Make Joyful Noise Psalm 100:1 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. In our expressions of gratitude unto the Lord for what He has done and continues to do in the lives of humanity the Psalmist is encouraging all to worship Him by making a joyful noise unto Him. If the question was raised, What did the Lord do for mankind? When the whole world was pronounced guilty God provided His Son Jesus Christ to become the Savior of the human race through Christ's atoning work on Calvary's cross. Christ was borne on the most celebrated day of the year with a mission of laying down His life for humanity so that all who accept Him as Savior will have eternal live. Even though Christ was present with God the Father during creation it was necessary for Christ to become human by way of a Virgin birth to shed His precious blood as the perfect sacrifice paying man's sin-debt. What God done in the lives of humanity is the ultimate expression of love for His prize creation and for this He is worthy of all praise and honor. That being said, all believers are encourage to sing praises unto His holy name and make a joyful noise unto Him. This let the world know that yes I am a child of God and He gives me peace, joy, love and happiness and I will praises to Him for ever. Let everything that have breath praise the Lord. Comments are welcome Author's contacts
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