Curry Pilot Rate Card

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EffEctivE fEbruary 1, 2015

advErtising ratEs and information display • insErts • classifiEd • intErnEt Best penetration in the Brookings-Harbor market! At 14,000 people, Brookings and Harbor make up the largest community in Curry County, Oregon. Located at the southwestern corner of the state, our community attracts active residents who love the beautiful surroundings of America’s Wild Rivers Coast. The Curry Coastal Pilot serves the Brookings community like no other advertising method. for the 97415 zip code, 87% of adults regularly read every edition, and 82% “frequently purchase products or services” from our ads. (cvc, 2013). Our website attracts more than 27,800 unique visitors every month. teamed with our sister publication in crescent city, calif., these newspapers are the best way to reach this combined market on the Wild rivers coast. The Pilot offers access to a unique market: • 81% of residents are age 18 and above; • 39% are age 55 and above; • 49% have attended college • 71% of dwelling units are owner-occupied • 50% of household incomes are over $50,000 call us for the bEst way to reach our market!

Oregon Curry County, OR

Port Orford Port Orford – 97465 - 97465

Del Norte County, CA

Curry County


Gold Beach Gold Beach – 97444 - 97444

Highway 101

Brookings - 97415 Harbor Brookings-–97415 97415


OREGON CALIFORNIA Smith River – 95567

Fort Dick – 95538

Highway 199

Gasquet – 95543

Crescent City - 95531 Crescent City – 95531 DelNorte County

Klamath – 95548

507 Chetco Avenue • Post Office Box 700 Brookings, Oregon 97415 Phone: 541-469-3123 • Fax 541-469-4679 E-mail: • A publication of

1. pErsonnEl Publisher Advertising Director Business Office Manager

Charles R. Kocher James Liaty Charles R. Kocher

507 Chetco Ave., P.O. Box 700, Brookings OR 97415 Phone: 541-469-3123 ● Fax: 541-469-4679 E-mail: ● URL: 2. rEprEsEntativEs Oregon Newspaper Advertising Corp. 4000 Kruse Way Place, Bldg 2, Suite 160 Lake Oswego OR 97035 Phone: 503-624-6397 ● Fax: 503-639-9009 Email: ● URL: 3. tErms of paymEnt Advertising must be prepaid until credit is approved. All political advertising, ads of political controversy, going-out-ofbusiness ads, ads in certain classified categories, and ads placed from temporary addresses must be prepaid. VISA, MasterCard, Discover and debit cards are accepted. Customers with approved credit are billed monthly. A 1.5% monthly fee is applied to bills not paid in 30 days. 4. policiEs A. All advertising must be in good taste. Advertising considered offensive or detrimental to the public or the newspaper will be refused for publication. The Publisher reserves the right to edit, reject or cancel advertisements. B. Ads less than one full page must be bordered. Ads resembling news copy must be labeled “Paid Advertisement.” C. The Publisher will exercise due diligence to prevent mistakes, and shall not assume any financial responsibility for errors, but if at fault, will republish the portion of an ad in which the error occurred upon request and at no charge, as soon as possible. D. Advertising space may not be sublet to others. Group advertising must have prior approval by the Publisher. E. The Publisher reserves the right to revise advertising rates upon 30 days notice, and the right to set additional rates for special promotions or publications. F. The Advertiser assumes full liability for advertising, and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Publisher from all claims, suits, and costs arising by reason of any advertisement. Advertising must meet all applicable laws. Please ask for our guidelines about political advertising. G. Guaranteed position requires a 25% surcharge on charges and must be for 30 column inches or more. Failure to meet unpaid requests will not be cause for refund or republication. H. All advertising copy, photos and illustrations prepared by The Pilot are the property of The Pilot and may not be reproduced for other use without prior approval in writing. I. Display ad billing will be based on column inches, in half inch increments, unless other specifications are made in advance. Rates are based on normal composition. Special requests, preparing ads for other publications, or requesting more than two proofs may result in additional charges at $50 per hour.

5. display advErtising ratEs a. open rate (local): $12.50 per col. inch, open pick-up rate: $8.75 per inch. b. commissionable rate (national): $14.70 per column inch, pick-up rate $10.30 per inch. Commissionable color: $185 for one color; $420 for full-color. Repeat is for the Pilot or pick-up into the Del Norte Triplicate. c. annual dollar volume contracts Budget your advertising for a year and earn substantial discounts. All the Pilot and the Triplicate charges for display, classified display, color and preprinted insertions apply to your annual dollar volume. Discounted rates are based on total advertising charges billed over 12 consecutive months with a signed contract. If the Advertiser does not meet the contract requirements, the Advertiser will be re-billed at  the appropriate rate. If Advertiser exceeds contract, advertiser is eligible for a rebate equal to the discount of the  next contract level.  Annual Earned Dollars rate/inch Discount on Color rates $ 1,500 $10.50 10% $ 3,000 $ 9.90 15% $ 6,000 $ 9.40 20% $ 9,000 $ 9.10 22% $12,000 $ 8.90 24% $20,000 $ 8.45 28% $30,000 $ 8.25 30% $50,000 $ 7.85 33% d. contract pick-up rate: $7.75 per inch Repetition sells and saves! Repeat the same ad with no changes within 30 days at a savings of more than 35%. E. contract del norte county pick-up rate: $7.75 per inch Reach Curry AND Del Norte counties at a discount. The Pilot can republish your ad in The Triplicate, the newspaper in Crescent City, Calif. The ads must publish in both papers within a week to qualify for this special rate. f. pinch-an-inch monthly rate: $7.25 per inch Ad must run 8 consecutive issues with no changes. g. new faces & places: $175.00 If you have a new business, new location, new employee or a new product, this is the perfect way to advertise at a very affordable price! Place your new faces & places ad twice in The Pilot and once in the Del Norte Triplicate for just $175. The special frame is 2 columns by 6 inches and all three insertions must run within one week. Add color for $30, all three insertions. H. merchants’ group rate: $9.75 per col. inch For qualified merchant associations. i. non-profit rate: $9.25 per col. inch Organizations must maintain a non-profit tax status. J. personal ads: $9.25 per col. inch For birthdays, anniversaries, obituaries, memorial ads or other announcements not promoting goods or services. K. oregon 2x2 network - ask us for details Your 2-column by 2-inch ad goes in 49 Oregon newspapers (687,000 circ.) during the same week for just $650.

6. preprinted insert rates

Reach all of The Pilot’s circulation. No special zoning is available. These rates are per thousand inserts. Sign a contract, and The Pilot’s Dollar Volume Discounts apply. Please call us at 541-469-3123 for the current amounts needed for an issue. pages (tab or standard) 4T/2S 8T/4S 12T/6S 16T/8S opEn ratEs: $48.00 $52.00 $57.00 $61.00 annual dollar volume discounts Level / discount 4T/2S 8T/4S $ 1,500 $34.00 $44.00 $ 3,000 $32.00 $42.00 $ 6,000 $31.00 $41.00 $ 9,000 $30.00 $39.00 $12,000 $29.00 $38.00 $20,000 $28.00 $37.00 $30,000 $27.00 $35.00 $50,000 $26.00 $34.00

12T/6S $48.00 $45.00 $44.00 $42.00 $41.00 $40.00 $38.00 $37.00

16T/8S $51.00 $48.00 $47.00 $45.00 $44.00 $43.00 $41.00 $39.00

single sheet rate (8.5x11 inches): $47 per thousand or $42 per thousand for contract advertisers. For best results, use 60 lb. or heavier stock. maximum size for inserts 11.25” by 11.25”.

9. digital services a. Website: Promote your business on the most active website in Curry County: more than 250,000 unique visitors in 2014. Sizes are pixels. Prices are monthly for news, weather or classified, with 20% impression guarantee: Leaderboard (728x90): Top $95; bottom $75 Wide Skyscraper (160x600): $80 Med. Rectangle(300x250): $55 Button (180x150): $45 classified in-column ads are automatically posted both at and in our mobile application.

b. mobile application: go Wild rivers coast Go Wild! Thousands have downloaded our free mobile app to find more than 1,700 ways to enjoy the Wild Rivers Coast. Enhanced listings start at $36/month when bundled with other advertising. Banner ads start at $25/month.

c. E-mail newsletters

contract credit: Preprinted Insert fees earn the same dollar credit toward display or classified display contract agreements.

More than 3,100 subscribers accept our email News Alerts. More than 1,200 have signed up for our travel newsletters.

deadlines for placing insert orders are 10 business days prior.

Sponsorships start at $25 per email.

shipping of inserts: The shipping address is: Smith River Plant 205 Timbers Blvd., Smith River, CA 95567 Phone: 707-487-7100 FAX 707-487-7370 Inserts should be palletized or in boxes. Due in Smith River by 5 p.m. five business days in advance of distribution. Receiving hours are 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Mon., Tue., Wed. Fri. A forklift is available. For special appointments, please call 707-487-7100.

7. color ratEs for small display ads, color is $5 per column inch. for larger ads: open commissionable Black plus 1 color: $160.00 $185.00 Black plus 2 or 3 colors: $365.00 $420.00 Your color purchases apply to your Dollar Volume Contract, and those contract discounts apply to your color charges. Repeat your color ad in The Pilot or in The Triplicate for $100 for one color; $250 for 2 or more colors (or contract rate if less).

8. spEcial sErvicEs a. advertising design and composition: Our staff will assist you with layout and design of ads. Extraordinary requests and composition of material solely for other publications will result in charges of $50 per hour. We charge $40 for camera-ready distribution to publications outside Western Communications. b. photographs: Photos for use in advertisements will be taken by our staff at no additional charge. All photographs taken belong to The Pilot. Reprints are available for a small fee. c. proofing: Proofing copies will be provided as soon as possible by fax, e-mail, or at the Pilot office. For ads 30 column inches or more, proofs will be faxed, e-mailed or delivered. c. tearsheets: Tearsheets are available upon request. The number provided free of charge will be determined by the size of the ad and the needs of your business. E-tears are available. d. co-op billing: We will gladly provide your business with a special co-op verification and tearsheets.

10. spEcial days/pagEs/fEaturEs *Professional Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Every issue Sports/Outdoors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Every issue Food/Grocery Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wednesdays TV Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Saturdays *Monthly Calendar . . . . . . . . . . .Last issue of each month *Health and Fitness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .January *Community Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May Readers’ Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April *Recreation Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March and August *Annual Business Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .October Holiday publications . . . . . . . . . November and December *Special rates and deadlines apply. Call us for details.

11. rop rEquirEmEnts A. Minimum ad size: 1 column by 1 inch B. All ads less than one full page must be bordered C. Ads taller than 18.5 inches are billed at 21.5 inches D. Flex form shapes are available, but must be at least 30 column inches and are charged at a 25% premium.

12. dEadlinEs a. display ads, legal ads Wednesday at 2 p.m. for Saturday’s edition Friday at 2 p.m. for Wednesday’s edition classified display ads one day earlier than above. b. coastal guidelines (tv section) Monday at 11 a.m. for Saturday’s edition c. in-column classified advertising Tuesday at 10 a.m. for Wednesday’s edition Friday at 10 a.m. for Saturday’s edition Office holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas may change our deadlines and publication dates. Please call 541-469-3123 for deadlines near these dates.

13. classifiEd ad ratEs a. classified line ads: (Deadline: 10 a.m. the previous day) For an ad placed in one issue: $8.00 for the first 4 lines; 50 cents for each additional line For an ad placed in two to eight issues, $7.25 per issue for the first 4 lines; 50 cents for each additonal line. • Bold, italic or underlined type: 50 cents, one-time charge. • Borders: $1.00, one-time charge. • Shading: $1.00 per issue. Reverse display: $2.00 per issue. • Photos and attention getters are FREE, but add to space. • Free posting of all line ads at, and in the Go Wild Rivers Coast mobile app. special combination rates are available to also place your ad in the Del Norte Triplicate. Please ask for current offerings. special services: • $5.00 service fee for “blind” ads answered to the Pilot. b. classified display ads: $9.40 per column inch Nine-column format. Minimum ad size 1 column wide by 2 inches high. Ads are placed by classification. c. repeat insertion rate: $7.50 per column inch Repetition sells! This is our special bargain rate if your ad appears in the next 30 days with no changes. d. classified dollar volume contract rates Budget your advertising for a year and earn big discounts. Annual Earned Discount Dollars rate/inch on Color Rates $ 1,500 $8.25 10% $ 3,000 $7.75 15% $ 6,000 $7.40 20% $ 9,000 $7.20 22% $12,000 $6.95 24% $20,000 $6.65 28% $30,000 $6.50 30% $50,000 $6.25 33% Classified contract advertisers qualify for the matching discounts on most ROP advertising, preprinted inserts and color charges. One contract covers all standard advertising! E. combination classified display rates for del norte county, calif., coverage: $6.50 per col. inch The Pilot can place your ad, with no copy changes, in The Triplicate, the in Crescent City, Calif., for $6.50 per column inch within 30 days. g. commissionable classified display: $13.75 per inch. commissionable pick up rate: $9.75 per inch H. business directory ads: $26.00 per week (two issues) Save more than 25% from Classified Display rates, but get special placement and the impact of repetition. (Min. 8 issues)

14. mEcHanical rEquirEmEnts Printed offset; halftones preferred at 85-line screen. Electronic transmission and pdf files accepted. We must, however, restrict typefaces to our standard library. Photos/ art 200 dpi minimum. a. rop broadsheet display sizes Standard page 6 columns wide by 21.125 inches high with 1 pica between columns. *Gutter position is 6 picas (1 inch); billed as half column. Double Truck width: 132p0 picas, 22 inches cols. Picas cols. Picas Inches Inches 1 9p8 1.6111 4 41p8 6.9444 2 20p4 3.3889 5 52p4 8.7222 3 31p0 5.1667 6 63p0 10.5 b. classified display sizes Standard page 9 columns wide by 21.125 inches high with 1 pica between columns. cols. Picas cols. Picas Inches Inches 1 6p6 1.0833 6 41p9.75 6.9688 2 13p6.75 2.2604 7 48p10.5 8.1458 3 20p7.5 3.4375 8 55p11.25 9.3229 4 27p8.25 4.6146 9 63p0 10.5 5 34p9 5.7917 c. tabloid sizes Our tabloids are 6 columns wide by 10.25 inches high, printed at the ROP sizes in Section A above. Some special sections sold in special sizes and/or modular units. We will include sizes with those special sales sheets. d. Electronic delivery Please call in advance to schedule advertising. We will fax or e-mail to outline specifications. Please also fax a copy of the ad to 541-469-4679. By E-Mail: We prefer pdf format files. By AdSend: Our address is CACDE 15. circulation Published every Wednesday and Saturday morning. Home delivery area: Brookings, Ore. (97415) Same-day mail delivery Smith River, Calif. (95567) Gold Beach, Ore. (97444) Port Orford, Ore. (97465) Crescent City, Calif. (95531) total distribution: Circulation Verification Council audit, (Ending Sept. 2013) Wednesdays: 5,291 Saturdays: 5,519 Average readers per edition: 2.525 16. subscription ratEs Home Delivery in Brookings-Harbor, Oregon: One year (104 issues) $48.00; six months (52 issues) $24.00 By mail in Curry County: One year (104 issues) $48.00; six months (52 issues) $24.00 By mail elsewhere in the U.S.: One year (104 issues) $55.00; six months (52 issues) $27.50 Single copies: 75 cents in stores and vending machines Single copies by first-class mail: $3.50 Revised: Feb. 1, 2015

i. legal ads: $9.40 per column inch Includes tear sheet and notarized proof of publication J. statewide classified advertising network We can place your classified ad in 79 Oregon newspapers with a total weekly circulation of almost one million people just $230.

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