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Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao Jiaozuo City Section Landscape Design

南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design
南水北调焦作城区景观设计的初步设计 1
南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design
NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design



南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design 1 原始案例研究 Original Case Studies 5 交通系统 Traffic System 7 设施设计 Facilities Design 8 总结 Conclusions 6 旅游策略 Tourism Strategies 2 获取成功的程度 Landing the Concept 3 北部的挑战和洪水策略 Northern challanges and Flooding Strategies 4 景观设计 Landscape Design
研究对比结果 Weighing outcomes 5.1 交通设计和层级 Traffic design and hierarchy 5.2 绿化带设计 Green belt design 5.3 街道设计 Street design 7.1 休闲设施 Leisure facilities 7.2 服务设计 Services design 6.1 焦作的庆典:过去,现在,未来
6.2 文化景观道设计
corridor design 6.3
and Iconic architecture design
Jiaozuo celebration. Past, present, future
旅游吸引元素 Tourism attractors 6.4
南水北调 游龙 NanShuiBeiDiao Dragon
悬浮的云,流动的水 Suspended Cloud, Flowing Water
城市生态系统 Urban ecosystem 3.2 洪水控制区域计划 Flood control regional plan
洪水网络 Flooding network
绿色网络 Green network 4.2 水网络 Water network 4.3 堤坡设计 Slope design 4.4 山形建筑政府广场 Mountain Government Plaza 4.5 桥和景观的整合 Bridges and landscape integration 4.6 倒虹吸和景观的整合 Siphons and landscape integration 4.7 焦作古庙和景观的整合 Jiaozuo Original Temple and landscape integration
生态长廊 Ecological corridor 3

Weighing outcomes

1 原方案研究 Original Case Studies 1.1
design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design

该项目的改进遵循了清晰的设计思路以及绿色 设 计原则,以此更好的连接项目场地与城市。

The project’s evolution followed clear lines of design and environmental friendly measures. These to better link the project to the city and region.

尽管原方案也对环境因素进行了考虑,却没有对防洪系统进行深 入思考。随着南水北调北区段防洪潜在威胁的迫近,急需一个健 全成熟的防洪系统。

Even though the first design considerations include environmental friendly measures, they did not contemplate a detailed flood protection system. With the imminent risk of flooding in Nanshuibeidiao’s northern section, a flood control system is an urgent need

这就是我们这次项目调整中,防洪系统网络建立的方式:主要由延 干渠9千米的湿地池塘串联组成,它们可将暴雨及径流吸收减速随 后排入南北向的河道当中。

That is way a flood management network is included in the most recent project update. Mainly composed by interconnected wet-ponds running along a 9km long flooding channel, that discharges stormwater and run-off into a controlled flow to the river streams running from north to south.

南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design 1 原方案研究 Original Case Studies 5
2 1
1.1 1.1 研究对比结果 Weighing outcomes
2 新方案打造 Landing the Concept
Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design

游龙从南到北穿越焦作 市,沿途带来生机勃勃 的能量流。

The Water Dragon is going across the country, in its way through Jiaozuo City he is creating new dynamic flows

南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design 2 新方案打造 Landing the Concept 7
2.1 南水北调 游龙 NanShuiBeiDiao Dragon
“水是西湖云是天,踏遍红尘路, 结伴水云间”。
南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design 2 新方案打造 Landing the Concept 8 2.2
coming together in this dynamic space 云水间,就是云和水相接的地方。
That is how, water and clouds are
2.2 悬浮的云,流动的水 Suspended Cloud, Flowing Water




Water Dragon controls water, water is life, life is movement. Thus clouds arrive carrying new flows and perpetueting the cycle.

南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design 2 新方案打造 Landing the Concept 9
Dynamic Flow Water Network Green Network
2.2 2.2 悬浮的云,流动的水 Suspended Cloud, Flowing Water

The clouds suspended above the project and flowing over the water take shape all along NanShuiBeiDiao

南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design 2 新方案打造 Landing the Concept 10 2.2
野餐云 Picnic Clouds 云广场 The Cloud Esplanade 商业区域 Commercial Area
绵整个场地。 2.2 悬浮的云,流动的水 Suspended Cloud, Flowing Water


In this way all elements mixed together creating those dynamic flows that ensure a vibrant and accelerating place. A place that cares about the past, acts in the present and embraces Jiaozuo´s bright future.

南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design 2 新方案打造 Landing the Concept 11 2.2
Ecological Axis Leisure Axis Cultural Axis
2.2 悬浮的云,流动的水 Suspended Cloud, Flowing Water
流线,以创造一个充满能量活力的场 地,它关乎焦作的过去、现在及未来。
南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design 12
南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design 13
南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on
city section landscape design 14
NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo
南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on
design 15
NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape
南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design 17
3 干渠北岸区域城市排涝的策略 Northern challanges and Flooding Strategies
Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design

3.1 城市生态系统

Urban ecosystem framework

Green Landscape Planning



The project was developed under the city’s environmental and green planning guideline. It is part of a green and blue network.

依据场地大小,用地多样性和工程的类型,我们 将焦作的南水北调工程看做是一个城市生态系统

Given the size, land use diversity and type of project we consider Jiaozuo Nanshuibeidiao as a urban ecosystem.


自然生态系统的一般功能趋于稳定状态,与此同时城 市会因此而发展出新的动态功能。

Natural ecosystems tend to steady-states of general functioning while urban settings increase their dynamics with development.


城市不能仅依靠自身资源跟空间来提供资源及调节功 能,更大程度上依赖于远程资源,而它们需要时间来 发展。

Urban settlements cannot depend only on their own resources and spaces to provide information and regulation functions, these largely depend on remote sources; they grow in dependency over time.

通过采取适当的行动,人类会在城市生态系统中扮演 重要的角色。

The populations can have a role in the faith of the urban ecosystem, by means of taking certain actions. (Decker, et al., 2000) 3

Air and temperature regulation

信息服务 2

空气和温度调节 1 Information services

支持供给与防灾减灾 3

Support and hazards mitigation


The landscape project is defined by the blue and green infrastructure


Blue infrastructure = water bodies and network


Green infrastructure = green spaces and park forests

南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design 3 干渠北岸区域城市排涝的策略 Northern challanges and Flooding Strategies 19
3.1 城市生态系统 Urban ecosystem

Flood control plan - Water planning and the ecological corridor functioning

焦作 南水北调水基础设施和景观生态走廊Jiaozuo Nanshuibeidiao water infrastructure and landscape ecological corridor

干渠、滞留池网络、沼泽以及湿地水塘只是整个水体系统中的一部分,因此场地的整体安全 性将由更大的洪水控制系统来保证。

The flood channel, retention ponds-network, marshlands and wet ponds are part of a larger water systems, conceived at city and regional level. Therefore the overall performance and safety is ensured by a larger storm and flood control system.

城市水系统和天然排水系统City water systems & natural drainage

焦作南水北调生态走廊 Jiaozuo Nanshuibeidiao ecological corridor

该项目的水吸收率被均匀分布在整个城市和区域水系统中。The project’s water uptake rate is distributed evenly among the whole city and regional water system.

南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design 3 干渠北岸区域城市排涝的策略 Northern challanges and Flooding Strategies 20
3.2 洪水控制区域计划 Flood control regional plan

这五个区域可收集15% 的降雨和径流。当五年 一遇洪灾发生时,可以 储存大约24小时的降 水。

The five zones collect 15% of the rainfall and runoff. Can retain approx. 24h-rainfall from a 5 year storm event

湿地池塘及水体系统收 集、净化、分配降水, 随后汇入干渠及河道 中,贯穿于9公里长的 项目之中。

Along the whole project, 9km, the wet ponds and water bodies collect, distribute and clean water to later drive into the flood channel and finally to the rivers.

107 ponds collect +/152.295 m3 107个池塘能收集 大约152.295立方

南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design 3 干渠北岸区域城市排涝的策略 Northern challanges and Flooding Strategies 21 105m 97m 100m 103m 95m 94m 106m 107m 105m 97m 100m 103m 95m 94m 106m 107m 排涝分区 A BC D E A DE
Maximum water level in storm events
风暴来临时 的最大水位
water level in storm events 风暴来临时
Maximum water level in storm events 风暴来临时
Maximum water level in storm events 正常水位 Water level under normal conditions 正常水位 Water level under normal conditions
Water level under normal conditions 泄洪通道底部 Flood channel bottom 泄洪通道底部 Flood channel bottom 泄洪通道底部
channel bottom
Flood channel bottom B-C m 3 9km
风暴来临时 的最大水位 Maximum
3.3 3.3 洪水网络 Flooding network
米水体 Water
to the ecological corridor
南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design 3 干渠北岸区域城市排涝的策略 Northern challanges and Flooding Strategies 22 水利基础设施建设细节 Water infrastructure in detail 池塘/湿地 Water pond / wetland 生态截洪沟 Flooding channel 排水沟 Gutter 暴雨&街道径流 Stormwater & street runoff 滞留池系统 Retention tank system 1 1 1 X X X X 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 Ecological corridor water management / Water distribution 3.4 3.4 生态长廊 Ecological corridor


Dry season: water is collected from the river


旱季时,河道中的水能补充进入池塘、水体结构以及其他景观元素之中。 When dry seasons hit the water coming from the river will be detained into the ponds and diverted to water bodies and other landscape components.

雨季时,洪水处理系统能降低暴雨径流速度,并最终缓慢排入所有河道中。 When rainy season hits the excess of water is slowed down by the flood management network and finally released slowly from ponds at every river’s stream entry.

南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design 3 干渠北岸区域城市排涝的策略 Northern challanges and Flooding Strategies 23
stream 1 1 2 2 水系网络功能
3.4 3.4 生态长廊 Ecological corridor
Rainy season: water in ponds and in the flood channel, and slowly discharged to the river
River /
Water network function options
Ecological corridor water management / Water distribution

Ecological corridor water management / Water distribution


Dry season: water is collected from the river


河/水流 River / stream 1 2

Rainy season: water in ponds and in the flood channel, and slowly discharged to the river

Water network function options


When dry seasons hit the water coming from the river will be detained into the ponds and diverted to water bodies and other landscape components.

雨季时,洪水处理系统能降低暴雨径流速度,并最终缓慢排入所有河道中。 When rainy season hits the excess of water is slowed down by the flood management network and finally released slowly from ponds at every river’s stream entry.

南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design 3 干渠北岸区域城市排涝的策略 Northern challanges and Flooding Strategies 24 1 2 3.4
3.4 生态长廊 Ecological corridor


- 植物、水体过滤泥沙沉淀物


- 水体质量被改善至少40%

- 水体可调节夏天的温度

- 水池塘渔业和其他动物提供栖息地


- 绿色空间及水体环境为社交提供了轻松愉悦的环境。

Water treatment

- Plants and water bodies filter sediments and particulates

Environmental improvement

- Water is released at least with an 40% quality improvement.

- Water regulates temperature in the summer

- Water provides habitat for pond fisheries and other animals

Recreational and aesthetic benefits

- Green spaces and water bodies provide room for cognitive relaxation and social exchange

南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design 3 干渠北岸区域城市排涝的策略 Northern challanges and Flooding Strategies 25
Ecological corridor water management / Water distribution 3.4 生态长廊 Ecological corridor

Ecological corridor water management / Water distribution

水廊道的设计,是集合防洪减灾、净化水体、循环利用、景观价值为一体的综合性基础设 施。入河流从而使其减水廊道的设计,是集合防洪减灾、净化水体、循环利用、景观价值 为一体的综合性基础设施。一个用以净化水质的生态廊道设计,并确保整个项目的具有生 态与环保性质。它不是一个U形的基础设施,相反,它是一种活性水,以改善生态系统功 能。生态系统功能。

The water path design to collect stormwater and channelize it to the river and subséquent flood mitigation infrastructures it is an ecological water corridor design to purify the water and ensure a natural and environmental friendly experience along the whole project. It is not a hardened U-shaped infrastructure on the contrary it is an active water bodie that will promote ecosystemic functions.

南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design 3 干渠北岸区域城市排涝的策略 Northern challanges and Flooding Strategies 26 3.4
3.4 生态长廊 Ecological corridor

Thank you

Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao Jiaozuo City Section Landscape Design

南水北调项目焦作区景观设计的初步设计 Preliminary design on NanShuiBeiDiao JiaoZuo city section landscape design

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