BROWN GIRL RISE @browngirlrise
Brown Girl Rise is a grassroots collective run by many BIPOC femmes that started back in 2016. The collective’s mission is to create spaces for BIPOC femmes, trans and nonbinary youth. BGR typically works with adolescents and teens ages 7-17, hosting events and workshops that focus on “decolonizing” the way BIPOC histories are taught in school. Diverse topics are covered, spanning everything from herbal medicine to food justice to the liberation of marginalized communities, while also instilling a sense of comfort in taking up space and knowing the best ways to care for oneself to therefore care for the community. Since the pandemic has started, BGR meetings have moved to Zoom, where the youth are able to find release and expression in whichever way they need. BLACK FOOD SOVEREIGNTY NW @blackfoodnw
Founded in 2018, BFSNW is a member-based coalition that works with BIPOC growers, advocates and other community members to bring food stability to marginalized Pacific Northwest communities. BLOOM BEAUTY COLLECTIVE @bloombeautycollective
A vogue dance house led by house mother and father Paula Metzler and Daniel Girón. ILTOPIA STUDIOS
A Black-owned and -operated creative studio that uses comics and other illustrative art to communicate the Black experience. JAILBREAK STUDIOS
The transformed studio and collective of Jailhouse Studios, serving as a gallery, resource center, studio and store focused on BIPOC, queer and womxn artists. KIKI HOUSE OF FLORA @kikihouseofflora
A vogue dance house led by house mother and father Kerry Yamaucci and Brandon Harrison that recently launched a house in Denver as well. NOCHE LIBRE @nochelibrepdx
A Latinx DJ collective with a weekly residency at Dig A Pony that can also be booked for events and performances. ORI GALLERY 4038 N Mississippi Ave.
A BIPOC media collective and talent agency that holds workshops and hosts events centered on art, beauty and fashion.
Art gallery run by Maya Vivas and Leila Haile, with a focus on queer and trans artists of color. They’ve switched to an artist residency model during the pandemic and will resume hosting workshops, openings and events when safe.
DEEP UNDER GROUND @deepunderground
What started as an open mic night has grown into a massive artistic and music community that also serves as a networking, promotion and performance platform. FOOD MUSEUM
HOUSE OF ADA @thehouseofada
An artist collective, led by Alexis Mercedes, that uses provocative imagery to address socioeconomic and historic subjects regarding food.
A queer art collective focus on queer, trans and gender-noncomforming creators of color. Y.G.B. PORTLAND @y.g.b.portland
Young, Gifted & Black/Brown is an artistic collective and community that creates pro-Black-, pro-femme-, and pro-queer-centered events.