1 minute read
Fraction of a Flower's Happy Heart : Chris Anderson
Fraction of a Flower's Happy Heart
Chris Anderson
An apple tree looms over me The creeping mildew and the curled leaves Brown spots on fruits, white fuzz on branches The pale bark, the dry apple seeds
The tree was dying Everything in here was dying The dull silence buzzing in the air No more smiling bees, or shining light
Only the memories of vibrant petals Of swelling buds Of floral bloom The shattered pieces of the past
All the colors we created, paled down to nothing Maybe some faint reminiscence of a distant fragrance While we lay like dead bugs and twigs Under this lifeless figure, corroding, corroding Into the dirt, the chilling sensation Of worms eating me away, the disgusting palpation of their paws We can’t even scream or shout; just slowly descending into degeneration, decomposition Lying there, without a sound, under an apple tree