Abide In God's Word John 8:31 ....If ye continue in My word, then are ye My disciples indeed. If the question was raised, How do believers abide in God's Word? This is achieved by daily Bible reading, meditating on the Word, and then committing one's self to obeying the Word as well as yielding self control to the indwelling Holy Spirit. In addition to the above instructions to abiding in God's Word, one must remain in union with Christ as He is our Savior, High Priest, and intercessor. This brings into focus the discussion of the branch and vine being joined together (John 15:1-10) where the branch cannot bear fruit in and of itself. The branch bears fruit as long as it remains connected to the vine and the necessary ingredients flows through. The vine that connects the branch and the vine is Christ. The branch-believers must remain connected to the vine Jesus by abiding in His Word and in doing so the person bears godly fruit by witnessing Christ, living godly lives for the world to see Christ manifested in you and I and serving others glorifying God. Believers remain connected to Christ the vine by hiding God's Word in our hearts and allowing His Spirit to control our thoughts and decision-making, obeying God's commandments while remaining in His love as well as maintaining a clean and godly life by resisting sin. Believers draw near to God by remaining connected to the vine-Christ. Abide in God's Word. Comments are welcome Author's contacts white3285@sbcglobal.net http://willie-writing.blogspot.com
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