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GSA Woman of the Year 2019, Sue Hincks

GSA Woman of the Year 2019 Sue Hincks admires the diversity at the heart of GSA pupils’ choices

Girls from 150 Girls’ Schools Association (GSA) schools have selected a shortlist for their latest Woman of the Year awards. The eight women in the public eye are: fashion model, Adwoah Aboah; computer scientist Dr Katie Bouman; BBC Blue Planet II producer Orla Doherty; journalist and documentary maker Stacey Dooley; philanthropist Katie Piper; climate change activist Greta Thunberg; tennis champion Serena Williams; and the education activist Malala Yousafzai.

This shortlist includes women with multi-faceted interests embracing diverse walks of life from fashion to broadcasting to political campaigning. It demonstrates that the girls in our schools have a global mindset and an awareness of world-wide issues, comprising, as it does, women from other countries and women whose work and campaigning embrace universal issues, such as how we look after our environment and indeed our planet, our exploration and understanding of space, and enabling girls around the world to access what we in the UK see as their fundamental right to education.

British fashion model Adwoah Aboah founded the online support platform Gurls Talk, following her personal experiences managing her own mental health. As a young black British female, I think Adwoah Aboah is a great role model. Not only has she been highly successful in her field, she has had to overcome things, like her battle with depression from a young age. I love how she hasn’t hidden it from the media and is trying to bring mental health into the mainstream through her organisation Gurls Talk. In an industry where so many people expect you to look or act a certain way, it’s really nice to see someone being so honest about their insecurities, and to see her speak up for young people with mental health issues. Keisha (age 17), Woldingham School (Surrey)

I’m also heartened to see the great cultural and ethnic diversity of the nominated women. This reflects the equally diverse mix of students in Girls’ Schools Association schools, which in turn echoes the diversity of the UK population as a whole. It’s vital that children of all backgrounds have role models with whom they can identify, and of course it’s just as important that the same children are able to recognise and celebrate the fact that strong, successful women can come from a whole range of cultural and ethnic backgrounds which do not necessarily mirror their own. This is one of the ways in

BBC producer and underwater filming expert Orla Doherty produced the BBC’s Deep Sea episode of the award-winning Blue Planet II series. Orla Doherty’s fearless travel to the depths of Antarctica, and the story of how she learnt to dive and gained a passion for marine life, going on to make Blue Planet II, which impacted millions of people and kicked off a global movement for marine conservation, really helped me realise that any small things I can do, such as beach cleans and being aware of how I use the ocean, can make a real difference and help to save the sea and marine life I have grown up with and love. Danielle (age 18), The Ladies College (Guernsey)

American computer scientist Dr Katie Bouman led the development of an algorithm for imaging black holes and was a member of the Event Horizon Telescope team that captured the first image of a black hole. We were all very inspired by Dr Katie Bouman. We conducted extensive research into all that she has achieved and learnt a great deal ourselves. She is such an inspirational role model for someone so young and has achieved so much already in her career. Isabella, deputy head girl Rosie, head girl Chelsea and Elanor (age 17/18), Manor House School (Surrey)

British journalist and social issues documentary filmmaker Stacey Dooley was appointed MBE in 2018 for services to broadcasting, including BBC Three documentaries about child labour and women in developing countries. I find Stacey Dooley inspirational. As a woman in the 21st century it can be hard to speak out on controversial topics in the media and I believe Stacey has played a very important role in bringing light to differing global issues in her ground-breaking documentaries. Jess (age 17), Westfield School (Newcastle upon Tyne)

Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg initiated the school strike for climate movement, an international movement of school students who are deciding not to attend classes and instead take part in demonstrations to demand action to prevent further global warming and climate change. I voted for Greta because she cares. She cares about her future, my future and everybody on this planet’s future. That’s why she protested. She inspires me because I would like my world to be eco-aware just like she wants her world to be. Imogen (age 11), Portsmouth High School GDST (Southsea)

Philanthropist, TV presenter and former model Katie Piper founded the Katie Piper Foundation to help victims of burns and other disfigurement injuries, after undergoing pioneering surgery to restore her own face and vision following an acid attack. My vote is for Katie Piper because of her bravery after the acid attack. She is an inspiration to young girls to follow their dreams no matter what their circumstances are. Charlotte (age 15), Palmer’s Green High School (North London)

American professional tennis player Serena Williams was ranked world No. 1 in singles on eight separate occasions by the Women’s Tennis Association. Serena Williams shows me that with hard work I can get to the top. She’s from an ethnic minority like myself yet she still managed to get to the top even in a male dominated industry. I believe that she’s a role model to both girls and boys. To quote Serena, ‘I really believe that a champion is defined not by their wins, but how they can recover when they fall.’ Budour (age 17), Cobham Hall (Kent)

Pakistani activist for female education Malala Yousafzai became prominent after being shot by a Taliban gunman in retaliation for her views. Co-recipient of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize for her struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education, Malala attended Edgbaston High School, a GSA school, after moving to the UK. Malala Yousafzai has inspired us every day to fight for our education. Even if we don’t take a bullet to the head, we can still make a difference in female education around the world, just like Malala. The last slide in our school presentation on Malala read: ‘She has done something for you, now you can do something for her.’ Anika (age 12), Newcastle High School for Girls GDST (Newcastle upon Tyne)

which we can challenge and begin to eradicate stereotypes and prejudices.

There are a number of Woman/Women of the Year awards in existence, not least the longstanding Women of the Year Lunch, founded in 1955 and currently presided over by ITV’s Julie Etchingham. They’re all wonderful ways to celebrate the variety of women who make an impact on us as individuals and on the world in which we live. However, I do think there is something special about the women that young girls themselves have chosen, as has been the case in the GSA Woman of the Year awards.

In these awards, the one thing all the shortlisted women seem to have in common is the ability to overcome adversity and to show strength in the face of difficult circumstances. Whether that strength manifests itself in rising to the top of your field in a male-dominated profession, meeting criticism head-on, or refusing to be silenced or side-lined, all eight shortlisted women are indicative of the fact that the current generation of girls and young women in our schools understands that it’s okay not to be perfect: what matters is how you learn and grow as a result of whatever life throws at you. In that respect, these women are excellent role models and highly relevant to young women today.

Sue Hincks is the Headmistress of Bolton School Girls’ Division

The winner of the GSA Woman of the Year award will be announced at the Girls’ Schools Association’s annual conference in November

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