Who wants to go to camp?
March 25th-29th June 10th-14th June 17th-21st June 24th-28th
July 1st-5th July 8th-12th July 15th-19th July 22nd-26th
2013 Camp Dates Contact: William Bloodworth 770-598-6896 wbloodworth@campanderson.org www.campanderson.org www.facebook.com/CampAnderson.org
The ThePlace... Place…Where WhereisisCamp CampAnderson? Anderson?
Camp Anderson has been blessed with one of the most unique and beautiful locations in the country. Only God could provide such a beautiful place in such a miraculous way. You will recognize how special this place is as soon as you set foot on the property. It is indeed a little “Slice of Heaven”. Camp is located in Old Town Florida which is in the “Big Bend” area of Northwest Florida. The camp has an excellent central location that is easily accessible to Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama and Mississippi. We are located on the beautiful Suwannee River about 20 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. This area of the river is fed by the largest number of freshwater springs in the world and attracts abundant wildlife including manatees that come up into the river to enjoy the constant 72 degree spring water. The camp location is on a wide deep section of the river that has breathtaking beauty. The riverbank is covered with moss laden cypress trees that are hundreds of years old. The camp area is unique in that it shares both the beach and ocean oriented activities as well as the springs, fishing, snorkeling and water sport activities of the river. The weather is mild and provides opportunities for camp well into the winter months. The camp has excellent accommodations-main camp building with game room, dining and shower facilities, large covered pavilion, in ground pool, RV hook ups, and about 1500 ft. of unspoiled beautiful river front. The physical address for the camp is: 536 NE 168th Ave. Old Town Florida 32680 Contact: William Bloodworth 770-598-6896 wbloodworth@campanderson.org www.campanderson.org
The People... Who is Camp Anderson? Pastor Roy Mack is the Pastor of Pinecrest Baptist Church in McDonough GA which is the sending church of William and Cindy Bloodworth and the camp ministry. Pastor Roy has a heart for reaching the unreached and his visionary leadership style continually pushes the envelope of what could be. God has used Pastor Roy to speak into the Bloodworth family and to encourage the launch of this ministry. Joe H Anderson Jr. is the owner of the camp property as well as the founder of the Anderson Columbia family of companies that operate worldwide in the areas of paving, bridge building, concrete construction, mining aggregate, utilities, timber, real estate and a host of other related fields. Mr. Anderson is a true believer with a heart as big as Texas to see young people saved. Mr. Joe is a wise steward that has invested heavily in eternity. Kevin Hornsby is the life-long friend and spiritual brother to William. Kevin and William have a “Jonathan and David” type of relationship with a unified heart to see young people saved and discipled. Kevin is the student pastor of the prominent Eagles Landing Christian Academy in McDonough, GA and he brings over 20 years of experience in youth and camp ministry to the team. Kevin is the ‘Camp Pastor’ and provides the majority of the preaching at camp and he and his wife Jody are vitally involved with a ‘hands on’ approach and a willingness and commitment to see the mission accomplished. Kevin is a ‘Pastor to Youth Pastors’ and provides encouragement, mentorship and leadership to the many youth leaders that he comes in contact with though his ministry. RV Brown is the life-long Spiritual coach and mentor and friend to William and Cindy Bloodworth. RV is a world renowned evangelist with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association as well as the President of Outreach to America’s Youth (OTAY), Fellowship of Christian Athletes ‘Hall of Fame’ member and the list goes on and on. RV began mentoring William about 15 years ago, and through this relationship he instilled a sense of urgency and focus to win young people and adults to Christ. God has used RV to win many young people to Christ and his results oriented passion, has marked William and the Camp Anderson mission. Eddie Correll and his family are the longtime family friends of William and Cindy Bloodworth. Eddie brings an ‘over the top’ personality and passion that is infectious and leads young people want to be Christians. Eddie is vitally involved in one-on-one discipleship during and after camp. Eddie is mechanically inclined and comes up with crazy ideas and toys for camp that the young people love. Joshua Carter has surrendered his life to missions, youth ministry and music and he uses his gifts to connect with young people. Josh is a youth pastor, Bible teacher, Christian school teacher, coach and music major that God is using greatly at Camp Anderson. William and Cindy Bloodworth have been called by God to camp ministry and they have surrendered their lives to His call. God has uniquely prepared them to lead this mission. William is an accomplished business executive, energetic leader, and surrendered missionary. Cindy is a veteran accounting and administrative professional that loves young people and understands the big picture of who we are and why we are here.
The do we do camp ministry? ThePurpose... Purpose…Why Why do we do camp ministry? Our ultimate goal at Camp Anderson is to see young people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, to disciple them to be baptized, to get plugged into the local church, to become a student of God’s Word and to fully surrender their lives to the mission that God has uniquely call them to. These goals are accomplished in a coordinated effort with and for the benefit of, the churches that we serve. When a young person comes to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Kingdom of God is expanded. Camp Anderson has a burden to see young people come to spiritual maturity. We want to support the local church as they teach and train young people to become soul-winners, teachers and preachers of God’s Word. Multiplication happens when the disciples become the disciplers. Evangelism- Preaching the Gospel is a cornerstone at Camp Anderson. In the Bible, Paul said “I have purposed to know nothing among you but Jesus Christ and him Crucified”. Paul knew that the Gospel was the important message that needed to be preached and he purposed in his heart to “Keep the main thing, the main thing”. With this in mind, the Gospel is preached at Camp Anderson every day. From the “God and I time” that begins each day at camp to the final cabin devotion before ‘lights out’, the staff and counselors are focused and committed to communicating the Good News that Jesus Saves! Discipleship- The great commission in the Bible says that we are to go into all the world and “Make Disciples”. Our purpose at Camp Anderson runs much deeper than getting a camp tee shirt on a camper. We want to see young people surrender their lives to Jesus Christ and spend their lives loving and serving Him. I reality, Evangelism is just the first step in Discipleship. After a young person comes to a saving knowledge of Jesus, our desire is to see them grow to become the future spiritual leaders in our community and our nation. One of the projects that we have in the planning stages is our ‘Counselors in Training’ program in which spiritually mature young people can come to camp as assistant counselors. Camp ministry provides an excellent opportunity for young people to get the ‘hands on’ leadership training that they need to become the spiritual leaders of tomorrow. One of our long range goals is to develop a way to consistently communicate with students on a daily basis though current computer technology and social media. Students today communicate through technology in ways that we could have never imagined only 20 years ago. We at Camp Anderson want to embrace these trends to get the truth of God’s Word, front and center in a young person’s life every day. These unique communication methods also provide a way for a young person to ‘talk’ to a spiritually mature disciple at any time at the touch of a button. We are keenly aware that we must keep our purpose clear, concise and at the forefront of all that we do so everyone that comes to Camp knows exactly why we are do what we do!
The How do we to get it done? ThePlan... Plan…. How do plan we plan to get it done? Step #1 Awesome Fun! We want to provide a bomb shell camp experience that is so Fun and so Awesome that every young person will want to come. Our plan includes cutting edge activities and experiences that the campers may have never experienced before, making for life long memories. We plan to be relentless in making this camp the best there is, to insure that the mission field continues to come to us! Step #2 Unconditional Love. When a young person steps on the campus of Camp Anderson, they are immediately greeted with un-conditional love. The staff and counselors are chosen because they love young people. Many of the young people that come to camp are from difficult situations. Even in the “Good” homes, the un-conditional love of Christ often gets lost in the shuffle. We believe that the key ingredient that is missing in many ministries is the love of Christ. When young people are confronted with true unconditional love, it melts away the walls of resistance and opens their heart to hear God Speak. Step #3 Spiritual Focus Every Staff and Counselor at Camp Anderson is focused on the Spiritual wellbeing and healing that is at the heart of the purpose of the ministry. The counselors look for ‘windows’ of opportunity to engage each young person in Spiritual conversation. We have found that when we make a personal connection, show genuine love and communicate in the power of the Holy Spirit….young people get saved in droves! Step #4 Discipleship The Missing element in most camp ministries is Discipleship. When a young person makes a decision for Christ, we first of all want to give them the gift of a “Camp Anderson” Bible. Camp Anderson is committed to follow up with every camper that makes a decision at camp and to encourage them in their new found walk with God. This follow up includes personal contact through the internet, facebook, email texting and phone. Camp Anderson goes the “Extra Mile’ to get a young person plugged into a local church. If a student has a church home, we contact their Pastor to assist in building a spiritual support team that includes parents, friends, and Camp Anderson in addition to their church support staff. Step #5 Camp Mission Trip We aim to change the perspective that most churches have about Camp ministry. We want the church to see their week at camp as a “Mission Trip”. We want to recruit the members to reach out into their community to bring unsaved , un-churched and under privileged kids to camp along with their youth group. In doing so, not only will many young people come to Christ but we will accomplish our purpose of building the local church as well as satisfying our discipleship goal of providing a Spiritual support team. In an effort to forward this ministry goal, Camp Anderson is launching a new program called “Campers for Christ” in which we are actively soliciting businesses and individuals to sponsor underprivileged young people to be able to come to camp. Camp Anderson will provide these sponsorships to local churches and though the FCA program in the public school system. 4
The Present...What is God doing at Camp Anderson? Camp Week July 2nd-6th, 2012
78 Campers for the last week of Camp
14 Camper gave their lives to Christ, 20 Rededications
To Build a Christian Youth Camp Ministry in which thousands of Young People will come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, that will make a difference in our community and our Nation.
William, Just hearing the name Camp Anderson puts a smile on my face... It brings back great memories of not only my two grandson's and their best friends getting saved, but also, 50 other teens coming to know Jesus Christ and beginning their personal relationship with him on a daily bases... We live next door to the camp so we were able to be involved with different aspects of it... From everyone coming together during amazing praise & worship and having the freedom to just let go and saturate themselves in the glory & love of GOD, to all the fun activities and new relationships that will last forever. Both Frank and myself were as well ministered to simply by the love the staff and counselor's showed each and every teen... Our life is so much more blessed because of the new friendships we have made through Camp Anderson... All of you are amazing human beings that have put together a platform for teens to comfortably come together and have that life changing moment, the moment they make JESUS CHRIST the LORD and SAVIOR of their LIVES... We thank GOD for each and everyone of you and for being sensitive to GOD's voice and taking that and making something so wonderful as Camp Anderson... May God bless you all, Frank & Debbie Anderson
Camp Week June 18th-22nd, 2012 Boys Only
25 young men gave their lives to Jesus!
Dear Mr. William and Staff I would like to say ‘Thank You’ for having my son at Camp Anderson. My son John Joslin has never really been out of my sight for a long period of time and it was hard for me to let him go to camp for a week, but after talking to Mr. William I was OK with letting him go. The morning that I picked John up from camp he had tears of joy in his eyes, his life had changed, As I was driving away from the camp that day, John was telling me about his adventures.... he absolutely had a blast.... He told me, “My life has changed for ever mommy, I got saved at the Camp.” That night John had me, his Daddy and sister sit down in the living room so he could look up the “Happy Song” on the internet and play it for us....He absolutely loves that song! When we got ready for dinner that night he wanted to say the prayer...like ya’ll had taught him. The Bible that Mr. William gave John, he carries it with him. Every evening now John likes to sit by our Pond and read to us out of his Bible. John told me that he wants to come down to the camp now and then to hear the services that Mr.Hornsby does and I told him that he could.... I Just wanted to say “Thank You” to all of you at Camp Anderson. John Loves ya’ll too....He will be heading back there next summer for another week.... Thank You Brandy Joslin 13
God’s Promise
1 Chronicles 28:20 “Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord God, my God, will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord.”
Camp Week March 22nd-26th, 2012 Eagles Landing Christian Academy
7 Young People gave their lives to Jesus Christ!
Camp Week Spring Break Camp
8 young people gave their lives to Christ!
Whittney Land
“Few things have excited me more spiritually than Camp Anderson in Old Town, Florida. What a tremendous positive impact to teach today’s youth biblical principles and the love of Christ while allowing them to enjoy much of what old Florida, the Suwannee River and the Big Bend area have to offer. From paint ball to scalloping, from Bible studies to personal testimonies, a week at Camp Anderson is sure to result in a lifetime of great memories.” Joseph Lee Camp Anderson had been an amazing experience for me that ceases to quit bringing pleasant surprises. I had no idea what to expect my first week there last year, but even from week one of this crazy adventure it was obvious that God was using Mr. William and his idea for Camp Anderson to reach kids with the Gospel in the name of Christ. It's so refreshing to see how God can use a place in the middle of the swamp in Florida for not just evangelism, but discipleship for God's Great Name. I just feel honored that I was able to have a part in it and that Mr. William thought of me to help with the music end of the endeavor. So if you have a thrust for kayaking to a natural spring and taking a swim, dodging paintballs, catching scallops in the bay with your bare hands all while growing closer to God in the process, Camp Anderson is the place for you. PS.- Clean off the mud, sweat and paint behind your ears before you go back home to Mama. Josh Carter
Camp Anderson is a beautiful and exciting place; it's a place where God is always at work. It's amazing to experience His Spirit at home there and freely moving in hearts. If you're looking for a place where Jesus Christ is transforming young people's lives, Camp Anderson will not disappoint. The leadership team is fun and focused. They also involve campers in local discipleship; that's rare! Camp Anderson serves as a testament that God Almighty still performs miracles and rewards acts of faith. I have one warning about this camp though, don't be surprised if Sasquatch shows up on a Jet Ski. April Whittaker
To me Camp Anderson is a glimpse of heaven. At camp you are with caring, loving people who teach how we can be this happy all the time by following the lessons in the Bible. Swimming, boating, games, good food and learning more about the Kingdom of God – sounds like heaven to me! Susan Faircloth Camp Anderson means a lot to me, as a counselor it was amazing to see young people come to Christ! Is was a blast to get the opportunity to serve with the staff and students from our area as well as other places. Amazing could summarize Camp Anderson. Monica Mueller
Friday April 13th, 2012 7 PM Dixie County High School Crusades for Christ www.campanderson.org
Dixie County Schools, Churches & Businesses
Mr. R.V. Brown
Spiritual Coach To NFL Athletes FCA Hall of Champions President, Outreach to America’s Youth Evangelist, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
26 Saved, 25 Rededications , 10 Surrendered to Ministry
Contact: William Bloodworth (Camp Director) Phone: 770-598-6869 wbloodworth@campanderson.org www.campanderson.org www.facebook.com/CampAnderson.org Mailing Address: 494 Covered Bridge Rd. Covington Ga. 30016 Physical Camp Address: 536 NE 168th Ave. Old Town Fl. 32680