Hope In The Midst Of Trials Lamentations 3:1-66 I am the man that hath seen affliction by the rod of His wrath‌It is the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassion fail not. From the writing of the prophet Jeremiah he had witness first hand the wrath of God upon a rebellious nation Judah for failing to repent and turn back to Him. Jeremiah is sometime known or referred to as the weeping prophet because he lamented over the sinful conditions of his countrymen. The more he preached repentance it appears as though the conditions became worse, but Jeremiah continued appealing to the people and to God for mercy. Jeremiah knew that God's mercy would supersede any trials and tribulations that were occurring and would occur. What a merciful God? Our lesson text bring home the point of our lesson text in that regardless of how bleak or difficult the situation is God's hand of mercy is near. God's compassion, mercy, love and grace is evidence by Him sending His Son Jesus to bear the sins of the world. Throughout the history of Israel God's hand of mercy is seen as His compassion never ends and His love endures forever. This applies to all today, because regardless of our troubles and the reason for them there is hope because we can turn to God in sincere prayer knowing that He hears and answer. Hope in God is a sure foundation. Believers, hold fast to your hope in God and waited patiently for the manifestations of His mercy. Comments are welcome Author's contact white3285@sbcglobal.net http://willie-writing.blogspot.com www.shepherdministries.info
Š All Rights Reserved October 26, 2012 Willie White