Graduate Portfolio Draft 12/28/19

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Michael Willhoit Select Undergraduate Works 2016 - 2019

This portfolio represents my interest in the collective experience of architecture. The work showcased deals with issues of program, tectonics, and human experience, and contributes to my overall vision of creating spaces of gathering and engagement.


Table of Contents Spelunk’d: 4-9 Light in the Tunnel: 10-15 Artificial Heart(h)s: 16-21 House for a Chef: 22-27 Frankford Galleria: 28-33


Spelunk’d ARCH 4332: Arch Design V, Spring 2019 Studio Critic: Andrew Wit Temple Architecture Capstone Award

This project is imagined as a high adventure playground perched atop a rocky outcropping, standing like a surreal monolith. Spelunk’d was inspired by cavernous vaults and folding tunnels, allowing for small nooks and expansive pockets. It is a monument challenging conquest.



Spatial Studies and Synthesis 6

Exploded Axon 7

Above & Below Axon

Cracked Axon 8

Final Model 9

Light in the Tunnel ARCH 2122: Foundations of Arch Design 2, Spring 2017 Studio Critic: Fauzia Sadiq-Garcia

Light in the Tunnel is an enclosure for a staircase in the architecture studios at Temple University. Focusing on form, the inspiraiton was derived from human contact with the staircase, and an inversion of this relationship, open air becoming solid. It is a project that deals with creating moments of tightness and release.



Human Contact with Staircase 12

Inversion Model 13

Final Model 14

Collage Vignettes 15

Artificial Heart(h)s ARCH 4332: Arch Design V, Spring 2019 Studio Critic: Andrew Wit Temple Architecture Capstone Award

Artificial Heart(h)s imagines a dwelling for two, where one can escape from the outside world, yet still be connected through a central space; a chimney-shaped drone port, used for receiving and sending mail, observation of the surrounding city, or even home security. This home experiments with domesticity, paring down human needs to make room for technological needs. The dwelling comes to life in section, where the dichotomy between machine space and human space becomes clear. The home is divided around its core, creating clearly defined spaces with fuzzy edges.



Massing Studies 18

Second Floor

First Floor


Longitudinal & Transverse Sections 20

Final Model 21

House for a Chef: ARCH 3231: Architectural Design III, Fall 2017 Studio Critic: Bill Craig

House for a Chef is a twin row home and kitchen studio on the busy South Street in Philadelphia. Since hosting is a primary function of the space, the facade reflects this with dramatic operable sunshades and folding glass walls. The split levelling and central atrium allows light to reach from the facade to the rear of the home, and let the sounds and smells of food waft up and through the home.



Before & After 24

Fourth Floor

Third Floor

Second Floor

First Floor


Split Levels 26

Final Model 27

Frankford Galleria: ARCH 4331: Arch Design IV, Fall 2018 Studio Critic: Phillip Crosby AIA Leading Age Competition, 2nd Place

This project imagines a mixed-use complex with a focus on senior living, attractions like a makerspace and retail, and child care. Due to the site’s location close to an elementary school, Frankford Galleria serves as a community hub for the young and old, creating a more integrated and vibrant senior living experience.



Site 30

Massing & Program 31

Final Complex 32

Aerial View of Neighborhood 33

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