Earth & Environmental Sciences

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Earth & Environmental Sciences September to December 2015 Titles


t a b l e

o f

c o n t e n t s


Environmental Science...............................................................................................7

GIS, Remote Sensing & Cartography........................................................................1

Environmental Microbiology...................................................................................7

Human Geography........................................................................................................1

Environmental Studies Special Topics...................................................................8

Urban Geography.........................................................................................................1

Geology & Geophysics.................................................................................................8

Environmental Geography........................................................................................2

Economic & Applied Geology.................................................................................... 10

Geography - Planning.................................................................................................2

Geophysics.................................................................................................................... 10

Geography of Globalization.....................................................................................2

Sedimentology & Stratigraphy.............................................................................. 11

Political Geography...................................................................................................3

Geomorphology.......................................................................................................... 12

Aquaculture, Fisheries & Fish Science..........................................4

Quaternary Science & Glaciology.......................................................................... 12


Paleontology, Paleobiology & Geobiology......................................................... 12

Fish Diseases..................................................................................................................4

Environmental Geoscience...................................................................................... 13


Environmental Physics............................................................................................ 13

Fish & Fisheries..............................................................................................................5

Agriculture...................................................................................... 13

Earth & Environmental Science....................................................5

Soil................................................................................................................................. 13

Climatology & Paleoclimatology............................................................................5

Forestry....................................................................................................................... 14

Environmental Economics & Politics.....................................................................6

Pests, Diseases & Weeds............................................................................................ 14

Environmental Management, Policy & Planning................................................6

Tropical Agriculture................................................................................................ 14

View or download an online version of this catalog at All prices are correct as at press time but are subject to change without prior notice. An electronic format of this book is available for purchase.

Agent-Based Spatial Simulation with NetLogo Introduction and Bases

Arnaud Banos, Christoph Lang & Nicolas Marilleau

✤✤ Illustrates using the heavily utilized free software NetLogo, the main principles of agent-based spatial simulation ✤✤ It will provide theoretical and conceptual backgrounds as well as algorithmic and technical insights, including code and applets, so that readers can test and re-use most of its content

Agent-Based Spatial Simulation with NetLogo

Print ISBN: 978-1-848-21488-0 (Cloth) US$119.95 • Dec 2015 • 256PP


GIS, Remote Sensing & Cartography

ISBN 184821488-X

9 781848 214880

Human Geography

Articulations of Capital

Global Production Networks and Regional Transformations

John Pickles, Adrian Smith, Robert Begg, Milan Bucek, Poli Roukova & Rudolf Pástor

✤✤ Articulations of Capital offers an accessible, grounded, yet theoretically-sophisticated account of the geographies of global production networks, value chains, and regional development in post-socialist Eastern and Central Europe ✤✤ Proposes a new theorization of global value chains as part of a conjunctural economic geography ✤✤ Develops a set of conceptual and theoretical arguments concerning the regional embeddedness of global production ✤✤ Draws on longitudinal empirical research from over 20 years in the Bulgarian and Slovakian apparel industries ISBN 111863271-0 ✤✤ Makes a major intervention into the debate over the economic geographies of European integration and EU enlargement 9 781118 632710

ISBN 111863290-7

9 781118 632901

Print ISBN: 978-1-118-63271-0 (Cloth) US$95.95 / 978-1-118-63290-1 (Paper) US$39.95 • Dec 2015 • 272PP

Urban Geography

Urban Land Rent

Singapore As A Property State

Anne Haila

✤✤ In Urban Land Rent, Anne Haila uses Singapore as a case study to develop an original theory of urban land rent with important implications for urban studies and urban theory ✤✤ Provides a comprehensive analysis of land, rent theory, and the modern city ✤✤ Examines the question of land from a variety of perspectives: as a resource, ideologies, interventions in the land market, actors in the land market, the global scope of land markets, and investments in land ✤✤ Details the Asian development state model, historical and contemporary land regimes, public housing models, and the development industry for Singapore and several other cities ISBN 111882768-6 ✤✤ Incorporates discussion of the modern real estate market, with reference to real estate investment trusts, sovereign wealth funds investing in real estate, and the fusion between sophisticated financial instruments and real estate 9 781118 827680

ISBN 111882767-8

9 781118 827673

Print ISBN: 978-1-118-82768-0 (Cloth) US$95.95 / 978-1-118-82767-3 (Paper) US$34.95 • Nov 2015 • 296PP



Environmental Geography

The Scramble for the Poles The Geopolitics of the Arctic and Antarctic Klaus Dodds & Mark Nuttall

✤✤ In August 2007 a Russian flag was planted under the North Pole during a scientific expedition triggering speculation about a new scramble for resources beneath the thawing ice ✤✤ Looks behind the headlines and hyperbole to reveal a complex picture of the so-called scramble for the poles ✤✤ Highlights longer historical and geographical patterns and processes of human activity in these remote territories ✤✤ No longer remote places, or themselves 'poles apart' from one another, the ISBN 074565244-1 contemporary geopolitics of the Polar regions has lessons for us all as we confront a warming world where access to resources is a concern for states, big and small 9 780745 652443

ISBN 074565245-X

9 780745 652450

Print ISBN: 978-0-745-65244-3 (Cloth) US$69.95 / 978-0-745-65245-0 (Paper) US$24.95 • Nov 2015 • 240PP

Geography - Planning

Readings in Planning Theory 4th Edition

Susan S. Fainstein & James DeFilippis

✤✤ Featuring updates and revisions to reflect rapid changes in an increasingly globalized world, Readings in Planning Theory remains the definitive resource for the latest theoretical and practical debates within the field of planning theory ✤✤ Represents the newest edition of the leading text in planning theory that brings together the essential classic and cutting-edge readings ✤✤ Features 20 completely new readings (out of 28 total) for the 4th edition ✤✤ Introduces and defines key debates in planning theory with editorial materials and readings selected both for their accessibility and importance ✤✤ Systematically captures the breadth and diversity of planning theory and puts issues into wider social and political contexts without assuming prior knowledge of the field

ISBN 111904506-1

9 781119 045069

Print ISBN: 978-1-119-04506-9 (Paper) US$45.00 • Dec 2015 • 632PP

Geography of Globalization

Global Issues

An Introduction,  5th Edition


Kristen A. Hite & John L. Seitz

✤✤ Now reorganized and updated throughout, the fifth edition of this well-regarded introductory global issues text continues to reflect the most important aspects of an increasingly globalized world ✤✤ Reorganized into more accessible chapters better suited to semester-long courses, with new sections covering development, climate change, pollution, and governance ✤✤ The only survey-level text in the field to unite the perspectives of geography, political science, sociology, ecology, international relations, economics, and development studies ✤✤ Moves beyond the international to be truly global in focus, with coverage of topics such as wealth and poverty, population, food, energy, natural resources, and technology ✤✤ Incorporates new case studies and examples, including the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the effects of changing water supply on migration, natural gas fracking, and smart grid technology ✤✤ Offers a dynamic and accessible narrative with many student-friendly features, such as chapter boxes, a glossary of terms, guides to further reading, media and Internet resources Print ISBN: 978-1-118-96885-7 (Paper) US$36.95 • JAN 2016 • 328PP


ISBN 111896885-9

9 781118 968857


Political Geography

Everyday Peace? Politics, Citizenship and Muslim Lives in India

Philippa Williams

✤✤ Providing important insights into political geography, the politics of peace, and South Asian studies, this book explores everyday peace in northern India as it is experienced by the Hindu-Muslim community ✤✤ Challenges normative understandings of Hindu-Muslim relations as relentlessly violent and the notion of peace as a romantic endpoint occurring only after violence and political maneuverings ✤✤ Examines the ways in which geographical concepts such as space, place, and scale can inform and problematize understandings of peace ✤✤ Redefines the politics of peace, as well as concepts of citizenship, agency, ISBN 111883781-9 secular politics, and democracy ✤✤ Based on over 14 months of qualitative and archival research in the city of 9 781118 837818 Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh, India

ISBN 111883780-0

9 781118 837801

Print ISBN: 978-1-118-83781-8 (Cloth) US$94.95 / 978-1-118-83780-1 (Paper) US$39.95 • OCT 2015 • 248PP

Global Displacements

The Making of Uneven Development in the Caribbean Marion Werner

✤✤ Challenging the main ways we debate globalization, Global Displacements reveals how uneven geographies of capitalist development shape--and are shaped by -- the aspirations and everyday struggles of people in the global South ✤✤ Makes an original contribution to the study of globalization by bringing together critical development and feminist theoretical approaches ✤✤ Opens up new avenues for the analysis of global production as along-term development strategy ✤✤ Contributes novel theoretical insights drawn from the everyday experiences of disinvestment and precarious work on people's lives and their communities ISBN 111894199-3 ✤✤ Represents the first analysis of increasing uneven development among countries in the Caribbean 9 781118 941997 ✤✤ Calls for more rigorous studies of long accepted notions of the geographies of inequality and poverty in the global South

ISBN 111894198-5

9 781118 941980

Print ISBN: 978-1-118-94199-7 (Cloth) US$95.95 / 978-1-118-94198-0 (Paper) US$34.95 • Dec 2015 • 232PP

Metropolitan Preoccupations The Spatial Politics of Squatting in Berlin Alexander Vasudevan

✤✤ Study of the cultural and political geography of squatting in Berlin and links the everyday practices of squatters in the city to wider and enduring questions about the relationship between space, culture, and protest ✤✤ Focuses on the everyday and makeshift practices of squatters in their attempt to exist beyond dominant power relations and redefine what it means to live in the city ✤✤ Offers a fresh critical perspective that builds on recent debates about the "right to the city" and the role of grassroots activism in the making of alternative urbanisms ✤✤ Examines the implications of urban squatting for how we think, research and ISBN 111875059-4 inhabit the city as a site of radical social transformation ✤✤ Challenges existing scholarship on the New Left in Germany by developing a 9 781118 750599 critical geographical reading of the anti-authoritarian revolt and the complex geographies of connection and solidarity that emerged in its wake ✤✤ Draws on extensive field work conducted in Berlin and elsewhere in Germany

ISBN 111875060-8

9 781118 750605

Print ISBN: 978-1-118-75059-9 (Cloth) US$94.95 / 978-1-118-75060-5 (Paper) US$39.95 • Oct 2015 • 248PP

Nothing Personal

Geographies of Governing and Activism in the British Asylum System Nick Gill

✤✤ Provides a conceptually innovative account of the ways in which indifference to the desperation and hardship faced by thousands of migrants fleeing persecution and exploitation comes about ✤✤ Features original, unpublished empirical material from four Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded projects ✤✤ Challenges the consensus that border controls are necessary or desirable in contemporary society ✤✤ Demonstrates how immigration decision makers are immersed in a suffocating web of institutionalized processes that greatly hinder their objectivity and limit their access to alternative perspectives ISBN 144436706-4 ✤✤ Theoretically informed throughout, drawing on the work of a range of social theorists, including Max Weber, Zygmunt Bauman, Emmanuel Levinas, and 9 781444 367065 Georg Simmel

ISBN 144436705-6

9 781444 367058

Print ISBN: 978-1-444-36706-5 (Cloth) US$94.95 / 978-1-444-36705-8 (Paper) US$39.95 • JAN 2016 • 320PP



The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Political Geography John A. Agnew, Virginie Mamadouh, Anna Secor & Joanne Sharp   (Previously Announced )

✤✤ The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Political Geography aims to account for the intellectual and worldly developments that have taken place in and around political geography in the last 10 years ✤✤ Bringing together established names in the field as well as new scholars, it highlights provocative theoretical and conceptual debates on political geography from a range of global perspectives ✤✤ Discusses the latest developments and places increased emphasis on modes of thinking, contested key concepts, and on geopolitics, climate change and terrorism ✤✤ Explores the influence of the practice-based methods in geography and concepts including post colonialism, feminist geographies, the notion of the Anthropocene, and new understandings of the role of non-human actors in networks of power ✤✤ Offers an accessible introduction to political geography for those in allied fields including political science, international relations, and sociology

ISBN 111872588-3

9 781118 725887

Print ISBN: 978-1-118-72588-7 (Cloth) US$195.00 • OCT 2015 • 568PP


Aquaculture Ecosystems

Adaptability and Sustainability   (Previously Announced )

Saleem Mustafa & Rossita Shapawi

✤✤ Aquaculture Ecosystems contains a thorough and exciting synthesis of current information on aquaculture practices and substantial discussion of the way forward in transforming the aquaculture industry by improving its sustainability ✤✤ Includes discussion of all the current major issues relating to aquaculture practices in relation to the ecology of their situations, environmental concerns, and details of how sustainability can be improved ✤✤ Includes chapters that go beyond the stage of debate on old topics, providing conclusions to provide leads for action plans and practices addressing modern challenges such as global climate change ✤✤ A chapter covering concerns and solutions centred around seafood security and the following chapters cover the biology and behavior of aquatic animals and their selection for use in aquaculture systems, integrated multi-trophic aquaculture, nutrient inputs and pollution, biofouling, blue carbon stocks in coastal aquaculture, climate change adaptations and knowledge management in aquaculture ✤✤ Written by internationally-recognized experts in aquaculture and ecology, and edited by Saleem Mustafa, well known for his work in aquatic sciences, the book provides a great deal of use and interest to all those involved in aquaculture planning and development, environmental sciences and aquatic ecology. All libraries in universities and research establishments where biological sciences and aquaculture are studied and taught should have copies of this vital reference on their shelves

ISBN 111877854-5

9 781118 778548

Print ISBN: 978-1-118-77854-8 (Cloth) US$199.95 • Oct 2015 • 424PP

Paddlefish Aquaculture

Steven D. Mims & William L. Shelton

✤✤ Paddlefish Aquaculture examines all aspects of the biology and culture of these fish, exploring their physiology, production, end products and the economics underlying a successful paddlefish operation ✤✤ Chapters specifically cover paddlefish biology, propagation and early culture techniques, production for meat and caviar, international culture and history, paddlefish food products, bioaccumulants of contaminants in paddlefish, parasites and diseases, and the economics of paddlefish aquaculture ✤✤ A timely practical reference for researchers and producers interested in paddlefish Print ISBN: 978-0-813-81058-4 (Cloth) US$199.95 • Sep 2015 • 320PP ISBN 081381058-2

9 780813 810584

Fish Diseases

Diseases of Coral

Cheryl Woodley, Craig Downs, Andrew Bruckner, James Porter & Sylvia Galloway

✤✤ Diseases of Coral covers: ✤✤ Coverage of all major coral diseases ✤✤ Chapters written by leading experts in the field ✤✤ 24-page color plate section ✤✤ Valuable diagnostic reference with standardized descriptions of all diseases presented ✤✤ Glossary of key terms Intended Audience: marine veterinarians, veterinary pathologists, marine biologists, marine aquarists, wildlife pathologists Print ISBN: 978-0-813-82411-6 (Cloth) US$174.99 • SEP 2015 • 632PP


ISBN 081382411-7

9 780813 824116


Biology and Exploitation   (Previously Announced )

Hugo Arancibia

✤✤ Hakes: Biology and Exploitation brings together a wealth of important information on the biology and exploitation of hake and hoki stocks around the world ✤✤ Each chapter provides an overview of the fisheries of each species in an ecological and environmental context, looking at stock distribution, characteristics of the environment, life history, reproduction, diet, growth, mortality, pricing and markets of each geographical region and the hake species found there ✤✤ With chapters written by regional experts on hake species and included within Wiley-Blackwell's prestigious Fish and Aquatic Resources Series, Hakes: Biology and Exploitation provides up-to-date and comparative information, including new approaches to fisheries management, for all those involved in fisheries management, aquatic ecology and biological sciences Print ISBN: 978-1-118-56841-5 (Cloth) US$209.95 • Sep 2015 • 376PP

ISBN 111856841-9

9 781118 568415

Fish & Fisheries

Tunas and Their Fisheries

Safeguarding Sustainability into the 21st Century

Alistair Hobday, Richard Brill & Laurent Dagorn

✤✤ Tunas and Their Fisheries brings together top researchers in the field to explore the current and future research necessary for proper pelagic resource management ✤✤ Divided into four sections, covering basic tuna biology including energetics, reproduction and movement patterns; population assessments and the impact of oceanographic conditions and climate change; and the ecological, economic and cultural importance of large pelagic fishes and their fisheries ✤✤ Comprehensive and cosmopolitan in its coverage, it is an essential resource for advanced students and researchers, as well as professionals involved in the management of pelagic fisheries Print ISBN: 978-1-119-94982-4 (Cloth) US$229.95 • Sep 2015 • 540PP

Tunas and Their Fisheries

ISBN 111994982-3

9 781119 949824

Climatology & Paleoclimatology

Energy and Global Climate Change Bridging the Sustainable Development Divide Anilla Cherian

✤✤ Energy and Global Climate Change: Bridging the Sustainable Development Divide focuses attention on two urgent global development challenges faced by the UN and its member states: access to sustainable energy for all, and global climate change ✤✤ Presents compelling evidence about an often neglected aspect of the energy-climate change-development nexus faced by millions of poor: problems caused by the use of inefficient and polluting energy sources, and the lack of access to sustainable energy services ✤✤ Based on a detailed examination of major UN global climate change and sustainable development negotiated outcomes over the course of several decades, this book argues in a powerful and insightful manner that intergovernmental negotiated outcomes aimed at solving the climate change and energy access challenges have been restricted by being placed in different negotiating silos. This "siloization" or compartmentalization has resulted in separate tracks of negotiated outcomes on two inextricably linked global development challenges; and, has thereby hindered prospects for integrated action ✤✤ In the context of UN led global agreements on climate change and sustainable development goals, which include separate goals on energy access and climate change, this book highlights the importance of "bold action" linking the energy access and climate change related development agendas ✤✤ Addressing the heavy reliance on inefficient and polluting energy services which result in indoor pollution and short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) that tragically impact millions of poor, this book sets out a unique agenda for shared and integrated action in the UN sustainable development agenda Print ISBN: 978-1-118-84560-8 (Cloth) US$60.00 • Sep 2015 • 304PP

ISBN 111884560-9

9 781118 845608





Extreme Weather

Forty Years of the Tornado and Storm Research Organisation (TORRO)   (Previously Announced )

Robert K. Doe

✤✤ This book is about weather extremes in the United Kingdom ✤✤ Presents fascinating and detailed insights into tornadoes (supercell and non-supercell tornadoes, historical and contemporary case studies, frequency and spatial distributions, and unique data on extreme events); thunderstorms (epic event analysis and observing); hailstorms (intensity, distributions and frequency of high magnitude events); lightning (lightning as a hazard, impacts and injuries); ball lightning (definitions, impacts and case studies); flooding (historical and contemporary analysis, extreme rainfall and flash flooding); snowfalls (heavy snowfall days and events) ✤✤ Looks at researching weather extremes, provides guidance on performing post-storm site investigations and details what is involved in severe weather forecasting ✤✤ Written by members, directors and past and present Heads of the research group the Tornado and Storm Research Organisation (TORRO) ✤✤ With fifteen chapters thematically arranged, and data appendix including a new tornado map of the U.K., this book presents a wealth of information on meteorological extremes ✤✤ Aimed primarily at researchers in the field of meteorology and climatology, but will also be of interest to advanced undergraduate students taking relevant courses in this area

ISBN 111894995-1

9 781118 949955

Print ISBN: 978-1-118-94995-5 (Paper) US$110.00 • Oct 2015 • 456PP

Environmental Economics & Politics

The Geopolitics of Deep Oceans John Hannigan

✤✤ The Geopolitics of Deep Oceans examines the past, present and future of our planet’s ‘final frontier’. The author argues that our understanding of the deep - its definition, boundaries, value, ownership, health and future state - depends on whether we see it first and foremost as a resource cornucopia, a political chessboard, a shared commons, or a unique and threatened ecology. He concludes by locating a new storyline that imagines the oceans as a canary-in-the-mineshaft for gauging the impact of global climate change ✤✤ A unique introduction to the geography, law, politics and sociology of the sub-surface ocean. It will appeal to anyone seriously concerned about the present state and future fate of the largest single habitat for life on our planet Print ISBN: 978-0-745-68018-7 (Cloth) US$64.95 / 978-0-745-68019-4 (Paper) US$24.95 • OCT 2015 • 200PP

ISBN 074568018-6

ISBN 074568019-4

9 780745 680187

9 780745 680194

Environmental Management, Policy & Planning

An Integrated Approach to Environmental Management Dibyendu Sarkar, Rupali Datta, Avinandan Mukherjee & Robyn Hannigan

✤✤ Covers the most recent topics in the field of environmental management and provides a broad focus on the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of environmental management ✤✤ Provides an up-to-date survey of the field from the perspective of different disciplines ✤✤ Covers the topic of environmental management from multiple perspectives, namely, natural sciences, engineering, business, social sciences, and methods and tools perspectives ✤✤ Combines both academic rigor and practical approach through literature reviews and theories and examples and case studies from diverse geographic areas and policy domains ✤✤ Explores local and global issues of environmental management and analyzes the role of various contributors in the environmental management process ✤✤ Chapter contents are appropriately demonstrated with numerous pictures, charts, graphs, and tables, and accompanied by a detailed reference list for further readings

ISBN 111874435-7

9 781118 744352

Print ISBN: 978-1-118-74435-2 (Cloth) US$174.95 • Oct 2015 • 636PP

Bioenergy from Dendromass for the Sustainable Development of Rural Areas

David Butler-Manning, Albrecht Bemmann, Michael Bredemeier, Norbert Lamersdorf & Christian Ammer

✤✤ Examines the sustainable management of wood biomass in rural areas. The large number of participating organizations and research institutes ensures a balanced and unbiased view on the potentials and risks is presented, taking into account economic, ecological, and social aspects ✤✤ Highlights best practices for enhancing dendromass potential and productivity, while discussing the implications on rural economies and ecosystems Intended Audience: Forest Scientists, Ecologists, Environmental Consultants, Environmental Agencies, Botanists Print ISBN: 978-3-527-33764-4 (Cloth) US$151.28 • Oct 2015 • 576PP


ISBN 352733764-4

9 783527 337644

Marielle Jappiot & Marlène Long-Fournel

✤✤ Irstea has developed a mapping method of the habitat-forest interface areas based on remote sensing data and spatial analysis data. ✤✤ These areas are important in terms of forest fire danger, because this is where we can find both the causes of fire outbreaks and the vulnerable area exposed to fire. ✤✤ This work has allowed us to define types of interfaces. There are very little data figures about the surfaces occupied by these interfaces and even less data about their dynamics throughout time. ✤✤ We propose to detail an approach about the Bouches du Rhône and Haute Corse and to see the evolution over the past ten years. This leads to indications for administrators about rapidly changing zones.

Dynamics of Habitat-forest Interface Zones

ISBN 184821555-X

Print ISBN: 978-1-848-21555-9 (Cloth) US$49.95 • Oct 2015 • 96PP

9 781848 215559

Hydraulic Modeling (Previously Announced )

Lead Title

Victor Lyatkher & Alexander M. Proudovsky

✤✤ Hydraulic Modeling introduces and explores this incredibly important science, from the most basic tenets to valuable real-world applications that are used in industry today ✤✤ A thorough coverage of the subject without adding lots of useless fluff or inapplicable appendices ✤✤ A must-have for any engineer, scientist, or student working with hydraulic modeling, as a daily reference or a textbook

Hydraulic Modeling

Print ISBN: 978-1-118-94619-0 (Cloth) US$TBA• Oct 2015 • 300PP ISBN 111894619-7

9 781118 946190

Environmental Science

Essential Environmental Science


Dynamics of Habitat-forest Interface Zones


2nd Edition

Daniel B. Botkin & Edward A. Keller

✤✤ Offers critical thinking questions in each chapter to help readers draw inferences ✤✤ Focuses on calculations and data interpretation that are directly linked to answering the big questions ✤✤ Explores the major environmental issues while providing a critical perspective and highlights opposite sides of thinking for important issues ✤✤ Examines science principles while limiting the discussion on mathematical and quantitative areas Print ISBN: 978-0-470-11856-6 (Paper) US$TBA • Dec 2015 • 454PP Supplement Available

Essential Environmental Science

ISBN 047011856-3

9 780470 118566

Environmental Microbiology

Environmental Microbiology

From Genomes to Biogeochemistry,  2nd Edition


Eugene L. Madsen

✤✤ New and expanded for its second edition, Environmental Microbiology: From Genomes to Biogeochemistry¸ Second Edition, is a timely update to a classic text filled with ideas, connections, and concepts that advance an in-depth understanding of this growing segment of microbiology ✤✤ Core principles are highlighted with an emphasis on the logic of the science and new methods-driven discoveries ✤✤ Numerous up-to-date examples and applications boxes provide tangible reinforcement of material covered ✤✤ Study questions at the end of each chapter require students to utilize analytical and quantitative approaches, to define and defend arguments, and to apply microbiological paradigms to their personal interests ✤✤ Essay assignments and related readings stimulate student inquiry and serve as focal points for teachers to launch classroom discussions ✤✤ A companion website with downloadable artwork and answers to study questions is also available ✤✤ Offers a coherent and comprehensive treatment of this dynamic, emerging field, building bridges between basic biology, evolution, genomics, ecology, biotechnology, climate change, and the environmental sciences

ISBN 111843963-5

9 781118 439630

Print ISBN: 978-1-118-43963-0 (Cloth) US$129.95 • Sep 2015 • 592PP



Environmental Studies Special Topics

What is Environmental History?


2nd Edition

J. Donald Hughes

✤✤ This new edition of the seminal student textbook provides a masterful overview of the thinkers, topics and perspectives that have come to constitute the exciting discipline that is environmental history ✤✤ Explained on a global scale, drawing together disparate trends from a rich variety of countries into a unified whole, illuminating trends and key themes in the process ✤✤ To reflect recent developments, trends, and new work in environmental history, as well as a brand new note on its possible future ✤✤ Students and scholars new to environmental history will find the book both ISBN 074568842-X an indispensable guide and a rich source of inspiration for future work Print ISBN: 978-0-745-68842-8 (Cloth) US$64.95 / 978-0-745-68843-5 (Paper) US$22.95 • Oct 2015 • 200P

9 780745 688428

ISBN 074568843-8

9 780745 688435

Geology & Geophysics



Understanding Life in the Universe Charles S. Cockell

✤✤ A strobiology: Understanding Life in the Universe is an introductory text which explores the structure of living things, the formation of the elements for life in the Universe, the biological and geological history of the Earth and the habitability of other planets in our own Solar System and beyond ✤✤ Designed to convey some of the major conceptual foundations in astrobiology that cut across a diversity of traditional fields including chemistry, biology, geosciences, physics and astronomy ✤✤ It can be used to complement existing courses in these fields or as a standISBN 111891332-9 alone text for astrobiology courses ✤✤ Suitable for undergraduates studying for degrees in earth or life sciences, physics, astronomy and related disciplines, as well as anyone with an interest 9 781118 913321 in grasping some of the major concepts and ideas in astrobiology

ISBN 111891333-7

9 781118 913338

Print ISBN: 978-1-118-91332-1 (Cloth) US$151.95 • 528PP / 978-1-118-91333-8 (Paper) US$63.95 • Nov 2015 • 450PP

Extreme Events

Observations, Modeling, and Economics

Mario Chavez, Michael Ghil & Jaime Urrutia Fucugauchi

✤✤ Covers the fundamentals and the consequences of extreme geophysical phenomena like asteroid impacts, climatic change, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, flooding, and space weather. Also addresses their associated, local and worldwide socio-economic impacts ✤✤ The understanding and modeling of these phenomena is critical to the development of timely worldwide strategies for the prediction of natural and anthropogenic extreme events, in order to mitigate their adverse consequences ✤✤ This monograph is unique in as much as it is dedicated to recent theoretical, numerical and empirical developments that aim to improve: ✤✤ the understanding, modeling and prediction of extreme events in the geosciences, as well as ✤✤ the quantitative evaluation of their economic consequences. The emphasis is on coupled, integrative assessment of the physical phenomena and their socio-economic impacts ✤✤ With its overarching theme, "Extreme Events: Observations, Modeling and Economics" will be relevant to and become an important tool for researchers and practitioners in the fields of hazard and risk analysis in general, as well as to those with a special interest in climate change, atmospheric and oceanic sciences, seismo-tectonics, hydrology, and space weather Print ISBN: 978-1-119-15701-4 (Cloth) US$199.95 • DEC 2015 • 367PP


ISBN 111915701-3

9 781119 157014

Peter Webley, Karin Riley, Matthew Thompson, Abani Patra & Marcus Bursik

✤✤ This volume is an outcome of the 2013 AGU Fall session ‘Uncertainty in Natural Hazard Assessment: Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Wildfires, and Weather Phenomena', which was a combination of two AGU Focus Group Sections, Natural Hazards and Volcanology/Geochemistry/Petrology ✤✤ In the session, researchers from volcanology, wildfire, landslide analysis and other fields were brought together to compare results in characterizing uncertainties and properly developing three- and fourdimensional understanding of event probability ✤✤ The proposed AGU volume will focus on the work presented at this session as well as other presentations from across the 2013 AGU Fall meeting that had a focus associated with the AGU SWIRL theme, ‘Characterizing Uncertainty.' The volume will have several central themes associated with the different disciplines represented in the session and from across AGU, as well as a clear description of what is meant by ‘uncertainties/probabilities associated with natural hazards' ✤✤ Special emphasis will be laid on emergent themes for techniques and perspectives that span the range of natural hazards studied ✤✤ A concluding chapter will review modeling approaches discussed, lessons learned, and similarities and differences across uncertainty characterization methodologies. An important goal of this chapter is to point out that natural hazard sciences may vary across multiple dimensions: data availability, sufficiency, and spatiotemporal scale; the relative amount and cumulative expertise of scientists working in each field; and the state-of-the-art in quantitative uncertainty assessment. Synthesis of these similarities and differences could highlight important synergies and opportunities for cross-hazard collaboration and learning ✤✤ Uniquely bring together scientists from across the full breath of the AGU scientific community, from those in real-time analysis of natural hazards, to those in the research community from academic professors to graduate students ✤✤ Excellent resource for those interested in current work on uncertainty classification/quantification, as well as provide documentation of the common themes that cross disciplines, to allow all in the AGU and natural hazards communities to learn from each other and build a more-connected network

Characterizing Uncertainties in Natural Hazard Modeling

ISBN 111902786-1

9 781119 027867

Print ISBN: 978-1-119-02786-7 (Cloth) US$TBA • FEB 2015 • 350PP

Neotectonics and Earthquake Potential of the Eastern Mediterranean Region

Ibrahim Cemen & Yucel Yilmaz

✤✤ Focus on the Neotectonics of the Eastern Mediterranean region which has experienced many major extensive earthquakes, including the devastating Izmit, Turkey earthquake (Mw=7.4), which occurred midnight on August 17, 1999. The event lasted for 37 seconds, killing around 17 thousand people, injuring 43,953 people (official Turkish government estimate), and leaving approximately half a million people homeless ✤✤ This volume is an outcome of the collective research that was presented at the AGU fall meeting 2013 ✤✤ The Eastern Mediterranean Region contains one of the world's longest and best studied active strike-slip (horizontal motion) faults: the east-west trending North Anatolian fault zone, which is very similar to the San Andreas fault in California. Thus, the chapters included in the AGU volume will have wide spread applications in measuring plate motion and will also have strong implications in predicting natural disasters like earthquakes both on a regional and a global scale

Neotectonics and Earthquake Potential of the Eastern Mediterranean Region


Characterizing Uncertainties in Natural Hazard Modeling

ISBN 111894498-4

9 781118 944981

Print ISBN: 978-1-118-94498-1 (Cloth) US$TBA • MAR 2016 • 350PP

Subduction Dynamics: From Mantle Flow to Mega Disasters  Gabriele Morra, David A. Yuen, Scott King, Sang Mook Lee & Seth Stein

✤✤ Subduction Dynamics is the result of a meeting that was held between August 19 and 22, 2012 on Jeju island, South Korea, where about fifty researchers from East Asia, North America and Europe met ✤✤ Chapters treat diverse topics ranging from the response of the ionosphere to earthquake and tsunamis, to the origin of mid-continental volcanism thousands kilometers distant from the subduction zone, from the mysterious deep earthquakes triggered in the interior of the descending slabs, to the detailed pattern of accretionary wedges in convergent zones, from the induced mantle flow in the deep mantle, to the nature of the paradigms of earthquake occurrence, showing that all of them ultimately are due to the subduction process ✤✤ Volume highlights include: ✤✤ Multidisciplinary research involving geology, mineral physics, geophysics and geodynamics. ✤✤ Extremely large-scale numerical models with state-of-the art high performance computing facilities. ✤✤ Overview of exceptional three-dimensional dynamic representation of the evolution of the Earth interiors and of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami dynamics. ✤✤ Global risk assessment strategies in predicting natural disasters. ✤✤ A valuable contribution in earth and environmental sciences that will assist with understanding the mechanisms behind plate tectonics and predicting and mitigating future natural hazards like earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis

ISBN 111888885-5

9 781118 888858

Print ISBN: 978-1-118-88885-8 (Cloth) US$TBA • Oct 2015 • 234PP



The Early Earth: Accretion and Differentiation

James Badro & Michael J. Walter

✤✤ The Early Earth: Accretion and Differentiation provides a multidisciplinary overview of the state of the art in understanding the formation and primordial evolution of the Earth ✤✤ The topics in this volume include: ✤✤ Condensation of primitive objects in the solar nebula, planetary building blocks ✤✤ Early and late accretion and planetary dynamic modeling ✤✤ Primordial differentiation, core formation, Magma Ocean evolution and crystallization ✤✤ This volume will be a valuable resource for graduate students, academics, and researchers in the fields of geophysics, geochemistry, cosmochemistry, and planetary science

ISBN 111886057-8

9 781118 860571

Print ISBN: 978-1-118-86057-1 (Cloth) US$149.95 • Oct 2015 • 192PP

Economic & Applied Geology

Petrophysics A Practical Guide

Stephen Cannon

✤✤ Petrophysics is the science of evaluating the rock and fluid properties of oil, gas and water reservoirs through the acquisition of physical samples, electrical, chemical, nuclear and magnetic data acquired by surface logging, downhole coring, and drilling and wireline sondes ✤✤ This book is firmly aimed at students of geology and petroleum engineering looking for a practical understanding of the background and workflows required to complete a petrophysical study of a well, a reservoir or a field ✤✤ Petrophysics is log analysis constrained by geology, and if we ignore the rocks ISBN 111874674-0 we risk making poor investment decisions Print ISBN: 978-1-118-74674-5 (Cloth) US$145.00 / 978-1-118-74673-8 (Paper) US$65.00 • Nov 2015 • 232PP

9 781118 746745

ISBN 111874673-2

9 781118 746738


Auroral Dynamics and Space Weather Yongliang Zhang & Larry Paxton

✤✤ This monograph features discussions of: ✤✤ New auroral phenomena due to the ring current ion and polar rain electron precipitation ✤✤ Various auroral forms and hemispheric asymmetry ✤✤ Auroral model development and MHD simulations ✤✤ Application of the auroral observations for radio absorption and scintillation ✤✤ Aurora nowcast and forecast for space weather operations ✤✤ A valuable contribution for scientists, researchers, space weather operators, and students of Earth's space environment Print ISBN: 978-1-118-97870-2 (Cloth) US$TBA • Nov 2015 • 250PP

ISBN 111897870-6

9 781118 978702

The Earth’s Interior

Physics and Chemistry of the Lower Mantle and Core Hidenori Terasaki Terasaki & Rebecca Fischer

✤✤ Deep Earth: Physics and Chemistry of the Lower Mantle and Core highlights recent advances and the latest views of the deep Earth from theoretical, experimental, and observational approaches ✤✤ Highlights the recent significant advancements in our understanding of the deep Earth that have occurred as a result, including contributions from experimental and theoretical mineral and rock physics, geophysics, and geochemistry ✤✤ Topics in this volume include: ✤✤ Thermal structure of the lower mantle and core ✤✤ Structure, anisotropy, and plasticity of deep Earth materials ✤✤ Physical properties of the deep interior ✤✤ Chemistry and phase relations in the lower mantle and core ✤✤ Volatiles in the deep Earth ✤✤ Valuable resource for researchers and students who study the Earth's interior. The topics of this volume are multidisciplinary, and therefore will be useful to students from a wide variety of fields in the Earth Sciences, including geophysics, geochemistry, and mineral/rock physics Print ISBN: 978-1-118-99247-0 (Cloth) US$TBA • Nov 2015 • 350PP


ISBN 111899247-4

9 781118 992470

Longitude and Hemispheric Dependences and Their Solar, Geomagnetic and Lower Atmosphere Connections

Tim Fuller Rowell

✤✤ Provides a clear description of the physics of this system that controls the longitude and hemispheric dependence of space weather in several tutorial-like articles that will be of value to the upper atmosphere scientific community in general and to the ongoing global magnetosphere- ionosphere-thermosphere (MIT) modeling effort in particular ✤✤ The volume is an outcome of the research presented at the first Chapman conference held in Africa, it will further provide great opportunities and motivations to the African scientists to communicate their research results with the international community using the volume as a vehicle ✤✤ The volume includes articles from six science themes that were discussed. These include: ✤✤ Hemispherical Dependence of Magnetospheric Energy Injection and the Thermosphere-Ionosphere Response; ✤✤ Longitude and Hemispheric Dependence of Storm-Enhanced Densities (SED); ✤✤ Response to the Thermosphere and Ionosphere to Variability in Solar Radiation; ✤✤ Longitude Spatial Structure in Total Electron Content and Electrodynamics; ✤✤ Temporal Response to the Lower-Atmosphere Disturbances; ✤✤ Ionospheric Irregularities and Scintillation ✤✤ Useful to both active researchers and advanced graduate students in the field of physics, geophysics and engineering, especially who are keen to acquire a global understanding of equatorial ionosphere motion and want to take the global modeling effort one step forward by including observational information from longitudinal sectors across the globe

Ionospheric Space Weather

ISBN 111892920-9

9 781118 929209

Print ISBN: 978-1-118-92920-9 (Cloth) US$TBA • DEC 2015 • 350PP

The Terrestrial Water Cycle: Natural and Human-Induced Changes Natural and Human-Induced Changes Qiuhong Tang

✤✤ Focuses on the contemporary terrestrial water cycle change, its natural and human-induced drivers, and the wider implications for water resources from local to global scales ✤✤ Features a comprehensive examination of the changes in the terrestrial water cycle as well as the root causes of the changes ✤✤ The multidisciplinary approach covers the topic from both a scientific and technological perspective, integrating such fields as hydrology, remote sensing, water resources, climate change, environmental science and hazard mitigation ✤✤ This volume is divided into four sections beginning with ✤✤ Two overview chapters where the studies on the change in the terrestrial water cycle are reviewed ✤✤ Subsequent chapters are grouped into sections ✤✤ Dealing with the global picture of the natural and human-induced changes, ✤✤ Hydrological tools of the terrestrial water cycle, and ✤✤ Applications at regional scale ✤✤ Portrays the current directions and future needs in the study of the change, and demonstrates practical and achievable ways to understand local and regional scale change in a changing global environment

The Terrestrial Water Cycle: Natural and HumanInduced Changes


Ionospheric Space Weather

ISBN 111897176-0

9 781118 971765

Print ISBN: 978-1-118-97176-5 (Cloth) US$TBA • Dec 2015 • 350PP

Sedimentology & Stratigraphy

Deep Marine Systems

Processes, Deposits, Environments, Tectonic and Sedimentation   (Previously Announced )

Kevin Pickering & Richard Hiscott

✤✤ Informs advanced-level undergraduate and postgraduate students, and professional Earth scientists with interests in physical oceanography and hydrocarbon exploration and production, about many of the important physical aspects of deep-water (mainly deep-marine) systems ✤✤ Considers transport and deposition in the deep sea, trace-fossil assemblages, and facies stacking patterns as an archive of the underlying controls on deposit architecture (e.g., seismicity,climate change, autocyclicity) ✤✤ Topics include modern and ancient deep-water sedimentary environments, ISBN 111886549-9 tectonic settings, and how basinal and extra-basinal processes generate the typical characteristics of basin slopes, submarine canyons, contourite mounds and drifts, submarine fans, basin floors and abyssal plains. 9 781118 865491 Intended Audience: Undergraduate earth science students. Research and applied sedimentologists. (Petroleum industry)

ISBN 140512578-0

9 781405 125789

Print ISBN: 978-1-118-86549-1 (Cloth) US$169.95 / 978-1-405-12578-9 (Paper) US$89.00 • Oct 2015 • 696PP




Monitoring and Modelling Dynamic Environments

Alan P. Dykes, John Wainwright & Mark Mulligan

✤✤ The thematic focus of the book, which runs through all of the main contributions, is the integration of different methodologies and the application of approaches to improved understanding of natural systems and the development of appropriate strategies for environmental and resource management ✤✤ Short overviews of the author’s contributions to geomorphological research are also presented to provide context for the origins of this book Print ISBN: 978-0-470-71121-7 (Cloth) US$125.00 • Sep 2015 • 352PP ISBN 047071121-3

9 780470 711217

Quaternary Science & Glaciology

The Ice Age


Dr. Jrgen Ehlers, Dr. Philip Hughes & Professor Philip L. Gibbard

✤✤ Written as a general overview of the Ice Age, with particular emphasis on glacial periods and the landscape and sedimentary record left by glacial action ✤✤ Exceptionally richly illustrated with colour photographs, diagrams and maps Print ISBN: 978-1-118-50781-0 (Cloth) US$170.00 / 978-1-118-50780-3 (Paper) US$65.00 • Nov 2015 • 432PP

ISBN 111850781-9

ISBN 111850780-0

9 781118 507810

9 781118 507803

Paleontology, Paleobiology & Geobiology

Baas Becking’s Geobiology Professor Don Canfield

✤✤ The book will be welcomed by practicing geobiologists at all levels, and beyond, and will have a broad appeal to microbial ecologists, limnologists, oceanographers, geologists, naturalists, as well as to historians of science ✤✤ Each chapter includes a short introduction by Professor Don Canfield which places the book within the modern context and outlines the main points presented within the chapter, and offer some modern insights and updates were relevant

Baas Becking's Geobiology

Print ISBN: 978-0-470-67381-2 (Cloth) US$55.00 • Oct 2015 • 168PP ISBN 047067381-8

9 780470 673812


Global Vegetation Dynamics Concepts and Applications in the MC1 Model Dominique Bachelet & David Turner

✤✤ Global Vegetation Dynamics: Concepts and Applications in the MC1 model describes the creation in the mid1990s, architecture, uses, and limitations of the MC1 DGVM that is being used by an increasing number of research groups around the world. The scientific foundation of most models is often poorly documented and difficult to access, and a centralized source of information for MC1, including the complete list of over eighty papers and reports with MC1 results will be useful to scientists and users who want to better understand the model and the output it generates ✤✤ The topics in this volume include general descriptions of the original model design, including the fire model, which was the first of its kind among dynamic global vegetation models; a brief history of the model creation; summaries of model results at the continental (North America), regional (Pacific Northwest), and local (Wind Cave NP and Sierra Nevada) scales; a description of its use to transform a state and transition model into its climate-smart version to help managers prepare for climate change challenges; and the description of an on-line tool ( that provides snapshots as well as animated time series of its results ✤✤ A complete bibliography lists over 80 publications that include MC1 results ✤✤ Valuable resource for students and researchers in the fields of climate change science, conservation science, and biogeochemistry and ecology, as well as for land managers looking for a better understanding of the projections of climate change impacts and of the tools that have been developed to produce them

ISBN 111901169-8

9 781119 011699

Print ISBN: 978-1-119-01169-9 (Cloth) US$149.95 • Oct 2015 • 210PP

Environmental Physics

Radiative Transfer in Coupled Environmental Systems An Introduction to Forward and Inverse Modeling Knut Stamnes & Jakob J. Stamnes

✤✤ Focuses on teaching readers how to formulate and solve forward and inverse problems related to coupled media, and provides examples of how to solve concrete problems in environmental remote sensing of coupled atmosphere-surface systems ✤✤ Discusses radiative transfer in coupled media, such as the atmosphere-ocean system with Lambertian as well non-Lambertian reflecting surfaces at the lower boundary. The spectral range from the ultraviolet to the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum is considered, as are multi-spectral as well as hyperspectral remote sensing, while solutions of the forward problem for unpolarized and polarized radiation are discussed in considerable detail Intended Audience: Meteorologists, Molecular Physicists, Climatologists, Geophysicists, Lecturers in Physics, Libraries at University Institutes, Libraries at Universities

ISBN 352741138-0

9 783527 411382

Print ISBN: 978-3-527-41138-2 (Cloth) US$155.95 • Sep 2015 • 368PP


Soil Science Simplified


6th Edition


Environmental Geoscience

Neal Eash, Thomas J. Sauer, Aga Razvi & Forbes Walker

✤✤ A user-friendly beginners' guide to soilscience, Soil Science Simplified, 6th Edition is an updated version of the beloved textbook that includes even more thorough applications of soil science to interdisciplinary fields ✤✤ It includes the most recent research concerning uses of soil in municipal, engineering, and other areas, conversion agriculture covering no-till, hoe-till, and the methodology of cover crops, crop rotations, N contribution, and worldwide trends in conversion agriculture ✤✤ The fundamental chapters on physical, chemical, and biological properties has been fully revised and updated making it an ideal introductory text Print ISBN: 978-1-118-54069-5 (Cloth) US$74.95 • Nov 2015 • 264PP

ISBN 111854069-7

9 781118 540695




The Practice of Silviculture


10th Edition

David M. Smith, Bruce C. Larson, Matthew J. Kelty & P. Mark S. Ashton

✤✤ A premier source of ecologically and economically sound information on the long-term treatment of forests. It provides the information necessary to understand, analyze, and apply the various techniques available for growing stands under any circumstances ✤✤ Emphasizes the development of techniques so professionals are able to invent silvicultural solutions to problems ✤✤ Plantation silviculture as well as broader forestry theories are covered

The Practice of Silviculture

Print ISBN: 978-1-119-04001-9 (Paper) US$TBA • Sep 2015 • 488PP Supplement Available ISBN 111904001-9

9 781119 040019

Pests, Diseases & Weeds


Health, Safety and the Environment,  2nd Edition  (Previously Announced ) Graham Matthews

✤✤ In this second edition, the text provides updates on how pesticides are registered and applied and the techniques used to mitigate their effects in the environment ✤✤ Information on operator safety, protection of workers in crops treated with pesticides; and spray drift affecting those who live in farming areas are also discussed ✤✤ By bringing together the most recent research on pesticides in a single volume, this book provides a vital up to date resource for agricultural scientists, agronomists, plant scientists, plant pathologists, entomologists, environmental scientists, public health personnel, toxicologists and others working in the agrochemical industry and governments ✤✤ It will assist in the development of harmonising regulation of pesticides in countries with limited resources for registration of pesticides

ISBN 111897586-3

9 781118 975862

Print ISBN: 978-1-118-97586-2 (Cloth) US$199.95 • Oct 2015 • 296PP

Tropical Agriculture

The Oil Palm 5th Edition

R. H. V. Corley & P. B. H. Tinker

✤✤ The Oil Palm is the definitive reference work on this important crop ✤✤ This fifth edition features new topics - including the conversion of palm oil to biodiesel, and discussions about the impacts of palm oil production on the environment and effects of climate change – alongside comprehensively revised chapters, with updated references throughout ✤✤ The Oil Palm, Fifth Edition will be useful to researchers, plantation and mill managers who wish to understand the science underlying recommended practices. It is an indispensable reference for agriculture students and all those working in the oil palm industry worldwide Print ISBN: 978-1-405-18939-2 (Cloth) US$279.99 • Dec 2015 • 688PP


ISBN 140518939-8

9 781405 189392




Page Reference

Prices (US$)


Agent-Based Spatial Simulation with NetLogo: Introduction and Bases

Banos, Lang, Marilleau





An Integrated Approach to Environmental Management

Sarkar, Datta, Mukherjee, Hannigan





Aquaculture Ecosystems: Adaptability and Sustainability

Mustafa, Shapawi





Articulations of Capital: Global Production Networks and Regional Transformations

Pickles, Smith, Begg, Bucek, Roukova, Pástor





Articulations of Capital: Global Production Networks and Regional Transformations

Pickles, Smith, Begg, Bucek, Roukova, Pástor





Astrobiology: Understanding Life in the Universe






Astrobiology: Understanding Life in the Universe






Auroral Dynamics and Space Weather

Zhang, Paxton





Baas Becking’s Geobiology






Bioenergy from Dendromass for the Sustainable Development of Rural Areas

Butler-Manning, Bemmann, Bredemeier, Lamersdorf, Ammer





Characterizing Uncertainties in Natural Hazard Modeling

Webley, Riley, Thompson, Patra, Bursik





Deep Marine Systems: Processes, Deposits, Environments, Tectonic and Sedimentation

Pickering, Hiscott





Deep Marine Systems: Processes, Deposits, Environments, Tectonic and Sedimentation

Pickering, Hiscott





Diseases of Coral

Woodley, Downs, Bruckner, Porter, Galloway





Dynamics of Habitat-forest Interface Zones

Jappiot, Long-Fournel





Energy and Global Climate Change: Bridging the Sustainable Development Divide






Environmental Microbiology: From Genomes to Biogeochemistry,  2nd Edition






Essential Environmental Science, 2nd Edition

Botkin, Keller





Everyday Peace? Politics, Citizenship and Muslim Lives in India






Everyday Peace? Politics, Citizenship and Muslim Lives in India








Earth and Environmental Sciences: September to December 2015 New Titles






Page Reference

Prices (US$)


Extreme Events: Observations, Modeling, and Economics

Chavez, Ghil, Fucugauchi





Extreme Weather: Forty Years of the Tornado and Storm Research Organisation (TORRO)






Global Displacements: The Making of Uneven Development in the Caribbean






Global Displacements: The Making of Uneven Development in the Caribbean






Global Issues: An Introduction,  5th Edition

Hite, Seitz





Global Vegetation Dynamics: Concepts and Bachelet, Turner Applications in the MC1 Model





Hakes: Biology and Exploitation






Hydraulic Modeling

Lyatkher, Proudovsky





Ionospheric Space Weather: Longitude and Hemispheric Dependences and Their Solar, Geomagnetic and Lower Atmosphere Connections






Metropolitan Preoccupations: The Spatial Politics of Squatting in Berlin






Metropolitan Preoccupations: The Spatial Politics of Squatting in Berlin






Monitoring and Modelling Dynamic Environments

Dykes, Mulligan, Wainwright





Neotectonics and Earthquake Potential of the Eastern Mediterranean Region

Cemen, Yilmaz





Nothing Personal: Geographies of Governing and Activism in the British Asylum System






Nothing Personal: Geographies of Governing and Activism in the British Asylum System






Paddlefish Aquaculture

Mims, Shelton





Pesticides: Health, Safety and the Environment,  2nd Edition






Petrophysics: A Practical Guide






Petrophysics: A Practical Guide






Radiative Transfer in Coupled Environmental Systems: An Introduction to Forward and Inverse Modeling

Stamnes, Stamnes





Readings in Planning Theory, 4th Edition

Fainstein, DeFilippis





Soil Science Simplified, 6th Edition

Eash, Sauer, Razvi, Walker





Subduction Dynamics: From Mantle Flow to Mega Disasters

Morra, Yuen, King, Lee, Stein





The Early Earth: Accretion and Differentiation

Badro, Walter








Page Reference

Prices (US$)


The Earth’s Interior: Physics and Chemistry of the Lower Mantle and Core

Terasaki, Fischer





The Geopolitics of Deep Oceans






The Geopolitics of Deep Oceans






The Ice Age

Ehlers, Hughes, Gibbard





The Ice Age

Ehlers, Hughes, Gibbard





The Oil Palm, 5th Edition

Corley, Tinker





The Practice of Silviculture, 10th Edition

Smith, Larson, Kelty, Ashton





The Scramble for the Poles: The Geopolitics Dodds, Nuttall of the Arctic and Antarctic





The Scramble for the Poles: The Geopolitics Dodds, Nuttall of the Arctic and Antarctic





The Terrestrial Water Cycle: Natural and Human-Induced Changes: Natural and Human-Induced Changes






The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Political Geography

Agnew, Mamadouh, Secor, Sharp





Tunas and Their Fisheries: Safeguarding Sustainability into the 21st Century

Hobday, Brill, Dagorn





Urban Land Rent: Singapore As A Property State






Urban Land Rent: Singapore As A Property State






What is Environmental History?, 2nd Edition






What is Environmental History?, 2nd Edition










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