Wild Wings 2019-2020 Original Paintings and Sculpture Catalog

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~ 2019-2020 ~ O R I G I N A L PA I N T I N G S &

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~ 2019-2020 ~

Original Art Collection A.

In 1971, a fledgling company in Minnesota curated a small assortment of nature art and “took flight” by mailing its very first Original Art catalog. The company was Wild Wings and that first catalog led to hundreds more over the next 48 years. Today, Wild Wings continues to expand on its long tradition and well-established reputation as the nation’s premiere purveyor of nature-themed original art.

Splashy Take Off – Mallards

oi l pa i n t i ng by David A. Maass “Mallards are not only the favorite ducks of most waterfowl hunters, they are also, by far, more plentiful than any other species of duck in North America. The birds shown here, by our former home, had been hanging around since early November and this afternoon, later in the month, were startled by something and quickly got out of there and didn’t return. It was just as well because the next morning the lake was completely frozen over.”

Discerning art collectors everywhere recognize the convenience and satisfaction of browsing original art from home. You can carefully consider each choice at your own pace in the actual setting in which it will be displayed. Your selection will be safely shipped directly to your door. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your choice, you can return it for a full refund within 30 days for only the cost of return freight. So please, enjoy the collection at your leisure, select your favorite piece and experience the special satisfaction of owning your very own original work of art!

no. A540716501 | 24" x 32" | $22,000

Thank you and happy browsing! A


Randy Eggenberger, President B

~ Index of Artists ~


Aldrich, John ....................15 Anderson, Neal ..............4-5 Anderson, Thomas .......... 10 Bourdet, Susan .............. 6-7 Boyer, Fred .............. 4, 10, 17 Brandt, Rollie ..................13 Cummings, Chris .............20 Danielson, Marsie ......14-15 DiVita, Frank ..................... 5 Docken, Russ .....................11 Galatas, Phil ......................7 Gramling, Ron ...................9 Grende, Janene .................15 Hilscher, Tony ................. 19 Hobbs, Guy .......................... 5 Ibar, Julie Briede ...............9 Jordan, Susan Knowles .. 10 Johnson, Gary ....................9 Kasper, Jim ........................ 18 Kinkade, Zac..................... 18 Kreutz, William A.S........ 14 Kromschroeder, Lee ....... 19 Lockwood, George ............7 Longley, Brett ..................12 W I L D W I N G S Original Ar t

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Maas, Jim ..................... 9, 12-13 Maass, David A. ....................2 Martin, Randal ...................6 McClung, Catherine ..........8 Messier, Greg .......................8 Metropulos, Bob ............... 12 Millette, Rosemary ...........11 Moen, Tom.............................3 Morrison, Maida............... 10 Nottleman, Sam & Lily .. 3, 11 Padgett, Anthony J. .......... 14 Ren, Jon................................ 19 Rataczak, Jim ........................3 Serrano, Cherie................. 16 Sieve, Michael .....................4 Stevens, Gene ..................... 12 Stommes, Jan .........................4 Storm, Scot ...........................5 Stroncek, Lee .................16-17 Susinno, Mark.................... 16 Weirs, Persis Clayton ........8 Wosika, Thomas M. ............11 Yost, Valeria ....................... 19 Zierke, Bill ......................... 14 • 800-445-4833


Valley View – Turkeys

oi l pa i n t i ng by David A. Maass “The Whitewater Valley in southeastern Minnesota has always been one of my favorite spots to scout for reference material. This area was the first place in the state where the wild turky was introduced many years ago. While that first attempt was not successful, they later brought in the eastern wild turkey – shown here – and that species has really flourished, not only in this area, but most of Minnesota.”

no. A540810020 | 24" x 32" | $22,000

All original art is subject to prior sale and prices are subject to change without notice.

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featured artists

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David A. Maass, Tom Moen, Sam and Lily Nottleman & Jim Rataczak


Song & Storm – Red Wing

oi l pa i n t i ng b y To m Mo e n



Departure – Canvasbacks

“After a very long winter watching the snow covered marsh in my backyard, I needed to at least give my mind a break. Nothing sounds like spring more to me than a distant thunderstorm, and the call of the red-winged blackbird.”

no. A595720048 | 20" x 16" | $2,400

Blank Canvas

oi l pa i n t i ng b y To m Mo e n “I wonder if the earliest visitors to these locations had any of the same apprehensions, fear and self doubt when they started one of their pictographs. Not many things stir a painter as much as a blank canvas.”

no. A595054589 | 31" x 41" | $6,500 H.

Quiet Creekside – Wood Ducks

oi l pa i n t i ng b y Ji m R a t a c z a k

oi l pa i n t i ng b y To m Mo e n “I wanted to complete a life-sized flying duck piece. Canvasbacks were the perfect species. No other waterfowl evokes such thoughts of strength, speed, grace and sheer power. It took a lot of drawing ahead of time to get the main bird just the right size.”


no. A595237007 | 31" x 41" | $5,900

F. G.


“This spring was magical with wood ducks in the creek behind our house. Out researching one morning, I saw a few of them loafing and preening near a beaver-chewed log. I was taken with the way the arching grasses and branches repeated the shapes of the ducks’ heads and markings. The spectacular light didn’t hurt either!”

no. A682590005 16" x 22" | $3,100


Prairie Island Bluebills

wo od c a rv i ng s b y S a m & Li l y No t t l e m a n “While bird watching at Prairie Island, near Winona, Minnesota, I came across a pair of greater scaup. I was surprised to see the head shape and color of the drake was very different from the lesser scaup. This discovery and the beauty of the pair with their subtle iridescent colors inspired me to create these carvings.”

F. Drake no. A621094408 | 11½"L x 7"H x 6"W | $2,800 G. Hen no. A621094508 | 11"L x 6"H x 6"W | $2,800 G WILD WINGS

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Walking at Sunset – Lion


oi l pa i n t i ng b y Mi c h a e l S i e ve “For many years now I have been working on small simple paintings at art shows and conservation banquets. People seem to like to watch how paintings happen. This is one of those paintings.”

no. A780854773 | 11" x 28½" | $4,400 A



Stand with Me – Mule Deer

oi l pa i n t i ng b y Mi c h a e l S i e ve


“Last October I experienced the best mule deer research of my life, and this buck was one of my best subjects. When I returned home and picked up the paint brushes again, this was the first painting that I completed.”

Four of a Kind – Pheasants

oi l pa i n t i ng b y Mi c h a e l S i e ve “My eyes aren’t as good as they used to be, I can’t walk all day like I once did, I’m not a good shot anymore, and my dog is getting old, but I still remember what a great flush of roosters looks like, and this is it!”

no. A780229219 | 24" x 36" | $5,500

no. A780088565 | 20" x 34¾" | $6,100




oi l pa i n t i ng b y Ja n S t o m m e s

Too Close – Tiger

“The cold, long winters in Wisconsin have the most beautiful blue shadows that dance across the snow. I wanted to contrast the yellow eyes of this tough hunter with those blue shadows. Since these apex predators are menacing creatures, I chose a pose with the wolf ’s head down, looking straight on and mouth slightly parted as if challenging the viewer of this painting.”

g ouac h e pa i n t i ng b y Ne a l A n d e r s o n “I wanted to create a wildlife piece that would have a modern application so I used a fairly tall slender take on a tiger, using a ‘slice’ of his face – focusing on the eye.”

no. A028797573 | 19¼" x 8¼" | $2,000 E.

Out of the Blue – Black Wolf

no. A826583571 | 12" x 24" | $7,000

Tusker – Elephant


bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y F re d B o ye r “During my travels in Africa, I am continually impressed by the size and power of these magnificent animals.”

no. A117755079 | 50 s/n edition 11"H x 9"W x 6"D | $2,100 E



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featured artists


Michael Sieve, Fred Boyer, Jan Stommes, Neal Anderson, Frank DiVita, Scot Storm & Guy Hobbs




Yellow Lab Swimming

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng by Scot Storm “I grew up with labs and just enjoy their athletic abilities, especially while hunting ducks. They attack the water on the way to make every retrieve.”


Autumn Rising


bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y F ra n k D i V i t a

no. A829875056 8½" x 16½" | $1,900

“Sometimes the simple designs are the most difficult. I usually like to create bronzes that are classic in their nature-exemplifying a freeze frame effect, capturing a moment in time.”


no. A206032019 | 22"H x 16"W | $7,800


Wood Duck Slide

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y S c o t S t o r m “It has always been interesting to me how the different species of waterfowl land on the water – from majestic to comical.”

no. A829721505 | 8" x 14" | $1,800 L.

Two Hoots – Great Gray Owls

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y G u y Ho b b s “This is from a series of paintings of North American owls I have been working on. I love the intensity of expression great gray owls have and wanted to combine their camouflage colors with a similar background so that the image becomes almost monochromatic with the exception of the incredible eyes, to really draw focus to them.”

no. A403910030 8" x 15¼" | $1,940



Screech Owl – Red Morph

Fenceline Gathering – Pheasants

g ouac h e pa i n t i ng b y Ne a l A n d e r s o n


“Having already painted a few gray phase screech owls, I wanted to do the red phase, using somewhat of a muted background. He is ready to take over the abandoned squirrel den.”

“I’m proud to support the ongoing conservation efforts of this colorful gamebird. Creating a typical habitat scene, this group of pheasants gathers along grassy fence line.”

no. A028699830 | 10¼" x 8¼" | $1,200

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ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y S c o t S t o r m

no. A829331019 | 30½" x 20½" | $10,200


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Goldfinches & Nasturtiums

wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t “Looking for a drink, these goldfinches can’t quite get to the bottom of the old watering can. They love our property, with its mix of oaks and meadow.”

no. A085262329 | 13¾" x 17" | $1,800 B. Anna’s Hummingbird in Blackeyed Susans

wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t “Where to start sipping in this lush garden? An Anna’s hummingbird has found a feast!”

no. A085016241 | 13½" x 16" | $1,600 A



Fall Beauty – Purple Finch

t u pe l o wo od c a rv i ng w i t h c oppe r l e av e s on m a pl e bu r l ba se by Randal Martin


Flicker in Fall Maple

wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t “You always know when there’s a flicker around, as you’ll be startled by the piercing shriek, or maybe the hammering. The striking colors and patterns make this an interesting bird to paint.”

“Always have loved the purple finch! I watch them at my feeder and always think, ‘I should carve one someday.’ I finally did!”

no. A085204149 | 13¼" x 16" | $1,800

no. A562610029 10" x 7" $1,800





The Wren's Garden

wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t “The tiny wren will find spiders and grubs in the ruin of this fallen apple tree. Formerly called the winter wren, this is one of my favorite songbirds.”

no. A085885147 | 13½" x 16" | $1,800 6


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featured artists

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Susan Bourdet, Randal Martin, Phil Galatas & George Lockwood F.

Autumn Mist

wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t

“The mist clears a little on this foggy fall morning. A kestrel, his feathers fluffed against the cold, will soon be able to find his breakfast.”

no. A085035032 | 24" x 17" | $2,400 G.

Tiny Warrior – Kestrel

wo od s c u l p t u r e b y Ph i l G a l a t a s “I had the pleasure of trapping and tagging kestrels. Though they are one of the smallest raptors, they are not afraid. I love their flight movements and their body lines make a great sculpting project.” F

no. A281741532 | 9" x 9" x 17" | $2,500 H.



Out of the Shadows

wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t “Like a pale ghost, a barn owl materializes from the shadowy woods. She is caught in the light for a moment and then soundlessly drifts away.”


no. A085597530 24" x 17½" | $2,700


Winter Quail

oi l pa i n t i ng by George Lockwood


Quail & Blackberry Blossoms

“It was a nice sunny evening just after a snow storm. I have many quail near my home and thought Valley Quail in the snow would be a nice combination and something different.”


wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n B o u rd e t “The late summer blackberries are starting to ripen along the trail and the air is fragrant. The blackberry thicket, a perfect hiding place, is home to a covey of young quail and their watchful parents.”

no. A510969018 18" x 24" | $4,000

no. A085626018 | 14" x 20½" | $2,200 WILD WINGS

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Returning Home – Mallards



Prout’s Neck Maine – Seascape

wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y G re g Me s s i e r

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y G re g Me s s i e r

“I had missed several seasons in the marsh. The first day back, I was graced with this scene. So the title has a double meaning, one for me and one for the ducks.”

“This classic depiction of the coast of Maine is a popular scenic area. This view is a favorite of mine, being only a couple hundred yards from Winslow Homer’s studio and home.”

no. A582720089 | 14" x 32" | $2,875

no. A582501001 | 18" x 27" | $2,400


Storm Tide

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Pe r s i s C l a y t o n We i r s “Living on an island off the coast of Maine has blessed me with so many opportunities to witness the power of nature in its most primal form. An autumn storm, during the hurricane season, brought the fury of the winds and the high tide of the ocean togther as they surrounded the majestic spine of our lighthouse just offshore. I was inspired to attempt to capture the moment as the setting sun reflected off the clouds in its golden light.”

no. A925724992 | 18" x 24" | $5,500 E



New England – Rabbits

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y G re g Me s s i e r “New England rabbits are an endangered species, slightly smaller than an eastern cottentail, and has shorter ears. Their range is eastern New York and western Massachusetts and conveniently in our backyard.”

no. A582479574 | 13" x 17" | $1,875


Farther Afield in Birdland – Screech Owl


wat e rc ol or pa i n t i ng b y C a t h e r i n e Mc C l u n g “Prior to building a new facility a local nature center had an owl living in the library. How appropriate!”

no. A578375030 | 13½" x 9½" | $1,700 8


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featured artists


Greg Messier, Catherine McClung, Persis Clayton Weirs, Gary Johnson, Jim Maas, Ron Gramling & Julie Briede Ibar G


Flowing into the Morning



ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y R o n G ra m l i n g “Birch trees are very calming to me. Each one is uniquely poetic and enchanting. I imagined this little winding brook keeping these three company in the morning light.”

no. A345240089 | 24" x 24" | $3,950 G.


J.R.’s Lupine



oi l pa i n t i ng b y G a r y Jo h n s o n

“Aspens are one of my favorite landscape painting subjects. This scene is inspired from a trip through the Rocky Mountains when the aspens were in full fall color. I painted this mountainside of aspens in a realistic style, but the composition gives it an abstract look. I want the viewer to feel the cool, fresh mountain air while being captivated by the color and pattern of this aspen covered mountainside.”

oi l pa i n t i ng b y Ju l i e B r i e d e I b a r “Friends of mine are third generation owners of a lovely gallery in Wisconsin. Each corner of the sculpture garden and gallery are tended with love and care. This bright display of lupine leads one to the gallery entrance.”

no. A416346590 | 21" x 36" | $3,200

no. A421060089 40" x 40" | $8,500 I.

Blossom Time in Door County

oi l pa i n t i ng b y Ju l i e B r i e d e I b a r


Golden Eagle in Flight

“The peninsula of Wisconsin, Door Country is know for orchards of cherries and apples. When long awaited spring arrives, there is a profusion of white and pink blossoms.”


no. A416125590 | 9" x 12" | $700

oi l pa i n t i ng b y G a r y Jo h n s o n

“This sculpture captures the fragile beauty of open wing flight. It visualizes the majesty of this large raptor.” J

no. A421815534 | 9" x 12" | $1,200 WILD WINGS

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“As an artist, Egrets have always been an inspiration for me. Their beautiful white feathers subtly take on the color and light of their surroundings. I saw this snowy egret feeding by the ocean in the late afternoon with the warm sunlight and the cool ocean blues reflected on its white feathers. I want the viewer to feel the warmth of the sun and smell the ocean air.”


wo od s c u l p t u r e b y Ji m M a a s no. A535162532 | 20"H | $10,000

Surf Fisherman

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The Gathering

c ol or e d pe nc i l b y T h o m a s A n d e r s o n “I believe the idea for the painting ‘The Gathering’ originated during a visit to an apple orchard on a September afternoon.”

no. A033275037 | 25½" x 36" | $2,460


Duet – Northern Cardinals

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y S u s a n K n o wl e s Jo rd a n “My mom is the inspiration for this painting. Thanks for believing in me, and teaching me to look for the beauty in simple things. Love you forever!”

no. A418271526 | 14" x 11" | $1,295




g ouac h e pa i n t i ng b y M a i d a Mo r r i s o n


“Being a lover of wildlife, I visited a local wildlife rescue centre. When I saw a beautiful fox sitting in the sunlight I couldn’t resist taking some photographs of him for a painting.”


Three Little Cygnets

g ouac h e pa i n t i ng b y M a i d a Mo r r i s o n “Living by the river Avon, I feed two swans every day. When they have young, they bring them to me. Seeing the three tiny cygnets swimming straight towards me, each with its own individual expression, I knew it had to be my next painting.”

no. A606300072 16" x 12" | $2,200

no. A606700099 | 12" x 16" | $2,500




Aw Nuts & Everything is Chipper


bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y F re d B o ye r “Even though they are one of the forests smaller creatures, they leave a big impression. When I see them, they always leave a smile on my face.”

no. A117035574 | open edition 4"H x 3"W x 2"D | $660 / set of 2 10


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featured artists


Maida Morrison, T homas Anderson, Susan Knowles Jordan, Fred Boyer, Russ Docken, Rosemary Millette, Sam and Lily Nottleman & T homas M. Wosika



Mountain Man




Anticipation – Yellow Lab, Hunter & Mallards

oi l pa i n t i ng b y Ru s s D o c k e n

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y R o s e m a r y Mi l l e t t e

“The Mountain Man era was a fascinating but short lived time in American History. Today people take special care in recreating the rendezvous of the 1800’s. This is one chracter who posed for me at several rendezvous around the country. They say you shouldn’t paint a portrait larger than the actual size of the human head. Well, I had fun breaking that rule with this painting called ‘Mountain Man’.”

“Decked out with his father’s camo jacket and favorite cap this young hunter waits for the right moment, while seated next to him a well seasoned lab holds steady.”

no. A593027056 | 22" x 32" | $3,400 H.

Ready for Class – Black Lab Puppies

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y R o s e m a r y Mi l l e t t e H

no. A225502182 | 48" x 32" | $7,500

“With retrieving in their blood, this trio of labs looks forward to the coming lessons. For them it is all fun and games.”

no. A593660056 | 18" x 24" | $2,400


K. Nani ‘Oi ‘I (Pretty Orchid)


oi l pa i n t i ng b y T h o m a s M . Wo s i k a

“I felt inspired to carve a pair of small ducks. I chose the Green-winged Teal as my subject matter, as I think the Green-winged Teal is the prettiest of all the smaller duck species. I have seen many while duck-hunting and birding near the Mississippi River, near my home.”

“Orchids, like some women, radiate when allowed to blossom in the right, nurturing enviroment. They are special flowers that share their gentle glory long after other flowers fade. This painting is my statement of appreciation to that sentiment.”

I. Hen no. A621300004 | 10" x 4½" x 5" | $2,900 J. Drake no. A621135004 | 11" x 5" x 6" | $2,900

no. A954587086 33½" x 33½" | $5,000


I. J.


Mr. & Mrs. Green – Green-winged Teal Set

wo od c a rv i ng s b y S a m & Li l y No t t l e m a n


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Water Colors – Loon

oi l pa i n t i ng b y G e n e S t e ve n s “Lake shores are always an interesting place to view wildlife. Whether it be a deer stepping into the shallows for a drink, an eagle perched on a downed tree limb or as in this case a loon silently making its way through some colorful water plants. The possibilities are always a delight to the eye.”

no. A825750510 12" x 13½" | $1,050




Evening Flight

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y B o b Me t ro p u l o s D

Jurassic Memory – Brown Pelican


oi l pa i n t i ng b y G e n e S t e ve n s “With various species of birds or animals we see individuals that remind us of the time when dinosaurs roamed the earth. When watching pelicans whether at rest or in flight, I feel like I’m back in the Jurassic Period.”

“I have always been amazed at the grace and beauty of trumpeter swans as they visit our Wisconsin northwoods.” B.


Barn Owl

no. A569195013 | 12" x 16" | $3,500

oi l pa i n t i ng b y B re t t L o n g l e y “I love exploring stark contrasts in my paintings. For this one, I started on a black canvas to set off this stealthy hunter.”

no. A521070030 22¼" x 17¼" | $1,200

no. A825350034 13½" x 11½" | $1,050



Puffin Peregrine

t u pe l o wo od c a rv i ng on a c h e r ry wo od ba se b y Ji m M a a s “This piece incorporates the rocky coastline, the anticipation of flight and frequent prey species. Abstract puffins may be seen in the cherry base.”

no. A535522832 | 9½"H x 18"W | $5,800 F.

Cape Fear – Cape Buffalo

oi l pa i n t i ng b y B re t t L o n g l e y “I like head shots on certain wildlife and Cape buffalo are one of them. The stance, look, and lighting on this one yearned to be painted.”

no. A521095279 | 20" x 60" | $5,900 12


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featured artists

' Gene Stevens, Brett Longley, Bob Metropulos, Jim Maas & Rollie Brandt

Snacking on Fish – Egret


ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y R o l l i e B ra n d t

“This piece captures the ability of the kestrel to hover over prey in the grasslands. It shows the fierce beauty of this tenacious raptor.”

“I had the privilege of watching this egret from our camper window while camped along the Chippewa River in Minnesota. It was fun to see how it scooped up fish and swallowed them whole, neck bulging! Minnows congregate under the foam caused by the rushing water over the nearby dam, and where there are minnows, there are bigger fish to feed on. It was fun to create a tall thin painting to match the shape of the bird and its refections.”

no. A535491532 | 26½"H x 19"W, kestrel 11" x 10" | $6,700

no. A083711344 217⁄8" x 7" | $2,500

' G.

Open Winged Kestrel

t u pe l o wo od c a rv i ng b y Ji m M a a s G


Blue Heron

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y R o l l i e B ra n d t


“A fascinating bird and this one was fun to observe for a weekend when our camper was parked along the Chippewa River in Minnesota. He would stand and fish in the rushing water and keep his fellow egret ‘ fisherman’ away from HIS spot. This bird was fun to study and paint.”

no. A083025544 | 20" x 14" | $3,000 J




Who, Me? – Northern Saw-whet Owl

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y R o l l i e B ra n d t “This is my first owl painting and it was so much fun. Saw whet owls are native to North America and are one of the smallest species. This one migrated to a park in Iowa in January and was spotted as the evening sun was setting. These tend to not be very skittish and will stare at people. They make a sound like a wet saw.”

no. A083864330 | 14" x 11" | $3,000 K.

Free Range – Chickens

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y R o l l i e B ra n d t “I love to paint chickens and look for opportunities to do so. We visited Forestville State Park, Minnesota and strolled around the historic Forestville townsite (National Register of Historic Places) where chickens roam free among the buildings and barn. I took a few photos and I thought the old barn was a great backdrop when this hen stepped in.”

no. A083219780 | 13¾" x 195⁄8" | $3,500 WILD WINGS

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Bee Happy

ac ry l ic a e ro s ol spr ay pa i n t i ng b y W i l l i a m A . S . Kre u t z “Like many, I’ve become aware of the value of our pollenators and in particular, the plight of the honey bee. I hope people will be inspired to help protect them when they see this painitng.”

no. A483130085 | 24" x 36" | $625 B.

Almost Spring – Red Barn and Road

oi l pa i n t i ng b y B i l l Zi e rk e “I’ve always enjoyed painting old farms and buildings, and the way the melting snow exposed the drive way brought my eye right to the barn.” A

no. A990006589 | 14" x 18" | $895 C.


Preserving Our Heritage

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y A n t h o n y J . Pa d g e t t “This is a painting of my childhood home. While our homestead was in the city of Belleville, Illinois, I always wished it was tucked away in the countryside, so I created this fall scene in my mind. Built in 1893, the homestead needed diligent maintenance to ensure its survival and maintain a small part of our midwestern architectural heritage. The ladder and the 1950’s work truck capture one of those necessary moments of preservation in the home’s 125 year history.”

no. A624605089 | 20" x 30" | $5,000




Let’s Go to the Fair!

oi l pa i n t i ng b y M a r s i e D a n i e l s o n


“The animals, the food, the rides, the exhibits – the Fair has something for everyone. I just had to paint that.”

no. A186141996 | 24" x 36" | $10,000

E. F.

Camp Loon


ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y A n t h o n y J . Pa d g e t t “During a fishing trip on Snowshoe Lake, Ontario, Canada, I ran across this campsite where canoers were spending the night. I added the Canadian National Symbol, the loon, to complete the evening scene.”

Happy Hour

oi l pa i n t i ng b y W i l l i a m A . S . Kre u t z “Like all the images in my Nostalgic Americana Collection, Happy Hour represents memeories and celebrations of shared good times with family and friends doing what I loved best... fishing, camping and sleeping beside the campfire.”

no. A483394098 | 30" x 40" | $5,200

no. A624118010 | 20" x 30" | $5,000 14


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featured artists


William A.S. Kreutz, Bill Zierke, Anthony J. Padgett, Marsie Danielson, John Aldrich & Janene Grende G.


Cinnamon Bear

oi l pa i n t i ng b y Jo h n A l d r i c h


“I chose to paint this black bear in its cinnamon phase simply because you don’t see that as often. I find it appealing.”

no. A020007175 | 30" x 24" | $1,500 I

oi l pa i n t i ng b y Jo h n A l d r i c h



Winter Shed – Whitetail Deer


Back Away Slowly – Bear

“I see alot of beautiful paintings of bucks with impressive racks so I wanted to try something a little different. A kind of ‘warts and all’ view of nature.”

oi l pa i n t i ng b y M a r s i e D a n i e l s o n “A painting should be more than a picture to view. It must evoke an emotion. The feeling I had when looking in the face of a bear is – too close for comfort!”

no. A020715065 | 24" x 36" | $2,500

no. A186065075 | 16" x 16" | $3,950



Northern Gaze – Wolf

oi l pa i n t i ng b y Jo h n A l d r i c h “I am just impressed with the intense gaze of wolves. I deliberately focused on the face by excluding almost everything else.”



no. A020220671 | 24" x 30" | $6,000



Frolicking at the Falls – Black Bear

g ouac h e pa i n t i ng b y Ja n e n e G re n d e “These ideas come to me not because I’ve seen them but because I’ve imagined seeing nature play out. A mother bear and her cubs romping in the water would certainly be a sight to see. The sunlight dappling through the trees, sounds of water in the spring, little grunts of cubs sparing under Mom’s watchful gaze.”

no. A351264275 | 30" x 40" | $4,500 L.


g ouac h e pa i n t i ng b y Ja n e n e G re n d e “This painting has quite a story. I started it in 1999 – but never felt like I had the right visual wolf research to complete it. I was able to go to a wildlife farm where they had seven timber wolves to photograph and sketch. Then it all came together. Some journeys take a little longer.”

no. A351703571 | 24" x 30" | $3,700 WILD WINGS

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oi l pa i n t i ng b y C h e r i e S e r ra n o “Purple cone flowers were my Mom’s favorite flower. Naturally, growing up with them, they now remind me of home.”

no. A850096590 20" x 16" | $750 C.

Rainy Lake

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y C h e r i e S e r ra n o “I'll never grow tired of watching the sunset over Rainy Lake.”


no. A850636289 16" x 20" | $850 A.

Gerber Daisies



oi l pa i n t i ng b y C h e r i e S e r ra n o D.

“After a long winter of blues and browns, these vibrant yellow flowers are a feast for the eyes.”

Kindred Spirits

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y M a rk S u s i n n o

no. A850200290 | 20" x 16" | $750

“This painting was originally intended to be a study for a larger painting, though much changed in the larger painting. I still incorporated the theme of flats fishermen and the wading bird hunting for fish on a sunny flat.”

no. A835400053 | 14" x 18" | $3,500



Soon to Be Released


oi l pa i n t i ng b y M a rk S u s i n n o “I usually paint underwater scenes of fish, but I liked the light ripple patterns on shallow rocks in a photo of a brown trout I had taken just before releasing him back to his pool. I hope he still swims there today.”

no. A835721051 | 14" x 18" | $3,500

F. E

Early Snow Sacajawea Park

oi l pa i n t i ng b y L e e S t ro n c e k “Our city park is one of my favorite haunts. An early October snowfall created a lovely effect worthy, I thought, of a painting.”

no. A838149089 | 14" x 18" | $2,000 16


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featured artists

' Cherie Serrano, Mark Susinno, Fred Boyer & Lee Stroncek

' H.


Midsummer Mosaic – Wildflowers & Mule Deer


oi l pa i n t i ng b y L e e S t ro n c e k “This is a scene from up on Rabbit Ears Pass, near Steamboat Springs, Colorado, which can have fabulous wildflower displays. A pair of mulies in velvet complete the scene.”

no. A838488565 | 11" x 14" | $1,200


Life-size Sculpture!

Autumn Bull

oi l pa i n t i ng b y L e e S t ro n c e k “I just like to paint autumn moose country scenes.”


no. A838033668 | 18" x 24" | $3,000


Autumn Royalty – Elk

bron z e s c u l p t u r e b y F re d B o ye r “One of the most breathtaking sounds of the Rocky Mountain autumn is the primordial bugling of the Rocky Mountain elk.”

no. A117182566 | edition of 10 14' x 10' x 6' | $115,000

The Old Bull’s Last Autumn


oi l pa i n t i ng b y L e e S t ro n c e k “All good things come to an end: A beautiful summer, and an old bull elk who has lived a full life.”

no. A838560066 20" x 16" | $2,200



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Spirit of Yellowstone

oi l pa i n t i ng b y Z a c Ki n k a d e “This piece was part of a wildlife series I am creating that depicts wildlife near the iconic landmarks found within our National Parks. As a child my father took me and my brothers on road trips to many of the great national parks this country has to offer, so I have many treasured memories seeing these animals and landmarks in person. This piece in particular prominently features a herd of bison roaming by Old Faithful as it erupts, creating a rainbow with its steam.”

no. A438721569 | 24" x 36" | $7,900 B. Sands of Time – Whitetail Deer

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Ji m K a s p e r


“I have often observed patterns in nature. I record them with the camera, but had not made use of them before now. These deer were combined with interesting stone patterns where I added to the story with modifications to the stone depicting tracks and parts of deer etched in the sands of time.”

no. A423691065 18" x 24" | $1,800 C.


Time to Hibernate – Black Bears

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Ji m K a s p e r “As the first snow blankets the landscape, it creates an urgency that it is ‘time to hibernate’.”

no. A423742875 | 24" x 30" | $3,600

Ready for Action – Great-horned Owl



ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Ji m K a s p e r “This silent in flight powerful predator is well adapted to survive in most of North America. It is ready for action, though night time and dusk are preferred hunting times. I painted it in full sunlight to show the beautiful soft plumage of this owl though its colors can vary from place to place.”

no. A423676230 12" x 16" | $1,200 18


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featured artists


Zac Kinkade, Jim Kasper, Tony Hilscher, Valeria Yost, Jon Ren & Lee Kromschroeder

' G



Top of His Game – Whitetail Deer


Woodland Wonder

oi l pa i n t i ng b y To n y Hi l s c h e r


“As a sportsman and artist I’ve always had a deep appreciation for the whitetail deer. The uncanny instincts of an elusive mature whitetail buck evading human sightings makes it a favorite subject of mine. This painting depicts a fall scene when he is in his prime, early morning light, catching the aspen trees and accenting the whitetail, at the top of his game!”

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Jo n R e n

no. A339720065 | 11½" x 15½" | $1,250

no. A702155065 | 11" x 14" | $1,250

“My daughter and I discovered this tiny whitetail fawn nestled under a tree on our property while walking to her bus stop one spring morning.”



High Country Gentry

ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Va l e r i a Yo s t “The high mountains and the rough terrain of the back country grow some great looking mule deer. We explored some of this country and all we would usually get was just a glimpse.”

no. A973341065 | 24" x 18" | $5,000


Wildfire – Paint Horse


ac ry l ic pa i n t i ng b y Va l e r i a Yo s t


Wind River Scion – Rearing Horse

oi l pa i n t i ng b y L e e Kro m s c h ro e d e r

“Just one look at the power, beauty and grace of this stallion was enough to tell me he had to be painted! The background happened – it was going to be realistic but the colors just made the horse so much more bold and powerful! Working with big brushes helped with the boldness. An exhilarating painting to paint!”

“Of course the first thing was to show off the power and build of the stallion silhouetted against the dust shrowded herd behind him. I also wanted the push and pull of opposites in the cool blues and lavenders at the top of the painting and the warm gold and oranges at the bottom.”

no. A973839881 | 35½" x 45¼" | $12,000

no. A475874381 | 40" x 30" | $17,000 WILD WINGS

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featured artist

' ' Chris Cummings


Modoc Run

oi l pa i n t i ng by Chris Cummings


“I spent a very memorable year living on a cattle ranch in Surprise Valley, Modoc County, where I got the inspiration for this painting. The ranch was nestled in the valley between the Warner Mountains on the west and the Alkali Flats of Nevada on the east. Storm clouds are gathering as the ranch horses run through the sagebrush foothills.”

no. A190502581 18" x 28" | $3,900 B.



ll the original paintings in this catalog and on our website arrive framed and ready to hang. The custom-designed frame is included in the price. (Actual shipping is additional.)

Fall Run

Shop Online at WILDWINGS.COM


Discover over original works of art including paintings, drawings and sculptures representing over . Enjoy an of genres, subjects, styles and mediums. View artist biographies, photos and inspirations behind their artwork. Artwork is frequently added, so visit us often!

75 artists

incredible variety

Placing your Order: Call 800-445-4833 to place your order or to schedule a personal art consultation. Monday-Friday 8am-7pm CST

oi l pa i n t i ng by Chris Cummings

Call Kerrie Wells at 651-345-6076 to check availability or to place your order. Monday-Friday 7:00am-3:30pm CST

“My palomino thinks it is great fun to challenge the other horses to a race across the meadow. He pays more attention to what they are doing rather than trying to win, and I wanted to capture his expression as he keeps an eye on the competition.”

Visit www.wildwings.com to browse over 1,200 works of original art and place your order online. We will contact you to confirm availability.

no. A190214081 18" x 28" | $3,900



Meet and greet over

40 Artists!

Email us at info@artbrand.com or kerrie.wells@wildwings.com. Interested in acquiring a commissioned piece created just for you? Please contact Kerrie Wells at 651-345-6076.

Two Locations! 18715 Madrone Parkway Morgan Hill, CA 95037 2101 S Hwy 61 • PO Box 451 Lake City, MN 55041-0451

at the Lake City Sportsman’s Club on beautiful Lake Pepin in Lake City, Minnesota For more information and to register for the event call 800-445-4833



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