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Green Award for our Kuala Lumpur office

Green Award for our Kuala Lumpur offi ce

Wilhelmsen Ship Management’s Kuala Lumpur offi ce passed the Green Award Certifi cation audit in July 2022.

The offi ce audit included thoroughly reviewing our company’s management system, its operational policies and procedures, and sample compliance checking. The audit confi rmed our quality, safety standards and a strong focus on environmental performance. The certifi cation is valid for three years. As the Green Award is entirely voluntary, Wilhelmsen Ship Management’s Malaysia centre is now among an exclusive group of Owners/Managers holding this certifi cation. It entitles us to various incentives to encourage environmentally sound operations. Once our clients agree to certify their vessels under the Green Award, fi nancial and operational advantages are obtainable in many ports worldwide.

Our fi rst certifi ed vessel, Calluna Gas, has been successfully surveyed and certifi ed by the Green Award auditing team. A huge congratulations to our team in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and the crew for this achievement! Our fi rst certifi ed vessel, Calluna Gas, has been successfully surveyed and certifi ed by the Green Award auditing team. A huge congratulations to our team in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and the crew for this achievement!

With the Green Award, we will benefi t from the following:

• Incentives (discounts) from ports - for vessels calling certain ports • Incentives (discounts) from maritime service providers and suppliers • Benchmarking to other Green Award companies and ships • Continuous improvement in ship quality and operations • Resulting in higher motivation and pride of our seafarers and offi ce personnel • Preparation for and improved performance of other third-party inspections (PSC & vetting) • Recognition in Equasis database, Rightship database and MarineTraffi c vessel tracking • Charter preference • Extra exposure to quality marketing tools/quality brand • Tool to address our company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

We are proud to earn this Green Award to continue our journey with maritime sustainability and contribute to Wilhelmsen Ship Management’s ambition to go above and beyond in environmental protection, safety, and quality standards.

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