqanga – a dance music Even if it sounds like it someone crazy is about to blurt it out randomly, Mbaqanga is actually a valid Scrabble word – a useful one at that. It is actually a musical genre originating from South Africa that is highly influenced by the local Zulu tribes. It originated in the 1960s and it still influences modern music until today. It gives a total of 22 points, higher if you count the bingo and the bonus multipliers.
Liblab – liberal and labor This word, although it sounds like a fish call, actually has a political background. It is used to call someone with liberal views that support policies that favor organized labor. It only manages a measly ten points, but it comes in handy if you're looking to get rid of multiple L's and B's.
Gangbang This actually sounds profane, given the all new meaning some people have given it today. What's surprising is that it's considered a Scrabble word. It is defined as to “participate in gang-related activities�. Although only capable of giving a lucky 13 points, it comes in handy if you need to get rid of the multiple G's and N's.
Winning in Scrabble takes a little ingenuity. Aside from tactics and strategies however, you'd want to play these words: not just for the fun of it, but also because they are able to help you out a lot.