Finding Alternative Bad Credit Credit Cards To Rebuild Your Credit
Do you already have a first premier credit card or don’t want one? Looking for bad credit credit card offers to help you start rebuilding or building your credit? You need to be careful. Not all credit cards for people with bad credit are good financial decisions! One thing is certain... you most likely want to find the best credit card possible. So, what are the best bad credit credit cards on the market? Unfortunately, there are a lot of credit cards on the market that claim to help people with bad credit. But when you read the fine print, you find that you are getting yourself into a big financial mess! Things you want to look for: • • • • • • • •
Fees- make a list of the fees they will be charging. Also take note of the ones that are REOCCURING or ANNUAL fees! Is it a secured credit card or an unsecured credit card? Both are good for rebuilding credit but secured credit cards tend to have fewer fees but they require a security deposit. What will be your credit limit. With secured credit cards, your credit limit will be the same as your security deposit. Does it report to the credit reporting agencies? There is no point in getting a card that doesn’t report your activity Do they charge a fee for reporting your activity? You need to know that some company charge around $10 a month to be a part of their “credit builder” program. What is the interest rate? If you plan on leaving a balance on your credit card each month, you need to keep in mind that some of these cards carry a hefty interest rate. What is the grace period? When do they send out the bill. Something that has been happening lately is that some suprime cards send out their statements 2 weeks before they are due! By the time they get to your house you may only have a few days to get them paid before a late fee will be accessed! What is the minimum payment due? Keep in mind that yu always want to make at least the minimum payment.
With all of that in mind we have put together 3 really great alternative credit cards to the First Premier credit card. These are all unsecured credit cards for bad credit. Remember, there is not one particular card that is best for everyone so it's vital that you narrow down what's important to you in a credit card and discover the cards offering the most benefits in this category. Best of luck in your search for the perfect credit card, and remember this is your opportunity to rebuild your credit score. So don’t blow it! Practice good credit habits and watch your credit score soar!