42 11 willamette week, january 13, 2016

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VOL 42/11 1 . 13. 2016


Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com





Former first lady Cylvia Hayes is now a journalist. 6 Portland needs a cool billion dollars to fi x its roads. 9 The armed group occupying an Eastern Oregon bird sanctuary really enjoys the practice of fasting. One gets the impression they’d actually welcome an opportunity to fast awhile. 12 Portland appears to be getting an outpost of Tokyo’s best-loved chicken ramen shop. 30


Local legend Ursula K. Le Guin has found an artful, poetic way to whinge about people who text while driving. 47 Neil deGrasse Tyson wrote his thesis on the Galactic bulge. 48 David Bowie killed Jesus. 50

If you want to attend a formal showing of a 3½-minute screensaver paired with new-age beats, there is a place. 52


Bundyland by Kim Herbst.

Bars where you can bring your kids while you drink.

STAFF Editor & Publisher Mark Zusman EDITORIAL News Editor Aaron Mesh Arts & Culture Editor Martin Cizmar Staff Writers Nigel Jaquiss, Rachel Monahan, Beth Slovic Copy Chief Rob Fernas Copy Editors Matt Buckingham, Madeline Luce Stage & Screen Editor Enid Spitz Projects Editor Matthew Korfhage Music Editor Matthew Singer Web Editor Lizzy Acker Books James Helmsworth

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Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com



Much of it has to do with water access, because Regarding your article on Portland Public if you lose access to water in a desert, your liveSchools busing West Hills kids to North Port- stock, and your livelihood, are toast. Federal law does provide for water rights for land [“Over the River,” WW, Dec. 23, 2015], you ignored the main Skyline K-8 community con- cattle on federal land. The problem is when these ranchers think they don’t have to follow the law, cerns: safety, district cost and academics. The facts: Skyline’s attendance boundary cov- and they often ignore the courts and take maters 64 square miles (source: PPS). The average ters into their own hands. It’s a repeating pattern all over the West, and Skyline middle schooler’s commute is a half-hour. The past commute to West Sylvan Middle School one that won’t stop until people like the Hamwas one hour. The travel time to George Middle monds are held accountable for their actions and have to abide by court decisions just like School in St. Johns would be similar to that of West Sylvan. George has only a 55 pereveryone else. cent capture rate in its own neighbor—“Firegod” hood. Adding Skyline’s middle school CANDIDATE’S reduces George’s low socioeconomic TROUBLED PAST population by just 5 percent, to 50 percent overall. The federal Title I Darin Campbell’s background of threshold is 40 percent. questionable judgment calls and Safety: Busing to George requires actions goes far, far beyond that of most students to cross the Willamette 99 percent of the population—even River, with Northwest Germantown those who have struggled with subRoad and the St. Johns Bridge the stance abuse and/or mental illness “I’m on the [“Running With History,” WW, Jan. probable routes. In just three weeks since district modeling, the bridge radio now!” 6, 2016] and/or Germantown have been closed —“JT” 10 times during peak travel, including more than once for 24-plus hours. No plan has BOWIE’S PORTLAND MOMENT been outlined in the case of closings, not to men- David Bowie told a story at his final Portland show [in 2004 at the Rose Garden’s Theater of tion the family stress incurred. Cost: Busing 100 Skyline students to West the Clouds] about how he was by then-Civic StaSylvan cost the district $275,000 (source: PPS, dium in a car the first time he ever heard himself 2011). Busing students to George in 2016 would on American radio [“A Brief History of David cost more. Couldn’t George be improved with Bowie in Portland,” wweek.com, Jan. 11, 2016]. He said he rolled down the window and more than $275,000? Academics: Skyline K-5 will suffer. With only shouted, “I’m on the radio right now!” to which 200 students, it’s not a full building. It’s also unlike- a passerby yelled back, “Shut the fuck up!” ly the district could fund its “core programs.” As a Then Bowie played the song he had heard [that full K-8 building, the school operates efficiently, day in the early 1970s]. It was “The Man Who Sold the World.” and resources can be shared. —Matt Ashley —101 Skyline K-8 community members


The ranchers’ complaints all boil down to a single thing: not getting unfettered access to federal land [“All Hat, No Cattle,” WW, Jan. 6, 2016].


Traffic has been slowed to a crawl for months so the OK-looking Broadway Bridge can be repainted, while the Fremont Bridge is allowed to become a faded, flaking eyesore. What does it take to get a bridge painted in this socalled City of Bridges? —Matt P.

Well, Matt, it’s one thing to be the City of Bridges and quite another to be the City (or County, or State—or Nation, for that matter) of Limitless, Free-Flowing Transportation Funding. We’ve pretty much decided, as a society, to pay only the absolute minimum necessary (sometimes even less!) to keep our stuff from completely falling apart. If the paint on the Fremont Bridge is doing its job of keeping the underlying steel from rusting, it’s good paint, faded and flaking though it may be. Most of Portland’s bridges, including the Broadway, are maintained by Multnomah County. The Fremont, however, falls within 4

Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR must include the author’s street address and phone number for verification. Letters must be 250 or fewer words. Submit to: 2220 NW Quimby St., Portland, OR 97210. Email: mzusman@wweek.com.

the purview of the Oregon Department of Transportation, which has no plans to repaint it at this time. Lest you think that the county has some anomalously large pot of money lying around for bridge beautification, you should know that, in a county study, the Broadway Bridge project tied for second-most urgent of 26 bridge projects, behind only the almost literally collapsing Sellwood Bridge. (The project also includes removing failed paint and repairing any steel that’s corroded.) The Ross Island Bridge, by the way, is also administered by the state, and it has plenty of rust (though the bridge’s design keeps most of it hidden from the casual motorist). It will be painted this year, first with a pink primer that you’re all going to freak out about, then with a blue-green top coat to match the current color. The bottom line is that without a tax-independent revenue stream, it’s tough to keep our infrastructure looking Williams-Sonoma fresh. If there were a toll on the Fremont Bridge, I guarantee you the structure would look like it just returned from three restful weeks in sunny Saint-Tropez. Failing that, you’ll just have to suck it up. QUESTIONS? Send them to dr.know@wweek.com

Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com


“Knock it off, you little bitch.” —Give Us This Day staffer, page 11



Comments sections can be a black hole of angry trolls, misogyny and racism. They can also be a great place for readers to interact with journalists and each other. So we’ve decided to do something to fix comments on wweek.com. Starting Jan. 13, our comments section will be different from any other comments section in the world. We’re partnering with a Portland startup called Civil, which has created Civil Comments, the first commenting platform specifically designed to improve the way people treat each other online—using peer review and self-review to create a more welcoming thread. When you leave a comment on a story, you’ll have the opportunity to judge for yourself: Does this comment advance the conversation without resorting to personal attacks? Log on, leave a comment, and let us know what you think. f A C E B O O K / C H L O E E U D A Ly

Come hang with us at our annual Citrus Festwe’re sampling over 40 kinds of citrus fruit. Jan. 16-17 and Jan. 23-24, 11am-5pm, all stores.



Chloe Eudaly, owner of Reading Frenzy independent bookstore on North Mississippi Avenue, has been among the most vocal critics of rising rents in Portland. It now appears her political ambitions are growing. She testified Saturday, Jan. 9, to state lawmakers at a legislative town hall on affordable housing, and is mulling a bid for Portland City Council against Commissioner Steve Novick.


In other journalism news, former Oregon first lady Cylvia Hayes announced this week on social media she’s joined newly founded Issue Magazine in Bend as a “staff journalist.” Hayes remains under federal investigation for allegations of peddling influence in Gov. John Kitzhaber’s administration. If you say something, see something.


Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com


The National Press Foundation this week awarded WW reporter Nigel Jaquiss its Chairman’s Citation award. The award highlights work outside the traditional categories in which the Washington, D.C.-based foundation honors journalists. “Jaquiss and his editors at Willamette Week have repeatedly shown that even the smallest media company can produce journalism of the highest Jaquiss order and utmost consequence to readers,” foundation chairwoman Heather Dahl said in a statement that cited Jaquiss’ reporting on former Portland Mayor Sam Adams and former Govs. Neil Goldschmidt and John Kitzhaber.


Scott Kveton, former CEO of Portland startup Urban Airship, filed an Oregon State Bar complaint Jan. 11 against Scott Upham, the former Washington County district attorney who represented the woman who publicly accused Kveton of rape and sexual assault two years ago. In July 2014, Kveton stepped down from his job at Urban Airship, which makes marketing technology for mobile phones, after the allegations surfaced. After a criminal investigation, a Multnomah County grand jury declined to indict him, and Washington County prosecutors declined to charge him. Separate civil cases were dismissed. Kveton’s bar complaint accuses Upham of ethical violations and attempted extortion for allegedly demanding $1.5 million to keep the woman’s accusations confidential. Upham did not return WW’s calls seeking comment.

DONATIONS SINCE G!G’s INCEPTION IN 2004 2004: $22,000 2005: $80,044 2006: $248,397 2007: $534,084 2008: $806,582 2009: $918,094 2010: $1,163,688 2011: $1,588,689 2012: $1,967,423 2013: $2,453,083 2014: $3,145,015 2015: $3,501,400 TOTAL:











This is the second year in a row Southeast Portland has led the pack, having overtaken longtime leader Northeast Portland in 2014.


2015 Final Report


(Total from Big Give! Days in 2014: $713,000)


As we’ve come to say in this space every January: You are nothing short of amazing. By midnight Dec. 31, nearly 9,000 of you (8,885, to be exact) had contributed more than $3.5 million ($3,501,400, actually) to this company’s annual effort to drive support for local nonprofits. Thousands of you contributed more than once.




Your donations represent an increase of more than 10 percent over last year. We couldn’t be more excited about the ways your giving supports—and energizes—thousands of Portlanders who do so much good work in our community. The day before Christmas, The New York Times ran an op-ed piece by two University of British Columbia researchers who study high blood pressure in adults. Through an ingenious protocol, they’ve been able to demonstrate that spending money on others has the immediate effect of lowering blood pressure. (Not surprising: Buying things for yourself does not.) As the researchers note, the change in blood pressure matches “what is typically observed when people start engaging in regular aerobic exercise.”








So here’s hoping each of you gains all the physical—as well as the many psychic—benefits of your great generosity!



Every year, G!G generates its own set of fun facts. We’re listing a few elsewhere on this page, in charticle format. There are also thanks to repeat, because WW’s G!G could not exist without the great generosity of so many local businesses—too many to name here. Two head our list: Grady Britton, which produces and manages our website (and has provided many of these statistics), and Borders Perrin Norrander, which produced our first-ever marketing campaign (“Been a Little Bad? Do a Little Good”). Other special friends include A to Z Wineworks, Penner-Ash Wine Cellars, Bob’s Red Mill, Widmer Brothers Brewing, Stumptown Coffee Roasters, Chinook Book, Revolution Hall/Mississippi Studios, and the Schlesinger Family Foundation. (For the full list of supporters, see giveguide.org.)







To see results for all 143 participating nonprofits, go to giveguide.org and click on “SEE GIVING STATS.”

We plan to do this again later this year, with applications being taken during the month of June (also at giveguide. org). We’ll be conducting a recap meeting with this year’s participants at the beginning of next month, but we’re always interested in improving our system. If you have thoughts or comments, please send them to Executive Director Nick Johnson (njohnson@wweek.com).

THE SCHLESINGER FAMILY FOUNDATION CHALLENGE This provides an extra $1,000 to the nonprofit in each category (for a total of $8K) that attracted the greatest number of gifts from Portlanders under the age of 36. After adjusting out repeat donors, the winners are:

For now: Thank you, eight-thousand eight-hundred eighty-five times over.

Number of Donors


Pongo Fund



PDX Pop Now!






Right Brain Initiative


Richard H. Meeker, Founder


Friends of Trees



Planned Parenthood


PS: This week and next, WW publishes our annual Volunteer Guide. It’s your chance to donate sweat equity, which is at least as valuable as your cash, to more than 60 great local nonprofits. See pages 19-25 in this issue.


Bitch Media



New Avenues





WW readers—

Nicholas Johnson, Executive Director



Total unique donors under 36 in 2015: 2,643 Total unique donors under 36 in 2014: 2,553 Total new donors this year: 5,483 Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com




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Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com









Don’t spend your Powerball winnings just yet: 2016 is already shaping up to be the year of the money measure. Last week, City Commissioner Steve Novick announced that the Portland City Council will vote Jan. 27 whether to send a 10-cents-a-gallon gas tax to the May ballot. The gas tax is the latest episode in a city transportation-funding soap opera that’s aired for nearly a decade, with plot twists including an ill-fated “street fee” pushed in 2014 by Novick and Mayor Charlie Hales. Tax backers usually want to avoid May ballots—voters tend to be older and more conservative then, give or take a few thousand Bernie Sanders socialists. But getting the gas tax in front of voters early makes more sense in a year when as many as five tax measures could ask Oregon voters for about $2.7 billion a year in additional cash, either directly via property tax increases or indirectly through payroll taxes or higher prices on consumer goods. Portland voters are fairly easy to sell on new taxes: In the past decade, they’ve approved money measures to fund schools, the arts, libraries, fire safety, children’s services and the Oregon Zoo. The November ballot already looks so crowded—with Portland State University, Portland Public Schools, labor groups and housing advocates possibly hunting for dollars—that observers wonder whether tax fatigue will force somebody to wait until the next election cycle. Mike Lindberg, who served on the Portland City Council from 1979 until 1996, says groups seeking additional public funding would do well to consider what else is on the ballot with them. “You need to be very conscious of who else is asking for money,” he says. “In my own opinion it’s hard to pass more than two at once.” Here’s a look at all of the proposed measures jockeying to get inside your wallet.





WHAT: Portland gas tax WHO’S BACKING IT: Commissioner Steve Novick is bringing his 10-cent-a-gallon proposal to the Portland City Council on Jan. 27. WHAT IT’S FOR: Filling potholes, repaving streets, adding sidewalks and improving pedestrian crosswalks. HOW MUCH IT WOULD RAISE: About $16 million a year—a tiny fraction of Portland’s maintenance backlog of more than $1 billion. WHEN: May 2016

WHAT: A new Portland Public Schools construction bond that would cost at least $1.10 per $1,000 of assessed value (or $220 per year for a home assessed at $200,000). WHO’S BACKING IT: Oregon’s largest school district. WHAT IT’S FOR: Rebuilding Benson, Madison and Lincoln high schools. HOW MUCH IT WOULD RAISE: Portland Public Schools hasn’t settled on a figure, but it could be in the range of $450 million to $650

million total over the life of the bond. The new bond would be on top of the existing bond that voters approved in 2012. The new bond would at least double whatever homeowners currently pay for school construction. WHEN: November 2016



WHO’S BACKING IT: PSU President Wim Wiewel and the university’s board of trustees. WHAT IT’S FOR: College scholarships. HOW MUCH IT WOULD RAISE: $30 million to $70 million a year. WHEN: November 2016

WHAT: A new tax to fund affordable housing projects in Portland. WHO’S BACKING IT: A group calling itself the Welcome Home Coalition, backed by Street Roots, the Community Alliance of Tenants, housing nonprofit JOIN and others. WHAT IT’S FOR: Advocates want to find a dedicated funding stream to build additional units of affordable housing. HOW MUCH IT WOULD RAISE: Backers haven’t decided on a specific method or dollar amount but say they need at least $50 million a year to address the problem adequately. WHEN: November 2016

WHAT: A business payroll tax of one-tenth to two-tenths of 1 percent for Portland State University.


WHAT: A higher corporate minimum tax on businesses whose Oregon sales exceed $25 million a year. WHO’S BACKING IT: Our Oregon, an advocacy group backed by labor unions. WHAT’S IT FOR: To supplement Oregon’s general fund budget, which pays for schools and other human services. HOW MUCH IT WOULD RAISE: $2.5 billion a year. WHEN: November 2016

Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com


ANTONETTE GOROCH Thursday, January 14th at 6PM

Antonette Goroch is a singer, songwriter, mother, writer and world traveler. A singer and storyteller since the age of 5, she has dabbled in various musical styles including opera, musicals, rock, country, folk and blues. Goroch has been recognized for her voice, melodies and lyrics, described as “a compelling blend of intelligence, innocence and insight, with a dash of intellectual insanity.”

Tuesday, January 19th—RHINO’s ‘Start Your Ear Off Right Sale’ begins! Limited Edition, First Time On Vinyl Releases! Free Calendar With Purchase!



The Aquadolls were founded in 2012 by Melissa Brooks, the lead singer and writer of the band, as a bedroom demo project. When these demos caught the attention of indie surf label Burger Records, The Aquadolls turned into a full time endeavor, culminating in the release of the full length album ‘Stoked On You’. Although quite young, the member of SWMRS (featuring the son of Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong) have been making music for half a decade, have toured internationally, and are set to release their third LP in early 2016.


Saturday, January 23rd at 3PM Idaho-born songwriter, singer, and guitarist Jeff Crosby (perhaps best known as a guitarist with Jerry Joseph & The Jackmormons) has been writing songs, grinding out shows, and sharing his unique perspective of Americana throughout the United States and beyond for the better part of the past 10 years.

Join us for our Grand Opening! Saturday January 16th $2.00 Pre-rolls (limit 5) $5 gram Flower and $8 gram Top Shelf Sirius Shatter - packs $20/Vials$30 Free Raffle ticket just for showing up!

Home of the Portland Cannabis Museum 26


5 10


7570 SW 74 Ave. • Portland, OR • Above the Dugout Bar • Hours: 10am- 9pm everyday on Second Floor, accessible by stairs only. www.localleaf420.com 10

Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com



Seen But Not Heard

of abuse,” Keddy wrote. “Off the record I’m hearing that the more children they interview the more consistent allegations they hear.” Children regularly ran away from Give Us This Day, including the boy whose credibility the DHS caseworker dismissed in 2012.


In September 2012, a boy fled a Portland group foster home on Southeast Tenino Court, run by the notoriously troubled nonprofit Give Us This Day. An employee at the Oregon Department of Human Services reported to her bosses that foster home staff members responded angrily to the boy’s flight: One staffer had pushed him to the floor when he misbehaved, and another staffer told him, “Knock it off, you little bitch.” Sally Parker, a DHS caseworker, described the mess to state managers. She backed the staff and dismissed the boy’s side of the story, which remains confidential. “[He] is a habitual liar who has been doing and saying anything that will get him kicked out of placement and back home,” Parker said of the boy in a Sept. 19, 2012, email to her supervisor. That fall, a senior DHS official called Parker’s characterization of the boy “completely inappropriate.” But more than 1,000 pages of newly released emails show that DHS officials— from the directors who reported directly to the governor to caseworkers such as Parker—regularly put the financial interests of the adults who ran Give Us This Day ahead of the children they were supposed to serve. Emails released by DHS last week to state Sen. Sara Gelser (D-Corvallis), chairwoman of the Senate Human Services Committee, provide far more detailed information about the depth of knowledge senior DHS officials had about the dysfunction at Give Us This Day, and how the agency continued to send millions of dollars to the organization in spite of numerous warnings. The emails show: • DHS officials ignored children’s reports of abuse at Give Us This Day. • People outside the agency warned DHS that children were not safe at Give Us This Day, to no avail. • Senior DHS officials believed no later than October 2012 they had proof Give Us This Day was engaged in Medicaid fraud. In September, WW reported that former staffers said Give Us This Day neglected children, failed to pay taxes and did not properly train or regularly pay employees (“Home Sweet Hustle,” WW, Sept. 15, 2015). An Oregon Department of Justice investigation subsequently revealed that over a five-year period, Give Us This Day executive director Mary Holden wasted or diverted for personal use at least $2 million. In November, WW reported that thenacting DHS director Jerry Waybrant had long known of Give Us This Day’s problems. Gov. Kate Brown replaced Waybrant and

ordered an external review. In December, federal officials launched their own investigation. The newest batch of emails, first reported by Pamplin Media Group/EO Media last week, show that as early as 2009, then-DHS

in February 2009. That’s just a fraction of what these latest emails reveal. They also show that over the years, DHS received dozens of complaints of neglect and abuse about Give Us This Day. DHS had previously refused WW’s request



ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL: Former DHS director Erinn Kelley-Siel.


director Dr. Bruce Goldberg and his deputy and later successor, Erinn Kelley-Siel, knew about serious problems at Give Us This Day, including staffers with criminal records. “At a site visit last week, numerous concerns arose (on top of the fact that they aren’t licensed)—the most serious of which is that every single staff person has a criminal record,” Kelley-Siel wrote to Goldberg

for disclosure of those complaints, but this week the agency released a 40-page log of complaints going back more than a decade. In June, 2011, for instance, Donna Keddy, DHS’s licensing director, wrote an email to the agency’s top official in Multnomah County. “Want to give you a heads up that GUTD is now being investigated for 4 allegations

Although Give Us This Day was under nearly continuous scrutiny from DHS abuse investigators for years, emails show some Give Us This Day employees failed to perform basic duties. In April 2015, for instance, two girls ran away from Give Us This Day. A DHS caseworker said when the girls were caught, one of them reported she’d been sexually assaulted while on the loose. “Staff did not contact DHS or the police to notify them of the report of abuse,” DHS’s Winona McGann wrote on April 3, 2015. “The children did not receive timely medical evaluations following the abuse.” A Give Us This Day staffer’s response to the girls, according to a DHS email: “That’s why you don’t run away.” Outsiders regularly communicated to DHS their concern about the organization. In 2011, for example, a Marion County child welfare supervisor said she was “disgusted” by what she called Give Us This Day’s “obvious lack of concern for the safety of the children they serve.” In November 2012, Joe Thornton, an inspector with the Portland Fire Marshal’s Office, informed DHS licensing officials that girls staying at Give Us This Day’s facility on Northeast Rodney Avenue were in danger because the building had no fire detection system. Yet over the years, Give Us This Day regularly refused to meet with DHS or answer investigators’ questions. DHS continued its preferential handling of Give Us This Day, often paying in advance for undocumented work. Investigators could not understand why. “We’ve reached an impasse in our investigation,” wrote DHS head of investigations Edward Stallard in an Oct. 9, 2012, email to his superiors, “but believe we have enough evidence to refer it to Medicaid Fraud [at the Oregon Department of Justice].” Such reports changed nothing. It would be another three years before the DOJ shut down Give Us This Day. Give Us This Day and the Department of Human Services now face an uncertain future, with Brown’s investigation and a federal probe that could lead to criminal charges against the foster care provider and the demolition of an unaccountable DHS structure. Gelser says DHS’s failure to regulate Give Us This Day extended far beyond one foster care provider, infecting the agency’s culture and putting kids in other programs at risk. “It’s clear people at the top and throughout DHS knew for many, many years of Give Us This Day’s deficiencies,” Gelser says. “That’s appalling. Absolutely appalling.”

Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com




This story was reported in collaboration between WW and Oregon Public Broadcasting. On the sixth day of the Harney County siege, a mother and two children visited Ammon Bundy. To pray. The three walked past a silver pickup truck blocking the snowy road, past the three armed guards huddled around a campfire they had built alongside a barricade, and past the TV satellite trucks and a handful of reporters who were waiting for breaking news or the next staging of a press conference. Another half-mile down the road the family went, into a compound of about a dozen stone office buildings, a gas station, and several sheds filled with tools and heavy machinery. It was Thursday, Jan. 7, and the three slogged through the snow to the stone building that serves as headquarters for the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. The mom’s blond hair was in a bob. Her daughter, a toddler, wore a pink camouflage snow jumper with a hoodie. Her son’s white Stetson hat reached as high as the pistol holstered on the belt of the man guarding the door of the seized federal building. “Hey, bud,” the guard said to the kid, smiling. Inside the building stood Ammon Bundy: a thickset 40-year-old devout Mormon car mechanic from outside Phoenix, who, along with a group of armed anti-government militants, broke into the empty federal building in southeast Oregon’s Malheur refuge, 187,757 acres of frigid desert. Bundy had a neatly trimmed beard, a placid disposition, and a plaid shirt that always looked ironed. Since Bundy first occupied Malheur on Jan. 2, about a dozen families from as far away as Nebraska have traveled to southeastern Oregon to bring supplies, hear Bundy talk and join him in prayer. WW and Oregon Public Broadcasting sent this reporter—who covered the Bundy family for KNPR radio in Las Vegas during their previous standoffs with the federal government in Nevada—to get inside the occupation. For nearly seven hours last week, we were granted a rare level of access. The militant leaders allowed us past the media staging area to roam, without escorts, through the compound—including in buildings the Bundys had kept off-limits to most other press. But a spot in the prayer circle with Bundy? No dice. CONT. on page 14

ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER: Militants led by the Bundy brothers have placed armed guards atop this fire tower at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. 12

Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com


HOME ON THE RANGE: Ammon Bundy, who runs a fleet maintenance company in Phoenix, gives press conferences at 11 am each day in the federal building he’s seized in rural Harney County, Ore.

Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com





s the mother and kids entered the headquarters, this observer could see Bundy form a circle with five children and two adults and bow his head to pray. Snatches of conversation could be heard: Bundy explaining his political system, called the five circles of authority, which laid out the power of local and federal governments under the authority of God. The takeover of the Malheur sanctuary by Bundy, his two brothers and a small posse of anti-government radicals has for nearly two weeks has captured the imagination, stoked the anxiety and even entered the Zeitgeist of much of America (no small thanks to late-night hosts like Stephen Colbert mocking the militants’ request for snacks). The confrontation introduced the world to southeast Oregon’s Harney County, a place where sagebrush and mesas are white with new winter snow. At the center of this spotlight is a camp where about three dozen socially isolated men have taken up arms and bonded despite deep contradictions among themselves. Even one day spent bivouacked with these militants reveals a sketch, if not a fully formed picture, of a group of people searching for meaning and eager for attention from the media they profess to hate. Their ideology, a mash-up of radical Mormonism and militaristic fantasy, is a distillation of the frustration of people who’ve been marginalized by a world in which they do not fit. Now, they have created a place of their own. They call the occupation Citizens for Constitutional Freedom, and have renamed the refuge the “Harney County Resource Center.” But the place might be more precisely described as Bundyland. And they can’t explain how they’re going to get out. 14

Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com

While Ammon Bundy is the face of the resistance, in some ways his brother provides a more interesting window into the family business of rebellion. Ryan Bundy, 43, is his younger brother Ammon’s righthand man, and has been for most of his life. Ryan grew up watching his charismatic younger brother. (A third brother, Mel, was also part of the occupation.) One of 15 children of Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy, Ammon was elected student body president at Virgin Valley High School in Mesquite, Nev., in 1992. “Besides being student body president, he liked to box,” Ryan recalled last week. Ryan Bundy said his brother held lunchtime boxing matches in defiance of school administrators. “[He] would go out into the schoolyard to do this boxing.” Ryan Bundy is a sympathetic figure, no matter your politics. Just after his seventh birthday, he was hit by a car, severing nerves and permanently deforming his face, causing the left side to droop—almost as if he had suffered a massive stroke. After high school (neither Bundy brother attended college), Ryan worked with Ammon servicing fleet vehicles, but for at least two years he has lived with his wife and eight children on the Mesquite ranch that belongs to his father, Cliven Bundy, where he says he helps his father with cattle. On the Malheur compound last week, Ryan dressed like a sheriff from a children’s book. He wore a brown vest over a blue wrangler shirt, with a Stetson hat and cowboy boots. He often hid his face with his cowboy hat. Like his brother, Ryan is a self-described devout member of the mainline Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Last week, he took part in private prayer sessions

BIG BROTHER: Ryan Bundy says he and his men will triumph over the federal government—using a strategy derived from the Book of Mormon.

roughly every three hours—prayers led by Ammon. “We pray mainly for safety, and deliverance,” Ryan said. “Ammon’s well-spoken, and very, very intelligent, so the men like when he leads us in [prayer].”


arts of Bundyland cast doubt on the sincerity of the camp’s religious devotion. The snow outside the Malheur headquarters building is stained brown from five days’ worth of cigarette butts thrown on the ground, and most of the men carry paper cups filled with coffee—both violations of Mormon scripture. (While the Bundys are Mormons, many of their followers are not.) But there is little denying that many of those in the encampment do believe in the power of prayer—and fasting. Inside the Malheur headquarters building at 3 pm Jan. 7, a skinny, 20-something militant from California named Joe, dressed in a black hoodie, said he wanted to be mentally strong for any upcoming fight. Ryan Bundy told him to try fasting. “The key is you got to get through the first 24 hours,” Ryan told him. “Then your stomach will start to shrink, and you won’t get any hunger pains.” “I’ve done two days before, one without water,” Joe said eagerly. “That’s good, that’s good,” Ryan said. “I don’t think you should ever go more than two days without water. One’s hard enough. After two, you’ll get real dizzy and collapse, and fall to the ground.”



n Bundyland, it’s easy to find followers who are as paranoid and brutal as Portlanders might expect. Wes, 31, is from Utah and claims he quit his job in North Dakota to come here. He met the Bundys for the first time a few days ago. His new job: guard the door of the building where the Bundy brothers were staying. Wes is not without a sense of humor, and lightheartedly chuckled at the nicknames bestowed on his fellow freedom fighters on social media. Wes liked #Yeehawdists, although #YallQaeda was good, too. But it didn’t take much for him to begin sounding a lot like the paranoid posts on right-wing message boards. “The feds have psych-ops, and they’re using that to try and scare us,” Wes said. “They figure if they can get us to start shooting, they can send in a drone or drop commandos from high altitudes.” In fact, the Bundys’ seizure of the federal building acted like a Bat-Signal for a host of anti-federal government militants. These militants have ties to rebellion, secession and, in some cases to criminal activity. By the middle of last week, as the core group grew, there was discord and a growing suspicion of others. One of the Bundys’ closest confidants, an Arizona tattoo artist-turned-bodyguard named Brian “Booda” Cavalier, had vanished from the camp, several days after arriving. He disappeared after a story appeared in British tabloid the Daily Mail that he lied about his military service. “Stolen valor,” the story called it—perhaps the worst sin in a camp where everyone wants to be a soldier. Ryan Bundy said Booda went to Nevada to bring back supplies and new recruits.

The Plan In 2014, Cliven Bundy, who owes more than $1 million to the federal government, beat the U.S. Bureau of Land Management into submission in a dispute over grazing rights by calling militias and “patriots” to his Nevada ranch. With the help of snipers and other armed militants who flocked to his aid, Bundy watched the federal government back down without a shot being fired. Bundy’s sons Ammon and Ryan decided to repeat that standoff when they heard the story of two Harney County ranchers, Dwight Hammond Jr. and Steven Hammond, whom a judge handed mandatoryminimum sentences for setting fires on federal land. Ammon Bundy arrived in Harney County in midDecember, and seized the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge on Jan. 2. The demands of this group are clear, and completely unrealistic. They want Dwight and Steven Hammond released from Terminal Island federal prison in Los Angeles. They want all federal lands in the West transferred to the respective states. They want the creation of a “super” sheriff office, someone at the local level who can harbor ranchers and others from federal officials without repercussion. Such a person, they say, could have saved the Hammonds. And then, they want to go back to their wives and children. “We won’t go to jail,” Ryan Bundy said. “It’s not going to happen.” JOHN SEPULVADO.

CONT. on page 16


Fasting once a month for two consecutive meals to seek guidance from God is common practice within the LDS church. Some Mormons also employ fasting when they are trying to break an addictive habit or understand scripture. Ryan Bundy said he went 96 hours without eating in the days before seizing the Malheur refuge building. And he claimed that fasting may be needed to give him divine guidance as to how to end the occupation peacefully—because, while they won’t admit it, the Bundys must know that the federal government won’t release fellow ranchers Dwight Hammond Jr. and his son Steven Hammond from prison and return federal lands to individual states, which are the Bundys’ non-negotiable demands. (See sidebar at right.) Their inspiration, Ryan Bundy said, comes straight from the Book of Mormon, specifically the story of Captain Moroni, a scriptural figure who rescues his people by raising a flag— called a “title of liberty”—against an evil force. The Bundys are aware that the land they’ve seized appears to be part of old Mormon territory. The Malheur National Wildlife Refuge lies at the northern boundary of the Mormon state of Deseret. LDS pioneers established Deseret in 1849, and church leaders, including Brigham Young, proposed its borders to Washington before accepting the smaller Utah Territory. Deseret was a vast space that extended into the land that is now southeastern Oregon— including a swath of Harney County. Ryan Bundy declined to comment on Deseret, except to say the land’s history gives the militants power “from the ground up.” Last week, LDS officials released this statement: “Church leaders strongly condemn the armed seizure of the facility and are deeply troubled by the reports that those who have seized the facility suggest that they are doing so based on scriptural principles.”

SNOW DAY: Militants mingle with approved visitors outside the Malheur headquarters building Jan. 7. Guests included a film crew from Vice and right-wing radio host Pete Santilli. Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com


BUNDYLAND “I trust Booda with my life,” Ryan said. But five people around camp could be heard whispering that Booda was a fed trying to gather information. Later that day, a man named Ryan Payne, wearing a well-groomed beard, camo pants, and a black jacket bulging on his hip where his sidearm sat, drove to the Malheur headquarters in a golf cart. He barked in fury at the sight of this reporter leaning against the stone wall of the building. “Wes,” he demanded, “why is he just against the wall like this? Payne, 31, is a former U.S. Marine from outside Anaconda, Mont. In 2014, he told the Missoula Independent that he had served two tours of duty in Iraq, and joined Cliven Bundy’s standoff in Nevada after he had a realization that, among other things, slavery had never existed in this country’s history. At Bundyland, Payne took charge of security. “It’s my fault,” said another occupier, LaVoy Finicum. “I told him to stand there.” “Are you stupid?” Payne snapped, pointing at an OPB gear bag. “He could have a bomb in there, or a listening device.”


round 1 pm Jan. 7, a woman got out of a white Chevy Silverado truck and walked up to the federal building. She started yelling at Wes, the door guard, to be let in. “I have to give Carollyn her curling iron!” she screamed, referring to one of at least three women who live at the encampment. “She needs it for tomorrow’s TV!” For a movement that claims to hate the mainstream media, the denizens of Bundyland can’t enough of it. Every day at 11 am, Ammon Bundy, backed by a halfdozen militants usually including his brother Ryan, talks to the media. Satellite trucks and camera crews broadcast Ammon’s constitutional and governmental ramblings. He always takes questions. In the days after this reporter left the camp, the national attention only grew. News networks from CNN to Al Jazeera America ran images of the Bundy brothers tramping across the snow. The militants made The New Yorker and Harper’s. More acolytes kept showing up—including a militia group from Idaho that offered to provide protection with semiautomatic rifles. Ammon Bundy sent them home. Yet there were signs the residents of Harney County were growing weary of the visitors. In three public hearings, locals called for the Bundys to leave Oregon. The federal government? It hasn’t responded, not even after the Bundys on Jan. 12 began cutting the fences separating federal wildlife sanctuary from privately owned ranchland. (“We’re holding out hope this can end peacefully,” federal law-enforcement officials told WW on Jan. 10, speaking on condition of anonymity.) It may seem bizarre that the Bundys continue to escalate a standoff while inviting women and children to a camp for would-be commandos. Yet it also makes perfect sense: Every response to their actions—the paralyzed locals, the fascinated media, the new pilgrims—confirms that the mission is working exactly as scripture promised. On Jan. 7, we asked Ryan Bundy how this could be possible. How could he walk out of an armed standoff he started with the federal government on federal land, without being killed or even arrested? “I just believe it,” he said. “I don’t think they’ll come for us, but if they do, we’ll be ready.” Then he walked back into Bundyland—the world he created, and that no one seems willing to prove is imaginary. This story was reported in collaboration between WW and Oregon Public Broadcasting. Listen this week to OPB News for a radio version, and for updates from Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. 16

Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com


In 1980, bird-watching visitors to Malheur National Wildlife Refuge complained that the cows were destroying critical wildlife habitat. So Nancy and Denzel Ferguson, the husband-and-wife naturalist team who lived just down the road from the sanctuary headquarters, started a letter-writing campaign to draw attention to grazing abuses. They got some cattle off the refuge, but ranchers were furious. The Fergusons received telephone death threats on many nights. A group of ranchers threw them out of a local dance in the early ’80s. That night, a caller told Nancy that “a bunch of us guys are coming over to get you.” She politely asked who was calling. “Dwight Hamm—” she recalls the caller stammered, before being drowned out by other voices in the background. Dwight Hammond Jr., the same rancher whose prison sentence for arson sparked the militants’ recent takeover of the refuge’s headquarters, had been one of the people whom Nancy says pushed the Fergusons out of the dance. (Hammond and his son Steven Hammond are in federal prison. Larry Matasar, the Hammonds’ attorney, declined to comment.) The claims of the armed men now occupying the federal building in Harney County would be all too familiar to Denzel Ferguson. After earning a Ph.D. from Oregon State University in zoology, he spent a quarter-century fighting to protect public lands from ranchers who thought they had a right to use them however they pleased. For an aging group of Western natural history buffs, Malheur will be forever linked to


Denzel and Nancy Ferguson. For most of the 1970s, the Fergusons ran the Malheur Field Station, an environmental education outpost housed in a former Job Corps center at the edge of the sanctuary. Twenty-two colleges and universities funded the station, which offered summer classes for budding biologists, botanists and birders. Nancy and Denzel lived at the station as resident faculty, while visiting students bunked in nearby dormitories. The beer-soaked parties held in the drab, tin-sided building called the Greasewood Room were legendary among baby boom-era college kids. But the Fergusons were serious about protecting the southeastern corner of Oregon they called home. Their time at Malheur exposed them to the environmental degradation caused by a century of unrestricted cattle grazing. Much of the refuge land was devoted to either grazing or growing hay, and the wildlife supposedly protected in this special place was often killed by farm machinery or displaced by cattle. More than 400 miles of barbed-wire fence snaked across the refuge, and the Fergusons often found the desiccated remains of deer and other animals caught in the jagged strands. The Fergusons’ outspoken criticism of what they called “hooved locusts” on the refuge and other sensitive public lands took a toll. After a decade of running the field station, they

left in 1982 and moved to rural Grant County. Nancy and Denzel wrote Sacred Cows at the Public Trough, the first book to challenge the myth of the Western rancher and seriously question a century of unrestrained grazing on public land. Denzel Ferguson ran for Congress as a Democrat in 1992 but lost to incumbent U.S. Rep. Bob Smith (R-Ore.) in the mostly Republican 2nd District. Ferguson called Smith “a taxsupported beef lobbyist” for his efforts to keep grazing fees down, and quipped, “I hold no grazing permits on public land, so you will only have to pay me once.” The Fergusons’ book details how “welfare ranchers” profit from federal subsidies and public spending. The current standoff is about money, too; federal officials say the Bundy family owes $1 million in unpaid grazing fees, and the Hammonds have a history of running cattle on public land illegally. Denzel died in 1998, to the very end ranting about the cows tearing up the landscape he loved. Nancy still lives in Eastern Oregon. She says Denzel wouldn’t be surprised by the militants now holding the refuge hostage: “It’s just like what he’d seen before.” And for the protesters’ claims about returning the land to the original owners? “He’d laugh at them,” she says, “and he’d say, ‘Let’s give it back to the Paiutes.’”

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Willamette Week’s Annual Guide to Volunteering for Nonprofits. Welcome to WW’s 2016 Volunteer Guide The idea here goes something like this: You were generous financially with our 2015 Give!Guide. Now, as the new year begins, you may want to invest some of your valuable sweat equity in a local nonprofit, but you’re not sure where to start. That’s why we publish this guide, to help you further the causes you support and to help make Portland an even greater city than it is now: a city that works for everyone. More than 60 worthy nonprofits have identified their needs in the pages of this guide. If you can fill one of them, terrific! If you know someone else who can, point that person in the right direction. Let’s get started.

ANIMALS CAT ADOPTION TEAM HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? CAT provides adoption, foster and medical care, and low-cost spay/neuter programs, plus other high-quality programs and services that help homeless cats and keep cats in homes. Together with our community, we strive to make the Portland metro area one of the best places in the country for cats, kittens and the people who care for them. Join us in saving lives! HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Bring your passion for cats and skills with people to CAT. Make purr-fect matches as an adoption counselor, foster a litter of kittens, represent CAT at events, provide daily care for shelter cats, assist clients, or help with office tasks. However you choose to volunteer, your efforts save lives!

Nancy Puro nancyp@catadoptionteam.org 503-925-8903, ext. 258 catadoptionteam.org


abandoned, dumped, stray or simply

born on the street, FCCO provides care for the homeless cats living in our community. As the only organization in Portland caring exclusively for feral and stray cats, our spay/ neuter services improve cats’ lives and prevent future generations of homeless kittens. Since our founding in 1995, we have spayed/neutered almost 80,000 cats! HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? If you’re

a team player who cares about cats, we need you! We’ll fi nd a volunteer position that matches your interests and skills. From hands-on help with cats to behind-the-scenes projects, our growing volunteer program has many opportunities to get involved and help cats in need. Olivia Hinton volunteer@feralcats.com 503-797-2606 feralcats.com

MUST LOVE DOGS NW HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? Since 2008, Must Love Dogs NW has been deeply committed to ending pet homelessness in our community. We strive to educate the public on responsible dog ownership, behavior modification, and training assistance. We work to fi nd homes for dogs that are abused, neglected, homeless or about

to be homeless, and those in shelter settings. We provide spay/neuter and microchip assistance to animals in need. Through our volunteer foster network, we are able to provide a loving home environment where we can get to know our dogs and fully assess their needs. Must Love Dogs NW is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation that relies 100 percent on the generosity of the community. Help us make a difference today. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US?

Volunteers are the heart of our organization. Experience the joy of helping a dog in need and making a difference in your community. Whether you’re interested in fostering, acting as an adoption counselor, events or fundraising, we’d love to have you on our team! George Martin george@mustlovedogsnw.org 844-364-7690 mustlovedogsnw.org


Project POOCH youth learn compassion and respect for life through daily interactions with dogs, staff, volunteers and adopters. Youth develop critical social and life skills and establish a strong work ethic. Once released, youth volunteer, fi nd employment, attend college, and turn their lives around, making for safer communities throughout Portland, where POOCH youth and dogs build successful, happy lives. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? POOCH

ambassadors raise awareness about our mission! We are looking for compassionate and enthusiastic individuals interested in staffi ng POOCH information tables at businesses, street fairs, and outreach and fundraising events. If you’re friendly, outgoing, comfortable speaking with the public, and available evenings/ weekends, we’d love to hear from you! DeVida Johnson volunteer@pooch.org 503-697-0623 pooch.org

ANIMAL AID HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? Animal Aid impacts the community by helping prevent and reduce animal suffering and by providing assistance to abused, homeless and sick animals. We promote and encourage altering of all pets to reduce overpopulation. We find loving, dependable, forever homes for animals in the shelter and in foster homes, and educate the public by promoting respect for all animals. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Vol-

unteers are vital to Animal Aid’s success. Caregivers come in daily for maintenance, feeding and cleaning of the shelter. Socializers are here Monday through Friday during the hours of 11 am to 4 pm to play with and socialize our cats for potential adopters. Our volunteers are the heart of Animal Aid!


Family Dogs New Life is a no-kill dog shelter dedicated to rescuing and fi nding homes for needy dogs of all ages, breeds and backgrounds. Our organization was built on the belief that all dogs deserve a second chance at a new life. It’s not about being the perfect dog, it is about dog and adopter being perfect for one another. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? We are

looking for committed, experienced and compassionate dog lovers to help with dog walking and socializing, as well as volunteers to help with outreach events. bark@familydogsnewlife.org 503-771-5596 familydogsnewlife.org

Julie Toporowski volunteer.coordinator @animalaidpdx.org 503-292-6628, option 5 animalaidpdx.org


Pixie Project helps the pets and people of Portland by providing personalized cat and dog adoption services, and fi nding great forever homes for rescued animals. Pixie also operates a veterinary clinic to assist low-income pet owners with spay/neuter and other surgeries, keeping animals healthy, happy and in their homes. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Volun-

teers are the backbone of the Pixie Project. We are looking for caring, responsible, reliable animal lovers who want to have a positive impact on the Portland community and our pets! Currently, we have the most need for dog and cat foster homes and volunteers to assist in the clinic. Sheena volunteer@pixieproject.org pixieproject.org

Family Dogs New Life Shelter

COMMUNITY EXCEED ENTERPRISES HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? Exceed Enterprises provides vocational and personal development services for people with disabilities. We provide employment and work

Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com










Village Market was designed to meet a basic community need: the lack of access to a local corner grocery store where fresh, healthy, culturally appropriate food can be purchased at a reasonable price. It is a central gathering place for the neighborhood, a hub for community activities and health promotion, and brings people together across cultures. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? We need

your willing hands, organization skill and great ideas! Help us stock shelves, count inventory, and sparkle up pans. Help three hours a week and earn a discount on store purchases for a month. We’re looking for neighbors, customers and food lovers to join us in providing groceries to our neighborhood.

Hacienda CDC

experience by sub-contracting with local businesses. We also offer vocational experience through off-site work crews. Our day program provides recreational, social and therapeutic services for individuals. Our Work Futures Program provides work skills assessment, vocational planning and job readiness for participants. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Help people with disabilities. Assist with scheduling and coordinating events such as fundraisers and employee recognition events. Help people with disabilities at our day care program and participate on an advisory committee or help with computer/ clerical work.

Shelley Engelgau shelleye@exceedpdx.com 503-652-9036 Exceedpdx.com


make Oregon a better place for individuals experiencing disabilities. Community Vision believes everyone should have the opportunity to live, work and thrive in a community of their choice. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Volun-

teers can get involved by participating in a variety of outreach activities and events, including our annual Harvest Century Bike Ride. More than 200 volunteers are needed for Harvest to help with registration, packet pick-up, merchandise and other event support. Community Vision is also looking for mentors to support our Dream Builders program that works with youth to plan for their transition from high school to adulthood. Activities range from meeting to discuss life goals, riding public transit, building networking skills, attending college classes, or arranging for informational interviews. 20

Lisa Steenson lisa@cvision.org 503-292-4964 Cvision.org


Playground inspires vital communities in Portland by building innovative playgrounds for people of all abilities. Our inclusive, naturebased play areas foster more play and greater inclusion for everybody. The first playground at Arbor Lodge Park is serving as the example for two more inclusive playgrounds in Portland—one at Gateway Park in Northeast and one at Couch Park in Northwest. Our vision is to have one in every quadrant by 2020, helping to establish Portland as a model for how to design public spaces with everybody in mind. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Harper’s

Playground couldn’t do what we do without our volunteers! We have a Harper’s Volunteer Army that we call on to support fundraising and community events, and that we train to be ambassadors for inclusive play. We also rely on volunteers for regular playground cleanups. Cody Goldberg cody@harpersplayground.org 503-730-5445 harpersplayground.org

COMMUNITY WAREHOUSE HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? We sort and redistribute donated home goods to low-income folks in our community who are transitioning into stable housing. Volunteers also sell higherend, nonessential items in our retail stores. Additionally, volunteers help with special events and community outreach. We are Portland’s only volunteer-driven, nonprofit furniture bank.

Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com


ing low-income folks find furniture and goods to outfit their homes, checking out the one-of-a-kind treasures before they go to our estate store, and meeting lots of great people sounds like your idea of the perfect day, then this is the volunteer gig for you! We need positive, fun-loving volunteers who want to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors in need. Jessica Thompson jessica@communitywarehouse.org 503-891-7400 communitywarehouse.org


Oregon Walks is dedicated to promoting walking and making the conditions for walking safe, accessible and attractive to everyone. We work to ensure that every Oregonian, regardless of income, ability or geography, can engage with their community by walking. We advocate for better laws, more sidewalks and signed crosswalks, community improvements designed for pedestrians, and increased funding to support these activities. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Lend

talents such as fundraising, database management, graphic design and accounting by joining one of our committees; join us at community events to reach out to other walktavists about our work and pedestrian issues; represent Oregon Walks and pedestrian needs on municipal advisory committees and at project planning meetings. Inna Levin, Volunteer Coordinator inna@oregonwalks.org 503-223-1597 oregonwalks.org

Ryan Schoonover rschoonover@janusyouth.org 503-943-5643 villagegardens.org

THE KBOO FOUNDATION HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? KBOO, founded in 1968, is an independent, member-supported, noncommercial, volunteer-powered community radio station. KBOO embodies equitable social change, shares knowledge and fosters creativity by delivering locally rooted and diverse music, culture, news and opinions with a commitment to the voices of oppressed and underserved communities. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? KBOO

provides free training in all aspects of operating a radio station. We’re looking for people to join our community of volunteers, doing everything from front-desk work, cleaning, reporting, tabling, clerical support, news writing, documentary-making, engineering live music, operating sound boards, IT support, website upkeep, and more. Ani Haines volunteer@kboo.org 503-231-8032, ext. 213 kboo.org

THE PORTLAND FOOD PROJECT HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? Our mission is to help eliminate hunger in the Portland area by keeping pantries stocked year-round. We run a neighbor-toneighbor food-collection program that serves 19 local emergency food pantries. It all begins with a reusable green bag that is filled with nonperishable food by donors, collected by neighborhood coordinators, and then distributed to pantries. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? We are a

100 percent volunteer-run organization and always in need of volunteers to donate a bag of food every two months, become neighborhood coordinators and collect green bags, or help as substitute drivers or unloading, weighing and distributing green bags at our collection site.


Mary Notti 503-775-2110 info@portlandfoodproject.org portlandfoodproject.org


helps feed families in need by providing a judgment-free environment where people can provide food for their households by gleaning expired food while helping reduce waste in our landfills. We educate the community about food awareness, which helps distinguish genetically modified foods from organic natural foods. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Good Neighbor Family Pantry takes place in space donated by Heart 2 Heart Farms. The People of Portland can help with the set upand tear down of the event each day a food pantry takes place.

Our Host Heart 2 Heart farms also utilizes livestock to donate chemical free, farm fresh meat to families in need through the food pantry. Help with farm chores such as bottle feeding the baby cows, pigs, collecting chicken eggs, and general feeding and watering of the plants and animals are great family friendly activities that would go far to keep Good Neighbor Family Pantry sustainable and able to serve the greatest number of families. Joshua Ariel Office.of.heart.2.heart.farms@gmail.com 708-528-0406 goodneighborfamilypantry.com


The ReBuilding Center diverts the region’s largest amount of building materials from the waste stream— offering them for 50 to 90 percent of market value. Our mission is to inspire people to value and discover existing resources in order to strengthen the social and environmental vitality of communities. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Volun-

teers help with nearly every aspect of the organization, from helping to process donated materials at the North Mississippi Avenue location, to aiding our DeConstruction Services onsite, to market research and in-depth internships. As a community building organization, the ReBuilding Center is here to work for our volunteers, not the other way around! Dave Lowe dave@rebuildingcenter.org 503-467-4985 rebuildingcenter.org

STREET ROOTS HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? Street Roots creates income opportunities for people experiencing homelessness and poverty by producing a newspaper and other media that are catalysts for individual and social change.




HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Street Roots seeks volunteers who are concerned about homelessness and poverty in Portland. The Volunteer Program seeks to integrate a dynamic team of individuals in all aspects of our organization: vendor, editorial, advocacy and Rose City resource programs. There are also volunteers who assist with development and operations.

Scott Jackson volunteer@streetroots.org 503-228-5657 streetroots.org


Bradley Angle, we believe cycles of domestic violence can be broken. Every year, more than 800 adults, teens and kids walk through the doors at Bradley Angle for emergency shelter, housing assistance, financial education, healthy relationships classes, and more. We are devoted to building communities free from domestic violence and oppression, where loving, compassionate and equitable relationships exist for all people. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Bradley

Angle regularly receives large deliveries of donations and we rely on volunteers to help open, identify and sort these NEW items. Because of our amazing volunteers, the families we serve will be able to get much-needed supplies year-round! To learn more or sign up, visit: BradleyAngle.org/Volunteer. Rebecca Alexander volunteer@bradleyangle.org 503-232-1528, ext. 206 bradleyangle.org


leading area anti-poverty organization, Neighborhood House provides a range of education and social services to more than 18,000 low-income children, families and seniors annually across the metro area; its Emergency Food Box Program serves 1,200 to 1,500 people each month. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Vol-

unteer opportunities range from visiting with a senior and helping distribute emergency food boxes to weeding our community garden. Volunteers serve as tutors in our after-school Homework Clubs, work in our Emergency Food pantry, assist seniors with activities, and more. Visitnhpdx.org/SupportOurWork/volunteer or call 503-246-1663, ext. 2117 for more information. Jimmy DeBiasi jdebiasi@nhweb.org 503-246-1663, ext. 2117 nhweb.org



one of the oldest, largest and most successful community development corporations in Oregon. We have developed and preserved 1,852 units of affordable housing, all of which involved public/ private partnerships, often with multiple entities. Over the last several years, REACH has made concerted efforts to focus on sustainability both in our housing developments and throughout our organizational operations. We believe strongly that livability and sustainability are closely aligned, and by focusing our efforts, we are promoting greater environmental and social health for our communities. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Volun-

teers assist REACH in our efforts to build community and create opportunities to help our residents realize personal success. Volunteers get hands-on experience by working one-on-one with our residents and homeowners, leading workshops in buildings, executing events, completing office projects, and performing home repairs for senior citizens. Cynthia Luckett cluckett@reachcdc.org 971-277-7067 reachcdc.org


As a collective, we accept donated land and bring neighbors together to transform vacant lots into neighborhood food gardens for the purposes of education, community building and improving food security. We offer free garden-based workshops, garden apprentice positions and have created a unique barter system for our weekly harvest market. We donate fresh produce to St. Andrews Church food pantry and Sisters of the Road to help feed the homeless. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Volun-

teers are highly needed for garden work parties, garden apprentices, garden managers, working the barter market and transporting produce. We also have many administrative needs, such as planning-team members, volunteer coordinator and events planner. Holli Prohaska urbanfarmcollective@gmail.com 503-320-4288 urbanfarmcollective.com


We offer community programs that get more of our neighbors feeling the freedom of two wheels. We teach kids and adults how to ride safely, be their own bike mechanics, and get more confident behind the handlebars. Volunteers play a huge role in everything we do.


Last year, 805 volunteers contributed 9,117 hours, equivalent to the time of four full-time employees! HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? You don’t need bicycle mechanic skills to begin wrenching; you’ll have a chance to become a Certified Volunteer Mechanic! If wrenching isn’t your thing, volunteers lead rides and safety clinics. Plus, we rely on volunteer support for communications and marketing, interpreting, recycling bike parts and much more.

Patrick Loftus volunteer@communitycyclingcenter.org 503-288-8864 communitycyclingcenter.org

TRANSITION PROJECTS HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? Through respect of diversity and differences, Transition Projects advocates and provides supporting skills and resources that ultimately lead hundreds of homeless participants to permanent housing and jobs each year. From meeting the immediate needs of individuals currently living on the streets to assisting those who have recently achieved permanent housing, we help more than 10,000 people per year throughout the Portland area. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Transi-

tion Projects needs volunteers more than ever! Hundreds of volunteers annually help through one-time projects and ongoing opportunities. Volunteers can support Transition Projects by forming a group to provide meals for program participants; sorting in-kind donations; computer lab assistance; workshop facilitation; reception/light administrative; helping at events, and lots more! Lauren Holt Lauren.Holt@tprojects.org tprojects.org

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY RESTORES HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? You don’t have to swing a hammer to build a house. We keep tons of reusable materials out of landfi lls every year while building affordable homes in partnership with low-income families. We’re a great resource for affordable building materials, furniture and appliances. We provide opportunities for skill-building, knowledgesharing and job development within our volunteer community. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Volun-

teers play a crucial role in the success of our ReStores. Their experience and enthusiasm make the ReStore a fun place to be. No matter what you’re interested in or which skills you bring, there’s a place for you: DIY, woodworking, metal recycling, customer service, merchandising, repair and more. Colleen O’Toole volunteer@pdxrestore.org 503-517-0720 pdxrestore.org



PDX POP NOW! HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? PDX Pop Now! is dedicated to stimulating and expanding participation in Portland music. As an all-volunteer organization committed to being accessible, current and local, we provide and support live performances and recorded materials. We aspire to advance a sustainable community that values inclusivity and a high caliber of artistry to enable a creative dialogue between artist and audience. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? PDX Pop

Now! is an entirely volunteer-run festival and nonprofit organization. From the bands that play to the booking committee to the festival volunteers, everyone donates their time. We have several volunteer opportunities throughout the year where we would love to have your help! volunteer@pdxpopnow.com pdxpopnow.comd



VILLAGE HOME EDUCATION RESOURCE CENTER HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? We empower learners to take charge of their education, and foster the natural drive to learn in an innovative community setting without grading and testing. We serve 450 learners in Portland and their families: most of our learners are homeschoolers who want to learn in a inclusive community setting. We offer a catalog of over 200 classes per week in all subjects for ages 4 and up. HOW PORTLAND CAN HELP US?

Share your passion and expertise in the classroom as a facilitator of a ten-week course that meets once a week for an hour a day; create a class of your dreams with a focus on hands-on, collaborative class experiences without a bunch of administrative burden. Experience teaching (formally or informally) is preferred, but not required. Or, volunteer as a classroom helper. Lori Walker lori.walker@villagehome.org 503-597-9100 villagehome.org

HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? Tutor a child. Clean books for low-income kids. Spruce up a school or a park. Hands On Greater Portland makes it easy to volunteer. We connect you with volunteer opportunities that fit your schedule and interests – and that empower you to make a meaningful, rewarding change in the Portland area. A program of United Way of the Columbia-Willamette.

HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? By providing long-term, ongoing mentorship and college scholarships to promising low-income students, Marathon Scholars promotes equitable access to higher education.



our online calendar to find a one-time project, or dive deep and explore an issue that shapes our region. Most projects require no special experience and many are family-friendly. Find YOUR project at handsonportland.org.

Scholar Coach, volunteers can mentor a low-income student to provide social & recreational development and emotional support, while serving as a role model with the goal of college attendance & success.

Téjara Brown tejara@handsonportland.org 503-200-3373 handsonportland.org

Molli Mitchell molli@marathonscholars.org 503-235-2500 marathonscholars.org






Zenger Farm is an urban educational farm located in SE Portland. Through experiential and science-based programs, we teach youth and adults the importance of healthy food, farming, and environmental stewardship. HOW PORTLAND CAN HELP US?

Volunteers have multiple opportunities to engage in Zenger Farm’s education, farming, and community development programs. Opportunities included aiding in farm field trips and community cooking workshops as well as helping farmers maintain our land in support of our Community Supported Agriculture programs. Rob Cato rob@zengerfarm.org 503-282-4245 ext. 105 zengerfarm.com


We strive to foster a love of reading in PreK through third grade children, while providing essential early childhood literacy encouragement. Reading is fundamental to building a bright and successful future. With the help of volunteer readers, SMART reaches hundreds of Portland children with vital one-on-one reading support, and books for those who need them most. HOW PORTLAND CAN HELP US?

Volunteers can share their enthusiasm for books with children by joining us as reading mentors. They will need to be available to read for one hour per week during public school hours from now until mid-May. Staci Sutton metro@getsmartoregon.org 971-634-1628 getsmartoregon.org

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Rewild Portland connects citizens to nature through teaching ancestral technology. We remind humans where we came from, as tool-making mammals. We offer free, public programs every month, as well as summer camps, and adult workshops. Teaching people to create things from nature with their hands builds resilience and confidence. It is a holistic approach to health, community building, and self-reliance. HOW PORTLAND CAN HELP US?

We are a mostly volunteer run organization. Our volunteers help us with fundraising, outreach, teaching, facilitation of our free skills series, social media, and more. We are currently gearing up for our spring fundraiser and silent auction, as well as remodeling a workshop space in Northwest Portland. Peter Michael Bauer peter@rewildportland.com 503-863-8462 rewildportland.com


Maritime Museum (OMM) is the only museum in the Portland area which tells the diverse story of maritime activities on the Willamette River. OMM educates visitors from all over the world, with a complete tour of the Steamer PORTLAND - a fully restored and operational steam sternwheel tug. We welcome the public aboard, for a small admission fee, to learn about steamboats, tugboats, the importance of WW II shipbuilding in the region, discover more about the Battleship OREGON, see historic photos and models, and hear a few sea stories. Children enjoy some handsfeatures, and have a chance to sit in the Captain’s chair in the Pilot house! This is a small museum with a big story about our local river. HOW PORTLAND CAN HELP US?

Volunteers at OMM are our best ambassadors to visitors from all over the world. Volunteer docents (tour guides) receive training so they can lead tours of the Steamer PORTLAND, and explain how it works, and tell about its history. Docents also explain all exhibits. Other volunteers assist with researching or archiving photos, objects, and stories, in the museum’s library and collection - we also train you to do this. Specialized skills and licenses are best put to use to help maintain the vessel, and some volunteers even assist in operating the Steamer PORTLAND when it goes out on cruises in the summer. Susan Spitzer info@oregonmaritimemuseum.org 503.224.7724 oregonmaritimemuseum.org

“I HAVE A DREAM” OREGON HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? We empower students from Portland’s 22


far-east county neighborhood of Rockwood to thrive in school, college and career. Our core theory of change is that communities must take primary responsibility for decreasing low-income student and family barriers, so that educators can focus on teacher effectiveness and classroom outcomes. We recruit ‘best in class’ non-profits, volunteers, and corporate partners to give Dreamer students the best shot at success. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? We attempt to match talents, interests, and time availability with a Dreamer student that would best benefit. Volunteers are placed as classroom aides, one-on-one mentors, and tutors in literacy and math. Opportunities are available to volunteer alongside elementary, middle and high school age students. There also one-time opportunities available throughout the year.

Emily Gaither emilyg@dreamoregon.org 804-513-6586 dreamoregon.org


The mission of the Audubon Society of Portland is to inspire people to love and protect nature. Our amazing volunteers do a lot to achieve that mission through their efforts in our Wildlife Care Center, by leading sanctuary school children through our nature sanctuary, and in 100 other ways where they engage the public. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US?

Audubon’s volunteer opportunities are designed to meet a lot of different schedules and interests so there’s something for everyone. Some opportunities, like the Wildlife Care Center, are a four-hour shift every week. Others, like helping with special events, are more seasonal in nature. Information about Audubon’s volunteer opportunities can be found on our website. Deanna Sawtelle, Volunteer Manager dsawtelle@audubonportland.org 503-292-6855, ext. 108 audubonportland.org


Riverkeepers is a community-based organization working to protect and restore Oregon’s Tualatin River system. TRK builds watershed stewardship through education, public restoration, access to nature and advocacy. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US?

Volunteer naturalists lead students on environmental education field trips. Volunteer trip leaders guide paddlers on river trips. Restoration volunteer crew leaders direct teams as they plant natives and pull invasive species. Office volunteers ensure organizational duties are completed. Advocacy committee members steer the organization through environmental issues affecting the watershed.

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Margot Fervia-Neamtzu margot@tualatinriverkeepers.org 503-218-2580 tualatinriverkeepers.org


Friends of Trees is a 501(c)3 nonprofit whose mission is to bring people together to plant and care for city trees and green spaces in Pacific Northwest communities. We strive to bring the health, fi nancial and environmental benefits of trees to everyone in our communities! HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US?

We need help planting trees! We plant every Saturday (9 am-1 pm) from November to April across the Portland metro region. Volunteers are asked to dress for the weather and wear sturdy shoes. Gloves, tools and expert planting guidance are provided, as well as breakfast treats and hot coffee. This and other roles can be found on our website: friendsoftrees.org/ volunteering. Jenny & Randi Volunteer@FriendsofTrees.org 503-595-0213 FriendsofTrees.org


ReClaim It! reduces the waste stream by salvaging materials directly from the “dump” for reuse by the general public, artists and DIYers. We encourage people to see items that were trash/garbage with new eyes, imagining the creative possibilities. We have salvaged over 200,000 pounds of usable items, including furniture, containers, lumber, art supplies, vintage, collectibles and curious, and wonderful materials. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US?

Join us to glean, clean, sort, repair, display, talk with customers, and work weekends in the ReClaim It! resale store at 1 N. Killingsworth St. at Williams Avenue. Volunteer shifts generally are available from Friday to Sunday from 10:30 am to 6:30 pm, and work parties are Mondays from 10 am to 2 pm. Kelly Caldwell volunteer@reclaimitpdx.org 503-432-7712 reclaimitpdx.org


to voters in the region, Metro has protected more than 17,000 acres of natural areas, trails and parks for generations to come. These lands require ongoing maintenance and hundreds of thousands of native plants. Metro’s Native Plant Center provides rare seeds, bulbs and plants that restore wildlife habitat and protect water quality in regional parks and natural areas. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US?

Volunteers assist with collecting, cleaning and planting seeds, preparing and maintaining flower beds,

Portland food project

transplanting seedlings and collecting data. Community volunteers participate at the Native Plant Center two Saturdays per month from 9 am to 1 pm. Additional opportunities are available on weekdays. Gloves, tools, water and snacks are provided. To register, visit oregonmetro.gov/ volunteer. Jennifer Wilson, Metro Native Plant Center Assistant Jennifer.Wilson@oregonmetro.gov 503-319-8292 oregonmetro.gov/volunteer

FRIENDS OF TRYON CREEK HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? The mission of Friends of Tryon Creek, in partnership with Oregon State Parks, is to inspire and nurture relationships with nature in our unique urban forest. We offer programs for youth and adults that foster environmental education and stewardship. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US?

Volunteers support and lead our programs, both in environmental education and park stewardship. Volunteers lead guided hikes in our Field Trip Program and with the Oregon State Parks’ interpretive programs. Volunteers also lead work parties, removing invasive species and building trails in our Stewardship Program. Youth volunteers support camp counselors in our Nature Day Camps.

Guy Maguire, Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator guy@forestparkconservancy.org 503-223-5449, ext. 106 forestparkconservancy.org


The Estuary Partnership protects and preserves the lower Columbia River for current and future generations of fish, wildlife and people. Together with partners, students and volunteers, we restore habitat to bring back salmon, improve water quality and provide a wide range of opportunities for the community to explore and connect with local natural areas. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US?

Volunteers help restore salmon habitat by planting trees or removing invasive species and litter in natural areas near streams and rivers in the metro region. Volunteer events are generally on Saturday mornings and occur year-round. All ages and abilities are welcome! Samantha Dumont sdumont@estuarypartnership.org 503-226-1565, ext. 245 estuarypartnership.org


Lizzy Miskell lizzy@tryonfriends.org 503-636-4398 tryonfriends.org


Park Conservancy protects and restores Forest Park. We maintain and enhance the park’s extensive trails network, restore wildlife habitat, and inspire community appreciation and stewardship of one of the largest urban forests in the United States. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US?

Volunteers play a central role in our efforts to restore Forest Park. Volunteers help us repair and maintain trails, build bridges, plant trees, and pull ivy and other invasive plants. For volunteers who don’t like working outside, we always need help around the office.

SOLVE involves thousands of Portland residents in projects to keep our natural areas, parks, rivers and neighborhoods clean and healthy. Our volunteer projects help protect and preserve the natural areas that make Portland unique, while connecting community members to each other and to our environment through service. Projects provide a fun, easy way to get outdoors and make a difference! HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US?

Join your community and improve our environment at an upcoming litter cleanup, community planting or invasive plant removal near you! Bring your family and friends to a Saturday project or host an event of your own. No experience is needed; supplies are provided. Get in touch today at solveoregon.org Kaleen Boyle kaleen@solveoregon.org 503-844-9571, ext. 332 solveoregon.org





We are building a grassroots climate justice movement that is volunteer-led to help solve the climate crisis, increasing public awareness and engagement through educational and arts events, trainings, actions and partnerships with similarly aligned groups. Recent wins include a fossil-fuel infrastructure ban, the Shell Oil blockade, and divestment of Portland and Multnomah County’s fossil-fuel holdings. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US?

350PDX is a volunteer-led organization; volunteers run all of our campaigns: divestment, fossil fuels, communications, neighborhood involvement, arts and events, and outreach, and maintain our office and website. Our fi rst volunteer orientation of the year will be held in February—see 350pdx.org/calendar for updates. Maya Jarrad maya@350pdx.org 503-281-1485 350pdx.org

SOCIAL ACTION ON-THE-MOVE COMMUNITY INTEGRATION HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? On-the-Move supports adults with special needs in accessing the community through healthful, meaningful and environmentally responsible activities. Whether groups are volunteering, exploring neighborhoods, attending concerts in the park, or hiking nature trails, every day we engage the community by modeling inclusive practices, inviting them to celebrate the diverse expressions of the people we support, while empowering participants toward goals of greater independence and self-determination. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? We’re

seeking community builders who have a passion for social justice and equity. Our primary focus is creating a path to friendship and acceptance between non-disabled community members and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We welcome volunteers to tutor in our Free Reading Class, facilitate commu-


nity activities, and help On-the-Move expand community partnerships. Monika Weitzel volunteer@onthemoveonline.org 503-287-0346 onthemoveonline.org



Returning Veterans Project (RVP) serves post-9/11 war zone veterans and their families by providing free, confidential mental health and somatic services. A large number of our clients are in the Portland metro area, and last year we served more 360 veterans and 100 spouses for FREE! Our wonderful providers gave more than 4,300 treatment hours pro bono! RVP regularly provides up-to-date, free training and continuing education units to our volunteer providers, and at low cost to other clinicians.

Assistance League members put caring and commitment in action, working together to raise funds and operate community service programs. Members pay annual dues and are invited to volunteer in Assistance League Thrift and Consignment Shop and participate in one or more community-service programs. Orientation is provided. Meet new friends and discover new talents. Debbie Coryell, Vice President Membership alpdxnews4u@aol.com 503-526-9300 portland.assistanceleague.org


Help us create an Oregon without hunger! Join one of our fun, energetic two-to-three-hour food repack shifts. You’ll be AMAZED at how much we can do! Shifts run throughout the week in Portland and Beaverton, including weeknights and weekends. Volunteer instructors are also needed for our garden and nutrition education programs. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US?

No special skills are required and training occurs onsite for garden and food repack shifts. Many shifts are available for ages 6 and up, and we can accommodate large groups. Passion, enthusiasm and willingness



We welcome providers who want to work with us to help support and heal our veterans and their families. You must be insured, licensed and have a professional office space. Supervised interns working toward a license may be eligible. For more information and to apply, please go to: returningveterans.org/for-providers. Casey Curry, Outreach Coordinator casey@returningveterans.org 503-954-2259, ext. 104 returningveterans.org

HUMAN SOLUTIONS HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? Human Solutions believes that every child in every family deserves a safe place to call home. Human Solutions helps homeless and low-income families build pathways out of poverty. Through a continuum of services, including emergency shelter, affordable housing, employment training and safety net services, Human Solutions helps families build pathways out of poverty. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US?

• We need individuals, groups and businesses to help prepare meals for guests staying at our shelter. • We need volunteers to help organize and sort donations at the shelter. • We need volunteers to provide activities for children at the shelter, (reading, homework help, board games, etc.) Thomas Phillips tphillips@humansolutions.org 503-548-0279 humansolutions.org


Zenger Farm


Laura Yeary volunteer@oregonfoodbank.org oregonfoodbank.org




to sweat preferred! It’s easy to sign up. Visitoregonfoodbank.org to learn more and see the schedule.

ASSISTANCE LEAGUE® OF GREATER PORTLAND League’s member volunteers serve the local community with four programs. Operation School Bell® will provide 2,940 children in need with new clothes this year. Assault Survivor Kits® offer emergency outfits for victims who surrender clothing as evidence. Life Story Books are crafted for foster children. At a residential treatment facility, we support the recovery of youth with enrichment activities.


Wheels People allows frail, homebound elderly people to remain independent and living in their own

Community Vision

homes by delivering hot meals and friendly visits. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Volun-

teers are needed on weekdays to help deliver meals, work in our central kitchen, or help in one of our 30 neighborhood centers. We also need volunteers to staff event committees. Mike Buck 503-953-8101 mike.buck@mealsonwheelspeople.org Mealsonwheelspeople.org


who have difficulty communicating and/or dementia. Service opportunities are located throughout the Portland area—especially in Beaverton, Gresham, Hillsboro, Lake Oswego, Wilsonville and East Portland. Todd Lawrence 971-202-5501 tlawrence@housecallproviders.org Housecallproviders.org


We provide a volunteerbased grocery-shopping and delivery service for low-income seniors and people with disabilities. Our goal is to help homebound individuals maintain their independence, increase their social supports, and access additional low-cost or no-cost services that support aging in place. As the only delivery program in Oregon designed to meet the needs of low-income seniors, we serve 500plus clients annually.

HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? Every year, thousands of families travel to Portland to get the best medical care possible for their seriously ill or injured child. And for more than 30 years, our Ronald McDonald Houses® have offered these families comfort, support and a beautiful place to stay just moments away from their child’s bedside. Last year, 2,073 families stayed at our Portland Houses.



volunteers act as a bridge between homebound elders and the community. We have fun, meaningful, one-time or ongoing volunteer opportunities for individuals and groups. Support local elders as an order taker, shopper, or delivery driver/friendly visitor. Volunteers can also support our program administration and special projects. Barb McDowell 503-200-3333, ext. 008 Barb@StoretoDoorofOregon.org StoretoDoorofOregon.org

it’s greeting guests, leading arts and crafts classes or baking cookies, volunteers create a loving “home away from home” for families. “Meals from the Heart” volunteers create delicious treats for guests, and our Children’s Program volunteers lead playtime activities for children, offering respite to parents of seriously ill children. Mary Hegel 503-943-6672 mary.hegel@rmhcoregon.org rmhcoregon.org





we have been providing primary medical care and hospice services to some of Portland’s most vulnerable citizens—the elderly, homebound and disabled. Join a team that is capturing national attention by changing health care and allowing Portland’s elders the opportunity to age in place without relying on the emergency room for their care. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Short

weekly visits can make a huge impact in the lives of people living with disabilities and/or nearing the end of life. Skills needed include listening, compassion, patience with people

Albertina Kerr strengthens Oregon families and communities by helping children and adults with developmental disabilities and mental health challenges, empowering them to live richer lives. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Why

volunteer? You can make a direct impact on crucial social issues, build life-changing relationships, and learn new skills and have fun! —Administrative support —Albertina’s restaurant and shops: Become a cook, server, cashier, sales person and much more! —Adult group homes —Kerr bikes

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—Speech language pathology and occupational therapy —Bike maintenance —Special events —Youth & family services —Youth group homes Meghan Anderson MeghanA@albertinakerr.org Albertinakerr.org

NORTHWEST MOTHERS MILK BANK HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? Breastmilk helps babies thrive—it is rich in nutrients, enzymes and protective qualities that lower the risk of disease and promote long-term health. Northwest Mothers Milk Bank ensures that babies throughout the Pacific Northwest who are born with a medical need are able to access the unique gift of donated, pasteurized breastmilk when their mother’s own milk is not available. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Volun-

teers are needed to greet donors and outpatients, answer phones, log intake milk, and perform office tasks. Volunteers help us reduce operation costs, allowing more resources to go toward providing donor milk to more medically fragile infants. This is a great opportunity to support your community and gain professional experience. Stephanie Glickman 503-469-0955 volunteers@nwmmb.org Nwmmb.org

KEEP OREGON WELL HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? Our Keep Oregon Well Street Team travels to concerts, festivals and fairs across Oregon to #FightStigma and advocate that #MentalHealthMatters. The core of what we do is help to start the conversation about mental health awareness in our communities and build a network of allies who have pledged to fight stigma within their own communities. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Join the

Keep Oregon Well street team! Members receive semi-monthly emails describing upcoming volunteer opportunities. They are the fi rst to hear about events and member-only contests. Street team is trained and supported by staff at each event and is open to anyone 16 or older. Learn more at KeepOregonWell.com. Heather Nichelle-Peres 503-813-7724 HNperes@TrilliumFamily.org KeepOregonWell.com


Central City Concern provides health, housing, employment and recovery services to individuals suffering from homelessness or low incomes in the Portland metro area. CCC helps individuals stabilize and contribute to their communities as volunteers, employees, friends and neighbors. 24







programmatic diversity within CCC, we attempt to provide a variety of opportunities, both short and longterm, that match a volunteer’s skill set. Whether working with those we serve or behind the scenes, our goal is to create a great fit that helps CCC do more and do better. Eric Reynolds 503-200-3893 eric.reynolds@ccconcern.org Ccconcern.org


Gardens teaches gardening skills and builds organic vegetable gardens in homes, schools and correctional facilities. We support children, adults and families with garden beds, supplies, seeds, plants, mentoring and other resources. We serve people who have limited resources and empower them to become healthier, more physically active and self-reliant—thereby contributing to a more sustainable, equitable and vibrant Portland. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Volunteers help us provide children, adults and families with the transformative experience of growing their own food. There are many opportunities: help build garden beds, teach gardening classes in correctional facilities, manage after-school garden clubs, sort and package seeds, serve fi ne cuisine at our fundraising dinners and lots more.

Cristy Morales 503-284-8420, ext. 100 cristy@growing-gardens.org Growing-gardens.org



We are the only FREE clinic in Clackamas County for residents who don’t have health insurance or access to health care. We are a safety net for anyone who needs primary care, particularly in rural areas of the county, and a resource to get the specialty care people need to get and stay healthy. We also provide amazing volunteer opportunities for anyone interested in community health—where your service changes lives and builds a healthier community. We help train the next generation of health professionals— from doctors, nurses, lab technicians and, administrators—by giving them hands-on experience working with patients. HOW CLACKAMAS COUNTY CAN HELP US?

Portland’s spirit of service and community ethic is what makes this free clinic possible. Individuals volunteer their time and expertise, health organizations donate needed services like labs, X-rays, dental and vision vans, and all specialty services. Donors (individual/business) keep our doors open through fi nancial contributions

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Ronald McDonald House

and in-kind services. We are living proof that the spirit of giving is alive in our community to help our neighbors in need. Karen Shimada karen.shimada@clackamasvim.org 503-722-4400 clackamasvim.org

BABY BLUES CONNECTION HOW DO WE HELP PORTLAND? We provide free support (phone, email, group) to mothers and families who are coping with perinatal mood disorders and wrestling with stress related to becoming new parents. We work to normalize the struggles, end isolation and create a healing environment where everyone can talk about how they truly feel. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Vol-

unteers are the backbone of our organization and are needed in administration, outreach, marketing, technology and events. Specific help is needed in web redesign, social media, coordinating outreach events and fundraising event planning. Positions can be short or long term. Direct support positions may become available- best suited for those with direct experience with perinatal mood disorders. Lisa Coss lisa@babybluesconnection.org 800-557-8375 babybluesconnection.org

YOUTH TRILLIUM FAMILY SERVICES HOW DO WE HELP PORTLAND? Trillium Family Services helps children ages 6 to 17 who are struggling with mental illness. Our amazing clinical staff

Susan King sking@casahelpskids.org 503-988-6528 casahelpkids.org

members provide therapy, psychiatry and preventative services to kids and families throughout the Portland metro area. We offer hope to families when they need it most and provide the support they need to succeed.




needs volunteers for the following: Caddies at the LPGA Charity Pro-Am (benefits Trillium Family Services); To help in our healing garden and with campus projects (this is perfect for groups); Mentoring a child through the Family of Friends Program; To help at Trillium events (registration, selling raffle tickets, etc.) Stephanie Warneke swarneke@trilliumfamily.org 503-205-4347 trilliumfamily.org

CASA FOR CHILDREN OF MULTNOMAH, WASHINGTON, AND COLUMBIA COUNTIES HOW DO WE HELP PORTLAND? Every day in Oregon, abused and neglected children are taken from their homes and placed into foster care because their parents are unable to safely care for them. CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) volunteers provide a stable adult presence in these kids’ lives, ensuring that their educational, emotional, medical and practical needs are met while they are under court protection. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Our

trained volunteers get to know each child by visiting them and speaking to those involved in the child’s life. CASAs monitor the case by attending meetings and hearings, provide an objective opinion to the court, and make recommendations to ensure the necessary safety, care and permanence for each child.

PORTLAND? Hacienda CDC is a Latino Community Development Corporation that strengthens families by providing affordable housing, homeownership support, economic advancement and educational opportunities. As Portland’s Latino population has grown rapidly, Hacienda continues building capacity to offer our bicultural services to Latinos and other low-income families throughout the Portland metro area. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Volunteers can serve as tutors for our after-school program, Expresiones, which is offered to Hacienda youth in kindergarten through eighth grade. Through helping youth complete their homework and strengthen literacy, volunteers can help encourage positive life skills, such as effective problem solving, curiosity, interpersonal skills, mindfulness and perseverance.

Mariasol Johannes mjohannes@haciendacdc.org 503-459-7477 haciendacdc.org

GIRLS INC. OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST HOW DO WE HELP PORTLAND? Girls Inc. of the Pacific Northwest inspires girls (ages 6 to 18) to become strong, smart and bold! Our gender-specific programs provide girls with the confidence and self-esteem to access a bright and economically independent future. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Girls Inc. seeks enthusiastic volunteer “girls guides” to facilitate after-school


girls groups that take place once a week for eight to 10 weeks across the Portland metro area. Don’t worry, we provide training, curriculum and supplies—you make the magic happen! Grace Dyer grace@girlsincnworegon.org 503-230-0054, ext. 4 girlsincnworegon.org

PORTLAND AFTERSCHOOL TENNIS & EDUCATION HOW DO WE HELP PORTLAND? Portland After School Tennis & Education (PAST&E) is a nonprofit whose mission is to create partnerships with families, schools and volunteers to help at-risk K-12 students achieve academic and athletic success. We accomplish this through one-on-one academic tutoring, tennis lessons, a nutrition/fitness curriculum, parent education, and a development program serving junior players who excel at tennis. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Volunteers play a dual role as coach and tutor. Coaches/tutors assist our certified coaches in tennis and fitness activities and help our scholar-athletes stay focused on completing their homework. Every volunteer must be willing to take initiative, respond to challenges and be positive. No tennis experience is needed.


currently looking for volunteers who can help with various administrative projects, fundraising and events, or assisting teaching artists and musicians in their classes. Classes typically occur during the after-school hours of 3 to 5 pm. Laura Streib info@vibepdx.org 503-560-3592 vibepdx.org

ROCK ‘N’ ROLL CAMP FOR GIRLS HOW DO WE HELP PORTLAND? The Rock ’n’ Roll Camp for Girls builds girls’ self-esteem through music creation and performance. Providing workshops and technical training, we create leadership opportunities, cultivate a community of peers and mentors, encourage social change, and the development of life skills. We believe girls can play any kind of music they want and “girls rock” is more than just a slogan. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? We need

female volunteers to mentor youth bands, present workshops, and teach girls ages 8 to 17 to play guitar, bass, drums, keys and perform vocals. Musicians of all levels are encouraged to apply! Other available volunteer positions include front desk, instrument repair, kitchen crew, photography, and roadie team. Come rock with us!

Izzy Borris izzy@pastande.org 503-823-3629 pastande.org

Caley Murray caley@girlsrockcamp.org 503-936-6869 girlsrockcamp.org




Portland provides quality arts and music educational opportunities and access for students throughout Portland regardless of their backgrounds. Vibe has in-school and after-school art and music classes, public children’s art studio classes, workshops, camps and teacher-training programs. Vibe hires local artists and musicians who are passionate about sharing art and music with the next generation of creatives.

HOW WE HELP PORTLAND? New Avenues for Youth takes a complete approach to addressing youth homelessness and its root causes, delivering support and resources that enable foster, at-risk and homeless youth to overcome their barriers and realize their potential. Since 1997, we have impacted the lives of more than 20,000 youth through a range of services that address basic needs and safety, provide opportunities for education and career, and help youth achieve self-sufficiency. Through direct service, community

partnership and advocacy, we help youth exit street life and prevent those most at risk of homelessness from experiencing it. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Volunteers are a critical part of the solution to ending youth homelessness. We rely on volunteers to provide much-needed support to our programs for foster, at-risk and homeless youth by helping with meals in our Drop In Day Services Center, tutoring in our education program, helping youth develop interviewing and résumé-building skills in our job-training program PAVE, collaborating with youth in our Artist Mentorship Program (AMP) through music and art, volunteering with Sexual & Gender Minority Youth Resource Center (SMYRC), and providing event and administrative support. If you believe in the resiliency and potential of young people and would like to put your time, unique skills and energy into helping youth thrive—or if your group, business or organization is looking for meaningful ways to support our efforts—we’d love to hear from you!

volunteer@newavenues.org newavenues.org


dedicated to the youth of Portland. We currently run programming in 27 schools throughout Portland, and provide memorable summers at the beautiful Camp Namanu. Young people want to shape the world. Camp Fire provides the opportunity to fi nd their spark, lift their voice, and discover who they are. In Camp Fire, it begins now. HOW CAN PORTLAND HELP US? Volun-

teer opportunities include talking to our middle and high-school students about your career path, coming to the beautiful Camp Namanu for one of our service weekends to ensure camp is ready for the summer, and stocking shelves and helping families shop in one of our community school food pantries. Steven Joinson sjoinson@campfirecolumbia.org 971-340-1601 campfirecolumbia.org

Girls, Inc. Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com





Shandong www.shandongportland.com

Shandong www.shandongportland.com

Headout P.26 26

Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com

Reel Music Festival 33



January 15th–February 5th

for showtimes and tickets, visit nwfilm.org


CULTURE FACTORY SALE Save 20% On All Culture Factory Titles From These Artists, 1/13–2/10



Frank Zappa’s concerts at the Roxy Theatre in Hollywood in December 1973 are legendary. Now fully restored for the first time, it captures Frank and the Mothers at the height of their powers and includes material that is unique to these performances.

By threading the music of Elliott Smith through the dense, yet often isolating landscapes of the three major cities he lived in — Portland, New York City, Los Angeles — Heaven Adores You presents a visual journey and an earnest review of the singer’s life and legacy.






This classic Rolling Stones concert release presents their 1990 performance at the Tokyo Dome in Japan, which was among the first shows that the Stones ever played in the country.


Peter Gabriel


Elliott Smith

Jeff Beck

Rory Gallagher


Patti Smith

Black Crowes

J. Geils Band

Katy Perry

Stray Cats

Canned Heat


Pink Floyd

Talking Heads

Eric Clapton

Hall + Oates



Alice Cooper

Justin Hayward


Richard Thompson Lost Songs: The Basement Tapes


Jeff Lynne

Rage Against The Machine

Miles Davis

Bob Marley

Paul Rogers


Paul McCartney + Wings

Rolling Stones

Peter Frampton

Pat Metheny



Van Morrison

Frank Sinatra



The Who Frank Zappa ZZ Top





Jefferson Airplane


James Brown

Moon Martin

Diana Ross

Paul Butterfield

Midnight Oil


John Cale


Rod Stewart Donna Summers

Kim Carnes

New York Dolls

Mink Deville

Robert Palmer


Walter Egan

Iggy Pop

Phantom Of The Paradise

Flamin’ Groovies


Wishbone Ash


Rare Earth

Hot Tuna

Chris Rea


NAXOS CLASSIC FILM SCORES SALE! Your Choice Just $8.99 Each On CD, 1/13–2/10 “The Treasure of the Sierra Madre” the classic 1948 film score by Max Steiner

“The Egyptian”

classic film score by Bernard Hermann & Alfred Newman

Classic Film Scores by Alfred Newman:

‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’ ‘Beau Geste’ & ‘All About Eve’ Film Music Classics Steiner:

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The first complete recording of the film score

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‘Scaramouche’ Rozsa:

ALSO THESE CLASSIC SCORES FROM NAXOS: Hamlet Les Miserables Macbeth, Goglotha & Don Quichotte

Red River The Maltese Falcon Bram Stoker’s Dracula Objective, Burma!

ODETTA ‘Lookin’ For A Home’ $13.99 CD

Harry Belafonte once wrote of blues singer Odetta: “Few possess the fine understanding of a song’s meaning which transforms it from a melody into a dramatic experience.

‘The King’s Theif’ Beauty And The Beast Curse Of The Werewolf Monster Music The Sea Hawk & Deception

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SHARON JONES & THE DAP-KINGS ‘Give The People What They Want’ $10.99 CD

Give the People What They Want is poised to become not only an iconic album from a prolific band, but a fixture in the canon of Soul Music.

Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com



Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com

Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com


“I didn’t know Portland had a rap scene.” page 35



FIXIN’ TO GET LOUD: St. Johns is getting a new music venue. The Fixin’ To, the 6-year-old, vaguely Southernthemed bar on North Lombard Street, is converting its back patio into an attached building that will act as a “selfcontained space for live music,” according to owner Bart Blasengame. “We wanted to do this for a long time,” he says. “We want to be in St. Johns, and with St. Johns blowing up, it’s happening quicker than we thought it would.” While the room will hold only about 100 to 150 people, it will be one of the few dedicated spaces for live music that far north in Portland, particularly after the closure of the Foggy Notion in December. Blasengame isn’t sure about the stylistic focus yet, but the Fixin’ To has hosted country acts and rootsy rock bands sporadically in the past. He says the build-out will take five to six months. They are aiming to launch the new space in May, in time for the annual St. Johns Parade. TAKE ’EM TO CHURCH: The Anglican Parish of St. Mark in Northwest Portland won’t host a scheduled play about genetic engineering and abortion at the Fertile Ground theater festival later this month. Turns out, the space is “booked through the springtime,” says the Rev. Mark Lillegard. But theater director Fayra Teeters says, “It has abortion, genetic engineering and mind control—all of that was a little too strong for them.” “We didn’t really know anything about it,” Lillegard insists, saying the space is scheduled for meetings and potlucks for the foreseeable future. The play I Know Things will now be at HART Theatre in Hillsboro. “The Hillsboro community has been very welcoming,” says Teeters.

eating out? Low on cash? we got you. Introducing...

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Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com

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BIG IN PDX: Some of the best ramen in Tokyo looks to be coming to Portland. The city has received a liquor-license application for what appears to be the first American outpost of iconic Tokyo ramen shop Afuri, whose original outpost in Tokyo’s Ebisu district is still broadly considered one of the greatest ramen shops in Japan, with lines that stretch around the block. The address on the application is 921 SE 7th Ave., in a newly refurbished warehouse building in the central eastside. Afuri is best known for its chicken-stock yuzu shio—essentially citrus-flavored salt broth, kind of like the ramen equivalent of gose beer. It first opened in 2005, and has since expanded to multiple locations in Tokyo. Portland is home to the first continental United States location of Japanese izakaya chain Shigezo and an early American outpost of ramen chain Kukai. The application lists a 92-seat restaurant, with an additional 13 bar seats, and late hours until midnight weekdays and 2 am weekends. GRASS FARMING: More than a year after Oregon voters legalized recreational cannabis, the Oregon Liquor Control Commission is finally taking applications to permit cannabis growers and stores outside the existing medical marijuana program. Oregon has received 282 applications as of Jan. 11, with Multnomah County topping the state with 23 applications for retail licenses. But while Clackamas County received the most farm applications during the first week, it turns out Clackistani cannabis farmers are merely more punctual than southern growing folk. Josephine and Jackson counties have pulled ahead to become the biggest farm counties in Oregon so far, at 23 and 21 applicants, respectively.

The Book of Mormon opens tonight at Keller Auditorium, 222 SW Clay St., 800-273-1530. Shows are 7:30 pm Tuesday-Saturday, 2 pm Saturday, 1 and 6:30 pm Sunday, Jan. 13-24. $40-$154.








Shojo Ramen Pop-Up

[FOOD] Viet-Cajun spot Tapalaya’s sous chef will be cooking up miso mushroom and chicken-pork tonkotsu ramen with Louisiana cracklins in a one-night Japanese-Cajun pop-up, which will also feature plenty of pickles, spicy Cajun rolls, and special sauces from Creaux mustard. Tapalaya, 28 NE 28th Ave., 232-6652. 4 pm.


[GYPSY PAINTERS] One of Colorado’s finest, Devotcka is hard to pin down. The band stammers in and out of all kinds of genres, from classical to gypsy rock to gentle, thoughtful indie pop, all with a bigger sound and more emotion than any reasonable quartet should be responsible for. Revolution Hall, 1300 SE Stark St., 2883895. 9 pm. $25. 21+.

What kind of Mormon are you?


Take this quiz to determine what type of Mormon you are before seeing The Book of Mormon this week. BY SO P H I A J U N E


You walk into a 1 Starbucks. What do you do? A. Confidently order a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream. B. Order three bagels; one for you, two for your wives. If the Starbucks is on land that you think belongs to you, pull a gun. C. Take a second to contemplate the fact that there’s a Starbucks in Uganda, and then walk by. D. Order a decaf mini Strawberries and Crème Frappuccino and then Instagram it with the caption “anything for the light and love of my life.” E. Nervously ask for a green tea before making sure nobody is behind you. F. Go back outside to hitch up your horse before filling your canteen with water.

What does your

2 Instagram grid look like? A. Blond people, pictures of God’s green earth and the occasional glass of sparkling apple cider #BlessUp. B. Not at all aesthetically pleasing photos of Elder Zyker holding his new rifle. C. Photos of me with African children who are pretending to smile. D. Kinfolk-ready photos of my four kids—Monson, Bagley, Nephi and Alma—between ages 1 and 4 making cookies #proudmomma. E. Photoshopped pictures of The Book of Mormon covered in flames and me rolling Js. F. Get that devil’s version of a pinhole camera away from me.

How did you meet

3 your significant other(s)?

A. At BYU, but I was in love with someone who wasn’t Mormon before them, so don’t tell. B. I met the first three at BYU, and the last two are my cousins. I’m planning to buy a couple of 14-year-olds next month. C. At BYU, and we’re not married yet, but we Skype every night. D. At BYU. E. At BYU, but we got divorced when she caught me smoking pot. F. Down at Yoder’s tobacco farm.

What does your Friday

4 night look like?

A. Kickin’ back with a Capri Sun! The Genesis Group is dope! Some of my friends talk about parties, but I’m focusing on my relationship with God right now. B. Seizing the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Harney County and secretly railing cocaine. C. Setting out the juice cups for our weekly Get to Know God, Get to Know You event, then praying and being in bed by 10:30 pm (not 10:31 pm). D. Taking photos of my little blond angels pondering scripture #mamahooe. E. Having sex, feeling guilty and writing Vice articles. F. Stopping at six of my uncles’ homes and going over next week’s baptism schedule.

Did you let Jon Krakauer 5 interview you for Under the Banner of Heaven? A. Nah. B. That piece of nonhistory is an assault on God’s great glory.

Eowyn Emerald & Dancers

C. No, but I can give you a FREE copy of another book. D. I only read Mommy Mormon parenting blogs. E. I was featured in most of the chapters. F. I think I missed that one.

6 Where do you live? A. A suburb an hour north of L.A., so we can all surf in one-piece bathing suits and stay blond and tan. B. Provo, Utah. C. Bosnia, where I’m very happy to be serving my church. D. What matters more is where my children live—inside me, inside of God, inside the hands of the church, all the time #LivetheRight #FamilyBlessings. E. Salt Lake City. F. Pennsylvania.

[DANCE PARTY] In Portland’s quiet dance bubble, Eowyn Emerald is really moving. Last week, she imported top Northwest choreographers, and this week she’s celebrating another acceptance to the Edinburgh Fringe festival with this contemporary showcase that’s part of Third Rail Repertory Theatre’s Wild Card lineup. Imago Theatre, 17 SE 8th Ave., thirdrailrep.org. 7:30 pm. $20.

Lupe Fiasco

[HIP-HOP] After losing momentum following the long wait and disappointing returns of 2011’s Lasers, the critically lauded Chicago MC recovered, at least partially, with last year’s solid, progressive Tetsuo & Youth. With three more records scheduled to drop in 2016, he is poised to win back his day-one supporters. Roseland Theater, 8 NW 6th Ave., 971-230-0033. 8 pm. $26.50-$40. All ages.

FRIDAY JAN. 15 The Yellow Wallpaper

What kind of

7 underwear are you

wearing right now?

A. Light-gray boxer briefs. B. My garment of the holy priesthood. C. White shorts and shirt, but sometimes I take them off because it’s so darn hot here. D. Light-pink boyshorts. E. None. God, it feels good to breathe after all these years. F. Handspun artisan wool underwear, which is very big and stays together with straight pins. Mostly A’s: You’re a Chill Mormon! Mostly B’s: You’re a Fundamentalist Mormon! Mostly C’s: You’re a Mormon Missionary! Mostly D’s: You’re a Mormon Fashion blogger turned Mommy Blogger! Mostly E’s: You’re an Ex-Mormon! Mostly F’s: You’re actually Amish!

[THEATER] CoHo’s world premier for Fertile Ground is opening before the festival, and the feminist-slanting thriller about a woman prescribed a “rest cure” for her postpartum depression is already a standout thanks to Sue Mach’s writing and multimedia updates. CoHo Theater, 2257 NW Raleigh St., 220-2646, cohoproductions.org. 7:30 pm. $29.

SUNDAY JAN. 17 Sam Lansky

[BOOKS] In his junior year of high school, Time deputy culture editor Sam Lansky moved from Portland to Manhattan, enrolled in a swanky school, got himself a crazy pill habit and later wrote a book about it. This is required reading for all West Hills trophy children. Powell’s City of Books, 1005 W Burnside St., 228-4651. 7:30 pm. Free.

Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com



Highly recommended.


By MATTHEW KORFHAGE. Editor: MARTIN CIZMAR. Email: dish@wweek.com. See page 3 for submission instructions.


= WW Pick.

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 13 Almanac Brewing Tap Takeover

San Francisco’s Almanac brings kegs of several beers to Southeast Foster’s best beer bar, including its presumably water-wastingly delicious Horchata Almond Milk Stout. N.W.I.P.A., 6350 SE Foster Road, 805-7342. 6 pm.

Perennial Tap Invasion

St. Louis’ most acclaimed brewery, Perennial Artisan Ales, offers a world-famous imperial stout called Abraxas, a foudre-fermented saison and a yeasty collaboration with the Commons. The Hop & Vine, 1914 N Killingsworth St., 954-3322. 3 pm.

Tapalaya Ramen Pop-up

Brunch Saturday & Sunday 9am - 2pm Painting by Susan Sage @ susansageart.com

3746 N. MISSISSIPPI AVENUE northlightpdx.com

Tapalaya sous chef Brae will cook up miso mushroom and chicken-pork tonkotsu ramen with Louisiana cracklins in a one-night, Japanese-Cajun pop-up. Also on tap from the rest of the crew are kimchi, tsukemono, spicy Cajun hand rolls and boudin-sausage gyoza with lime-mustard ponzu from local N’Orleans style mustard company Creaux’s. Tapalaya, 28 NE 28th Ave., 232-6652. 4 pm.

FRIDAY, JAN. 15 Basque Supper Club Dinner

Basque-heritage chef Javier Canteras combines food he had in his childhood with his own modernist culinary training. The location is secret until you buy a ticket, but the seven-course menu (with three Spanish wine pairings) will include olive oil-poached cod, smoked hanger steak, and bone marrow with beef tongue and salsa verde. Brownpapertickets.com. 7 pm. $95. Also Saturday, Jan. 16.

1. La Fuente

12198 SW Main St., Tigard, 639-3653, lafuentetigard.com. Tigard’s La Fuente is our new favorite family Mexican spot in the metro area, with a lot of touches you don’t find at Tex Mex-y places, including barbecued lamb and chile Colorado made with meat from spareribs. $.

2. Matt’s BBQ

4709 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. The brisket is fatty and flavorful, with bark that’s peppery heaven, while the dry-rub ribs are so pure in their smoke you’d know the name of the tree whose wood cooked them from just a single bite. $$.

3. Gustav’s

5035 NE Sandy Blvd., 288-5503, gustavs.net. Only when the city’s been too cold for long enough—when it’s chilled the gums beneath our teeth—does one word escape unbidden from our chattering lips.... “Fondue?” $$.

4. Nakhon

3354 SE Hawthorne Blvd., 971-279-5395. Get some southern Thai fried chicken at Nakhon in the former Hawthorne Street Cafe, alongside dishes of absolutely searing spice. $$.

5. Teo Bun Bo Hue

8220 SE Harrison St., No. 230, 208-3532. The bun bo Hue soup here rivals or bests the namesake soup at the Southeast 82nd Avenue Bun bo Hue restaurant farther south. That said, the pure taste of the chicken pho may be the standout. $.


Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com

BLENDED AND FRIED: Laksa lemak noodle bowl.

Straits Kitchen Many years ago, on a long stopover en route to India, I thought I’d made an important discovery: Chinese food was somehow amazing in Singapore. The food seemed to blend the spice traditions of Indonesia and Malaysia with Chinese techniques to form something wholly new—pickled, pungent, spicy and bitter-tart with tamarind. It almost made up for the scary police presence. But while I later told anybody who would listen about the Chinese food there, no one I mentioned it to had quite the same results. Though I didn’t know it at the time, what I’d Order this: Laksa lemak noodle bowl actually stumbled into was ($10), inche kabin appetizer ($6). a Straits Chinese restaurant—otherwise known as Baba-Nyonya or Peranakan. It’s a distinct and lovely cuisine, a cultural and culinary hybrid resulting from centuries of Chinese immigrants in Malaysia dating to the 1500s. Well, finally, Portland has its very first Baba-Nyonya food cart. Straits Kitchen has set up shop in Sellwood’s new Christmas Village of a food-cart pod, Piknik Park, with Straits-heritage chef Angeline Ong making the food while partner Jessica Wells runs the window. The cart’s signature dish is probably already the laksa lemak noodle bowl ($10)—a curry made by blending a whole mess of spices, then frying the spice blend and mixing it with coconut milk and chicken broth. Though heavy on the sweet and warm comforts of coconut milk, the hint of tartness and spicy edge keeps the flavor of the chicken and tofu lively in the broth. But my favorite dish so far is arguably the junk food on the menu—inche kabin, a dark-meat take on popcorn chicken that is spiced with perhaps the perfect balance of soy, lime, jalapeño, onion and cilantro. The fried chicken has no thick breading, but rather a crisped edge of spice-crusted meat around a juicy marinated center, all bright heat washed in a burst of lime. The bites are almost frustratingly addictive—frustrating because it’s difficult to get all the way home without shotgunning them in the car. The pong teh rice bowl ($8) on the other hand, is far more subdued, with an almost Continental mildness mixed with a bit of shrimp paste for a fermented bite. Among the cart’s many dishes, only a complex kiam chye soup special (salted, fermented mustard greens—not to be confused with kimchi) had a flavor profile that was a little too intense, with the pickled greens ultimately distracting from more than balancing the natural richness of duck and chicken in the broth. But otherwise, delight in the fact you no longer have to fly to Malacca or Singapore to encounter these flavors—and that even in fast-gentrifying Sellwood, they won’t beat you up for chewing bubblegum after your meal. MATTHEW KORFHAGE. EAT: Straits Kitchen, 1112 SE Tacoma St., 971-325-7323, straitskitchenpdx.com. 11 am-7 pm Thursday-Tuesday.


Peak Pizza



The homie Nappy B said it best: Geography is destiny. The First Consul of the French Republic and Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine was talking about the besieging of Russia, not the explosion of wood-fired artisan pizza, but the lessons are the same. Portland has seen a huge boom in the number of highend artisanal pizzerias in the past two years. By my count, the number has doubled—just look at the map (below). The new Tastebud in Southwest Portland is poised to shine. Not only because of the pies—pleasantly tart dough topped with combinations that play fresh herbal notes off rich meats and cheeses—but due to location. Tastebud shuttered its former eatery off Southeast Powell Boulevard three years ago, and this year became the most grassy green olive oil ($2) and the mixed olive bowl exciting new restaurant Multnomah Village has seen in a ($4). Salads are seasonal, but the winter selections tend generation. Maybe two. It’s easy to see why the place was toward the colorful and bitter. An opening course of packed on both of my weekday visits. endive, hazelnuts, apples and a light apple vinegar dressMeanwhile, not far from Tastebud’s old ing ($7) precedes the pizza especially well. Order this: Bread, salad, location, one of the city’s best new pizzeThe pies are the same form Tastebud has Nausicaä pie, hot toddy. rias met its Waterloo in November. That been perfecting for 15 years, with a posterBest deal: Bread ($2), was the Neapolitan Pizza Maria, operated board-thin bottom and a distinctive, puffy hot toddy ($9). by Sean Coyne, former baker for Thomas I’ll pass: Wood-fired meats, handle on the outer rim. The combinations including the chicken. Keller’s famed New York restaurant Per Se, are thoughtfully built and a far better bargain on dining-dense Southeast Division Street, than building the classic ($14). My favorite right by P.R.E.A.M. and the second outpost of Pyro, not was the Nausicaä, with marble-sized crumbles of pork to mention Scottie’s, Atlas and Cibo. sausage and about half a bulb of lightly sweet fennel. Tastebud’s smart decisions aren’t limited to location. The The pizzas will serve two, and I’d stick with them over wine list is solid, there are a few well-chosen taps, and the the other dishes baked in the wood-fired oven. Our whole cocktails show a nice touch. We were especially impressed chicken ($23) was tasty but more the size of an overgrown with a hot toddy ($9) with caramelized oranges soaked in game hen. The bird’s juices did provide a nice gravy for the rum, and a well-made Old Fashioned ($10) with Buffalo Trace roasted parsnips and kale sprouts on the plate below it; bourbon and Angostura bitters over an oversized ice cube. these were otherwise lightly seasoned and unmemorable. Both were balanced, restrained and a few bucks cheaper than Then again, maybe those dishes are sops to pepperoniwhat we’ve become accustomed to in this town. allergic glutenphobes sharing a table with pizza enthusiYou’ll want a plate of the house’s crusty bread with asts. If so, I doubt they’re complaining.

THIS BUD’S FOR YOU: Simington pie at Tastebud.

VILLAGE IN: Tastebud brings great artisan pies to moribund Multnomah Village.

Thanks to Tastebud’s move to Southwest, very few people in Portland have to drive more than 10 minutes for great pizza. Stay strong, Centennial—your time will come. EAT: Tastebud, 7783 SW Capitol Highway, 234-0330, tastebudpdx.com. 4-10 pm daily.

Artisan Pizza in Portland 1 Apizza Scholls 4741 SE Hawthorne Blvd.

2 Ken’s Artisan

304 SE 28th Ave.

3 P.R.E.A.M.

2131 SE 11th Ave.

4 Oven & Shaker

1134 NW Everett St.

5 Firehouse

711 NE Dekum St.

6 Handsome

1603 NE Killingsworth St.

7 Nostrana

1401 SE Morrison St.

8 Lovely’s 50/50

4039 N Mississippi Ave.

9 Life of Pie

3632 N Williams Ave.

10 Cibo

3539 SE Division St.

11 Pizzeria Otto

6708 NE Sandy Blvd.

12 Renata

13 East Glisan Pizza Lounge


8001 NE Glisan St.


14 Fire + Stone

3707 NE Fremont St.

15 Tastebud


7783 SW Capitol Highway

16 Pizza Contadino

8218 N Lombard St.


6 21 22




17 Pyro I



1204 SE Hawthorne Blvd.



18 Pyro II

2880 SE Division St.

19 Ash


3121 SW Moody Ave.

20 Pizza Box

910 E Burnside St.

21 Red Sauce Pizza


4935 NE 42nd Ave.

22 Pizza Jerk

5028 NE 42nd Ave.

23 Kerns Kitchen

2935 NE Glisan St.


23 20 7 2 12 17 10 3 18

13 1 = New pizzeria (2 years or less) = Old pizzeria = Food cart

626 SE Main St. Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com



Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com


= WW Pick. Highly recommended.


Prices listed are sometimes for advance ticket sales. At-the-door increases and socalled convenience charges may apply. Event lineups are subject to change after WW’s press deadlines. Editor: MATTHEW SINGER. TO BE CONSIDERED FOR LISTINGS, go to wweek.com/ submitevents and follow submission directions. All shows should be submitted two weeks or more in advance of event. Press kits, CDs and especially vinyl can be sent to Music Desk, WW, 2220 NW Quimby St., Portland, OR 97210. Please include show or release date information with all physical mailings. Email: msinger@wweek.com. Fax: 243-1115.

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 13 Stu Hamm Band

[BASS WIZARD] Bass players don’t get more “totally wizzed-out” than Stu Hamm. He met classmate Steve Vai at the Berklee School of Music, and after playing on Vai’s debut album, FlexAble, Hamm continued his burgeoning career by backing up Joe Satriani on a string of hit albums. Popping and slapping gets a deservedly bad rap due to its general abuse by Guitar Center customers, but Hamm is a pioneer of doublehanded techniques. At workshops and clinics around the country, as well as on DVD, Hamm can teach you how to play the “Moonlight Sonata” using 10 fingers on four strings. And if that’s not enough to sell you on the man, let me peace out by saying that his debut solo album was named after a Philip K Dick novel. NATHAN CARSON. Aladdin Theater, 3017 SE Milwaukie Ave. 8 pm. $25. Under 21 permitted with legal guardian.

Battalion of Saints, Scalped, Steel Chains

[SOCAL HxCx] While Battalion of Saints staked out territory that would eventually be ceded to hardcore’s crossover contingent, the SoCal band never approached D.R.I.-levels of metal. It was, however, a vital part of the early ’80s that basically readied the nation for the coming wave of independent touring acts. Singer George Anthony hasn’t moved on lyrically from those days—maybe his voice is deeper on last year’s release than it was on 1982’s Fighting Boys—but with an ensemble that includes (on the record at least) a pair of Angry Samoans, it’s unlikely folks are going to be clamoring for something Battalion of Saints can’t offer. DAVE CANTOR. Ash Street Saloon, 225 SW Ash St. 7 pm. $12. 21+.

Love Lies Deep Within: Janet Jackson Tribute Night

[R&B ROYALTY] This was supposed to be a day-late after-party for Janet Jackson’s stop at the Moda Center, before Jackson postponed the remaining dates of her tour for as-yet-undisclosed medical reasons. (Unconfirmed reports suggest she might be battling throat cancer.) Regardless, this night of tribute is going ahead as planned, with locals such as Reva DeVito, Chanti Darling and Blossom tipping their hat to Jackson’s newest, critically acclaimed release, Unbreakable, while undoubtedly calling upon timeless jams like “That’s the Way Love Goes,” “You Want This” and “If.” The R&B goddess has been at it for over 30 years now, and hasn’t lost the spring in her step. Despite whatever is ailing her, let’s hope that stays true for years to come. MARK STOCK. Holocene, 1001 SE Morrison St. 8:30 pm. $8. 21+.

Shemekia Copeland

[GUTSY BLUES] Grammy-nominated blues vocalist Shemekia Copeland has the sort of voice that just barely needs a microphone to be heard from the stage. The daughter of Texas blues guitarist Johnny Copeland, she grew up in New York, surrounded by her dad’s collaborators, right in the middle of the modern American blues industry. A thoroughly respected artist in the industry, whose latest album, Outskirts of Love, climbed to No. 6 on the Billboard blues charts, Copeland belts passionate contemporary blues with the kind of sound that only comes from having been raised around Stevie Ray Vaughan. PARKER HALL. Jimmy Mak’s, 221 NW 10th Ave., 295-6542. 8 pm. $17 general admission, $20 reserved. Under 21 permitted until 9:30 pm.


[GYPSY PAINTERS] One of Colorado’s finest, Devotchka, is hard to pin down. The band stammers in and out of all kinds of genres, from classical to gypsy

rock to gentle, thoughtful indie pop— it’s the stuff of independent movie scores. However you want to define it, Devotchka turns out way more sound and emotion than any reasonable quartet should be responsible for. The band has dabbled in some side projects since 2012’s Live With the Colorado Symphony, and is currently working on another proper studio release. Whether pulling from the Little Miss Sunshine soundtrack or 2008’s brilliant A Mad & Faithful Telling, Devotchka paints gypsy scenes out of symphonic, heartfelt sounds like nobody’s business. MARK STOCK. Revolution Hall, 1300 SE Stark St., No. 110. 9 pm. $25. 21+.

JD McPherson, HoneyHoney

[ROCKABILLY ’N’ ROLL] JD McPherson used to teach art to middle-school students in Tulsa, Okla. When the guitarist and singer left that job, he began to focus on his music with more intention. Now, McPherson is the new sound of retro rock ’n’ roll—revivalist jukebox material that’s too original to be completely cordoned off as kitsch. His debut, 2012’s Signs and Signifiers, incorporated elements of rockabilly and swing, but it was last year’s Let the Good Times Roll that made it on many year-end lists. Songs like its title track are short in length but also punchy and wholly danceable. Seeing him perform live— flanked by an upright bassist, keyboardist, drummer and sometimes even horn players—is like revisiting the best parts of the ’50s. HILARY SAUNDERS. Wonder Ballroom, 128 NE Russell St. 9 pm. $20 advance, $22 day of show. 21+.

THURSDAY, JAN. 14 Gregory Alan Isakov with the Oregon Symphony

[FOLK POPS] Gregory Alan Isakov sings emotional folk music as if he specifically writes and records each song with the thought that his listeners only exist around campfires, or in the cold winter woods with steaming cups of coffee in hand. Formalized tonight with the backing of the Oregon Symphony, there will be extra emotional tension in the mix, likely transforming fans of the style into sopping wet messes of inner thoughts fueled by goosebumped sonic ecstasy. It’s a feeling that those who already own copies of his last release, The Weatherman, are probably familiar with. PARKER HALL. Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, 1037 SW Broadway, 248-4335. 7:30 pm. $40-$175. All ages.

Nick Jaina, Stelth Ulvang, Ezza Rose Band

[STRANDS OF FOLK] Portland music’s poet laureate (and Oregon Book Award finalist) teams with a Lumineer (who recorded his recent, beautifully textured solo album, And As Always; The Infinite Cosmos, here in town) for a night of literate folk. Mississippi Studios, 3939 N Mississippi Ave., 288-3895. 8 pm. $12. 21+.

Lupe Fiasco, the Boy Illinois, Billy Blue, ZVerse, Rachel West, Vinnie Dewayne [HIP-HOP] In 2006, Kanye West introduced us to Lupe Fiasco, via West’s Late Registration single “Touch the Sky.” Among the industry veterans impressed by the smooth, young Chicago MC was Jay Z, who signed on to executive produce Food & Liquor, the rapper’s debut studio album. The record introduced a thirsty, undaunted voice, unafraid to address topics of domestic violence, Islamophobia and racism. With cosigns from some of the biggest names in rap, including Pharrell, Fiasco seemed poised for greatness. He followed Food & Liquor with a dense 20-track album called The Cool in 2007, satisfying critical expectations. Then, four years went by before another project hit shelves. Critics

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Michael Stewart (right) and Fahiym Acuay in X-Ray.


Portland hip-hop, taking him to shows and introducing him to MCs. (He’s credited as an associate producer on the show.) One night at Kelly’s Olympian, Haddad witnessed a set by Michael “Fountaine” Stewart. He’d already cast his lead protagonist, BY MATTHEW SIN GER msinger@wweek.com a trained actor from Beaverton, but after seeing Stewart perform, he began to rethink his decision. When Seena Haddad first heard about the incident at “The other actor had an idea in his head that he the Blue Monk in March 2014, during which Portland was playing this rapper. He came from the ’burbs, authorities effectively shut down a peaceful, if possi- and it seemed like he was playing into a stereotype bly overcrowded, local hip-hop show, it shocked him, that didn’t make sense,” Haddad says. “I wanted the though perhaps not for the obvious reasons. character to be very cerebral. People think about “I didn’t know Portland had a rap scene,” what they say here. In real life, people aren’t trying says the 28-year-old filmmaker, who grew up in to make a big show of things, they’re just putting Beaverton. “To hear about all that drama their energy into music.” that unfolded, hearing from police In contrast to the bravado found in and the rappers’ points of view, it other rap-themed dramatizations, “In real life, drew me toward that. I wanted to Stewart brings a quiet vulnerability people aren’t know what their stories were.” to the role of Marcus Ray, a creative With X-Ray, his new web kid reeling from a personal tragedy trying to make a series, Haddad tells one such who is just trying to get the wheels big show of things, story—a fictional one, but one of his career turning. It helped he’s strived to have resonate that, during filming, Stewart was they’re just putting with those in Portland’s hipessentially on the same trajectheir energy into hop community. It’s a realistic, tory in his own career, releasing his ground-level view of what it means debut last March. “At first, I didn’t music.” to “make it” in the rap game, where believe in myself because I’m like, ‘I success is measured in increments, and don’t act,’” Stewart says. “[Haddad] just the drive to be heard is balanced against said to be myself. The story he wrote was my everything else going on in an artist’s life: friends, up-and-coming story as an artist.” Haddad filled family, romantic relationships, the work that actually out the cast with other non-actors recognizable puts money in your wallet. The first season, premier- to local hip-hop fans, including Epp, Wes Guy and ing online this week, follows an aspiring young MC Maze Koroma, and also brought in producers 5th whose goal is not to get in the ear of some mogul and Sequence and Samarei to do the soundtrack. score a multimillion-dollar deal: He just wants to get a After a year and a half of stops and restarts—a mixtape out. Empire it is not. It’s an archetypal tale of hard-drive crash in October forced him to re-edit starting from the bottom, one which looks, feels and, several episodes—Haddad is finally ready to put most crucially, sounds like Portland. X-Ray online. It will play out over 10 brief epiGetting those details right were crucial for Haddad. sodes, most under 10 minutes. It sounds modest. Expectedly, it took some trial and error to get there. But for those who see themselves in Marcus Ray, After all, Haddad had only just returned to the area who’ve scrapped to make hip-hop viable in a city two years before he began writing the script. He where it’s often appeared to be outlawed, it’s a left Beaverton in 2006, going to New York and then crucial depiction of just how hard they’ve fought. studying film at the American University of Paris, and “I want people to come away knowing that is currently based in L.A. After completing his first there is a scene here,” Acuay says. “It hasn’t been draft, he reached out to Fahiym Acuay, founder of easy. It’s on the edge now, pushing into the actual the Pacific Northwest hip-hop blog We Out Here, for music scene, and I want people to know how an appraisal. “He didn’t capture the issues at hand,” we’ve had to struggle.” Acuay says. “It could’ve been like any city.” Acuay became Haddad’s de facto tour guide to MORE: X-Ray premieres Jan. 16 at xrayseries.com. Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com



Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com



and fans grew exhausted by the wait and jaded by his controversial political views. Lasers eventually dropped in 2011, but Fiasco didn’t sound like the fiery MC from 2007. He recovered, partially, in 2015, with the solid, progressive Tetsuo & Youth, and with three more records scheduled to drop in 2016—plus this tour, on which he’s promising to play “all the hits”— he is geared up to win back the trust of his day-one supporters. MATT SCHONFELD. Roseland Theater, 8 NW 6th Ave. 8 pm. $26.50 general admission, $40 reserved balcony seating. All ages.

FRIDAY, JAN. 15 Tangerine

[GUITAR POP] Where the hell is Tangerine’s full-length? It’s going on three years since the Seattle four-piece released its first EP, Pale Summer, which was well-received by everyone from The Guardian to Noisey. The punchy surf-pop band had been tiding us over with one to two EP releases a year, but in 2015 almost left us hanging completely. Thankfully, the band— fronted by sisters Marika and Miro Justad—released yet another new EP at the tail end of the year, Sugar Teeth, and it’s probably their most rockin’ one yet. We’ll still have to wait a little longer for that full-length, it seems, but maybe we’ll get one someday. SHANNON GORMLEY. Bunk Bar Water, 1028 SE Water Ave. 9 pm. $8. 21+.

T.S.O.L., Left Alone, Wild Mohicans

[PUNK] Let’s put something on the table here: In 2008, T.S.O.L. released a free record via the website of wearable Mountain Dew brand Hurley called Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Free Downloads. Breathe that information into your mouth. Suck it in. Absorb it. If you’re the type to go see T.S.O.L. in 2016, perhaps nothing I can say will dissuade you. Indeed, that is not even my intention. What I am doing is putting freely available information in plain sight, front and center. Perhaps T.S.O.L. will play its semi-classic, semigoth record Beneath the Shadows. Maybe it will play Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Free Downloads. Another freebie this reporter uncovered: Singer Jack Grisham, at the age of 25, married a 16-year-old girl in Mexico, to “get her on the road to sobriety.” May God bless this clearly troubled soul. BRACE BELDEN. Dante’s, 350 W Burnside St. 9 pm. $12. 21+.

Half Moon Run, Emilie & Ogden

[HIGH FOLK] Half Moon Run hails from Montreal, a city with an evergrowing lineage of quality bands. The quartet plays a blood-rushing brand of highly percussive folk rock, in the vein of the Cave Singers or Hollow Wood. The band released the excellent Dark Eyes in 2012, and chased it with the nearly as strong Sun Leads Me On last year. Listeners are keen on comparing it to Radiohead, and while there are plenty of clever guitar lines, Half Moon Run’s sound is decidedly more buoyant. It’s the kind of wide-eyed folk that almost serves as an audible thankyou note to Bob Dylan for going electric back in 1965. MARK STOCK. Doug Fir Lounge, 830 E Burnside St. 9 pm. $12 advance, $14 day of show. 21+.

Paul Van Dyk

[TRANCE FORMER] Aside from Tiesto, few mainstream DJs have weathered the tide of modern drops, wobbles and animatronic mouse heads quite like Germany’s Paul Van Dyk. Judging from his latest Ibiza mix, the 44-year-old Grammy Awardwinning producer and DJ continues to push boundaries beside the 150 bpm benchmark, while inviting more contemplative moments by collaborating with Enya-like vocal talents. On his latest release, The Politics of Dancing 3, van Dyk’s wandering keys fuse with a driving trance bassline that seeks to decode the saturated medium of electronic music through a signature maximal style. WYATT SCHAFFNER. Euphoria Nightclub, 315 SE 3rd Ave. 10 pm. $25-$40. 21+.

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Little Star WHO: Daniel Byers (guitar, vocals), Julian Morris (bass, vocals), John Value (drums). SOUNDS LIKE: If all the eyeliner-sporting punks in the squat got preppy, John Hughes-esque makeovers. FOR FANS OF: Elliott Smith covering Alex Chilton, Ty Segall covering T. Rex, Guided by Voices. The concept of change is a key factor in the development of many bands, but in Little Star it’s practically doctrine. Starting as a lo-fi bedroom recording project for Eidolons guitarist Daniel Byers, it was a way to document and meditate on a series of ever-evolving personal relationships. Working alone with a drum machine, Byers threw on the Internet two full albums’ worth of fuzzy odes to forgone friendships and lost loves almost as afterthought, before sharing them with Julian Morris of Shiner—another guy in a band who liked to moonlight with a more personal solo project—and later John Value, a local jazz drummer. Now comes Little Star’s third LP, Being Close, its first full-band effort, featuring songs by both Byers and Morris. The communal authorship has deepened the thematic elements. “A lot of my songs are about moving apart from people and the emotional spectrum that covers,” Byers says, “and Julian’s are more an inward kind of change.” The newer, full-band songs are a major step forward. Tracks like “For Goth Easter” began as dusty four-track demos and blossomed under the polish of producer Mac Pogue, who recorded the album at Type Foundry Studio. It’s a shift reminiscent of when Elliott Smith signed with DreamWorks and used the studio to upgrade his primarily homegrown sound into a Beatles-esque cacophony. There’s still enough scruff and fuzz to recognize dudes who wear their debt to Alex Chilton in their band name, but they certainly clean up nicely. Morris’ emotive, soulful croon at times evokes Jeff Buckley, and makes a perfect counter to Byers’ tumbling elegies. And with Morris currently in the process of gender transition, the lyrical themes of change and evolution are now even more complex. According to Byers, one song, written by Morris, is about his voice changing due to hormones, and its impact on the band’s music. With such a deep well of emotional subject matter, it’s no wonder several new songs are already fully fleshed out, and that the band is already thinking about its next record. “We’re working quickly,” Byers says. “Different songs [are] on the docket all the time. We’re still just working together and trying to come into ourselves. We all really care about each other. We’re good at telling each other what we need.” CRIS LANKENAU. SEE IT: Little Star plays Mississippi Studios, 3939 N Mississippi Ave., with Alien Boy and Drunken Palms, on Wednesday, Jan. 13. 9 pm. Free. 21+. Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com





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Vanessa Carlton SATURDAY, JAN. 16

Fourteen years after her biggest hit, Vanessa Carlton is finally free. In 2002, the singer-pianist’s career was peaking. She signed to A&M Records, and her breakout single, “One Thousand Miles”—a piano-pop earworm about unrequited young love— became an MTV staple and top-10 hit. But Carlton refers to this time in her life as “when I was a part of the machine.” Producers made decisions about how she should sound, while publicists crafted her image in the mold of late-’90s pop stars like Michelle Branch and Avril Lavigne. She says now she didn’t feel real. It wasn’t until 2011 that Carlton escaped the major-label machine. Tellingly, her fifth and latest album is called Liberman, pronounced with a soft “i,” as in “liberating.” Written and recorded in England and Nashville, Carlton focused her own impulses and musical direction for the first time in her career. And she’s not particularly worried about fan reaction. “People can take it or leave it,” says Carlton, 35, by telephone, as she tends to her nearly 1-year-old daughter at home in Nashville. “It has its own very distinct sound. But one thing you can’t say is that it’s not a fully formed, honest statement.” Released on Canadian label Dine Alone Records, Liberman is not Carlton’s first independent release—Rabbits on the Run, her previous album, came out via Razor and Tie—but she says she went into this project with the mentality “I’m going to execute a concept and not answer to anyone but the artists I’m collaborating with.” The classical piano runs from her youth still appear in songs like “Willows” and “Blue Pool.” But Liberman—named after her grandfather—expands into vaster sonic territories compared to her previous work. Songs like “Take It Easy” and the single “Operator” buzz and throb with synths far removed from the organic sounds of her youth, electronic elements placing her closer to bands like Beach House or Stars. Lyrically, Carlton also explores previously uncharted themes, particularly her own journey of losing, then actually finding and holding onto, true love. Carlton wrote the majority of Liberman’s songs years ago, readying them for a 2014 release, but when she found out she was pregnant, she decided to hold the record until last October. Even after sitting on the songs for two years, Carlton says Liberman—and the sense of freedom its recording provided her—still feels fresh. “It still resonated with me when it came time to re-create this record live.” she says. “We’ve been able to re-create a lot of the sounds onstage. It won’t be your straightforward, conventional singer-songwriter show. It’s a bit more psychedelic than that, and we’re trying to go into those sounds that we spent so much time making on the album.” HILARY SAUNDERS. More than a decade removed from her biggest hit, Vanessa Carlton gets real.

SEE IT: Vanessa Carlton plays Doug Fir Lounge, 830 E Burnside St., with Skye Steele, on Saturday, Jan. 16. 9 pm. $22 advance, $25 day of show. 21+.


The Blackberry Bushes Stringband, Sugarcane

[NORTHWEST BLUEGRASS] Bluegrass may have originated in Kentucky, but Seattle’s Blackberry Bushes Stringband has been bringing it home to the Pacific Northwest since 2009. Comprising banjo, mandolin, fiddle, upright bass and guitar, the band integrates new Northwest folk elements into traditional Americana. Last year, the Blackberry Bushes Stringband released its second fulllength LP, Three Red Feathers. Touring can take its toll, though, and the band recently announced on Facebook that this Portland performance will be the last with mandolinist Daniel Ullom and bassist Forrest Marowitz. HILARY SAUNDERS. Mississippi Studios, 3939 N Mississippi Ave. 9 pm. $12. 21+.

DJ Paypal, DJ Mastercard, Bukkha

[TECHNICOLOR CLUB] On Sold Out, the debut album of 23-year-old producer DJ Paypal, jazz samples are the heart and soul of frenetic footwork and bass percussion. With a proper release on the Brainfeeder label, the enigmatic Berlin-via-North Carolina wunderkind has quickly built a legacy through a left-field approach to a style popularized by the late DJ Rashad and his Teklife crew, injecting a carefree, happy-hardcore spirit to the Chicago-bred genre. It was clear from his free Drake Edits online release that Paypal flips samples with dedication and TLC. No original sound source is off-limits to his Technicolor club ideal, meaning there’s something for everyone tonight at his proper PDX debut. WYATT SCHAFFNER. The Rose, 11 SW Ash St. 9 pm. $7 advance, $10 day of show. 21+.

Big Head Todd & the Monsters, Mike Doughty

[SOFT ROCK] Light up a cigarette made of legal marijuana, kick off your Crocs and let the smooth sounds of Big Head Todd and his motherfucking Monsters wash over you like a great, soothing wave of postEagles spermatozoa. This is music for making sweet love to your wife of 16 years. The big hit for these guys was “Bittersweet,” a tune that lands somewhere between Frisbee golf and real golf. If you like Dave Matthews, had a good time in college without being in a fraternity and love your spouse, why not go see old Big Head Todd? BRACE BELDEN. Wonder Ballroom, 128 NE Russell St. 8 pm. $35. 21+.

SATURDAY, JAN. 16 Russian Old New Year with Chervona

[PARTY HARD] This annual throwdown hosted by Portland’s own Russian folk-punks Chervona is always one of the rowdiest parties of the year, so imagine how crazy it’s going to be for the celebration’s 10th anniversary. The American New Year just pales in comparison. Star Theater, 13 NW 6th Ave., 248-4700. 8 pm. $20. 21+.

Draemhouse, Ah God

[JAMS] Draemhouse only formed last May, but its members are veterans of the Seattle music scene: Bassist Emma Danner is a member of Red Ribbon, guitarist-singer Chris Cheveyo and drummer Pat Schowe were in Rose Windows, and Brock Carless was in Our Mother the Mountain. So far, Draemhouse has just a three-song cassette, Woundlicker, to its name, but the band has clearly defined a superchilled-out psych-rock sound. Short as it may be, Woundlicker starts off with a pretty solid Roxy Music cover, a positive indicator of the band’s taste and what’s hopefully to come. SHANNON GORMLEY. The Know, 2026 NE Alberta St. 8 pm. $6. 21+.

SUNDAY, JAN. 17 Oh Wonder, Gems

[DREAM POP] A couple months ago, Oh Wonder ended a yearlong project. The London duo set out to write,

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Simple ApproAch

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Vinnie Dewayne

vegan Friendly

open 11-10


THE ST. JOHNS SCHOLAR (self-released) [ S T R E ET S T O R I E S ] Vinnie Dewayne is a classic rapper. He tells street-worn stories from the stoop of his povertystricken block, which in his case happens to be in St. Johns. St. Johns Scholar—Dewayne’s fourth free release in five years—establishes him as a hungry, patient lyricist. The 24-year-old is certainly more confident and capable on wax than ever before. His growth is evident on “No Where,” an archetypical breakup tale about a disloyal man which ultimately shatters misogynistic rap tropes with the admission of guilt and remorse. “No Where” proves Dewayne’s not afraid to flip rap standards to reveal harmful cultural cycles—a big move for a young MC. He’s taking cues from political-leaning artists like Kendrick Lamar, a man who proved that protest songs are needed more than ever in 2016. On St. Johns Scholar, Dewayne battles with the cultural inequality he has seen and lived through as a young black man in America. “Give me a clean slate, too late, I understand,” he raps on “Page 37,” “these cuffs on my hands from the jump was a plan.” While Dewayne’s style is certainly within the “conscious rap” lineage, he’s not preachy or overly cerebral. On “Easy,” Dewayne and Myke Bogan—another of Portland’s brightest hip-hop hopefuls—team up for a dynamic, vital back-and-forth about the struggle for success. St. Johns Scholar is an unfettered look at the trials and tribulations of a young and ambitious rap artist in 2016. And he’s from your city. How rare is that? MATTHEW SCHONFELD.

500 NW 21st Ave, (503) 208-2173 kungpowpdx.com

SEE IT: Vinnie Dewayne plays Roseland Theater, 8 NW 6th Ave., with Lupe Fiasco, the Boy Illinois, Billy Blue, ZVerse and Rachel West, on Thursday, Jan. 14. 8 pm. $26.50 general, $40 reserved balcony seating. All ages.

Tiny Knives BLACK HAZE


[PUNK METAL] What to make of the Tiny Knives? Oh yes, I realize that my job as a reviewer is to tell you precisely that, but years upon years of writing about music—music that often at least aesthetically resembles our Tiny Knives here—has not left me equipped with the ability to tell you precisely what I think of this band. I’ll say this: Tiny Knives are a challenging group. It is hard for me to understand a lot of things that are going on here. Melody without hooks. A smattering of spoken word. Bass high in the mix, almost used as a lead instrument. (I understand they’re a trio, but that hardly seems like an excuse when Thin Lizzy recorded Bad Reputation with the same number of people.) By the third time I finished listening to this record, I really felt like I had accomplished something with my day. I felt triumphant, like I could be hit by a bus and keep on going. This is certainly not a good record by any stretch of the imagination, but it is a record, and if that is the metric by which you choose to purchase a product, then by all means buy Black Haze by Tiny Knives. BRACE BELDEN. SEE IT: Tiny Knives play the High Water Mark, 6800 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., with Rabbits, Hooded Hags and Tig Bitty, on Saturday, Jan. 16. 9 pm. $5-$10. 21+. Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com



Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com


dates here

Shemekia Copeland plays Jimmy Mak’s on Wednesday, Jan. 13. record and release one song a month for a year. When the year finished, they assembled all those songs into their self-titled debut. They were probably able to pull the gimmick off because most of their songs sound the same and neatly emulate the smooth hypno-tech you hear all the time, but whatever. It’s at worst pleasant to listen to, and the malefemale vocals are pretty satisfying. Even better, their opening band is Gems—a D.C. duo who makes electronic pop that’s downright ethereal. SHANNON GORMLEY. Doug Fir Lounge, 830 E Burnside St. 8:30 pm. $13 advance, $15 day of show. 21+.

Chris Robley

[SINGER-SONGWRITER] Up until five years ago, a new album of Chris Robley tunes was a Portland music lover’s reliable annual perk— dense, Beatles-y goodness featuring deft wordplay delivered through McCartneyish melodies with a Lennonesque rasp. But that well ran dry. First, Robley switched Portlands on us, moving to Maine, and then turned his verse writing to the page rather than the stage. But Robley returned to Oregon last year to cut a comeback album, and is back again this week for a residency to share new tunes amid a brace of special guests and a batch of Nilsson covers. The new The Great Make Believer sets aside Robley’s baroque-pop past for more rustic Rob Stroup production. Maybe it’s just what that soundscape subtly signifies, maybe it’s a half-decade’s earned maturity, but the emotions on Robley’s new songs seem more sincere and unguarded than in his past work—not that he ever sounded like he was posturing. What a welcome return. JEFF ROSENBERG. McMenamins Al’s Den, 303 SW 12th Ave. 7 pm. Through Jan. 23. Free. 21+.

MONDAY, JAN. 18 Langhorne Slim & the Law, Sawyer Fredericks

[ALT-ROCK AND FOLK] Langhorne Slim tours relentlessly. Just this summer, he played Pickathon, and already, he and his band, the Law, are back for a Portland show. Since 2004, Slim—whose given name is Sean Scolnick—has earned devotees through his high-energy performances, but his recorded works are more than acceptable substitutes. In particular, 2012’s The Way We Move and last year’s The Spirit Moves incorporate lyrical depth and musical subtleties. But as a Portland regular, Langhorne Slim’s return performance is sure to be highly energetic and familial. HILARY SAUNDERS. Wonder Ballroom, 128 NE Russell St., 8:30 pm. $16 advance, $18 day of show. 21+.

TUESDAY, JAN. 19 Suma, Zirakzigil, Hands of Thieves

[SWEDISH DOOM] Sweden’s Suma is in town to record an album with

engineer Billy Anderson, a man whose résumé includes some of the most influential extrememetal albums recorded in the last 20 years. Anderson has a particular knack for recording fuzzedout, Sabbathian doom, into which Suma weave a tight, aggressive groove more reminiscent of altmetal legends Helmet than their more laid-back brethren. You will be hard-pressed to get another chance to see Suma live in the United States in the foreseeable future. If you like your doom with a buzzcut, here is your opportunity. WALKER MACMURDO. Panic Room, 3100 NE Sandy Blvd., 238-0543. 9 pm. $7 advance, $10 day of show. 21+.


[CLASSICAL GUITAR GODDESS] For decades, dudes dominated the guitarist slot in rock bands. The same sexism long plagued classical guitar. But a generation or so ago, female stars began breaking through the barriers, most notably Sharon Isbin, whose career has included more than two dozen recordings, multiple Grammy Awards and an album of the year prize from Guitar Player magazine. She’s studied with Andrés Segovia, collaborated with over 170 orchestras and everyone from Steve Vai to Stanley Jordan to Mark O’Connor to Martin Scorsese (as a featured soloist on the soundtrack to The Departed). In this solo recital, she’ll play classics from the usual Spanish and Latin American suspects, as well as contemporary pieces written for her by Chinese composer Tan Dun, compositions by Bruce MacCombie, and Los Angeles Guitar Quartet founder Andrew York’s folky “Andecy.” BRETT CAMPBELL. First Congregational Church, 1126 SW Park Ave. 8 pm Friday, Jan. 15. $32$52. All ages.

Nareh Arghamanyan

[CLASSICAL PIANO] Still in her 20s, prize-winning Armenian pianist Nareh Arghamanyan has already played with major European orchestras and given acclaimed recitals around the world. Her Sunday program is pretty standard issue Romantic miniatures fare (Rachmaninoff, Schumann, Brahms, Meitner, Balakirev), with a teensy Gershwin garnish. But Saturday afternoon’s program is one of the most intriguing among Portland Piano International’s recitals this season, with music by Armenian composers that is rarely, if ever, performed in this country, plus some Stravinsky (from The Firebird ballet) and Bach’s Goldberg Variations. BRETT CAMPBELL. Lincoln Performance Hall, 1620 SW Park Ave. 4 pm Saturday, Jan. 16. $45. All ages.

For more Music listings, visit Willamette Willamette Week WeekJANUARY JANUARY 13, 13, 20162016wweek.com wweek.com




Goodfoot Pub & Lounge

Alberta Street Pub


1036 NE Alberta St KMUZ Local Roots Live Series

Ash Street Saloon

225 SW Ash Battalion Of Saints, Scalped, Steel Chains

Crystal Ballroom

1332 W Burnside St Black Breath

Duffs Garage

2530 NE 82nd Ave Arthur Moore, Blues Jam


2126 S. W. Halsey ST. Michele Van Kleef and Tim Ellis

Goodfoot Pub & Lounge



1001 SE Morrison St Love Lies Deep Within: Janet Jackson Tribute Night

Jade Lounge

2348 SE Ankeny Ronnie Carrier Hosts

Jimmy Mak’s

221 NW 10th Ave Shemekia Copeland

Justa Pasta

1336 NW 19th Ave Anson Wright Duo

Kelly’s Olympian

426 SW Washington St Husky Boys, Soccer Babes, The Toads

LaurelThirst Public House

2958 NE Glisan St Cascadian Airship and Dig Deep

Mississippi Studios

3939 N Mississippi Ave Little Star


1001 SE Morrison St Thanks, Cat Hoch, Astro Tan

Wonder Ballroom 128 NE Russell St JD McPherson, HoneyHoney

THURS. JAN. 14 Alberta Street Pub 1036 NE Alberta St Bullets & Belles

Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall

1037 SW Broadway Gregory Alan Isakov with the Oregon Symphony

Village Baptist Church 330 SW Murray Blvd. Beaverton Symphony Orchestra - Winter Concert 2016

1624 NW Glisan St I Due Foscari

Mississippi Studios

3939 N Mississippi Ave Nick Jaina, Stelth Ulvang, Ezza Rose Band

Wonder Ballroom

128 NE Russell St Big Head Todd & the Monsters, Mike Doughty

Roseland Theater

8 NW 6th Ave Lupe Fiasco, The Boy Illinois, Billy Blue, ZVerse, Rachel West, Vinnie Dewayne

SAT. JAN. 16 Alberta Street Pub

Smith Memorial Student Union 1825

Revolution Hall

836 N Russell St Water Water

1410 SW Morrison Street 17th Annual Portland Old Time Music Gathering

McMenamins Mission Theater


The White Eagle

Tiffany Center

421 SE Grand Ave Smomid

Panic Room

1300 SE Stark St #110 Devotchka

836 N Russell St King Columbia

Lovecraft Bar

The Firkin Tavern

The Know

The Secret Society

116 NE Russell St Thursday Swing! Featuring The Swingtown Vipers, The High Water Jazz Band

The White Eagle


FRI. JAN. 15 AKA PDX (Also Known As...)

7440 N Lombard David Allan Peters “Paintings” w/Music by Sam Coomes

Aladdin Theater

3017 SE Milwaukie Ave Shawn Colvin

1036 NE Alberta St Resolectrics

G-EAZ LOUISE: The first thing I noticed as I entered Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Jan. 6 was that I, at 26, appeared to be between six and 10 years older than the average attendee of the first stop of G-Eazy’s When It’s Dark Out world tour. A klaxon shriek of screams erupted after the unveiling of his backdrop: a stagewide re-creation of a slummy brothel called “The Saint,” upon which perched Eazy’s drummer, “Blizzy” Blake Robinson, and his DJ. Eazy is tall, classically handsome and clean-cut, sporting a Don Draper haircut and, from what I could tell, no tattoos. He is your friend from middle school your mom thought was charming who grew up to rap about strip clubs and smoking weed, without losing any of that wholesome charm. The set was a run-through of almost all his hits, structured with a short break in the middle for slow jams and climaxing with uber-inspirational white rapper anthem “Me, Myself & I.” Clearly heavily rehearsed, Eazy’s execution of his midpaced, lyrics-first flow was close to technically perfect. He’s the rare artist who bridges the gap between pop music and rap in a way that brings in the adoration of the former without sacrificing the legitimacy of the latter. I don’t know if the economic conditions of the Internet-era music industry can produce another Eminem, but Gerald Gillum has the potential for megastardom that hasn’t been seen since Marshall Mathers. WALKER MACMURDO.

Ash Street Saloon 225 SW Ash The Wild War

Black Water Bar

Artichoke Music

Alberta Rose Theatre

3130 SE Hawthorne Blvd. Acoustic Village

Alberta Street Pub

1028 SE Water Ave Tangerine

Ash Street Saloon 225 SW Ash theGoodSons

Corkscrew Wine Bar

1665 SE Bybee Blvd Mike Winkle/Craig Snazelle Bass and Face Christmas

Duffs Garage

2530 NE 82nd Ave Zydeco Jam


1036 NE Alberta St Mbrascatu

Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall

1037 SW Broadway Forever Tango

Artichoke Music

3130 SE Hawthorne Blvd. Friday Night Coffeehouse

Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com

Artichoke Music

3130 SE Hawthorne Blvd. Paula Boggs Band

Biddy McGraw’s

6000 NE Glisan St Mr. Musu


350 West Burnside Sharon Needles: Taxidermy Tour with DJ Moisti

DeForest House

7145 SE 67th Ave Wendy Rule Portland Oregon House Concert

Doug Fir Lounge

830 E Burnside St Vanessa Carlton

Duffs Garage

2530 NE 82nd Ave Ken Derouchie Band

High Water Mark Lounge

6800 NE MLK Ave Tiny Knives, Rabbits, Hooded Hags, Tig Bitty

Jade Lounge

2348 SE Ankeny Ashley Kervabon, Emily Quisenberry, Jen Deale

Lakeside Bistro

836 NE Broadway XRAY DJ Dave Cantrell’s 60th Birthday Party

3000 NE Alberta St Jonathan Edwards

2215 NE Alberta Sara Tone and The Ancient Wild Concert: Welcoming Back the Light with Cascadia Aloha

The White Eagle

2958 NE Glisan St Lewi Longmire & the Left Coast Roasters

22000 Willamette Dr. Suite #103 New Year’s Eve Ice Cream Party with Olive and Dingo

The Know

116 NE Russell St The Sportin’ Lifers at The Secret Society

LaurelThirst Public House

Bunk Bar

Camellia Lounge at the TeaZone 510 NW 11th Avenue Anandi and Randy Porter

Clinton Street Theater 2522 SE Clinton St Youth Music Show


350 West Burnside

T.S.O.L., Left Alone, Wild Mohicans

Doug Fir Lounge

830 E Burnside St Half Moon Run, Emilie & Ogden

Duffs Garage

2530 NE 82nd Ave Dischords; Jon Koonce


2126 S. W. Halsey ST. Sonny Hess

First Congregational Church

1126 SW Park Ave. Sharon Isbin

Jade Lounge

2348 SE Ankeny Amy Blue

Mississippi Studios

3939 N Mississippi Ave The Blackberry Bushes Stringband, Sugarcane

Smart Collective

6923 se Foster Rd Smart Collective Friday Showcase: We the Body (NYC), The Sadists and La Grippe

Star Theater

13 NW 6th Ave POWER TRIP with Long Knife

Sun Gate Center

2215 NE Alberta Tambura Sound Meditation with Michael Stirling

The Firkin Tavern 1937 SE 11th Ave

Star Theater

13 NW 6th Ave 10th Annual Old New Year with Chervona

The Secret Society

5736 N.E. 33rd Ave. Tanner Cundy


529 SW 4th Avenue The Famous Haydell Sisters Jacked Up Variety Show

116 NE Russell St Brad Parsons Band, The Colin Trio CD Release, Amanda Breese

Kennedy School Theater

Sub Zero Ice Cream & Yogurt

The Jack London Bar

The Secret Society

2348 SE Ankeny A Night with BB and Friends


Strange Chan + Forest Buetel + Wicked Shallows


Jade Lounge

1937 SE 11th Ave Fells Acres + Val Bauer + Laryssa Birdseye

3100 NE Sandy Blvd Dark Measure / Ruines ov Abaddon / Thonis / Aethyrium


2126 S. W. Halsey ST. Trevor Ras

Aladdin Theater

3017 SE Milwaukie Ave Stu Hamm Band

For more listings, check out wweek.com.

E M I LY j O A N g R E E N E

= WW Pick. Highly recommended.

Editor: Matthew Singer. TO HAVE YOUR EVENT LISTED, send show information at least two weeks in advance on the web at wweek.com/ submitevents. Press kits, CDs and especially vinyl can be sent to Music Desk, WW, 2220 NW Quimby St., Portland, OR 97210. Please include show or release date information with all physical mailings. Email: music@wweek.com.

8294 SW Nyberg St Witness Protection

Lincoln Performance Hall 1620 SW Park Ave Nareh Arghamanyan

Lovecraft Bar

421 SE Grand Ave Smoke Rings, Die Robot

Sun Gate Center

The Chinese Village

520 SE 82nd Ave Acoustic Rock, 90’s and more

[JAN. 13-19] Whitsell Auditorium 1219 SW Park Ave. Rhythm and Romance

Wonder Ballroom 128 NE Russell St Oh Wonder

MON. JAN. 18 Bunk Bar

1028 SE Water Ave Sugar Candy Mountain


350 West Burnside Karaoke From Hell


The Firkin Tavern

2126 S. W. Halsey ST. Skip vonKuske

The Know

1507 SE 39th Venom Inc., Necrophagia, Fatal Fix, Chemical Warfare

1937 SE 11th Ave Down Gown + Rllrball + Another Neighbor Disappeared 2026 NE Alberta St Draemhouse, Ah God

The Secret Society 116 NE Russell St 4th Annual Western Winter Formal: The Dalharts, The Easy Leaves, The Earnest Lovers

The Tardis Room

1214 N Killingsworth St Rock show at the Tardis Room

The White Eagle

836 N Russell St Nate Botsford; Reverb Brothers

Waterline Studio

55 NE Farragut St. #4 Embodied Voice with Nini Julia Bang

Wonder Ballroom

128 NE Russell St BoomBox: Bits & Pieces Tour

SUN. JAN. 17 Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall

1037 SW Broadway Musical Zoo

Artichoke Music

3130 SE Hawthorne Blvd. Marie Schumacher & the West Coast Players with Steven Patton & Aaron Elliott

Doug Fir Lounge 830 E Burnside St Oh Wonder, GEMS

Duffs Garage

2530 NE 82nd Ave Catch and Release, The Carotids


2126 S. W. Halsey ST. Billy D

Lakewood Center for the Arts 368 State St Golden Boy - Sunday Evenings

McMenamins Al’s Den

303 SW 12th Ave Chris Robley

Rex Putnam High School Blackbox Theater

4950 SE Roethe Road Glorious!

Hawthorne Theatre

Jade Lounge

2348 SE Ankeny Caleb Paul, Michael Conley

McMenamins Al’s Den 303 SW 12th Ave Chris Robley’s Nilsson Night


525 SE Stark St The Power of Music Davita’s Harp

St David of Wales Church

2800 SE Harrison The Everyone Welcome Community Choir

Wonder Ballroom

128 NE Russell St Langhorne Slim & The Law, Sawyer Fredericks

TUES. JAN. 19 Ash Street Saloon 225 SW Ash Nuclear Nation

Doug Fir Lounge 830 E Burnside St Cas Haley

Duffs Garage

2530 NE 82nd Ave And the Wild Bores, Nathan Payne


2126 S. W. Halsey ST. Henry Hill Kammerer

Goodfoot Pub & Lounge


Kelly’s Olympian

426 SW Washington St Madam Officer, Small Million, Young Elk, Chelsea Appel

LaurelThirst Public House 2958 NE Glisan St Jackstraw

Panic Room

3100 NE Sandy Blvd Suma (Sweden), Zirakzigil, Hands of Thieves

Roseland Theater 8 NW 6th Ave Madeon

The Ranger Station PDX


Star Theater


4260 SE Hawthorne Blvd Bluegrass Tuesdays, w/ Pete Kartsounes and Friends

Revolution Hall

Sun Gate Center

2215 NE Alberta Singing is the Healing Medicine: Raga Singing and Vocal Cultivation with Michael Stirling

The White Eagle

Panic Room

1300 SE Stark St #110 Shoot to Thrill - AC/ DC Tribute / Steelhorse - Bon Jovi Tribute at Revol...

Slim’s PDX

8435 N. Leonard St.

The White Eagle 836 N Russell St Redwood Son

836 N Russell St White Eagle Blues Jam, hosted by Travers Kiley



Where to drink this week. 1. Saraveza

1004 N Killingsworth St., 206-4252, saraveza.com. Saraveza’s new house beer, Breakside-brewed Wisco Tavern Beer, is a smooth cream ale that comes alive with a sprinkle of hoppy bitterness. Plus, the Wisco curse the beer put on the Packers’ Aaron Rodgers doesn’t seem to have extended into the playoffs.

2. Morrison Street Bar & Grill

1205 SE Morrison St., 232-3275. As the surrounding neighborhood gussies itself up, Morrison Street Bar & Grill has increasingly become the low-rent repository for every version of Old Portland weird—whether geekily smart, half-criminal, or merely old and salty, with memories of the old Imperial Roller Rink below the eastside Morrison Bridge that everyone else in the bar refuses to confirm.

3. Home

719 SE Morrison St., 896-2771. The deeply un-Googleable Home has opened in the old Morrison Hotel space with a bright coat of paint—and maybe some too-bright lights. But the beer list and food menu show signs of care, with a seriously meaty short-rib poutine on waffle fries.

4. Skyline Tavern

8031 NW Skyline Blvd., 286-4788, skytav.com. Skyline Tavern’s clientele goes like this: millionaire, poor person, construction worker, millionaire. It might as well be an old Depression-era painting from the Federal Art Project.

5. La Moule

2500 SE Clinton St., 971339-2822, lamoulepdx.com. St. Jack’s cross-river companion bar is a fine place to drink and eat mussels beneath a portrait of black-eyed Serge Gainsbourg, while Television plays in a bar without a television.

A BETTER IDEA: When you walk into Great Notion Brewing (2204 NE Alberta St., No. 101, 548-4491, greatnotionpdx.com), try not to be creeped out by Barack Obama. In the dim light of the brewing area, behind glass, is a life-sized cardboard cutout of the president smiling like Aphex Twin in the “Windowlicker” video. But otherwise, just about every corner has been brightened in the former Mash Tun brewpub, an old-school neighborhood spot that always seemed less like a bar than a backwoods cottage that had fallen into disrepair. Now, even with most of Great Notion’s own brews still pending, the pub has already become the first-ever good beer spot on Alberta Street. The small space looks like a template for the modern Portland brewpub: wood grain everywhere, Timbers scarves hung with care, a beer-barrel display, a patio looking out on food carts, and a chalkboard menu of local ales. The Mash Tun bar staff has stayed on—as has the kitchen staff, with fried-chicken sandwiches and Cubanos available—but these days they’re serving much better beer. The taps in recent months have shown a predilection for saisons, goses, fruit-tinged beers and especially IPAs, which dovetails with the brewing plans. Eventually, Great Notion will make hoppy beers and wild and sour beers—some of which will be aged in clay amphoras on the bar floor. And its first house beer is already a doozy in theory: a kiwi, pear and sauvignon blanc saison. But the flavor accents are subtle enough they’re like a fruit corsage—festive, but mostly decorative. Still, it’s a pleasant beer, and bodes well for the future. Maybe all that hopey-changey stuff will work out for them after all. MATTHEW KORFHAGE.

The Rose

11 SW Ash St. DJ Paypal, DJ Mastercard, Bukkha

WED. JAN. 13 Dig A Pony

736 SE Grand Ave Marti

Lovecraft Bar

421 SE Grand Ave Event Horizon (industrial, EBM, electro)

Plew’s Brew’s

8409 N Lombard St Wiggle Room (electronica, disco, house, hip-hop, downtempo)

The Liquor Store

3341 SE Belmont L Whiz, Geno Cochino

THURS. JAN. 14 Dig A Pony

736 SE Grand Ave REEF & RHONNIE (‘60s, soul, rock’n’roll)

SAT. JAN. 16 Lovecraft Bar

421 SE Grand Ave Shadowplay (EBM/goth/ industrial/darkwave)

FRI. JAN. 15 Dig A Pony

Dig A Pony

Euphoria Nightclub

Lovecraft Bar

315 SE 3rd Ave DELTA HEAVY

Goodfoot Pub & Lounge

Goodfoot Pub & Lounge

Lovecraft Bar



1001 SE Morrison St Act Right: Dimitri, DJ Maxx Bass, DJ Nathan Detroit


3967 N Mississippi Ave Montel Spinozza

SUN. JAN. 17 Dig A Pony

736 SE Grand Ave Emerson Lyon (early 2000s rap and R&B)

Paul Van Dyk

Euphoria Nightclub

315 SE 3rd Ave

3341 SE Belmont Saints of Bass (techno)

736 SE Grand Ave DIRTY RED (boogie)


736 SE Grand Ave Jimbo (‘80s)

The Liquor Store

421 SE Grand Ave


MON. JAN. 18 Dig A Pony

736 SE Grand Ave LAMAR (boogie, edits, modern dance)



3967 N. Mississippi The Central Experience with Gulls & Mr. Peepers


9343 N Saint Louis ave DJ Nombre Apellido

TUES. JAN. 19 Dig A Pony

736 SE Grand Ave Atom 13

Lovecraft Bar

421 SE Grand Ave Mood Ring Dance Party

Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com



= WW Pick. Highly recommended. Most prices listed are for advance ticket sales. At-the-door increases and so-called convenience charges may apply, so it’s best to call ahead. Editor: ENID SPITZ. Theater: ENID SPITZ (espitz@wweek.com). Comedy: MIKE ACKER (macker@wweek.com). Dance: ENID SPITZ (dance@wweek.com). TO BE CONSIDERED FOR LISTINGS, submit information at least two weeks in advance to: espitz@wweek.com.


Four urban teens strapped for cash get sucked into sex trafficking in Milagro’s Fertile Ground offering, a world premiere written by the theater’s top creative, Olga Sanchez. Adriana’s entrapment in a black hole of internet porn and prostitution is based on stories Sanchez sourced from local teens and aid groups. Filtering these accounts through Milagro’s trademark Latin lens, she and director Francisco Garcia add a heavy dose of hip-hop, poetry and dance. Recommended for ages 13+. Talks by representatives from Planned Parenthood, Lifeworks NW and Youth Ending Slavery will run after many shows. Performances Jan. 21-23 are part of the Fertile Ground festival. Milagro Theatre, 525 SE Stark St., 236-7253. 7:30 pm Thursday-Saturday and 2 pm Sunday, Jan. 14-23. $25.

Ethyl’s Pies: A Comedy of Deception in Two Acts

An iconic pie joint, once lauded for its baked goods and snarky service, becomes a microcosm for social commentary in this Fertile Ground premiere from Spring 4th co-founders Tobin Gollihar and Ian Paul Sieren. The small theater company is taking on the theme of our times: transitioning community. In a darkly comedic look at what happens when gentrification looms, Ethyl’s Pies puts the diner’s old school denizens under a microscope. There’s the counter staff, elusive owner and the health inspector, and Gollihar and Sieren mine them all for wry lines about social change. Y Arts Little Theater, 6036 SE Foster Road. 7:30 pm Friday-Sunday, Jan. 15-Feb. 7. $15.

Geronimo Stilton: Mouse in Space

Oregon Children’s Theatre stages the epic space journey of Geronimo, star rodent of Elisabetta Dami’s Geronimo Stilton book series. When evil forces attack his home in New Mouse City, Geronimo lives up to his name (first, not last) and gets launched into space to head the rescue mission. Low income students get a free ticket and a book to bring home as part of the Ticket to Read program. Newmark Theatre, 1111 SW Broadway, 228-9571. 2 and 5 pm Saturday, 11 am and 2 pm Sunday, through Feb. 14. $18-$32.


Violin and prizefighting are cousin crafts, at least for 1930s legend Joe Bonaparte. In this 1937 Broadway classic by Clifford Odets, Joe seems golden as a violin prodigy, until the glamour of the ring ropes him in. Lakewood—the little Oswego theater that could—might be playing it safe here, but they’re planning a strong showing at the Fertile Ground Festival later this month, so this is a good chance for die-hard grounders to test the waters at their home base. Extra shows 7 pm Sunday, Jan.17 and 7:30 pm Wednesday, Jan. 20. Lakewood Center for the Arts, 368 S State St., Lake Oswego, 635-3901. 7:30 pm ThursdaySaturday and 2 pm Sunday, through Feb. 14. $32.

The Book of Mormon

“So good it makes me angry.” Jon Stewart said that. If you haven’t heard, this everything-busting musical from the creators of South Park is the pinnacle of our generation’s theater, lauded by everyone from your grandmother to your bank teller. Go see it and start the praise yourself. Keller Auditorium, 222 SW Clay St., 800-273-1530. 7:30 pm Tuesday-


Saturday; 2 pm & 7:30 pm Saturday; 1 pm & 6:30 pm Sunday, Jan. 13-24. $40-$154.

COMEDY & VARIETY American Comedy: Tribute to Andy Kaufman

On January 17th, comedic genius, wrestling superstar and all-around weirdo, Andy Kaufman, would have been 67 years old. But since he’s not around to celebrate, American Comedy has decided to create a reality bending night of comedy to honor this one-ofa-kind funnyman. This meta narrative multimedia comedy variety show with a sincere emotional core features stars Paul Schlesinger, Jason Traeger and Milan Patel, and features contributions from Andrew Michaan, Nathan Brannon, Bri Pruett, Philip Schallberger, Christian Ricketts and Tim Ledwith. Holocene, 1001 SE Morrison St., 239-7639. 9 pm Sunday, Jan. 17. Free.

Andy Kindler: Live and Impersonal

Known for his sardonic joke telling that has branded him a bit of a comedy troublemaker, Andy Kindler is a staple of the indie comedy community. A frequent guest and correspondent for The Late Show with David Letterman, Kindler has also appeared on Maron and Bob’s Burgers and been a judge for Last Comic Standing. He brings his new show to Portland for one night only. For his stop in Portland, Kindler will be getting support from local phenomenon Sean Jordan. Mississippi Studios, 3939 N Mississippi Ave., 288-3895. 7:30 pm Saturday, Jan. 16. $12-$15. 21+.

Control Yourself

JoAnn Schinderle’s now weekly comedy showcase continues to blaze into its second year. Taking on Northeast Portland one Sunday night at a time, Schinderle welcomes Coor Cohen, Tim Ledwith, Hutch Harris and Andrew Michaan to the stage at Alberta Street Pub for some hilarious standup. Alberta Street Pub, 1036 NE Alberta St., 284-7665. 9 pm Sunday, Jan. 17. Free. 21+.

Evan Kalik Presents the Man Who Wouldn’t Kill Cats

When happens when you get bored of your cat because it turns out the sentient being that you bought for your own amusement doesn’t actually produce its own viral content and needs stuff like food and basic medical attention? You donate it to a shelter. And a lot of times, those shelters will kill cats that don’t get adopted. Dismayed by this, Evan Kalik founded the Cat Adoption Team in the hopes of saving lives, though he’s no longer involved with the group. He recounts his story in The Man Who Wouldn’t Kill Cats. Annie Bloom’s Books, 7834 SW Capitol Highway, 246-0053. 7 pm Tuesday, Jan. 19.

Get Wet

Turn up your Taco Tuesday with a little bit of comedy. Hosted by Ali Reingold, Neeraj Srinivasan and Chris Khatami, Get Wet features hilarious local comics, disco balls, rum drinks served in plastic buckets and a giant pirate. This week’s installment will showcase the comedic talents of Andrew Michaan, Nathan Brannon, Andie Main, Trevor Thorpe and Kelly Richardson. Splash Bar, 904 NW Couch St., 893-5551. 7:30 pm Tuesday, Jan. 19. Free. 21+.

Helium Presents: Greg Proops

The Smartest Man in the World is coming to the Rose City. A frequent guest on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson and

Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com

Cats and Stuff PAULA POUNDSTONE FEELS AT HOME IN PORTLAND. The storied career of comedian Paula Poundstone dovetails with many of the funniest people that comedy has ever produced. Poundstone started in the same Boston venues that launched Steven Wright and Bobcat Goldthwait, then landed in San Francisco—where she became friends with Robin Williams—and went on to do Home Movies, a show created by Loren Bouchard and Brendon Small. Now, she claims to have the most losses on NPR’s Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me! news quiz. Before her shows at the Aladdin Theater, Poundstone told us about her career, and her cats. WW: You seem to have a lot in common with Portland—we were recently recognized as the city with the most cat ladies, and we have a cat cafe. That is the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard of. It’s very Portland. We do have 15 cats, so all I ever do is clean. I’m like a very unprofitable farmer. I’m constantly feeding and cleaning, and cleaning and cleaning. I’m never going to get more. I’m an idiot, I don’t know why I have 15. When they throw up, it’s not like they don’t know it’s coming. They could go to an easier-to-clean place, but their favorite thing to do is run around in a panic so I have to clean several surfaces. Chelsea Lately, and probably best known for his appearances on Whose Line is it Anyway?, Greg Proops is one of the smartest and wittiest comedians around. Proops has performed standup around the world, voiced a character in The Phantom Menace and comes to Portland for a five-show, three-night engagement that is certain to learn you a thing or two about stuff. Helium Comedy Club, 1510 SE 9th Ave., 888-643-8669. 8 pm Thursday, Jan. 14, 7:30 & 10 pm FridaySaturday, Jan. 15-16. $15-$32. 21+.

Paula Poundstone

Paula Poundstone is living comedy legend. She’s been telling jokes on stage for almost 30 years, and is currently a regular panelist on NPR’s comedy news quiz show Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me! Poundstone, a veteran of classic comedy scenes in Boston and San Francisco, sold out her first Portland show and has added a second. Be sure not to miss it. Aladdin Theater, 3017 SE Milwaukie Ave., 234-9694. 7 & 9:30 pm Saturday, Jan. 16. $33.50-$35.

You started comedy in Boston and San Francisco. What was that scene like? In San Francisco in the ’80s, the audiences loved the idea that they were in on the ground floor of something. You didn’t have to be a really polished act. When I was at the Other Cafe in San Francisco, the people watching were about as broke as the comics. When we talked about how we lived, it made sense to them. And how did you get into Home Movies? Ron Lynch I’ve known for a thousand years. I did another show with Tom Snyder Productions and Loren Bouchard that was originally called Science Court, but they changed the name to Squigglevision. The reason is just embarrassing: ABC was afraid that if they used the word “science,” people wouldn’t watch. How do you like comedy clubs versus theaters? In theaters, people aren’t drinking and coming and going. When I used to work clubs, there’s a certain time of night when the waitresses put the checks out, and all of a sudden everybody is looking through their wallets. I don’t like them to go into fiscal mode when they’re listening to me. Have you worked current politics into your act? I’m trying, but so much of it is repulsive. Years ago, when I used to do The Tonight Show, Jay Leno would always say to me, “If you make fun of Republicans, you got to make fun of Democrats,” and I always said, “No you don’t.” I’ll make fun of whatever I feel like making fun of. MIKE ACKER. SEE IT: Paula Poundstone is at the Aladdin Theater, 3017 SE Milwaukie Ave., 234-9694. 7 and 9:30 pm Saturday, Jan. 16. $33.50-$35.


The latest venture of local comedian Elizabeth Teets and her partner in crime, culture enthusiast Sabine Rear, PopulariTea mixes comedy with a tea party and adds a unique twist. In this special showcase, comics riff on pop culture topics pulled from the audience, adding their personal takes on the cultural news of the day to their acts in an effort to create smart, funny and maybe even classy comedy. For this month’s installment, Elizabeth and Sabine welcome their friends and local favorites Scoot Herring, Julia Ramos and Nariko Ott. MIKE ACKER. The Tea Zone and Camellia Lounge, 510 NW 11th Ave., 341-6806. 6:30 pm Saturday, Jan. 16. Free. The Tea Zone and Camellia Lounge, 510 NW 11th Ave. 6:30 pm Saturday, Jan. 16. Free.

Tally Ho

Get ready for a sweet new showcase featuring some of Portland’s best and funniest comics. Hosted by Venu Mattraw, Ahmed Radheyyan and an “artificial” and “intelligent” DIY droid named Simon, the

inaugural installment of Tally Ho features Veronica Heath, Jason Traeger, JoAnn Schinderle, Andie Main, Manuel Hall and Milan Patel. Alongside the hilarity there will be a raffle with prizes both fancy and odd. MIKE ACKER. My Father’s Place, 532 SE Grand Ave., 235-5494. 8:30 pm Saturday, Jan. 16. Free ($5 suggested donation). 21+.* My Father’s Place, 532 SE Grand Ave. 8:30 pm Saturday, Jan. 16. Free.

DANCE Ancestry in Motion

Giving traditional folklore a contemporary spin, Rejoice! Diaspora Dance Theater aims to connect tradition with current events, through dance. The international group of musician-dancers mines subjects including the African roots of jazz and house music, police brutality in the media and a deity of the ocean named Yemaya. Headwaters Theatre, 55 NE Farragut St., No. 9, 404-2350. 7 pm Friday-Saturday, 5 pm Sunday, Jan. 15-17. $16-$20.


Touring circus, burlesque, comedy and acrobatics company Spiegelword is coming to Portland for the first time, taking over a parking lot at the Rose Quarter with a tent full of Cirque du Soleilstyle entertainment. Billed as an adult extravaganza, it’ll have contortionists, a woman who goes by Miss in a Bubble suspended in a Perspex orb, a trio called Gorilla Girls who palace in pyramids on each other, spitting tops and something billed as 3D graffiti. Spiegel means mirror in German—we’re thinking this world leans funhouse. Rose Quarter Benton Lot, 542 N Broadway, 800-745-3000. 7 pm TuesdaySunday and 9 pm Friday-Saturday, through Jan. 17. $25-$99.

Éowyn Emerald & Dancers

Éowyn Emerald Barrett is hitting 2016 hard with her highly musical performances of contemporary dance. Last week, she invited some of the best choreographers in the Northwest to her annual Pacific Dance Makers, but this weekend is all her. She’s reprising her 2014 work for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe— arguably the biggest annual arts showcase in the world—to celebrate being accepted to the festival again this year. In the hour-long show of seven dances, Barrett pushes boundaries with an anti-war company piece and pays homage to retro jazz in her own solo. Imago Theatre, 17 SE 8th Ave., 231-9581. 7:30 pm ThursdaySaturday, Jan. 14-16. $20.

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REELING IT IN: (From left) Jacob Coleman, Cristi Miles, Rebecca Lingafelter and Paige McKinney.

Winning Sea Legs

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There is nothing worse than nothing where once there was something. That’s a sentiment echoed throughout Juli Crockett’s Or, The Whale, a melodic, entrancing and downright bizarre interpretation of Moby Dick from Portland Experimental Theater Ensemble that is a kick in the emotional gut. Simply put, it’s a story about a man who lost his leg. But as everyone who supposedly read Moby Dick knows, there is more behind Ahab’s maniacal quest than revenge. In a meditation on loss and the desperate search to become whole, Or, The Whale is in turns poignant, humorous and strange. Four performers play four versions of Captain Ahab, each with a leg painted ivory that clicks with every step, and huge sheets of silver covering the walls shimmer like water. Cabin boy Pip (Amber Whitehall) tumbles around the stage, whispering insights and singing sea shanties while the Ahabs lament their loss in dueling monologues and the disembodied voice of The Deep (Paige McKinney in a vintage diver’s helmet) reverberates, tinged with the dispassionate menace of HAL 9000. Crafted more as an epic poem than a traditional play, the language itself gives this story its structure. Dialogue is shouted, whispered and sung, with the musicality of the words often surpassing their meaning. Crockett describes the structure as a balancing act—don’t let the words spoil the music, nor the sounds engulf the script. The four Ahabs (Jacob Coleman, Rebecca Lingafelter, Cristi Miles and Maureen Porter) handle this challenge deftly, infusing their rants with boiling rage and fathomless despair. It’s rare to find a playful existential quest, one that digs deeply but doesn’t take itself too seriously. But Crockett’s manipulation of language in the hands of an enthusiastic cast becomes a joyful journey into the mind of a madman, and ourselves. When the three-person soliloquy on “The Rule of Finding and Forgetting” hits the stage, depending on how much weed you’ve just smoked, it will probably blow your mind. PENELOPE BASS. Or, The Whale beautifully twists Moby Dick.

SEE IT: Or, The Whale is at Diver Studio Theater at Reed College, 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd. 7:30 pm WednesdaySunday, Jan. 9-23. Jan. 21-23 performances are part of Fertile Ground. $25. Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com



By ENID SPITZ. TO BE CONSIDERED FOR LISTINGS, submit show information—including opening and closing dates, gallery address and phone number—at least two weeks in advance to: Visual Arts, WW, 2220 NW Quimby St., Portland, OR 97210. Email: espitz@wweek.com.

The Emotional Life of Objects


= WW Pick. Highly recommended.

Every object has a story. For this joint exhibit at Bullseye, mixed media artists Silvia Levenson, Dante Marioni and Heidi Schwegler unpack the complexities of “objecthood” with pieces of crafted, repurposed and combined materials like metal and ceramic. The finished works shine light on how we look at objects, making us reconsider their emotional lives, from production and function to symbolic or cultural significance. HILARY TSAI. Through March 26. Bullseye Projects, 300 NW 13th Ave., 227-0222. Free.

24 Hour Empire

In 1964, Andy Warhol made a six-hourlong film of the Empire State Building because he wanted to watch time moving across an object. On Empire’s 50th anniversary, photographer Josh Michaels set out to create a modernized, 24-hour version. Michaels doesn’t expect anyone to watch that long, so he set up nine retro video monitors, each showing different portions of the footage. This allows the viewer to watch the sun rise and fall over the ESB in just over two and a half hours. The full footage is also projected, haunting and monumental, on one of the gallery walls and, preciously, in the window, so that passersby can watch when the gallery is closed. In a savvy nod to Warhol’s kitschy commercialism, the gallery is selling massproduced postcard sets, flip books and lenticular prints of the building, all from stills Michaels took during filming. JENNIFER RABIN. Through Jan. 16. Upfor, 929 NW Flanders St., 227-5111. Free.


Charles Siegfried’s first solo show at Blackfish is a bombshell success. Literally, his acrylic collage paintings explode with color, refusing to be confined to a standard 18” x 24” canvas. This may be why Siegfried has resorted to ripping up bits of the surface and attaching things like crumpled newspaper and household objects to be layered over in paint. The pièce de résistance, entitled You All Alone in These Streets Cousin, is a monstrous and abstract jumble of blues, purples, yellows and greens, in which you can’t make out much more than a crying face and an army tank at first. But closer examination reveals Siegfried’s careful layering process—a mirror, perhaps, for the many inscrutable meanings that one might extract from the work. HILARY TSAI. Through Jan. 30. Blackfish Gallery, 420 NW 9th Ave., 224-2634. Free.

Contact Expo

Five artists from the collaborative group DLS (Downtown Light and Sound Solution) will create an immersive audio-visual experience that continually changes as the artists explore new possibilities afforded by 3-D projection mapping, innovative speaker arrangements, circuit-based technology and more. This six-weeklong exhibition, curated by Chiara Giovando, is part of Disjecta’s Season 5 curator-in-residence program, Sound is Matter. HILARY TSAI. Through Jan. 17. Disjecta, 8371 N Interstate Ave., 286-9449. Free.

Gabe Brown


Straight Shot

“The military,” Portland photographer Jim Lommasson says, “is an incubator for creating anti-war activists.” Veterans’ photos paper the He planned to focus on the domeswalls of Blue Sky Gallery. tic lives of soldiers who made it back safely from Iraq and Afghanistan in a photo series called Exit Wounds (now on display at Blue Sky Gallery). As the son of a tight-lipped Vietnam veteran, Lommasson thought it best not to dig too deeply into the soldiers’ experiences overseas. But the 50 soldiers whom the artist interviewed and photographed proved him wrong. “They all wanted to talk about life during war,” he says, “about what they did and what they lost.” The exhibition is a visceral punch. A towering monolith of images greets and overwhelms you when you walk into Blue Sky. The gallery’s tallest wall is covered floor-to-ceiling with the 1,000 snapshots that Lommasson collected from veterans. Most of the 4-by-6-inch prints hang too high to see clearly. But peering at snapshots closer to eye level— as so many First Thursday patrons did, stepping close enough to make the shiny prints matte with mouth-breathing—you zoom into the sideby-side realities and mundanities of war. A Jeep fender caked with blood, friends playing air guitar, weapons practice, the beautiful face of a local child, a sunset, carnage. On the other three walls, portraits of servicemen and women in their everyday environments hang above their accounts of wartime. The most affecting pairings have a photograph and text that are strikingly at odds— like the portrait of a carefree young father holding his daughter’s hand at a carnival, with a quote below that describes brutal torture that “looked like a frat house gang rape.” Exit Wounds suggests that this generation of veterans packs a different attitude on the way home. They want us to know there is no dividing line between us and them. Anyone put in terrible circumstances might make choices they will have to explain for the rest of their lives. The photography is secondary to the stories, Lommasson acknowledges. “I see it as an illustrated oral history,” he says. “It isn’t about flexing my muscles as a photographer. We need to hear what they have to say, not what other people have to say for them.” JENNIFER RABIN. SEE IT: Exit Wounds is at Blue Sky Gallery, 122 NW 8th Ave. Through Jan. 31.


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Internalized Forms

The Sockeye ad agency studio may seem like an odd venue for a solo show, but its first collaboration with Worksound International makes us hope there’s more to come. Jason Vance Dickason’s acrylic paintings are abstract with a cool, muted palette that hints at the sobriety of an internal office space. But imaginative shapes and swoops keep the work from appearing too clinical. Most visitors are drawn to the large-scale piece at the front entrance, but the real star is an untitled triptych that’s strategically placed on a blank wall and features dark, abstracted window blinds with just a touch of luminous sky peeking through. It’s ingenious how these architectural paintings hint at the space around them. HILARY TSAI. Through Feb. 28. Sockeye, 240 N Broadway, No. 301, 226-3843. Free.


Jinie Park’s color washed canvases do not hang complacently in the gallery, as we have come to expect from paintings. Some climb the walls like vertical ramps, tapered at the bottom, expanding to a foot thick as they approach the ceiling. Others change the shape of the room by nestling into corners, replacing right angles with hard diagonal planes or soft convex hollows. The work takes a sledgehammer to the conventional idea of art-gallery-as-boring-whitebox. By making the pieces dynamic and sculptural, the artist not only engages the gallery in a different way, but also the viewers, many of whom can be seen with their faces close to the work, trying to figure out how Park has managed to bend their perception of space. JENNIFER RABIN. Through Jan. 30. Elizabeth Leach Gallery, 417 NW 9th Ave., 224-0521. Free.

New Paintings Recent Bombings

Alex Lilly’s subject matter is horrific— nuclear blasts tinged with jet-black smoke against a backdrop of pristine teal sky, or molten rubble collapsing amid heat waves that seem palpable enough to burn through his canvases. Lilly’s apocalyptic works blast you with beauty in the wake of chaos, and his thick, rich swirls of paint in fiery oranges that conjure the flesh-melting heat of radiation and fire were so successful last month that Right Side Art is hosting them for another. He’s added a series of 6-inch square paintings of the St. Johns Bridge on fire, but he’ll be hard-pressed to top his own spectacle—during December’s First Thursday Lilly set one of his life-sized Riot Cop prints on fire. HILARY TSAI. Through Jan. 30. Right Side Art, 625 NW Everett St., No. 103. Free.

Winter Group

Winter Group is mostly large prints from artists who have recently shown at the Hartman Gallery, this collection’s central theme is the interplay between nature and human civilization. Some portray nature as a sublime force, like the ocean front that dwarfs the tiny figure on the shoreline in Jeffrey Conley’s “Figure and Tide.” Others, like Holly Andres’ “Summer of the Hornets #5” are glimpses into the bittersweet moments of everyday domestic life. It’s a small collection, but these artists cover a range of subjects, from outdoor recreation to racial tension and the balance between man-made structures and natural formations. HILARY TSAI. Through Jan. 30. Charles A. Hartman Fine Art, 134 NW 8th Ave., 287-3886. Free.

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Gabe Brown’s mixed media works and oil paintings on linen are inspired by places real and imagined, sculptural plans and the artist’s musings on subjects like home and identity. Strong, yet playful, Brown’s painting mix matte earth tones, textured imprints on wood and mesh materials to form a backdrop for the lively geometric shapes in front. For Brown, who never dreamt of a career other than painting, the work is more than what meets the eye; it is an embodiment of self. HILARY TSAI. Through Jan. 30. Butters Gallery, 157 NE Grand Ave., 248-9378. Free.

Kendra Larson

These acrylic landscapes by Kendra Larson are unlike any you’ve ever seen. Inspired by personally significant areas in her native Oregon, Larson recreates the majesty of an icy pine forest in a way that meshes a deep connection to place with elements of folk magic and whimsy. The sweeping, emotive quality of the brushstrokes in works like Moths and Malheur borders on impressionism, while subtle details like the pattern on a moth’s wing make us zoom in to appreciate the finer touches. Larson’s innovative use of color and hybrid technique place her within the contemporary category, but the ultimate takeaway from her work is the view of nature as an enduring source of comfort and inspiration. HILARY TSAI. Through Jan. 30. Augen Gallery, 716 NW Davis St., 546-5056. Free.

Publishes: February 24, 2016 Space Reservation & Materials Deadline: Thursday, February 4 at 10AM Call: 503.243.2122 | Email: advertising@wweek.com reserVe yOur sPaCe TODay!

BOOKS = WW Pick. Highly recommended. By JAMES HELMSWORTH. TO BE CONSIDERED FOR LISTINGS, submit lecture or reading information at least two weeks in advance to: WORDS, WW, 2220 NW Quimby St., Portland, OR 97210. Email: words@wweek.com. Fax: 243-1115.

THURSDAY, JAN. 14 Carlos Labbé

Loquela is the fourth novel (second with an English translation) by Carlos Labbé. Widely considered one of the Spanish language’s best contemporary writers, Loquela finds Labbé spinning a sort of detective yarn, replete with albino children playing strange games and cities that disappear when you exit childhood. Powell’s Books on Hawthorne, 3723 SE Hawthorne Blvd., 228-4651. 7:30 pm. Free.

Jason Gurley

When her twin sister dies in a freak accident, Eleanor’s life starts falling apart. Things worsen when strange, mystical things begin happening to Eleanor, like walking through a door at school and finding herself in an open field. In his sixth novel, Eleanor, Portlander Jason Gurley blends magical realism with an exploration of grief. Powell’s City of Books, 1005 W Burnside St., 228-4651. 7:30 pm. Free.

Jennifer Bosworth

Teenager Kenna has some horrific powers she can’t contain. But just as she thinks she’s got them under control, they come back and wreak more havoc. She’s exiled to a commune, where her grandmother serves as her mentor. The Killing Jar is the latest from YA author Jennifer Bosworth. Powell’s at Cedar Hills Crossing, 3415 SW Cedar Hills Blvd., 2284651. 7 pm. Free.

FRIDAY, JAN. 15 Frances Backhouse

This country used to be lousy with beavers, so much so that a bunch of xenophobes nicknamed a state and its finest city after them, and even put one on their wacky, two-sided flag. Of course, once they realized they could make money killing the critters, they almost wiped them out. In her latest book, Once They Were Hats: In Search of the Mighty Beaver, longtime environmental journalist Frances Backhouse explores our relationship with these bucktoothed captains of industry, and the way it might progress in the future. Powell’s City of Books, 1005 W Burnside St., 228-4651. 7:30 pm. Free.

SUNDAY, JAN. 17 Sam Lansky

His junior year of high school, Time deputy culture editor Sam Lansky moved from Portland to Manhattan, enrolled in one of those schools that’s named like The [some WASP name] School and ended up with a nasty prescription pill habit. It took him from backrooms of New York’s scuzziest clubs, to the wilderness in Utah, to New Orleans, all of which he recounts in The Gilded Razor. Required reading for all West Hills trophy children. Powell’s City of Books, 1005 W Burnside St., 228-4651. 7:30 pm. Free.

MONDAY, JAN. 18 Paul Levy

In his last book, Dispelling Wetiko, Paul Levy used a mix of shamanism and Jungian psychology to show how most of the world is psychologically sick. In his newest book, Awakened by Darkness, he turns the microscope on himself, demonstrating the ways in which he’s psychologically and spiritually sick. The perfect belated Christmas gift for your aunt who owns lots of shawls and turquoise and doesn’t celebrate Christmas because it’s “appropriated from nobel pagan traditions.” Powell’s City of Books, 1005 W Burnside St., 228-4651. 7:30 pm. Free.



Ursula K. Le Guin LATE IN THE DAY Never before has a book so perfectly coincided with the circumstances of reading it than Late in the Day (PM Press, 112 pages, $18.95). The new poetry collection from Portland author/hero Ursula K. Le Guin had been sitting on my desk for about a week when the Internet went down, someone borrowed my phone to make a call and suddenly I was distressingly deviceless and needed something immediately to occupy my brain and eyeballs. “But here, in the midst of our orgy of being lords of creation, texting as we drive,” Le Guin writes on the book’s first page, “it’s hard to put down the smartphone and stop looking for the next technofix.” “Fuck,” I thought. “Is Ursula Le Guin watching me?” But that’s exactly what humans would think, that the whole thing is about them. Le Guin’s poems are about the rocks, the creeks, the planets, the more-permanent-thanus furniture of the universe that looks still to us, but only because we’re moving so quickly. Le Guin sees motion in everything and demands that we, too, look up from our phones and notice the details and histories of things, as she does in her poem “Salt”: “The salt in the small bowl looks up at me/with all its little glittering eyes and says:/I am the dry sea./Your blood tastes of me.” Maybe it’s a function of getting old, this reverence for the parts of nature that decay at a much slower rate than we do. But one could argue that the long view isn’t new for Le Guin, whose work frequently involves the solid pieces of the world and the misty cover of myth. Le Guin believes that poetry is the tool we need to repair our broken relationship with the physical world. “One way to stop seeing trees, or rivers, or hills as ‘natural resources,’” she writes in her foreword, “is to class them as fellow beings—kinfolk.” Late in the Day intertwines our human stories with those of gnats and fireflies and stars and distant galaxies, in the hope that readers will look up, look out and see the world before, for them, it’s gone. “It will be dark in that night when/the deep basalt shifts and sighs,/headlands collapse, cliffs fail.” she writes in “Geology of the Northwest Coast.” “Then/the tumult of the seas returning./And silence./The slow drift of stars.” LIZZY ACKER. GO: Ursula K. Le Guin reads at Powell’s City of Books, 1005 W Burnside St., 228-4651. 7:30 pm Wednesday, Jan. 13. Free.

For more Books listings, visit Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com




= WW Pick. Highly recommended. Editor: ENID SPITZ. TO BE CONSIDERED FOR LISTINGS, send screening information at least two weeks in advance to Screen, WW, 2220 NW Quimby St., Portland, OR 97210. Email: espitz@wweek.com. Fax: 243-1115.


The Oscars are looming and the predictions are rolling in. Charlie Kaufman’s Anomalisa opens Friday, in the heat of awards season, and it’s already a favorite. Based on our foolproof examination of other collaborations combining adult cartoons with indie darlings resulting in critical acclaim, Kaufman’s Kickstarter-funded, stop-motion love tragedy has the odds in its favor.


Michael Bay’s new action-gasm, subtitled The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, promises CGI combat scenes and ignorantly patriotic portrayals of American heroism in a conflict much more complex than John Krasinski carrying an M4 rifle. Screened after deadline. See wweek.com for Sophia June’s review. R. AUTHOR. Cedar Hills, Eastport, Clackamas, Mill Plain, Cornelius, Oak Grove, Cinema 99, Bridgeport, City Center, Division, Evergreen, Hilltop, Lloyd Center, Movies on TV, Pioneer Place, Sherwood, Tigard, Wilsonville, Sandy.


Anomalisa is an R-rated stop-motion animated feature that just squeezed in with its Dec. 30 Hollywood release date, and it’s in the same pile with the universally adored Inside Out and Pixar’s The Good Dinosaur. The neat, 90-minute package of soulwrenching indie cinema is about a motivational speaker named Michael (David Thewlis) and the bubbly sales rep Lisa (Jen-

nifer Jason Leigh), who brings a glimmer of hope to his shitty life. Stripping human insecurities bare on his signature couch of psychoanalytic filmmaking—and adding puppet sex—Kaufman takes every risk to alienate viewers. But has the filmmaker nabbed his miserable love story a chance in the Oscar race with a pair of mainstream legs? Co-director

Indie Darling

Cartoon for Grown-Ups

Charlie Kaufman

King of the Hill

Duke Johnson is behind Adult Swim’s Mary Shelley’s Frankenhole, and King of the Hill’s James Fino is an executive producer. Already, it’s the first animated movie to win a Grand Jury Prize at the Venice International Film Festival. We noticed that many indie darlings paired with mainstream adult cartoons make strong festival awards contenders. Not such an anomaly after all.

An Evening With Lion Attack Motion Pictures

D After founding Lion Attack Motion Pictures in the Pacific Northwest, the indie company’s three idiosyncratic filmmakers then scattered to the far corners of Canada and the States. Now they’re reuniting to showcase a series of films so weird they really only make sense if you’re high (see page 52 for Lauren Terry’s fully doped review). There’s Paradise Falls—a short in which two boys squat in an abandoned mansion and hunt neighborhood cats when their frozen pizza supply runs out—and an homage to Dutch artist Bas Jan Ader, but the real star is a 41-second clip flashing Drake’s face. NR. ENID SPITZ. NW Film Center’s Whitsell Auditorium. 7 pm Wednesday, Jan. 13.

From Bombay to Bollywood

For the second week of its primer in Indian cinema, the NW Film Center continues debunking the “song and a wedding” stereotype with 10 movies sponsored by East India Grill, DJ Anjali and the government of India. In Mother India, the laborious life of a poor woman named Radha stands as allegory for India’s path to independence (1 pm Saturday, Jan. 16). At the opposite end, 1965’s Charulata presents a visually decadent profile of one affluent Bengali wife (2 pm Sunday, Jan. 17). NR. NW Film Center’s Whitsell Auditorium.

Far from eternally sunshiny, the spotless mind behind Being John Malkovich and Adaptation is all about blackened hearts and bleak, beautiful scenes. He is lent extra indie cred by being 3 inches shorter than Tom Cruise.

Producer James Fino


Grand Special Jury Prize at the Venice Film Festival.

Family Guy

Neil deGrasse Tyson No one can unite the starry-eyed Trek and Wars camps like a Bronx-born NASA contributor who won academic immortality with a thesis about something called “the Galactic bulge.”


Creator Seth McFarlane Practically everything he touches turns instantly into a little pee in America’s collective pop-culture pants.

Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey Emmy Awards for music and writing; Critics’ Choice TV Awards for Best Reality Series and Host. Carl Sagan’s ghost support.


D- We live in a country where a disturbingly large percentage of the population believes the moon landings were a hoax, so a movie that plays out this elaborate conspiracy seems like fertile comedic ground. Take an unhinged CIA agent (Ron Perlman) and send him to 1969 psychedelic London to persuade Stanley Kubrick to direct a fake Apollo mission. Perlman inadvertently hires a money-hungry band manager (Rupert Grint), posing as Kubrick’s agent. The two unlikely collaborators carry out the staged moon landing themselves, a process which apparently requires a lot of gratuitous head bashing. Moonwalkers proves that without a strong vision or a clear point of view on the part of the filmmaker, it is impossible to pull off satire, social commentary, and Tarantino-esque ultraviolence. In the hands of first-time film director Antoine Bardou-Jacquet, this story is neither funny nor does it have anything to say. Though with a script this thin, it would have been difficult for even a seasoned filmmaker to make much of it. R. JENNIFER RABIN. Cinema 21.

Norm of the North

C- This 86-minute animated movie

about a polar bear trying to save the Arctic feels more like a three-hour movie about animals dancing. Norm, the film’s clumsy protagonist, is a less


Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com

South Park Co-creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone

Scrubs Tilts head to the right. Gazes upper left. Zones out. Remember when Zach Braff was the shit?

Elijah Wood Even before he enraptured the universe for 600-plus minutes as a little person with hair-matted toes, those bottomless blue eyes won the souls of cinegeeks everywhere as “Video Game Boy” in Back to the Future II.

The entirely real co-creators of a program viewed by everyone.

The Book of Mormon Grammy, Tony and Laurence Olivier awards for best musical. If there’s an award it hasn’t won, it was nominated.

Bob’s Burgers Star Kristen Schaal Voicing a Machiavellian 9-year-old in a rabbit hat tops Schaal’s Hotwives credits, but nothing can live up to Toy Story 3. Ever.

Wilfred Highest-ranking sitcom ever on FX. Also the longest-running adaptation of any Australian TV series, ever.

equal measure. And a sense of voyeurism colors the film—we sit in on the couple’s first date, and in the final scene, Haynes transplants our eyes into Therese’s head and makes them stare straight into Carol’s. But Carol seduced you already, two hours back. R. ENID SPITZ. Clackamas, Hollywood, Lake Theater, Fox Tower, St. Johns Cinemas.


B+ If you’re a fan of modern inter-


pretations of classic Greek drama or showmanship in the style of Baz Luhrman, then this is the Spike Lee joint you’ve been waiting for. Based on Aristophanes’ comedy Lysistrata, Lee tells the tale of an indomitable heroine rallying women from both sides of the Peloponnesian War to withhold sex in order to force the armies to negotiate peace. Through the lens of modern, vibrant, Spike Lee-styled Chicago, the classic takes on a gritty texture. In an unsuccessful homage to its Grecian roots, much of Chi-Raq’s dialogue rhymes, resembling a draft of “Dr. Seuss Goes to Englewood.” R. LAUREN TERRY. Academy, Cinema 21, Laurelhurst.

The Big Short


A We’re in a bubble of movies about

the financial crisis, but The Big Short is the first good one. It’s based on the book by Michael Lewis, who’s known for making complicated financial issues into compelling stories, and adapted by Adam McKay, who is known for Talladega Nights and the “More Cowbell” sketch. Surprisingly, this combo works. The film focuses on three real weirdos (Steve Carell, Christian Bale and Brad Pitt) who were some of the only people to predict the collapse of the housing market in 2007. It’s entertaining and informative, just like you’d expect from Michael Lewis and not at all what you’d expect from Adam McKay. R. ALEX FALCONE. Cedar Hills, Eastport, Clackamas, Cornelius, Living Room Theaters, Oak Grove, Cinema 99, Bridgeport, City Center, Division, Evergreen, Hilltop, Lloyd Center, Movies on TV, Sherwood, Tigard, Wilsonville, Sandy.

Bridge of Spies

B- Steven Spielberg was born to

convey viewers through weird and wonderful alternate realities, but the director’s gift just doesn’t shine as brightly when he contends with humanity’s past. Bridge of Spies, starring Tom Hanks as an insurance lawyer recruited by the U.S. government to negotiate a spy-for-spy trade with the Soviet Union, benefits from a caustic screenplay by the Coen brothers. While Spielberg is pretty good even when he’s on autopilot, there is little here that doesn’t feel perfunctory. PG-13. CHRIS STAMM. Lake Theater, Living Room Theaters.


A- Based on the novel by Irish author

Colm Tóibín and adapted by Nick Hornby (High Fidelty, About a Boy), Brooklyn is just the sweetest thing. Saoirse Ronan (Atonement) makes an adorable couple with Emory Cohen (Smash), and I could watch them court for hours, especially their awkward dinners with Cohen’s Italian family. PG13. ALEX FALCONE. Cinema 21, City Center.


A Like a long-gone grandparent,

Portland director Todd Haynes’ newest feature is an experience that you remember mostly by token images— Cate Blanchett’s lacquered nails, Rooney Mara developing film in her shabby apartment kitchen, Blanchett’s lipstick stains on Mara’s nipples. A romance between a young salesgirl and older housewife set against the picturebook 1950s, Carol in many ways echoes Haynes’ Oscar-nominated Far From Heaven. It’s an almost painfully beautiful adaptation of Patricia Highsmith’s novel, The Price of Salt, with Haynes’ signature touches—magnetic actresses and gorgeous shots of them lighting slim cigarettes. This is the first Haynes feature with a lesbian couple front and center, and the first he didn’t write. Framed to channel Vivian Maier’s midcentury photography of Chicago, the film shows romance as tea sandwiches, abusive husbands and lindy hops in

C- The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air stars in

a movie based on a GQ article about a coroner living in Pittsburgh who discovered brain damage in a retired player and was hounded by the NFL to retract his findings. Unfortunately, even Alec Baldwin, Albert Brooks and Big Willie Style (complete with a halfway decent Nigerian accent) couldn’t make an exciting story out of microscopes, publishing scientific papers, and men sitting around conference tables lying to each other. PG-13. ALEX FALCONE. Eastport, Clackamas, Forest Theatre, Bridgeport, Evergreen, Hilltop, Lloyd Center, Movies on TV, Pioneer Place, Tigard.


A- Creed—the seventh movie in the Rocky franchise—is more like the original Rocky than its sequels because it’s mostly good, but also because it’s almost entirely the same movie as Rocky. It feels more like an apology for the mediocre Rocky movies we’ve endured, more like a series reboot than a sequel, featuring a stronger young actor in Michael B. Jordan. PG-13. ALEX FALCONE. Academy, Avalon, Eastport, Clackamas, Kennedy School, Laurelhurst, Division, Movies on TV.

Crimson Peak

B+ “It’s not a ghost story. It’s a story

with ghosts in it,” a film in which the things that go bump in the night are not nearly as terrifying as the people who walk the earth. R. AP KRYZA. Laurelhurst.

Daddy’s Home

B Will Ferrell hasn’t exhausted the comedy of emasculation just yet—his argyle sweater vest-wearing persona still has some comic juice, especially teamed with The Other Guys co-star Mark Wahlberg’s alpha male. Director Sean Anders sticks to sitcom setups, and obvious gags. But compared to, say, the shapeless Sisters, Daddy’s Home at least has structure and sincerity. PG. ROBERT HORTON. Cedar Hills, Eastport, Clackamas, Mill Plain, Cornelius, Oak Grove, Cinema 99, Bridgeport, City Center, Division, Evergreen, Hilltop, Lloyd Center, Movies on TV, Pioneer Place, Sherwood, Tigard, Wilsonville, Sandy.

The Danish Girl

A In director Tom Hooper’s first film

since Les Miserables, Eddie Redmayne plays Einar Wegener, one of the first people to undergo gender reassignment surgery, in the story from David Ebershoff ’s novel of the same name. Wegener and his wife, Gerda (Alicia Vikander), a fellow artist and his best friend, make the perfect, hip art couple of 1920s Copenhagen. R. LAUREN TERRY. Bridgeport, City Center, Fox Tower.

The Good Dinosaur

B- The Good Dinosaur is a Little House on the Prairie-style rendering of pioneer life, except, of course, all the characters are talking dinosaurs living


Real Music


cute version of Po from Kung Fu Panda. When Mr. Greene—an evil developer who looks like Michael Jackson with a body made of a slinky—tries to build condos in the Arctic, Norm pretends to be a spokesman for the campaign and goes to New York to win the public’s approval. As Norm reveals that the condos will actually destroy his home, the film takes unnecessary pains to explain things like the polar bear’s ability to talk to humans. Meanwhile, we suspend our disbelief about the complex public relations techniques. Norm had the opportunity to be an environmental film that teaches kids about global warming through a cuddly talking polar bear, but instead it develops a plot based on a problem that doesn’t currently threaten the Arctic. At least it has enough scenes of lemmings peeing and farting to entertain the kids. PG. SOPHIA JUNE. Cedar Hills, Eastport, Clackamas, Milwaukie, Oak Grove, Cinema 99, Bridgeport, Division, Evergreen, Lloyd Center, Movies on TV, Pioneer Place, Sherwood, Tigard, Sandy.

Nuggets and obscurities are at a premium in 21st-century music films, and the 33rd edition of the Reel Film Festival overturns many stones. Former stars Mavis Staples and Syl Johnson clamor to be remembered, glammetal superstars Twisted Sister are put under the microscope in a film that ends the moment the band finally makes it, and the very title of the Residents retrospective is Theory of Obscurity. We’ll spare you the pains of enduring other, less appealing trends—like the cheap animation that makes The Glamour and the Squalor hard to sit through—by recommending these picks. The best of the 33rd Reel Music Festival.

Roxy: The Movie

(9:15 pm Friday, Jan. 15) One of the great frustrations of watching music films is that you rarely hear an entire song. Roxy, on the other hand, is nothing but a concert film. Frank Zappa and the Mothers’ three-night stint in December 1973 is perfectly captured. The band is on fire. Zappa is cool as a cucumber. Roxy puts you in the best seat in the 500-capacity house, watching a band at the height of its powers.


(5 pm Sunday, Jan. 17) Korla Pandit was a bizarre pop-culture figure—a dark-skinned man who wore a jeweled Indian turban and played virtuoso organ music in the ’40s. Korla had his own program in the early days of television, where he stared into the camera, played eerie and exotic music, and never spoke. It took decades for the public to discover that Korla Pandit was actually an African-American man dressing as an Indian to make it in show business. It’s a remarkable and puzzling mystery, unraveled in this engaging film.

We Are Twisted F***ing Sister!

(9:15 pm Friday, Jan. 22) Twisted Sister traded on its image as a caricature of ’80s metal excess, but this film proves beyond a doubt that its success was earned. Starting with the band’s formation in 1972, it follows Twisted Sister’s astounding bad luck during its first decade. While striving to make it, Twisted Sister carved out a regional following in the New York-New Jersey area, and after playing 3,500 shows, it finally received a legitimate record deal. Focusing on the band’s early days is a perfectly executed stroke of genius. Even if you’re not a fan of the music or image, We Are Twisted F***ing Sister! is an inspirational testament to faith, courage and big hair. in an alternate reality where a certain fateful asteroid never made impact. PG. PENELOPE BASS. Academy, Avalon, Cedar Hills, Clackamas, Empirical, Kennedy School, Laurelhurst, Cinema 99, Bridgeport, Division, Movies on TV, Tigard, Wilsonville.

The Hateful Eight

A- Quentin Tarantino’s new mystery

Western, The Hateful Eight is a lot of very good things. It’s a spectacular bit of storytelling set against 70 millimeters of Wyoming grandeur, yet neat enough to fit together like the gears in a Swiss watch, with stellar character acting and crackling dialogue. But it’s also very much a Tarantino film. Yes, there are buckets of bright red blood spilled on bright white shirts, copious use of the most offensive Englishlanguage word beginning with N, and a bloody Mexican standoff. Kurt Russell is John “The Hangman” Ruth, a bounty hunter charged with bringing the mysterious Daisy Domergue (Jennifer Jason Leigh) into Red Rock, Wyo., to



(7 pm Wednesday, Jan. 27) Jaco Pastorius often introduced himself as the greatest bass player in the world. In this film’s interviews with the likes of Sting, Flea, Geddy Lee and Herbie Hancock, no one seems to argue. But there were several dark sides to Pastorius’ unfiltered genius. Using color Super 8 footage from Jaco’s early life and funding from Metallica bassist Robert Trujillo to great effect, Jaco spares no expense in telling the tragic story of this incredible musician whose meteoric rise was cut short in a fatal altercation with club security.


(9 pm Friday, Jan. 29) Mavis Staples has been touring for the past 60 years, projecting a voice as deep as her soul and a message of love that’s infectious. She was the star of her family band—the Staple Singers—when it became friends of Martin Luther King Jr. and led protest songs during the civil rights movement. Adored by Bob Dylan (who once proposed to Mavis) and later by Prince, Staples successfully transitioned from gospel to soul to rock, before disco nearly killed her career. Today, at 75, she’s been rediscovered by this fantastic HBO production that’s directed, produced and edited by only women. NATHAN CARSON. SEE IT: The 33rd Reel Film Festival is at NW Film Center’s Whitsell Auditorium from Jan. 15-Feb. 5. Full listings are at nwfilm.org/festivals/reelmusic.

hang. His stagecoach comes across snowbound and desperate Samuel L. Jackson and Walton Goggins, and they’re eventually trapped inside a country inn with four lodgers. It’s a great setup, and the long and plentiful monologues are sharp, backstories emerge in a natural way, and the twists are unexpected until they’re obvious. The cartoonish level of violence will give some pause—it’s Kill Bill with fewer bodies but tighter shots— but that’s to be expected of Tarantino, a man who’s had 20 years to indulge his impulses, and who’ll hopefully have 20 more. R. MARTIN CIZMAR. Cedar Hills, Eastport, Clackamas, Mill Plain, Cornelius, Hollywood, Oak Grove, Cinema 99, Bridgeport, City Center, Division, Evergreen, Fox Tower, Hilltop, Lloyd Center, Movies on TV, Sherwood, Tigard, Wilsonville, Sandy, St. Johns Cinemas.

been booby-trapped with hot oil, lasers, and an army of lizard people. PG-13. ALEX FALCONE. Cedar Hills, Eastport, Clackamas, Cinema 99, Bridgeport, City Center, Division, Evergreen, Movies on TV, Pioneer Place, Sherwood, Tigard, Wilsonville.

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2

B+ Director David O. Russell takes his formula for American Hustle, wraps it in

B Katniss Everdeen leads a group of rebels against the Capitol, which has

The Intern

B+ Ben (Robert De Niro), an active widower and retiree in need of something to keep himself busy, applies to a senior internship program at “About the Fit,” a Topshop-like online clothing site founded by the dedicated Jules Ostin (Anne Hathaway). It’s a refreshingly modern concept, serving as a reminder that the timeless art of being a gentleman begins with respect. PG-13. LAUREN TERRY. Academy, Vancouver, Valley.


CONT. on page 50

Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com



The Martian

B- It’s just a pretty good sci-fi yarn based on Andy Weir’s book that stumbles on its own ambition. When a massive storm hits the Martian exploration project and Watney’s team leaves him for dead, the skilled botanist realizes that the only way to avoid starvation and space madness is to “science the shit” out of his situation. PG-13. AP KRYZA. Academy, Avalon, Laurelhurst, Mt. Hood, Vancouver, Valley.


A In remote Turkey, five orphaned

sisters are strictly confined to their home while their uncle arranges their marriages. In this feature debut from director Deniz Gamze Ergüven, Lale—the youngest sister—watches her siblings capitulate to suffocating patriarchy and searches herself for the strength to escape. PG-13. MIKE GALLUCCI. Living Room Theaters.

The Peanuts Movie

A bald child named Charlie battles questionable fashion choices, impossible odds and burgeoning hormones. G. Academy, Avalon, Kennedy School, Mt. Hood, Vancouver, The Joy, Valley.

Point Break

D+ It’s as if somebody stripped the

original of its charm and character dynamic, let it soak in a bucket of Mountain Dew, Red Bull and Axe body spray, and then plopped it onscreen, dripping and bulging. Johnny Utah (Luke Bracey, making Reeves seem like Orson Welles), a young FBI agent with a chip on his shoulder, again infiltrates a gang of mysterious, adrenaline-addicted thieves led by the charismatic Bodhi (Édgar Ramirez). Utah gets in too deep, drawn like others to Bodhi’s mysterious charm. People die. Things blow up. Athletes do extreme things. But outside the basic outline, Point Break 2015 shares very little with its predecessor. PG-13. AP KRYZA. Eastport, Clackamas, Cornelius, Cinema 99, Bridgeport, City Center, Division, Sherwood.

The Revenant

In terms of pure spectacle and cinematic beauty, Alejandro González Iñárritu’s The Revenant approaches masterpiece status. Fur trapper Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio) finds his trapping party on the receiving end of a bear attack that leaves him barely clinging to life. Playing Klaus Kinski to Iñárritu’s Werner Herzog for what was reportedly a shoot of Fitzcarraldolevel difficulty, DiCaprio brings his A-game to an abstract role. It is one of the best wilderness survival films of all time—a violent, unrelenting and staggeringly beautiful cinematic experience that leaves you feeling battered by an angry mother bear by the time the credits roll, but ready to take the ride again. R. AP KRYZA. Cedar Hills, Eastport, Clackamas, CineMagic, Mill Plain, Cornelius, Oak Grove, Cinema 99, Bridgeport, City Center, Division, Evergreen, Fox Tower, Hilltop, Lloyd Center, Movies on TV, Sherwood, Tigard, Wilsonville, Sandy, St. Johns Theater.



Relentless? Then you’re in luck, my friend, because Sicario is like a broken elevator; it never lets up. R. ALEX FALCONE. Laurelhurst.


C+ As Gen X plunges into the Big Four-O with all the grace of an arthritic Tommy Lee flailing about his gyroscopic drum riser, studios have released a slew of movies about the bummers of aging: You’ve got your Grown-Ups, your Hot Tub Time Machines, your Star Wars (I assume that’s what Chewie’s arc will be about), etc. This year, America’s pre-eminent comedic minds, Amy Poehler and Tina Fey, take a crack at it as the titular sisters who throw one last rager in their family house before their parents sell it. For the most part, it’s a straight-up party comedy, replete with the requisite tropes, and given the preponderance of truly innovative comedians, Sisters is disappointingly standard. R. JAMES HELMSWORTH. Cedar Hills, Eastport, Clackamas, Mill Plain, Cornelius, Oak Grove, Cinema 99, Bridgeport, City Center, Division, Evergreen, Fox Tower, Hilltop, Lloyd Center, Movies on TV, Sherwood, Tigard, Wilsonville, Sandy.


C+ The 26th Bond film has it all, and more. The one thing it doesn’t have is the ability to leave a lasting impression. Buildings crumble, helicopters do barrel rolls, and Daniel Craig nonchalantly causes millions in property damage. But from the minute Sam Smith’s grating theme music starts, the movie slides downhill. Sure, there’s fun to be had— Bond drives a tricked-out ride through Rome’s narrow streets and engages in an Alpine plane chase before the anticlimactic conclusion lands with a dull thud. Considering everybody who’s involved in Spectre, the very last reaction anybody expected was “meh.” PG-13. AP KRYZA. Mt. Hood, Evergreen, Fox Tower, Vancouver, Valley.


A- Spotlight inverts the usual comparison: It’s a movie that feels like prestige television. Specifically, it feels like The Wire. An Oscar favorite recounting how a Boston Globe investigative team uncovered an epidemic of pederast priests abetted by the archdiocese, Spotlight borrows the rhythms of a propulsive TV procedural. It resists the temptation for self-congratulation. R. AARON MESH. Eastport, Bridgeport, Fox Tower.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

A- If there’s one thing we know about Star Wars fans, it’s that they’re as resistant to change as any religious zealot. And so, the best thing that can be said about The Force Awakens is that it’s almost old-fashioned. There’s no Dark Knight-style brooding, no ring-a-ding-ding dialogue a la The Avengers or Guardians of the Galaxy. The action is fairly nonstop and the story is pretty simple: Some guys in helmets are threatening peace in the galaxy, and it’s up to, well, you-knowwho to stop them. PG-13. MATTHEW SINGER. Bagdad, Cedar Hills, Eastport, Clackamas, Mill Plain, Cornelius, Edgefield, Lake Theater, Milwaukie, Moreland, Oak Grove, Cinema 99, Bridgeport, City Center, Division, Evergreen, Hilltop, Lloyd Center, Movies on TV, Pioneer Place, Sherwood, Tigard, Wilsonville, Roseway Theatre, Sandy, St. Johns Cinemas.


C Despite coming from Italian film-

maker and Oscar winner Paolo Sorrentino and starring Michael Caine and Harvey Keitel as two graying artists, it ends up feeling like too much beautiful, existential pondering without enough teeth. Caine and Keitel sit around talking about the past and how much they piss, which doesn’t sound cute or important, even from Caine. PG-13. ALEX FALCONE. Cinema 21.

B+ In this riveting adaptation of Emma

Donoghue’s novel, an abducted woman must raise her son in a confined space. R. LAUREN TERRY. Academy, Kiggins Theatre, Laurelhurst, Fox Tower.



A How do you like your tension?


Christmastime and casts America’s asskicking sweetheart Jennifer Lawrence as the woman who invented the selfwringing Miracle Mop. Joy (Lawrence) is the ultimate handyman, balancing her explosive father (Robert De Niro) and musician ex-husband (Édgar Ramirez) fighting in the basement, her antisocial and bed-ridden mother (Virginia Madsen), two kids and too many unpaid bills. She fixes plumbing, shoots rifles to let off steam, bleeds a widow (Isabella Rossellini) for money and gives Bradley Cooper’s Home Shopping Network exec a piece of her mind. The movie is a joy to look at, bBut don’t those mailorder deals always seem smaller in real life? PG-13. ENID SPITZ. Cedar Hills, Eastport, Clackamas, Forest Theatre, Hollywood, Cinema 99, Bridgeport, City Center, Division, Evergreen, Fox Tower, Hilltop, Lloyd Center, Movies on TV, Sherwood, Tigard, Sandy.

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Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com

BLACKSTAR: “Something happened on the day he died.”



The Starman has ascended to the heavens. On Sunday, the legendary David Bowie passed away from cancer, days after releasing his final album, Blackstar. He was 69. His legacy will be timeless. Planet Earth will be a little bluer in the Thin White Duke’s absence, and while his impact on film wasn’t nearly as prolific as his time spent transforming music and fashion, it is a fascinating legacy. Bowie as a TV-addicted alien in the 1976 drama The Man Who Fell to Earth happens to be showing at the Academy, booked originally as a celebration of Bowie’s new album and now serving as a memorial. More big-screen Bowie is sure to come. In the meantime, here are the Bowie films to play for your own personal tributes. RIP, Davy Jones. Your space face will always be in our hearts.

Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (1973) and Cracked Actor (1975)

D.A. Pennebaker’s Ziggy Stardust is the quintessential Bowie concert film, featuring the last show of the Aladdin Sane tour and the death of Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust character. Though tougher to find, the BBC doc Cracked Actor is essential viewing as a follow-up. It shows a cocaine-addled Bowie lost among all the characters in his head, meditating on life as an insect and jilted at the prospect of his legendary Diamond Dogs tour. Together, the films play like a double feature about the heights of fame and its toll on the artist.

The Hunger (1983)

In Tony Scott’s sexed-up horror classic, Bowie is a classical musician who also happens to be a vampire maintaining his youthfulness by feasting on blood. So is that how Bowie stayed looking so young?

Labyrinth (1986)

On a list of greatest Muppets of all time, Bowie without that wig would rank high. So would the enormous bulge in his pants, which appears to be sentient.

The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)

How the hell does Bowie as Pontius fucking Pilate somehow come across as the least eccentric thing in a biblical epic? Well, there’s Harvey Keitel as Judas and Willem Dafoe as Jesus, taking whitewashing to new extremes.

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992)

Bowie barely appears in David Lynch’s maligned Twin Peaks, but goddamn it if he doesn’t make an impression, playing a deranged Southern agent in a David Byrne suit. Had the two Davids ever made a full-on film together, the world might have imploded.

Basquiat (1996)

Many actors have played Warhol—from Crispin Glover to Bill Hader to Warhol himself. Bowie’s is the most layered and nuanced characterization to date, playing up the tics of the famous artist under a stringy mane in Julian Schnabel’s uneven biopic. Perhaps it takes somebody who’s lived as an eccentric artist in the spotlight to really nail it.

The Prestige (2006)

Christopher Nolan’s bizarro dueling magician mystery receives a dose of much-needed levity from Bowie, here playing a pensive Nikola Tesla who’s getting fucked over by Thomas Edison. It’s an understated role as a man who made science fiction a reality, only to be swept under the rug. SEE IT: The Man Who Fell to Earth screens at the Academy Theater on Jan. 13-21. ALSO SHOWING:

Kidnapped scientists! Evil humanoid robots! And 2.7 out of 10 stars on IMDb! 1978’s War of the Robots really has it all. Joy Cinema. 9 pm Wednesday, Jan. 13. The Portland Geek Council has lured prolific science-fiction author William F. Nolan to the Clinton for a Q&A paired with the trippy, enduring 1978 adaptation of Logan’s Run. Clinton Street Theater. 2 pm Sunday, Jan. 17. B-Movie Bingo gets radical with the bombastic 1989 slugfest Robot Jox, in which gigantic robot gladiators duke it out. Hollywood Theatre. 7:30 pm Tuesday, Jan. 19.

Regal Lloyd Center 10 & IMAX

1510 NE Multnomah St. STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS -- AN IMAX 3D EXPERIENCE Wed -Thu 12:20, 3:40, 7:00, 10:20 THE HATEFUL EIGHT Wed Thu 12:10, 2:20, 6:00, 9:00 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Wed-Thu 3:05, 6:30, 9:50 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D Wed-Thu 11:45 THE FOREST Wed-Thu 12:50, 4:20, 7:30, 10:30 CONCUSSION Wed -Thu 11:55, 2:55 DADDY’S HOME Wed-Thu 11:35, 3:55, 6:10, 10:30 JOY Wed-Thu 12:35, 3:35 THE REVENANT Wed Thu 12:40, 3:50, 6:50, 10:00 SISTERS Wed-Thu 12:25, 3:25, 10:25 THE BIG SHORT Wed-Thu 12:00, 3:15, 7:20, 10:25 BEST OF RIFFTRAX: STARSHIP TROOPERS Thu 7:30 13 HOURS: THE SECRET SOLDIERS OF BENGHAZI Thu-Fri-Sat-Sun 11:30, 2:55, 6:30, 9:55 RIDE ALONG 2 ThuFri-Sat-Sun 12:25, 3:25, 6:10, 9:00 NORM OF THE NORTH Fri-Sat-Sun 11:40, 2:10, 4:40, 7:10, 9:40

Avalon Theatre & Wunderland

3451 SE Belmont St., 503-238-1617 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA Wed-Thu 4:45, 7:10, 9:30 THE PEANUTS MOVIE Wed -Thu 1:00, 2:50, 4:35 THE MARTIAN Wed-Thu 7:00, 9:35 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 Wed -Thu 12:45, 2:35

Bagdad Theater

3702 SE Hawthorne Blvd., 503-249-7474 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Wed-Thu-Fri-SatSun-Mon-Tue 11:30, 3:00, 7:00, 10:45

Cinema 21

616 NW 21st Ave., 503-223-4515 BROOKLYN Wed-Thu-Fri-SatSun-Mon-Tue 4:15, 6:45, 9:00 JANIS: LITTLE GIRL BLUE Wed -Thu 4:30 CHI-RAQ Wed 8:45 YOUTH Wed-Thu-FriSat-Sun-Mon-Tue 3:45, 6:30 ANOMALISA Fri-Sat-SunMon-Tue 4:45, 7:00, 9:00 MOONWALKERS Fri-Sat-SunMon-Tue 8:55

Clinton Street Theater


The Joy Cinema and Pub

Lake Theater & Cafe

106 N State St., 503-482-2135 BRIDGE OF SPIES Wed-ThuFri-Sat-Sun-Mon-Tue 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Wed -Thu 12:00, 3:00, 6:00 CAROL FriSat-Sun-Mon-Tue 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:45

Laurelhurst Theatre & Pub

2735 E Burnside St., 503-232-5511 THE MARTIAN Wed -Thu 6:45, 9:00 TROPIC THUNDER Wed -Thu 9:40 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA Wed-Thu 7:00 CRIMSON PEAK Wed -Thu 9:30 ROOM Wed-Thu 6:30 MERU Wed -Thu 7:15 SICARIO Wed -Thu 9:15

Mt. Hood Theatre

401 E Powell Blvd., 503-665-0604 THE PEANUTS MOVIE Wed Thu 5:00 SPECTRE Wed -Thu 7:00 THE MARTIAN Wed -Thu 9:55

Regal City Center Stadium 12

801 C St. THE FOREST Wed-Thu 12:10, 3:25, 6:25, 9:25 THE HATEFUL EIGHT Wed-Thu 11:40, 2:45, 5:45, 8:45 DADDY’S HOME Wed-Thu 12:00, 3:05, 6:05, 9:20 JOY Wed-Thu 12:05, 3:00, 5:55, 8:55 POINT BREAK Wed -Thu 3:30 POINT BREAK 3D Wed-Thu 12:25, 6:35, 9:35 THE REVENANT Wed Thu 11:30, 2:30, 5:35, 8:35 SISTERS Wed-Thu 11:45, 2:35 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Wed-Thu 11:25, 2:40, 5:50, 9:00 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D Wed-Thu 12:20, 3:20, 6:20, 9:30 THE BIG SHORT Wed Thu 11:35, 2:55, 6:10, 9:15 THE DANISH GIRL Wed-Thu 11:50, 2:50 THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY, PART 2 Wed 6:00, 9:05 BROOKLYN Wed Thu 12:15, 3:10, 6:15 13 HOURS: THE SECRET SOLDIERS OF BENGHAZI Thu 7:00, 9:10 RIDE ALONG 2 Thu 7:00, 9:35

Kennedy School Theater

5736 NE 33rd Ave., 503-249-7474 THE PEANUTS MOVIE Wed Thu-Sat-Sun 12:00 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA Wed Thu-Fri-Sat-Sun-Mon 2:30 THE GOOD DINOSAUR Fri-SatSun-Mon-Tue 5:30 CREED FriSat-Sun-Mon-Tue 2:15, 8:00

5th Avenue Cinema

510 SW Hall St., 503-725-3551


Hollywood Theatre

4122 NE Sandy Blvd., 503-281-4215 THE HATEFUL EIGHT Wed Thu 7:30 CAROL Wed-ThuFri-Sat-Sun-Mon-Tue 6:30 JOY Wed-Thu-Fri-Sat-Sun-Mon-Tue 9:30 THE HATEFUL EIGHT FriSat-Sun-Mon-Tue 7:00 ROBOT JOX Tue 7:30

Regal Fox Tower Stadium 10

846 SW Park Ave. THE HATEFUL EIGHT Wed Thu 11:00, 1:50, 2:50, 6:30, 9:00, 10:00 JOY Wed -Thu 12:00, 3:30, 6:45, 9:30 SISTERS Wed-Thu 11:30, 7:10, 9:50 THE REVENANT Wed Thu 11:30, 12:30, 3:00, 4:00, 6:20, 7:20, 9:40 THE DANISH GIRL Wed-Thu 11:50, 3:40, 6:40, 9:20 CAROL Wed -Thu 11:00, 1:40, 4:20, 7:00, 9:40 SPECTRE Wed-Thu 11:20, 2:40, 6:00, 9:10 SPOTLIGHT Wed-Thu 11:40, 3:20, 6:50, 9:45 ROOM Wed-Thu 11:10, 6:10

Regal Pioneer Place Stadium 6

340 SW Morrison St. THE FOREST Wed -Thu 1:15, 4:10, 7:30, 10:30 CONCUSSION Wed -Thu 12:45, 4:00 DADDY’S HOME Wed-Thu 1:00, 3:40, 10:20 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Wed-Thu 12:00, 3:20, 7:10, 9:40 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D Wed-Thu 12:30, 3:50, 6:40, 10:00 THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY, PART 2 Wed Thu 12:10, 3:15, 6:20 13 HOURS: THE SECRET SOLDIERS OF BENGHAZI Thu-Fri-Sat-SunMon-Tue 12:00, 3:30, 6:30, 9:45 RIDE ALONG 2 Thu-Fri-SatSun-Mon-Tue 1:00, 3:40, 7:00, 10:00 NORM OF THE NORTH Fri-Sat-Sun-Mon-Tue 1:15, 3:50, 7:10, 9:30

St. Johns Theater

8203 N Ivanhoe St., 503-249-7474-6 THE REVENANT Wed -Thu 11:00, 2:30, 6:00, 9:30

Academy Theater

7818 SE Stark St., 503-252-0500 KRAMPUS Wed-Thu 12:05, 5:10, 9:50 THE PEANUTS MOVIE Wed-Thu 11:45, 1:50, 4:55 ROOM Wed-Thu 2:25, 7:20 THE MARTIAN Wed -Thu 2:15, 6:45, 9:30 THE INTERN Wed-Thu 11:55, 7:00 THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH Wed Thu 3:55, 9:40

Valley Theater

9360 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway, 503-296-6843 THE MARTIAN Wed-Thu-Fri-




ida yJ




Living Room Theaters

341 SW 10th Ave., 971-222-2010 BRIDGE OF SPIES Wed Thu 1:00, 4:00, 6:50, 9:35 FLOWERS Wed -Thu 12:15, 2:20, 5:00, 7:15, 9:25 MACBETH Wed-Thu 2:30, 8:55 MUSTANG Wed-Thu 12:05, 4:30, 6:40 THE BIG SHORT Wed-Thu 11:50, 12:30, 1:30, 2:50, 3:30, 4:20, 6:00, 6:30, 8:45, 9:15, 9:45 TEATRO ALLA SCALA: AIDA Thu 7:00


2735 E BurnsidE st • (503-232-5511) • LaurELhurstthEatEr.com


Century Clackamas Town Center and XD

12000 SE 82nd Ave. THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY, PART 2 Wed Thu-Fri 12:20, 3:45, 7:05, 10:15 THE GOOD DINOSAUR Wed-Thu-Fri 11:05, 1:55, 4:30, 7:05, 9:50 CAROL Wed-ThuFri 10:45, 1:35, 4:25, 7:15, 10:05 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Wed-ThuFri 11:50, 3:00, 6:20, 9:45 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D Wed-ThuFri 12:30, 3:55, 7:15, 10:20 SISTERS Wed-Thu-Fri 10:55, 1:50, 4:40, 7:45, 10:35 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP Wed Thu-Fri 10:45, 1:30, 4:00 POINT BREAK Wed -Thu 1:55 JOY Wed-Thu-Fri 10:50, 1:45, 4:40, 7:35, 10:35 CONCUSSION Wed-Thu-Fri 7:00, 10:00 DADDY’S HOME Wed-Thu-Fri 11:45, 2:15, 4:55, 7:30, 10:10 THE REVENANT Wed-Thu-Fri 1:05, 4:45, 8:15 THE BIG SHORT Wed-ThuFri 1:00, 4:10, 7:20, 10:20 THE FOREST Wed-Thu-Fri 12:00, 2:35, 5:10, 7:55, 10:25 THE HATEFUL EIGHT Wed Thu-Fri 12:40, 4:20, 8:10 BLADE RUNNER Wed 2:00, 7:00 THE MASKED SAINT Wed-Thu 11:25, 2:05, 4:45, 7:25, 10:05 RIDE ALONG 2 Thu-Fri-Sat-Sun-Mon-Tue 11:40, 2:20, 5:00, 7:40, 10:25 13 HOURS: THE SECRET SOLDIERS OF BENGHAZI Thu-Fri 12:25, 3:50, 7:10, 10:30 BEST OF RIFFTRAX: STARSHIP TROOPERS Thu 7:30 CREED Fri 12:50, 4:15, 7:25, 10:30 NORM OF THE NORTH Fri 12:35, 3:05, 5:35, 8:05, 10:35 SUBJECT TO CHANGE. CALL THEATERS OR VISIT WWEEK.COM/MOVIETIMES FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION FRIDAY-THURSDAY, JAN. 15-21, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED

C O U R T E S Y O F M E T R O - G O L D W Y N - M AY E R

11959 SW Pacific Highway, 971-245-6467


Sat-Sun-Mon-Tue 6:20, 9:15 THE INTERN Wed-Thu-FriSat-Sun-Mon-Tue 8:35 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA Wed Thu-Fri-Sat-Sun-Mon-Tue 6:05 MAZE RUNNER: THE SCORCH TRIALS Wed-Thu 9:50 SPECTRE Fri-Sat-Sun-MonTue 6:30, 9:30 THE PEANUTS MOVIE Fri-Sat-Sun-Mon 1:15, 4:00 INSIDE OUT Sat-SunMon 12:50

LIFE AFTER 30: Logan’s Run screens Sunday, Jan. 17, at 2 pm at Clinton Street Theater.

Shoe Issue

Willamette Week’s first ever issue dedicated to footwear! This issue will feature top Portland styles, the retail shops that supply them and an oral history of legendary classics.

Publishes: January 27, 2016

Space and Materials deadline: January 22, 2016 Contact your account executive for details or email advertising@wweek.com

Revenant, The (XD) (R) 11:30AM 3:20PM 7:00PM 10:30PM Norm of the North (PG) 10:45AM 1:05PM 3:25PM 5:45PM 8:10PM 10:35PM Revenant, The (R) 1:05PM 4:45PM 8:15PM Joy (PG-13) 10:50AM 1:45PM 4:40PM 7:35PM 10:35PM Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (PG-13) 10:50AM 11:50AM 2:00PM 3:00PM 5:20PM 6:20PM 8:40PM 9:45PM Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2, The (PG-13) 12:20PM 3:45PM 7:05PM 10:15PM Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (PG-13) 11:50AM ® 3:00PM ® 6:20PM ® 9:45PM ® Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (3D) (PG13) 12:45PM 12:45PM ® 4:05PM 4:05PM ® 7:15PM 7:15PM ® 10:20PM 10:20PM ® Sisters (R) 10:55AM 1:50PM 4:40PM 7:45PM 10:35PM

Ride Along 2 (PG-13) 11:40AM 12:55PM 2:20PM 3:40PM 5:00PM 6:15PM 7:40PM 9:00PM 10:25PM Big Short, The (R) 1:00PM 4:10PM 7:20PM 10:20PM Carol (R) 10:45AM 1:35PM 4:25PM 7:15PM 10:05PM Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip (PG) 10:45AM 1:30PM 4:00PM Hateful Eight, The (R) 12:40PM 4:20PM 8:10PM 13 Hours:The Secret Soldiers Of Benghazi (R) 12:25PM 3:50PM 7:10PM 10:30PM Forest, The (PG-13) 12:00PM 2:35PM 5:10PM 7:55PM 10:25PM Good Dinosaur, The (PG) 11:05AM 1:55PM 4:30PM 7:05PM 9:50PM Daddy’s Home (PG-13) 11:45AM 2:15PM 4:55PM 7:30PM 10:10PM Concussion (PG-13) 7:00PM 10:00PM Creed (PG-13) 12:50PM 4:15PM 7:25PM 10:30PM

Norm of the North (PG) 11:30AM 2:00PM 4:30PM 7:00PM 9:30PM Rajini Murugan (Praneeth Media) (NR) 8:00PM Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (PG-13) 11:25AM 12:30PM 2:40PM 3:45PM 5:55PM 7:00PM 10:15PM Nannaku Prematho (CineGalaxy) (NR) 2:10PM 5:40PM 9:10PM Revenant, The (R) 11:30AM 1:15PM 3:00PM 4:45PM 6:30PM 8:15PM 10:00PM Soggade Chinni Nayana (Blue Sky) (NR) 11:30AM 2:50PM Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (3D) (PG-13) 1:35PM 4:50PM 8:05PM Ride Along 2 (PG-13) 11:30AM 2:10PM 4:50PM 7:30PM 10:10PM Sisters (R) 11:10AM 2:00PM 4:50PM 7:40PM 10:30PM Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2, The (PG-13) 11:00AM

Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip (PG) 11:05AM

Norm of the North (PG) 11:15AM 1:45PM 4:15PM 7:00PM 9:30PM Revenant, The (R) 11:15AM 2:50PM 6:30PM 10:15PM Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (PG-13) 11:00AM 12:40PM 2:20PM 4:00PM 5:40PM 7:20PM 9:00PM 10:40PM Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (3D) (PG-13) 11:50AM 3:10PM 6:30PM 9:50PM Joy (PG-13) 12:30PM 3:30PM 6:45PM 9:45PM Spotlight (R) 12:30PM 4:00PM 7:00PM 10:00PM Ride Along 2 (PG-13) 11:30AM 2:15PM 5:00PM 7:45PM 10:30PM

Sisters (R) 11:10AM 2:05PM 5:00PM 7:55PM 10:45PM Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip (PG) 11:30AM 2:00PM 4:30PM Big Short, The (R) 10:45AM 1:45PM 4:45PM 7:45PM 10:45PM Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2, The (PG-13) 1:00PM 4:10PM 7:25PM 10:35PM 13 Hours:The Secret Soldiers Of Benghazi (R) 12:00PM 3:30PM 7:00PM 10:20PM Forest, The (PG-13) 12:15PM 2:45PM 5:15PM 7:45PM 10:20PM Hateful Eight, The (R) 11:00AM 2:40PM 6:20PM 10:00PM 1:40AM Creed (PG-13) 7:00PM 10:15PM Daddy’s Home (PG-13) 11:45AM 2:15PM 4:45PM 7:15PM 9:45PM

Big Short, The (R) 1:15PM 4:15PM 7:15PM 10:15PM Joy (PG-13) 1:30PM 4:30PM 7:30PM 10:30PM 13 Hours:The Secret Soldiers Of Benghazi (R) 11:45AM 3:15PM 6:45PM 10:15PM Daddy’s Home (PG-13) 11:55AM 2:30PM 5:00PM 7:30PM 10:00PM Good Dinosaur, The (PG) 11:00AM Hateful Eight, The (R) 11:00AM 2:40PM 6:20PM 10:00PM Express Raja (Red Heart Movies Inc) (NR) 9:00PM Forest, The (PG-13) 11:55AM 2:30PM 5:05PM 7:40PM 10:10PM

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Willamette Week JANUARY 13, 2016 wweek.com

Drake Lion Movies don’t have to be masterpieces when you’re high. They just need to look fairly cool. Bright colors and unconventional angles are appreciated, and there is preferably a trippy musical sequence at some point. Then again, a stronger dose can compensate for most directorial choices. Watching San Andreas after consuming a 40-milligram edible left me weeping at the gothic wonder of our doomed civilization. You may need such medication for the NW Film Center’s screening of short films and music videos by Lion Attack Motion Pictures. The visually stimulating mix of pretty landscapes and conceptual themes will enthrall the squinty-eyed members of the audience. However, if you’re in search of a night of thoughtful, challenging indie cinema, you may want to keep looking. Part of the Northwest Tracking series, this stylish yet incoherent showcase is brought to you by the collective mind of Sam Kuhn, Austin Will of Portland, and Fantavious Fritz, self-described as “a cinematic pack marauding the real and virtual plains of North America.” What they are is music video artists of the most Instagram variety. Every corner of the screen is painstakingly curated to be as cool as possible, yet presented in a way that is meant to look effortlessly striking. In Search of the Miraculous is a short film

that shows a guy doing stuff like riding a bike into a lake and climbing rocks with girls in high-waisted swimsuits. They take their time on shots of ebbing tides and the swaying branches in a forest, but although beautifully filmed, the stories stir no more emotion than an H&M commercial. Another short, Paradise Falls, tells the tale of two little boys taking up residence in an abandoned mansion, comforted by a ghost who reads them The Catcher in the Rye, narrated by what sounds like a knockoff Baldwin brother. Despite the association with anything by Wes Anderson, the whimsical sets and geometrically pleasing shots stand on their own merits. The videos for Canadian band Tops and Norwegian singer Okay Kaya play with light and reflection, editing the disorienting close-ups of the subjects in interesting ways. Just hope your high doesn’t fade before the Ultimate Relaxation Tape, which is really just a color-changing screensaver with new-age beats playing for 3½ minutes. The guys of Lion Attack will be in attendance, which means you could have the opportunity to hear a super-meta description of the 40-second clip of Drake gnawing on a toothpick. This showcase may not change your perception of narrative film or, like, life, but it’s better than wasting another high scrolling through Instagram. LAUREN TERRY. SEE IT: An Evening With Lion Attack Motion Pictures screens at Whitsell Auditorium, 1219 SW Park Ave., nwfilm.org, on Wednesday, Jan. 13. 7 pm. $9.




53 54 55


JANUARY 13, 2016


503-445-2757 • mplambeck@wweek.com








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MISCELLANEOUS GREALYND ADS - JANUARY But, HE (God), being full of compassion FORGAVE their iniquity (Sin), and destroyed then not; Yes, many a time HE turned HIS Anger away, and did not stir up all HIS Wrath - For HE remembered that they were but flesh: a wind that (quickly) passes away, and comes not back again! (Join is in prayer that God’s FORGIVENESS will come to Portland)



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Pixie pets continue on page 55.

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503-445-2757 • mplambeck@wweek.com



by Matt Jones

“Worst of Pop Culture, 2015”–a year to remember.

Wilson cop show, listed on Yahoo’s Worst TV Shows of 2015 47 Change places with one’s wrestling teammate 50 ___ of Sauron 51 Seafood selections 55 Power shake need 57 Rooster’s morning perch 59 Choir 60 Mix it up (var.) 61 2015 Adam Sandler movie that got an epic tenminute review/rant from “MovieBob Reviews” on YouTube 62 Much-maligned 2015 reality show which put contestant couples in the titular enclosure (later to be interviewed by therapists)


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Across 1 Muppet with an orange nose 5 Certain physical measurement, for short 8 “___ first you don’t succeed ...” 12 Short, shrill sound 13 ___ fro 15 “___ arigato, Mr. Roboto” 16 Poultry herb 17 Nomadic mob 18 Class with graphs, for short 19 2015 superhero film reboot with a

9% score on Rotten Tomatoes 22 Iggy Azalea/ Britney Spears collaboration, listed on Entertainment Weekly’s Worst Singles of 2015 23 “Mission: Impossible” character Hunt 25 “Full,” at a theater 26 Hatha and bikram, for two 29 Weather map lines 31 Get hold of again 32 Feline tooth

33 President who’s thanked a lot? 37 College in New Rochelle, New York 38 “Oh, yeah!” 39 Santa-tracking defense gp. 40 Paper wounds 41 Canadian vocal tics that aren’t as commonplace as Americans think 42 Doesn’t say outright 44 Little ___ (“Languages for Kids” learning series) 45 Short-lived Rainn

Down 1 Some CDs 2 Nissan hybrid 3 Cones of nonsilence? 4 Cattle site 5 Gives a leg up to 6 Sacrificial figure 7 Part of Roy G. Biv 8 Visionary 9 Market research panel 10 Love, in Xochimilco 11 Massive quantity 13 “Yeah, about ___ ...” 14 Prefix meaning “one-tenth” 20 It’s designed to stay up all night

21 “Punky Brewster” star Soleil Moon ___ 23 Trinket in “The Hunger Games” 24 Totally destroy 27 “___ a stinker?” (Bugs Bunny catchphrase) 28 Back twinge 30 Hedgehog of Sega fame 31 “M*A*S*H” character 34 Nutsoid 35 Like craft shows 36 High degree 42 “Messiah” composer 43 In the future 45 Go nuts with a whole season, e.g. 46 “Fantastic” character in a Roald Dahl novel 47 1/16 of a cup, briefly 48 Et ___ (and others) 49 Baby boomer followers 52 Get from ___ (make progress) 53 Doofus 54 Glasses, in comic book ads 56 Hosp. locations 58 Cries of surprise last week’s answers

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503-445-2757 • mplambeck@wweek.com © 2015 Rob Brezsny

Week of January 14

ARIES (March 21-April 19 You love autonomy. You specialize in getting the freedom and sovereignty you require. You are naturally skilled at securing your independence from influences that might constrain your imagination and limit your self-expression. But here’s a sticking point: If you want the power to help shape group processes, you must give up some of your autonomy. In order to motivate allies to work toward shared goals, you need to practice the art of interdependence. The next test of your ability to do this is coming right up. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) “Nothing is really work unless you’d rather be doing something else.” So said Taurus writer James M. Barrie (1860-1937), who created the Peter Pan stories. Your challenge and invitation in the coming months is to increase the amount of time you spend that does not qualify as work. In fact, why don’t you see how much and how often you can indulge in outright play? There’ll be no better way to attract grace and generate good fortune. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Here’s my proposal: Get in touch with your madness. And don’t tell me you have no madness. We all do. But listen: When I use the word “madness,” I don’t mean howling rage, hurtful lunacy, or out-of-control misbehavior. I’m calling on the experimental part of you that isn’t always polite and reasonable; the exuberant rebel who is attracted to wild truths rather than calming lies; the imaginative seeker who pines for adventures on the frontiers of your understanding. Now is an excellent time to tap into your inner maverick. CANCER (June 21-July 22) Here’s an excerpt from Dorianne Laux’s poem “Antilamentation”: “Regret nothing. Not the cruel novels you read to the end just to find out who killed the cook. Not the insipid movies that made you cry in the dark. Not the lover you left quivering in a hotel parking lot. Not the nights you called god names and cursed your mother, sunk like a dog in the living room couch, chewing your nails.” I’m giving you a good dose of Laux’s purifying rant in the hope that it will incite you to unleash your own. The time is favorable to summon an expanded appreciation for the twists and tweaks of your past, even those that seemed torturous in the moment. Laux doesn’t regret the TV set she threw out the upstairs window or the stuck onion rings she had to sweep off the dirty restaurant floor, and I hope you will be that inclusive. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) “Modesty is the art of drawing attention to whatever it is you’re being humble about,” said Alfred E. Neuman, the fictitious absurdist whose likeness often appears on the cover of Mad magazine. I’m here to tell you, Leo, that now is an excellent time to embody this aphorism. You are in a perfect position to launch a charm offensive by being outrageously unassuming. The less you brag about yourself and the more you praise other people, the better able you will be to get exactly what you want. Being unegotistical and non-narcissistic is an excellent strategy for serving your selfish needs. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) “To go wrong in one’s own way is better than to go right in someone else’s,” says a character in Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s novel Crime and Punishment. I don’t agree with that idea 100 percent of the time. Sometimes our wrong ideas are so delusional that we’re better off getting interrupted and redirected by the wiser insights of others. But for the near future, Virgo, I recommend Dostoyevsky’s prescription for your use. One of your key principles will be to brandish your unique perspectives. Even if they’re not entirely right and reasonable, they will lead you to what you need to learn next. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) “I love kissing,” testifies singer-songwriter Sufjan Stevens. “If I could kiss all day, I would. I can’t stop thinking about kissing. I like kissing more than sex because there’s no end to it. You can kiss forever. You can kiss yourself into oblivion. You can kiss all over the body. You can kiss yourself to sleep.” I invite you to temporarily adopt this expansive obsession, Libra. The astrological omens suggest that you need more sweet slippery sensual tender interaction than usual. Why?

Because it will unleash sweet slippery sensual tender emotions and sweet slippery sensual tender thoughts, all of which will awaken a surge of dormant creativity. Which you also need very much. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) “Everything has been said before,” said French author André Gide, “but since nobody listens we have to keep going back and beginning all over again.” I am happy to inform you that you’re about to be temporarily exempt from this cynical formulation. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you will be able to drive home certain points that you have been trying to make over and over again for quite a while. The people who most need to hear them will finally be able to register your meaning. (P.S. This breakthrough will generate optimal results if you don’t gloat. Be grateful and understated.) SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Do you want more money, Sagittarius? Are there treasures you wish you could have, but you can’t afford them? Do any exciting experiences and life-enhancing adventures remain off-limits because of limited resources? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, now would be an excellent time to formulate plans and take action to gather increased wealth. I don’t guarantee total success if you do, but I promise that your chance to make progress will be higher than usual. Cosmic tendencies are leaning in the direction of you getting richer quicker, and if you collaborate with those tendencies, financial magic could materialize. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) “It’s a terrible thing to wait until you’re ready,” proclaims actor Hugh Laurie. He goes even further: “No one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready.” His counsel is too extreme for my tastes. I believe that proper preparation is often essential. We’ve got to get educated about the challenges we want to take on. We need to develop at least some skills to help us master our beloved goals. On the other hand, it’s impossible to ever be perfectly prepared and educated and skilled. If you postpone your quantum leaps of faith until every contingency has been accounted for, you’ll never leap. Right now, Capricorn, Laurie’s view is good advice. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Fate has transformed a part of your life that you didn’t feel ready to have transformed. I won’t offer my condolences, though, because I’ve guessed a secret that you don’t know about yet. The mythic fact, as I see it, is that whatever you imagine you have had to let go of will ultimately come back to you in a revised and revivified form -- maybe sooner than you think. Endings and beginnings are weaving their mysteries together in unforeseen ways. Be receptive to enigmatic surprises. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) Good news: Your eagerness to think big is one of your superpowers. Bad news: It’s also one of your liabilities. Although it enables you to see how everything fits together, it may cause you to overlook details about what’s undermining you. Good news: Your capacity for intense empathy is a healing balm for both others and yourself. At least potentially, it means you can be a genius of intimacy. Bad news: Your intense empathy can make you fall prey to the emotional manipulation of people with whom you empathize. ood news: Your willingness to explore darkness is what makes your intelligence so profound. Bad news: But that’s also why you have to wrestle so fiercely with fear. ood news: In the next four weeks, the positive aspects of all the above qualities will be ascendant.

Homework Find, create, or arrange to be in the path of an experience that makes you cry for joy. Report results to FreeWillAstrology.com.

check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes & Daily Text Message Horoscopes


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