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After taking the proper photo with the proper settings, it will not always be perfect. To make the picture perfect, you havetotakethehelpofphotoretouching here Therearevarioussoftwareandapps for retouching. But let’s focus on Lightroom for today’s blog. Let’s see how to edit photos taken at night.


1 First, look for the temperature Adjust the temperature. The temperature of a picture is very important. In the summer vibepicture,theundertoneoftheimageis more warm-toned. And in a winter-vibe picture, the undertone of the image is morecool-toned.Sinceweareworkingon a nighttime photo. The undertone of the picture is definitely cool-toned. Like blue, purple, teal green, etc. So, drag the temperature into acooler tone Decrease the temperature. Tocompensate for that, adjust the white balance to more of a purplish-blue tone. (You can do it in whatevercolorthemeyouwantbutgofor acoolertone)

2 Bring up the saturation and vibrance Add more vibrance to the picture. We can adjust that slowly according to the color theme of the picture.

3 HSL is amazing for these types of color adjustments HSL is used to define color more beautifully. You can play around and see what adjustment would work for you.

4.For gradients focus on shadows and highlights Increase them both Don’t overdo it. You don’t need to worry about the midtone since it’s a nighttime picture.

These were all basic editing. Basic stuff that you can adjust in almost every picture Now let’s make this picture more dramatic. The perfect way to make a nighttime photo dreamy is to focus on the little lights that are peeking through in the picture and make it dreamy How? Let me tell you how

5.Go to the histogram. Here you will find exposure, contrast, Highlights, shadow, whites, and blacks You can adjust them according to your preference, but our focus is not here. We are here for the “selective tools” like the Radial filter. Select the Radial filter.

6.Now go to the picture and find the light that can add a dramatic view to the picture. Draw the filter over the lights where you think it will fit perfectly.

7.Now decrease the dehaze. You will soon notice a volume in the aura of those lights. You can also change the color of the light here. (If you even want to change the color of the light try to maintain the undertone of the picture Because that can be tricky to adjust sometimes)

8.Now the lights are lit up. But yet there are more we can do. Select the graduated filter and put it on the dark side of the picture. Decrease the exposure. You will find a more beautiful contrast

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