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Explore the connections that shape our world. View public health through the lens of wealth inequality. Examine the role of social media in politics. Connect data science to environmental stewardship. Follow your passions to discover links between disciplines that haven’t been considered before.


  • American Ethnic Studies Minor

  • Archaeology Major/Minor

  • Art History Major/Minor

  • Art Studio Major/Minor

  • Arts, Technology, & Multimedia Minor

  • Asian Studies Minor

  • Biochemistry Special Program

  • Biology Major/Minor

  • Business Major/Minor

  • Business Management 3+2 BA/MBA Dual Degree

  • Chemistry Major/Minor

  • Chinese Studies Minor

  • Cinema Studies Major/Minor

  • Civic Communication & Media Major/Minor

  • Classical Studies Major/Minor

  • Computer Science Major/Minor

  • Computer Science 3+1 BS/MS Dual Degree

  • Creative Writing Special Program

  • Data Science Major/Minor

  • Data Science 3+1 BS/MS Dual Degree

  • Economics Major/Minor

  • Engineering 3+2 Dual Degree

  • English Major/Minor

  • Environmental Science Major/Minor

  • Exercise & Health Science Major

  • Forestry 3+2 Dual Degree

  • French & Francophone Studies Minor

  • German Minor

  • Global Cultural Studies Major/Minor

  • History Major/Minor

  • Individualized Major

  • International Studies Major

  • Japanese Studies Major/Minor

  • Latin American Studies Minor

  • Law 3+3 BA/JD Dual Degree

  • Mathematics Major/Minor

  • Music Major/Minor

  • Not-For-Profit Management 3+2 BA/MBA Dual Degree

  • Philosophy Major/Minor

  • Physics Major/Minor

  • Politics, Policy, Law, & Ethics Major/Minor

  • Pre-Health Special Program

  • Pre-Law Special Program

  • Pre-Medicine Special Program

  • Pre-Veterinary Medicine Special Program

  • Psychology Major/Minor

  • Public Health Major/Minor

  • Public Management 3+2 BA/MBA Dual Degree

  • Religious Studies Major/Minor

  • Russian Minor

  • Sociology Major/Minor

  • Spanish Major/Minor

  • Statistics Major/Minor

  • Sustainability Minor

  • Theatre Major/Minor

  • Women's & Gender Studies Major/Minor


Take advantage of Willamette’s interdisciplinary approach to academics by conducting research alongside faculty, participating in independent study projects, traveling on field trips, or spending a semester in Portland at the Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA).

Accelerate your degree and gain an extra year of earning power with Willamette’s Dual Degree Programs. By enrolling in one of our accelerated degree programs, you’ll take three years of undergraduate degree classes before pursuing your graduate degree at Willamette or one of our partner schools. Benefit from our partnerships with top schools and save time and money on your education while developing the knowledge, real-world experience, and professional tools that employers value. Choose from our selection of accelerated degree programs:

  • 3+3 BA/JD (Law)

  • 3+1 BS/MS Data Science

  • 3+1 BS/MS Computer Science

  • 3+2 BA/MBA (Business)

  • 3+2 Forestry with one of our partner schools: Oregon State University and Duke University

  • 3+2 Engineering with one of our partner schools: Columbia University and Washington University in St. Louis

“Because of Willamette, I was able to finish my combined undergraduate and law degrees within six years of finishing high school, and secure a job before graduation.” —Christopher Ishihara ’20, JD ’22
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