Expensive materials earn their high cost because they are rare, in high demand, or difficult to produce. The worth of expensive substances fluctuates with increased availability or decreased demand. The following list of the most expensive materials in the world include elements, gems, and nonnaturally occurring materials.
Plutonium is primarily derived from uranium that has been used in nuclear reactions. Nuclear power plants often use the plutonium from the reactions to continue the nuclear process, which results in a substantial amount of nuclear fission energy. Its scarcity along with its usefulness for nuclear applications drives the high price.
Approximately $4,000 per gram
Painite is a rare mineral and was once considered the rarest mineral in the world. Recent discoveries of painite in the Mogok area of Myanmar, however, point to the possible reduction in its scarcity. Painite is highly sought after for its use in crystal healing therapies.
Approximately $9,000 per gram
Taaffeite is a rare gemstone that ranges in color from red to purple, although less than ten red stones exist. It is so rare that the total amount of taaffeite discovered would fill approximately half a cup.
Approximately $20,000 per gram
Tritium forms naturally through cosmic radiation encountering the atmosphere. It can be created through nuclear technology since it’s one of the byproducts of nuclear power creation. Tritium produces a glow that's primarily applied in exit signs, watches, and other illuminated products. Tritium is high in price due to heavy demand.
Approximately $30,000 per gram
Diamonds form through intense pressure and heat, which transform carbon molecules into diamonds.
Diamonds are the most expensive gemstone, despite the fact that they're not the rarest on earth, but because they are in such high demand.
Approximately $55,000 per gram
Californium is a rare earth metal that doesn't occur naturally. It is highly radioactive and extremely toxic to organic life. Californium is used to detect gold, platinum, and moisture gauges for oil wells. It is most useful for its ability to assist the start of nuclear fission.
Approximately $27 million per gram
Antimatter requires some of the most advanced technology available in order to create small amounts. Many people were introduced to the idea of antimatter through science fiction. The technology involved in creating such small amounts makes this material extremely expensive.
Approximately $6.25 trillion per gram
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List by Kent Tukeli for TheRichest.com http://www.therichest.com/luxury/most-expensive/the-15-most-expensivematerials-in-the-world/?view=all Slide 3: Image by Department of Energy [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons Slide 4: Image by Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0 [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons Slide 5: Image by DonGuennie (G-Empire The World Of Gems) (Own work http://www.g-empire.de) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons