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Partners: AGBIS Giving praise



Richard Harman suggests that governors shoul lea the ay in both than ing staff or hat they o an ta ing responsibility or their mental health

‘A n attitude of gratitude’ is a well-worn phrase, but one that is especially important in these pandemic times. As James Timpson, Chief Executive of Timpson Group, said in a recent newspaper column, ‘Giving praise and telling colleagues how much we appreciate their contributions should be on our to-do list every day’.

Authentic support

to look after the health of staff. But leaving aside these legal and regulatory requirements, a little day-to-day human kindness goes a long way. There really is no substitute for a genuine word of thanks or a card of appreciation. Governors also deserve great thanks for their contribution. It is important for Chairs, Heads and Clerks to remember that these folk are volunteers who are fi tting school go ernorship around their ome people fi nd these habits come already busy lives for no remuneration. naturally, others less so; but Once again, remembering governors would do well ... a genuine to say, ‘thank you’ and to cultivate them and to to create an inclusive, remember just how tough word of welcoming atmosphere welcoming atmosphere the last couple of years have around the Board been for school leaders and their staff. It is part of our thanks table can make all the difference. It is duty to ensure that staff are not easy to recruit held to account for their performance and retain good governors. Once and retain good governors. Once in good times and bad, but this needs to they do join up, treating them well they do join up, treating them well be balanced with authentic support. The increases the chances of building a increases the chances of building a pandemic has added to an already dire great team. situation as regards pupils’ mental health AGBIS is here to help and and, in the wake of COVID – and other support governors in all they major challenges like Everyone’s Invited do. Offering stimulating topical and the subsequent Ofsted review – training, webinars and seminars we are seeing similar strains appearing is invaluable, whilst networking among our staff. with others in similar roles is guaranteed to build a sense of Human kindness belonging and understanding. In our role as company directors (as well With this in mind, I commend as school governors and, in most cases, to governors the AGBIS Annual charity trustees), we have a statutory Conference in March 2022. duty of care to our employees under I look forward then to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, being able to say in person, which means that (within reasonable ‘thank you’ for all you do to limits) it is a requirement on us to ensure make our schools the best that appropriate measures are in place they can be. ●


HARMAN is o He was previously ea master o l enham an subse uently ppingham i har is a past hairman o the an

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