Vygotsky progressive inquiry

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Progressive Inquiry iVet 2013-2014 Vygotsky Team VOC 1, Session 1 17.9.2013

We will use Padlet here Please click on the Padlet wall link with your teacher's name: Alexandra: http://padlet.com/wall/4e19skqnj7 Katja and Virpi: http://padlet.com/wall/lzf1mxa1uv Timo: http://padlet.com/wall/24u1450qv0

Pre-Task (5min) • Describe on the Padlet wall how did you prepare your

own teaching session. Answer following questions. (Short bullet points are fine.) • Did you all understand the task similarly? Did you find

the task useful for you as a teacher? • What did you do before you started to collect

information related to your topic? • How did you work as a group? Did you split tasks?

Did everyone see everything? • Did you continue to rewrite your material after the first


Progressive Inquiry • We are going to present a pedagogical model called

Progressive Inquiry

• It fits well learning situations when … • Target is knowledge building or problem solving • Learning takes place in collaboration in a group

• Doesn't that sound somewhat familiar? • Does that model describe any aspects of your

group work? • Could you use this approach in your work / in this


Progressive Inquiry – Setting up the Context

• Organize orienting activities • Purpose: direct students and foster commitment • Anchor the problem to real world, not school-books

Progressive Inquiry – Presenting Research Problems

• Questions or problems that guide the process • Most valuable are questions from students themselves • Can be done individually or in groups

Progressive Inquiry – Creating Working Theories

• Write down prior knowledge and explanations • Share this with others – see it from different perspective • Culture of questioning and elaborating knowledge

Progressive Inquiry – Critical Evaluation

• How well prior theories explain the problem? • What we do not know intuitively? • What more knowledge and information do we need?

Progressive Inquiry – Searching Deepening Knowledge

• Explore diverse information sources • Compare your intuitive explanations to expert knowledge or

scientific theories

Progressive Inquiry – Developing Deepening Problems

• More information about the topic leads deeper in

the problem to more specific questions.

Progressive Inquiry – New Theory

• Answers to these more specific questions lead finally also to

answer to the original big question. • And probably iteratively triggers new questions.

Other Cyclical Learning Theories Find information (use Google) on some other cyclical theories. Summarize your main findings on the Padlet wall. Prepare to present it. You have about 7mins 30sec. Student(s) from group Dewey: Kolb's Experimental Learning Student(s) from group Freire: 5 E Learning Cycle

Similarities and Differences • Go to http://padlet.com/wall/l2f8v57jmj. • Keep also the other Padlet wall open! • This Padlet is shared between all three teaching groups.

So you will see but not hear what others think.

• Compare Progressive Inquire model to Kolb's

Experimental Learning and to 5E Learning Cycle • Discuss your observations! • Write your conclusions to the Padlet wall!

Topics for Discussion • Did you notice any similarities with these models and how

you did your group work? • Do you think you could apply these principles as teacher?

Main Sources • Lakkala, M. (2010). How to design educational settings to promote

collaborative inquiry: Pedagogical infrastructures for technology enhanced progressive inquiry, 24. Retrieved fromhttps ://helda.helsinki.fi/bitstream/handle/10138/19887/howtodes.pdf?sequence= , • Progressive Inquiry (PI-Model)http

://www.helsinki.fi/science/networkedlearning/eng/delete.html#pi • Hakkarainen, K. P. J. (1998). Epistemology of scientific inquiry and

computer – supported collaborative learning. Retrieved from http://www.academia.edu/350253/Epistemology_of_Inquiry_and_Computer

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