The Way to Find Bad Credit Unsecured Personal Loans
Confused or feeling stressed over finding a bad credit personal loan? Many people who have bad credit find it difficult to find affordable unsecured personal loans. Unsecured loans are the only options available for people who don’t have collateral for a secured loan. Collateral being something like real estate, a paid off car, stocks and bonds or jewelry. The best way to find legitimate unsecured bad credit loans is to use a trusted website like They have been providing bad credit financing since 1997. On sites like this one they will often have listed the best lenders to work with. You just need to know the following since all lenders have different lending criteria: • •
Your credit score. I your credit score is REALLY low, look under bad credit loans guaranteed approval. Your income. While this loan won’t be tied to your paycheck like a payday loan. They will want to make sure you are able to repay the loan
Before applying for an unsecured bad credit personal loan 1. Know how much you can safely borrow. Create a budget. Keep records your monthly income and outgoing expenses. A personal budget goes a long way in safeguarding your financing and putting your finances back in track. 2. Make a list of your unsecured debts. Make sure you know the interest rate you are paying. If you are getting this loan to reduce your debt you need to know which ones have the highest rates so you included them in the loan. 3. Know where your money is going. When you created your budget you should have taken note of your impulse spending. That’s something you need to stop asap 4. Create a savings account you want to make sure that you never get into a big financial bind again. So having a savings account is essential 5. Start improving your credit score. Make sure you don’t get any new collection accounts or charged off debt. These are big red flags. Unsecured financing is very different from secured financing. Since there isn’t any security behind the loan. Lenders tend to avoid people that look like they are currently going thru a financial hardship
Finally be realistic. While many lenders will lend up to $35,000 doesn’t mean you will qualify for it. Many clients get upset when they get turned down because they have bad credit and feel that if we advertise that we approve bad credit, they should get the full $35,000. But lenders will only give you a large unsecured loan when you provide proof that you can repay it! Having bad credit isn’t the only requirement!