Laurier Style Guide 2012

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Brand Standards April 2012

What’s in a Leaf? At the heart of it this national symbol honours our namesake, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, seventh Prime Minister of Canada. That alone is a unique claim among Canadian universities. But look closely. Laurier’s maple leaf is a microcosm of connectivity and support – every vein contributing to the health of the whole. The beauty and simplicity of the maple leaf can only be realized through this common purpose of nature. And so it is at Laurier – faculty, staff, students and alumni committed to a common vision: To Inspire Lives of Leadership and Purpose.

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contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Logo and Tagline Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Naming and Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Referring to Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Key Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Boilerplate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Values, Vision, Mission and Guiding Principles . . . . . . . 7 OďŹƒcial Logo Versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Specialty Logo Versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Clear Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Minimum Size Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 For Print Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 For Digital Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Incorrect Logo Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Typeface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Typeface Substitutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Colour Palette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Secondary Colours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Suggested Colour Combinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Photography and Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

SampLe appLicationS StAtionery Letterhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Faculty / Department Letterhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Business Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Envelopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Event Envelopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Presentation Folder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Generic Newspaper Ads / Leaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Generic Newspaper Ads / Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Brochure Covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Newsletter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Poster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Exterior Banner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Pop-up Banners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 PowerPoint Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Website Masthead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Email Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Merchandise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Glossary of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 A Note on Accessibility for Print Materials . . . . . . . . . 59

The Laurier Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Faculty and Department Designations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Campus Designations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 The 9-Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 The Leaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Graphic Element: Gold Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 The University Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Seal Clear Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Seal Minimum Size Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Laurier Wordmark Logo Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Laurier Alumni Logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Student-run Organization Logos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

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introduction This style guide is the result of a visual identity process undertaken by Wilfrid Laurier University. It has been developed to provide the Laurier community with specific standards and guidelines to successfully implement the Laurier visual identity across all forms of communications. Adherence to this style guide will ensure a consistent, effective visual presentation of Laurier to both internal and external audiences. For further information, please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

a note on SuStainabiLity At Laurier, we encourage the use of environmentally-friendly printing processes, papers and inks. Using FSC-certified papers for your printing needs is an effective way to demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and the environment, and is proven to be good business practice. Many companies are increasingly specifying FSC Papers as their pledge to a greener world. The FSC logo is widely respected and increasingly recognized as the standard in responsible forest management – that reflects on our brand. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit organization that promotes responsible forest management throughout the world, and the only certification system supported by environmental organisations such as the World Wildlife Fund, Rain Forest Alliance, Greenpeace, Woodland Trust and Friends of the Earth.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

the FSc logo identifies papers that are FSc-certified. paper composition determines which FSc logo is appropriate.

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Logo and tagline overview The Laurier logo conveys a sense of academic excellence, elegance and prestige while at the same time reflecting both the historical and modern. It also reflects the energy, intelligence and socially conscious character of the people of Laurier. Together, the Laurier wordmark, the leaf and the tagline, ‘Inspiring Lives.’, form the official Laurier logo and are a set unit.




The logo is a specifically drawn original piece of artwork that must never be altered, re-drawn or reconfigured in any way; nor should the logo be placed on busy, distracting backgrounds. Modifications or alterations in any way will undermine its effectiveness. Examples of the different logo variations (colour and greyscale versions) and its correct and incorrect usage may be found in the following pages. There is a wide variety of choices in how the logo may be used in various communications materials (please refer to Sample Applications starting on page 34).

tagLine The tagline, ‘Inspiring Lives.’, is an integral part of the Laurier logo. Inspiring Lives is derived directly from the short form of the university’s vision statement – inspiring lives of leadership and purpose – which was developed after the completion of the extensive Envisioning Laurier exercise conducted during 2007-08. The tagline is available as an EPS or JPG file (see below). The tagline can also be used as a headline on a communications piece. In this case, the tagline can be typeset in any of the approved corporate fonts.

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naming and Language “Wilfrid Laurier University” is to be used in the first reference to the institution in all body copy. All subsequent references within the same piece should either be “Laurier” or “the university”. “WLU” should generally be avoided, although its use is deemed acceptable if the target audience for the piece consists of alumni or others who were affiliated with the institution when it was Waterloo Lutheran University. On a single-page instance (e.g. ads, posters) it is permitted to refer to the university as “Laurier” in the body copy, even in the first instance. In this case, the full name is already established through the Laurier signature (see page 21). Within body copy, it is not necessary to highlight the university name, whether full or short version, through special treatment (i.e. all caps, bold or italic). Example: Wilfrid Laurier University is a jewel among Canadian universities. Laurier is a mid-sized, multi-campus university with a reputation for excellence in teaching, scholarship and research. The university is also well-known for its campus vitality, sense of community and passionate school spirit.

When typeset as part of the Laurier signature (see page 21), the full name is always set in Calluna Sans Bold caps. It can be coloured black, white or Laurier purple and must appear on every Laurier collateral piece.

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity Wilfrid lAurier univerSity Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

ReFeRRing to LocationS Wilfrid Laurier University is a multi-campus institution. The “Laurier signature” (see page 21) is used to reinforce this. When referring to the “Laurier signature” and other locations in copy, the following wording should be used. • Waterloo and Brantford are referred to as campuses. Use “Laurier’s Waterloo campus” or “Laurier Waterloo”, and “Laurier’s Brantford campus” or “Laurier Brantford.” • Kitchener is referred to as “the Lyle S. Hallman Faculty of Social Work in Kitchener” or the “Social Work Faculty in Kitchener” or “Laurier’s Kitchener location.” • Toronto is referred to as “Laurier Toronto” or “Laurier’s Toronto office.” If the copy is referencing the Laurier MBA program offered in Toronto, this should be specified. • For general references to locations in body copy, the following order should be used to align with that used graphically on the “Laurier signature”: Waterloo, Brantford, Kitchener and Toronto. The order reflects two main factors – when each location opened and the number of students at each.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

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naming and Language continued Key Statement inspiring lives of leadership and purpose. These six words are the foundation for telling the Laurier story. Inspiring lives of leadership and purpose will be the theme that shapes what we say and communicate about Laurier. It will also serve as a lens through which we view new initiatives, new programs and new directions so they remain linked with, and rooted in, the compelling vision that is unique to Laurier.

boiLeRpLate The following boilerplate allows us to succinctly sum up Laurier. It can be used verbatim in applications where appropriate. Wilfrid Laurier University is a leading Canadian university known for academic excellence and a culture that inspires lives of leadership and purpose. Laurier has a distinct commitment to teaching, research and scholarship, combined with a strong student focus, high levels of student satisfaction and a deep sense of community. Laurier’s innovative educational model purposefully integrates the academic learning experience with an experiential learning component. The university has more than 17,000 students throughout its campuses in Waterloo and Brantford and locations in Kitchener and Toronto. The university celebrated its centennial in 2011. Additional wording (optional): Laurier specializes in arts and social sciences, business and economics, music, science, social work, education and theology. Established as the Evangelical Lutheran Seminary of Canada in 1911, the university remains the home of the affiliated Waterloo Lutheran Seminary.

WRiting When writing copy for a Laurier collateral piece – whether it is a brochure, advertisement, educational booklet or web blog – remember your intended audience and the key message you wish to impart. Use clear and precise language. Less is more. Keep the size of your communications piece in mind. Smaller applications are more effective with short, concise copy.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

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Values, Vision, mission and guiding principles Laurier recognizes that intellectual inquiry, critical reflection and scholarly integrity are the cornerstones of all universities, including our exceptional institution. Our unique values are drawn from the key elements on which Laurier was founded and which will continue to nurture and shape what we become.

approved by the board of governors on november 20, 2008

We VaLue • Our intimate community environment • Our academic and institutional tradition • New and integrated communities of learning and application • Developing the whole person: mind, spirit and body

• Diversity and a culture of inclusivity • Community focus and global engagement • A life of purpose and citizenship • Learning through experience

ouR ViSion provides a lens that we use to look at the world to understand what we do and what we aspire to be Our commitment is to justice and sustainability, now and in the future. We strive to ignite the minds, spirits and hearts of our communities through excellence in teaching and learning; in the discovery, scholarly exploration, and application of new ideas; and in instilling the courage to engage and challenge the world in all its complexity.

ouR miSSion describes our core purpose and commitment to stakeholders Wilfrid Laurier University is devoted to excellence in learning, research, scholarship and creativity. It challenges people to become engaged and aware citizens of an increasingly complex world. It fulfills its mission by advancing knowledge; supporting and enhancing high-quality undergraduate, graduate and professional education; and emphasizing co-curricular development of the whole student.

guiDing pRincipLeS will inform decision-making as we embrace our future • Responsible governance • Community citizenship • Realizing an appropriate balance among research, teaching and service • Recognizing the link between research and teaching • Integrity and strong leadership • Making strategic choices for the long-term health of the institution • Learning and advancing knowledge across boundaries • Collaboration and collegiality • Respectful relationships • Openness to change • Sustainability and environmental responsibility

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

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official Logo Versions The Laurier logo is available in three colour versions: purple leaf, gold leaf and red leaf. Depending on the context and subject matter, one may be preferred over the other. For example, when speaking to an international audience, it would be appropriate to use the red leaf version. note: the official logo only ever appears on a white background. In addition, there are two logo varieties: Official or Specialty Logos. The Official Logo (shown below) is to be used in the vast majority of applications. The Specialty Logo versions (see following pages) have been developed to ensure brand integrity in applications where the Official versions will not reproduce well.

puRpLe LeaF VeRSion Wordmark: black tagline: purple

goLD LeaF VeRSion Wordmark: purple tagline: black

ReD LeaF VeRSion Wordmark: purple tagline: black

gReyScaLe VeRSion Wordmark: black tagline: black

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Specialty Logo Versions theSe logoS Are to be uSed only in very Specific inStAnceS AS outlined beloW. All logo application rules outlined in this style guide apply to the specialty logos. For approval to use one of these logos, please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing Department at

WiLFRiD LauRieR uniVeRSity VeRSion only to be used as a stand-alone on non Laurier-related materials, (e.g. as a sponsor for an external event). available in all three leaf colour options.

SmaLL Logo VeRSionS the tagline in this logo has been increased in size so that it remains legible in smaller applications. See page 12 for minimum and maximum size guidelines. available in all three leaf colour options.

For the purpose of this style guide only the purple colour version is shown. All specialty logos are also available in gold, red and black-and-white versions.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

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Specialty Logo Versions continued theSe logoS Are to be uSed only in very Specific inStAnceS AS outlined beloW. All logo application rules outlined in this style guide apply to the specialty logos. For approval to use one of these logos, please contact the Communications, Public Aairs & Marketing Department at

SoLiD LeaF VeRSion to be used only on applications when the full-colour version is not a feasible option (for example embroidery or print on merchandise). available in all three leaf colour options. upon special request, also available as reverse versions for extremely limited applications (e.g. for use on purple merchandise).

SmaLL SoLiD LeaF VeRSion the tagline in this logo has been increased in size so that it remains legible in smaller applications. See page 12 for minimum size guidelines. to be only used on applications when the full-colour version is not a feasible option (e.g. embroidery or print on merchandise). available in all three leaf colour options. upon special request, also available as reverse versions for extremely limited applications (e.g. for use on purple merchandise).

only to be used in special applications where it is impossible to reproduce the Laurier logo in its entirety. ideally, the tagline then appears elsewhere on the piece. (See pen example at right.) available in all three leaf colour options. upon special request, also available as reverse versions for extremely limited applications (e.g. for use on purple pens).

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Aairs & Marketing department at

In sp iri ng Liv es .

SoLiD LeaF VeRSion Without tagLine

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clear Space Clear space should always surround the logo so that other elements never collide with or detract from it. The minimum clear space is equal the distance from the wordmark baseline to that of the tagline. The clear space guidelines outlined here apply to all logo versions.

minimum cLeaR Space the area indicated by grey shading – the clear zone – must be kept free of any graphics or text. this area should also act as minimum clear space between the edge of the paper / screen. the height of this box defines the minimum clear Space

For the “Wilfrid Laurier University” logo version (see page 9) or if the logo is accompanied by the signature (see page 21) the clear space needs to encompass these elements as outlined below.

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

minimum cLeaR Space incLuDing SignatuRe the area indicated by grey shading – the clear zone – must be kept free of any graphics or text. this area should also act as minimum clear space between the edge of the paper / screen. the height of this box defines the minimum clear Space

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minimum Size guidelines minimum Size FoR pRint appLicationS The logo must not be reproduced smaller than the specified minimum sizes. Respect for the minimum size ensures that the logo remains legible when reproduced. The minimum size guidelines outlined here apply to all logo versions. The minimum sizes are as follows:

minimum Size FoR ReguLaR Logo VeRSion:

minimum Size FoR SmaLL Logo VeRSion:

1.” Wide

1” Wide this logo version should be used in applications where the logo is sized smaller than 1.75” wide. the logo should never be reproduced smaller than 1” wide.

minimum Size FoR DigitaL appLicationS For digital applications such as websites, e-newsletters or PowerPoint presentations, the logo must not be reproduced smaller than the specified minimum sizes. Respect for the minimum size ensures that the logo remains legible on screen. The minimum size guidelines outlined here apply to all colour and logo versions.

minimum Size FoR ReguLaR Logo VeRSion:

minimum Size FoR SmaLL Logo VeRSion:

1 px Wide

100 px Wide this logo version should be used in digital applications where the logo is sized smaller than 175 px wide. the logo should never be reproduced smaller than 100 px wide in digital applications.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

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incorrect Logo usage When the logo is applied incorrectly, Laurier’s brand and design standards are compromised. The following are examples of incorrect logo usage and apply to all logo versions. It is unacceptable to...

...stretch, skew or modify the proportions of the logo.

...alter any part of the logo from the original artwork.

...rotate the logo.

...scale the various logo elements separately from each other.

...change the order of the logo elements, including tagline placement.

...use any colours other than those specified.

...use poor reproduction of the logo.

...apply a screen to the logo. the logo on a photo.

Unacceptable the logo on a coloured background.

...allow objects such as text to intrude within the minimum clear space.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at delete any part of the logo, unless specified in this style guide.

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typeface The official typeface for Laurier is calluna, and it should be used in all communication vehicles including but not limited to documents, brochures, posters and signage. Calluna is a modern typeface with a clean character. Calluna is available both as a sans serif font and a serif font version. Both versions are part of the Laurier brand. Typically, sans serif should be the more commonly used version. The serif version should only be used in a limited way, mostly as body copy and as a complement to the sans serif. Be advised that individual licenses to use Calluna must be purchased. The Laurier Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing Department is licensed to use these fonts and can help you with your communication project. the calluna font family can be purchased at

WhAt iS the difference betWeen A Serif And SAnS Serif font? Serif fonts are ‘traditional’ fonts, used for body copy in newspapers and novels. each letter features decorative ‘tails’ (serifs) at the finishing ends. Sans Serif fonts (without serifs) are modern, and are easier to read on dark backgrounds and computer monitors.

A A Serif

Sans Serif

cAllunA SAnS – primAry font fAmily (To be used in print applications only) To purchase this family, visit

CALLUnA SAnS LIghT (12 pt.) ABCdEFghIJKLMnOPQrSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

CALLUNA SANS LIGHT ITALIC (12 pt.) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

CALLUNA SANS REGULAR (12 pt.) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Calluna sans ItalIC (12 pt.) aBCDEFGHIJKlMnOPQRstuVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

caLLuna SanS SemiboLD (12 pt.) abcDeFghiJKLmnopQRStuVWXyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

CaLLUna SanS SEmIBOLd ITaLIC (12 pt.) aBCdEFGHIJKLmnOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

cAllunA SAnS bold (12 pt.) AbcdefghiJKlmnopQrStuvWXyZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 120

CALLUNA SANS BOLD ITALIC (12 pt.) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Please note: Calluna has two font styles for numbers: 1. decorative (when font is typeset in upper and lower case) – 1234567890 2. regular (when font is typeset in all-caps) – 1234567890 the regulAr Style of numberS muSt be uSed Whenever poSSible.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

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typeface continued cAllunA – SecondAry font fAmily (To be used for body copy, highlights or accents in print applications only) To purchase this family, visit

Calluna light (12 pt.) aBCDEFghiJKlMnOPQRStuVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Calluna light (12 pt.) aBCDEFghiJKlMnOPQRStuVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

CAllUnA regUlAr (12 pt.) ABCDeFgHIJKlMnOPQrSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

CALLUNA REGULAR (12 pt.) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

CALLUNA SEMIBOLD (12 pt.) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

CALLUNA SEMIBOLD (12 pt.) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

CALLUNA BOLD (12 pt.) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

CALLUNA BOLD (12 pt.) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

An example of font usage (this Standards Guide is also a good example):

note: this example is intended as a guide only

main headline SubheaD Quadrupei conubium santet Octavius. Agricolae insectat Fiducias miscere vix tremulus matrimonii. Adlaudabilis concubine infeliciter fermentet apparatus bellis.

heAdline: 20 pt. calluna Sans bold, upper and lower case SubheAd: 15 pt. calluna Sans Semibold, all caps body copy: 10 / 14 pt. calluna Sans, upper and lower case pullout: 10 pt. calluna Sans bold, upper and lower case

typeFace SubStitutionS There may be instances where the corporate font, Calluna, is not available. These may include digital (PPT) or online (HTML) applications, or documents and letters created by various Laurier offices (as opposed to printed materials, such as brochures, posters, etc.). In that case, the following font substitutions can be made (Regular, Bold and Italic respectively): • calluna Sans Serif – substitute with verdana • calluna – substitute with times new roman

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note: the colours shown in this guide are not actuaL pantone SampLeS. they are for reference only.

colour palette The Laurier colours are listed below in various formats. It is preferred that the Laurier logo be printed as four-colour process (colours made by combining cyan, magenta, yellow and black) in all print applications. However, if four-colour process printing is not possible, two-colour versions with special Pantone® colours should be used to reproduce the logo. For digital and online applications, the appropriate conversions to RGB and Hexadecimal Code as outlined below should be used.

WhAt iS pmS? the standards used to determine colours are those of the pantone® matching System (pmS) in the current pantone® colour guides. although the colours shown in this guide are intended to best match pantone® colour standards, please refer to a pantone® colour specifier for precise matching.

SeconDaRy coLouRS When producing corporate materials in colour, it is sometimes necessary to make use of secondary colours. It is acceptable to use secondary colours other than those specified below, provided they complement the primary Laurier palette and do not distract, clash or compete with it. If a colour unintentionally risks being mistaken for the corporate colours it should not be used. To aid in selecting, but not limiting the selection of colour, some examples are given below.


SECONDARY LAURIER PALETTE note: the secondary palette can be expanded providing adherence to rules above.







90 99 0 8

PMS 2685 C


0 32 100 0

PMS 130 C


0 88 82 0




PMS 275 U

51 0 114


PMS 129 U

242 169 0


PMS 1788 C PMS RED 032 U

238 39 55


47 72 0 0

PMS 2583 C

PMS 2592 U

160 94 181



0 62 95 0

PMS 158 C

PMS 158 U

232 119 34



86 8 0 0

PMS 299 C

PMS 2995 U

0 163 224



42 5 98 25

PMS 7495 C

PMS 383 U

143 153 62


examples of unacceptable secondary colours (which may distract, clash or compete with the primary Laurier colours): pmS 22

pmS 2

pmS 

pmS 1

pmS 12

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

pmS 1

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


SuggeSteD coLouR combinationS At least one of the three primary Laurier colours should be dominant on any given piece. It may or may not be supported by the other two primary colours. It is not recommended to use more than one secondary colour in a combination or to mix secondary colours which would result in a busy or overly colourful layout. Below are suggested colour combinations in their appropriate rations which can be used as a guide for any Laurier materials.

for SpeciAlty pieceS (e.g. a brochure about the environment) it would be appropriate to make a relevant secondary colour the dominant one, so long as the primary Laurier colours are included for brand consistency.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Aairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


photography and Video Any visual material used in Laurier communications should authentically reflect the distinctive personality of Laurier. As such, all visual material should aim to emphasize the following qualities: integrity and strength, collaboration, innovation, collegiality, respect, responsibility, diversity, community-focus and engagement.

eVeRy StoRy teLLS a pictuRe Great editorial portraiture isn’t determined by whether the subject is smiling or not. The most powerful photographic portraits tend to happen when the subject is not smiling for the camera but, rather, when they appear lost in thought or in their work. Nevertheless, an authentic smile directly at the camera is also very engaging to the viewer. In depicting Laurier students, faculty, staff or alumni, the opportunity is to reveal much more about the person than their smile. A good photographer will know when to intrude, and when to be invisible. Group photos work best when there is something visually intriguing about the group itself or the action they are performing. Playful images work well when they are genuine, but not when they are set up. Stock photography that has a contrived look does not move people.

WhAt reSolution Should i uSe? effective resolution is the resolution of an image at its final size. For print applications it is measured in dots per inch (dpi). effective resolution is relative. When a digital image gets enlarged, the effective resolution decreases by the same factor. For example: an image that is 300 dpi at 100% is only 150 dpi when enlarged to 200%, or 100 dpi at 300%. For print applications, ideal effective resolution required is typically 300 dpi. Large format printing typically require less (about 50–100 dpi). it is suggested to always confirm with the print supplier prior to production. For web or digital applications effective resolution is 72 dpi at final size.

A simple rule to adhere to in directing or choosing appropriate and powerful imagery is: don’t ask the subject to do anything you wouldn’t ask the President of Laurier to do. It’s about dignity and authenticity. Done well, this approach will resonate as true to any audience.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


The sample selection of photographs below portray our students, faculty and staff in ways that reflect Laurier authentically.

Subject looks comfortable and authentic.

Subject smiles authentically into the camera.

Subjects are engaged and unaware of the photographer.

Subjects look natural and authentic.

Subjects look natural – not posed.

Subjects look natural and unaware of the photographer.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


Below are examples of unacceptable photography or inappropriate usage of images.

Subjects look posed and inauthentic.

Subjects look posed and stretched. this looks unnatural.

Subjects have their backs turned to the camera.

Subjects look bored and disengaged.

photo looks obviously set up and stock-photo-like.

Subjects seem to be struggling.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Aairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


the Laurier Signature The Laurier signature must be included on every external Laurier communication piece and is comprised of: • Laurier logo • The full name “Wilfrid Laurier University” • Campus designations


Wilfrid lAurier univerSity


Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

For multi-page communications (e.g. booklets, brochures, tent cards) the signature need only appear once. If a more graphic approach is desired on the cover, it may appear on the back page only. The Laurier signature elements do not have to be displayed in a locked-down unit, but rather are flexible, depending on the design of the application. Following are three distinct examples for signature placement and treatment:

laurier logo separated from full name and campus designations

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

Full name campus designations

Laurier logo

note: the campus designations and the full name should always be the same point size.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


the Laurier Signature continued laurier logo separated from full name and campus designations

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

fAculty of grAduAte & poStdoctorAl StudieS

laurier logo, full name and campus designations grouped together

Full name and campus designations A life of leAderShip And purpoSe. Satis spinosus duis fermentet quiner ud lorem quennalis chirographi, ut ossifragi celeriter. Suffragarit caesar ettso plane dolor adlaud abilis matrimoni duis miscere rures, etiame lorem cathedrals duis vocificat catelli, semper lascivius syrtes suffrag arit dolor sit umbra.

Laurier logo Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

Laurier logo, full name and campus designations

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


Faculty and Department Designations Faculty, school, research centre and administration office designations are an important component of Laurier communication pieces. These designations are not to be treated as part of the Laurier logo itself, but rather displayed elsewhere on the piece in a prominent manner. To distinguish between these, the following rules apply: Faculties should always be typeset in Calluna Sans Bold, all caps. For example: fAculty of ArtS School of buSineSS & economicS fAculty of grAduAte & poStdoctorAl StudieS fAculty of muSic fAculty of Science lyle S. hAllmAn fAculty of SociAl WorK fAculty of educAtion Departments and administration office designations should always be typeset in Calluna Sans Bold, upper and lower case. For example: office of the registrar office of Aboriginal initiatives Sustainability office learning Services Student Affairs human resources communication Studies

Programs should be treated like departments and administration offices, and therefore always be typeset in Calluna Sans Bold, upper and lower case. For example: Service laurier mbA emtm – executive masters in technology management Aboriginal field of Study

On the following page are examples as to how faculties and departments can be graphically incorporated.

pleASe note The stationery suite has its own set of rules. For faculty and department treatment on stationery items, please refer to page 36.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


Faculty and Department Designations continued examples of faculty and department graphic incorporation

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

brAntford | Waterloo | Kitchener | Toronto Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

progrAm: set in calluna Sans bold, upper and lower case

WAterloo | toronto | Kitchener | Brantford

executive masters in technology management Satis spinosus duis fermentet quiner ud lorem quennalis duis chirographi, ut ossifragi celeriter. Suffragarit caesar ettso plane dolor adlaud abilis matrimoni duis miscere rures, etiame lorem cathedrals duis vocificat catelli, semper lascivius syrtes suffrag arit dolor sit umbra lorem cathedrals duis vocificat.

Jane Doe

fAculty of muSic

2012 admissions Viewbook

fAculty: set in calluna Sans bold, all upper case

progrAm: set in calluna Sans bold, upper and lower case

master of Arts

gAudeAmuS igitur Visual communication and culture media, technology and culture

fAculty: set in calluna Sans bold, all upper case

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

fAculty of Science

Catelli vocificat pessimus pretosius suis, semper agricolae miscere gulosus saburre. Adfabilis catelli deciperet Augustus, ut apparatus bellis suffragarit oratori utilitas zothecas incredibiliter infeliciter. Corrumperet rures, semper bellus saburre agnasci perspicax lorem ipsum dolor sit nonummy.

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

Waterloo | Kitchener | Brantford | Toronto

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


campus Designations Laurier is a multi-campus university. To reinforce this notion on every collateral or online piece, the campus designations must always be included (see signature section on page 21). The normal order is Waterloo, Brantford, Kitchener, and Toronto. This order reflects two main factors – when each location opened and the number of students at each. The campus designations should always be coloured either black or white – depending on positive or reverse application. It is permitted to colour the divider strokes in any of the approved colours in select applications where it may be appropriate and as long as they remain legible. For pieces that span all campuses, the designations are set as follows in Calluna Sans, upper and lower case.

Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

Location-SpeciFic DeSignationS For pieces that are location-specific, or highlight a program available at a certain campus, that particular campus moves to the front of the line with the remainder of the campuses remaining in the original order, as outlined above. The highlighted campus is typeset in Calluna Sans Bold upper-case. • For Waterloo-specific applications:

WAterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto • For Brantford-specific applications:

brAntford | Waterloo | Kitchener | Toronto • For Kitchener-specific applications:

Kitchener | Waterloo | Brantford | Toronto • For Toronto-specific applications:

toronto | Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener In instances where it is required to highlight more than one campus location, all applicable campuses move to the front of the line – in their original order – and get typeset in Calluna Sans Bold upper-case. For example:

WAterloo | toronto | Brantford | Kitchener Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


the 9-grid In order to maintain consistency across all brand materials, all Laurier communications should ideally follow the same grid. This grid is determined by dividing the height of an application into 9 equal parts. For extreme horizontal applications, the width is divided instead of the height. These invisible grid lines will determine the positioning of type and sizing of all colour and image blocks. Please note: grid usage is not limited to the examples shown below. They are for guidance only.

vertical page examples of grid usage (black indicates an image, purple indicates a colour block)

horizontal page examples of grid usage (black indicates an image, purple indicates a colour block)

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Aairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


the grid continued A life of leAderShip And purpoSe. Satis spinosus duis fermentet quiner ud lorem quennalis chirographi, ut ossifragi celeriter. Suffragarit caesar etso plane dolor adlaud abilis matrimoni duis miscere rures etiame lorem cathedral duis vocificat catelli, semper lascivius syrtes suffrag arit dolor lorem duis sit umbra.

Inspiring Lives.

WhAt’S in A leAf? at the heart of it this national symbol honours our namesake, Sir Wilfrid laurier, seventh Prime Minister of Canada. that alone is a unique claim among Canadian universities. But look closely. laurier’s maple leaf is a microcosm of connectivity and support – every vein contributing to the health of the whole. the beauty and simplicity of the maple leaf can only be realized through this common purpose of nature. and so it is at laurier – faculty, staff, students and alumni committed to a common vision: to inspire lives of leadership and Purpose.

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

A life of leAderShip And purpoSe.

2012 President’s report

Satis spinosus duis fermentet quiner ud lorem quennalis chirographi, ut ossifragi celeriter. Suffragarit caesar etso plane dolor adlaud abilis matrimoni duis miscere rures etiame lorem cathedral duis vocificat catelli, semper lascivius syrtes suffrag arit dolor lorem duis sit umbra.

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto in addition to the 9-grid, the page is also divided on the short side into 3 equal parts to determine where colour blocks are placed and how the page is sub-divided.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


the Leaf Why A leAf? at the heart of it this national symbol honours our namesake, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, seventh Prime minister of Canada. That alone is a unique claim among Canadian universities. Laurier’s maple leaf is also a microcosm of connectivity and support – every vein contributing to the health of the whole. The beauty and simplicity of the maple leaf can only be realized through this common purpose of nature. and so it is at Laurier – faculty, staff, students and alumni committed to a common vision: Inspiring Lives of Leadership and Purpose. The leaf is an integral element of the Laurier visual identity. Not only is it part of the Laurier logo, but it can also be used as a powerful graphic visual in any communications materials. The leaf is a specifically drawn, original piece of artwork that must never be altered, re-drawn, reconfigured or substituted with other leaves. Modifications or alterations in any way will undermine its effectiveness. The leaf is oriented on the same angle as the leaf in the logo – pointing forward and upward. rotation of the leaf is not permitted. Examples of leaf usage can be found on the following page.

puRpLe LeaF

goLD LeaF

ReD LeaF

gReyScaLe LeaF

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


the Leaf continued The leaf can be used as a graphic focal point in communications materials. It can be cropped in interesting ways and also act as a carrier for text. Please note that the colour of the leaf in the Laurier logo on the same collateral piece must always match the one chosen for the large graphic. In other words, do not mix leaf colours on any given piece.

examples of leaf used as a graphic element

2012 President’s report

Inspiring Lives.

Inspiring Lives. WhAt’S in A leAf? at the heart of it this national symbol honours our namesake, Sir Wilfrid laurier, seventh Prime Minister of Canada. that alone is a unique claim among Canadian universities. But look closely. laurier’s maple leaf is a microcosm of connectivity and support – every vein contributing to the health of the whole. the beauty and simplicity of the maple leaf can only be realized through this common purpose of nature. and so it is at laurier – faculty, staff, students and alumni committed to a common vision: to inspire lives of leadership and Purpose.

WhAt’S in A leAf? at the heart of it this national symbol honours our namesake, Sir Wilfrid laurier, seventh Prime Minister of Canada. that alone is a unique claim among Canadian universities. But look closely. laurier’s maple leaf is a microcosm of connectivity and support – every vein contributing to the health of the whole. the beauty and simplicity of the maple leaf can only be realized through this common purpose of nature. and so it is at laurier – faculty, staff, students and alumni committed to a common vision: to inspire lives of leadership and Purpose.

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

the leaf is zoomed in and bleeds off the layout.

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

the leaf is cropped in a dynamic way and acts as a carrier for the headline of the ads. the leaf is allowed to bleed off the page.

Inspiring Lives.



uR La

the leaf wraps to the back of the t-shirt.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

the leaf is cropped in a dynamic and interesting way and points to the Laurier logo.

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


graphic element: gold bar On pieces that are predominantly purple or red in colour, it is appropriate to inject a small element of Laurier’s gold colour in the shape of a gold bar. The gold bar supports the Laurier visual identity and can be located on either side of a collateral piece, on the top or bottom (preferred). It can also be used as a graphic divider between an image and solid colour area. The thickness of the gold bar is flexible. Typically, on applications 9” x 12” and smaller, the thickness of the bar should be .125”. The thickness should never be less than .125” as this can cause production / trimming issues. On larger applications, the thickness of the gold bar increases proportionally, within reason, so that the overall appearance of the bar still occupies the same visual space.

examples of gold bar usage

master of Arts

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

brAntford | Waterloo | Kitchener | Toronto

gAudeAmuS igitur Visual communication and culture media, technology and culture

Catelli vocificat pessimus pretosius suis, semper agricolae miscere gulosus saburre. Adfabilis catelli deciperet Augustus, ut apparatus bellis suffragarit oratori utilitas zothecas incredibiliter infeliciter. Corrumperet rures, semper bellus saburre agnasci perspicax lorem ipsum dolor sit nonummy.

2012 admissions Viewbook Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

poster: gold bar is located at the bottom.

Waterloo | Kitchener | Brantford | Toronto

Viewbook cover: gold bar is located on the left side. note: the bar is flush with the height of the image.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


the university Seal Students, faculty and staff take particular pride in the Laurier seal. It stands for tradition and prestige. While it is not the official logo, the seal is nonetheless an important mark and has specific applications as a companion to the official Laurier logo. As a general rule, the seal is used on high-profile, ceremonial or prestige communications. In addition, it often acts as an academic stamp of approval. Like the leaf, it can also be used as a graphic focal point, where applicable. The seal is included on all official Laurier certificates, diplomas and degrees. Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing Department at for further information.

4-coLouR SeaL

bLacK Line aRt SeaL

the Shield the shield in the centre of the seal contains three emblems: three maple leaves (taken from the coat of arms of Wilfrid Laurier's personal arms) representing canada; an open book of learning; and a rose of Luther (dominant in the arms of Waterloo college and Waterloo Lutheran university), commemorating the Lutheran heritage of the university.

SpeciaL 1-coLouR VeRSionS only to be used when the 4-colour version is not possible (e.g. for use on 1-colour stickers).

motto Veritas omnia vincit – truth conquers all

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


the university Seal continued cLeaR Space aRounD the SeaL Clear space should always surround the seal so that other elements never collide with or detract from it. The minimum clear space is equal to the height of the purple portion in the shield. The clear space guidelines outlined here apply to both the colour and the black line art versions.

the height of this box defines the minimum clear Space

minimum cLeaR Space the area indicated through grey shading – the clear zone – must be kept free of graphics and text and must clear the edge of the paper / screen.

minimum Size guiDeLineS FoR the SeaL The seal must not be reproduced smaller than the specified minimum size. Respect for the minimum size ensures that the seal remains legible when reproduced. The minimum size guidelines outlined here apply to both the colour and black versions. The minimum sizes are as follows:

FoR pRint appLicationS

FoR DigitaL / onLine appLicationS

minimum Size:

minimum Size:

0.” Wide

0 px Wide

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


Laurier Wordmark Logo exceptions The Alumni Association has its own logo and tagline which is derived from the main identity. It is the only permitted logo exception. (see page 34) Two publication exceptions include InsideLaurier and Campus magazine. The Alumni logo and publication nameplates are specifically created pieces of art and cannot be modified. it is not permitted to create your own, similar logo using the official laurier wordmark. the examples mentioned above are the only exceptions permitted to this rule.

inSiDeLauRieR neWSLetteR namepLate

APRIL 2012


LauRieR campuS magazine namepLate

Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto





CAMPUS Hollywood Jokester Writer-producer Chuck Tatham takes his wit to television

Photo: Simon Wilson

Local Aboriginal musicans perform traditional songs on the Laurier’s Brantford campus to celebrate Aboriginal Awareness Week.

Cake artist Juanita Koo builds a life filled with sweet things

Laurier celebrates Aboriginal awareness Events on Brantford and Waterloo campus highlight Aboriginal culture and heritage as Reiki, reflexology and life readings, free of charge. “This week is an opportunity for both the Laurier campus and the community to celebrate the Aboriginal culture and heritage of this area,” said Bonnie Whitlow, Laurier Brantford’s Aboriginal student support coordinator. “We are celebrating not only the Aboriginal culture of Six Nations and the Mississaugas of the New Credit, but also the strong Aboriginal heritage on Laurier’s Brantford campus.” Throughout the week, visitors were encouraged to bring donations for a collection drive for the Third World Canada Adopt-a-Box campaign, which was established by Laurier Brantford alumna Maureene Ninham. Items being collected included non-perishable food, as well as clothing and items for children and babies (such as diapers and formula), to send to the fly-in community of Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug in northern Ontario.

Laurier’s Waterloo campus celebrated Aboriginal awareness later in the month with a variety of events, including a drum circle and storytelling workshop, canoe teachings by Métis elder

and master birch canoe maker Marcelle Labelle, a free soup and fry bread lunch, and several talks and lectures for students, staff and faculty. Families were also invited to a

Speaker of the Legislature Dave Levac keeps order at Queen’s Park

comedy hypnosis show by Darren Thomas of the Seneca Nation, Bear Clan from the Haudenosaunee, who works at Laurier as a coordinator with Community Service Learning.

Photo: Mallory O’Brien

A celebration of Aboriginal social dances and songs, a showcase of local musicians and artists, a variety of lectures and a collection of traditional therapeutic activities were highlights of the Aboriginal awareness events on Laurier’s Brantford and Waterloo campuses in March. On the Brantford campus, the week of events began with “Traditional Tuesday,” featuring the Sour Springs Singer Society performing traditional Haudenosaunee dances and songs, and leading workshops on these traditional cultural activities, including a smoke dance competition. An artist’s showcase also took place, where local aboriginal musicians and artists were invited to perform original and cover music, and display their artwork. The Brantford community was invited to campus to experience the sound and styles of these contemporary artists and artisans. On “Therapeutic Thursday,” healers and energy workers were on campus offering services such

Marcelle Labelle, a Métis elder and master birch canoe maker, speaks about the spiritual and technical aspects of native canoe construction on the Waterloo campus.



A large crowd learns about the business of film from successful industry insiders.

Meet Rebecca Barnes, staff member, student and roller-derby competitor.

7 Philippa Gates does some sleuthing about female film detectives.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


Laurier alumni Logo Laurier Alumni has its own logo and tagline, “For Life.”. The Laurier Alumni logo is available as a stacked or horizontal option, each in the three corporate colour versions: purple leaf, gold leaf and red leaf. Just like the Laurier logo, it is at the user’s discretion which colour version is preferred, depending on the context. The Laurier Alumni logo is a specifically created piece of art. it is not permitted to create your own, similar logo using the official laurier wordmark. for exceptions to this rule, see page .

StacKeD aLumni Logo puRpLe LeaF

StacKeD aLumni Logo goLD LeaF

StacKeD aLumni Logo ReD LeaF

StacKeD aLumni Logo gReyScaLe

note: All rules outlined in this style guide for the standard laurier logo apply also to the Alumni logo.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


Laurier alumni Logo continued Below are the horizontal Laurier Alumni logo versions:

hoRizontaL aLumni Logo puRpLe LeaF VeRSion

hoRizontaL aLumni Logo goLD LeaF VeRSion

hoRizontaL aLumni Logo ReD LeaF VeRSion

hoRizontaL aLumni Logo gReyScaLe VeRSion

note: All rules outlined in this style guide for the standard laurier logo apply also to the Alumni logo.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


Student-run organization Logos At times, students may create their own logos for student-run organizations. It is recommended that even these logos are informed by this style guide, particularly with regard to typeface and colour. Below are a few examples as to how this can be achieved:


SuggeSteD ReViSion • Font was changed to Laurier typeface calluna Sans black • colours were brought in line with Laurier palette


SuggeSteD ReViSion • Font was changed to Laurier typeface calluna Sans bold • colours were brought in line with Laurier palette • it is preferred that the name “Laurier” not be part of the organization’s name. if “Laurier” must be included, it cannot be mistaken for the wordmark of the logo and therefore should be typeset in upper and lower case.

my respect note: the haWK logo is not part of this style guide and therefore its usage must be approved by the Department of athletics & Recreation. please contact ari grossman, associate Director, business operations at 519.884.0710 x4483 or


SuggeSteD ReViSion • colours were brought in line with Laurier palette

note: the haWK logo is not part of this style guide and therefore its usage must be approved by the Department of athletics & Recreation. please contact ari grossman, associate Director, business operations at 519.884.0710 x4483 or

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


Sample Applications

order your StAtionery through Printing Services at or online at Stationery is only available in the gold colour scheme.



Waterloo-specific letterhead


lAurier logo File name: Laurier_goLD_4c.eps File is inserted at 134%

cAmpuS deSignAtionS

WAterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

highLighteD campuS: 8.5 pt calluna Sans bold all caps colour: Laurier purple Dear John Sample,

otheR campuSeS: 8.5 pt calluna Sans upper and lower case colour: black

Matrimonii imputat Medusa. Quadrupei corrumperet saetosus concubine, utcunque catelli miscere cathedras, quamquam quadrupei insectat fragilis umbraculi, semper Aquae Sulis conubium santet ossifragi.


Vix pretosius cathedras iocari concubine. Apparatus bellis agnascor lascivius rures. Oratori iocari parsimonia suis, quamquam fragilis cathedras imputat catelli. Chirographi celeriter deciperet oratori. Suis insectat rures. Pessimus quadrupei amputat Caesar. Medusa fortiter circumgrediet pretosius rures. Vix adfabilis umbraculi miscere quadrupei, utcunque pessimus parsimonia catelli praemuniet lascivius concubine.


Parsimonia matrimonii circumgrediet rures, quod lascivius apparatus bellis senesceret catelli. Concubine vocificat cathedras, etiam catelli praemuniet satis saetosus matrimo nii, ut umbraculi miscere concubine. Pompeii imputat zothecas. Rures corrumperet aegre parsimonia umbraculi. Pessimus utilitas chirographi suffragarit concubine, utcunque Octavius verecunde fermentet pretosius syrtes, quod suis iocari plane utilitas fiducias. Gulosus oratori insectat parsimonia matrimonii, etiam umbraculi circumgrediet pessimus tremulus chirographi, quod optimus utilitas matrimonii neglegenter insectat aegre adlaudabilis quadrupei, semper Pompeii incredibiliter celeriter suffragarit saburre. Umbra perspicax catelli. Concubine suffragarit bellus rures. Adlaudabilis quadrupei spinosus deciperet fiducias. Incredibiliter fragilis apparatus bellis pessimus neglegenter circumgr imputat umbraculi, iam pessimus pretosius concubine lucide circumgrediet fiducias, et Aquae Sulis insectat suis, ut cathedras imputat perspicax rures, iam tremulus quadrupei adlaudabilis quadrupei, semper Pompeii incredibiliter celeriter suffragarit saburre. Umbra vocificat plane utilitas suis, et fiducias amputat saburre, etiam agricolae neglegenter matrimonii circumgrediet tremulus umbraculi, etiam incredibiliter pretosius concubine optimus lucide suffragarit saburre.

ShoWn At % of ActuAl SiZe 0.”

letter SAmple 9.5/13 pt Verdana sentence case, flush left colour: black


AddreSS address: 8 pt calluna Sans Website: 8 pt calluna Sans bold upper and lower case, flush left colour: black

Your name goes here Your department/faculty information goes here

WiLFRiD LauRieR uniVeRSity


75 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3C5 t 519.884.0710 F 519.746.2472

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity 15 pt calluna Sans Semibold all caps, flush right colour: Laurier purple QXp users: track -15 inDD users: kerning metric, track -75 gold bAr – .125” deep

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


Letterhead continued

ShoWn At % of ActuAl SiZe

brantford-specific letterhead (all guidelines from previous page apply)

brAntford | Waterloo | Kitchener | Toronto

73 George Street, Brantford, Ontario, Canada N3T 2Y3 t 519.756.8228 F 519.759.7207

WiLFRiD LauRieR uniVeRSity

Kitchener-specific letterhead (all guidelines from previous page apply)

Kitchener | Waterloo | Brantford | Toronto

120 Duke Street West Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2H 3W8

t 519.884.0710 F 519.725.1453

WiLFRiD LauRieR uniVeRSity

toronto-specific letterhead (all guidelines from previous page apply)

toronto | Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener

130 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5X 1C9 t 416.306.0866 F 416.306.9973

WiLFRiD LauRieR uniVeRSity

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


Faculty / Department Letterhead



For faculties, schools, research centres and administration offices that require their own stationery their name can be added to the letterhead. The baseline of this designation aligns with the baseline of the Laurier wordmark in the Laurier logo, flush right with the campuses. Note: contrary to the rules outlined on pages 23, there is no typographic distinction between faculties and schools, departments and administration offices on the letterhead. They are all treated equally.

fAculty / reSeArch centre / AdminiStrAtion office 14 pt calluna Sans upper and lower case flush right colour: black

Your Faculty/Department Here WAterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

Dear John Sample, Matrimonii imputat Medusa. Quadrupei corrumperet saetosus concubine, utcunque catelli miscere cathedras, quamquam quadrupei insectat fragilis umbraculi, semper Aquae Sulis conubium santet ossifragi.


Vix pretosius cathedras iocari concubine. Apparatus bellis agnascor lascivius rures. Oratori iocari parsimonia suis, quamquam fragilis cathedras imputat catelli. Chirographi celeriter deciperet oratori. Suis insectat rures. Pessimus quadrupei amputat Caesar. Medusa fortiter circumgrediet pretosius rures. Vix adfabilis umbraculi miscere quadrupei, utcunque pessimus parsimonia catelli praemuniet lascivius concubine.


Parsimonia matrimonii circumgrediet rures, quod lascivius apparatus bellis senesceret catelli. Concubine vocificat cathedras, etiam catelli praemuniet satis saetosus matrimo nii, ut umbraculi miscere concubine. Pompeii imputat zothecas. Rures corrumperet aegre parsimonia umbraculi. Pessimus utilitas chirographi suffragarit concubine, utcunque Octavius verecunde fermentet pretosius syrtes, quod suis iocari plane utilitas fiducias.

ShoWn At % of ActuAl SiZe 0.”

Gulosus oratori insectat parsimonia matrimonii, etiam umbraculi circumgrediet pessimus tremulus chirographi, quod optimus utilitas matrimonii neglegenter insectat aegre adlaudabilis quadrupei, semper Pompeii incredibiliter celeriter suffragarit saburre. Umbra perspicax catelli. Concubine suffragarit bellus rures. Adlaudabilis quadrupei spinosus deciperet fiducias. Incredibiliter fragilis apparatus bellis pessimus neglegenter circumgr imputat umbraculi, iam pessimus pretosius concubine lucide circumgrediet fiducias, et Aquae Sulis insectat suis, ut cathedras imputat perspicax rures, iam tremulus quadrupei adlaudabilis quadrupei, semper Pompeii incredibiliter celeriter suffragarit saburre. Umbra vocificat plane utilitas suis, et fiducias amputat saburre, etiam agricolae neglegenter matrimonii circumgrediet tremulus umbraculi, etiam incredibiliter pretosius concubine optimus lucide suffragarit saburre. Regards,

Your name goes here Your department/faculty information goes here

WiLFRiD LauRieR uniVeRSity


75 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3C5 t 519.884.0710 F 519.746.2472

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


Faculty / Department Letterhead continued

ShoWn At % of ActuAl SiZe

faculty-specific example (all guidelines from previous page apply)

Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies WAterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

in instances of long titles, it will be necessary to adopt a two-line setting. Leading: 15 pt

Administration office-specific example (all guidelines from previous page apply)

Office of the Registrar WAterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

president-specific example (all guidelines from previous page apply)

Office of the President Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

For the office of the president, no campus will be highlighted.

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


business cards

order your buSineSS cArdS through Printing Services at or online at Business cards are only available in the gold colour scheme.

Waterloo-specific business card

inSet: 0.12”


WAterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

firSt lAStnAme Official Job title, Faculty t 519.884.0710 x0000 F 519.746.2472 front name: titLe: FacuLty: emaiL/phone: WiLFRiDLauRieR uniVeRSity 75 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3C5 bAcK

8/10 pt calluna Sans bold, all caps, Laurier purple 8/10 pt calluna Sans italic, upper and lower case, black 8/10 pt calluna Sans, upper and lower case, black 8/10 pt calluna Sans italic, upper and lower case, black (note: “t” and “F” are calluna Sans Semibold) note: contact numbers should be limited to two: phone and fax or cell.

campuSeS: WebSite: WLu: aDDReSS:

8.5 pt calluna Sans, upper and lower case, White (note: highlighted campus is calluna Sans bold, all caps) 51 pt calluna Sans , lower case, Laurier gold 15 pt calluna Sans Semibold, all caps, White, QXp users: track -15; inDD users: kerning metric, track -75 8/10 pt calluna Sans, upper and lower case, White

LauRieR Logo File name: Laurier_goLD_4c.eps File is inserted at 134%

ShoWn At ActuAl SiZe

brantford-specific business card (all guidelines from above apply)

brAntford | Waterloo | Kitchener | Toronto firSt lAStnAme Official Job title, Faculty t 519.756.8228 x0000 F 519.759.7207 Office: Building, 123 AnyStreet, Brantford

WiLFRiDLauRieR uniVeRSity 73 George Street, Brantford, Ontario, Canada N3T 2Y3

in instances where an office address is required, the office address is positioned below the email/telephone line, and on the same baseline the email/telephone line used to be. applicable to all locations.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


business cards continued Kitchener-specific business card (all guidelines from previous page apply)

Kitchener | Waterloo | Brantford | Toronto firSt lAStnAme Official Job title, Faculty t 519.884.0710 x0000 F 519.725.1453

WiLFRiDLauRieR uniVeRSity 120 Duke Street West, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2H 3W8

toronto-specific business card (all guidelines from previous page apply)

toronto | Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener firSt lAStnAme Official Job title, Faculty t 416.306.0866 x0000 F 416.306.9973

WiLFRiDLauRieR uniVeRSity 130 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5X 1C9

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


order your envelopeS through Printing Services at or online at Envelopes are only available in the gold colour scheme.


Standard #10 envelope (guidelines also apply to #10 window envelope)

WAterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

WiLFRiD LauRieR uniVeRSity 0.”

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity 15 pt calluna Sans Semibold, all caps, flush left, White QXp users: track -15 inDD users: kerning metric, track -75


cAmpuS deSignAtionS 8.5 pt calluna Sans Rules from page 25 apply colour: White items must be centred vertically on the flap!

0.” 0.”

lAurier logo File name: Laurier_goLD_4c.eps File is inserted at 134%

75 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3C5

Your Faculty/Department here (optional 2-line setting)

AddreSS 8 pt calluna Sans upper and lower case flush left colour: black fAculty/depArtment (if required) 14/16 pt calluna Sans upper and lower case flush right colour: black

ShoWn At % of ActuAl SiZe

Note: the width of the faculty text should not exceed the width of the address above. If this is the case the faculty should be set in two lines.


Standard ” x 12” envelope (sample of top left envelope face is shown – guidelines from above apply)

A note on colour



it is not mandatory that the envelope flap is purple. the flap can also remain white. in this case, “Wilfrid Laurier university” would be coloured Laurier purple.

75 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3C5

in the case of only one-colour availability, the envelopes print black (in this case the greyscale logo should be used: Laurier_bW.eps)

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at creativeservices@wlu.caa

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


order your envelopeS through Printing Services at or online at Envelopes are only available in the gold colour scheme.

event envelopes

Standard ” x ” event envelope (all previous envelope guidelines apply) Wilfrid lAurier univerSity 15 pt calluna Sans Semibold, all caps, flush left colour: White QXp users: track -15 inDD users: kerning metric, track -75

WAterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

WiLFRiD LauRieR uniVeRSity 0.”

cAmpuS deSignAtionS 8.5 pt calluna Sans Rules from page 25 apply colour: White


items must be centred vertically on the flap! lAurier logo File name: Laurier_goLD_4c.eps File is inserted at 134% 0.”


75 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3C5

Event Title goes here!

AddreSS 8 pt calluna Sans upper and lower case, flush left colour: black

poStAl cleArAnce: 1 mm

event title Font: approved, consistent Laurier font consistent with event look-and-feel colour: approved, consistent Laurier colours

poStAl cleArAnce 19 mm information below the 19 mm mark is not permitted due to postal regulations.

ShoWn At % of ActuAl SiZe

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


presentation Folder Wilfrid lAurier univerSity Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

ShoWn At % of ActuAl SiZe


Inspiring Lives. inSide

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


generic newspaper ad / Leaf

Inspiring Lives.

Inspiring Lives. WhAt’S in A leAf? at the heart of it this national symbol honours our namesake, Sir Wilfrid laurier, seventh Prime Minister of Canada. that alone is a unique claim among Canadian universities. But look closely. laurier’s maple leaf is a microcosm of connectivity and support – every vein contributing to the health of the whole. the beauty and simplicity of the maple leaf can only be realized through this common purpose of nature. and so it is at laurier – faculty, staff, students and alumni committed to a common vision: to inspire lives of leadership and Purpose.

WhAt’S in A leAf? at the heart of it this national symbol honours our namesake, Sir Wilfrid laurier, seventh Prime Minister of Canada. that alone is a unique claim among Canadian universities. But look closely. laurier’s maple leaf is a microcosm of connectivity and support – every vein contributing to the health of the whole. the beauty and simplicity of the maple leaf can only be realized through this common purpose of nature. and so it is at laurier – faculty, staff, students and alumni committed to a common vision: to inspire lives of leadership and Purpose.

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

Shown above are two different crop options for the leaf as the focal point graphic.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


generic newspaper ads / image A life of leAderShip And purpoSe. Satis spinosus duis fermentet quiner ud lorem quennalis chirographi, ut ossifragi celeriter. Suffragarit caesar etso plane dolor adlaud abilis matrimoni duis miscere rures etiame lorem cathedral duis vocificat catelli, semper lascivius syrtes suffrag arit dolor lorem duis sit umbra.

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

A life of leAderShip And purpoSe. Satis spinosus duis fermentet quiner ud lorem quennalis chirographi, ut ossifragi celeriter. Suffragarit caesar ettso plane dolor adlaud abilis matrimoni duis miscere rures, etiame lorem cathedrals duis vocificat catelli, semper lascivius syrtes suffrag arit dolor sit umbra.

Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto in this example, a purple carrier is used to accommodate the copy. this is a good option if the image is too busy to guarantee copy legibility.

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto images with clear and simple backgrounds can accommodate copy without a carrier.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


brochure covers Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

WAterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

brAntford | Waterloo | Kitchener | Toronto

fAculty of muSic

2012 admissions Viewbook example of a viewbook cover

2012 admissions Viewbook example of a faculty-specific viewbook cover

2012 preSident’S report

example of brochure cover with image

2012 President’s report example of brochure cover with leaf background

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


newsletter FEBRUARY 2012

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto


“Lorem ipsum dolor sit aegre, duis aparatis” —Sylvie villeneuve

villeneuve aiming for pan Am games SaetoSuS umbRacuLi DuiS SuFFRagaRit chiRo gRaphi Sit LoRem nonummy ipSum inSectat concubine By Kevin Klein. Saburre adquireret duis umbraculi, utcunque agricolae agnascor lascivius matrimonii. Umbraculi comiter adquireret saburre, quod bellus rures amputat syrtes. rures aegre libere praemuniet suis. Tremulus apparatus bellis optimus celeriter insectat pessimus parsimonia fiducias, et quinquennalis suis vix comiter deciperet pretosius zothecas, quod quadrupei divinus fermentet chiro graphi, semper optimus parsimonia syrtes vocificat apparatus bellis. Fragilis catelli fortiter corrumperet gulosus cathedras. Adlaudabilis duis ossifragi ude celeriter iocari gulosus chirographi, utcunque Augustus satis lucide agnascor Aquae Sulis, et rures iocari cathedras, ut Octavius optimus divinus agnascor Pompeii. Oratori

deciperet pretosius chirographi. Apparatus bellis agnascor bellus saburre, semper fiducias infeliciter conubium santet cathedras. Oratori circumgrediet chirographi, ut lorem concubine lucide insectat satis perspicax matrimonii. Saburre duis praemuniet duis pessimus gulosus umbraculi, et saetosus chirographi miscere incredibiliter verecundus quadrupei, quod adlaudabilis cathe dras circumgrediet syrtes. Suis imputat utilitas fiducias Zothecas agnascor et saetosus chirographi umbraculi. Catelli lorem fermentet tremulus apparatus bellis, et catelli verecunde suffragarit quinquennalis saburre. Pessimus bellus umbraculi spinosus praemuniet syrtes. Parsimonia chirographi deciperet quadrupei Umbraculi vocificat Augustus. Apparatus bellis libere senesceret


parsimonia chirographi deciperet quadrupei umbraculi apparatus bellis libere senesceret vocificat augustus.

Medusa, iam verecundus zothecas praemuniet Caesar, etiam saetosus suis insectat quinquennalis ossifragi. Fragilis oratori infeliciter iocari apparatus bellis. Quadrupei suffragarit matrimonii, et bellus suis plane libere amputat adlaudabilis umbraculi, etiam parsimonia quadrupei miscere preto sius oratori, quamquam cathe dras iocari agricolae. Zothecas miscere utilitas agricolae, iam ossifragi lucide praemuniet zothecas. Perspicax agricolae vocificat lorem chirographi.

lascivius apparatus bellis neglegenter imputat verecundus cathedras, semper lascivius catelli corrumperet Pompeii, et gulosus quadrupei imputat Medusa, ut rures suffragarit utilitas ossifragi. Umbraculi miscere ossifragi, semper vix quinquennalis saburre senesceret ossifragi. Pessimus fragilis catelli vocificat cathedras, utcunque adlaudabilis matrimonii verecunde amputat aegre et saetosus chirographi et saetosus chirographi fragilis catelli ossifragi agnascor pretosius.

here is an example of how the serif font calluna can be incorporated

“Dolor ud miscere semper situe duis aegress gulosus”


parsimonia chirographi deciperet quadrupei umbraculi apparatus bellis libere senesceret vocificat augustus.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


poster master of Arts

gAudeAmuS igitur Visual communication and culture media, technology and culture

Catelli vocificat pessimus pretosius suis, semper agricolae miscere gulosus saburre. Adfabilis catelli deciperet Augustus, ut apparatus bellis suffragarit oratori utilitas zothecas incredibiliter gaudet.

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

Waterloo | Kitchener | Brantford | Toronto

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


exterior banner

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

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pop-up banners example of generic laurier banner

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

examples of faculty-specific banners

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

fAculty of grAduAte & poStdoctorAl StudieS

fAculty of Science

Inspiring Lives of Leadership and Purpose.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


powerpoint template Wilfrid lAurier univerSity

Waterloo | Brantford | Kitchener | Toronto

Presentation Title Presenter | Date

title slide

SyrteS aegre luciDe imPutat n Libere agnascor concubine, ut saburre adquireret adlaudabilis. n Utilitas umbraculi divinus agnascor oratori, utcunque apparatus bellis deciperet adlaudabilis quadrupei. Apparatus bellis praemuniet fiducias, lascivius ossifragi circumgrediet gulosus. n Aquae Sulis conubium santet incredibiliter umbraculi. n Rures circumgrediet pretosius zothecas, lascivius apparatus bellis imputat bellus agricolae. Optimus saetosus apparatus bellis.

text slide

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


powerpoint template continued

Libere agnascor concubine, saburre adquireret adld abilis. Utilitas umbraculi divinus agnascor oratori Utcunque apparatus bellis deciperet adlaudabilis quad rupei. Apparatus bellis praem fragi circumgrediet gulosus. Ossi fragi conubium santet umbraculi Parsimonia.



text and graphic slide – graphic can be replaced with an image

chirograPhi iocari catelli SuiS miScere rureS imPutat Saburre.

image slide – can be with or without text on image (note: ensure text remains legible on top of image)

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


Website masthead

O neW laurier brand O laurier100 O library Search

information about information for


laurier | Faculties/libraries | academic info | campus life | resources | news & events | giving to laurier | Quick links


Future Students current Students Faculty & Staff alumni & Friends Visitors & media employers Parents brantford campus Kitchener campus toronto campus

email Signature Please follow the guidelines below to set up your signature in your email program.

Jane SamPle Jane Sample’s Title Department / Faculty WilFriD laurier uniVerSity 73 George Street, Brantford Ontario, Canada N3T 2Y3 Office: SCJ 413, SC Johnson Building 38 Market Street 519.884.0710 x0000 F 519.746.2472

A c


name 8 pt Verdana bold, all caps


titLe 8 pt Verdana italic, upper and lower case


DepaRtment/FacuLty and aDDReSS 8 pt Verdana, upper and lower case


WiLFRiD LauRieR uniVeRSity 9 pt Verdana bold, all caps


uRL 8 pt Verdana bold, lower case


d c


Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

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Inspiring Lives.


uR La



Inspiring Lives. tote bag front

tote bag back

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


glossary of terms cArrier

an area of colour that is placed behind a logo or graphic in order to make it stand out against a background or to define its boundaries.

cleAr SpAce

an area or “buffer zone” that must surround a graphic element and must remain free of any other graphic element(s). this space must also be maintained between the graphic element and the edge of any surface.


cyan, magenta, yellow, black. a colour model that describes each colour in terms of the quantity of cyan, magenta, yellow and black it contains. the cmyK system is used for printing.

coAted pAper

paper that has been coated to attain a smooth, glossy finish. brochures and magazines are often printed on this less-absorbant form of stock.

epS file

encapsulated postScript; the file format based on adobe postScript. primarily used to define vector graphics (i.e., geometrical shapes), it can also be used to contain and provide instructions for rendering pixel-based data.

four-colour proceSS

Full colour reproduction attained by separating selected colours or images into cmyK values (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) and printing them together.

gif file

graphics interchange Format; a bitmap image format for pictures with up to 256 distinct colors.


a colour-coding system used for web applications only.

hue vAlue

the lightness or darkness of a colour.

Jpg file

Joint photographic experts group; a compression method used mostly for continuous tone images. commonly used to indicate a pixel-based graphic file format.


any printed object or type that is the same colour as the paper it is printed on (in most cases, white).


a logo or graphic that does not have an area of colour behind it defining its boundaries.

pAntone® mAtching SyStem (pmS)

an international printing colour system with thousands of colours, which provides an accurate method of matching and controlling colours.

png file

portable network graphic; a bitmapped image format that employs lossless data compression, and does not come with any software patents.


Red, green, blue. the three colours of light which are mixed to produce other colours in a digital medium.

uncoAted pAper

paper that has not been coated and as a result absorbs more ink. Stationary and newsprint are common examples of uncoated paper.


a logo designed for easy recognition which consists of letters/word(s) only.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


a note on accessibility for print material These following guidelines are meant to increase the accessibility of print materials, for everyone, especially those with visual impairments and learning disabilities. generAl conceptS to Keep in mind • Keep information on print material short and simple. Use clear language, avoid dense paragraphs and use bulleted lists to simplify information. Avoid acronyms and abbreviations. • Be consistent in where you post posters and signs. For example, mount posters or signs in the same area which is clearly labeled. • Use typefaces, colours, and graphics logically and consistently – and as per the rules outlined in this style guide. • Use non-glossy or matte finish paper when possible.

type • When possible, use upper case and lower case letters. Avoid using all capital letters, which are harder to read because they do not provide as much visual information to differentiate letters. Upper and lower case letters give words a more defined shape. • Use only the fonts outlined in this style guide. • For emphasis, use bold or underline. When possible, avoid the use of italics or uppercase letters.

lAyout • Use wide margins and columns with sufficient white space between them. White space guides the reader’s eye – use it effectively. • Flush-left setting and adequate leading between lines of text make the text easier to read.

colour • Use high contrast colours for text and background. Good examples are black/purple text on a white or yellow background, or white/yellow text on a black/purple background. When converting to greyscale, ensure that various greyscale conversions still differentiate enough in terms of contrast. • Reduce distractions by not using watermarks or complicated background designs. • Printed material is most readable in black and white. If using coloured text, restrict it to things like titles, headlines or highlighted material. Avoid using colour alone to communicate information.

Questions? Please contact the Communications, Public Affairs & Marketing department at

lAurier BrAnd STAndArdS / APrIL 2012


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Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.