Blessed to be a blessing tuesday s discussion feb 25 2014

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Blessed To Be A Blessing Psalm 32:1-2 Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imparted not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is not guile. Our scripture text makes a profound statement regarding believers' salvation in that we have been forgiven by God the Father and our sins covered through the blood of His Son Jesus Christ. That being said, believers are to share these blessings by witnessing Christ with lost souls so they too will be blessed with God's gift of salvation which in and of itself carries the greatest blessing one can receive-Salvation. Believers are blessed with spiritual gifts to edify the body of Christ, which is to use your God given gift in working for the Lord. Some are blessed with the gift of singing, which is to be used to glorify God; just as it is with the gift of serving others. When serving others God is pleased because this emulate His compassionate care of providing for others. It is noteworthy to say, many are blessed materially and financially and they too are to bless others with their giving. The more we give the more God gives back to the giver. We are blessed with God's favor so bless others and glorify God in doing so.

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