A prayer request god's actions

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A Prayer Request; God's Actions Psalm 10:17-18 Lord, thou hast heard the desires of the humble, thou will prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear: To judge the fatherless and the oppressed, that the man of the earth may no more oppress. Today's message is the last of our five part series on prayer. Our focus is God's actions as a result of our prayer requests. The psalmist expresses the confidence that believers have when petitioning God in prayer whether the prayer is asking God for something for self or making intercession for others, or simply praising Him for His love, grace and mercy. God love hearing from His children and is quick to act on the behalf of His children. The phrase, "will cause thine ear to hear" bring into focus 2 Chronicles 7:14 which speaks of believers petitioning God with a humble spirit and then turning from their wicked ways, God promises to hear, and heal our land. God is faithful to His promises. That said, as believers continue making intercessory prayer for others that are being persecuted and a healing of our land (world) from all manner of wickedness we have confidence that in God's own time He will bring all evilness and persecution to naught. God is going to bring a spiritual revival before this world is destroyed to show the world that yes I have heard your cry and I am moved to act. God's actions; prayers answered and the wicked destroyed. Have faith and persevere help is on the way.

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