New Student Textbook

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New Student Textbook Catalogue

COMPUTER science

Computer Science Contents Programming JAVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 – 6 Programming C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Programming Language Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 COBOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Operating Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 – 10 Software Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 – 13 Multimedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 – 15 Web Programming and Development . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 – 17 Mathematical Programming and Numerical Methods . . . . 18

Experience the difference! WileyPLUS combines the complete, dynamic online text with all of the teaching, testing and learning resources instructors and students need, in one easy-to-use system. WileyPLUS is

Electronic Commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

available with many of Wiley’s market-leading

Computer Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

text books denoted throughout this catalogue

Concurrency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

with the WileyPLUS symbol.

Data Structures and Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 – 23

Benefits of WileyPLUS

Computer Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24


The entire textbook online

Systems Analysis and Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24


All of the course resources in one place

Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25


Teaching resources to use in class

Object Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25


Learning resources to fit every learning style

Networks and Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Computer Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Take a look at the benefits of using

Ethics and Professional Issues in Computing . . . . . . . . . . 28

WileyPLUS in your course –

Human Computer Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 – 31


Artificial Intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Information Technology and Information Systems . 33 – 36 Microsoft – Information Workers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 – 38 Microsoft – Developers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Microsoft – IT Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 – 41

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Java For Everyone Compatible with Java 5, 6 & 7 CAY S. HORSTMANN, San Jose State University, USA.

Horstmann delivers the essentials of how to program using Java in a more accessible, less rigorous approach.

Java For Everyone gives an introduction to Java and computer programming that focuses on the essentials and on effective learning. It is suitable for a first course in programming for computer scientists, engineers, and students in other technical or scientific disciplines. No prior programming experience is required, and only a modest amount of high school algebra is needed.


What sets this book apart is its visual approach that motivates the reader and eases navigation. Guidance and worked examples help students succeed by providing starting points and outlining the tasks at hand. Ample practice gives students the confidence they need. From simple programming assignments to self-check questions at the end of each section, Java For Everyone gets students programming in an enjoyable and friendly manner.

4. Loops.


9. Inheritance and Interfaces.

• Provides practical programming instruction to a wide range of students.

10. Collections and Maps.

• Gets students programming as soon as possible. • Highly accessible content – in a market where some texts are viewed as too rigorous.

1. Introduction. 2. Fundamental Data Types. 3. Decisions. 5. Methods. 6. Arrays and Array Lists. 7. Objects and Classes. 8. Input/Output and Exception Handling.

11. Graphics and Event Handling (Web Only). 12. Graphical User Interfaces (Web Only). 13. Recursion (Web Only).

• Assumes students have little or no programming experience.

Appendix A The Basic Latin and Latin-1 Subsets of Unicode.

Supplements: Companion website includes Practice Quiz, Lecture Slides, Image Gallery, Worked Examples, Web Chapters and Art PowerPoints.

Appendix B Java Operator Summary.

WileyPLUS is a web-based application that assists instructors in preparing for classes and lectures and automates the process of assigning and grading homework. It allows students to complete their homework online and receive instant feedback on their work. WileyPLUS for JAVA For Everyone includes: Quickstart presentations by Cay Horstmann, Solutions to all exercises, Test bank, Lecture slides, A complete online version of the text, Lab manual, Source code for all examples in the book, Programming style guide, Help with common compilers, Additional review and programming exercises, “Link-to-text” feature, Computer-assisted grading of code completion and programming exercises within LabRat. 9780471791911 • 515pp • February 2010 • Pbk

Appendix C Java Reserved Word Summary. Appendix D The Java Library. Appendix E Java Syntax Summary. Appendix F Html Summary. Appendix G Tool Summary. Appendix H Javadoc Summary. Appendix I Number Systems. Appendix J Bit and Shift Operations. Appendix K Uml Summary. Appendix L Java Language Coding Guidelines. Glossary. Index.

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Big Java For Java 7 and 8 4th Edition CAY S. HORSTMANN, San Jose State University, USA.

Horstmann provides a comprehensive introduction to fundamental programming techniques and design skills helping the student master basic concepts.

Realistic programming examples, homework assignments, and lab exercises build student problem-solving abilities. The book includes a set of advanced chapters that makes the book suitable for a 2-semester course sequence, or as a comprehensive reference to programming in Java. The homework package includes a great quantity and variety of problem types and the LabRat tool in WileyPLUS permits automated submission and grading of programming assignments.

Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. An Introduction to Objects and Classes. 3. Fundamental Data Types. 4. Decisions.

Features: • The LabRat software has been refocused on helping students PRACTICE programming. • ‘How to Sections’ walk through the steps to solving a problem; using worked examples to apply these steps to motivational examples, such as credit card processing. • Labs and online code-completion problems allow students to tackle larger tasks by breaking them into smaller steps. • More features for the non-linear reader: Example tables present a variety of uses and special cases in a compact format. Common errors, tips, and special topics make it easy to refer back to these topics when solving problems. • Annotated Syntax Boxes call out features of typical example code to draw student attention to the key elements of the syntax. Supplements: Companion website includes Lecture Slides, Review and Programming Solutions, Test Bank, Worked Examples and Art PowerPoint Slides.

5. Iteration. 6. Arrays and Array Lists. 7. Designing Classes. 8. Interfaces and Polymorphism. 9. Inheritance. 10. Input/Output and Exception Handling. 11. Object-Oriented Design. 12. Recursion. 13. Sorting and Searching. 14. An Introduction to Data Structures. 15. Advanced Data Structures. 16. Generic Programming. 17. Graphical User Interfaces (Advanced).

WileyPLUS is a web-based application that assists instructors in preparing for classes and lectures and automates the process of assigning and grading homework. The power of WileyPLUS is that each problem is linked to the relevant section of the interactive book. It allows students to complete their homework online and receive instant feedback on their work. WileyPLUS for Big JAVA includes: Quickstart presentations by Cay Horstmann, Solutions to all exercises, Test bank, Lecture slides that summarize each chapter and include code listings and figures, A complete online version of the text, Lab manual, Source code for all examples in the book, Additional review and programming exercises, “Link-to-text” feature.

18. Streams and Binary Input/Output (Advanced). 19. Multithreading (Advanced). 20. Internet Networking (Advanced). 21. Relational Databases (Advanced). 22. Xml (Advanced). 23. Web Applications (Advanced).

9780470553091 • 1152pp • February 2010 • Pbk


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Java Concepts For Java 7 and 8 6th Edition CAY S. HORSTMANN, San Jose State University, USA.

This book introduces programmers to objects at a gradual pace.

Providing a comprehensive introduction to fundamental programming techniques and design skills helping the student master basic concepts. Includes realistic programming examples, homework assignments, and lab exercises which build student problem-solving abilities.

Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. An Introduction to Objects and Classes. 3. Fundamental Data Types.

Features: • Introduces programmers to objects at a gradual pace. • The syntax boxes are revised to show typical code examples rather than abstract notation. This includes optional example modules using Alice and Greenfoot.

4. Decisions. 5. Iteration. 6. Arrays and Array Lists. 7. Designing Classes.

• The examples feature annotations with dos and don’ts along with cross references to more detailed explanations in the text.

8. Interfaces and Polymorphism.

• New tables show a large number of typical and cautionary examples. New programming and review problems are also presented that ensure a broad coverage of topics.

10. Input/Output and Exception Handling.

• In addition, Java 7 features are included to provide programmers with the most up-to-date information.

13. Sorting and Searching.

Supplements: Companion website includes Lecture slides, test bank, solutions, worked examples and online chapters.

15. Advanced Data Structures (Web Only).

WileyPLUS is a web-based application that assists instructors in preparing for classes and lectures and automates the process of assigning and grading homework. The power of WileyPLUS is that each problem is linked to the relevant section of the interactive book. It allows students to complete their homework online and receive instant feedback on their work.

9. Inheritance. 11. Object-Oriented Design. 12. Recursion. 14. An Introduction to Data Structures. 16. Generic Programming (Web Only). 17. Graphical User Interfaces (Web Only). Appendix A – L. Glossary. Index.

WileyPLUS for Java Concepts includes: A complete online version of the text, Animations of key concepts, Self-check practice problems for students, Source code for problems, A “Link-to-text” feature, LabRat homework grading tool, Code completion exercises, Programming exercises, Test bank, Review exercises, Instructor’s image gallery, Presentation Slides, Instructor’s solutions to programming exercises and source code, WileyPLUS/Quickstart presentations. 9780470561591 • 688pp • January 2010 • Pbk

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PROGRAMMING JAVA Introduction to Programming and Object Oriented Design Using Java 3rd Edition JAIME NIÑO FREDERICK A. HOSCH, both of University of New Orleans, USA. Now in the third edition, this key title emphasizes object oriented design while enabling readers to get relevant exposure to Java syntax throughout the text. Features: • Sophisticated but accessible writing style. • Learners actually apply design and testing concepts. 9780470128718 • 1040pp • 2008 Pbk

• Highlights syntax without distracting from design fundamentals. Contents: Introduction to Object-Oriented Software Design. 1 Data Abstraction: Introductory Concepts. 2 Defining a Simple Class. 3 Designing Interacting Classes. 4 Conditions. 5 Programming by Contract. 6 Testing. 7 Building a Text-Based User Interface. 8 The Software Life Cycle: Building a Complete System. 9 Specifying Clients: Interfaces. 10 Class Subtyping and Inheritance. 11 Modeling with Abstraction. 12 Lists. 13 Arrays. 14 Sorting and Searching. 15 Failures and Exceptions. 16 Stream I/O. 17 Building a Graphical User Interface. 18 Integrating User Interface and Model: The Model-View Controller Pattern. 19 Recursion. 20 Generic Structures. 21 Implementing Lists: Linked Implementations. 22 Iterators. Supplement A: Systems and Software. B: Programming Errors. C: Applets. D: Enumeration Types: The Rest of the Story. Appendix I: Compiling, Executing, and Documenting. II: DrJava. III: Controls and Basic Latin: The First 128 Unicode Characters.


Java Programming 24-Hour Trainer YAKOV FAIN

A unique book-and-video package presented by Java guru Yakov Fain. As one of the most popular software languages for building Web applications. The latest version includes numerous updates that both novice and experienced developers need to know. Java authority Yakov Fain fully covers Javas new features as well as its language extensions, classes and class methods, and the Swing Application Framework. Features: • Features a unique book-and-DVD combination that starts from scratch and introduces newcomers to Java. 9780470889640 • 696pp January 2011 • Pbk

• Integrates instructional videos with each lesson in the book, teaching by doing! • Each lesson includes hands-on programming exercises to enrich your learning experience. • Shares easy-to-follow lessons, step-by-step instructions, screen shots, and supplemental exercises Contents: Introduction. 1 Introducing Java. 2 Eclipse Ide. 3 Object-Oriented Programming. 4 Class Methods. 5 Back to Java Basics. 6 Packages, Interfaces, and Encapsulation. 7 With Abstract Classes and Interfaces. 8 Introducing the Graphic User Interface. 9 Event Handling in Ui. 10 Introduction to Java Applets. 11 Developing a Tic-Tac-Toe Applet. 12 Developing a Ping-Pong Game. 13 Error Handling. 14 Introduction to Collections. 15 Introduction to Generics. 16 Working with Streams. 17 Java Serialization. 18 Network Programming. 19 Processing E-Mails with Java. 20 To Multi-Threading. 21 Digging Deeper into Concurrent Execution. 22 Working with Databases using Jdbc. 23 Swing with Jtable. 24 Annotations and Reflection. 25 Remote Method Invocation. 26 Java Ee 6 Overview. 27 Programming with Servlets. 28 Javaserver Pages. 29 Applications with Jsf. 30 Introducing Jms and Mom. 31 Introducing Jndi. 32 Introduction to Enterprise Javabeans. 33 Introduction to The Java Persistence Api. 34 Restful Web Services. 35 Introduction to Spring Mvc Framework. 36 Introduction to Hibernate Framework. 37 Javafx To The Mix. 38 Java Technical Interviews. Appendix: What’s on the DVD? Using the DVD on a PC. Using the DVD on a Mac. What’s on the DVD? Troubleshooting. Customer Care. Index. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials available with this product.


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C++ for Everyone 2nd Edition CAY S. HORSTMANN, San Jose State University, USA.

Thorough and updated coverage on all the essential C++ concepts. It is the go-to guide for getting started with C++! Aimed at providing a solid foundation in programming with C++, this new edition incorporates programming exercises with helpful self-check questions that reinforce the concepts discussed throughout the book. Students will benefit from the howto sections that show how concepts are applied and advanced materials are featured on the accompanying website when readers are ready to take their programming skills to the next level. Features: • Shows how to use C++ to your benefit. • Includes advice for avoiding pitfalls. • Incorporates self-check questions and programming exercises to reinforce what you learn. Contents: 1 Introduction. 2 Fundamental Data Types. 3 Decisions. 4 Loops. 5 Functions. 6 Arrays and Vectors. 7 Pointers. 8 Streams. 9 Classes. 10 Inheritance. 9780470927137 • 534pp • October 2011 Pbk

Big C++ 2nd Edition CAY S. HORSTMANN TIMOTHY A. BUDD, both of San Jose State University, USA.

Providing in-depth coverage of advanced principles and applications of object-oriented programming using C++. Features: • Guidance and worked examples help students succeed. • Abundant practice tools build student confidence and skills. • Technically accurate and detailed. • Comprehensive coverage provides a deep grounding in object-oriented programming and the C++ language. Contents: Fundamental C++. 1 Introduction. 2 Numbers and Objects. 3 Control Flow. 4 Functions. 5 Classes. 6 Vectors and Arrays. 7 Pointers. 8 Inheritance. 9 Streams Algorithms and Data Structures. 10 Recursion. 11 Sorting and Searching. 12 Lists, Queues, and Stacks. 13 Sets, Maps, and Priority Queues Advanced C++. 14 Operator Overloading. 15 Memory Management. 16 Templates. 17 Exception Handling. 18 Name Scope Management. 19 Class Hierarchies. 20 The Standard Template Library. 21 The C++ 0x Standard OO Design. 22 Object-Oriented Design. 23 The Unified Modeling Language. 24 An Introduction to Design Patterns. Applications. 25 Graphical User Interfaces. 26 Relational Databases (Web only.) 27 XML (Web only). Appendices. Supplements: WileyPlus Solutions Manual, Source Code, PowerPoint slides, TB, Lab Manual. 9780470383285 • 1088pp • 2009 • Pbk Adoption price available on request


Ivor Horton’s Beginning Visual C++ 2010 Edition IVOR HORTON

The leading author of programming tutorials introduces you to Visual C++ 2010. A comprehensive introduction to both the Standard C++ language and to Visual C++ 2010; no previous programming experience is required. Features: • Microsoft Visual C++ is one of the most popular C++ development environments and compilers, used by hundreds of thousands of developers. • Covers all the language changes in Visual C++ 2010, library additions, new MFC features, changes in the Visual Studio development environment, and more. Contents: Introduction. 1 Programming with Visual C++ 2010. 2 Data, Variables, and Calculations. 3 Decisions and Loops. 4 Arrays, Strings, and Pointers. 5 Introducing Structure into your Programs. 6 More about Program Structure. 7 Defining your own Data Types. 8 More on Classes. 9 Class Inheritance and Virtual Functions. 10 The Standard Template Library. 11 Debugging Techniques. 12 Windows Programming Concepts. 13 Programming for Multiple Cores. 14 Windows Programming with the Microsoft Foundation Classes. 15 Working with Menus and Toolbars. 16 Drawing in a Window. 17 Creating the Document and Improving the View. 18 Working with Dialogs and Controls. 19 Storing and Printing Documents. 20 Writing your own DLL’s. Index. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials available with this product. 9780470500880 • 1272pp • April 2010 • Pbk

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PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE CONCEPTS Programming Language Design Concepts DAVID A. WATT, University of Glasgow, UK. This book explains the concepts underlying programming languages, and demonstrates how these concepts are synthesized in the major paradigms: imperative, OO, concurrent, functional, logic and scripting. Features: • Java, C and C++ used as exemplar languages. • Additional case-study languages Python, Haskell, Prolog and Ada. • Deepens study by examining the motivation of programming languages not just their features.

9780470853207 • 492pp • 2004 Pbk

Contents: Preface. Part I: Introduction. 1 Programming Languages. Part II: Basic Concepts. 2 Values and Types. 3 Variables and Storage. 4 Bindings and Scope. 5 Procedural Abstraction. Part III: Advanced Concepts. 6 Data Abstraction. 7 Generic Abstraction. 8 Type Systems. 9 Control Flow. 10 Concurrency (by William Findlay). Part IV: Paradigms. 11 Imperative Programming. 12 Object-Oriented Programming. 13 Concurrent Programming (by William Findlay). 14 Functional Programming. 15 Logic Programming. 16 Scripting. Part V: Conclusion. 17 Language Selection. 18 Language Design. Bibliography. Glossary. Index. Supplements: Companion Website containing slide presentations and sample solutions to most of the exercises.

COBOL COBOL For The 21st Century 11th Edition NANCY STERN, Hofstra University ROBERT A. STERN, Nassau Community College JAMES P. LEY, University of Wisconsin-Stout, USA. Now in its eleventh edition, COBOL for the 21st Century continues to show how to design COBOL programs that are easy to read, debug, modify and maintain. Students will learn how to write interactive programs as well as batch programs with sophisticated file processing techniques, and become familiar with valuable information processing and systems concepts.

9780471722618 • 832pp • 2005 Pbk


Contents: Unit 1: The Basics. 1 An Introduction to Structured Program Design in COBOL. 2 The Identification and Environment Divisions. 3 The Data Division. 4 Coding Complete COBOL Programs: The Procedure Division. Unit II: Designing Structured Programs. 5 Designing and Debugging Batch and Interactive COBOL Programs. 6 Moving Data, Printing Information, and Displaying Output Interactively. 7 Computing in COBOL: The Arithmetic Verbs and Intrinsic Functions. 8 Decision Making using the IF and Evaluate Statements. 9 Iteration: Beyond the Basic Perform. Unit III: Writing High-Level COBOL Programs. 10 Control Break Processing. 11 Data Validation. 12 Array Processing and Table Handling. Unit IV: File Maintenance: 13 Sequential File Processing. 14 Sorting and Merging. 15 Indexed and Relative Rile Processing. Unit V: Advanced Topics. 16 Improving Program Performance Using the COPY, CALL and Other Statements. 17 The Report Writer Module. Appendices. A: COBOL Character Set and Reserved Words. B: Differences Among the COBOL Standards. C: Glossary.

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Operating Systems in Depth THOMAS W. DOEPPNER, Brown University, USA.

The goal of this book is to bring together and explain current practice in operating systems.

This includes much of what is traditionally covered in operating-system textbooks: concurrency, scheduling, linking and loading, storage management (both real and virtual), file systems, and security. However, the book also covers issues that come up every day in operating-systems design and implementation but are not often taught in undergraduate courses. For example, the text includes:


• Deferred work, which includes deferred and asynchronous procedure calls in Windows, tasklets in Linux, and interrupt threads in Solaris.

4. Operating-System Design.

• The intricacies of thread switching, on both uniprocessor and multiprocessor systems.

6. File Systems.

• Modern file systems, such as ZFS and WAFL.

8. Security.

• Distributed file systems, including CIFS and NFS version 4.

9. Introduction to Networking.

The book and its accompanying significant programming projects make students come to grips with current operating systems and their major operating-system components and to attain an intimate understanding of how they work.

10. Distributed File Systems.

1. Introduction. 2. Multithreaded Programming. 3. Basic Concepts. 5. Processor Management. 7. Memory Management.

Designed for a one-semester operating-systems course for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students. Prerequisites for the course generally include an introductory course on computer architecture and an advanced programming course. Features: • A variety of accompanying projects help students attain an intimate understanding of how the major operating-systems components work. • Organization of Table of Contents helps make a comprehensive programming project possible. For example, Chapter 2 provides a full tutorial on how to write multithreaded programs, both using POSIX threads and Windows threads. Though the material covers such programming from an applicationprogram perspective, both the concepts and the practice apply to programming within an operating system. • Three types of end-of-chapter exercises provide plenty of practice. These include unstarred, starred, and two-starred problems that range from quick and easy review to challenging, exam type problems. 9780471687238 • 444pp • December 2010 • Hbk

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Operating System Concepts 8th Edition ABRAHAM SILBERSCHATZ, Yale University PETER B. GALVIN, Corporate Technologies GREG GAGNE, Westminster College, USA.

The market-leading book that covers the latest and most relevant systems.

Continuing to provide a solid theoretical foundation for understanding operating systems, by staying current, relevant, and adapting to emerging course needs.

Also Available:

This market-leading text has continued to define the operating systems course. This text digs deeper to uncover those fundamental concepts that have remained constant throughout the evolution of today's operation systems. Features: • Coverage of the latest and most relevant systems, including Windows XP, Linux, Solaris and FreeBSD (Unix). • All code examples are written in C and Java. • Over 15 new programming exercises that emphasize processes, threads, shared memory, process synchronization, and networking. Contents: Part I: Overview. 1 Introduction. 2 Operating-System Structures. Part 2: Process Management. 3 Processes. 4 Threads. 5 CPU Scheduling. 6 Process Synchronization. 7 Deadlocks. Part 3: Memory Management. 8 Main Memory. 9 Virtual Memory. Part 4: Storage Management. 10 File-System Interface. 11 File-System Implementation. 12 Mass-Storage Structure. 13 I/O Systems. Part 5: Protection and Security. 14 Protection. 15 Security. Part 6: Distributed Systems. 16 Distributed System Structure. 17 Distributed File Systems. 18 Distributed Coordination. Part 7: Special Purpose Systems. 19 Real-Time Systems. 20 Multimedia Systems. Part 8: Case Studies. 21 The Linux System. 22 Windows XP. 23 Influential Operating Systems. Supplements: WileyPLUS, OS Simulators, Solutions Manual, Source Code. WileyPLUS is a web-based application that assists instructors in preparing for classes and lectures and automates the process of assigning and grading homework. The power of WileyPLUS is that each problem is linked to the relevant section of the interactive book. WileyPLUS for Operating System Concepts includes: A complete online version of the text, Presentation Slides, Student Source Code, Student Labs, A “Link-to-text”, Approximately 500 assessment problems, Instructor’s Solutions Manual, Presentation Slide, Instructor’s Source Code, WileyPLUS/ Quickstart assignments. 9780470233993 • 992pp • 2009 • Pbk

Operating System Concepts with Java 8th Edition ABRAHAM SILBERSCHATZ, Yale University PETER B. GALVIN, Corporate Technologies GREG GAGNE, Westminster College, USA. An alternative version of the bestselling Silberschatz text offering a core version of the text for students. Contents: 1 Introduction. 2 System Structures. 3 Process Concept. 4 Multithreaded Programming. 5 Process Scheduling. 6 Synchronization. 7 Deadlocks. 8 Memory-Management Strategies. 9 Virtual-Memory Management. 10 File-System. 11 Implementing File-Systems. 12 SecondaryStorage Structure. 13 I/O Systems. 14 System Protection. 15 System Security. 16 The Linux System. 17 Windows XP. 18 Influential Operating Systems. 19 Distributed System Structures (online). 20 Distributed File Systems (online). 21 Distributed Synchronization (online). 22 Real-Time Systems (online). 23 Multimedia Systems (online). This text also comes with WileyPLUS. Find out more at 9780470398791 • 928pp • February 2010 Hbk


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SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Software Engineering Modern Approaches, 2nd Edition ERIC J. BRAUDE, MICHAEL E. BERNSTEIN, both of Boston University, USA.

The most comprehensive and practical introduction to the principles of software through a balance of concepts and applications. The updated and expanded second edition builds on the object-oriented approach and explains contemporary methods in software engineering, including agile and open source approaches. Written to communicate the complexity of software engineering, the text combines practical industrial experience with up-to-date academic experience to give students a feel for the complexity and important issues of real-world development. Features: 9780471692089 • 782pp June 2010 • Hbk

• Up-to-date: covers agile practices and develops open source practices. • Two new open source case studies. • Several cases studies are included at the end of each major part of the book. • Gives how-to information for building application in team settings. Contents: Part I: Introduction to Software Engineering. 1 The Goals and Terminology of Software Engineering. 2 Introduction to Quality and Metrics in Software Engineering. Part II: Software Process. 3 Software Process. 4 Agile Software Processes. 5 Quality in the Software Process. 6 Software Configuration Management. Part III: Project Management. 7 Principles of Software Project Management I: Organization, Tools, and Risk Management. 8 Principles of Software Project Management II: Estimation, Scheduling, and Planning. 9 Quality and Metrics in Project Management. Part IV: Requirements Analysis. 10 Principles of Requirements Analysis. 11 Analyzing High-Level Requirements. 12 Analyzing Detailed Requirements. 13 Quality and Metrics in Requirements Analysis. 14 Online Chapter – Formal and Emerging Methods in Requirements Analysis as follows: An Introduction. Part V: Software Design. 15 Principles of Software Design. 16 The Unified Modeling Language. 17 Software Design Patterns. 18 Software Architecture. 19 Detailed Design. 20 Design Quality and Metrics. 21 Online Chapter – Advanced and Emerging Methods in Software Design. Part VI: Implementation. 22 Principles of Implementation. 23 Quality and Metrics in Implementation. 24 Refactoring. Part VII: Testing and Maintenance. 25 Introduction to Software Testing. 26 Unit Testing. 27 Module and Integration Testing. 28 Testing at the System Level. 29 Software Maintenance.


Discovering Requirements How to Specify Products and Services IAN ALEXANDER, Pennsylvania State University, USA LJERKA BEUS-DUKIC, University of Northumbria, UK.

“This book is not only of practical value. It’s also a lot of fun to read.” MICHAEL JACKSON, The Open University, UK. Discovering Requirements offers a set of simple, robust, and effective cognitive tools for building requirements. Using worked examples throughout the text, it shows you how to develop an understanding of any problem. 9780470712405 • 476pp • 2009 Pbk

This easy to read guide is full of carefully-checked tips and tricks. Illustrated with worked examples, checklists, summaries, keywords and exercises, this book will encourage you to move closer to the real problems you’re trying to solve. Guest boxes from other experts give you additional hints for your projects. Invaluable for anyone specifying requirements including IT practitioners, engineers, developers, business analysts, test engineers, configuration managers, quality engineers and project managers. A practical sourcebook for lecturers as well as students studying software engineering who want to learn about requirements work in industry. Once you’ve read this book you will be ready to create good requirements! Contents: Dedication. Acknowledgements. Foreword. 1 Introduction. 2 Stakeholders. 3 Goals. 4 Context, Interfaces, Scope. 5 Scenarios. 6 Qualities Apprenticeship. 7 Rationale and Assumptions. 8 Definitions. 9 Measurements. 10 Priorities. 11 Requirements from Individuals. 12 Requirements from Groups. 13 Requirements from Things. 14 Trade-Offs. 15 Putting it all Together. Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. Bibliography. Glossary. Abstracts.

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Software Engineering

Requirements Engineering

Software Architecture

Principles and Practice

From System Goals to UML Models to Software Specifications

Foundations, Theory, and Practice

AXEL VAN LAMSWEERDE, University Catholique de Louvain, Belguim.

R.N. TAYLOR, University of California, NENAD MEDVIDOVIC and ERIC M. DASHOFY both of California Aerospace Corporation, USA.

3rd Edition HANS VAN VLIET, Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This classic textbook is fully revised and updated to include the latest advances in software engineering, including agile methods, open source and UML2. Integral to this authors approach to the subject is the focus on managerial aspects and human factors involved in software projects. To reflect the changes taking place within software engineering, the new edition includes a major update on architecture, sections on the new developments such as UML2 and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products. Contents: Foreword. Preface. 1 Introduction. Part I: Software Management. 2 Introduction to Software Engineering Management. 3 The Software Life Cycle Revisited. 4 Configuration Management. 5 People Management and Team Organization. 6 On Managing Software Quality. 7 Cost Estimation. 8 Project Planning and Control. Part II: The Software Life Cycle. 9 Requirements Engineering. 10 Modeling. 11 Software Architecture. 12 Software Design. 13 Software Testing. 14 Software Maintenance. 15 Software Tools. Part III: Advanced Topics. 16 User Interface Design. 17 Software Reusability. 18 Component-Based Software Engineering. 19 Service Orientation. 20 Global Software Development. Bibliography. Index. 9780470031469 • 740pp • 2008 • Hbk

Comprehensive coverage of the fundamentals of requirements engineering. State of the art in both requirements engineering and a systematic method for engineering high-quality requirements. It introduces fundamental concepts and principles. Contents broken down into four parts: Part 1: Fundamentals of Requirements Engineering. 1 Setting the Scene. 2 Domain Analysis and Requirements Elicitation. 3 Requirements Evaluation. 4 Requirements Specification and Documentation. 5 Requirements Quality Assurance. 6 Requirements Evolution. 7 Goal-Orientation in Requirements Engineering. Part 2: Building System Models for Requirements Engineering. 8 Modeling System Objectives with Goal Diagrams. 9 Anticipating What Could Go Wrong: Risk Analysis on Goal Models. 10 Modeling Conceptual Objects with Class Diagrams. 11 Modeling System Agents and Responsibilities. 12 Modeling System Operations. 13 Modeling System Behaviors. 14 Integrating Multiple System Views. 15 A Goal-Oriented Model Building Method in Action. Part 3: Reasoning About System Models. 16 Semi-Formal Reasoning for Model Analysis and Exploitation. 17 Formal Specification of System Models. 18 Formal Reasoning for Specification Construction and Analysis. Bibliography. Appendix: Requirements Document Generated from a Goal-Oriented Model.

Insights in this book will enable better understanding of the unique issues involved in the development of large software systems. Providing both students and professionals with a comprehensive treatment of architecture-centric development. It describes how to develop products and serves as a reference for the array of techniques, modeling notations, standards, and methods comprising the approach. With a central focus on design it emphasizes that design permeates the entire software lifecycle. It also contains long-term relevance and comprehensive scope, a synthesis of more than 15 years of work on software architecture from both academic research and industrial practice. Contents: 1 The Big Idea. 2 Architectures in Context: The Reorientation of Software Engineering. 3 Basic Concepts. 4 Designing Architectures. 5 Connectors. 6 Modeling. 7 Visualization. 8 Analysis. 9 Implementation. 10 Deployment and Mobility. 11 Applied Architectures and Styles. 12 Designing for Non-Functional Properties. 13 Security and Trust. 14 Architectural Adaptation. 15 DomainSpecific Software Engineering. 16 Standards. 17 People, Roles and Teams. 9780470167748 • 712pp • 2009 • Hbk

Supplements: Limited version of the Objectiver tool, Model Fragments from the book to play, Solutions Manual. 9780470012703 • 712pp • 2009 • Pbk


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Software Testing and Analysis

Testing Computer Software

Requirements Engineering

Process, Principles and Techniques

2nd Edition

Processes and Techniques


G. KOTONYA I. SOMMERVILLE, both of University of Lancaster, UK

MICHAL YOUNG, University of Oregon, USA MAURO PEZZE, University of Milan, Italy. Effectively teaches readers how to test and analyze software to achieve an acceptable level of quality at an acceptable cost. Readers will be able to minimize software failures, increase quality, and effectively manage costs.

Thousands of people have already relied on this bestselling classic guide to learn how to test computer software under realworld conditions. Written by highly experienced test managers at well-known Silicon Valley software companies, this book shows how to produce high quality products under tight time and budget constraints.


What you will learn:

• Covers techniques that are suitable for near-term application, with sufficient technical background to indicate how and when to apply them.

• How to find important bugs quickly.

• Presents software testing and static analysis techniques in a coherent framework as complementary approaches for achieving adequate quality at acceptable cost. Contents: 1 Introduction. 2 Software Management. 3 The Software Life Cycle Revisited. 4 Configuration Management. 5 People Management and Team Organization. 6 On Managing Software Quality. 7 Cost Estimation. 8 Project Planning and Control. 9 Requirements Engineering. 10 Software Architecture. 11 Software Design. 12 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. 13 Testing. 14 Software Maintenance. 15 Formal Specification. 16 User Interface Design. 17 Software Reusability. 18 Software Reliability. 19 Software Tools. 9780471455936 • 488pp • 2007 • Pbk

• How to describe software errors clearly. • How to create a testing plan with a minimum of paperwork. • How to design and use a bug-tracking system. • Where testing fits in the product development process. • How to test products that will be translated into other languages. • How to test for compatibility with devices, such as printers. • What laws apply to software quality. Contents: Fundamentals. 1 An Example Test Series. 2 The Objectives and Limits of Testing. 3 Test Types and their Place in the Software Development Process. 4 Software Errors. 5 Reporting and Analyzing Bugs. Specific Testing Skills. 6 The Problem Tracking System. 7 Test Case Design. 8 Testing Printers (and other devices). 9 Localization Testing. 10 Testing User Manuals. 11 Testing Tools. 12 Test Planning and Test Documentation. Managing Testing Projects and Groups. 13 Tying it Together. 14 Legal Consequences of Defective Software. 15 Managing a Testing Group. Appendix. References. Index. About the Authors.

Offering the most comprehensive coverage of the requirements engineering process to date – from initial requirements elicitation through to requirements validation. As there is no one catch-all technique applicable to all types of system, requirements engineers need to know about a range of different techniques. Data-flow and object-oriented models are covered as well as some promising new ones. They are all based on real systems descriptions to demonstrate the applicability of the approach. Principally written for senior undergraduate and graduate students studying computer science, software engineering or systems engineering, this text will also be helpful for those in industry new to requirements engineering. Contents: Introduction. Part 1: The Requirements Engineering Process. 1 Requirements Engineering Processes. 2 Requirements Elicitation and Analysis. 3 Requirements Validation. 4 Requirements Management. Part 2: Requirements Engineering Techniques. 5 Methods for Requirements Engineering. 6 Viewpoint-oriented Approaches. 7 Non-functional Requirements. 8 Interactive System Requirements. Case Study. 9780471972082 • 294pp • 1998 • Hbk

9780471358466 • 496pp • 1999 • Pbk

For general enquiries, please email:



Digital Multimedia 3rd Edition NIGEL CHAPMAN JENNY CHAPMAN, both of MacAvon Media Productions, UK.

This bestselling foundation text in multimedia is a comprehensive resource covering the basic principles of each media type – text, graphics, audio, animation and video.

A new, full colour edition of a best-selling resource. It not only covers each media type; it describes their digitization, and discusses the issues that arise when media are combined. There is a completely revised and re-written pedagogy which takes account of substantial instructor feedback, as well as market research and development on other Chapman titles. There is also a web/Flash emphasis and proper coverage of MPEG4 and DVD in line with current technology trends. Features:

Contents: Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. Fundamentals. 3. Vector Graphics. 4. Bitmapped Images.

• Platform independent – all the major media software authoring packages are surveyed and examples run on PCs and Macs. • The companion Website features projects, examples, demonstrations, practical hints for creating multimedia, links to technical resources and links to other sites of interest, and hints and solutions to selected exercises. • New revision and test questions and answers included, along with new practical exercises and discussion topics. • Significantly revised coverage of colour, video, animation, hypertext and hypermedia, design principles and scripting and interactivity.

5. Colour. 6. Video. 7. Animation. 8. Sound. 9. Text and Typography. 10. Hypermedia. 11. Design Principles.

• New revision and test questions and answers included, along with new practical exercises and discussion topics.

12. Interactivity.

• Book revised in light of technological developments and recent thinking about accessibility. Good coverage of XHTML and XML.

14. Scripting.

9780470512166 • 732pp • 2009 • Pbk

16. Multimedia and Networks.

13. Accessibility.

15. XML and Multimedia.

Appendix: Standards.


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MULTIMEDIA Introduction to Computer Music NICK COLLINS, University of Sussex, UK.

An essential first point of reference introduction to the field. An up-to-date, core undergraduate text, Introduction to Computer Music deals with both the practical use of technology in music and the key principles underpinning the discipline. It targets both musicians exploring computers, and technologists engaging with music, and does so in the confidence that both groups can learn tremendously from the cross-disciplinary encounter. It is designed to approach computer music as its own subject and strongly bridge the arts to computing divide, benefiting and reconciling both musicians and computer scientists.

9780470714553 • 396pp • 2009 Pbk

Students will need little or no prior experience of computer programming itself, and may not have an extensive background in mathematics or music, but this highly engaging textbook will help them master many disciplines at once, with a focus on both fascinating theories and exciting practical applications. Contents: How to use this book. Conventions. 1 Introduction. 2 Recording. 3 Analysis. 4 Processing. 5 Synthesis. 6 Interaction. 7 Networks. 8 Composition. 9 Modeling. 10 Conclusions.



Teaching Web designers, developers, and IT professionals how to use the new version of SharePoint Designer.

9780470643167 • 600pp November 2010 • Pbk

Covering both the design and business applications of SharePoint Designer, this complete Wrox guide brings readers thoroughly up to speed on how to use SharePoint Designer in an enterprise. You’ll learn to create and modify web pages, use CSS editing tools to modify themes, use Data View to create interactivity with SharePoint and other data, and much more. Coverage includes integration points with Visual Studio, Visio, and InfoPath. Features: • Covers both the design and business application of SharePoint Designer 2010. • Delves into modifying and enhancing every aspect of your SharePoint site not just the look and feel. Contents: Introduction. Part I: The Lay of The Land. 1 Exploring Sharepoint Designer. Part II: Let’s Get Visual. 2 Editing Pages. 3 The Anatomy of a Sharepoint Page. 4 Publishing Pages. 5 Styles and Themes. Part III: Data Galore. 6 Lists, Libraries, and Internal Content Types. 7 Data Sources and External Content Types. 8 Xslt Data Views and Forms. 9 Infopath Integration. Part IV: Taking Action. 10 Web Part Connections. 11 Workflow Basics. 12 Advanced Workflows. 13 Client-Side Programming In Javascript. 14 Client-Side Programming in Silverlight. Appendix A: A Brief History of Sharepoint and Sharepoint Designer. Appendix B: Just what is Sharepoint Anyway? Index.

For general enquiries, please email:





ASP.NET 3.5 Website Programming Problem – Design – Solution

Beginning HTML, XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript



The most popular and discussed book in the reader discussion forums.

An essential update to the key web authoring standards of HTML, XHTML, and CSS.

Uses the popular Problem; Design; Solution format to help readers, especially those who know how to code specific ASP.NET features, learn to “put it all together” into a complete Web application. Emphasizes n-tier ASP.NET Web application architectural design, something intermediate and advanced ASP.NET developers need and can’t find anywhere else. Covers registration and membership system, polls, mailing lists, forums, shopping carts and localization. Developers also learn to handle master pages, themes, profiles, Web parts, server-side UI controls, compilation, deployment, instrumentation and much more. Contents: Introduction. 1 Introducing the Project: The Beer House. 2 Developing the Site Design. 3 Planning an Architecture. 4 Membership and User Profiling. 5 News and Article Management. 6 Opinion Polls. 7 Newsletters. 8 Forums. 9 E-Commerce Store. 10 Calendar of Events. 11 Photo Gallery. 12 Localizing the Site. 13 Deploying the Site. 9780470187586 • 648pp • 2009 • Pbk

The existence of Web pages depends on three vital technologies: HTML (base language that Web pages are written in), XHTML (standards that define how to write HTML pages), and CSS (standard that applies formatting styles to Web pages). This new edition provides you with critical coverage of these three Web authoring standards, and places special focus on the upcoming releases of HTML 5 and CSS 3. Serving as a tutorial and reference, this comprehensive resource explains the basic structure and necessary formatting to create a static (non-changing) and dynamic (changing) page on the Internet. Contents: Introduction. 1 Structuring Documents for the Web. 2 Links and Navigation. 3 Images, Audio, and Video. 4 Tables. 5 Forms. 6 Frames. 7 Cascading Style Sheets. 8 More Cascading Style Sheets. 9 Page Layout. 10 Design Issues. 11 Learning JavaScript. 12 Working with JavaScript. 13 Putting Your Site on the Web. 14 Checklists. Appendix A: Answers to Exercises. Appendix B: XHTML Element Reference. Appendix C: CSS Properties. Appendix D: Color Names and Values. Appendix E: Character Encodings. Appendix F: Special Characters. Appendix G: Language Codes. Appendix H: MIME Media Types. Appendix I: Deprecated and Browser – Specific Markup. Index.

Web Application Architecture Principles, Protocols and Practices 2nd Edition LEON SHKLAR, Thomson Reuters RICH ROSEN, Interactive Data Corporation, USA. Providing an in-depth examination of the core concepts and general principles of web application development, using examples from specific technologies. This conceptual knowledge is critical when designing and debugging complex systems, and makes it easier to learn the new application programming interfaces (APIs) that arise in the rapidly changing Internet environment. Written by two respected authors, especially admired in the US. Features: • Covering a range of new technologies, including Ruby on Rails, Spring and service-oriented architecture. • Split into three sections: HTPP protocol as a foundation for web applications; Discussion of markup languages such as HTML, XML and CSS; Survey of emerging technologies. Contents: 1 Preface. 2 Core Protocols. 3 HTTP and the Web. 4 HTML and its Roots. 4 XML Languages and Applications. 5 Web Servers. 6 Web Browsers. 7 Active Browser Pages from JavaScript to AJAX. 8 Web Application Development. 9 Approaches and Platforms. 10 Application Primer: Virtual Realty Listing Services. 11 Application Primer Take 2: Ruby on Rails. 12 Search. 13 Trends and Directions. Conclusions. 9780470518601 • 440pp • 2009 • Pbk

Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are available with this product. 9780470540701 • 864pp • 2009 • Pbk


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Web Programming

Web Design

Digital Media Tools

Building Internet Applications

A Complete Introduction

3rd Edition

3rd Edition

NIGEL CHAPMAN JENNY CHAPMAN, both of MacAvon Media Productions, UK.

NIGEL CHAPMAN JENNY CHAPMAN, both of MacAvon Media Productions.

A core text for all academic courses in tertiary level institutions world-wide which require a broad but thorough foundation in the principles and practice of every aspect of Web design. Web Design meets the new demands of a very rapidly growing area.

A clearly focussed introduction to the major software tools used for creating digital graphics, multimedia and Web pages. Readers will acquire a basic fluency with these important tools, learn what they do best and what their limitations are.


Designed to be the perfect practical companion text to the authors book Web Design: A Complete Introduction. This edition provides information on the latest versions of Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator and Dreamweaver, along with new coverage of Bridge.

CHRIS BATES, Sheffield Hallam University, UK.

This book teaches the essentials of working with the most important web technologies. Features: • Multi-tool coverage of Dynamic HTML, XHTML, XML, Perl, CGI Scripts, JavaScript, and PHP avoids necessity of reading a book per application. • The speed to revision is one of this books’ strongest features ensuring the book is bang up-to-date and keeps pace with the ever changing web landscape. • Practical and hands-on guidance is always backed up by strong examples. Contents: Preface. 1 Introduction. 2 HTML. 3 More HTML. 4 Cascading Stylesheets. 5 Cascading Style Sheets Two. 6 An Introduction to JavaScript. 7 Objects in JavaScript. 8 Dynamic HTML with JavaScript. 9 Programming in Perl 5. 10 CGI Scripting. 11 Building Web Applications with Perl. 12 An Introduction to PHP. 13 Building Web Applications with PHP. 14 XML: Defining Data for Web Applications. 15 Good Design. 16 Protocols. 17 Case Study. Appendix A: Accessing a Database from PHP using mysqli. Appendix B: Accessing a Database from PHP using Pearl DB. Appendix C: HTML Color Codes. Appendix D: HTML Entities. 9780470017753 • 678pp • 2006 • Pbk

• Complete introduction in the classic academic sense – a foundation text which focuses on principles. • By the authors of Digital Multimedia and Digital Media Tools, textbooks which helped shape Multimedia syllabi across the world. • Provides a broad, unified subject coverage, embracing all aspects of Web design from the technical to the aesthetic to the social. • Covers all topics within the context of Web-specific needs and constraints – from those of visual communication to accessiblity, standards compliance, etc. Contents: Welcome. 1 Web Experiences. 2 Web Technology. 3 Markup. 4 Stylesheets. 5 Web Graphics. 6 Time-Based Media. 7 DOM Scripting. 8 Web Applications. 9 Web Accessibility. 10 Web Page Design. 11 Web Site Design. Appendix A: Software for Web Designers. Appendix B: XML Namespaces. Index. 9780470060896 • 692pp • 2006 • Pbk

Features: • Completely re-written and re-illustrated to cover the latest (CS3) versions of major software. • Approachable and clear introduction to complex tools, written with the student in mind. • Teaches through doing, with extensive practical ‘Try This’ exercises and completely new ‘Dont Forget’ key points throughout. All fully supported on a brand new web site with a wide range of free teaching and learning materials: • Breadth of coverage of leading Adobe CS3 applications: Bridge, Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, Dreamweaver. Contents: Welcome. Teaching and Learning Features. Supporting Web Site. 1 Introduction. 2 Interface Basics. 3 Bridge. 4 Photoshop. 5 Illustrator. 6 Flash. 7 Dreamweaver. 8 Shared Concepts. Index. 9780470012277 • 536pp • 2007 • Pbk

For general enquiries, please email:


MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING & NUMERICAL METHODS Discrete Mathematics Mathematical Reasoning and Proof with Puzzles, Patterns, and Games DOUG ENSLEY J. WINSTON CRAWLEY, both of Shippensburg University, USA. These active and well-known authors have come together to create a fresh, innovative, and timely approach to Discrete Math. One innovation uses several major threads to help weave core topics into a cohesive whole. Throughout the book the application of mathematical reasoning is emphasized to solve problems while the authors guide the student in thinking about, reading, and writing proofs in a wide variety of contexts. Features: • Text is full of “real world excursions” reinforcing the utility of discrete mathematics.

9780471476023 • 704pp • 2005 Hbk • Adoption price available on request

• Every section contains a number of practice problems and at the conclusion of each chapter a section review outlines the major terms, concepts and skills covered in that chapter. • Over 1,000 exercises ranging from routine reinforcement to conceptual challenges. Contents: 1 Puzzles, Patterns and Mathematical Language. 2 A Primer of Mathematical Writing. 3 Sets and Boolean Algebra. 4 Functions and Relations. 5 Combinatorics. 6 Probability. 7 Graphs and Trees. Appendices A: Rules of the Game. Appendices B: Matrices and their Operations. Selected Answers. References for Further Reading. Supplements: Instructor’s Solutions Manual; Student Solution Manual.

ELECTRONIC COMMERCE e-Business Organizational and Technical Foundations M. PAPAZOGLOU PIETER RIBBERS, both of Katholiek Universiteit. This comprehensive book introduces and explains the different elements of e-Business and provides a structure that can facilitate the assimilation of new e-Business developments as they occur in the future. The book also contains abundant real-world applications to encourage readers to understand and appreciate real-life e-Business applications. Features: • This book is unique in that it contains an in-depth coverage of e-Business that interrelates the business and technical angles of the subject, as well as including concepts, definitions, processes, principles and strategy. 9780470843765 • 750pp • 2006 Pbk

• Numerous real world examples help students understand and appreciate how theory has been put into practice in e-Business. Contents: 1 The World of e-Business. 2 e-Business Strategy. 3 Business Models. 4 e-Business Relationships. 5 Governance Structures. 6 e-Business Technological Infrastructure. 7 XML the Enabling Technology for e-Business. 8 Electronic Markets. 9 e-Procurement. 10 e-Business Networks. 11 Intermediaries in the Value Systems. 12 e-Business Modelling. 13 Security and Reliability for e-Business. 14 Approaches to Middleware. 15 Component-based Development. 16 Leveraging Legacy Applications. 17 Enterprise Application Integration. 18 e-Business Integration. 19 Building Loosely Coupled e-Business Applications. 20 Business Protocols.


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Computer Graphics for Java Programmers

Introducing Maya 2011

2nd Edition


LEEN AMMERAAL, previously of Hogeschool Utrecht KANG ZHANG, University of Texas, USA.

Four previous editions can’t be wrong! This book is the perfect introduction to 3D and Maya.

Many great visual effects can be achieved in computer graphics for which a fundamental understanding of mathematical concepts – and a knowledge of how they can be implemented in a particular programming language is essential. Computer Graphics for Java Programmers is a good place to start for those who wish to use Java to manipulate 2D and 3D graphical objects.

Learn to build and animate your own digital models and scenes with step-bystep instruction and fun and practical examples, while you draw inspiration from the striking examples included from talented Maya users. You’ll create a simple animation of the planets in the solar system, learn to model a human hand and a decorative box – among other projects – and master all essential tools.

New to Edition:


• More illustrative examples have been added throughout the book.

• Explains the core concepts of CG and working in 3D.

• Chapter contents have been updated to reflect the authors’ own teaching experience – so the book is optimised for use in the classroom.

• Covers modeling, rigging, HDRI lighting, mental ray rendering, and more.

Contents: 1 Introduction to Computer Graphics and 3D. 2 Jumping In Headfirst, with Both Feet. 3 The Maya 2011 Interface. 4 Beginning Polygonal Modeling. 5 Modeling with Nurbs, Subdivisions, and Deformers. 6 Practical Experience. 7 Maya Shading and Texturing. 8 Introduction to Animation. 9 More Animation! 10 Maya Lighting. 11 Maya Rendering. 12 Maya Dynamics and Effects.

Contents: Part 1: The Basics. 1 Exploring the AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT Interface. 2 Creating your First Drawing. 3 Setting Up and Using AutoCAD’s Drafting Tools. 4 Organizing Objects with Blocks and Groups. 5 Keeping Track of Layers and Blocks. Part 2: Mastering Intermediate Skills. 6 Editing and Reusing Data to Work Efficiently. 7 Mastering Viewing Tools, Hatches, and External References. 8 Introducing Printing, Plotting, and Layouts. 9 Understanding Plot Styles. 10 Adding Text to Drawings. 11 Using Fields and Tables. 12 Using Dimensions. Part 3: Mastering Advanced Skills. 13 Using Attributes. 14 Copying Existing Drawings into AutoCAD. 15 Advanced Editing and Organizing. 16 Laying Out your Printer Output. 17 Making “Smart” Drawings with Parametric Tools. 18 Using Dynamic Blocks. 19 Drawing Curves. 20 Getting and Exchanging Data from Drawings. Part 4: 3D Modeling and Imaging. 21 Creating 3D Drawings. 22 Using Advanced 3D Features. 23 Rendering 3D Drawings. 24 Editing and Visualizing 3D Solids. 25 Exploring 3D Mesh Modeling. Part 5: Customization and Integration. 26 Using the Express Tools. 27 Exploring AutoLISP. 28 Customizing Toolbars, Menus, Linetypes, and Hatch Patterns. 29 Managing and Sharing Your Drawings. 30 Keeping a Project Organized with Sheet Sets.

Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

9780470502167 • 664pp • May 2010 • Pbk

9780470621974 • 1248 pages • May 2010 Pbk

• A new chapter on “Fractals and Self-Similarity” has been added. Contents: 1 Introduction to Computer Graphics. 2 Applied Geometry. 3 2D and 3D Transformations. 4 Classic 2D Algorithms. 5 Perspective. 6 Hidden-Line Elimination. 7 Hidden-Face Elimination. 8 Fractals and Self-Similarity. 9780470031605 • 386pp • 2007 • Pbk


• Provides project files on CD and walks you through the creation of several projects; the CD also includes images, movies, and scene files. • Instructor resources are available.

Mastering AutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD LT 2011 Go beyond AutoCAD essentials to create amazing 2D and 3D technical drawings.

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CONCURRENCY Concurrency State Models and Java Programming 2nd Edition JEFF MAGEE JEFF KRAMER, both of Imperial College, UK. The second edition provides a thoroughly updated approach to the basic concepts and techniques behind concurrent programming. In order to develop a thorough understanding of the topic. Features: • New chapter and coverage of Verification. • Website contains totally updated version of the LTSA tool packaged with the book, making it easier to use and extending its capabilities. 9780470093559 • 434pp • 2006 Hbk

Contents: 1 Introduction. 2 Processes and Threads. 3 Concurrent Execution. 4 Shared Objects and Mutual Exclusion. 5 Monitors and Condition Synchronization. 6 Deadlock. 7 Safety and Liveness Properties. 8 ModelBased Design. 9 Dynamic Systems. 10 Message Passing. 11 Concurrent Architectures. 12 Timed Systems. 13 Program Verification. 14 Logical Properties. Appendix A: FSP Quick Reference. B: FSP Language Specification. C: FSP Semantics. D: UML Class Diagrams. Supplements: Supporting website containing author links; PDF slides/lecture notes; demo programs; Labelled Transition System Analyser; LTSA v 2.1 download; errata; and solutions.


Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ 2nd Edition MICHAEL T. GOODRICH, Johns Hopkins University, ROBERTO TAMASSIA, Brown University, DAVID M. MOUNT, University of Maryland, USA. Designed to provide an introduction to data structures and algorithms, including their design, analysis, and implementation. The authors offer an introduction to object-oriented design with C++ and design patterns, including the use of class inheritance and generic programming through class and function templates, and retain a consistent object-oriented viewpoint throughout the book. Features:

9780470383278 • 736pp February 2011 • Pbk

• Introduction to object-oriented design with C++ and design patterns, including the use of class inheritance and generic programming through class and function templates. • Comprehensive coverage of all the data structures taught in a typical CS2 course, including vectors, lists, heaps, hash tables, and search trees. • Detailed explanation and visualization of sorting algorithms. • Coverage of graph algorithms and pattern-matching algorithms for more advanced CS2 courses. • Visual justifications which make mathematical arguments more understandable for students, appealing to visual learners. • Motivation of algorithmic concepts with Internet-related applications, such as Web browsers and search engines. • Review of basic features of the C++ programming language. • Accompanying Website with a special password-protected area for instructors. Contents: 1 Basic C++ Programming. 2 Object-Oriented Design. 3 Analysis Tools. 4 Stacks, Queues, and Recursion. 5 Vectors, Lists, and Sequences. 6 Trees. 7 Priority Queues. 8 Dictionaries. 9 Search Trees. 10 Sorting, Sets, and Selection. 11 Text Processing. 12 Graphs. Appendix: Useful Mathematical Facts.


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Data Structures and Algorithms in Java 5th Edition MICHAEL T. GOODRICH, Johns Hopkins University ROBERTO TAMASSIA, Brown University, USA.

Accessible coverage of fundamental data structures using a consistent object-oriented framework.

Now revised to reflect the innovations of Java 5.0, Goodrich and Tamassia’s Fifth Edition of Data Structures and Algorithms in Java continues to offer accessible coverage of fundamental data structures, using a consistent objectoriented framework. The authors provide intuition, description, and analysis of fundamental data structures and algorithms. Numerous illustrations, web-based animations, and simplified mathematical analyses justify important analytical concepts.


In this new edition, software engineers will find coverage of fundamental data structures using a consistent object-oriented framework. The discussions throughout the book now feature the latest information on Java JDK 1.6. This includes updates to sections on Java programming basics, arrays, stacks and queues, lists, priority queues, sorting methods, maps, and memory. The coverage of the analysis language has been simplified and more examples of algorithm analysis are presented. Java implementations are provided of fundamental algorithms and of sample applications of data structures. In addition, software engineers will find all the Java source code, Java animations and interactive applets for data structures and algorithms, and an educational version of the net.datastructures package on the books website.

6. List and Iterator ADTs.


1. Java Primer. 2. Object-Oriented Design. 3. Indices, Nodes, and Recursion. 4. Analysis Tools. 5. Stacks, Queues, and Deques. 7. Trees. 8. Heaps and Priority Queues. 9. Hash Tables, Maps, and Skip Lists. 10. Search Trees. 11. Sorting, Sets, and Selection. 12. Strings and Dynamic Programming. 13. Graph Algorithms. 14. Memory Management and B-Trees. A Useful Mathematical Facts.

• Resources includes media-enriched PowerPoint slides which include links to interactive animations of data structures and algorithms.

Bibliography. Index.

• There are 10 complete projects online which provide graphical user interface software to which students then add data structure and algorithm implementations to complete. • Additional Figures: Topics and their mathematical analysis are presented as visually as possible without sacrificing the rigor or content. • Increased and Updated Examples: Student-motivating topics such as Internet, Biology, Medicine, Science and Engineering, Business and Finance, Sports, Entertainment and Community Service are used as examples to draw students into the material. • Additional Exercises: The existing exercises have been throughly updated and new exercises have also been added. 9780470398807 • 736pp • March 2010 • Pbk

For general enquiries, please email:



Data Structures Abstraction and Design Using Java 2nd Edition ELLIOT B. KOFFMAN PAUL A. T. WOLFGANG, both of Temple Univesity, USA.

This book lays the foundation for programmers to build their skills.

The focus of the book is placed on how to implement effective programs using the JCF (Java Collections Framework) instead of producing mathematical proofs. The coverage is updated and streamlined to provide a more accessible approach to programming. Students will be able to develop a thorough understanding of basic data structures and algorithms through an objects-first approach. Data structures are discussed in the context of software engineering principles. Updated case studies also show programmers how to apply essential design skills and concepts.



5. Recursion.

• Combines a strong emphasis on problem solving and software design with the study of data structures. After providing the specification (interface) and the implementation (one or more Java classes) case studies are covered that use the data structure to solve significant problems.

6. Trees.

• Focuses on implementing effective programs using the Java Collections Framework and the classes in the framework. The code for these classes follows closely that which is provided in the framework and is not a conversion of code in other programming languages. • Over 20 case studies follow a five-step process (problem specification, analysis, design, implementation, and testing). • Many problems have extensive discussions of testing and include classes and driver methods for testing solutions to case studies.

1. Object-orientated Programming and Class Hierarchies. 2. Lists and the Collection Interface. 3. Stacks. 4. Queues.

7. Sets and Maps. 8. Sorting. 9. Self-Balancing Search Trees. 10. Graphs. Appendix A: Introduction to Java. Appendix B: Overview of UML. Appendix C: Event-Orientated Programming. Appendix D: Testing and Debugging.

• Extensive pedagogy to assist inexperienced programmers in learning the material including boxes on Programming Pitfalls, Design concepts, Programming Practice; Syntax boxes for quick reference; self-check and end-of-section exercises for immediate feedback and practice. 9780470128701 • 832pp • February 2010 • Pbk


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Data Structures and Algorithms Using Python RANCE D. NECAISE, College of William and Mary, USA. A key objective is to provide a “back to basics” approach to learning data structures and algorithms without overwhelming the reader with all of the OOP terminology and concepts. To provide flexibility in topic coverage for a wide variety of courses, the author focuses on data structures and algorithms, while designing the examples to allow the introduction of object-oriented programming if so desired. The book also introduces the concept of algorithm analysis and explores the efficiency of algorithms and data structures throughout the text. Features: • Python (version 3) used to design and implement classes for abstract data types and programs and algorithms. 9780470618295 • 520pp February 2011 • Pbk

• Flexible organization allows coverage of class inheritance as needed or desired. • Introduces students to the basic array structure and the fundamentals of implementing and using multi-dimensional arrays. • The underlying mechanism of many of Python’s built-in data structures and constructs are explored in order to expose the “magic” and to evaluate their efficiency. • Real-world applications of various chapter topics are presented throughout the text to help engage students. • A number of ADTs and applications are presented as threads throughout the text (i.e. the Set, Bag, Matrix, Sparse Matrix, and Map ADTs.) This allows for multiple implementations as new data structures are introduced, which provides the opportunity to reinforce the abstraction concept and for studying algorithm efficiency. Contents: 1 Abstract Data Types. 2 Arrays and Vectors. 3 Algorithm Analysis. 4 The Linked List. 5 Advanced Linked Lists. 6 Stacks. 7 Queues. 8 Hash Tables. 9 Recursion. 10 Binary Trees and Heaps. 11 Advanced Search Trees. 12 Sorting Algorithms. Appendix A: Python Review. Appendix B: Object-Oriented Programming.


Data Structures and the Java Collections Framework 3rd Edition WILLIAM J. COLLINS, Lafayette College, USA. Offering students and instructors a practical approach to program design, testing and implementation. Utilizing the Java Collections Framework, part of the java.util package, as a platform to develop higher-level applications.

9780470482674 • 768pp October 2011 • Hbk

Instead of emphasizing the underlying mathematics to get programmers to build their own data structures, Collins enables programmers to manipulate existing structures in the Java Collections Library – learning through coding rather than by doing proofs. 23 lab projects and hundreds of programming examples are integrated throughout the pages to build their intuition. The approach this book takes helps programmers quickly learn the concepts that underlie data structures. Features: • Where necessary, the author includes approaches that differ from those in the Framework including a separate section on open addressing, and a discussion of the trade-offs of one design over the other. • Students have the opportunity to develop their own data structures via programming projects in which data structures are either created “from the ground up” or extended from examples in the chapters. • 23 Web Labs promote active learning and provide reinforcement of the text material. The labs encourage the use the scientific method, and each lab is set up as an experiment. • There are hundreds of programming exercises and more than 30 programming projects. Contents: Introduction to Java. 1 Object Oriented Concepts. 2 Additional Features of Java. 3 Analysis of Algorithms. 4 The Java Collections Framework. 5 Recursion. 6 Array-Based Lists. 7 Linked Lists. 8 Stacks and Queues. 9 Binary Trees. 10 Binary Search Trees. 11 Sorting. 12 Tree Maps and Tree Sets. 13 Priority Queues. 14 Hashing. 15 Graphs, Trees and Networks.

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COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE The Architecture of Computer Hardware, Systems Software and Networking An Information Technology Approach, 4th Edition IRV ENGLANDER, Bentley College, USA. This newly revised text provides a gentle approach to introduce MIS students to fundamental computer hardware, systems software, and data concepts. The goal is to provide the fundamentals of computer architecture which are essential to the workplace survival of Information Systems graduates. Providing a careful, in depth, non-engineering introduction to the inner workings of modern computer systems. New advances have been built into the new edition in the areas of operating system design and computer interconnection. Features: 9780470400289 • 712pp • 2009 Pbk

• Provides students with an understanding of underlying, non-changing basics of computers so that they can make knowledgeable decisions about systems. • Carefully and patiently introduces students to new technological concepts, so that they are not overwhelmed by challenging materials, but instead build a deep understanding of what makes computer systems tick. • Examples cover a broad spectrum of hardware and software systems, from personal computer to mainframe. • The author’s “light touch” includes a breezy, readable writing style and subject-specific cartoons that introduce each chapter’s material. Contents: 1 Introduction. 2 Number Systems. 3 Data Formats. 4 Integer and Real Numbers. 5 Integer and Real Numbers. 6 Little Man Computer. 7 CPU Architecture. 8 CPU and Memory: Design, Implementation, Enhancement. 9 Input/Output. 10 Input/Output Devices. 11 Modern CPU Systems, Clusters, and Networks. 12 Three HW Examples. 13 User and Programming Interfaces. 14 Operating Systems Concepts. 15 More Operating Systems Concepts. 16 File Concepts. 17 Programming Tools. 18 Three SW Examples. Supplementary Ch. 1: Intro to Digital Computer Logic. Supplementary Ch. 2: Instruction Addressing Modes. Supplementary Ch. 3: Communication Channel Technology.

SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Systems Analysis and Design 4th Edition ALAN DENNIS, The University of Georgia, BARBARA HALEY WIXOM, University of Virginia, DAVID TEGARDEN, Virginia Polytechnic, USA. Continues to offer a hands-on approach to systems analysis and design (SAD) while focusing on the core set of skills that all analysts must possess. Building on their experience as professional systems analysts and award-winning teachers, authors Dennis, Wixom, and Roth capture the experience of developing and analyzing systems in a way that students can understand and apply. With Systems Analysis and Design fourth edition, students will leave this course with experience that will form a rich foundation for further work as a systems analyst. Features: 9780470400319 • 576pp • 2009 Pbk

Also Available:

• After presenting the how and what of each major technique, the text guides you through practice problems and invites you to use the technique in a project. • Topics are presented in the order in which an analyst would encounter them in a typical project. • Real-life examples include a running case, which serves as a template that you can apply to your own work, and Concepts in Action examples that describe how real companies succeeded (and failed) in performing SAD activities. • Object-oriented concepts and techniques are included throughout the book, and a final chapter focuses on the major elements of UML. Coverage is updated to reflect the innovations of UML Version 2.0. Contents: 1 The Systems Analyst and Information System Development. 2 Project Selection and Management. 3 Requirements Determination. 4 Use Case Analysis. 5 Process Modeling. 6 Data Modeling. 7 Moving into Design. 8 Architecture Design. 9 User Interface Design. 10 Program Design. 11 Data Storage Design. 12 Moving into Implementation. 13 Transition to the New System. 14 The Movement to Objects.

Systems Analysis and Design with UML, 3rd Edition by Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom and David Tegarden. 9780470400302 • 600pp • 2009 Pbk


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DATABASES Data Management Databases and Organizations 5th Edition RICHARD T. WATSON, The University of Georgia, USA. Emphasizes the core data management skills needed to succeed in today’s business environment. Features: • Java programs are used to illustrate the use of JDBC and transaction processing with SQL statements. • The symbol for indicating weak entities has been changed from a bar (|) to a plus sign (+), which should assist readers in understanding its meaning and also removes confusion caused by the use of the bar in some data modeling dialects for representing mandatory relationships. 9780471715368 • 640pp • 2005 Hbk

Contents: The Managerial Perspective. 1 Managing Data. 2 Information. Data Modeling and SQL. 3 The Single Entity. 4 The One-to-Many Relationship. 5 The Many-to-Many Relationship. 6 One-to-One and Recursive Relationships. 7 Data Modeling. 8 Basic Structures. 9 Normalization and Other Data Modeling Methods. 10 The Relational Model and Relational Algebra. 11 SQL. 12 SQL Playbook. 13 Database Architectures and Implementations. 14 Data Structure and Storage. 15 Data Processing Architectures. 16 Object-Oriented Data Management. 17 Spatial and Temporal Data Management. 18 Organizational Memory Technologies. 19 Organizational Intelligence Technologies. 20 The Web and Data Management. 21 SQL and Java. 22 XML: Managing Data Exchange. 23 Managing Organizational Memory. 24 Data Integrity. 25 Data Administration; 26 U-Commerce and Data Management.

OBJECT TECHNOLOGY Object-Oriented Design and Patterns 2nd Edition CAY S. HORSTMANN, San Jose State University, USA. Cay Horstmann brings his hallmark approach to this book with sound pedagogy, carefully developed exercises and examples, and emphasis on problem solving-and brings design principles and patterns to life with examples from the Java 5.0 library and user-interface programming. Students will expand their understanding of the Java language as they learn to recognize and use object-oriented design principles. Features: • Makes object-oriented design principles accessible to beginner students. • Examples are carefully chosen to make design patterns easy to remember. 9780471744870 • 472pp • 2005 Pbk

• Introduces data structures as needed, so the book may be used before or after a formal course in data structures. • Uses the Swing user interface toolkit and Java collections library to illustrate design patterns and how they may be applied. • Horstmann integrates the use of tools such as BlueJ, javadoc, and Junit, as well as other experimental tools. Contents: 1 A Crash Course in Java. 2 The Object-Oriented Design Process. 3 Guidelines for Class Design. 4 Interface Types and Polymorphism. 5 Patterns and GUI Programming. 6 Inheritance and Abstract Classes. 7 The Java Object Model. 8 Frameworks. 9 Multithreading. 10 More Design Patterns. Supplements: Instructor’s Manual, presentation slides and source code for programs in the textbook.

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NETWORKS & COMMUNICATIONS Principles of Network and System Administration 2nd Edition MARK BURGESS, Oslo College, Norway. This single, comprehensive resource responds to the high demand for specialists to be able to provide advice to users, as well as day-to-day administration, maintenance, and support of computer systems and networks. Features: • Burgess approaches both network and system administration from the perspective of the principles and ideas of systems administration that do not change on a day-to-day basis. • Coverage includes Java services and Ipv6.

9780470868072 • 646pp • 2003 Pbk

Contents: Preface to Second Edition. 1 Introduction. 2 System Components. 3 Networked Communities. 4 Host Management. 5 User Management. 6 Models of Network and System Administration. 7 Configuration and Maintenance. 8 Diagnostics, Fault and Change Management. 9 Application Level Services. 10 Network Level Services. 11 Principles of Security. 12 Security Implications. 13 Analytical System Administration. 14 Summary and Outlook. A: Some Useful Unix Commands. B: Programming and Compiling. C: Example Telnet Session. D: Glossary. E: Recommended Reading. Bibliography. Index.

Fundamentals of Business Data Communications 10th Edition JERRY FITZGERALD, Jerry FitzGerald & Associates ALAN DENNIS, The University of Georgia, USA. Updated with the latest advances in the field, the new edition continues to provide the fundamental concepts and cutting-edge coverage applications that students need to succeed in this fast-moving field. FitzGerald and Dennis have developed a foundation and balanced presentation from which new technologies and applications can be easily understood, evaluated, and compared. Features: • Balanced coverage of the technical and managerial aspects of data communications. • Real-life examples throughout the text illustrate the complex uses of networks. 9780470400272 • 624pp • 2009 Pbk

• Every important technology and/or network management issue is addressed in enough depth to give the student a basic understanding. • Online animations help students visualise and understand concepts and processes more effectively. Contents: 1 Introduction to Communications. 2 Fundamentals of Communications. 3 Communications Media, Servers, and Clients. 4 Communication Equipment. 5 Data Transmission. 6 Protocols. 7 Network Concepts. 8 Wide Area and Metropolitan Area Networks. 9 Local Area Networks. 10 Network Security. 11 Network Management. 12 The Internet. 13 Communication Services. 14 E-Business Application and the Business Data Communications Industry. 15 Addressing the Challenge of Living in a Connected World. Supplements: Instructor and Student Companion websites including instructors manual, test bank, powerpoint slides, case files, animations.


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Computer Security

Distributed Systems Security

3rd Edition

Issues, Processes and Solutions

DIETER GOLLMANN, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany.


Completely updated and up-to-the-minute textbook for courses on computer science. Includes new advances in software and technology over the last few years. Provides sections on Windows NT, CORBA and Java which are not examined in comparable titles. No active previous experience of security issues is necessary making this accessible to Software Developers and Managers whose responsibilities span any technical aspects of IT security. Written for selfstudy and course use, this book will suit a variety of introductory and more advanced security programmes for students of computer science, engineering and related disciplines. Technical and project managers will also find that the broad coverage offers a great starting point for discovering underlying issues and provides a means of orientation in a world populated by a bewildering array of competing security systems. Contents: 1 History of Computer Security. 2 Managing Security. 3 Foundations of Computer Security. 4 Identification and Authentication. 5 Access Control. 6 Reference Monitors. 7 Unix Security 97. 8 Windows Security. 9 Database Security. 10 Software Security. 11 Bell-LaPadula Model. 12 Security Models. 13 Security Evaluation. 14 Cryptography. 15 Authentication in Distributed Systems. 16 Communications Security. 17 Network Security. 18 Web Security. 19 Mobility. 20 New Access Control Paradigms. 9780470741153 • 456pp • December 2010 Pbk

Shows how to solve the security issues and problems created in distributed systems. Features: • Presents an overview of distributed systems security issues, including threats, trends, standards and solutions. • Discusses threats and vulnerabilities in different layers namely the host, infrastructure, application, and service layer to provide a holistic and practical, contemporary view of enterprise architectures. • Provides practical insights into developing current-day distributed systems security using realistic case studies. Contents: 1 Introduction. 2 Security Engineering. 3 Common Security Issues and Technologies. 4 Host level Threats and Vulnerabilities. 5 Infrastructure Level Threats and Vulnerabilities. 6 Application Level Vulnerabilities and Attacks. 7 Service Level Issues, Threats and Vulnerabilities. 8 Host Level Solutions. 9 Infrastructure Level Solutions. 10 Application Level Solutions. 11 Service Level Solutions. 2 Case Study – Compliance in Financial Services. 13 Case Study of Grid. 14 Future Directions and Conclusions. 9780470519882 • 334pp • 2009 • Hbk


Cryptography Engineering Design Principles and Practical Applications NIELS FERGUSON, BRUCE SCHNEIER and TADAYOSHI KOHNO.

The ultimate guide to cryptography, updated by the world’s top experts. This essential guide is the definitive introduction to all major areas of cryptography. You’ll discover techniques for building cryptography into products from the start and you’ll examine the many technical changes in the field. Features: • Recognized cryptography experts updates you on vital topics in the field of cryptography. • Includes coverage on key servers, message security, authentication codes, new standards, block ciphers, message authentication codes, and more. Contents: Preface to Cryptography Engineering. Preface to Practical Cryptography. Part I Introduction. 1 The Context of Cryptography. 2 Introduction to Cryptography. Part II Message Security. 3 Block Ciphers. 4 Block Cipher Modes. 5 Hash Functions. 6 Message Authentication Codes. 7 The Secure Channel. Chapter 8 Implementation Issues (I). Part III Key Negotiation. 9 Generating Randomness. 10 Primes. 11 DiffieHellman. 12 RSA. 13 Introduction to Cryptographic Protocols. 14 Key Negotiation. 15 Implementation Issues (II). Part IV Key Management. 16 The Clock. 17 Key Servers. 18 The Dream of PKI. 19 PKI Reality. 20 PKI Practicalities. 21 Storing Secrets. Part V Miscellaneous. 22 Standards and Patents. 23 Involving Experts. Bibliography. Index. 9780470474242 • 384pp • March 2010 • Pbk

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ETHICS & PROFESSIONAL ISSUES IN COMPUTING Pandora’s Box Social and Professional Issues of the Information Age ANDREW A. ADAMS RACHEL McCRINDLE, both of University of Reading, UK.

Written in an engaging style and packed with international examples. Presenting the current social, ethical and legal issues raised by the constant advance of technology the authors encourage students to examine these issues, as they will have to face them in their future careers. Stressing the leading role that computer scientists play in the development of new technology which will directly affect the lives of people around the world more quickly than almost any other area of science and technology. 9780470065532 • 666pp • 2007 Pbk

Using thought-provoking and motivational discussion, this book examines topics which have come to the forefront of public consciousness in recent years, including online crime, piracy and peer-to-peer file sharing. Suitable for students on computer science degree programmes, as well as those taking IT related modules on other courses which consider the impact of technology on 21st century living, Pandora’s Box is an essential read and a unique and timely textbook. Contents: Introduction. 1 Emergence and Convergence of Technologies. 2 Digital Entertainment. 3 Censorship and Freedom of Speech. 4 Sex and Technology. 5 Governance of the Internet. 6 Privacy and Surveillance. 7 Information Age Warfare. 8 Technology and the Human Body. 9 Professionalism in IT. 10 Online Crime and Real Punishment. 11 Patents and Copyright. 12 Unwanted Electronic Attentions. 13 Education and Online Learning. 14 Living and Working in a Wired World.

Ethics and Technology Controversies, Questions and Strategies for Ethical Computing 3rd Edition HERMAN T. TAVANI, Rivier College, USA.

Introducing readers to the issues and controversies that comprise the relatively new field of Cyberethics. Treating Cyberethics as an interdisciplinary field of study this book aims at addressing several audiences, including those in the computer science, philosophy, social/behavioral science, and library/ information science fields. 9780470509500 • 432pp February 2010 • Pbk

Actual case examples and hypothetical scenarios involving privacy, security, intellectual property, and speech in cyberspace illustrate ethical controversies that convey the seriousness of the issues under consideration. These concepts and cases receive reinforcement with review/study and discussion/essay questions at the end of each chapter that facilitate readers’ comprehension and reflection of ethical issues. Contents: 1 Introduction to Cyberethics: Concepts, Perspectives, and Methodological Frameworks. 2 Ethical Concepts and Ethical Theories: Establishing and Justifying a Moral System. 3 Critical Thinking Skills and Logical Arguments: Tools For Evaluating Cyberethics Issues. 4 Professional Ethics, Codes of Conduct, and Moral Responsibility. 5 Privacy and Cyberspace. 6 Security in Cyberspace. 7 Cybercrime and Cyber-Related Crimes. 8 Intellectual Property Disputes in Cyberspace. 9 Regulating Commerce and Speech in Cyberspace. 10 The Digital Divide and the Transformation of Work. 11 Community, Personal Identity, and Our Sense of Self In Cyberspace. 12 Ethical Aspects of Emerging and Converging Technologies.


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Interaction Design Beyond Human-Computer Interaction 3rd Edition YVONNE ROGERS PHD, Open University, UK JENNY PREECE MD, University of Maryland, USA HELEN SHARP MD, Open University, UK.

The number one text in the Human Computer Interaction field. An ideal resource for learning the interdisciplinary skills needed for interaction design, human-computer interaction, information design, web design and ubiquitous computing.

The authors are acknowledged leaders and educators in their field, with a strong global reputation. The new edition, encompasses the latest technologies and devices including social networking, web 2.0 and mobile devices. The third edition also adds, develops and updates cases, examples and questions to bring the book in line with the state-of-the-art in HCI. Interaction Design offers a cross-disciplinary, practical and process-oriented approach to Human Computer Interaction, showing not just what principles ought to apply to Interaction Design, but crucially how they can be applied. The book focuses on how to design interactive products that enhance and extend the way people communicate, interact and work. Motivating examples are included to illustrate both technical, but also social and ethical issues, making the book approachable and adaptable for both Computer Science and non-Computer Science users. Features: • Interviews with key HCI luminaries are included and provide an insight into current and future trends. • Clear market leader globally, with unrivalled author reputation. • Offers a cross-disciplinary, practical and process-oriented approach to Human Computer Interaction, showing not just what principals ought to apply to Interaction Design, but crucially how they can be applied. • Published in full colour with an attractive and pedagogically-sound layout. New to Edition:

Contents: Foreword, Preface. 1. What is Interaction Design? 2. Understanding and Conceptualizing Interaction. 3. Understanding Users. 4. Designing for Collaboration and Communication. 5. Affective Aspects. 6. Interfaces and Interactions. 7. Data Gathering. 8. Data Analysis, Interpretation, and Presentation. 9. The Process of Interaction Design. 10. Identifying Needs and Establishing Requirements. 11. Design, Prototyping, and Construction. 12. Introducing Evaluation. 13. An Evaluation Framework. 14. Usability Testing and Field Studies. 15. Analytical Evaluation.

• New cases, examples and questions. Totally redesigned to be lighter and slimmer. • Completely revised website, containing a rich set of resources including handson interactive design and evaluation activities, annotated links to other sites, extended case studies and additional teaching and learning materials. 9780470665763 • 648pp • April 2011 • Pbk

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Research Methods in Human-Computer Interaction JONATHAN LAZAR JINJUAN HEIDI FENG HARRY HOCHHEISER, all of Towson University, USA.

Research Methods in Human-Computer Interaction is the first comprehensive research guide, for both quantitative and qualitative research methods, for all types of researchers.

“This book is a must read for anyone in the field of Human-Computer Interaction. The multi-disciplinarian approach, housed in the reality of the technological world today, makes for a practical and informative guide for user interface designers, software and hardware engineers and anyone doing user research.” DR. MARY CZERWINSKI, Research Area Manager, Microsoft Research, USA The quantity of research in the fast growing and vital discipline of HCI grows every year, with projects impacting upon academia, industry and society in farreaching ways. Yet despite the large number of active researchers in the field, Research Methods in Human-Computer Interaction is the first comprehensive research guide, for both quantitative and qualitative research methods, for all types of researchers.

Also Available:

Universal Usability – Designing Computer Interfaces for Diverse User Populations Edited by: JONATHAN LAZAR, Towson University. 9780470027271 • 626pp • 2007 • Pbk

Features: • Learning enhanced by real published research projects. • Full pedagogical features including a thorough website with fact sheets on current software and hardware tools. • Authored by key researchers including, in Dr. Lazar, an authority in HCI and Usability. Contents: 1 Introduction. 2 Measurement in HCI. 3 Experimental Research. 4 Experimental Design Methods. 5 Statistical Analysis. 6 Surveys. 7 Interviews and Focus Groups. 8 Time Diaries. 9 Ethnography, Observation, and Usability Testing. 10 Content Analysis. 11 Case Studies. 12 Automated Computer Data Collection Methods. 13 Automated Human Data Collection. 14 Working with Human Subjects in General. 15 Working with Users with Disabilities in Research. 9780470723371 • 446pp • 2009 • Pbk


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About Face 3 The Essentials of Interaction Design ALAN COOPER ROBERT REIMANN DAVID CRONIN. Includes new content relevant to the popularization of new Web technologies and mobile platforms. Features the continuation of a general shift in emphasis from Windows desktop software to other platforms and domains such as appliances, web applications, consumer electronics and mobile devices. Updated examples ae included which reflect current state-of-the-art interfaces; and additional case studies where appropriate. Contents: 1 Goal-Directed Design. 2 Implementation Models and Mental Models. 3 Beginners, Experts, and Intermediates. 4 Understanding Users: Qualitative Research. 5 Modeling Users: Personas and Goals. 6 The Foundations of Design: Scenarios and Requirements. 7 From Requirements to Design: The Interaction Framework and Design Refinement. 8 Patterns and Principles. 9 Platform and Posture. 10 Orchestration and Flow. 11 Eliminating Excise. 12 Making Software Considerate and Smart. 13 Metaphors and Idioms. 14 Visual Interface Design. 15 Searching and Finding: Improving Data Retrieval. 16 Understanding Undo. 17 Rethinking Files and Save. 18 Improving Data Entry. 19 Selection, Direct Manipulation and Mouse Interactions. 20 Window Behaviors. 21 Controls. 22 Menus. 23 Toolbars and ToolTips. 24 Dialogs. 25 Errors, Alerts, and Confirmation. 26 Designing for Different Needs. Appendix A: Design Principles. Appendix B: Bibliography. 9780470084113 • 648pp • 2007 • Pbk

The Essential Guide to User Interface Design An Introduction to GUI Design Principles and Techniques 3rd Edition WILBERT O. GALITZ. Providing a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to building user-friendly system interfaces. At each step, the author describes the principles of good design and illustrates them with real-world examples of proven designs. Contents: About the Author. Preface. Acknowledgements. Part 1: The User Interface – An Introduction and Overview. 1 The Importance of the User Interface. 2 Characteristics of Graphical and Web User Interface. Part 2: The User Interface Design Process. Step 1. Know Your User or Client. Step 2. Understand the Business Function. Step 3. Understand the Principles of Good Interface and Screen Design. Step 4. Develop System Menus and Navigation Schemes. Step 5. Select the Proper Kinds of Windows. Step 6. Select the Proper Interaction Devices. Step 7. Choose the Proper Screen-Based Controls. Step 8. Write Clear Text and Messages. Step 9. Provide Effective Feedback and Guidance and Assistance. Step 10. Provide Effective Internationalization and Accessibility. Step 11. Create Meaningful Graphics, Icons, and Images. Step 12. Choose the Proper Colors. Step 13. Organize and Layout Windows and Pages. Step 14. Test, Test, and Retest. References. Index. 9780470053423 • 888pp • 2007 • Pbk

Mobile Interaction Design MATTHEW JONES, University of Wales, UK GARY MARSDEN, University of Cape Town, South Africa. Mobile Interaction Design shifts the design perspective away from the technology and concentrates on usability. Features: • Presents key interaction design ideas and successes in an accessible, relevant way. • Provides ideas and techniques which will enable designers to create the next generation of effective mobile applications. • Critiques current mobile interaction design to help designers avoid pitfalls. • Design challenges and worked examples are given to reinforce ideas. • Discusses new applications and gadgets, requiring knowledgeable and inspired thinking about usability and design. • Authors have extensive experience in mobile interaction design, research, industry and teaching. Contents: Part 1: Introduction. 1 Possibilities. 2 Products for People. 3 Innovation. Part 2: Developing Effective Mobile Applications. 4 Interaction Design. 5 Watching, Asking, Probing. 6 Developing Prototypes. 7 Evaluation. Part 3: Design Gallery – Directions and Guidelines for Mobile Applications. 8 Controlling Complex Functions. 9 Information Access. 10 Using Photographic Media on Mobile Devices. 11 Impacting the Community. 12 Impacting the World. 9780470090893 • 398pp • 2005 • Pbk

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ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Robot Modeling and Control MARK W. SPONG and SETH HUTCHINSON, both of University of Illinois at Ubana-Campaign M. VIDYASAGAR, Tata Consulting Services, USA. Introduces the fundamentals and provides background material on terminology, linear algebra, dynamical systems and stability theory. Followed by detailed coverage of forward and in-verse kinematics, Jacobians, Lagrangian dynamics, motion planning, robust and adaptive motion and force control, and computer vision. Both basic and advanced material is presented in a style that is readable and mathematically rigorous. The book provides relevant applications from industrial robotics and mobile robotics. Features: • Computable treatment of kinematics and jacobians allows students to derive and compute the forward kinematics, inverse kinematics, and Jacobians for the most common robot designs. 9780471649908 • 496pp • 2005 Hbk • Adoption price available on request

• Vision and visual servo control provide a self contained introduction to the basics of computer vision as applied to robot manipulator. Students will be able to program robots to manipulate objects sensed by cameras. • Detailed treatment of dynamics allows students to compute the dynamics of the most common manipulator designs after reading the dynamics chapter. The treatment is rigorous and complete. • Basic treatment of geometric nonlinear control is presented in a more basic and readable form than in more advanced texts. • Advanced material is self-contained and easy to present. Contents: Introduction. 1 Rigid Motions and Homogeneous Transformations. 2 Forward and Inverse Kinematics. 3 Velocity Kinematics – The Jacobian. 4 Path and Trajectory Planning. 5 Dynamics. 6 Independent Joint Control. 7 Multivariable Control. 8 Force Control. 9 Geometric Non-Linear Control. 10 Computer Vision. 11 Vision-Based Control. Appendix A: Trigonometry. Appendix B: Linear Algebra. Appendix C: State Space Representation of Dynamical Systems. Appendix D: Lyapunov Stability. References. Index. Supplements: Instructor’s Solutions Manual; PowerPoint Slides.

An Introduction to MultiAgent Systems 2nd Edition MICHAEL WOOLDRIDGE, University of Liverpool, UK.

A new edition of a market-leading multi-agent systems textbook. Assuming only basic knowledge of algorithms and discrete maths, both of which are taught as standard in the first or second year of computer science degree programmes. The books main aims are to introduce the student to the concept of agents and multi-agent systems, and the main applications for which they are appropriate. It also introduces the main issues surrounding the design of intelligent agents, the design of a multi-agent society and typical applications for agent technology. Features: 9780470519462 • 484pp • 2009 Pbk

• Completely revised and updated with five new chapters. • Wooldridge is a leading authority in the field and edits Wiley’s ‘Agent Technology’ series. • One of the first books designed for this undergraduate course – and has become one of the market leaders. Contents: 1 Introduction. 2 Intelligent Agents. 3 Deductive Reasoning Agents. 4 Practical Reasoning. 5 Agents. 6 Reactive and Hybrid Agents. 7 Multi-Agent Interactions. 8 Making Group Decisions. 9 Forming Coalitions. 10 Allocating Resources. 11 Bargaining. 12 Argumentation Sharing Understanding. 13 Communication Languages. 14 Working Together. 15 Methodologies. 16 Applications Logics for Multiagent Systems. Appendix A: A History Lesson. Appendix B: Afterword. Glossary of Key Terms. References. Index.


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Information Technology for Management Transforming Organizations in the Digital Economy 7th Edition EFRAIM TURBAN, California State University LINDA VOLONINO, Georgia State University, USA.

Information technology has changed how businesses operate and succeed in todays global economy. Organizations can now use IT to transform themselves and achieve a tremendous competitive advantage. The seventh edition highlights how this new technology is changing the current business environment and what effect it has on todays students.


The text addresses the major principles of MIS in order to prepare managers to understand the role of information technology in the digital economy. Revised and updated for a second/third year undergraduate or MBA course it gives students what they need to succeed in the emerging digital economy.

4. Networking Discovery, Communication, Collaboration.

Features: • Streamlined text – duplications eliminated, reducing the size of most chapters as well as the number of topics covered. • ‘How IT Benefits You’ boxes summarise key points at the end of each chapter for each business subject, and icons throughout the text alert students to related functional areas. • Global Perspective – Completely revised chapter on global information systems.

1. IT Support of Organizational Performance. 2. Information Technologies. 3. Data Management.

5. E-Business. 6. Wireless. 7. Transaction Processing and Functional Areas. 8. Enterprise Systems. 9. IOS and Global IS. 10. KM. 11. Business Intelligence and Performance Management.

• In-depth coverage of cutting edge topics like green computing, social and viral marketing, and emerging information security risks, e.g., crimeservers and IS highjacking.

12. Managerial Decision Making.

• New chapter on social networks and the Web 2.0 environment.

15. Acquiring and Developing Systems.

• Media Resource Library provides links to videos, animations, cases, and other web resources to help engage students in IT. Each Media Resource includes lecture lead-ins, class discussion questions, and assessment questions.

16. Security.

13. Using IT for Strategic Advantage. 14. Econ.

17. Impacts.

Supplements: Instructor and Student Companion websites including instructors manual, test bank, powerpoint slides, self quizzing, animations, tech guides, cases and simulations. WileyPLUS is a web-based application that assists instructors in preparing for classes and lectures and automates the process of assigning and grading homework. The power of WileyPLUS is that each problem is linked to the relevant section of the interactive book. It allows students to complete their homework online and receive instant feedback on their work. 9780470400326 • 648pp • 2009 • Pbk

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INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & INFORMATION SYSTEMS Strategic Management of Information Systems 4th Edition KERI E. PEARLSON, Research Board CAROL S. SAUNDERS, University of Central Florida, USA. In a concise, updated format, Pearlson and Saunders provide a strategic approach to Information Systems for advanced undergraduate and MBA level courses or as a supplement for any course using additional cases and readings. The text gives students the insights and knowledge they need to become active participants in information systems decisions. By demonstrating how IT relates to organizational design and business strategy, this title covers the essential concepts of MIS. Students will also learn how to recognize opportunities in the work environment and apply current technologies in innovative ways. Features: 9780470400241 • 416pp • 2009 Pbk

• Designed as a “foundation” book on IS concepts, with which instructors can build their own selection of cases and readings. • Covers the key, fundamental issues that students need to be knowledgeable participants in relevant information systems decisions. • Uses the ‘IS Strategy Triangle’ as a unifying theme to show the strategic context of all topics. • Updated examples, plus addition of global examples, cases, and issues. • Expanded coverage of supply chain, resource-based view, organizational and national culture, security, COBIT, and building a business case. Contents: 1 The Information Systems Strategy Triangle. 2 Strategic Use of Information Resources. 3 Organizational Impacts of Information Systems Use. 4 Collaboration and the Design of Work. 5 Information Technology and Changing Business Processes. 6 Architecture and Infrastructure. 7 Sourcing. 8 IT Governance. 9 Using Information Ethically. 10 Funding IT. 11 Project Management. 12 Business Intelligence. Supplements: Instructor and Student Companion websites including Instructors Manual, Test Bank, PowerPoint Slides, Simulations, Image Library, Student Projects, On-line Cases and Teaching Notes.

Strategic Planning for Information Systems 3rd Edition JOHN WARD and JOE PEPPARD, both of Cranfield University, UK. This best selling book explores the impact that information systems (IS) and information technology (IT) have on business performance and the contribution that they make to the strategic options of organisations. In a clear and straightforward way the book describes tools, techniques and management frameworks to both align strategies for IS and IT with business strategy, as well as seek out new opportunities through innovative deployment of technology. Features: • Demonstrates why strategic planning for information systems is essential to organizational success, especially in times of increasingly rapid change. 9780470841471 • 640pp • 2002 Hbk

• Shows why some IS/IT investment works for some and not for others. • A practical and comprehensive book written in a clear and straightforward way. • The focus is more on strategic management of IS than on the progress made in recent years either in technology or business processes. • This is a well-established and respected title, accessible for graduate/MBA MIS students as well as consultants and senior managers. Contents: 1 The Evolving Role of Information Systems and Technology in Organizations: A Strategic Perspective. 2 An Overview of Business Strategy Concepts and the IS/IT Strategy Implications. 3 Developing an IS/IT Strategy: Establishing Effective Processes. 4 IS/IT Strategic Analysis: Assessing and Understanding the Current Situation. 5 IS/IT Strategic Analysis: Determining the Future Potential. 6 Determining the Business Information Systems Strategy. 7 Managing the Applications Portfolio. 8 Strategic Management of IS/IT: Organizing and Resourcing. 9 Managing Investments in Information Systems and Technology. 10 Strategies for Information Management: Towards Knowledge Management. 11 Managing the Supply of IT Services, Applications and Infrastructure. 12 Strategic Planning for Information Systems: Quo Vadis?


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INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & INFORMATION SYSTEMS Essentials of Business Processes and Information Systems SIMHA MAGAL, Grand Valley State University and JEFFREY WORD, SAP, USA. Written in partnership with SAP, this is the first information systems book that provides the right introductory content and combines it with hands-on practice in the form of a simulated SAP environment. It also offers a unique perspective by discussing both the typical processes in organizations and the role of information systems in supporting these processes. Readers learn about the steps that enable businesses to function and the enterprise software needed for the successful execution and management of those operations. Features: • Challenges the reader to first create the process flowcharts, documents and key data associated with business processes on paper. 9780470230596 • 200pp • 2009 Pbk

• Provides real-world experience by giving the reader the tools to then execute the processes in a simulated ERP (SAP) environment. • Integrates a detailed case study throughout the chapters that describes a manufacturing organization in detail in terms of its customers, suppliers, products, process and more. • Includes a self-contained CD/DVD that simulates the use of SAP software. Contents: 1 Organizations, Processes and Information. 2 Key Concepts in Enterprise Systems. 3 The Procurement Process. 4 The Fulfilment Process. 5 The Production Process. 6 The Integrated Process. WileyPLUS is a web-based application that assists instructors in preparing for classes and lectures and automates the process of assigning and grading homework. The power of WileyPLUS is that each problem is linked to the relevant section of the interactive book. WileyPLUS for this book includes: Simulations for each of the five modules that supplement the Magal and Word Business Process book, End-of-module quizzes, Simulation assignments for each module, Simulation Instructor Manual, RTF files for Quizzes, WileyPLUS/Quickstart assignments.

Information Systems for Managers Text & Cases GABRIELE PICCOLI, Cornell University, USA. Information Systems for Managers is a text for managerial/MBA students intended to actively engage students in discussions and activities around information systems (IS) and information technology (IT). Piccoli has interwoven many real-world examples into the text that show students how IS will effect their futures in management positions. Each chapter starts off with a mini-case to get the student’s attention, build excitement, and foster interactive discussions. A plethora of unique, full-length cases are also composed within the text to hold student’s attention and show them how IS and IT are of great interest to them as managers. Features: 9780470087039 • 480pp • 2007 Hbk

• New material that focuses on the strategic potential and applications of information systems – coverage that is unique to a graduate text. • Full-length cases designed to discuss and internalize the framework and concepts discussed in each chapter. • Applied and practical approach of the text is welcomed by students and helps reduce one of the key complaints about the intro to IS course: dry material. • Mini-cases begin each chapter to provide a simple vehicle for instructors to jump-start discussion. • Teaching notes accompany each mini-case to offer further ideas on creating a buzz about the topics covered in the text. Contents: Part I: Foundations. 1 Introduction. 2 IS as a Socio-Technical System. 3 The Impact of IT on Business. Part II: The Changing Competitive Environment. 4 Modern IT Change the Competitive Landscape. 5 Electronic Commerce: New Ways of Doing Business. Part III: The Strategic Use of IT. 6 Planning for the use of IS Resources. 7 Value Creation and IT. 8 Creating Value with IT in the Modern Landscape. 9 Appropriating Value Over the Long Term. Part IV: Getting IT Done. 10 Justifying the IT Investment. 11 Development and Implementation. Part V: Trends. 12 Modern System and Trends. 13 Security and Ethics.

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Introduction to Information Systems

Information Technology Project Management

Enabling and Transforming Business

3rd Edition JACK T. MARCHEWKA, Northern Illinois University, USA.

3rd Edition R. KELLY RAINER, CASEY G. CEGIELSKI both of Auburn University, USA. Information Technology comes alive in the classroom when using this book. It also takes students where IT impacts business helping them understand how valuable information technology is to their future careers. Features: • All cases and examples are updated to include headline technology companies. • Updated Media Resource Library. • New Video Clips for Chapters added. • All new IT’s About Business in every chapter. • New PowerPoint slides incorporating extensive images and videos. Contents: 1 The Modern Organization in the Global, Web-Based Environment. 2 Information Systems: Concepts and Management. 3 Ethics, Privacy, and Information Security. 4 Data and Knowledge Management. 5 Network Applications. 6 E-Business and E-Commerce. 7 Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Mobile Commerce. 8 Organizational Information Systems. 9 Customer Relation Management. 10 Supply Chain Management. 11 Managerial Support Systems. 12 Acquiring Information Systems and Applications Technology. Guide 1: Computer Hardware. 2: Computer Software. 3: Protecting Your Information Assets. 4: Basics of Telecommunications and Networks. 5: Basics of the Internet and the World Wide Web.

Focusing on how to create Measurable Organizational Value (MOV) through IT projects. The author uses the concept of MOV, combined with his own research, to create a solid foundation for making decisions throughout the projects lifecycle. The books integration of project management and IT concepts provides students with the tools and techniques they need to develop in this field. Incorporates nine areas outlined in the Project Management Institutes Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) into the basic concepts associated with information systems management and software engineering. Contents: 1 The Nature of Information Technology Projects. 2 Conceptualizing and Initializint the IT Project. 3 Developing the Project Charter and Baseline Project Plan. 4 The Human Side of Project Management. 5 Defining and Managing Project Scope. 6 The Work Breakdown Structure and Project Estimation. 7 The Project Schedule and Budget. 8 Managing Project Risk. 9 Project Communication, Tracking, and Reporting. 10 IT Project Quality Management. 11 Managing Organizational Change, Resistance, and Conflict. 12 Project Procurement Management and Outsourcing. 13 Leadership and Ethics. 14 Project Implementation, Closure, and Evaluation.

Systems Thinking, Systems Practice PETER CHECKLAND, Lancaster University, UK. Quickly recognized as a classic in its field, this book established the distinction between “hard” systems thinking, in which parts of the world are taken to be ‘systems’ which can be ‘engineered’, and ‘soft’ systems thinking in which the focus is on making sure the process of enquiry into real-world complexity is itself a system for learning.

“The book that began the movement toward soft systems enquiries.” HUGH MISER Contents: 1 The Subject of Systems. 2 Systems Thinking – The Systems Movement in the Context of Science. 3 Science as a Human Activity: Its History and its Method. 4 Science and the Systems Movement. 5 Some Systems Thinking. 6 Systems Practice – Action Research to Establish the use of Systems Concepts in Problem-Solving. 7 ‘Hard’ Systems Thinking – The Engineers’ Contribution. 8 The Development of ‘Soft’ Systems Thinking. 9 The Systems Methodology in Action. 10 Implications of Systems Practice for Systems Thinking. Appendices. Bibliography. Glossary. Indexes. 9780471986065 • 416pp • 1999 • Pbk

Supplements: Instructor and Student Companion websites including Instructors Manual, Test Bank, PowerPoint Slides and Image Library, Case Material. 9780470409480 • 440pp • 2009 • Pbk

9780470553107 • 528pp • February 2010 Pbk


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Microsoft Office: Office 2007 9780470163955 • 1224pp • 2007 • Pbk

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SHORT TITLE PAGE Pandora’s Box 28 Discovering Requirements 11 Computer Graphics for Java Programmers, 2e 19 Web Programming, 3e 17 Distributed Systems Security 27 Software Engineering, 2e 11 Principles of Network & System Admin., 2e 26 Digital Media Tools, 3e 17 Digital Multimedia, 3e 14 Web Design 17 Systems Thinking, Systems Practice 36 Data Structures & Java Collecs. Framework, 3e 23 Introduction to Computer Music 15 About Face 3 31 Systems Analysis and Design, 4e 24 Systems Analysis and Design with UML, 3e 24 Introducing Maya 2011 19 Operating Systems in Depth 9 Beginning HTML, XHTML, CSS, & JavaScript 16 The Arch. Comp. Hardware, Sys. Software etc., 4e 24 Discrete Mathematics 18 Java Programming 24-Hour Trainer 6 Cryptography Engineering 27 Fundamentals of Bus. Data Comms., 10e 26 The Essential Guide to User Interface Design, 3e 31 Computer Security, 3e 27 Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, 2e 20 Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, 5e 21 Big C++, 2e 7 Big Java, 4e 4 C++ for Everyone, 2e 7 Java Concepts, 6e 5 Java For Everyone 3 Object-Oriented Design and Patterns, 2e 25 Ivor Horton’s Beginning Visual C++ 2010 7 Mobile Interaction Design 31 Testing Computer Software, 2e 13 Data Structures, 2e 22 Requirements Engineering 13 Research Methods in Human-Comp. Interaction 30 Universal Usability 30 ASP.NET 3.5 Website Programming 16 Essentials of Business Processes & Info. Systems 35 Concurrency, 2e 20 Information Technology Project Management, 3e 36 Data Structures & Algorithms Using Python 23 Intro. Programming & Object Oriented Design, 3e 6 Mastering AutoCAD 2011 & AutoCAD LT 2011 19 e-Business 18 Strategic Management of Info. Systems, 4e 34 Information Systems for Managers 35 Introduction to Information Systems, 3e 36 Interaction Design, 3e 29 Web Application Architecture, 2e 16 Operating System Concepts, 8e 10 Operating System Concepts with Java, 8e 10 Robot Modeling and Control 32 COBOL for the 21st Century, 11e 8 Ethics and Technology, 3e 28 Software Architecture 12 Information Technology for Management, 7e 33 Requirements Engineering 12 Software Engineering, 3e 12 Strategic Planning for Information Systems, 3e 34

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