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Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math
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Living in an information era has made the whole world a laboratory. The rate at which our collective knowledge is advancing has exponentially led to more opportunities to build upon the momentum of the information age and create solutions to modern problems.
At Willamette, we challenge you to explore issues relating to the physical world as well as digital spaces and discover ways to use cutting edge technology to preserve the natural environment, develop software, or combat the energy crisis.
CONDUCT HANDS-ON RESEARCH in your sophomore and junior year in our grant-funded, state-of-the-art optics training laboratory, augmented by teaching modules developed by the Physics Department.
GAIN PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE in our many research and lab spaces including the Microscopy, Cadaver, Dendrology, and iScience Laboratories.
THE WEBBER SCHOLARS program provides female-identifying students majoring in Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, or Physics the opportunity to participate in outreach programs in local schools.
CONNECT YOUR STUDIES to the real world at our ecologically diverse 305-acre Zena forest, a unique living laboratory that lends itself to environmental and sustainability research.
SAVE A YEAR OF SCHOOLING when you choose an accelerated program in Data Science, Engineering, or Forestry.
Complementary Fields of Study
Archaeology / Biology / Chemistry
Civic Communication & Media / Data Science / Economics
Engineering / Environmental Science / Exercise Science
Forestry / Mathematics / Physics / Psychology / Sustainability
Expand your knowledge through a co-curricular student organization
Biology Club, Chemistry Club, Chess Club, Math Club, Outdoor Program, Physics Club, Zena Farm Club.
Popular Courses
Earth's Climate: Past Present & Future, Cell Biophysics, Biodiversity & Climate Change, Analysis of Algorithms, Environmental Chemistry, Chemistry of Renewable Energy.