Living In God's Righteousness

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Living In God's Righteousness Romans 3:21-22 ..Now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe; for there is no difference; Today's lesson study makes two profound statements in that the righteousness of God is His redemptive activity as it relates to human sin and God putting mankind in a right relationship with Him (v. 26) and is based on one's faith in Jesus Christ. Restoring man into a right relationship with God is liberating man from the clutches of sin which if a persons remains in sin has a devastating consequence.

Let's be clear, there is no salvation without faith in Jesus Christ as God's righteousness was manifested even without the law. There was no salvation in the law, but the law pointed to the need for a Savior as mankind lacked the ability to keep the law; only Jesus Christ. With that being said, for mankind to live in the righteousness of God one must have faith in Jesus Christ and accept Him as Lord and Savior as He is God's Son who met God's requirements to be the Savior.

To live in God's righteousness is where one's faith and God's grace merges. This is because one's faith is essential to receiving God's grace which He freely gives to all believers. To live in God's righteousness is an open invitation that extends through the ages. Believe and receive God's righteousness. Comments are welcome Author's contact

Š All Rights Reserved September 25, 2012 Willie White

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