Happy New … You Tracy Shand has a fresh approach to New Year resolutions for school leaders Being successful in the independent sector today is a question of capital management, innovation and marketing prowess. These are challenging times when your limited resources are required to be maximised to survive. Your biggest cost can become your best asset in 2017 when you empower the human capital working in your school. Your success is based on one thing – YOU, how you act and react. You are where you are today because of the personal and professional choices that you have made. If there is a problem anywhere in your life – the day that you wanted to have never happens, the job that you love becomes a challenge not a joy – choices can be overwhelmed by emotions kicking in and things change. It is the same for everyone you manage. To move forward in 2017 you need to unleash the power of one. When it comes to any aspect of your life – accepting a job, proposing to your love and especially your well-being – all it takes is one person to change your life for the better.
One action
Two Words + One Action Two words can stop you in your tracks – NOT AGAIN (your staff when the senior team announce a really good idea) NOT NOW (when you are your most tired and something happens) - but they can also be a kick-starter. To be successful, choose two words and one action to improve your tomorrow. You could have ‘keep learning’ or ‘what if’, or, to get you started, what about -
One hand – yours
Now we all know that under the senior leader disguise there is an inner child itching to come out, so let’s go back to the future and start planning. Grab a pen now, armed with the curious nature of a child, and away we go – it’s playtime. Do you have a pen yet? Your future is in your hands. Gimme Five! Get some paper and draw round your hand. Yes, draw round your hand. OK, the resulting image is not perfect, but did it make you smile? This is the resource that you need to build your tomorrow. Now write down the five things that you want to be able to say on 31 Dec 2017 – one on each finger. Glue this onto an A3 piece of paper and write 5 steps above each finger about how to get there. I love this one and do it every year as my New Year resolution and have lost no fingers yet! Will you?
One space
Look at these words: Career Care er Impressed Im pressed
Impossible Weekend
Im possible Week end
If you reflect on the emotions associated with these words, what a difference a space makes. Which ones are you drawn to in the pair? Thoughts drive emotions. Emotions drive behaviour. Behaviour drives the school culture you are living in today. So, what one change can you make now to create a positive space to move forward? One action is all it takes. What could that be?
Spring 2017