Language Acquisition in the IB Diploma Program French and/or Spanish
Where does it fit? The DP model
Language acquisition ∗ French and Spanish are the 2 languages offered for Group 2 subjects at AISJ ∗ They may be taken as a Higher level (HL) or Standard level (SL) subject * * In rare cases it may also be taken as a non-IB subject in order to obtain AISJ credit
Pathways into IB French/Spanish Grade 9
Pre-Intermediate Level
Grade 10
Intermediate Level
Grade 11/12
IB Language B SL or HL IB Ab Initio SL (new language)
Beginner Level
Pre-Intermediate Level
IB Language B SL only
Language Policy •
Prerequisites for Language Ab Initio: Student must have NO MORE than one year of previous experience with the language to be studied.
* Occasionally, a student may be part of an IB class, but doing the course for AISJ credit only. Since this student is not fulfilling all the IB requirements, French/Spanish 11 or French/Spanish 12 will appear on their transcript.
What is IB Language acquisition about? ∗ The main emphasis of the modern language courses is on the acquisition and use of language in a range of contexts and for different purposes while, at the same time, promoting an understanding of another culture through the study of its language. ∗ Language ab initio courses are for beginners (that is, students who have little or no previous experience of learning the language they have chosen). These courses are only available at standard level. ∗ Language B courses are intended for students who have had some previous experience of learning the language. They may be studied at either higher level or standard level.
What will I study in Language B? The ‘Core’
• Both HL and SL students study the core and cover the units – Social Relations / Global issues / Media and Communication • This could includes, but isn’t limited to, immigration; Climate Change; Poverty; Patriotism and Sensationalism.
• SL & HL students take 2 options • The options we cover are Cultural diversity; Traditions; Health issues; Leisure The ‘Optional and Science & Technology – HL will also study 2 literary works. Themes’
The ‘Literature’
• Only studied by HL students • HL students read 2 works of literature
What will I study in Language Ab Initio? The ‘Themes’
• All students will study 3 themes (individual and society, leisure and work, urban and rural environment) • These 3 interrelated themes are made up of a series of 20 topics.
•Examples of topics: •Individual & Society: Daily routines; Food & drinks; Relationships •Leisure & Work: Employment; Holidays; Sport •Urban & Rural environment: Global issues; Weather; Town & The ‘topics’ Services
The ‘texts’
•Examples of texts: •Blogs, Brochure, Email, Letter, Menu, Postcard, Recipe, Speech, Guide and many more
How will I be assessed? Language B (SL/HL)
Language Ab Initio (SL only)
The ‘Core’: Paper 1 = 25% Written Assignment = 20% (HL = literature) Interactive oral = 10%
Paper 1 = 30% Paper 2 = 25% Written Assignment = 20% Individual Oral = 25%
The ‘Options’: Paper 2 = 25% Individual oral = 20%
Who should I speak to? Should you wish to discuss your course selection, please contact the relevant teacher: Spanish B SL/HL: Mr Aitor Rey – HS 9 Spanish Ab Initio: Ms Chris Fazenbaker – HS 8 French B SL/HL: Ms Evi Singleton – HS 2 French Ab Initio: Ms Beatrice Murgues – HS 10