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Portfolio as a Learning Tool

Content of the Lesson O Portfolio in General

O Portfolio Process

O What is a Digital Portfolio?

What does the word ”Portfolio” mean to You? O Spend a while with the word

”Portfolio”. O Use the Padlet and write down

what comes to your mind when you hear the word ”Portfolio” .

Why a Portfolio? O Changes in educational and pedagocial

thinking and practises

O Positive influence on learning, development

and growth

O Offers interesting connections between

different learning environments, learning histories and cooperation

What is a Portfolio? “A portfolio is not merely a collection of course projects, assignments, videotapes, and pictures designed to impress someone. If it is to meet its full potential, a por tfolio must be organized, goal-driven, per formance-based evidence that indicates the attainment of the knowledge, skills , and attitudes .“ Campbell, Melenyzer, Nettles, & Wyman (2000). Portfolio and Performance Assessment in Teacher Education

- Portfolio is a process where the analysis of learning, development

and advancement is as important as the final result.

- In the process of learning, teaching and developing is being

researched according to past, present and future.

Different Types of Portfolio - Basic Portfolio - Showcase / Sample Portfolio - Portfolio of Development and Learning - Assessment Portfolio

The Portfolio Process PROJECT purposes COLLECT and organize SELECT key artifacts INTERJECT personality REFLECT INSPECT to self-assess PERFECT AND evaluate CONNECT INJECT/EJECT to update

What is a Digital Portfolio? O Digital portfolios ďƒ multimedia portfolios, electronic

portfolios, e-folios and web folios

O Contain much of the content traditional portfolios include

but present these materials in digital format.

O Materials are presented using a combination of

multimedia technologies such as audio recordings, database, spreadsheet, video and others.

O A digital portfolio means that students can save their

work to a CD, DVD or a web page or similar.

O Coming ďƒ mPortofolios

Why a Digital Portfolio? O Accessibility O Portability O Creativity O Technology O Self confidence O New social networking

and dialogue

Examples of Digital Portfolio

Sources: O

Barrett, H. 2009. Online Personal Learning Environments: Structuring Electronig Portfolios for Lifelong and Life Wide Learning. On the Horizon.


Campbell, Melenyzer, Nettles, & Wyman. 2000. Portfolio and Performance Assessment in Teacher Education


Elbow & Belanoff. 1991. State University of New York at Stone Brook portfolio-based evaluation program in Belanoff & Dickson (edit.) Portfolios. Process and Product.


Krause, S. 1996. Portfolios in teacher education: Effects of instruction on preservice teachers’ early comprehension of the portfolio process. Journal of Teacher Education 47 (2), 130–138.


Niikko, A. 2001. Portfolio oppimisen ja kasvun välineenä.

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