Confluence energy.
Hydro-Green Energy Research & Assembly Facility Will Ives | University of Oregon | 2010 - 2011
Thesis Statement Background Data Project Brief Site & Context
Neighborhood & Site Profile Analysis & Planning
Major Space Profiles Programmatic Diagrams Program Matrix
Precedents Works Cited
Thesis Statement
Amongst all the argument regarding climate change and carbon emissions one fact is indisputable; there is an immediate need to change the way we power our way of life. Modern civilization’s reliance on fossil fuels, which the earth provides in finite quantities, must be reduced and eventually eliminated. To this end, the need for alternative, renewable energy sources has never been more real. Simultaneously, society is realizing how significantly industrialization and modernization have impacted the ecosystems of the world. Natural habitat, specifically in urban environments, has been devastated and diminished to the point that the existence of several species is seriously threatened. If left unresolved eventually mankind may ultimately be the most threatened species. Despite the inherent link between energy and environment, they are rarely viewed holistically. While the challenge of addressing these issues is daunting, there is great potential for modern society to slow and reverse the negative impact, and ultimately function in a manner that has a net positive effect on the natural environment. Historically, rivers have played an important part in the growth and advancement of society. Today, rivers provide an excellent opportunity to positively affect change on both energy and environmental crises, specifically the urban watershed. The rivers and estuaries of the world have always offered an endless supply of clean, renewable energy and emerging technologies have made the task of harnessing this power significantly less invasive and more efficient. This provides an opportunity to reduce the need for carbon emitting energy sources, while minimizing harm to ecosystems. The urban river is also the ideal place to begin the move toward cleaner, more habitat friendly waterways. Restoration of urban habitat both improves conditions for native species and enhances the built environment in which we live. The proposed project, an assembly and production facility for new hydro energy solutions, will help to foster a new attitude towards both the energy and ecologies. Located on an urban river within a historically polluted industrial area of Portland, OR, the project has a great opportunity to act as a working example of a clean and net positive industrial movement. Not just coexisting with ecologies, but rather thriving in adjacency.
Average cost of new hydro power per kilowatt hour. This is compared to 5¢/kwH for coal and 12.5¢/kwH for nuclear power¹.
Estimated period of time between when global oil supply will run dry and replacement sources, such as renewable energy, will be able to satisfy the same demand².
Metric tons of CO2 emissions that would be prevented annually by doubling the current US hydroelectric output³.
¹ Source: “Average Cost by Source” US Energy Information Administration, ² Source: “Future Sustainability Forecasting by Exchange Markets: Basic Theory and an Application” report, authors: Nataliya Malyshkina and Deb Niemeier, University of California, Davis, cited in Environmental Science & Technology, November 8, 2010. ³ Source: “Renewable Energy Report”
The need for
New Energy
As of mid 2010, nearly 70% of US energy was provided by fossil fuels, and almost 50% from coal burning power plants. Not only are these resources limited, but highly pollutive and sourced through extraction and mining processes which typically leave behind a burnt and scarred earth. Natural gas, the next highest source, burns significantly cleaner yet is still a limited resource. There are varying opinions on when fossil fuels reserves will be exhausted, however few studies predict they can meet current demand for more than 100 years. Nuclear Power, which provides approximately 20% of US energy remains a viable, yet controversial option. It has long been argued that the process of mining and enriching uranium negates the benefits of reduced operational emissions. While nuclear power has the potential to bridge an energy gap in the future it should not be considered a long term solution. Renewable energy outputs have increased significantly over the past decade, however they still only account for 9% of US Energy, roughly the same percentage as in 1949⁵. The problem facing large scale expansion of renewables is both prohibitive costs and lack of public support. The majority of hydropower output is produced by large scale dams which have limited life spans and are disruptive to ecologies. Recently there has been significant emphasis on the expansion of solar and wind energy but large scale solar and wind farms require massive storage capacities and extensive transmission infrastructure. Despite these issues solar, wind and hydro sources remain the most viable long term options. However, it seems unlikely that these can replace fossil fuels in their current forms. US Energy Production by Source⁴ 1% 2% 2% 6%
Coal 45%
US Renewable Energy Production by Source⁴
Natural Gas Nuclear
Bio Fuel 15%
45% 55%
Geo Thermal 9%
Geo Thermal Other 24%
⁴ Source: “Energy Production by Source” US Energy Information Administration, ⁵ Source: “The Real Problem with Renewables” Robert Bryce, Forbes, May 2010.
SPECIES Out of 31 known fish species native to the Willamette River are currently listed as threatened under the US Endangered Species Act⁶.
Of Oregonians that live within the 11,000 sq miles of the Willamette River Basin, which in 2006 was identified as America’s 3rd most at Endangered River by the non-profit Rivers America⁷.
⁶ Source: “Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species of Oregon” Report, Oregon Biodiversity Information Center, October 2010. ⁷ Source: “Cleaner Rivers For Oregon” Report, Oregon Environmental Council Online, ⁸ Source: “Polluted Willamette River Sullies Image Of A Green Oregon” Kim Murphy, LA Times, April 8, 2000.
Estimated number of years until fish from the Willamette River will once again safe to consume. Currently daily consumption of fish from the river carries a 1 in 10 chance of getting cancer⁸.
Eco Factor
For a significant portion of history rivers have been hosts to urban environments of varying scales. They provide nourishment, transit and entertainment. However, as cities grew trees were cleared, natural banks were replaced with walls, and pollutants were freely dumped. For centuries the devastative impact of these actions were largely unknown, and more recently they have been largely ignored. Despite renewed focus, urban watersheds remain one of the more polluted natural environments within the civilized world. The State of Oregon and City of Portland have long been leaders in environmentally responsible initiatives. A citizen led clean up of the Willamette River in the 1960’s and the regional regulations that followed were models in creation of the 1972 Federal Clean Water Act⁸. In fact, a 1972 National Geographic cover story documented the Willamette's journey "From Shame to Showcase: A River Restored." Few would have guessed that just 25 years later the Willamette would be listed as the nation’s 3rd most endangered river⁷. While the dumping of sludge and toxic waste had been eliminated, much of the waste was never removed. Additionally, the profound effects of run off and other invisible pollutants had been ignored, leaving the Willamette the most toxic river in the Western United States. Obviously the effect of pollutants and toxins on already fragile river ecologies is profound. Lost in this is the fact that shore clearing and river bank alterations have been just as devastating. Shallow riparian areas and inlets are home to many species and especially vital to spawning salmon. In these areas trees provide shade, helping to cool the river in warmer months, essential to the trout, salmon and steelhead native to the river. Additionally, fallen leaves, vegetation and micro-organisms are important components in the aquatic food chain. The majority of natural banks within the main industrial sector of the Willamette, spanning from the Steel Bridge to the confluence with the Columbia, have been systematically altered and destroyed. This has eliminated habitat and endangered hundreds of species. There is significant need to repair and restore these habitats so that salmon, and other species which rely on the shallow waters of the rivers shoreline, can enjoy a renaissance in a new, healthier Willamette Basin.
Solar Renewable Energy Power Density (w/m²)⁹
⁹ Source: “The Real Problem with Renewables” Robert Bryce, Forbes, May 2010. ¹⁰ Source: “In Stream Hydropower” Hydro Green Energy,
Renewable Energy Capacity Factor (%)¹⁰
The case for
New Hydro
Emerging technologies have made renewable energy sources more accessible than ever before. However, there are so many alternatives it can be difficult to understand which sources are the most viable. While any source that minimizes carbon emissions is a step in the right direction, a case can be made that new hydrokinetic technologies offer the most efficient and sustainable solution available today. The most significant advantage over other renewables is in simple physics. Water has an energy density 800 times greater than that of wind¹¹, and as it constantly moving, provides consistent and predictable output. Additionally, hydrokinetic turbines offer access to this power without the need of new dams, which have many negative impacts on the environment. Wind turbines are in most cases larger, more expensive and require hundreds of miles of transmission lines. While effective as a secondary source, solar arrays rely on an energy source that is rarely available for more than 12 hours daily. Furthermore, the capacity factor, which measures the percentage of available energy absorbed, of new hydrokinetic turbine systems is nearly 98%. Photovoltaic systems operate at a capacity factor of approximately 15%, while the most efficient wind farms rarely exceed 60%, although capacity factors of 15-30% are much more common¹⁰. Wind and solar power systems also detract visually as they rely on large above ground equipment that in many cases is highly visible. New hydrokinetic systems operate quietly underwater, and depending on scale, require minimal above surface equipment. Using the same basic principles that have been understood for centuries, modern hydrokinetic technologies have increased efficiency and decreased turbine size to the extent that they can now be installed in rivers and estuaries with little disruption to the local ecologies and pose minimal danger to fish and other species. The overall capacity of this energy source is limited to regions with rivers and tidal flows but it can make a significant impact in the immediate future while larger scale tidal energy systems are further researched and developed. Currently, Hydroelectric sources account for 6.5% of the US power and through the use of hydrokinetic turbines it is estimated that nearly twice this energy could be produced by the countries waterways¹².
¹¹ Source: “Nation’s First ‘Underwater Wind Turbine’ Installed in Old Man River” Alexis Madrigal, Wired Online,, December 2008. ¹² Source: “Underwater Wind Turbines Tap River Energy” Erik Sofge, Popular Mechanics Online,, October 2009.
Project Brief
The proposed project will seek to address and build upon new and existing eco-industrial synergies through the design of a research and assembly hub for new hydro energy technologies. Programmatically, the project will merge production, research and public amenity through a significant connection to the Willamette River. Additionally, the project will seek to be completely energy independent and environmentally regenerative. Net zero energy will be achieved through a hydrokinetic turbine array, which will also serve as a working example of the capabilities of this technology. This will be supplemented by solar arrays and small scale wind turbines. Reducing energy and resource need will also be important in reaching net zero goals. Dependence on the municipal water source will be eliminated through water catchment, grey water recycling and a living machine. Heating and cooling requirements will be met mostly through passive systems while extensive day lighting will reduce the need for large scale artificial lighting. The client for the project is Hydro Green Energy, a Houston, TX based company. Founded in 2002 they are a leader in the advancement of Hydrokinetic energy systems. They were responsible for the installation of one of the first hydrokinetic system in the world, a 35 Megawatt turbine installed in the Mississippi River in 2008. As demand and their operation grows the need to consolidate ventures under one roof and establish a position in the Pacific Northwest makes Portland, Oregon a strategic location. The region’s historical emphasis on environmental issues creates the opportunity to expand the goals and focus of the company to not only support habitat protection, but complete habitat restoration and public outreach. This goal that will be shared and supported by the City of Portland and a developing Eco Industrial District.
Site & Context
The state of Oregon is one of the nation’s leading users of renewable energy with more than two thirds of the state energy coming from Hydroelectric plants. Oregon, and the city of Portland is also home to several groups and organizations which are dedicated to the protection and restoration of natural habitat and ecologies. Coupled with Portland’s desire to encourage green industry and innovative projects in the North Reach, this is an ideal location for the project. The chosen site is the old Mar Com site, just north of the St. Johns Bridge, and adjacent to Cathedral Park. This site meets the project needs for immediate adjacency to the Willamette River, proximity to transit, both rail and road, as well as public access. The site falls within the North Reach of the Willamette river, an area with a rich industrial history that has been marred by pollution and waste. The opportunity to create a project that will accomplish two main goals. First, creating a transition between the St. Johns neigborhood and the industrial zone which eliminates the hard edge typical of similar conditions. Secondly, demonstrate that industry does not need to be smoke stacks and pollution but can be both innovative and environmentally regenerative.
North Reach Plan The North Reach of the Willamette River is a primarily industrial zone which spans from the Broadway Bridge north to the confluence with the Columbia River. Identified as “Portland’s Working Waterfront” it provides access to global commerce and serves as a gateway to the city and the economic heart of the region. Years of heavy industry use have left behind toxic sediments in the river as well as contaminated upland sites. Additionally, several species of fish that are native to this region have been listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, including Chinook and Coho Salmon. Past industrial practices have also left behind a scarred and significantly altered river bank with little recreational access.
North Reach Plan Study Area North Reach Plan Study Area
The River Plan, and North Reach Plan are visionary plans to meet the challenges in this region while preserving an “Industrial Sanctuary” for this vital sector of Portland’s economy. The comprehensive effort focuses on Economic, Environmental and Social aspects, while allowing the city to remain an attractive location for emerging innovative industries.
St. Johns Neighborhood Historically St. Johns has coexisted with Portland as an independent city on the east banks of the Willamette. Today the community is probably best known for the iconic St. Johns Bridge and the stunning views from Cathedral Park. It is a very unique area, adjacent to the river, industry and parks, while maintaining a vibrant historical town center. The area is significantly more diverse than downtown Portland with 32% of the population representing non-white races. St. Johns is fairly pedestrian friendly although freight traffic and poor rail crossings do cut off some areas. Although close in proximity to the Willamette, the land adjacent to the river has been significantly under-utilized. The Willamette Greenway connects here and needs some repair and focus. The St. Johns Plan, which was completed in 2004 identifies the area as an important and vital part of the future of Portland. The focus of the plan is to preserve the land north of Cathedral Park as an industrial and employment zone. While utilizing land to the south for mixed use development which will appeal to a diverse range of businesses.
St Johns Plan Study Area St Johns/Lombard Plan Study Area
MarCom Site The proposed site for the Project is the Mar Com site located on the Northeast bank of the Willamette River, just downstream from the St. Johns Bridge. The 15.5 acre site shares a property line with Cathedral Park to the South and Port of Portland Terminal 4 to the North. Historically the site was used for ship and equipment repair, lumber manufacturing, storage and sales. The most recent use was as a tug, barge and ship repair facility. The site is located on a stretch of the Willamette which was designated a federal Superfund site in 2000. For the purposes of Remedial Investigation the site was split into two operable units now known as the north and south parcels respectively. The site currently exists as brownfield site in need of significant clean up and re vegetation. The low land of the property has excellent potential to create wetland habitat. The North Reach Plan identifies the river bank of the site as a potential property to acquire and rehabilitate to provide habitat for fish and wildlife.
Mar Com Site Marcom Site
Major Transit Links: Mar Com & Adjacent Sites N Willamette Blvd N St. Louis Ave
Portland Water Pollution Lab
Cathedral Park Port of Portland Terminal 4
Mar Com Site
Major Street Connections Rail Line
St. Johns Bridge
Potential Shared Port Facilities
Willamette Greenway Connections: Mar Com & Adjacent Sites
Transit Connections Freight and public transit connections are very important to the program. The site is sufficiently connected to both rail and roadways which will provide adequate transit. Additionally the potential exists to share port facilities with the adjacent Port of Portland Terminal 4.
Cathedral Park Port of Portland Terminal 4
Mar Com Site
Existing/Planned Greenway Trail
Proposed Additional Trail Segment
St. Johns Bridge
Rail Line
Rail Crossing
Portland Water Pollution Lab
Public transit is accessible via bus lines which connect to the MAX Yellow Line. Pedestrian and bicycle access from downtown St. Johns is well connected, however an improved rail crossing is needed. It is also vital to create a link to the Willamette Greenway Trail. This will allow the public to engage with restored wetland and riverbank habitat as well as provide views to the production and research facilities of the project. This requires an additional segment of trail to be added to the existing plan.
Mar Com Site: Habitat Restoration Plan
Restoring Habitat A major initiative of the project will be the restoration and rehabilitation of natural habitat and the river bank. Following any necessary remediation the river bank and wetlands will be restored following guidelines established in the North Reach Plan. Every effort will be made to minimize building within the bank zone, with the exception of program elements which require direct adjacency to the Willamette River. However, it will be important to provide opportunity for the public to interact with and understand the processes at work, creating a living laboratory of ecological revitalization.
Shallow Water Habitat
Restored Wetland Habitat
Restored River Bank Re vegetated Riparian Habitat
Project Total
Assembly & Production Main Assembly Parts Storage Shipping/Receiving Offices Management Sales Administrative Meeting Rooms Breakroom WC/Miscellaneous
70,000 7,500 15,000 1,200 (4 @ 300) 1,200 (6 @ 200) 1,600 (open) 1,500 (2 @750) 1,000 800
Research & Demonstration Testing Bays Display/Presentation Open Lab Space Storage Open Offices Meeting Room WC/Miscellaneous
8,000 (4 @ 2,000) 1,400 4,000 800 1,000 750 400
Education & Conservation Open Event Educational Display Classrooms Cafe WC/Miscellaneous Habitat Walk
5,000 1,000 800 (2 @ 400) 1,200 400 Exterior
Program The program consists of three major components; Assembly & Production, Research & Demonstration, and Education & Conservation. Architecturally these will be viewed holistically, however for the purpose of clarity the are subdivided within this document. While they vary significantly in terms of spatial need, experiential quality and adjacency requirements, linking spaces to both the river, and common spaces will be vital to a successful project.
Assembly & Production The turbine assembly and production facilities are the major interior space of the project. The main assembly room will accommodate the simultaneous assembly of up to 20 large scale turbines or the spatial equivalent of smaller turbines. The space will be characterized by a high clearspan which is significantly day lit and ventilated, minimizing the need for interior lighting and a mechanical cooling system. The fabrication of the majority of components is out-sourced requiring significant space for shipping, receiving and storage. A storage capacity of 20 “ready to ship� turbines is a minimum requirement. This space will also accommodate the main offices and meeting rooms which are to maintain a visual connection to the main operation, yet with sufficient acoustical separation. The office spaces also require significant day lighting and ventilation.
Research & Demonstration The research and demonstration facilities are the secondary interior space. Portions of these spaces will serve as a public face of the facility and require a higher level of fit and finish. The main components, Four 2,000 sq. ft. testing bays, require either direct access to the river or a significant amount of diverted river flow. These bays will be utilized for final product testing, demonstration, and research, along with contractor maintenance and installation education. Daylighting will be important, however with the exception of control rooms minimal climate control is required as most testing will be done at outside temperature. A secure laboratory with open adaptable space will be included adjacent to the testing bays and will be further supplemented by open office space and equipment storage.
Education & Conservation The smallest, yet most significant, component of the program is the public conservation education and outreach center. Here, permanent displays will provide the public with information and demonstrations detailing the minimal effects of low speed hydrokinetic turbines on water quality, habitat and species. The broader issue of alternative renewable energy sources will be also be addressed, along with the need to protect, preserve and when necessary, rehabilitate habitat. A large, open multipurpose space will host events and rotating exhibits while smaller classrooms will provide space for small scale educational programs. A small cafe will operate on a variable schedule based on planned events. This space will connect to an exterior elevated habitat walk which will bring the public safely near a significant stretch of restored river habitat and shallow tidal inlets. This walk will also connect to the larger planned river esplanade.
Experiential Goals
Net Area (ft²)
Height (ft)
Equipment & Furnishings
ECS & Sustainability Criteria
Adjacency Requirements
Main Assembly
Expansive clearspan space, primarily functional, modern clean design
Location of final assembly of various components of large scale hydrokinetic turbines.
Accommodate 10-20 full time assembly staff; regular visits by management, customers, and industry professionals
Overhead cranes Extensive Access to loading and tracks, rail daylighting and dock and parts transfer tracks, natural ventilation tool storage, large racks, large elevated work surfaces, sealed concrete floor
Component Storage
Efficient storage and tracking of turbine components
Storage of various turbine components received from manufacturers prior to final assembly.
Industrial storage Access to racks daylight when possible
Access to loading dock and main assembly Shipping manager, transit operators
Shipping & Receiving
Efficient storage and tracking of incoming and outgoing components and assemblies
Receive large scale shipments via rail and road, provide storage of up to 20 fully assembled turbines.
Storage bays, loading dock, machinery capable of handling heavy loads
Access to main assembly and heavy transit
Offices & Meeting
Open and closed office spaces for multiple needs; large meeting space with flexible partition; overlooking main assembly space
Office and meeting space for management, sales and administrative staff
Accommodate 10-20 full time staff during normal business hours
Access to daylight
Office desks, Extensive Overlooking main chairs, shelving, daylighting and assembly partitions, confer- natural ventilation ence tables
Experiential Goals
Net Area (ft²)
Height (ft)
Equipment & Furnishings
ECS & Sustainability Criteria
Adjacency Requirements
Testing & Functional, well lit, Demonstration indoor/outdoor
Variable condition testing for fully assembled turbines prior to shipment; wave and other experimental testing
8000 (4@ 2000)
Accommodate 10-15 full time research staff; regular visits by management, customers, and industry professionals
Overhead cranes and tracks, testing tanks, wave generation and simulation machines, shared desks and chairs
Extensive daylighting and natural and mechanical ventilation
Access to Willamette River and main assembly
Open Lab
Open, well organized space adaptable to various configurations to meet changing research initiatives
Research & Development for new and emerging hydro energy technologies
Accommodate 10-15 full time research staff, management, and visiting researchers
Laboratory work tables, desks, chairs, technical and computer operated equipment
Access to daylight and advanced mechanical ventilation
Access to Willamette River and testing facilities
Offices & Meeting
Open flexible office and meeting space
Office and meeting space for full time and visiting researchers
5-10 full time research staff, visiting researchers, lab assistants
Office desks, Access to Access to lab and chairs, shelving, daylight and testing facility conference tables natural ventilation
Entry & Display
Higher end finish adaptable space, welcoming and bright
Public & main entry for research wing, adaptable for small scale events and industry training
Primarily researchers and staff entering and exiting the facility, potential up to 50 visitors
Higher end sofas Access to and lounge daylight chairs, walls adaptable to variable displays
space with visual connection to exterior riverwalk
Shared entry with educational component
Experiential Goals
Open Event
Net Area (ft²)
Height (ft)
Equipment & Furnishings
ECS & Sustainability Criteria
Adjacency Requirements
Well lit, clearspan space, welcoming and adaptable, views to Willamette River and St Johns Bridge
Adapt for large scale educational and industry and meetings also available for private rental
Accommodate up Variable setup of Extensive to 250 persons tables and chairs daylighting depending on event and function
Near main entry, view to river
Classroom & Adaptable enclosed Educational and open spaces
Host school field trips of all ages and provide educational outreach regarding renewable energy and urban ecologies
Accommodate 20-40 visitors of varying background
Desk, chairs, interactive displays
Access to daylight
Access to other public spaces
Provide and onsite meal option for users, typically open during normal business hours
Staff of 2-4 depending on need, customers
Dining tables, chairs, lounge chairs
Access to daylight
Access to other public spaces, exterior
Bring users to restored river and wetland habitat without disturbing the environment; link the project to the Willamette Greenway Trail
Employees, visitors, local residents, Greenway Trail users
Concrete and wood walkway and benches, revegetated landscape
Access to river and educational spaces
will serve as a main entry for the public element of the program
Relaxing modern environment for both employee and visitor use
Habitat Walk Outdoor environ-
mental experience with intermittent benches and break points
Scale Relations
Program Adjacencies
Shipping & Receiving
Scale 1� = 100’
*Not to Scale
Main Assembly
Component Storage
Assembly Research Testing & Demonstration
Willamette River
Open Office
Public Office & Meeting
Open Lab Entry Multipurpose Education
Regenerative Landscape
Tianjin Urban Park is Located in Tianjin, China, a northern Chinese city with a population of nearly 12 million. Rapid urbanization turned once rich wetlands and salt marshes into a dump and runoff site for city storm water. Pollution and littering became heavy while slums and temporary structures began to go up around the site. In 2003 local residents began to complain about the conditions and the city established a set of goals for the site. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Location: Typology: Completion: Scope: Architect:
Tianjin, China Urban Park 2008 22 Hectares Turenscape
Contain and purify urban storm water Improve the saline-alkali soil through natural processes Recover landscape with low maintenance native vegetation Provide opportunities for environmental education Storm water management Landscape sustainability
The project consists of 21 pond cavities varying from 20-40 meters in diameter and 1-5 meters deep. Materials that could not be broken down through the natural process were removed from the site. Remaining debris were buried in above ground mounds and underground cavities. During the rainy season the ponds fill and seasonal wetlands and pools develop, starting a filtration and cleansing process which is supplemented native vegetation and select nonnative species. The project was conceived as a living laboratory which will create a positive change in the natural environment providing educational information on the process. A system of red asphalt paths winds through the park while wood platforms allow visitors to walk above ponds and wetlands. Placards offer information regarding the process and plant species in each region of the park. Following a two year growth process the park opened to the public in 2008 and has already had over two million visitors. In this time the soil conditions and contaminant levels have shown significant improvement, proving the potential for natural pollution remediation strategies.
Living with Lakes Centre
Location: Typology: Completion: Scope: Architect:
Sudbury, Ontario, CN Research Facility Spring 2011 30,000 sq. ft. Busby, Perkins +Will
For decades Sudbury, Ontario was known as an industrial watershed and polluted wasteland. Mining and smelting operations left over 7,000 lakes biologically dead and 35,000 hectares of land scarred and contaminated. Over the past two decades the region has undergone an intensive clean up process which has brought about a slow, but measurable change to the region. In the early 2000’s local authorities began looking to commission a project which would serve as a symbol of the environmental restoration in the region. In late 2009 construction began on Busby, Perkins + Will’s vision of The Vale Inco Living with Lakes Centre on the shores of once dead Lake Ramsey. The 30,000 sq. ft. facility will serve as the new home of the Freshwater Ecology Unit, an ecosystem restoration research Co-op largely responsible for the successful rehabilitation of dozens of lakes in the region. Their continued research is focused on new and more efficient methods of restoring ecologies damaged by industrial use. The facility links the built and natural environment through various systems which help the building meet a goal of achieving projected 2050 climate standards. The project is heated and cooled using a mix of geothermal and radiant floor systems. Rain, run-off and grey water are filtered through a bioswale and collected in an existing wetland which serves as a natural cistern for the facility. Water is then drawn from the wetland for water closets, irrigation and boat cleaning. Water for other functions is drawn directly from the Ramsey Lake and after a natural filtration process is returned to the lake in a cleaner condition. Power for the facility is largely drawn from a nearby wind farm. When operations begin it is anticipated the project will use 77% less energy and 80% less water than comparable research centres while annual operating costs are expected to be nearly $75,000 less. Once completed in early 2011 the project will exceed LEED Platinum standards and is scheduled to become carbon neutral within 10 years.
Works Cited
“Average Cost by Source” report, US Energy Information Administration, “Future Sustainability Forecasting by Exchange Markets: Basic Theory and an Application” report, authors: Nataliya Malyshkina and Deb Niemeier, UC-Davis, cited in Environmental Science & Technology, November, 2010. “Renewable Energy Report” “Energy Production by Source” report, US Energy Information Administration, “The Real Problem with Renewables” Robert Bryce, Forbes Magazine, May 2010 “Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species of Oregon” report, Oregon Biodiversity Information Center, October 2010. “Cleaner Rivers For Oregon” Report, Oregon Environmental Council Online, “Polluted Willamette River Sullies Image Of A Green Oregon” Kim Murphy, LA Times, April 8, 2000 “In Stream Hydropower” Hydro Green Energy, “Nation’s First ‘Underwater Wind Turbine’ Installed in Old Man River” Alexis Madrigal, Wired Online,, December 2008. “Underwater Wind Turbines Tap River Energy” Erik Sofge, Popular Mechanics Online,, October 2009 “Regenerative Landscapes” Turenscape, “Living with Lake Centre” Busby, Perkins & Will, “River Plan / North Reach” report, City of Portland Bureau of Planning, Draft, May 23, 2008 “Proposed Greenway Trail Alignment” report, City of Portland Bureau of Planning, Draft, July 3, 2006 “River Concept” report, City of Portland Bureau of Planning, Draft, April 6, 2006