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April 9, 2018 at 8:43 AM

your2-cents HERE got sumpin’ to say,somewhere To need toBe heard? DOit,applyHereNOW (willowbends@mail.com) this issue of 2-cents compliments of CAT:

“Why To Kill A Mockingbird Still Matters” is a splendidly insightful read for all fans of its basis.

Why To Kill A Mockingbird Matters

This is a biography of a book. Fascinating, evoking, endearing. A book that can ask “If America had helped make the world safe for democracy by defeating the fascist powers, when would the country ever live up to its own promise of liberty and justice for all?”

by Tom Santopietro

As much a biography of Harper Lee as it is a telling of the era’s racial climate surrounding the book’s publication, the backstory to Lee was quite interesting, her familial life leading up to her semi-autobiographical writing of Mockingbird. Her tomboy ways, attorney father and how the mental maladies of her mother absented her from the novel. The brief telling of Lee and Capote essentially growing up together, their quick and perfect bonding. “Each seemed half boy and half girl,” and later becoming characters in the other’s novels.


April 9, 2018 at 8:43 AM

Intriguing, how the current events assisted in shaping the change from “Go Set A Watchman” to the final Mockingbird masterpiece. Even instances in her own front yard (and nearby tree) came to be literary gold. she asked if I was ready like it was something I could lay the clothes out for the night before or shop to get all the necessary ingredients before baking a perfect solitude I am not Nor can I perceive myself being

This is a biography of a book. Fascinating, evoking, endearing. A book that can ask “If America had helped make the world safe for democracy by defeating the fascist powers, when would the country ever live up to its own promise of liberty and justice for all?” Disassembling the many aspects, sexism, racism, religion, wealth, and even androgenism that play out through the pages, it is, as noted via a quote of Faulkner that “The past is no dead. It’s not even past.” Witness today, pathetically.

And its inevitability weighs

As with most works of art that challenge, there were great reservations from Hollywood to make the subsequent movie. When you truly believe in

heavier than wet snow inside me

something, there always seems to be a way.

A chill I can’t shake with a gray thicker than the smoke of arson Anger at having to be the one

who remembers while waging the new not so very nimbly I finished off tepid coffee before I gave her answer before I breathed out the ache before the vision replayed after she already knew

Numerous leading men and how/why Gregory Peck came to the coveted roll of Atticus. Backstories on him, as well as producer, director, casting director, and script writer were all titillating. But the findings of Mary Badham and Phillip Alford was just as tantamount. Then the rest of the cast, with all backstories proving quite entertaining. It was also of interest the deliberate eye for recreation details. How perfect every set had to be. Odd, the things we take for granted when watching movies. And the release, ironically showing in cities where civil rights rallies were being hosed into submission. A near scene by scene deciphering is followed by a brief synopsis of life after Mockingbird for those involved. Then the prequel... Go Set A Watchman. The tizzy over its 50 year absence, it’s current intent, and, of course, its content. The nary juxtaposition of Atticus then and he now against Scout and Jean Louise. That it fell into our hands as Ferguson, Missouri erupted, was not lost for its reincarnated irony. With sales still at averages of 750,000 annually, one can not dispute its continual literary relevance. Social? Let’s leave it to Uncle Jack, as he tells Jean Louise “Prejudice, a dirty word, and faith, a clean one, have something in common: they both begin where reason ends.” Where is yours?


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