1 minute read
Cyber Security Awareness Heightened During Pandemic
Carl Schou
CEO & President Wilhelmsen Ship Management
Increasing awareness as our first level of defence
Cyber-attacks on the maritime industry has increased 4X since February 2020 as the shipping business become reliant on remote working and information technology as a result of lockdowns from the pandemic.
On 25 June 2020, Wilhelmsen Ship Management held a webinar for our customers to raise their awareness on the potential cyber security threat that they may face.
The webinar was open to all employees in our customer’s organization, regardless of their job descriptions or IT knowledge. Carl Schou, CEO & President of Wilhelmsen Ship Management, hosted the webinar.
Christina Cheh
Vice President of Risk Management & Systems Wilhelmsen Ship Management
Morten Drægni
Head of Cyber Security Wilhelmsen Group
The sessions were led by Morten Drægni, Head of Cyber Security - Wilhelmsen Group, and Christina Cheh, Vice President of Risk Management & Systems - Wilhelmsen Ship Management.
Our speakers shared their knowledge on how to identify cyber security traps and their experiences through real life cases for both ship and shore. The webinar focused on strengthening the first level of defence against cyber attacks which is the human element.
We see this as an important factor especially relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic as most operations have moved online almost overnight and such swift change may expose vulnerabilities that could compromise businesses. With this webinar, we hope to do our part in collectively lifting the industry’s defence against cyber security crime.