Wild Hearts Magazine x Wild Tranquility 04

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04 || Wild Wild Tranquility Tranquility 04

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Wild Hearts magazine is an online pla�orm about being unapologe�cally you in all your wildest forms, while being in touch with your beau�ful heart, driven by the wildest of love. Having unfiltered conversa�ons about spirit, body, soul and rela�onships. For the wild ones.

WIILDHEARTS.COM @wiildhearts__ Therèsa editor-in-chief/ visual creator theresariver.com @theresariver Rae editor / social media creator @raesworld @palmtreerae

the wild tranquility of life, the state of being calm being in balance, taking rests, taking sabbath days


Love God | SPIRIT

Love Others as Yourself | SOCIAL

08 Wild Encounters Matthew 6 10 Free Spirits Wild Tranquility 12 Love God A year without social media 16 Wild & Holy Rebels for Christ 20 Secret Garden Meeting Him in Silence 22 Me and My Wild Heart Heart, how are you doing?

28 Unapologetically Me Planet Bird 30 Ten Ways to Love Yourself W/ Charlotte 34 Unconditional Lovers The grief in celebration 38 Him and Her How we feel stress 40 Ten Ways to Love Others Ten ways to love the church 44 Wild Child Balancing the see-saw

Wisdom | SOUL

Stature |BODY

50 Raw Souls My Brain needs Rest 52 Wild Bookclub Fave youtube vids, poddies 54 Fear of God poem 56 Sleepover Club Sabbath Vibes 58 Sacred Gratitude Thankful hearts 60 Moodboard

64 Vibrant Bodies Fight or Flight 68 Life of Worship The Importance of Sabbath Days 72 Fashion Glitterbombs Winter Coats & Sunglasses 74 Milk & Honey Miracle Morning 76 Live Creatively Living an energized life 82 Covert Affairs FOMO + phone addiction

@sammorris3 | 05

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30 MSG x



“And when you come before God, don’t turn that into a theatrical production either. All these people making a regular show out of their prayers, hoping for stardom! Do you think God sits in a box seat? “Here’s what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace.

“The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant. They’re full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God. Don’t fall for that nonsense. This is your Father you are dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need. With a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply. Like this: Our Father in heaven, Reveal who you are. Set the world right;

Do what’s best—as above, so below. Keep us alive with three square meals. Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others. Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil. You’re in charge! You can do anything you want! You’re ablaze in beauty! Yes. Yes. Yes. “In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do. You can’t get forgiveness from God, for instance, without also forgiving

others. If you refuse to do your part, you cut yourself off from God’s part. “When you practice some appetite-denying discipline to better concentrate on God, don’t make a production out of it. It might turn you into a small-time celebrity but it won’t make you a saint. If you ‘go into training’ inwardly, act normal outwardly. Shampoo and comb your hair, brush your teeth, wash your face. God doesn’t require attention-getting devices. He won’t overlook what you are doing; he’ll reward you well.

@sammorris3 |


Wild Tranquility The state of being calm. The wild present. And peace overflowing. The rough and the calm. Living together in perfect harmony. Flowing in the rhythm of living. Living by the seasons. I am wildly alive. Some�mes life seems far from that. The pressure wiping you out. Being too busy to breathe. The busy that once made you feel so alive and on top of your game suddenly robbing you of your moments of joy. Your eyes start to dull showing dark wrinkles around it. Has�ng from one place to another. Thinking you need to run it all. While you're the only one running. Spinning your mind. Rushing your body. And all it does is make you feel sick. Cause in reality the stress has taken a toll on that gorgeous body of yours. The lack of sleep took from the healing of your body and brain. Which leaves you fa�gued and your thoughts all over the place. Your rushing le� no �me to eat a proper dinner, so you gained some weight and collected toxins around your waist. How the heck are you kids so grown up when did that happen, where was I those moments? Actually where was I for real? One day I wake up and realise I never chased down my dream. Too busy with the current. I am not even sure what �me it is of the year. This magazine is about ge�ng back in touch with the rhythm of your life. Not the one others want you to live, not the one society laid out for you. The one you were meant to live all along. He is in the seasons. He is in the adventure. Let's go back to His voice. Let's follow His guiding star. And let's see where we will find Jesus. Our Prince of Peace.

@theresariver | 011

I went a year without social media

August 10, 2018: It’s my birthday. The Lord tells me to give up instagram, I argue with Him and put it off un�l August 21st. August 21, 2019: It’s been one WHOLE year without my crutch; my emo�onal, social, and crea�ve outlet. I’ve been forced to BE this last year. Forced to make meaningful rela�onships. Forced to stare Him straight in the face and let His fiery eyes burn away anything that stands in the way of His jealous love. I’ve been called to carry something heavy, weighty. Something so full it cannot be described. I’m meant to carry His tangible presence, His beauty, His unwavering and passionate love. Star�ng a few years ago, I started to take advantage of transi�ons in my life and ask the Lord how to “alter” my next year. It naturally happened on birthdays. When I was 22, the Holy Spirit told me to give up Self Pity. That changed my worldview. I learned to value myself, to value my words, to

know my authority. At 23, it was Instagram and all social media outlets. I couldn’t see my future when He told me to do that. My whole life was packed into my car, evacua�ng from a forest fire. I was rethinking the whole game. I couldn’t find a home, my friends were betraying me and I longed for His tender voice to lead me. I just couldn’t hear it past my Instagram feed. Being very ac�ve on Instagram, it silently fed my fears, fueled my hurts, and gave me an escape from real life. Worst of all, it numbed out his voice. John 10:27 “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” Without His voice, you can only func�on so well un�l you revert to orphan ways.. it was too easy to suddenly link up again with the poverty spirit. I really procras�nated cu�ng off my social media usage; but on August 21st, I severed all �es. At first it was sad. People wouldn’t even men�on me in their insta stories because they were “helping

@burninganne |


me.” I got le� out of things. Some people forgot me. But then my eyes cleared. I saw things differently, I experienced things at a more present and deeper level. I could finally connect: with God, nature and people. ALL of my favorite things. I forgot my password and couldn’t log back in so now it was impossible to get back on. God really helped me out there! One of my friends called me and texted me because she was so proud of my choice and vowed to not forget me. We’re closer to this day because she chose me and I chose her! I realized rela�onships were sweeter and be�er when we had nothing to prove to anyone. When it was just US. Did I cheat? Yes. How, you might ask? I had access to a few other accounts, Facebook too. But that’s where His grace comes in like a flood, surrounding us and giving us perspec�ve. I realized that my year of discipline was a giant setup for success. You see, my plan was to go to school the following year and God only knows how distracted I get.. so

naturally He would lead me in some healthy disciplines to train me in the right way to go. He’s a genius. And He knows each of us so well. Never doubt His ways.. My word this year is RUN. My goal is to fix my eyes on him and go to his word for direc�on and affirma�on. I go to school this year, for the first �me in a while, and I can’t have anything standing in what God has called me to do. I would highly suggest cha�ng with Jesus about what you can give up or take on that would pull you in closer to his heart. Be encouraged, friends! Hebrews 12:1-2“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the [a]author and [b]finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Anne TePaske | @burninganne

@burninganne | 015

'Rebels for Christ' The Waldensians were a courageous Christian movement from Lyon, France founded in the twelth century. Their revelation of what scripture truly said about following Christ empowered them to break the mold and go against the crowd. They gave up their riches, titles and possessions and signed up to a life of poverty and preaching the gospel. Completely countercultural but their love for Jesus made these things very small in their eyes. Filled with the Holy Spirit, their

bold message started to spread all over Europe and their followers continued to multiply. However, the Catholic church back then did not approve of this new Christianity. Maybe because they were out of their control, and it convicted them of their own sin. And after some time, it became their personal mission to wipe out the Waldensians by having them all killed, and tragically thousands of them were murdered for

preaching the gospel by these religious leaders. Similar to the story of Jesus and His disciples. These faithful men and woman of God risked their lives to follow God and teach the gospel. “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace.” I have been challenged, shocked, and moved during my study of The Waldensians movement and disappointed that I had never heard of their story before- but this has given me an appetite to learn more about our heritage as Christians and this has been a great place to start. The Waldensians are one group amongst many people who played a role towards our freedom we enjoy as Christians today. They were true rebels for Jesus and I love that about the Waldensians, I was reminded of the movie ‘The Greatest Showman’ with how their choice to live in freedom and do what they were born to do and being ridiculed for it relates to our lives as Christians. But our love for God, being free in Christ, and bringing others in for this wild ride is the only path to walk down once

you’ve tasted and seen that the Lord is good. “You run with me And I can cut you free Out of the drudgery and walls you keep in So trade that typica l for something colorful And if it's crazy, live a little crazy You can play it sensible, a king of conventional Or you can risk it all and see” - The Greatest Showman The movement of the Waldensians started with a man named Peter Waldo. Peter was a wealthy man with a title, married with children, some might see his life as the ideal goal even- but all of this was shaken when Waldo came across a preacher who spoke on Matthew 19:21 ‘ Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." Waldo felt conviction and I imagine some confusion as he started to ponder the way the Catholic Church neglected this passage. He started to see flaws in the systems of the church and question the authority of the @palmtreerae | 017

leaders as he started to learn that permission had been granted from God when it came to repentance, reading his word, preaching his word and so much more. The church did not have authority over these things, only God does! During this process his friend died unexpectedly, and I think this added to the reality of how short life is for Waldo, and who was he living for…Man or God? So, he gave away all of his worldly goods to his family and to the poor and decided to follow Jesus example by living a life of poverty and preaching. I believe Waldo experienced being a Born-Again Christian, filled with the Holy Spirit and having the heart of an evangelist. The next profound step Waldo takes is translating the Bible into the local dialect, Latin to French-Provencal (French was not yet established as a language). This is profound because it was bringing the word of God back to the people, because the only way the people could read the bible was through an ordained minister in the Catholic Church. Waldo begins preaching out in the open, rejecting the traditions of the

Catholic Church and people begin to follow him and his example of a life in poverty. I’d really love to hear more about the personal stories that happened as the Gospel message started to grow, I wonder if they saw miracles- I’m sure they would have. It eventually came to a point where Waldo was being so disruptive in the eyes of the religious leaders he was expelled from his city, Lyon. Waldo was threatened by the archbishop to stop preaching and Waldo responded “It is better to obey God than man” … The Waldensians began to be labelled heretics and punished for their beliefs. Their movement spread over all of Europe and many were forced to flee into the wilderness to keep them safe from persecution, they travelled thousands of miles away but it wasn't far enough, there was an army sent to wipe them out and there was a massacre killing thousands of Christians. This still didn't stop them following Jesus and teaching the bible. They organized their movement as a church and they picked their leaders and continued to study the word, raise up preachers, teach young people to study and teach the word and live a life of poverty together-

claiming to be the true church. The Waldensians movement spread so far across Europe that they had become the most common and widespread persecuted movements. “Ten thousand death would be too few to express my love for Thee Lord” - Waldensian Martyr I believe this movement to be one of the great revivals in church history. Why didn't they give up? This form of Christianity was not popular, and they gave their lives to teach the word of God. Not only was this movement significant at the time but also for future generations to come soon later in the reformation which later develops into the protestant movement. Would we be where we are today if it wasn't for these forerunners? It all plays a key role in the freedom we have today. You can see the work of the word and spirit from the beginning of the Waldensians movement starting from Waldos conversion. Revival starts with God speaking to one person and you see that here, from his revelation of Matthew 19:21 to the rest of the Waldensians down the line giving up their lives because

this God is just too real and worth even more than their own life. This behaviour was too radical for it not to be a work of the spirit, and their passion to live for God's word and faithfulness despite being pressed on every side much like the apostles. I wonder what their times of worship would have been like together. I imagine in the midst of great trial and pain they experienced the joy and comfort of the Holy Spirit. They had such a conviction on living out what the bible says even if it meant they were outcasts to society, they loved God’s truth and word more than the opinion of man. Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2 - 4 “You think you will extinguish our poor churches by your persecutions. You cannot do so, any more than my feeble hands can crush these stones. - Catalin Girard

@palmtreerae | 019

SECRET GARDEN Daily Time With God My biggest dream is to have God’s presence with me every single day. I have many dreams, but this is the biggest one. The last two weeks have been a bit stormy to say the least, and I knew God was in the midst of everything but it for sure didn’t feel like it. And then today I drove to the beach, ranted to God, sang some worship, cried a li�le, read one of my lifeline bible versus and then God’s tangible presence flooded the car. So much life. So much joy. So much peace. So much faith. I felt different about absolutely everything in a split second. A�er that moment I was plugged back in. Like drinking a cold glass of water on a hot summers day. God always heals our hearts. He always brings life. I want an amazing life like you do, I have so many dreams but I desire those everyday moments with God even more. We always run to other things, and they won’t sa�sfy in the way Jesus can. He wants to take the heavy burdens. We were never supposed to carry it. He comes to bring life in abundance.

He is Hope and Joy. He is our rock. I am thankful to Jesus that even the weeks when we dri� away, he draws us back in by spirit to return. I don’t always feel His presence, on the days I don’t I am learning to choose to have big faith. He is always there even the �mes we don’t feel it. ‘How I yearn for God’s presence. How I yearn to pour it out on those around me.‘ We are in a spiritual ba�le guys and more than ever we have got to protect our daily �me with God. He is LIFE. And when we hang out with the one who Is Life guess what we will pour out? Life! In a world that is dark and hopeless, in a world that more than ever needs Jesus. ‘Christ in me the Hope of glory.’ – Collosians 1:27 How can we release Hope into this world if we are not spending �me with the one who IS hope?

Psalm 27:4 | ‘One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and seek him in his temple’

Daily Time With God Tips: 1. Start With Silence Be s�ll and wait for God. Don’t be in a hurry. Silence has a way of kicking out religious pressure and obliga�on. You might be amazed how you will hear God clearer in the silence. 2. Let Go Of Control. God is your Father. You don’t have to lead or control in your �me with God. Let His spirit lead and guide you. 3. Read God’s Word In a Way That Works For You. Whether that’s big chunks of scripture. Or wri�ng out li�le versus and medita�ng on them. Or listening to the bible app.. find a way of reading the bible that actually works for you.

“Do not be discouraged by the resistance you will encounter from your human nature; you must go against your human inclina�ons. O�en, in the beginning, you will think that you are was�ng �me, but you must go on, be determined and persevere in it un�l death, despite all the difficul�es.”

4. Spice Things Up It doesnt have to look the same everyday! Change loca�on. Have fun in your �me with God. 5. Have Grace On Yourself. Baby steps my love. Li�le by li�le we are building and cul�va�ng. Please don’t be mean to yourself if you skip a devo�onal. God lives in your heart, this is not about duty or your works. God understands you, and He knows your life flow. Do your best. Even if it’s 2 mins a day to start with. Celebrate progress.

@palmtreerae | 021

Me and My Wild Heart Did you know that THE battlefield is the one of the mind. Everything we do and say is rooted in our thoughts. And our thoughts are a vulnerable place. The things it daily needs to go through. From the first thoughts when you struggle to get out of bed to the restless thoughts when you try to fall asleep. And in your dreams your mind might keep spinning around and around, resting in a very vivid way. Let’s do a little check up on how our mind is doing, shall we? Heart, how are you doing? All the feels feels feels. Feelings are an indication of what is going on in your thoughts, in the atmosphere around you and even how your gut health is doing. So when your feels are off, ask your heart how it is doing? Why are you feeling the way you do? Ask the Holy Spirit for a little help on this one, to get things a little more clear. Take time throughout the day to catch up with yourself. When you feel feels arising but you are not in a place in that moment to dive deeper into them, let your heart know that you two will get back to this later on

in the day. And do that, you will make matters worse when you don’t get back to your own heart. What am I feeling? We tend to get familiar to our feels, but same will happen when you check in regulary with them, you will get familiar with noticing where they are coming from. In some cases, you need to figure things out, that are very important but are very easy to just walk straight passed. And if you don’t figure those things out they might turn out as a roadblock later on the road. In some cases, your feels might come from things that were a tat overwhelming, give them time and grace to get a place and process them. In some cases, your feels come from lies that somehow planted itself in your thoughts and you need to tell them truth. Ask Holy Spirit (God’s Presence) to show you where the feels are coming from, what lies arose and soak in Him telling you the real truth. Do I need a good cry? Cry your heart out from time to time. Crying is very

healing to your body and your soul. Those feelings built tension up inside your body and they need to get out. If we keep pushing them away, the bomb will burst one day and your body might get sick as well. Built up feels are draining, stressing, attacking your immune system, they even can cause skin problems. Crying isn’t for babies. Crying is for strong people, unafraid to face their feels. Do I need to talk about something? Same is with stacking your problems and secrets up in one place. We are made to be together and not do everything on our own. We need to speak up about things that don’t often get spoken about. We need freedom. And not being held by the things that pile up upon us. Talk. Talk with a friend. Strangers on the internet. About the real things. How can I search what is going on in my heart? Find a way to search your heart. Playing piano and making up songs is the perfect way for me to search what is going on in my heart. A hot bath does wonders to my rambling mind as well to make sense of them. For you that might be working out and going over your thoughts. Or journa-

ling your way through. Did you know that our brain has these three sections, a working brain, an archiving brain and a reflex brain? Our thinking brain which I love to call our working brain is the one rambling of all your thoughts. It can only focus on one thing, and is tired out pretty fast. Which is why it is sooo important to take our rest. To sleep enough, so our archiving brain can give those thoughts (and attached emotions) a place. In our rest, and places we are not actively thinking when our thoughts just flow, we are forming patterns and new ideas get birthed. Take time for these places to stop burning yourself out. Those formed patterns again will store itself into our habits in our life in which our reflex mind is working from. Healthy habits and formed patterns become second nature to us and are so important cause we don’t have to keep fighting all our thoughts anymore to bring them into action. Which gives us space to do more amazing things and live life. What is going on around me? We can also get real deal influenced by our surrounding. The atmospheres of places we visit. The auras of people we meet. They all might feel so you. But

@theresariver | 023

they aren’t you, they are just affecting how you feel in that moment. Start to become aware of those. So anxiety won’t hit you in a moment you are in a public place. Be sensitive to atmospheres and people. Clean every place you enter in Jesus name, and speak life over the place and people you meet in His name. Your adventures and meeting new gorgeous beings will become so much more vibrant. And ask God what do you want to do in this place? Why am I feeling this currently? And life will happen. Am I speaking life? Death and life is in the tongue. Are we cursing people and places? Or are we blessing people and places? Our words can hurt people so so deep. It has the power to rob people of their futures cause they lose faith. We as people can burn people so so down. Let’s stop gossiping (anything negative we say about someone) and pulling people down and start pulling the gold out of people. I know that sometimes might feel like out of your comfort zone and people absolutely don’t want to hear this from me, they might think I want something from them crap. Every single soul loves compliments, positive words

and life spoken over them. Leave a nice note on the Instagram accounts you stalk, smile at strangers and tell your friends the nicest obvious things about them cause they need the reminders. We need to hear the truth over and over to battle the lies and doubts that constantly keep arising in our minds. Do I have a spiritual tribe? Fill your mind with truth. Get you some good spiritual tribe. Some gorgeous people that speak truth and life over your life and remind you who you truly are. I feel ya those people might not be close to you demographically but hello technology. Send each other voice notes lifting each other days up. Start badass WhatsApp or facebook groups with some firey people speaking truth over each other, and prophecying into each other lives regulary. Am I numbing myself? It is all between death and life in our days. In the negative and the positive. In the tearing down, and the rising up. In the pressure of creating, and the overcoming of heartbreak. It takes courage to stand in our big highs. And it takes that same courage to stand in our lows. Don’t settle for not

feeling a thing, numbing yourself. I have been there and it made me fueled up with so much anger and frustration and the feels of completely missing out on life. Till I learned to have a real deal relationship with God. You can speak everything through with Him, and He actually answers, say what!? He is so so good. And I told God, I want to feel it all, it all. Every high and every low. And dang that is a challenge we all are faced with every single day. To feel it all. The rollercoaster of life. But we are all in this together, even when we might feel pretty alone in our struggles. And God is always for us, even when we are in a season of rest instead of His fire. And with daring to feel, I felt more alive than ever.

In what season am I currently? Learn to know in what season you are. Ask God what is the season I am currently in. So you can understand the feels a tat better and in what direction your days are flowing, and how you can spread life into your days. Don’t fight your seasons, be in touch with God. And munch on His word and spend time in His presence. They wire your mind into the most gorgeous patterns setting you up for success. Check in with yourself regularly and talk talk talk with people. We all need mentors in our lives that speak life over our lives. Be that a counseler, a psychologist, a good book, your best friend, connect. Don’t try to do life on your own. We are made to be together. And endlessly tap into God. You don’t have to do it on your own.

@theresariver | 025

SOCIAL Love others as yourself

@sammorris3 |


Fi�ng Discipline Around You Lorna Holland Hello darlings It has been a very subtle but fundamental journey. A very long �me coming. I have been called many things – ditsy – ska�y – unorganised – impulsive – away with the fairies – forge�ul – unreliable – naive – just to name a few. At points in my life these names have offended me, hurt me or made me feel less of a person or miss-understood. But now I see them as beau�ful compliments and a strength of my character. (Whether others see it that way or not) I have learnt that this is because I am crea�ve, ar�s�c, insigh�ul to different things at one �me, a dreamer, a visionary. My favourite name ever is planet bird which my mum has called

me since I can remember, she would always say I was always on another planet. Day dreaming about or imagining up a whole other reality, whilst the world was going on around me and I will always be grateful for how my mum just gave me the space to dream! Through growing up I have learnt to accept and embrace who I am and it has been so freeing. So… because of how my character is I have always struggled �me and �me again with self mo�va�on and self discipline. As I grew up from teens to mid 20’s I would always think there was something wrong with me because I simply could not consistently have discipline or rou�ne. I would get all fired up and be like this is the �me I will run that 5k or read more or study harder, start that project etc. But

it would never last and I would move on to a next idea or ‘dream’. I would then mentally beat myself up and would be blame it on myself that I am a failure. This is when I started to dream less as I thought what is the point, failing to start and not finishing something was just too disappoin�ng for me. It was very subtle and didn’t even realise I lost hope in dreaming.

One – to never stop dreaming whether it is big or small as these area stemed from passions and celebrates who you are.

Over the years I am just star�ng to learn the significance of fi�ng discipline around who you are. Once I discovered that it wasn’t just a defect I had and I am not a person who can keep a rou�ne but it is all about working what works best for you and how your mind works as a person. I want to write this as an encouragement.

Three – journey is everything, even if it takes you over a 100 a�empts to even start a new pa�ern in your life keep reflec�ng is so important taking �me to view the journey and you may see more breakthrough in the journey of than the actual pa�ern you are trying to set in your life.

Two – just because it does not come naturally to you does not mean it is not meant to be or will never happen. I would encourage you to work out what works best for you. Star�ng small is the best way to start.

Finally – never beat yourself up!

‘Success is not final, failure is not fatal it is the courage to con�nue that counts’ -Winston Churchill.

@Lornaholland1 | 029

10 ways to Love Yourself Recently, I came across something that blew my mind. “. Love your neighbours as you love yourself” I know right?? What?? That’s crazy!! All over social media and in real life also, we are taught that to love and value yourself, is the worst thing that you could possibly do. It’s selfish, self centred and all round wrong. Yes I’m no self love master, Wonder Woman or all round Body positive expert. At 14, I’ve got a load to learn about myself and the world and that’s ok. It’s a process. We’re human. It’s ok.

1: Check in with your body:

3: journal

Are you hungry,

If you know me, you’ll know that this had to

Are you thirsty,

come up at some point. I used to think that

Are you tired,

journaling was all “dear diary, I hate this person, I love this person” and definitely

Do you have a ton of energy and

not worth doing. However, over the past

wanna dance to Beyoncé on your

year or so, journaling has been like a

family Alexa ( sorry mum ha ha)

psychologist who doesn’t talk back to you, just absorbing your every feeling. I’ve

Ok. Your body knows what it’s

learnt so much about myself spiritually,

doing and it was created to feel,

mentally and physically since I started

So don’t ignore it,

journaling. I definitely think, once you get

It loves you!!

through the misconceptions, it is a mass factor in self acceptance and love.

2: balance; Now I am not gonna lie, I can quite

4: Laugh, cry and let yourself feel,

often be found cocooned in my












We just need to laugh those belly aching


laughs with our best friends while smacking


the table and feeling like you can’t breathe

ignoring everything that’s going

(Thank you my girls for supplying plenty of

on around me. In my own little

these moments over the years)

world full of stunning, beautiful high school popular kids, text


message threats and breakups,

We just need to lock ourselves somewhere

impossible worlds and fantasies

with our child hood teddybear and let the

that will never actually happen.

tears fall. Sometimes, we don’t even know what about, sometimes it’s all pent up

However, I can also be found

inside you just waiting to release itself

actually not sitting down in a day,

when something tips us over the edge.

being so busy with homework assignments, tests and all round

Whatever emotions it is, Give yourself

mind boggling information.

permission to feel it. It’s ok to have emotions, we all do!

See, it’s all about balance, Work, Rest, Play.

@positivelycharlotte| 031

Big love!!! ♥ Charlo�e ♥♥ m Lifeoflo�s.co

5: know where your safe places are, Here’s me. Raw, unedited, imperfect me in my safe place. It’s so so calming to be somewhere where all you can hear are the birds calling to each other as if they’re in a Disney movie, the waves rolling up and down.

6: Find what you love and then pursue it! Child hood dreams, prophe�c words, passions, things that set your soul on fire and make you want to get up in the morning.

To me, this is u�er peace, it’s beau�ful, I feel safe and totally loved. Do you know where your safe place is??

7: Know who loves, values and cares for you. Surround yourself in posi�ve presence; I know, I know it’s hard. Not to be dragged into toxic friendships. I know it’s hard. At 14, this challenge rears it’s head pre�y much everyday but it can apply to everyone.

Where can you go when the going gets rough, If you don’t know where that would be, I urge you to find out. It does the world of good!

Dare To Dream Honeyyyyyyyy ♥♥♥

You do not deserve anything less than posi�ve people around you. People who care. People who pick up the phone in your darkest moments. Pray for you. Laugh with you. Cry with you. Value you and love you.

9: Trust God and read the word; know your limita�ons and let God do the rest. Before I get into this point, I do realise that this point may not apply to every one of you beau�ful humans but just ride the wave.

Toxicity, Fall outs, They happen, But remember, in the darkness, There is light in the form of a handful of beau�ful people.

Trust God, Be free, You’re saved. Trust, Deliver,

8: random acts of kindness Making someone feel good can be so good for both yourself and others. That warm glow that you get in your insides when someone smiles at you. The gra�tude you feel if someone helps you up when you fall, the upli� in your mood when someone makes you laugh. They don’t have to be big things to make an impact. Remember the laughing fit you had a�er a period of being really down in the dumps. The girl who smiled at you during Secondary/ high school double Biology. Be the rainbow in someone else’s cloud today! ( Maya Angelou)

I know that even during my darkest, I’ve had some pre�y cray cray �mes In prayer and experience and it really has boosted confidence, faith and most of all LIFE!! If something is really ge�ng you down, If there’s something you’re holding onto, Pray. Pray with people, bible journal, feel, process. It’s gonna be ok. 10: Be gentle with yourself, you’re only learning and that’s ok! Don’t beat yourself up, You’re doing the best you can, Not even the best, all round self love warriors can be posi�ve all the �me, You’re not superhuman, You’re not perfect, but you are you, And you is enough! @positivelycharlotte| 033

Unconditional Lovers

The Grief in Celebra�on My Heart Process + Ge�ng Engaged. So on the 19th november 2019 my wild man asked me the biggest ques�on I’ll ever have to answer and I said yes! A�er ten minutes of being completely frozen with shock I managed to process what the heck just happened and I just felt so peaceful, full of joy and it was honestly like I was dreaming. I felt so inlove, in Iceland and we had the rest of the trip to explore and just be in the moment of being newly engaged. We didn’t post anything online or talk to many people, it was so sacred and we just wanted to embrace how special the trip was privately. When I got home a�er everything that happened I felt so overwhelmed and really down. Kinda weird huh?! The love of my life just asked me to marry him and I get home feeling super sad! What the heck is going on with me?! I cried alot and processed with my fiancé and s�ll felt really sad a�er. Then I do what most of us do in a crisis and I googled ‘people’s process a�er engagement’ and to my shock this feeling was actually normal. I had never heard anyone talk

photos by @sammorris3 | 035

about the reality of ge�ng engaged or how it felt for themyou kinda get the idea that it’s perfect and happy ALL the �meperfect life isn’t real when it comes to being human. It was a strange thing to let go of all that’s been before and stepping into a brand new adventure. Thinking about past rela�onships that I had learned so much from despite some of them causing immense pain before mee�ng my wild man. There were �mes I heard God so clearly say no to rela�onships I had in the past and then suddenly a�er 1000 journeys, heartaches, saying no when wan�ng to say yes, believing for the best even when I couldn’t quite see it I’m engaged to the man of my dreams. It was such a sobering experience. And actually, this dream come true didn’t sa�sfy my soul. You think it will.. but it doesn’t because Jesus is the only one that can fill the hole in our hearts. Ge�ng married is a beau�ful gi� and I’m so pumped to build a life with my fave human in the world,

it’s a blessing but it can’t fill you in the same way that God can fill you up. Infact for Fitz and I, both of us pu�ng Jesus first in our rela�onship individually was a dealbreaker for both of us. When we put God first, everything else falls into it’s righ�ul place. A�er a couple of weeks, everything started to se�le in and now I’m so filled with gra�tude to God that He knew where He was leading me and what was best for me and consuming joy that I get to be with Fitz for the rest of my life. So if you are ge�ng married and you feel scared of the unknown, rest assured this is a normal reac�on to have. It’s massive saying you are going to love someone through everything life will bring. Sickness, death, celebra�on, family, grief.. the lot! I’m also a type 7 on the enneagram so commitment can be a scary thing for me (lol) but bring it on! Take �me to process how you feel AND enjoy where you are. If you are single enjoy it. If you are engaged enjoy it. If you are da�ng or married.. enjoy it!

@palmtreerae | 037

A woman especially with kids is always wired to be on. In fight or flight, the state of stress she is the one that gets the kids in safety. She is the nurturer, she reaches out to others. She is all about rela�onship. She is all about soothing and taking care of everyone around her.

A man in fight or flight, the state of stress is the one who needs to protect, the men, the women and children against the enemy. He doesn't have �me for all the emo�ons he needs to get his body moving. He needs to perform, compete and achieve.

Photo by @sammorris3| 039

10 ways to Love the Church

‘My understanding of church has grown over the years it’s not just a sunday. And sometimes the way we say ‘I’m going to church’ it’s just wrong, we don’t go to church we are the church. But it’s realising that the Church is Christ’s bride, he’s coming back for His bride so if I’m not connected to that I’m disconnected. So in the last year where I’m not paid to be in church anymore as it were - I realise being at my home church is so important. I’ve stayed committed because I know Jesus is committed to the church. If I feel the church is not good enough I have to look at myself because the church is you and I. I’m committed to Jesus, and Jesus is committed to the church. He’s coming back for His church and I am part of that bride and body. So that mindset has helped me and realising the church has the answer for the world.’ - Zeke Rink

1. Stop Moaning About Your Church. X I know we are probably all guilty about moaning about the church, but is it really helpful? All it does is impart your negative thoughts about the church into someone else. Words always produce fruit, whether it’s good fruit or bad fruit. Honeys please, can we stop spreading negativity about the Bride of Christ? Yeah okay maybe her pits smell sometimes and she makes mistakes but can we embrace the imperfections and pull out her shining gold? She’s beautiful! We are the church. So if we’re mean about the Church, we are being mean about ourselves also. Let’s represent the church gorgeously! However, if something really really lame has happened and you’ve been deeply hurt from church. On behalf of the church, I’m so sorry. Will you forgive us? Come back, we need you, we love you. The church isn’t the same without you. ❣

@palmtreerae | 041


2. Take Ownership & BE the Culture. X You know the thing you see missing at your church? Maybe a Christmas Celebration for everyone, Street Evangelism, Creative Arts, A bubbly smiley welcome team who make people so loved. Whatever you really wish your church would do- well I have fun scary news for you... that’s the vision you carry! Go DO it! You got this my sweet! 3. Pray For Your Leaders. X Your leaders love you deep, and they are working very hard even when you don’t see it. I work in a church, and sometimes the politics can be very painful behind the scenes. Look after your leaders, love on them, pray for them and encourage them. 4. Offer to Help. X We need you! Love your church by getting on one of the teams to make the dreams happen. 5. Serve With Your Gifting. X What brings your heart to life? Do it unto God my love! Bring your gift to church. Everyone in the Church have different roles to make things happen. Do what you were born to do.

6. Welcome Newcomers. X Challenge yourself every sunday to connect with someone you haven’t done before. We were born for friendship! Let’s connect and welcome everybody into the fam. It’s scary going to church if you don’t know anyone for most people- be that awesome person who makes sure nobody is left out. 7. Be intentional w/ people. X Eat together, pray together, share, play and do life together. Build authentic relationships by spending time with peeps. 8. Shut any gossip down. X If anyone is being cruel about someone at your church, stick up for them. Eventually people will learn not to bitch behind people’s back. We have all probably made mistakes in this area at times- lets try with all our strength to build people up and not tear people down. 9. Call Out the Gold. X Prophesy over your church! Ask the Holy Spirit what he’s doing and partner with that, celebrate that, and share it with others. 10. Invite People to the Celebration. X Father God wants the world. He died for this world. He wants relationship. Let’s invite people to church and let God do the rest.

AS YOURSELF @palmtreerae | 043

Balancing The See-saw Tom Rothwell As a dad I spend a fair bit of my �me at parks with my two children. One of their favourites, mainly my boy Ma�hews choice, is a see-saw. You don’t get many see-saws in parks nowadays but when we come across one…. it’s a winner! When I sit on one end and my Son sits on the other end we are trying to balance the weight so we both enjoy the moment of being 30cm off the ground! However, to get someone exactly the same weight to balance you out is tricky and my Son certainly is not my weight. In fact, he likes to go between being the one raised high in the air and then wants to try and give me that chance to go high. Balancing life can be a bit like balancing the see-saw. You want to get the enjoyment of both you and your ‘demand’ nicely balanced, but demands o�en weigh more and so you in the air but your trying and desiring to also be the one in control and push the ‘demand’ in the air.

I’ve not got this right, and I’m s�ll developing ways, systems, processes, to help me “strike the right balance” and not be outweighed by demands on my �me. Let’s be honest, life has demands and these should not be viewed as an evil tyrant, they only become that when we allow them to manage us, to direct our energies to solely serve their purposes, and so if not wisely managed they are incredibly selfish jigsaw pieces always figh�ng for your a�en�on and making you believe they are the most important thing to you right now. I’ve put in place some principles, a�er experiencing the issues you can encounter when you don’t have these things in place, that have helped me and my family…so here is a li�le saying I use, passed to me from a wise Church Leader.


Divert Daily: Do 1 thing every day that diverts you away from your ‘normal’ rou�ne. One thing that will bring a spark of something different, something that will energise you and help you to switch off a li�le from your rou�ne work. If we are working people, we o�en neglect a coffee break midmorning and even worse miss lunch, or work while we eat. We don’t take �me away from the work demands in front of us and look a�er our bodies, minds, souls. If your a student, a stay at home parent then make sure you apply the same principles (not always easy with li�le children) but if you do, you will help yourself and also set in place a long-term healthy principle for your kids!

Withdraw Weekly: Take a Sabbath Rest! One day a week that is your day off, no work agenda, no interrup�ons, no demands from others, no to-do lists…. just rest. I’ve been glad to see the Sabbath coming back into contemporary theological prac�ce, a prac�ce which God himself ins�gated before any Adamic, Mosaic, Davidic covenant. It was a principle laid down during crea�on for crea�on. In Mark 2:27 Jesus says “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So, the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.” I try to keep an open day for my day off, things happen and some�mes need to take place…but actually not having an agenda (hard for someone like me who is wired to be structured!) is incredibly refreshing…not easy at first and I am s�ll working on it, but a prac�ce, I believe, will help us be func�onal to what God desires for the other 6 days a week. So, withdraw from your work weekly and take your Sabbath Rest!

Adjourn Annually: Finally, Adjourn Annually… Adjourn is a word we don’t o�en use in our day-day chat, it simply means “to have a pause or rest during a formal mee�ng or trial”. O�en used in legal courts to help break up the intensity of the court hearing. Step back, and pull that picture of the courtroom hearing wider and look at it as an illustra�on of life with a longterm perspec�ve. Like the court room hearing… Our lives can be intense and full of ac�on, full of decisions to make, full of life changing decisions, full of weight. So, Adjourn that intensity every year for holiday �me. Rest & Recupera�on happens on the day-day, the weekly Sabbath, but also the annual holiday. Our society has built a ‘work every hour’ mentality in many of its structures and so to counteract that, and to show another way as Kingdom of God People we should, I would go as far to say we MUST take annual uninterrupted 2-week break. 1 week to switch off from the intensity you’ve been living in and the 2nd week to enjoy and refresh yourself. Time with the family, with friends enjoying crea�on, enjoying no interrup�ons from those demanding rou�nes that fight for priority. Do some fun things that push you that you wouldn’t normally do, sleep and rest… adjourn annually.

So, there are my 3 principles for trying to balance the see-saw of life so you can enjoy your work, which is God given and we should work hard at it, but we should absolutely look a�er ourselves, in mind, body, soul and spirit.

You and I are not Human Doings, but Human Beings! Stop and challenge the Crazy Busy culture. Divert Daily, Withdraw Weekly and Adjourn Annually…. and please don’t feel guilty about it! 047

For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day. There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience. Hebrew 4:6-11 MSG x


@theresariver | 049

Why my brain needs rest Our brain consists of three parts, our thinking brain, our reflex brain and our archiving brain. When we spin those endless thoughts in our worlds we use our thinking brain. Our thinking takes up a lot of energy. I myself am a big thinker, my mind is constantly spinning, trying to make sense of everything, dreaming up new ideas, soaking up all the words I hear around. Which at the end of the day leaves me exhausted. I had no clue our thinking brain would run out so quick and I wasn’t giving it a break ever.. At one point I even had all my blood tested for my low energy levels. Nothing was wrong so the doctor said I just had to deal with living with a lower energy level than other people. But my mind had wild wild ideas that I just have to pursue and I couldn’t bare the feeling of not pursueing them all.

Till I read the works of a neurologist on the brain and it hit me home. Our thinking brain needs rest so it has �me to archive all our thoughts in our archiving brain and make sense of all the thoughts, linking them all together. That is why the best ideas come from a place of rest. Many of my great ideas I had while doing my make up, my brain was at ease and my archiving brain twis�ng all those thoughts into magic. Maybe brainstorming is meant for moments in rest instead of hard thinking as well. Our brain needs rest all the �me. Go for a walk. Sleep each night 7 a 8 hours, cause in the first part of the night your body gets healing, and in the second part your brain. So with short nights your brain keeps being exhausted and has no �me archiving and linking up all your thoughts and impulses.

And the grand thing is, once all your thoughts are archived, pa�erns get formed into your reflex brain. So you don’t even have to think about your habits anymore. That is why forming healthy rou�nes is so incredibily important. Our reflex brain doesn’t get �red. It’s our second nature. Without thinking it will act especially when your thinking brain is �red. Oh won’t you make the dumbest decisions when you are �red. That bad boy is all of a sudden sooo temp�ng. Gross food is the most delicious cause it takes no effort. But .. with healthy pa�erns archived and poured into a rou�ne, without thinking you will choose what is right, cause you choose for it over and over. So in the �mes we forget who we are and what we stand for, our reflex brain can s�ll go strong if we train it the right way. Plus we get more done, cause we work from a place of rest instead of needing to use our thinking brain for the same issue over and over again. Our thinking brain only can do one thing at the same �me. Sure we do more in this day and age, but we are not in the present by doing that. Which makes every simple task take forever. Plus we miss the details which our brain will fill in for itself to keep connec�ng the dots. Which robs us of the truth and real living.

Last night I lay in my bed and I just couldn’t fall asleep. My mind was spinning. And I realised I hadn’t given my brain a break in the day �me, I had been working and working. And now when my brain had finally a break, it started to go over all my thoughts to make sense of them and well I just wanted to sleep. So if you have that problem o�en, go schedule in �me in the day where you sit with a cup of tea and think of nothing. Take a hot bath. Go take a walk. Go work out. Just take a breath. Cause in those moments your mind will flow with your thoughts that need a place. And when you go to bed you don’t have to spin them all around anymore. Don’t take up your phone in those mindless moments. Cause they will rob you of the archiving of your brain. Cause your brain will be overflown with new informa�on and dopamin hits not ever giving it a break. Through the endless game of giving our a�en�on away we are unable to connect to reality. And the missing dots will create a whole new reality for itselves. @theresariver | 051 051

Did you know that apps are designed to hold your a�en�on. Apps are figh�ng to keep your a�en�on on their app. With no�fac�ons popping up, the dopamine hits from all the likes and the repe��ve ac�on from scrolling or swiping, which is a rest posi�on cause you don't have to move, which is very addic�ve. Social media is bad for your mental health. It triggers am I liked, am I lovable and robs you of being in the moment. You switch off your life and you are in a world of words, photos and vids. But no real ac�on. No real adventure. No real connec�on. A li�le wired like porn. Which no longer makes you see humans as real humans. People who watch porn have a worse sex life as people who don't watch porn. And I guess for social media it is a bit of the same. People who spend lot of �me on Social media aren't more Social in real life and aren't more succesfull in real life. It is �me to connect with reality again. Being with people, looking them in the eye, following your dreams, pushing yourself forward, and not being scared to look at the hard stuff of life. Do we need to ban all of social media? No, of course not. We need

to find a way it is not mindlessly programmed in our brain to pick up our phone the minute we wake up, the moment we don't work, to be on it every spare moment. When do we spend �me to see the beauty in the real world, which makes us feel so lovable and loved. When do we give our thoughts a break so it will come up with million dollar ideas naturally. Key is being inten�onally while the apps are set up for mindlessly scrolling and swiping. What if the hours we spend on our phone daily spend on wri�ng that book you always have wanted to write. For goodness sake even write it on your phone. Your natural stance is picking it up anyway, turn off all your no�fica�ons and write, write. Put those thoughts down, put the words down, that have been inside of you all along this �me. What if the �me you spend on your phone you would pour into mastering your cra�. What if the �me you would spend on your phone you would spend on wild dates with your partner. What if you would spend the �me on your phone on plo�ng to change the world. What if you would spend the

�me you spend on your phone on living the life you WANT to live. And then yes let's get back to Social media and inspire peeps to do the same. To live the best life we can. To truly be present and see the opportuni�es. Like this film I was watching the girl is like you live here for six months now, why have I never seen you, on which he replied well you are always on your phone. What?! You could miss out on the man in front of you. You could miss out on deep rela�onships. Cause you block yourself off for the world around you. Don't use your phone to get away from real living. Use it to display real living in a way it doesn't affect being present and being available in real life. Give your mind a break, so you can live!

@theresariver | 053


The Sabbath. Raesworld


Graham Cooke: The Practice Of Rest Brilliant Book House

10 Differences Between a BOY and MAN | Pastor Vlad HungryGeneration

Soaking: How To Enter Into Rest with Graham Cooke. Brilliant Book House


Episode 19 : Religion

Sabbath -John Mark C

Rejection, Abandonment,

Confessions of A Reformer

Pattern Podcast

Havilah Cunnington

Work Hard, Sabbath Hard

26. Ep 26: Silence

The Humanity of Jesus

Work and Play with Nancy Ray

The Carrie On Podcast

Jonathan David & Melissa Helser


work play rest then I’ll do it again work play rest or I might go insane

from rest is where my ideas flow from from play is where I figure it all out from work is where I change the world then I’ll do it all over again



‫יראת יהוה‬ Lay me down, let me be still in your wild tranquility I hear Your whisper, I see Your vision Drawing me blueprints.

Chase me around, in endless fields full of delight, Our bursting laughter wild songs drawn in adventure

Create with me, in the fellowship of your hands I burn of craftmanship

together we’ll change the world 057

Hello Sunshine! In sleepover club today I want to inspire you to take one day every week to rest. I have fallen inlove with sabbath days and I am more productive in my life because of it. What do you like to do on your days off? Here’s some of my favourite things to do on my day off

1. Coffee and catch ups w/ friends.

2. Slow mornings, drinking my cup of tea in bed, looking out my window and thinking about life

3. Walks along the beach and praying about everything.

5. Take a bath and put on my facemask.

6. Reflect on the past week, and give any pain or worries to God and process how I feel.

7. Tidy up my room. This helps me have a clear mind

sabbath vibes.

4. Reading my book.

8. Soak in Gods word and take some time to journal any feels I have.

9. Go shopping and find some treasure. 059

10. Cosy nights in with loved ones

11. Take some time to dream.

12. Eat your fave meals.

13. Receive LOVE. Remember God sees you as a little child and the love He has for you is so deep. You are His kid. Theres nothing you need to do for His love. Jesus has done it all for you. All you gotta do is accept this free gift of grace darling. Let go of the hurt, and let love flood in.

My angels, my family, God’s mercy

Couldn’t study for a test and managed to do just one topic, prayed hard it should come and it did!

sacred gratitude.

My job

That I got a tutor who understands me xx

Good Friends


@sammorris3 063

It’s useless to rise early and go to bed late, and work your worried fingers to the bone. Don’t you know He enjoys giving rest to those he loves? Psalm 127:1 MSG x


@theresariver | 065

vibrant bodies. Haunted by the spirit of �me, haunted by my thoughts am I even good enough, haunted by the possible outcome, haunted by what I should have accomplished by now, haunted by the things I should do, haunted by the things to come, haunted by my endless dreams, haunted by the words of others. Should I fight or flight? Or am I not meant to be in this game?

Fight or flight, why stress is killing us

but for what?! Not for my health that is one thing that is for sure. Wearing me out, and 95% of all inflammotary is stress related. You say what? Stress is making me sick? Yes it is making me sick. With being so busy we don't give our bodies and our brain �me to rest, to heal. We are wearing ourselves out. Our immune system weakens and sickness is able to arise. Our thoughts not being linked up, which means a lot There are no longer lions chasing me. of informa�on gets lost, and brilliant Well one big golden one pursueing ideas don't have �me to be formed. me. If ya know what I mean, ya know Jesus. The fear of God I am well The state of being calm is pre�y pleased with. But the other things life countercultural in this day and age. Of throws at me, and well most o�en I all things possible, being switched on throw at myself, turn me in absolute 24/7, and we should hit success Fight or Flight modus, stressing me overnight. But what if we choose real down every second of the day. Cause living instead. What if we take a to be succesful I need to be stressed sabbath day every week. What if we out of my mind right. The words ‘I am take a sabba�cal once in a while. What so busy’ boos�ng all of my systems, if you live from rest. What if we choose

to be present more, and just be obedient to the now. What if we declu�er our lives and opt for the things that really ma�er. This doesn't make us live us smaller, quite the opposite it makes room for overflow. It makes room for growth cause we get so rooted in the real deal. But how to reduce stress from your life and the impact stress has on your body. There is a lot of pressure with the endless possibili�es. Pressure needs to be released. Having no stress at all means that we are bored out of our mind. So it is good to be busy in a measure. Having too much stress is us going crazy. Our systems are shu�ng down. We can’t think clearly, we don’t enjoy our life and our immune system weakens which results in sicknes. Which goes hand in hand with not ea�ng right. Not loving right. But what do we do with those pressures? 1. The pressure of dreams Dreams are heavy to carry. But remember your being is always bigger than your doing. Yes, your dream might feel way bigger than you, cause

there is no way you can do this one on your own. If you never felt the pressure of your dreams, I dare you to dream bigger. You don’t have to fulfil your dreams in one day. You just have to embrace your season, have tons of grace on yourself and check in with God on your dreams regularly, cause He perfectly sets your dreams up in a way you would have never dreamed nor thought of. He got your dreams in His hand, you just got to live them out, and show up even in the tough �mes. 2. The pressure of art I believe we all are crea�ve. Our words create worlds. Our ideas raise up na�ons. Our love builds up children. The process of new life is exci�ng and draining. Figh�ng as a li�le stubborn child against the seasons makes life only harder. Embrace the hard moments. The most gorgeous ideas and art are made from those places. Embrace the place of tension, cause it is showing you new ways and showing breakthrough is about to happen and new life is on its way. 3. The pressure of people People can pressure their opinions and ways upon you very uncomfortable. Their pressure will show you

@theresariver | 067 067

what you truly believe in and the things you truly believe in. In the moment you might feel like the biggest failure and start to doubt every decision you have made and maybe you ‘indeed’ should go and take the road everyone is taking. But is that staying true to your heart or just trying to please someone else. Stay kind when people misunderstand. That hurt is fuel for your journey. 4. The pressure of my thought life Ugh, my thoughts are driving me nuts from �me to �me. Doub�ng, holding back, overthinking. Fill your thoughts with life! Fill your thoughts with the things you are thankful of. In your simple day to days, in your accomplishments in life, in the things you adore, and about yourself. Thankfulness is worship. Gather your thought on life and when you have this awful feeling, go to God and maybe a friend. Don’t neglect the nega�ve vibes and feelings, they aren’t there to stay. They o�en feel so familiar that we don’t urge them with some truth and powerful fire. But doing so makes a big difference. 5. The pressure of atmospheres The places that you visit might totally take over your emo�ons and make you

feel drained, stressed out, and the most sad or insecure. That pressure in that moment might completely feel like you. But there is a big chance you feel the spirit opera�ng in a certain atmosphere. I feel super insecure when I visit this one certain store, which probs is a spirit of the owner. Visi�ng hotel rooms has been a complete disaster for a �me cause I felt so many misplaced emo�ons and one �me had to cry so uncontrollably for no reason. Thank God for God. All we have to do is be aware that it is not us, and cleanse the atmosphere in Jesus name. And speak life and love over the atmosphere and bless the owner or the previous visitor. Bye anxiety in public places. 6. The pressure of my body Stress is sooo bad on our bods. The stress of too li�le sleep. In our sleep, our body heals itself and our brains. The stress of the junk we feed it or put on ourselves. The stress of go go going draining our bodies. Stress is deadly to our bodies. Nourishing my body with healthy foods, movements and natural products are game-changers, as well as rest, rest and good night sleeps. 7. ‎the pressure of rest Why is it o�en so hard to give ourselves a break?

Even without the working towards very important deadlines. We need to ought ourselves worthy enough to take a break. To realise the person who we are is more important than all the amazing things we are doing. And that gorgeous being needs rest some�mes. Rest is obedience. Obedience to align with God. To listen to His voice in rest. God rested the seventh day. We live from rest. And mister devil will do everything to keep you busy, stressed out and away from your rest. Rest is surrender to God. Rest is worship. Rest is healing. Your soul and your body. New life will flow from the place of rest. Don’t try to ignore, or stubbornly fight against the pressures in life. Check in with God, what’s up with this pressure? Is this something I need to surrender to you, God? Is this something I need to change my lifestyle in? Do I simply need to take a break? Am I doing things I shouldn’t be doing? Am I taking too much on than God actually wants me to take on? Is this me or the atmosphere I am currently in? How do you, God, want me to release life? All it takes, is rela�onship with Him.

I love how Joyce Meyer once phrased stress in one of her books of not being in alignment with God. You only feel stressed out of your mind if you are not being obedient to what God wants for you in this season. Have you said yes to things that are not for this season? Are you doing things that you shouldn’t be doing at all? Have we said yes to something that is not alligning with Gods truth? It can even be ea�ng food that doesn’t allign with taking care of God’s temple. We live from rest, we live from victory. And that life might look completely different than the lifestyle that we are currently living. For me that is true for sure, and it is a journey figuring that out WITH Him. How can I really make Him King of everything in my life. Of every silly thing I spend my �me on. Every project I take on. I want Him to be in it. Otherwise it won’t bring life, but it will drag me down. Wear me out. I don’t want it when you are not in it. I don’t want to walk around in the wilderness for forty more years, cause I am rebel, and I want it my way. They say it is the wai�ng season, but it is just obedience.

@theresariver | 069

life of worship.

The Importance of Sabbath Days

Why is it SO hard for us to stop? Why do we feel this constant need to be on the go all the �me? Why do we feel so guilty when we stop?

rest. And before anyone asks – it’s not about rules or old testament law, it really is about abundant life. Even if you have kids you can bring this principle into your life it might just look different – but once you’ve found your sabbath groove you’ll never wanna go back honey.

Why do we avoid the silence? Why do we always feel like we need to fill in the gaps? I’m sorry but I have no answer for you sweetness, we are just imperfect li�le humans with all the feels but it is possible to get to a place where you start to priori�se rest guilt-free and where you start to protect that �me because you recognise you need rest in order to be the best you, to love the people around you the best, and sustain your work and dreams for the long run. If God rested on the 7th day, I think that sets the tone for us as well. My goal through this blog is to inspire you with this game-changer principle of carving out an en�re day every single week just so you can

So why are sabbath days so important? I was struck three years ago when I was a student at ministry school and we had to do an assignment on God’s Generals on past revivals. These amazing men and women of God who saw God do amazing things didn’t steward their bodies with wisdom and they totally burned out. Some died young, some had developed health problems due to being on the go 24/7, and some totally collapsed out due to exhaus�on. This hit home personally to me because I’ve also seen loved ones in my own life burn out due to working, working, working and never ever stopping. One par�cular person very close to my heart became bed ridden for months, and s�ll to this day has to carefully monitor their schedules because if they overstep the line just a li�le bit – they will fall back 10 steps and lose their energy for the next couple of weeks.

I made a promise to myself, I will never allow myself to get to this place. I will will priori�se rest in my life, and I will not feel guilty about it.

When I’m rested I … X. have clarity because I have �me to process + reflect. X. feel full of life! therefore I’m able to be a full gi� to the people around me. I have more love to give, because God pours more into my heart when I actually stop + open my heart to His presence. X. have enthusiasm for my commitments. X. am in touch with my emo�ons. X. have the capacity to pastor more people. X. have the space to dream and plan. X. am able to give God any stresses or things on my mind. Trust me when I say that ‘stopping’ will bring up all the things you are discouraged about because your business is the thing that keeps those things at bay! Keep short accounts with your heart emo�onally – we need to get be�er at processing our pain with God! These things tend to manifest in nasty ways the more we avoid dealing with our pain. x X. am filled with wonder at the blessings in my life! X. feel healthy and energised. @palmtreerae | 071

I believe that God has put dreams on your heart for a reason. You were born for this �me, in this place inten�onally – but honey, you go�a make sure you look a�er yourself so you can sustain things for the long run. God does his part, and we do ours. He has given us a brain, and a body to steward ourselves and that is up to us! So I want to say to you right now, you have permission to stop and not feel guilty about it. You have permission to have a full day, or 30 mins a day, or whatever this will look like for you to take some �me just for you. It might change from season to season what rest looks like for you – but take the �me to make it work. You’re worth the �me. This is not a lazy prac�se, this is a spiritual prac�se that is necessary for you to work your bu� off and stay healthy. Grab your schedule. What could this look like for you?

my Sabbath Day: Things I like to do on eakfast ink tea, eat a nice br dr , ng ni or m w slo a X. have ix series X. catch up on a Ne�l for a big walk. re + go X. spend �me in natunails done. y m t X. ge X. read my book. ends. ily or fri X. hang out with fam a cafe. X get coffee in X. go shopping. bombs. mask, candles, bath ce fa , th ba ng lo a X. have t. X. listen to a podcas ic. X. finding new mus raphy, longboard) ic, wri�ng, photog X. my hobbies. (mus end �me in silence with God. X. journal + sp heart. X. check in with my

These are some of the things I like to do, it might be a totally different list to you. But I want to encourage you my loves, rest well. You’re not being selfish, you are being wise. Protect this �me, don’t feel guilty. You have been called to so much and we want you to be fully able mind body and spirit to do these things to the best of your ability. Psalm 23:2 ‘He leads me beside s�ll waters. He restores my soul.’ xo

@palmtreerae | 073

It’s a new season, stop wearing your old clothes. Put on your new mantle, and SHINE.

Winter Coats and Sun Glasses Living in the Season. It only seems normal to wear a winter coat in winter right, and sunnies in summer. But in what season is your life, love? What do you need in life to dress yourself in? Full Glam. Dress yourself in beauty. Take an effort to get rid of the junky clothes that don’t make you spark. Donate a pile of clothes to declu�er your life. And with that pile declu�er spaces of your life that stress you out and you don’t need in your life.

Which parts of your life shouldn’t be part of your life? Be so honest with yourself love. What parts of my life are like those clothes in the back of my closet, what parts of my life are the clothes I keep pu�ng on, but I don’t like them on me when I look in the mirror, cause they don’t spark my full poten�al, they are comfortable yes. . What do I want my life to look like? When everything is possible. What do I want my life to look like? And what do I want my style to look like? What fashion do I like?

Vision. Sit down and write down Like Marie Kondo says the most what you want your life to look like. important thing with �dying isn’t

deciding what needs to leave, but deciding what you want to keep in life. And I guess in life the most important thing isn’t what you need to say no to, but what you really want to say yes to. No only really works when it follows a yes. That is the only way you will truly fight for it. How your life will spark joy. So let’s get Marie Kondo and take all the clothes that make you sooo happy out of your closet. The absolute stars of your wardrobe, the ones that make your heart pound a li�le louder. Those are your YES. So we are going to wear them o�en. And we are going to get rid of our old clothes. We are going to

donate them to others. As well as some parts of our life we are going to donate to others. We aren’t throwing them away. We donate some friends to other people. We donate some projects to other people. We donate maybe even our job to someone else. It’s a new season, stop wearing your old clothes. Put on your new mantle.

It is about what you want to keeeep, not what needs to gooo. It is about what you want to say YES to, not about what you need to say no to. No, will follow an amazing yessss. @theresariver | 075

1. Silence. A li�le silence to start you day. Remember we work from rest. Rest How to start your day right doesn’t spring from being �red. I use this �me for a li�le morning chat with God. On Mornings are the way to start your what we are going to do today. And just day right. Every morning you awake lovely chit chat. In this state I am awaking. with a new set of braincells. Posi�ve And I love it. thoughts set your day right. Nega�ve thoughts detear those braincells and 2. Affirma�ons. Speak some truth over impact your whole day. Man those yourself and your day. mornings your mind just ba�les itself yet with the miracle morning it gives 3. Reading. Read a small por�on from you six tools to help you allign your Bible. Just ask God what He wants yourself and set yourself up for you to read and be ready to be wowed. If success. I have �me I read a book packed with truth to set my mind right and learn new things. A�er someone recommended me to And it is like surrounding yourself with read Mirale Morning by Hal Elrod, I people with posi�ve vibes and showering daily started waking up at six to do my your life in gold. rou�ne. I use a simulated sunrise light that automa�cally rises up in the 4. Wri�ng. I go through my head with morning and makes me wake up in the things I am thankful for, so allign peace, instead of an alarm clock that myself to what I have instead of what I beeps stress into me immediately. don’t have and enjoy the now. Or write Over �me your biological clock will down your thoughts. Or write a bit on wake you up, on condi�on if you wake your next book. Or for your blog. But up at the same �me every day. remember out of rest. Not for work. Miracle Morning

5. Visualisa�on. I printed a few photos in polaroid form and in my mind I walk through my dream, and every day I get more familiar with my dreams and get new ideas for it, so every single day my impossible dream seems less impossible. And slowly in my daily life I see li�le openings for my dream cause I am ge�ng myself ready to receive on it. 6. Exercise. I get my body moving. Just in a simple manner. To get blood flowing and myself ready for a new day. The difference I saw with doing this is that I was annoyingly happy in the morning. A�er doing these things that you can do in your bed, outside your bed, for a long �me or just for a few minutes, I go and drink some luke warm lemon water that makes sure your toxins that have been broken down in your sleep will flush out of your system. Instead of drinking coffee or black tea first thing in the morning that will send these toxins straight back into your system. And then for me it’s breakfast �me and the start of my day with inten�on.

photo by @sammorris3|077

live creatively.

Living An Energized Life! now. this topic is an important one. and this is something I’ve had to reevaluate what it looks like in this season for me. from moving from one country to another — it can rock ya boat a li�le bit. you might be in a place where you are so busy that you can’t even imagine what it looks like to make �me for a few prac�ses that will totally change your life in order for you to feel energized everyday. but I assure you, you can. whatever you priori�se you will make �me for. so, do you want to live life to the full for the rest of your days? it’s �me to declu�er our lives and live inten�onally so we can thrive, fully alive and energized, living a balanced life of work, rest and play.

to get the most out of this ar�cle, grab yourself some tea and a journal and let me ask you some ques�ons for you to ponder and write about.

Do you have a chance to breathe? Is life just a rush? What if life could be more abundant by priori�sing a couple of things? Do you know how to ‘be’ in the middle of life’s business? I’ve heard many stories of burn-outs and breakdowns, but what if we could avoid those by stewarding our days and our lives well? Many of us are running on empty, and we are tempted to keep going and going and going, but these choices are not sustainable, my dear. Your body, soul and spirit is worthy of care. Maybe you feel guilty for loving yourself, but in order for you to love others around you loving yourself is key, so let that be your excuse if needs be .. So lets talk about a few prac�ses we should be doing daily/weekly in order for us to have a lifestyle of abundant life. One thing that is necessary to living a full life is saying no to people. To steward your energy to the best of your ability you will disappoint people — but that isn’t your problem. you’ll thank me later!

Do you feel a bit run down? Do you know how you get filled up? When we are run down and we don’t priori�ze the things I’m about to talk about we begin to feel easily frustrated, exhausted, nega�ve, distracted, we lose perspec�ve and we don’t have energy for the gi� of life. we turn to counterfeit experiences to make us feel be�er for a moment. ne�lix binging, overspending, porn, excessive drinking the list goes on — what are we avoiding when we go to these things? would we combust if we didn’t have these things? why is that? So, What sort of things brings life to you? What ac�vi�es restore your energy levels? What will make you

feel less run down in your life? What do you read that inspires you? What rela�onships in your life bring you joy? What in your life that you already have fills your soul up? How can we bring life and love to others if we are running on empty? We can’t give people something we don’t have ourselves. Living an abundant life is your responsibility, it’s not up to anyone else. only you can manage this one my friend. and by the way, if you can’t even answer these ques�ons, maybe you don’t even know what inspires you — it’s all good! how exci�ng that NOW you can find out what those things are. okay, lets get cracking with a couple of priori�es for us to look at in order to live the BEST life we can.

@palmtreerae | 079

1. Fun hobbies, ac�vi�es and fun bring so much energy into your life. and it should be at the top in our priori�es. we must make �me for friends. we must have hobbies. it is so important to have these things in our lives. what makes you laugh? what sport do you love? do you make �me to create? and honeybee I don’t care how busy you are — make �me for it. if you have kids, bring them in on it as well. teach them from a young age how to live well. now, you maybe thinking I would do fun things if I had people to do it with! maybe you don’t have many friends. but I promise you when you put yourself out there, and you go to the places that bring you life, you will meet kindred spirits. pick up a hobby, learn new things, play a sport, create, invite friends over for meals, eat together. have fun. if you have social anxiety — I

understand that’s really tough. grab a friend to come along with you. as you face your fears, the anxiety will get less and less. you are brave my love! you truly are! like I said, I’ve just moved from another country and I’m star�ng from scratch again — some of you may be in the same boat. maybe you’re in a season change, it can be really hard hey? these things take �me — so don’t worry my sweet. have a li�le pa�ence. we are all in this together. here’s a super prac�cal way to bring this inten�onally into your life, set a reminder on your phone that goes of every sunday, grab your calendar, plan your week, and put these things into your diary. it can look totally different every week. check out classes or sports at your local gym. plan it. make it happen.

2. sa�sfying work a mentor of mine once said to me that you know what job you’re supposed to be in because it will make you feel alive. does your job bring you life? when you are opera�ng in the gi�s Gods graced you with you will actually feel joy whilst doing those things. do you love organizing? do you love people? do you love the arts? what are your main gi�s? now I know this is some�mes a complicated subject — but at least have a think about it? go a�er your dream job. if you work hard and focus it will all pay off. you reap what you sew — have a job that brings you life! and if you can’t do that job right now do it on the side un�l it becomes your job.

3. connect with God my �me with God is the thing that brings most energy into my life. I could not live without my quiet �me with God. some�mes this �me looks different to the previous day. it can look like however you want it to look. I have a cup of tea every morning with God, I pray over my day, I read the word of God, I sit quietly, and many other things — I can tell when I haven’t had this �me. God guides me in the day from having this �me. I feel full of life when I’ve had this �me, I actually live be�er and care for those around me on new levels when I’ve had this connec�on with the source of all life. a word from God can change the course of your en�re mood. He brings life.

@palmtreerae | 081

4. Family �me with family. heck I can’t talk about this one enough. this may look different for you. my family is my rents, 2 sisters, bro in law, 2 nephews and all of my close friends. making �me to see your people will bring so much life to your world. be inten�onal. meet up. stay in contact. I voice note at least one person a day on WhatsApp. I’m constantly connected to people. hanging out, going out, doing whatever with present rela�onships is a top priority. we weren’t created to be alone. we were created to be in family. if you feel like you don’t have anyone, don’t be discouraged — there is SO much love in this world. look for ways to connect with people in your local community. and like I said in point number 1, the more you do things you enjoy, the more you will meet people. and maybe your family is not as much as a joy for you.. maybe it’s messy. could this may be �me to forgive and connect? have a think about it my love x

5. Health when I was living in California my diet was honestly so bad. and I could feel it. it was a bit of a health scare really — I got super ill all of the �me, I had no energy, and I felt super duper sluggish — not fun! the last few months I’ve focused on health in a way I never have before. and I cannot believe the difference I feel already. I’ve been ea�ng more fruit, more veg, no processed foods, more water and I feel really good. what’s your diet like? this will really impact how much energy you have. are you ge�ng enough sleep? do you exercise? these things release chemicals in your brain that brings energy and joy into your life. yes it’s such an effort but it’s so worth it. I am currently walking everywhere which is what my exercise looks like but I am working on being more inten�onal with more fitness rou�nes and experimen�ng a bit. I will keep you updated with those results. we are all on this journey together.

6. Stop we are so much more produc�ve when we have �mes to stop. we are honestly much more produc�ve with giving ourselves �me in the day to rest and just chill before we do a ton of work, �dying, or whatever. my favourite ways to chill is to grab a cup of tea and watch an episode of my favourite show, to have a lovely bubble bath, or to read a book with my candles burning playing some classical music in the background. if you’re a mumma you can do this when the kids go to sleep. �me to breathe is necessary. don’t feel guilty for it. try not to go on your phone at this �me.

so there we have it friends. some prac�cal ways. maybe you feel like you’re in such a rut you can’t even imagine a life where your �me is managed and you feel energized in your everyday life. there is hope! and it’s just a few daily choices away. don’t be hard on yourself as you cul�vate this life. making habits takes �me and self discipline. learn how to fill up your soul and keep it filled up. when it’s filled you will be your best self, you will love well, live well, you’ll be mo�vated work, and you will inspire those around you to live the same. you will leave a legacy.

@palmtreerae | 083

FOMO + Casual Phone Addic�on I'm going to make this super quick + super brief. I know you would have heard people rant about phone addic�on before you know I love social media but the inability to manage technology has really been making my heart sad recently. too much �me on your phone can suck the joy out of your life. too much �me on your phone is stopping you from living your life. and too much �me on your phone can keep your mind focused on the lack of life. and if the thing on your mind first thing in the morning 'I need to check my phone' then honey this is an addic�on. and trust me, I am guilty

did you know the 'average' person spends 4 years worth of their life ON their phone? Ugh. Heck no. I could easily write a whole blog about the lameness of phone addic�on and even the effect it has on our brains/ mental health or the reality that social media is just as addic�ve as drug addic�on and gambling- but I'm not going to do that don't worry sugarplums. I'm going to give a really quick list of helpful things you can apply to your life so you have control over your phone and your phone doesn't have control over you. take whatever ones you want, even if it's just one. I think this is a slight problem but we are powerful and we have the ability to manage things in our life really well with a li�le bit of self dicipline

FOMO + Casual Phone Addic�on what are you feeding on? how can we process if what's feeding your soul? is it life giving? joy giving? we are consuming media what are you consuming? every spare moment? let. yourself. Breathe | give your brain some space | �me is gold

# keep your phone in your bag when you're out # avoid fomo by not watching Insta stories # unfollow anyone who makes you feel rubbish about your life # don't go on your phone when you wake up. # don't go on your phone before you go to bed # set in a �me every day to go on your phone, reply to messages, # check media's, etc etc, do this in one go + make it around 30 mins. also, doing this makes it feel more like a treat to relax for 30 mins + enjoy some phone �me # leave your phone at home some�mes # do what you need to do + then get off # when you're bored par�cipate in a hobby or read a book instead of aimlessly scrolling through Insta # if you love youtube, save a binge for your day of rest once a week # try not to take so many vids for your story, I legit never upload these anymore. I don't want to keep missing moments I'm enjoying # don't be that person who is on their phone when someone is talking to you. this is incredibly rude # in the evenings when you're at home with friends or family, put your phone in your room # and if you slip up and spend hours on your phone, or go past the boundaries you set, don't beat yourself up honey. try again tomorrow

@palmtreerae | 085

What are you commi�ed to? Working out? Hanging with friends? Homework? Checking social media? Reading the word? Staying organised? Time with God? Watching ne�lix? Ask yourself: what do I spend most of my �me on? Do I spend as much �me inves�ng into my rela�onship with Jesus as I do staying on top of my insta game? Do I spend more �me inves�ng into rela�onships and my dreams than I do binging ne�lix series? Do I spend more �me focusing on lovely and empowering things and my true iden�ty then I do comparing, moaning, and feeling sorry for myself?

It’s �me for an upgrade. Spend some �me with God and ask Holy Spirit what I should priori�ze in this season. Go somewhere quiet, and see what comes up in your heart. Luke 5:16 ‘but Jesus o�en withdrew to lonely places and prayed’

FAMFAMFAM Maybe you are reading this magazine and you've never given your heart to Jesus. Maybe you feel a pull on your heart by something you can't quite put your finger on. God's spirit is with you right now calling you home, He wants to love you, be a father to you, provide for you and care for you. Jesus has done all of the hard stuff for you to be right before God. There's nothing you need to do, you can have forgiveness right now, you can enter into an eternal, uncondi�onal rela�onship with Jesus right now. It's totally free. No strings a�ached. His spirit won't leave you. He wants to take you on an adventure of a life�me.. You can give your life to Jesus right here right now by saying a simple prayer and then I suggest trying to find a local church you can get plugged into so you can meet some of your new family.

Pray with me, lovely one. Dear Lord Jesus, I know I'm a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my way and I invite you to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow you as my Lord and Saviour. In Jesus name, Amen


WILD HEARTS wild is messy. wild is passionate. wild is wholehearted. wild is daring. wild are queens. You are a wild one. You know. So wild. Yet so tender. And loving. So selfless loving. Figh�ng for a be�er world. Just being you. wild is being in over your heart. wild is stretching the borders. wild is protec�ng. wild is being alive. wild is a lover risking all.


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