4 minute read
Out With the Old, In With the New
By Rhea R Graham
Because the majority of our patients don’t wish to get high, we’ve worked diligently to discover what works best to that end. Sometimes a high is unavoidable, but more often than not we can find a way.
If you’re suffering with localized pain such as arthritis or neuropathy, a topical salve is typically enough to bring short-term relief while you wait for a capsule to kick in for hours-long pain relief. Some of you will have to wait that hour or so for the capsule to being working if you have a condition and there isn’t enough salve to cover everything that hurts. An hour isn’t bad when you consider the relief you’re going to get without negative side effects, and you can take it as soon as you wake up in the morning.
Taking THC by mouth will most often lead to a high, unless you micro dose. Smoking and vaping make you high rather quickly because the THC is activated (decarboxylated) by the heat. THC capsules, tinctures, elixirs and edibles all have the potential to make you high, a side effect of that is euphoria. Euphoria isn’t maniacal laughter as depicted in “Reefer Madness”, euphoria is intense excitement and happiness. That sounds like a much better side effect than what most pHARMaceuticals offer you.
The surest way to avoid a high with Cannabis is to avoid putting it in your mouth. Cannabis based salves, balms, liniment or massage oil can be used topically and Cannabis Suppositories internally for effective relief of pain and sleep issues. I know it sounds crazy and you may have a funny visual when you think of it, BUT, it’s quite normal and one of the best ways to get the medicine into your system both efficiently and effectively. Because the suppositories are pushed ‘just inside the back door’ they do not reach the portal vein and make the trip to the liver for first pass metabolism.
We can remedy all types of pain, day or night variety as well as all three sleep issues – the inability to go to sleep, stay asleep or go back to sleep. What are you waiting for? Call today and schedule your $40 consultation and see how much better your life can be when you are free of pain and able to sleep. We can be reached at 541-981-2620, appointments available Tuesday through Friday and occasionally Saturday.
By Kris Denning
It’s okay, really. I’m not suggesting that you stay glued to the couch with your coffee when your child needs breakfast or if someone is bleeding. However, there is an epidemic among women caregivers, and I ask you Moms, to take a good look at yourself and see if you can relate. There’s nothing wrong with caregiving unless the caregiver fails to take care of themselves. Let me say first, I honor all of you who selflessly work in caregiver fields, and to those fellow Moms who work so hard to ensure their children are provided for. But, what about you?
Putting everyone else’s needs above your own seems noble, but at what cost? Are you too run down to play with your kids? Are you so on edge trying to get everything done that you don’t have time to be present with your kids or yourself? Do you resent those around you who take up your time, or don’t share the load, and then feel guilty for the feelings of resentment? Do you ever take time to consider your own feelings and pursue your own interests?
The depleted state Moms find themselves in, is often tempered by having several glasses of wine in the evening, indulging in foods high in fat or sugar, or living in fight or flight mode much of the time. All these things take a huge toll on the body, stripping us of our energy, motivation, patience, and presence for ourselves and others. This makes doing for others way harder than it otherwise would be, and the cycle continues.
You really can’t NOT put yourself first. By taking care of your needs, everyone wins. Believe it or not, your happiness is all anyone around you really wants. Your family wins if you feel good and take time to care for yourself. You will want to play with your kids, and you’ll have the energy to do so. Instead of leading with a false sense of having it all together while struggling beneath the surface, you can lead with your whole self, body/mind/soul.
Ask for help when you need it. Not when you are at your wits end, but before you lose your patience. It’s okay to say No, when you feel you are stretched too thin. It’s okay to buy baked goods for the bake sale instead of slaving over the oven all day. It’s okay to choose to take a walk or meditate or nap, rather than cleaning the kitchen. Your body is your temple and when you feel good, you will reflect that on everyone around you.
I encourage you to drink lots of water (half your body weight in ounces) and limit the ingredients that bog you down like artificial sweets, heavy fats and sugars.
Try to move your body every day with intention. Take a walk, bike ride, or dance to some music you love. Sign up for weekly exercise or meditation classes so you have a healthy commitment to yourself that you will stick with. Make a weekly lunch date with a friend, or just you! Take time to sit and be with yourself in meditation, art, reading, music, or whatever it is that you desire.
Take time for you, Mom. Every single day. When you fill your cup first, then anything you offer others will be poured from a full cup of love. :)
Happy Mother’s Day, and Beyond!!!