~ 2017-2018 ~ O R I G I N A L PA I N T I N G S &
T he Allure of
Original Art Dear Collector, We are pleased to present the latest Wild Wings Original Art Collection featuring the works of America’s premier nature, sporting, and western artists. The following pages showcase exceptional artwork ranging from classic sporting art and woodland scenes to cheerful songbirds and western ranch life. Magnificent bronzes and finely detailed carvings are interspersed throughout this collection. It is highly satisfying to acquire a one-of-a-kind original creation knowing that the artist personally applied brushstrokes to the painting or hands and tools to the sculpture. Owning an original work of art means owning a very intimate and personal expression of the artist’s creative process. Wild Wings has a long history of bringing high quality original artwork to discerning collectors for nearly 50 years! Wild Wings will be hosting several artists in Lake City, Minnesota for our 50th Anniversary celebration during the summer of 2018. Watch for more information on anniversary recollections and events throughout the year.
Many of the artists we represent are pleased to accept personal commissions for paintings or sculpture to be created just for you. Should you be interested in acquiring an original work of art from this catalog, or in making arrangements for a commissioned piece, please contact: A.
Kerrie Wells at 651-345-6076 or via email at kerrie.wells@wildwings.com.
We look forward to serving you!
“After a fresh blanket of snow, an elusive red fox peers out among heavily, snow-laden pines and grass. He’s on the search for breakfast while being wary of danger.”
~ Index of Artists ~
Aldrich, John .......................12 Beckstein, Larry..................19 Bourdet, Susan................ 10-11 Cummings, Chris .................. 4 Curtis, Mike ................. 6, 8, 14 DiVita, Frank .......................15 Docken, Russ ......................... 8 Durow, James ....................... 10 Edwards, Danny ..........3, 16, 19 Garris, Caly........................... 5 Ibar, Julie ..............................18 Jordan, Susan Knowles ......19 Johnson, Gary ......................12 Kasper, Jim ............................. 5 Maass, David A. ................... 20
Martin, Randall ............18-19 Messier, Greg .......................17 Millette, Rosemary ......... 6, 7 Nottleman, Sam........13, 16, 20 Padgett, Anthony................. 7 Poulin, Daryl .......................19 Rataczak, Jim ......................8-9 Serrano, Cherie...................18 Sieve, Michael .....................15 Stevens, Gene ........................9 Storm, Scot .........................2-3 Stroncek, Lee .......................14 Susinno, Mark......................16 Wosika, Thomas M ..............17 Yost, Valeria ..........................6
Or iginal Ar t • 6 5 1 - 3 4 5 - 6 0 7 6
Winter Scout – Red Fox
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng by Scot Storm
no. A829602572 | 15" x 20" | $5,200 B.
Amber Waters – Green-winged Teal
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng by Scot Storm “There is no better time to be on the water than during the ‘golden hour’, that precious time when the sunlight reflects magnificently. This threesome of green-winged teal is alert and poised soaking up the last rays of the day.”
no. A829075004 | 28½" x 21½" | $9,600
featured artists
' '
Scot Storm & Danny Edwards
Apple Blossom Crimson
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng by Scot Storm “A burst of crimson red among spring apple blossoms is a delightful sight.”
no. A829083526 | 8" x 15" | $2,200
Cardinal Blossoms
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y S c o t S t o r m “Hopeful that he’ll blend in like one of the blossoms, a brilliant red cardinal will continue to sing his spring song.”
no. A829104726 | 10" x 8" | $1,500
One Step at a Time
bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y D a n n y E d wa rd s “When you are this big and powerful, you meet everyone and everything on your own terms, taking it as it comes…one step at a time.”
no. A588657475 | 6½"H x 10"W x 4"D | $1,200 WILD WINGS
Or iginal Ar t • w i l d w i n g s . c o m
featured artists
' Chris Cummings, Caly Garris & Jim Kasper
' B.
oi l pa i n t i ng b y C h r i s C u m m i n g s
On the Run
“Although all horses have their individual personalities and strengths, for me the thoroughbred is the epitome of what a horse should be - talented, willing, enduring and noble.”
oi l pa i n t i ng by Chris Cummings
no. A190070081 | 16" x 20" | $2,500 “Coming up on a small rise, these three horses have run ahead of their herd which has been left in the dust behind them.” C.
no. A190546681 | 18" x 26" | $3,900
The Chase
oi l pa i n t i ng b y C h r i s C u m m i n g s “I wanted to capture the spirit and feel of two horses at play galloping across a meadow.”
no. A190090081 | 18" x 22" | $3,800
Winter Break
oi l pa i n t i ng by Chris Cummings “Let out of their stable after days of bad weather, this pair is enjoying the chance to run through the snow.”
no. A190858581 | 18" x 24" | $4,000 E.
Stepping Out
bron z e s c u l p t u r e by Chris Cummings E D
Or iginal Ar t • 6 5 1 - 3 4 5 - 6 0 7 6
“As soon as the pasture gate opens, a spirited horse eagerly steps out to explore the open space.”
no. A190721781 | 25 s/n edition 11½"H x 17½"W x 8½"D | $5,900
Pen Pals
wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y C a l y G a r r i s “This pen of bucking stock was moved three or four times on the way toward the chutes, each time the gate closed beind them, they immediately settled into a ‘dozing’ mode.”
no. A283701081 | 22" x 28" | $1,400 F.
Life Line
wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y C a l y G a r r i s “I am fascinated by the meticulous preparation of bull and bronc riders. They give the arena a show, but they also risk life and limb.”
no. A283242082 | 28" x 22" | $1,500 G.
Wilderness Bond
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Ji m K a s p e r “Encountering wild horses in the high country ponderosa pines was my goal. Seeing them up close was really exciting. The strong bond between a mare and her foal was especially appealing.”
no. A423874281 | 24" x 36" | $4,500 G WILD WINGS
Or iginal Ar t • w i l d w i n g s . c o m
Sun Touched
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Va l e r i a Yo s t “Sunrise in Bull River country is majestic with the sun coming up over the mountain range and touching the misty river valley below.”
no. A973727989 33½" x 45½" | $12,000 A.
Shore Patrol – Bald Eagle
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y R o s e m a r y Mi l l e t t e “I found the waves breaking on the rocks of Lake Superior’s scenic North Shore to be an ideal setting for a bald eagle in flight.”
no. A593703610 | 24" x 36" | $6,200 B.
American Pride
bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y Mi k e C u r t i s
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Va l e r i a Yo s t
“The bald eagle is a proud and beautiful bird that continues to inspire me every day. As our national symbol, the bald eagle represents vision, freedom and strength; and this is what I have set out to portray while creating this work of art.”
“Libby, Montana is beautiful country. I love exploring it and painting it is a must.”
no. A973002089 33½" x 45½" | $12,000
no. A195028732 | 150 s/n edition 13½"H x 5"W | $1,800
Or iginal Ar t • 6 5 1 - 3 4 5 - 6 0 7 6
Aspen Gold
featured artists
' '
Valeria Yost, Rosemary Millette, Anthony Padgett & Mike Curtis E
Answering the Call – Elk
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y R o s e m a r y Mi l l e t t e “Drama is high during fall rut and I wanted the viewer to imagine a not so far away bull answering the call of this majestic animal.”
no. A593027066 | 20" x 30" | $4,800
A Bench to Ponder
G. Old Pumpkin Hauler – Yellow Labs & Truck
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y A n t h o n y Pa d g e t t
“A crisp, autumn day, the pumpkin harvest, turning leaves, and man’s best friends make the travels along this country path truly enjoyable.”
no. A624516056 | 20" x 30" | $5,000 H.
The Next Generation
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y A n t h o n y Pa d g e t t
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y A n t h o n y Pa d g e t t
“One of my favorite park settings provided the inspiration behind this painting as the scene just invites you to sit down, relax, enjoy the beauty of nature, and reflect on life’s blessings.”
“Spending time with children and grandchildren who share a passion of nature and hunting formed the backdrop of this painting. The hard work of casting decoys for the day’s hunt has never been simpler.”
no. A624050089 | 22" x 34" | $5,000
no. A624490056 | 20" x 30" | $5,000 WILD WINGS
Or iginal Ar t • w i l d w i n g s . c o m
Wintertime – Snowy Owl
oi l pa i n t i ng b y Ru s s D o c k e n D
“Every once in a while I enjoy working without color and concentrate on only values, technique and composition. Lack of color can also add drama. I thought the snowy owl would be a perfect subject to render in black and white.”
oi l pa i n t i ng b y Ji m R a t a c z a k “While cross-country skiing through the woods, I encountered a host of grouse tracks in the fresh snow. I wondered what the bird must have looked like, what he might have been doing, and that imagining informed my paining of ‘Fresh Snow’.”
no. A225852030 | 24" x 18" | $1,500 B.
Snowy Owl
no. A682220017 | 8" x 14" | $1,000
bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y Mi k e C u r t i s
“I was lucky enough to see a snowy owl sitting on a fence post gazing out over a snow-covered field. This rare sighting inspired me to create this sculpture.”
“A section of the creek behind my house tends to have the first open water of the spring in our area. Goldeneyes are usually among the first ducks to take advantage of it, and I have very much enjoyed field-sketching their passionate courtships over the years.” B
Or iginal Ar t • 6 5 1 - 3 4 5 - 6 0 7 6
Hearts a Fire – Goldeneyes
oi l pa i n t i ng b y Ji m R a t a c z a k
no. A195710630 | 12"H x 6"W x 5"D | $1,500
Fresh Snow – Ruffed Grouse
no. A682300011 | 8" x 14" | $1,100
featured artists
' '
Russ Docken, Mike Curtis, Jim Rataczak & Gene Stevens
Spider Lake Memories – Loons
oi l pa i n t i ng b y G e n e S t e ve n s “A warm summer afternoon, bright blue skies and two loons peacefully cruising the calm waters. What more can a person ask for?”
no. A825701710 | 12" x 13" | $1,050
Safe & Secure at Sunset – Loons
oi l pa i n t i ng b y G e n e S t e ve n s
Sunrise – Gray Partridge
oi l pa i n t i ng b y Ji m R a t a c z a k
“A trip I took to the Dakotas last December occurred during one of the coldest weeks of the year. It was a hard time for wildlife, and many birds, including partridge, took advantage of the sun’s warming rays each morning. I loved their sculptual shapes as they fluffed out their feathers to keep warm, and painted this picture soon after I returned home.”
“As the sun lowers in the west, the colors are so striking and change from minute to minute reflecting on wildlife and landscape. It’s just a magical time of the day.”
no. A825690010 | 12" x 13" | $1,050
no. A682762517 | 18" x 24" | $3,200 I.
Mother Knows Best – Loons
oi l pa i n t i ng b y G e n e S t e ve n s F.
Searching the Snow – Sharptails
“Just as human parents, most birds and animals keep a watchful eye on their young until they’re safely on their way into adulthood.”
oi l pa i n t i ng b y Ji m R a t a c z a k “A grouse native to the North American prairies, sharptails can handle snow and cold pretty well. Their feet even grow long, furry feathers in the winter to serve as snowshoes. Such adaptations are a definite asset as these hardy birds search the snow for food.”
no. A825492510 | 12" x 13" | $1,250
no. A682710017 | 12" x 18" | $1,900 F WILD WINGS
Or iginal Ar t • w i l d w i n g s . c o m
featured artists
' '
Susan Bourdet & James Durow
D. A
Barnyard Queen
wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t “Several barn cats share this farm, but only one can be queen. From this post, she can survey her domain and be sure she’s the first cat in line at milking time. Her owner tells me that she waits in this spot every day.”
Chickadee & Nasturtiums
wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t “A simple favorite flower and a friendly, familiar backyard bird cheerful reminders of my own garden, and maybe yours too!”
no. A085093437 | 15" x 16" | $1,800 C.
Jungle Cat – Calico
wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t C
Thorny Perch – California Quail
“The flowerbed is a jungle for this kitten on the prowl.”
no. A085365297 | 14" x 16¼" | $1,100
wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t “California quails are favorites of mine! I portrayed this little male guarding his covey, concealed in a dense, thorny wild rose thicket. This behavior is typical - he will be ‘on alert’ until he’s sure there is no danger to his family, then he will call them out to feed.”
no. A085625918 | 14" x 20½" | $1,750 E
Or iginal Ar t • 6 5 1 - 3 4 5 - 6 0 7 6
no. A085046297 | 14½" x 15½" | $1,100 E.
For the Love of Baking
wo od c a rv i ng b y Ja m e s D u ro w “I was inspired to create a pleasing design which would emphasize the love of birds combined with the love of baking! It was this dual emotion that fascinated me and led to the creation of ‘For the Love of Baking’, as I enjoy both!”
no. A232210037 | 16½" x 22½" | $1,250
Rusty Gate Bluebirds
wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t “A visit to a Century Farm inspired this painting. The farmhouse was nestled in the trees and surrounded by a stately old fence with the gate still in place, if a little rusty. Bluebirds added to the charm, making the weathered post a wonderful subject.”
no. A085687838 | 22" x 17½" | $1,650 G.
The Wren's Garden
wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t “I loved the deep magenta of these clematis blossoms, with vines tangled around a rusty wire fence. A secretive little Bewick’s wren seemed the right choice to enliven the dense thicket of color.”
wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t “Checkermallow and lupine paint this summer meadow in a soft wash of pink and blue.”
no. A085047847 | 14" x 18" | $1,800 H.
Summer Meadow – Yellow-rumped Warbler
no. A085705149 | 12½" x 21" | $1,450
Red-headed Woodpecker Family
wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t
J. Breakfast Meeting – Blue Jays & White-breasted Nuthatch
“It’s hard to miss the eye-popping black, white and scarlet of a red-headed woodpecker. It was exciting work with this dramatic color combination, contrasting with the soft greens and browns of the setting.”
wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t “A bird feeder is a gathering place for many species, where detante and diplomacy keep a funny kind of order to the proceedings.”
no. A085659531 | 14" x 16" | $1,650
no. A085058027 | 14" x 16" | $1,595
Or iginal Ar t • w i l d w i n g s . c o m
featured artists
Dust Bath
oi l pa i n t i ng b y G a r y Jo h n s o n “While on safari in Tanzania’s Ngorongoro Crater National Park, we came across an area where the plain zebras were lined up in single file for a dust bath in the white dirt of this particular area. I wanted to create the movement and action of this unique scene.”
no. A421212579 | 24" x 36" | $6,500
Longhorn Country
m i x e d m e di a on m u l be r ry pa pe r b y G a r y Jo h n s o n “The longhorn is the icon of the west. This painting is created using my own unique mixed media painting technique. I use watercolor, gouache and pastel pencil combined to create this painting on handmade mulberry paper, which is acid free and pH neutral to ensure its longevity.”
no. A421500080 | 10" x 20" | $2,200 C.
Herefords & Blue Bonnets
oi l pa i n t i ng b y G a r y Jo h n s o n “While traveling through the Texas hill country in spring time, I was attracted to the color contrasts between the reddish hereford cattle and the blooming blue bonnet flowers. The total painting is a soothing combination of reddish browns, bue-violets and greens.”
no. A421400080 | 18" x 24" | $2,800 D.
Snow Queen – Lynx
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Jo h n A l d r i c h “I wanted to capture the secretive, almost ghostly nature of this beautiful northern hunter. It was particularly challenging (and fun) depicting its lush winter coat.”
no. A020613173 | 24½" x 17" | $3,000 12
Or iginal Ar t • 6 5 1 - 3 4 5 - 6 0 7 6
' John Aldrich, Gary Johnson & Sam Nottleman
wo od c a rv i ng b y S a m Not t l e m a n “I appreciate the shape and size of these little guys-our smallest diving duck. Despite its size, I still consider the bufflehead to be a ‘trophy duck’ when duck hunting.”
no. A621096816 | 4½"H x 10"W x 4¾"D | $1,500 H.
White-Fronted Goose
wo od c a rv i ng b y S a m Not t l e m a n “Great memories of goose hunting trips to North Dakota inspired this sculpture. Hearing their peculiar chirping sound always let us know the ‘speckle bellies’ were overhead.” E
no. A621950114 | 4¾"H x 10"W x 4¾"D | $1,500
Trempealeau Bluebill
oi l pa i n t i ng b y G a r y Jo h n s o n
“The wood duck is probably my favorite duck to paint because of its elegant shape and color variations. For the duck’s head, I used iridescent oil paint for the feathers, so when you look at the painting from different views the color changes, as it would in nature.”
wo od c a rv i ng b y S a m Not t l e m a n “The inspiration for this bluebill was a great hunting memory when I was across the Mississippi River in Trempealeau, Wisconsin several years ago. What seemed like a poor hunting day greatly improved as several small flocks of these pretty little ducks began skirting my decoys.”
no. A421957505 | 12" x 9" | $1,400 F
A Great Egret
no. A621094308 | 5"H x 9"W x 5¼"D | $1,500
Wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y G a r y Jo h n s o n “The challenge of painting with watercolors is the paint is transparent. Since there is no white in the paint, all of the white in the painting is the white paper. This medium worked very well to give the egret it’s illumination. I also like the contrasts and similarities of the plants and the bird in breeding plumage.”
no. A421305044 | 22" x 15" | $1,800 H
Or iginal Ar t • w i l d w i n g s . c o m
featured artists
Mike Curtis, Lee Stroncek, Michael Sieve & Frank DiVita
Eagle in a Snowstorm
oi l pa i n t i ng b y L e e S t ro n c e k “One of the resident bald eagles was roosting in a cottonwood along the Yellowstone River during a snow squall. The stoic quality of the solitary bird in the blowing snow inspired me to create an oil painting.” A
no. A838147032 | 11" x 14" | $1,500 B.
Edge of a Pond
oi l pa i n t i ng b y L e e S t ro n c e k “A pair of resident wood ducks gliding along against the rather abstract background of reflected autumn foliage proved to be a worthy subject for a painting.”
no. A838152505 | 12" x 16" | $1,700
bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y Mi k e C u r t i s
“As I observe the bald eagle in flight I am inspired to recreate it in the most beautiful way possible. Flying high above the treetops, as the eagle circles back around, it turns its body sideways; one wing reaching towards the heavens and the other wing reaching towards mother earth. It is a captivating sight to view the powerful bald eagle in flight.”
no. A195200732 | 46"H x 20"W x 16"D | $8,900 14
Or iginal Ar t • 6 5 1 - 3 4 5 - 6 0 7 6
Hit or Miss – Golden Eagle
oi l pa i n t i ng b y Mi c h a e l S i e ve “The interaction between predators and prey has always been interesting to me in many ways - as an artist, a hunter and also a naturalist. An incident on the prairies of western South Dakota while bowhunting pronghorns provided the inspiration for this painting.”
oi l pa i n t i ng b y Mi c h a e l S i e ve “In southwest Minnesota, a few miles from the town where I grew up, I own a 60 acre prairie pothole. That farm is dedicated to wildlife, especially pheasants. Many other lands are being restored or managed by private individuals as well as by the state and the pheasants are responding. The pheasant hunting is getting better every year and I intend to return in the fall to take advantage of it.”
no. A780285032 | 17" x 41" | $5,900 E.
Snow Birds - Pheasants
Autumn Rising
bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y F ra n k D i V i t a “Sometimes the simple designs are the most difficult. I usually like to create bronzes that are classic in their nature-exemplifying a freeze frame effect, capturing a moment in time.”
no. A780707719 | 28" x 48" | $5,500
no. A206032019 | 22" x 16" | $7,800 F.
Dropping In - Mallards
oi l pa i n t i ng b y Mi c h a e l S i e ve “Waterflowl are interesting and beautiful birds and are a subject that I haven’t paid enough attention to for many years. Painting these mallards is a small step back into the world of waterfowl.”
no. A780086501 | 24" x 36" | $5,500
Or iginal Ar t • w i l d w i n g s . c o m
featured artists
' '
Danny Edwards, Mark Susinno, Sam Nottleman, Greg Messier & T homas Wosika B.
Gentle Giant – Moose
bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y D a n n y E d wa rd s “This sculpture depicts the immense size a bull moose’s body can grow to and antlers can attain each year. Dropping their tines after mating season to conserve energy for the winter, the bull moose consumes thousands of calories in terrestrial vegetation each day to maintain strength.”
A. To Throw the Hook – Largemouth Bass
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y M a r k S u s i n n o
no. A588305568 10½"H x 7¾"W x 5"D | $1,200
“A largemouth bass’s first instinct upon feeling the sting of the hook is to jump into the air, where, free of the water’s resistance, it may be able to shake the offending lure loose.” B
no. A835748750 | 12" x 11" | $1,850 C.
oi l pa i n t i ng b y M a r k S u s i n n o
“The Snowy owl takes flight in search of a better vantage point from which to hunt along a partly frozen creek.”
Spring Ruddy
wo od c a rv i ng b y S a m Not t l e m a n “I was out in a boat, photographing ducks in the spring. I saw what looked like a red leaf floating in a patch of seaweed. As I came closer–to my delight–I saw it was a ruddy duck, in spring plumage as he raised up his stiff tail.”
no. A835720030 | 20" x 16" | $4,300
no. A621714199 | 10" x 12" | $2,700 E.
Underwater Riverscape
oi l pa i n t i ng b y M a r k S u s i n n o
“For decades I have primarily painted depictions of game fish underwater, but in this painting I chose to omit the fish and focus on portraying the subsurface environment as a variation on a landscape theme.”
no. A835771589 | 24" x 30" | $7,500 16
Or iginal Ar t • 6 5 1 - 3 4 5 - 6 0 7 6
St. Lawrence Woodies
wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y G re g Me s s i e r “While on a road trip in Canada, I came across a backwater of the St. Lawrence River that seemed to be a refuge for dozens of wood ducks. A very different setting for the most colorful of ducks.”
no. A582950005 | 19"x 27" | $2,400 G.
Home Sweet Home
wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y G re g Me s s i e r F
“Cold on the outside, warm on the inside leaves me wondering why I left. Homemade bread, apple pie and family, are but a few steps more.” H
no. A582350089 | 18" x 26" | $1,895 H.
Remnants – Bobwhite Quail
oi l pa i n t i ng b y T h o m a s Wo s i k a “‘Gentleman Bob’ calls because his blood tells him of a better time, when coveys were big and families still owned the farms. His little covey and the old farm remnants are the last bits that remind us of his halcyon days.”
no. A954670018 | 22" x 30" | $4,100 I. G
Inspiration Bay – Canvasbacks
wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y G re g Me s s i e r “When asked, ‘What inspired you to create this original?’ My answer was, I never saw one hunting, so I may as well paint a real trophy, in the easiest ‘Take Em’ shot.”
no. A582100007 | 36" x 36" | $8,400 J.
Gnarly – Whitetail Deer
oi l pa i n t i ng b y T h o m a s Wo s i k a “This gnarly oak lives near me and the sun rising hits this little spot that always requested a pair of deer. Then one day, there they were! I just had to paint it.” J
no. A954590065 | 17½" x 23½" | $3,200 WILD WINGS
Or iginal Ar t • w i l d w i n g s . c o m
featured artists
Cherie Serrano, Julie Ibar, Randal Martin, Daryl Poulin, Larry Beckstein, Susan Knowles Jordan, & Danny Edwards C.
Waiting – Border Collie
oi l pa i n t i ng b y Ju l i e I b a r “Each morning in winter we sit facing east with our border collie, Petey. Waiting, we watch the sun come over the tree line creating warm light. We are waiting for what the day brings. Petey is waiting for the fox that visits and other signs of winter life.”
no. A416937562 | 11" x 14" | $1,000 A.
oi l pa i n t i ng b y C h e r i e S e r ra n o “The causeway bridge in Fort Frances, Ontario is an example of good architecture. It’s both functional and aesthetically pleasing and for me and many others that have grown up in this area, it’s a symbol of home.”
no. A850090089 | 24" x 36" | $2,400 B.
Pileated Woodpecker
oi l pa i n t i ng b y C h e r i e S e r ra n o
Nautilus Tulips
oi l pa i n t i ng b y Ju l i e I b a r “The morning light shining through the window made these tulips glow. The nautilus shell in the background provided a subtle shadow of interest.”
no. A416510090 | 11" x 17" | $1,200 E.
Downy Woodpecker
wo od c a rv i ng b y R a n d a l M a r t i n “An acrobatic forager, a downy woodpecker makes his way around an old snag tree in search of food.”
no. A562150031 | 13½" x 6¾" | $1,500
“One cold January morning on the way to my frozen car, a pileated woodpecker posed for me in a cherry blossom tree. It was a gift that I couldn’t wait to paint!”
no. A850618031 | 24" x 18" | $1,000 B
Or iginal Ar t • 6 5 1 - 3 4 5 - 6 0 7 6
Tuckered Out – German Shepherd Pup
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n K n o wl e s Jo rd a n F
Yellow Garden
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y D a r yl Po u l i n
“I have had the pleasure of owning four German Shepherds in my lifetime. Intelligent, loyal and delightful, in their ability to retain the playfulness of a puppy.”
no. A418872061 | 11" x 14" | $1,295
“This painting is a contemporary graphic treatment to a traditional genre, floral art.”
no. A669922590 | 22" x 50" | $6,000 G.
More Than a Mouthful
ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y L a r r y B e c k s t e i n “Most outdoorsmen know when the deer hunting season is over. A few months later the cabin fever sets in with nothing to do. They are now turning to a new hobby – shed hunting with their favorite dog!”
no. A065724656 | 24" x 18" | $2,900 I.
Jubilee – Whitetail Deer
bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y D a n n y E d wa rd s G
“The power and energy of two bounding whitetail bucks capture the attention as effortlessly as their graceful sprint.”
no. A588399365 | 19"H x 18"W x 11"D | $1,800 I
Or iginal Ar t • w i l d w i n g s . c o m
A featured artists
' '
ll the original paintings in this catalog and on our website arrive framed and ready to hang. The custom-designed frame is included in the price. (Shipping is additional.)
David A. Maass & Sam Nottleman
hroughout 2018, Wild Wings will be celebrating fifty years of business. Watch for more information on anniversary recollections and events during the year.
' Wild Wings g on the Upper pp Mississippi – Mallards and Green-winged Teal A.
Discover over original works of art including paintings, drawings and sculptures representing over .
oi l pa i n t i ng b y D a v i d A . M a a s s “This painting was done as a tribute, honoring the upcoming 50th anniversary of Wild Wings and their founder and first president, William B. Webster III. The setting is an area near Frontenac, Minnesota as it appeared fifty years ago, and is just up river from Lake City where Wild Wings is presently located. The scene depicted shows mallards and green-winged teal flying together with the mallards ready to land in this small backwater area, but the teal have decided to continue on and find another landing spot further down river.”
no. A540865104 | 24" x 36" | $27,000
90 artists Enjoy an incredible variety of
genres, subjects, styles and mediums. B.
Mud Lake Blue Winged Teal
wo od c a r “Back in my d beauty of the were the sam in ‘eclipse plu
Artwork is frequently added, so visit us often!
' '
no. A621541 C.
PO Box 451 Lake City, MN 55041-0451 800-445-4833 wildwings.com
Alert Mallard
wo od c a r “The most co hunt, Mallar stances they t seen many tim
no. A621009 20
Or iginal Ar t • 6 5 1 - 3 4 5 - 6 0 7 6
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