find meaning in everyday
Evil in Art
By Lormie and Raphael Lazo
Angels, Demons, the Eucharist and the Pandemic
The Shadow Beings and Christ in the Middle
By Horst Hellmann
Protection from Dark Thoughts
By Dennis Klocek
Dark Crystal
By Lorenz Gabutina
By Fr. Tito D. SoquiĂąo, OSA
Designed by Denise Narciso Edited and Published by Willa Maglalang
“One must not say that the world is imperfect because it contains evil,” clairvoyant and philosopher Rudolf Steiner said. He added that “far rather is it perfect precisely on that account.” The evil exists in the world and we must acknowledge its many faces. Only then can we say that we have lived our lives with full consciousness. However, there are many of us who have been unconsciously swayed by external influences or have been confronted with situations we know not how to respond. That is the time when the evil wields its many tools and attempts to take control of men by taking advantage of crises. The current global pandemic presented to us facets of evil which are so ugly we would crinch if we knew what dark plans were behind them. Lockdown. In the guise of public health and safety, lockdown was declared in many areas of the Philippines. Barricades were everywhere. It seemed like we were placed under house arrest. We were invisibly handcuffed. Going out of the house became a big deal. When we attempted to go out, we were called the worst people ever for exposing
ourselves outside. Only a handful of people decided our fate and has the “authority” to tell us what to do and what not to do. We were told to “just obey for our own good” or run the risk of being arrested. What happened to human freedom and dignity? Face Masks. During the early part of the lockdown, people rushed to buy face masks. Was it out of concern for their safety or out of fear that they would not have enough for themselves? There was a time when stocks got sold out only for people to discover that unscrupulous “businessmen” were hoarding the face masks in order to sell them for a higher price.
We are hiding behind face masks and face shields to feel strong and safe from the virus. But is this really how we protect ourselves? Face Shields. As if face masks were not enough to add to the number of safety protocol we had to follow, the use of face shields were mandated. Supermarkets, malls, establishments and even
Photo by Adam Nieścioruk on Unsplash
public transportation “No face mask, No face shield, No Entry.” Do they really work to keep us safe from the viruses? Does it seem like a certain kind of force continues to influence us to cover our faces and dictate us to “hide?” Does it not remind us of the evil that often lurks because it does not want to show itself? It always wants to remain in the dark, in the shadows because in there it feels strong. This is similar to how we are behaving right now. We are hiding behind face masks and face shields to feel strong and safe from the virus. But is this really how we protect ourselves? Distance Learning. One of the “worst things” that can happen to our children is to have them face a rectangular box, sometimes for hours on end, in order to get an “education. Being passive and “locked up” at home deprives our children with their natural need for movement and social interaction. The so-called “being of the internet” has a way of affecting the critical thinking and well-being of children. We may have also forgotten it, but there are many other ways for children to learn things at home. Depending on their capacity, children can be taught real life tasks by incorporating housework in their daily schedule.
people allowed inside at one time. One would think that with people wearing their face masks and face shields and being thermoscanned at the entrance, that those measures would have been more than enough to protect everyone from the viruses. Social distancing. As a safety protocol, people were told to distance themselves from one another by six meters, initially, and now by one meter, at least. While social distancing (or kindly called safe distancing, in other countries) has been touted to contribute to the protection of people from getting infected from the virus, it brought about separation anxiety for many. Children, thought to be carrier of the virus, have not been allowed outside their homes and forbidden to be near their grandparents or adults said to be in the high-risk category (those with heart- or lung-realted diseases). However, what children most long for is the interaction with their peers. Human connection is a basic need. To be separated from one another is to be deprived of what makes us truly human.
Online everything. Everything is virtual. We supported the online delivery world that helped raise the value of their companies to billions of dollars. At a certain point, we might have regretted not having invested in these companies. What a pity, right? The downside, of course, is what we don’t see because we are busy satisfying our wants with fast delivery of goods anytime, anywhere. How much energy, money and emotions did it cost for the consumers to afford all of this? Can we imagine what it would cost to dispose the packaging and labels of these goods?? What will it mean for the environment to decompose all these? What being or beings hoodwinks us into falling prey to greed and desire? Mandatory vaccination. To many, vaccine is the only way out of being infected by viruses. Governments around the world even proclaim that “vaccine is the solution.” This has led to a race to manufacture the vaccine and the fight about who will get it first. What is the reason for the rush? Why is it mandated in most countries? What happened to an individual’s right to decide whether to be
vaccinated or not? More can be written about this dark and evil times. Each of us has our own stories to tell. Each of us has our own horror experience. Each of us has experienced the fear and panic. But we also have to look at these so-called tools of evil as a way to transform us. May we find the light in this situation. May we recognize the evil that it presented in front of us. And by recognizing and acknowledging this evil, may we able to transform this into good. May we transform this darkness which envelops our world now into LIGHT. May we find that courage in our hearts to love one another and see in each of us the good that is arising. “In order to be able to choose good man must also have the bad before him; it must dwell within him as the force of self-love. But self-love must become love of all. Then evil will be overcome.” - The Origin of Evil, Rudolf Steiner A teacher and lawyer by profession, Sheila Roeck became a student of anthroposophy through Waldorf Education in 2016. She and her husband
Food ration. At the height of the pandemic, canned goods and instant noodles in the supermarket had to be rationed; people were told that they could only buy five pieces of each. The ironic thing is that these are the same “food” that were part of most relief packs given to communities. During the time when people needed to be healthy, shouldn’t they have been provided substantially nutritious food? Who really benefits from the sales of tons of canned goods and instant noodles? Panic buying. People had been conditioned to fear that they would not have enough to eat, or worse, starve if they would not stock up food at home during long lockdowns. And so they endured long queues at the groceries and wet markets. It takes at least a whole day to go out and buy some food. This is because in the supermarkets there are only few
resorted to anthroposophic medicine to help with his recurring illness. After having studied the book “Healing Ourselves from Medicine” by Joaquin Tan, Sheila can now make her own remedies based on the instructions indicated in the book.
She also practices Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga.
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
politics, economics, and health care system before accepting what is thrown to us as a solution. We need to learn how to research and ask questions like if the virus mutates and new strains keep on developing, would injecting a foreign body into our system be the solution? How could a vaccine be more powerful than developing our immune system naturally?
Facing Evil the Healthy Way HOW THE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM HAS BEEN MANIPULATED BY SOWING FEAR AMONG PEOPLE by Annabellie V. Gruenberg Photo from Pixabay
The Problem with Evil It can be difficult to define evil. Is it an attribute? A trait? Or the result of a motive? Some associate evil with supernatural forces while others dismiss it as a figment of the imagination. Still, there are those who think that evil must not be used to describe one’s lack of morals because it cannot explain the complete action of the person. Such is the slippery nature of evil that it can unleash its dark forces in sly ways. It seems that it has done so recently when it slowly crept its way into our healthcare system through the Covid-19 pandemic. By feeding on our fear of death, this evil force has manipulated the system and wrestled control of media, business and politics. The health protocols put in place led us to be disconnected from nature, each other and our inner selves. This isolation has caused depression, hopelessness, anxiety and fear --the entry points of dark forces. Once they seep into us and the environment, these dark forces make everything seem dark and frightening. This is why, since the pandemic, many of us have
been on a long fight-flee-or-freeze mode. Such on-and-off stress response has become a “new normal.” Unknowingly this creates more havoc on our health as it lowers our body’s natural immune system and makes us susceptible to the virus. A healthy integration of body, soul and spirit is encouraged to fend off pathogens. What it Means to Be Healthy In Traditional Chinese Medicine, diseases are seen as an imbalance or a disruption of harmony in the body and soul. The mind and emotions affect the physical body and the physical body affects the state of mind and feelings. Emotions affect the flow of blood and the life energy (which they call the Qi) and block the meridian flow which in turn affect the vital organs of the body. For instance, sadness and too much worry burn up lung energy; overthinking depletes the spleen; and fear or shock uses up kidney energy. Prolonged depleting emotions damage the organs. When the organs cannot work together, dis-ease ensues. Our body also needs to be functioning harmoniously for us to be able to breathe properly. The breath is
affected by any emotion we feel. And the breath is connected to the important Life Force --- Chi or Qi in Chinese or Prana in Indian terms. The Life Force is what gets depleted and out of harmony when we lose our center. Losing our center is losing our connection to our true self or higher self and this will manifest in how we breathe or when we lose the capacity to breathe because of the invasion of a virus. How then can we breathe freely again and not fall into a fight-flight-or-freeze mode every time?
If we think we cannot change immediately what is going on outside, we can control what we allow to enter our system. We need to connect once again to our innate wisdom for solutions. We cannot just wait for circumstances to solve these problems nor to be complacent in accepting the “new normal.” This is the best time to search for options and have the courage to explore choices. Evil curtails our freedom to choose and act on that choice. This season is about recognizing evil and facing it with our transformative power.
Annabellie V. Gruenberg practices integrative psychology and biographywork life coaching. She
Transforming Evil If we think we cannot change immediately what is going on outside, we can control what we allow to enter our system. One thing we can control is our exposure to media. It is healthy to hear and know what is going on with the intention of understanding what we are facing and knowing when to turn off the switch.
is an advocate of traditional healing modalities. She has been giving Biographywork and other workshops/training/talks on self-transformation and empowerment since 1999. She also trained in Waldorf School Administration and Community Development. She has 30 years of teaching experience.
We have the power to control and choose what to believe in and act on. As an example, the vaccine against Covid-19 is touted to be THE solution to the pandemic. Is it? We may opt to look at the whole picture of the vaccine from the perspective of
I Who are you then? I am part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good. - Johann Wolfgang von Göethe Evil, according to Göethe as quoted in Faust, is very much part of the human condition. The human condition is a constant struggle to balance that which is of the spirit-soul realms and that which is of the earth. And, importantly, the human being is a vehicle for the larger view of this struggle. If humanity may be the source of the greatest good on earth, then humanity may also be the source of the greatest evil. Where is evil? One simply has to follow world news to be exposed to many possibilities of evil. In the English language, “bad” used to be sufficient to explain any experience that was unpleasant. As man evolved, so did language and the descriptions of the experiences of man and evil evolved to mean a very specific type of “bad,” an unpleasant situation that the word “bad” could no longer sufficiently express. In this imagination, the “constant” or “eternal” is evil just as it is for good. Photo by Valerie Titova on Unsplash
The human being, at an earlier point of its evolution, lived in the grace of higher spiritual beings, just like a child living in the grace of their parents. All that is harmful is shielded from the child. But then the child matures and comes to their own thinking and explanations of experiences and starts to push away this shield. Evil, in a way begins to reveal itself to this maturing child, in the same manner, it revealed itself to the human being. The struggle to find the balance that once came intuitively to the child now becomes a path of seeking for the teenager. This seeking for the truth is possible because of free will. With free will, humankind has the chance to see the balance and not be drawn to one or the other. This quest for balance, which transcends the physical, is the quest for what stands between good and evil. The capacity to see beyond, or experience beyond the visible, becomes a skill to be developed. How could a human being try to make visible the invisible? Across history, humankind sought various creative expressions to try to allow others to build pictures of their experiences in this realm. Art is one such form.
II Every human being is an artist, a freedom being, called to participate in transforming and reshaping the conditions, thinking and structures that mold and condition our lives. - Joseph Beuys Yes, evil can exist in art. We can perceive it and totally engage in it without even knowing. Discernment, and the capacity for it, to determine this evil can only be acquired. Take for example the visual arts: between seeing street art and fine art, experiences vary from the very personal to the blissfully cultural. Differences and disputes in academic circles as to what constitutes low art and high art can go on and on with the labels that can only confuse or muddle the issues. Ultimately, what does the art do? The can of spray paint that perhaps afforded one young soul to artistically express a torment through an illegal act of vandalism accomplishes a momentary good…but this deed multiplied many times over with the dark images that spill out of our youth in recent times may be a wake-up call overtly seen but unheard. What about the cleverly designed advertising, unregulated and tarpaulined as massive billboards lining our streets? That’s art! - produced at a speed and intensity of talent excessive in this day and age. Societal ills expressed in social realism gains recognition among the many art forms - defining the peoples art as a moving power. What does it do to the human being when depictions of the ugliness of human activity and distortions appear to dominate the experience? When a human being in a state of illness or seeks release and expression in art, it may be good for them in that context. But is it beneficial to one, in a similar state of illness or seeking release, who is just as vulnerable to this state of imbalance, and experiences the unsettling pain or discomfort in what is encountered when viewing the art created? Expressions of a private inner landscape made public, labeled as art for
consumption, could be in question. Art activity mistaken as the therapeutic tool, taken up in the wrong form, in the wrong place at the wrong time to an extreme degree can weave a picture of evil. With what spirit are such works made of then? Individual fame or fortune for the artist who makes a name may be a necessity. Where does it lead when art becomes a luxury and creates the impressions of a standard or measure of success? When passion, indulgence, obsession in varying combinations in the field of art become the dominant moving force, where does it bring us?
If we are willing to see the evil in what is made visible in an artistic process, it gives us an idea of the goodness and beauty we can also make of that encounter. Art makes visible what is invisible. If we consider this as true, the goodness and beauty appear; and, evil can also ensue. If we are willing to see the evil in what is made visible in an artistic process, it gives us an idea of the goodness and beauty we can also make of that encounter. The life of the human being straddles an evolutionary path, a path of growth and learning that reaffirms the inseparability of the good (morality), the true (science) and the beautiful (art) in this process of maturation. How we experience our individual relationship to these inter-connected realms displays where we are in our own humanity. James Joyce describes the thin line of quiet (aesthetic arrest) in art that achieves a balance between what he refers to as improper art, along a spectrum: art that pulls (seductive art), and art that pushes (aggressive art). It echoes what Aristotle also describes as virtuous activity (virtue), the
capacity to determine (balance) between the too little and the too much. This capacity now calls into question how we also educate, in having an educated view of how we regard art itself. Art serves our schooling for balance in the wellrounded human being, and how we appreciate or fail to appreciate every field of human endeavor. When we do art, we are in a creative process of doing what is potentially a practice of doing good or bad. Bad eventually leading to the extreme, being consumed in the realm of evil – the absence of good. The ancient mysteries encouraged a true life in the artistic because then it was also recognized that art forms a bridge to carry the spiritual divine life into the earthly. Rudolf Steiner says that “all genuine art seeks the spirit…even when art wishes to represent the ugly…”. However, he cautions that what is called ‘’art’ in most instances today may rather be only the search for it. What does ‘genuine art that seeks the spirit’ mean? Does our natural longing for goodness, beauty and truth, that art may capture, reflect the nature of the human spirit? And, while art has evolved over the centuries, depicting for us all that we are and can be, in health or in sickness, so evolves for us the means to heal? When we recognize the therapeutic power of art, perhaps it makes visible within our experience this invisible force of the healing spirit. We can call this art for health. In recent years, the artistic therapies have come to the fore, offering the good that can be drawn out from the face of evil.
Today, we are dealing with a pandemic on different levels. Is it so easy to simply label what we encounter as purely evil? Perhaps we call it evil because what we predominantly experience is the impingement on our human freedoms and the painful realities that go with it. Freedom of selfexpression in all that we do is now, more than ever, being challenged. But gaining true freedom, if we truly understand, must come at a price. Artistic activity contributes to this exchange. Art opens a path to transformation. What does it take to learn to rule what art does rather than let the power of art rule us? Even in our isolation, art can be our companion if it seems there is no other recourse. One makes the art or takes the art that speaks to us most. Circumstances that surround us always reveal and challenge the reality of our situation. Taking up the gift of the artist in us is to take the more human approach to a reflective opportunity, to a relational activity, to a creative challenge as the task of one’s free being. When we turn to art and the artistic in the world, and allow truth, beauty and goodness to guide our lives, we also create our antidote to evil.
Lormie Valino - Lazo is an Arts for Health Professional. She offers Biography Work, Therapeutic Art and Art Therapy, modalities within Anthroposophic Medicine employed in the modern approaches to health care. She has been a practitioner since 2011 and has been an active member of the Anthroposophia Wellness Foundation, Inc. (AWFI) and the Philippine Association for Biography Work and Art Therapy, Inc. (PABATI).
III The artistic therapies offer a new and fully conscious way of forming a relationship with the world and contributing towards a re-education of the whole human being. They are a very effective tool with which to… bring about true metamorphosis and change within ourselves.
Raphael Lazo is currently a part-time teacher at the Manila Waldorf school. He is a member of the Anthroposophical Group in the Philippines (AGP) and the The Christian Community. Together with his wife Lormie, he has been a student of anthroposophy for more than 20 years. He has two daughters, both graduates from the Manila Waldorf School and two
- Dr. Michaela Glockler
Photo by Zane Lee on Unsplash 10
The views expressed here are based on the author’s deeply personal experiences and do not necessarily reflect that of the Catholic Church. They may or may not resonate with the readers which is understandable given the nature of the subject matter. It is however the hope of the author that this article will be able to shed light on this topic and open more discussions around it. Fr. Soquino started writing this on September 29, the feast of Saint Michael and the other Archangels, Gabriel and Raphael. THE “VISION” Many years ago, I was celebrating Mass alone in our seminary when I experienced a “vision.” There was nothing special on that day. It was just another day, so I thought. Like any good priest I am supposed to celebrate Mass every day. The Mass is very important in the life of a priest. But sometimes, the Mass can just be a routine. And that day was just one of those days. I probably woke up on the wrong side of the bed and I just felt lousy that day. But I had to say Mass, I said to myself, and kind of dragged my feet to do just that, in our improvised seminary chapel which also served as a refectory.
I was going through the motions of the Mass when, during the elevation of the Host in the Eucharistic prayer, I thought I heard loud, banging sounds coming from the floor. The walls and floor of the chapel started disappearing and I found myself suspended in the vastness of space (!) While still raising the Host with my two hands, I realized that I was not alone. Standing behind the altar table, there appeared to be winged creatures with heads bowed and in genuflection. They were clasping in their hands what looked to me like round metallic shields. They were pounding the floor with these shields so loudly, it was deafening! Gaping in amazement, I continued to elevate the Host amidst the continued banging. It was then that I noticed a figure in front of the altar. The figure stood out from the crowd and its aura quite distinct from the rest. Vested in an armored breast plate, its head was also bowed and it was in genuflection. Then the realization came to me: it was the Archangel Michael with the angels attending Mass (!) From where I was standing I could see from my peripheral vision hordes of angels in bowed adoration genuflecting while clanging their shields just like the sacristans ringing the bells during the
elevation of the Sacred Host and Chalice. I was celebrating the Eucharist in the vastness of the universe with the Archangel Michael and the angels in attendance (!) QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS After that Mass, I shrugged off and dismissed the experience; I let it pass and forgot about it. But after a while, I recovered my wits and to tried recall the extraordinary event. I had to painstakingly remember the details, rewinding the event in slow motion, just like the old Betamax or VHS tapes, to make sense of what happened. I was definitely stunned by the experience and it took me some time to reflect on and understand what happened. I wouldn’t dare compare the event to the likes of Marian appartions but there it was --- when I looked back, I believed I experienced a “vision” of sorts.
Why were the angels in the Mass? Why were they in full-battle gear like warriors? Then I got it! They were there to first give praise and glory to God before they went to battle. The war with Satan! The Mass was a kind of a ‘re-charging’ station, a refueling station to get the much-needed energy, ammunitions and weaponry for the battles that lay ahead. The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is the source of their strength --- a kind of spiritual shot in the arm. They need the Son of God, the Prince of Peace in this fight.
Why didn’t the angels just get their “supplies” from heaven? Why did they have to “charge their batteries” on earth? Why the Mass?
I remember that St. Maximilian Kolbe said: “If angels could be jealous of men, they would be so for one reason: Holy Communion.” So close they are to God, the angels were not given the honor of celebrating the Eucharist. They cannot consecrate the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. It is only through a human being, a priest --the lowly, unworthy and sinful priest whose hands were consecrated --- that the Lord Jesus Christ can be made present in the Eucharist. I felt ashamed and humbled with the realization that the powerful angels have that reverence for the Eucharist, while sometimes I say the Mass as a matter of course, a routine. This was the life-changing lesson that the angels taught me: The bowing of their heads during the elevation of the Host is an expression of their deep devotion to the Eucharist; their unswerving fidelity to the Universal Lordship of Christ; and their recognition of His eternal dominion of Heaven and Earth. “WEAPONIZING” THE MASS The Mass is a crucial battlefield since it is locus for the beachhead of the angels. The devil must prevent the angels from entering the gate. It must at all cost prevent the Mass from happening. Thus, the Mass is an important weapon in the war against Satan and the priest is an important ally in this war. It is through him that the Mass becomes a portal through which the angels enter in the worldly realm. While the Archangel Michael and his army of angels are the frontliners in this war, human beings as imago Dei, the image of God, are partners in this war effort. The priest is representing humanity called to be the medium to bring Christ on earth through the Eucharist. Jesus willed that through the earthly bread and wine He will be transformed into His Body and Blood and that every time a Mass is celebrated, heaven and earth meet and that encounter becomes sacred. The sly adversary, however, is hell bent to use everything in its arsenal to prevent the Christ Encounter from happening. It vehemently refuses the earth to be declared sacred. It will pull all stops to prevent the Mass from being celebrated. Photo from
EVIL IN THE PANDEMIC Evil forces are pandering on the pandemic of fear to paralyze and bring the world to its knees. They tempt, attack, harass, oppress or possess men. Their ultimate objective: for the soul to renounce God. When a person extinguishes Him in their lives, he becomes an easy prey to the assaults of the devil because the protection of God is rejected. Preventing the Mass from Being Celebrated The pandemic is being used by the evil forces to put the Church on the defensive. The evil forces have this complex strategy to delay the celebration of Eucharist and the reception of Holy Communion. Left with little to no choice, as a result of restrictions, the Church had to retreat and cancel all Masses around the world. Being unable to celebrate the Mass face-to-face and to give Holy Communion is being denied Christ’s presence on earth. Increasing Number of Diabolic Possessions One of my concerns are the reported increase in diabolic possessions, infestations, obsessions, on human beings. This is the devil’s attempt to project an image of strength to show that it has the upper hand in the war against God. Thus, we are deliberately drawn to these pockets of resistance where the enemy are holed up. Our army of exorcists are busy flushing them out, their hands full on the many reported cases. This sheer number are taking a toll on our exhausted exorcists who are spread too thin over a wide front while another battlefront is being opened up unleashing a systems-wide attack on a global scale. By drawing attention to individual cases and increasing the attacks exponentially the devil’s tactic is to focus on these widely dispersed fronts. And this is the point --- the increasing number of individual diabolical possessions are actually diversionary tactics to distract attention to a much larger sinister plot: “the systematic and complete annihilation of humanity.”
Diverting Attention from Critical Issues The spectacular, out-of-this-world demonic activities attract attention and easily diverts attention from more equally important problems of society. Issues such as climate change, immigration, human rights violations, drug addiction, poverty, unequal economic opportunities, are large societal concerns that also requires an exorcism --- a social exorcism. The liberation from individual diabolic possessions must be extended to a liberation of global systems that control and enslave humanity. The unabated free market forces, for example, are causes for a runaway poverty, now aggravated by this pandemic. These must be cast out as well. FLASH OUT THE ENEMY As the devil is being beaten in exorcisms it is bringing the battleground to a different playing field. This pandemic becomes another strategic battleground for Satan to regain foothold as it retreats from the relentless mopping up operations conducted by the angels headed by Archangel Michael. Thus, We must reconvene and strategize again. We must restore as soon as possible the faceto-face Masses and send the devil into a frenzy again. The devil cannot stand humanity glorifying God in the Eucharist. The evil forces want us to be divided and isolated in our silos, create ghetto communities and inflict unspeakable evil to spite God. Saint Augustine said, “The angels surround and help the priest when he is celebrating Mass.” The more masses are celebrated, the more angels are harnessed into this battle.
The Spiritual War*
Fr. Tito D. Soquiño, OSA is a Catholic Friar from
(Ephesians 12:6-16, Jerusalem Bible)
the Order of Saint Augustine. Currently, he is the
6:10 Finally, grow strong in the Lord, with the strength of his power.
Vice President for Student Affairs and External Relations of Colegio San Agustin – Bacolod in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental. He graduated and took his Masters in Theological Studies at Maryhill School of Theology. He also studied at
6:11 Put God’s armour on so as to be able to resist the devil’s tactics.
the Asian Institute of Management where he took a Masters in Development Management. After his studies, he had a short stint as a missionary in Algeria, North Africa in the hope of fostering
6:12 For it is not against human enemies
Christian-Muslim dialogue. He later became the
that we have to struggle, but against
first executive director of Santo Niño de Cebu
the Sovereignties and the Powers who
Augustinian Social Development Foundation
originate the darkness in this world, the spiritual army of evil in the heavens.
(SNAF), an NGO of the Augustinians that was involved in disaster response during super typhoon Yolanda. He is also a co-founder of the Sea Knights, a faith-inspired scuba diving group that
6:13 That is why you must rely on God’s
advocates marine protection and conservation.
armour, or you will not be able to put up
At the moment he is the Project Manager of a
any resistance when the worst happens, or have enough resources to hold your ground.
funded-research project “Sailing the Artificial Intelligence Landscape” (Project SAIL) with close collaboration with Mr. Nicanor Perlas, a Right Livelihood Awardee. This project aims to study the impact of artificial intelligence on society. He also
6:14 So stand your ground, with truth buckled round your waist, and integrity for a breastplate,
attended a course on exorcism to understand the workings of the forces of evil that afflicts humanity. His involvement in various social issues is related to his interest in finding the relevance of the Christian faith to culture and society. “
6:15 wearing for shoes on your feet the eagerness to spread the gospel of peace 6:16 and always carrying the shield of faith so that you can use it to put out the burning arrows of the evil one. *Italics by author
(This article has been informed by anthroposophic principles as advanced by Rudolf Steiner. A basic appreciation of anthroposophy can be valuable in understanding this piece. ) What is dirt? It is matter in the wrong place and we have to strive to put it in the right place.
This article focuses on the Luciferic and Ahrimanic forces.
What is the evil? It is a spiritual force overwhelming the human being and we have to do inner work to become free from it.
“We cannot escape the world powers of Lucifer and Ahriman, but we have only to get the right relationship to them” - Rudolf Steiner The Two Beings Lucifer approaches the human being from above, from left and in front; Ahriman approaches us from below, from the right and from behind. However, there is a space in the thorax that they cannot get to --- this is our heart. Lucifer influences our soul or astral body, the seat of our emotions; Ahriman, our life forces or etheric body.
Where did evil come from? While the spiritual beings of the nine angelic hierarchies continue to develop and progress, there are angels among them who do not want to evolve. Instead, these angels approach human beings who are not conscious about their attacks. Only this way can these angels feel free and show their power. Their aim is to make the souls blind about their impulses and to weaken the human I or what makes us truly human. In the expanded view of the human being, it consists of the physical body, the life forces, the soul forces and the I. The four evil forces attack the human being in different ways.
1 Luciferic beings – Lucifer – Devil 2. Ahrimanic beings – Ahriman – Satan 3. Asuric beings – Asuras 4. The Antichrist – Sorath – The Beast
With the Luciferic forces there seems to be no fear, altruism and dissolution. There is self-deception and the denial of the sense world. Clairvoyance is used a getaway from the world. They let the human being believe that intelligence has no value; cosmos can be explained only spiritually and that guidance
Photo from
Photo by Annalisa Bellini on Unsplash
can be achieved through group souls. For the Luciferic beings, the world is maya and there is only one source though Christ is not special. Lucifer is the bringer of freedom as we know from the Bible (by the temptation through the snake.) Lucifer opened the eyes for the beauty of the physical world and through this we get passions, instincts, desires, urges and the eagerness into our soul.
being. Ahriman, according to Rudolf Steiner, is said to be “preparing to incarnate” through these streams: 1. Fear 2. Hardening of the soul and growing egotism 3. Lies and lower sensuality 4. Clairvoyance without effort 5. Spiritual sleep 6. Satisfaction by prosperity 7. Splitting up into smaller and smaller groups
Lucifer wants to decapitate the human being so that one cannot think and becomes a cosmicecstatic being. He wants to dematerialise and spiritualise us, so that we are strive for a world of pure ideas; and in so far, he prefers the human being to be an “etheric angel” like an automatic spiritual
Working Together While each being can influence or affect human beings independently, they can also work together to achieve their separate goals.
8. Intelligence which becomes evil 9. Mechanical explanation of the cosmos 10. Small groups trying to guide humanity
There are many fields in the society where Lucifer and Ahriman work hand-in-hand. Ahriman is in the dry and cool intellect and is the organiser of “office and dignity.” Lucifer is found in the rituals, the glorification of politicians and pop stars, deification of actors, even in military customs and uniforms, ranks in administration and churches, and inspires the new- age movements. The Third Reich is the best example for such “cooperation.”
11. Ideologies, phrases, routines and empty words and 12. Materialistic understanding of the gospels.
In a revolution, it is Lucifer who is drives the crowds, but very often the end is a dictatorship and there,
Ahriman ruling. Lucifer is behind speakers who give ideas which no one can fully grasp; it is a kind of intoxication coming out of dreaming. They are able to control the mankind, too (Steiner, Necessity and Freedom, 8.2.1916). There are also instances in life where the “lure” of Lucifer and Ahriman are present though not obviously at first. Say, someone is giving away his precious stone collection for free and calls everyone to come. When people there, do they take as many stones as they can get? Or do they think of others who also want some nice stones, and so, they take only a few? However, Lucifer dazzles people’s eyes with the beauty of the colourful stones while Ahriman keeps egging them to take more, more (!) In greed is Ahriman, in beauty, Lucifer.
Lucifer is in all artistic works and culturedeveloping activities; people need his inspiration. He penetrates the soul (or astral body) and there he kindles the longing for ideals and venerating the Highest. Lucifer gives the enthusiasm for the performances in the arts. Lucifer wants to free human beings from an utter absorption of the sense world; instead he inspires us to strive for truth, beauty and goodness. The Ahrimanic intellect avoids ideas which go beyond matter and views the human being as only a machine without soul and spirit, no ego or an independent will, and no freedom. For Ahriman, nobody is really responsible for his actions. Millions of people are not able to live in such a world without moral and values and therefore they try to stimulate themselves in another way and, here, Lucifer comes in through drugs, ecstasy, mindblowing shows and exciting daydreams in certain movies. In the movies of Jackie Chan, Lucifer and Ahriman can be seen working together: One group is made up of smart people with the latest technical equipment while the other group consist of violent hooligans. Each group wants to get a certain valuable treasure. The one who comes between them is the character Jackie Chan plays --- an expert in martial arts but totally innocent and clueless about the existence of “bad” people. Unknowingly, he accepts the task to find a treasure which he discovers by accident and for which he is chased by both groups. In the end, Jacky Chan’s character wins all the fights and decides to throw the treasure away. Unlike the two groups, he is not greedy; he seeks the truth and has presence of mind which are the faculties of an initiate. Christ in the Middle As we can see, both powers are important in life; we could not be humans without them. But Rudolf Steiner said that we have to get the right relationship to these evil forces. How can we do it?
Stay with the truth The first condition is to stay with the truth! Being always true is very difficult and needs courage. Speaking the truth to others is sometimes difficult and being true to oneself, doubly difficult. Our courage comes from the power of truth of the Archangel Michael who is standing before Christ. The sword of Michael is the truth which can fight the two evils of Lucifer and Ahriman.
Our courage comes from the power of truth of the Archangel Michael who is standing before Christ. The sword of Michael is the truth which can fight the two evils of Lucifer and Ahriman Strive for balance In order to withstand the evil, we should try to keep the balance between Lucifer and Ahriman. We have to balance our feelings by following the eightfold Buddha path. We have to strengthen our will by the six subsidiary exercises by Rudolf Steiner. We have to develop our thinking by making it flexible to follow life processes. Strengthen the heart We must choose a spiritual path which strengthens the heart chakra. Rudolf Steiner shows a way in his books “Theosophy” and “Knowledge of the Higher Worlds.” All this is strengthening our heart forces and our I. If we seriously decide to stay on this path and we are meditating in order to open up for the spiritual world, then we cannot drink alcohol any more, because alcohol is creating an anti-I, or better an anti-ego, in us which is cutting us off from the true spiritual world.
When we know how Luciferic and Ahrimanic powers are working in us then we can avoid to get lost to one side or the other. In a picture, Lucifer may be the curved live and Ahriman, the straight line. Imagine, our soul (thinking, feeling, willing) is only influenced by the curve, we would live in a world of fantasy and chaos; when we are under Ahriman´s command, straight line, we would like to have everything under merciless control. Both extreme sides are evil and only the middle gives us the chance to act as free and loving humans. Jackie Chan’s character in his movies masters to keep the middle and then he is always open for the right inspirations of the higher self.
determinism, whether it derives from the past, from nature, from spiritual powers or from other persons; and freedom for the care of and respect for oneself, the other, the earth and the spirit. The penetration of this impulse into our astral body appears as the power of faith, into the etheric body as the power of love and in our physical body as the power of hope. In the end we are stronger and more conscious than before. In this sense the evil is coaching us to evolve..
Horst Hellmann, Born in 1943 in Germany, Horst Hellmann has spent over 30 years teaching in
So, we must work together, understanding, loving and encouraging each other, even if at first, we fall and make mistakes and watch others fall and make mistakes. It is not always possible to avoid mistakes as it is not always possible to avoid falling when you take the first step, but where there is love there is tolerance, forgiveness and compassion and this can lead to a further inner progress. In so far, we can see the Christ impulse as the spiritual uniter of humanity and accepting this, external diversity will increase more and more.
Steiner schools in Germany. Since 1982 he has been lecturing and conducting seminars for parents and teachers to train Waldorf teachers in Australia, India, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia and Philippines. Presently, he is mentoring a Waldorf School in Davao --- the Tuburan Institute. Horst now lives in a village near the University City of Goettingen.
Freedom and love are the ultimate goal of mankind and this is beyond all religions; this is where all true human beings are striving for through all periods of time. It was only in Roman times that the Cosmic God incarnated into a human body, called Jesus Christ. The name Christ has been abused by the Churches and political leaders and has been used to abuse others, perhaps in the future a better name will be found. The Christ Impulse is present wherever people are working to establish the reality of freedom in love. This freedom expresses itself both as freedom from and freedom for: freedom from every form of
Photo by Rafael Lazo
By the power of the Christ All curses whether ancient, hidden or repeated Are found, bound and defeated And must leave me now To be: Revealed by the Light To be: Absolved by the Truth To be: Returned to the Source From this time forward! Right now! Forever! So be it! It is so! Let it be done! Thank You Protective mantra from alchemical roots This verse coming from alchemical sources, affirms that the principle of Christ as the Lord of Karma rules the world and that goodness is stronger than evil. There is no danger to bringing such protective thoughts to mind as often as needed. As Goethe put it we can sometimes be sorry guests on this
dark Earth. However, it seems that if the suffering is brought on by one’s own ignorance there is a seeming justification for having to face adversity. It is when the suffering is the result of dark thoughts and deeds from another person that the suffering is compounded by indignation on one side and fear on the other. The oscillation between the two psychic states is a great cause of illness. Some people today have the experience that as they begin to open up to spiritual issues they suddenly become aware that the threshold is a reality and that there is really a continuity of consciousness that extends from this world to the next. It may be that this kind of awakening results in distinct feelings of being approached or violated by disembodied beings. It could also be the case that upon a degree of awakening we become aware of dark thoughts and intentions being sent towards our being by other people. In the language of old this was known as cursing. The impulse is to counter-attack or confront the one who is cursing us with our own dark intentions. This attitude can turn into a psychic war that results in very stressful situations and mental states. The issue is, do we need to consciously engage some other entity who we feel is acting unlawfully towards us from
Photo by Vaishakh pillai on Unsplash
out of, or through the other side of the threshold? I think not. At least until we are strong enough in ourselves to hygienically pray for the other. This kind of hygienic prayer is a strong healing force but it takes great inner dexterity and awareness to work with it in a healing and balanced way when we feel we are under attack. Hygienic prayer is subtle and can reverse on the prayerful person in a heartbeat. It then turns into a form of cursing. It is important in these situations to realize that the alleged cursing can be totally unconscious on the part of the other. It may simply be that the other person is obsessing on dark thoughts about us. We pick these up in our own soul as we become more open and “porous� to the spiritual world. At such times it is beneficial to pray for the person we feel is obsessing. Much good can come out of such a practice. Protection from Conscious Dark Thoughts It may be however, that the obsessive dark thoughts directed towards us are being done consciously by another, then the cursing becomes the psychic equivalent of poison. Such a condition often generates unfounded fear in the soul of the person being cursed. In cases where we fear that someone is consciously directing bad intentions towards us in a systematic way, the repetition of a verse that can be quickly brought to mind is very productive when we feel fear arising in the soul. At such times it is very difficult to call up any authentic feelings about sending prayers for our enemies into the spiritual world. When we are afraid it is very difficult to pray for that which is the source of our fear. At such times the single minded repetition of a memorized protection verse is useful. Such a practice does not allow another thought to enter the mind while it is engaged in the motions of the soul that the verse signifies. The alchemical verse given at the beginning of this article is designed to be a cascade of thinking, feeling and willing. The first sentences of each section refer to thinking / resolving darkness in the
light / and the finding of the curse in the ancient and karmic darkness of misunderstanding. This accent on the light is the first motif in each section. The motifs of the second section focus on feeling / absolving wrongs in the truth, and the protective feelings of having bound and circumscribed the darkness. This second motif addresses the hidden feelings being aroused by the issue of the cursing. The third motif addresses the will/the willful returning the curse to the infinite source of the eternal all / and the defeating of the curse whether it is old, hidden or repeated. The defeating of a curse is an act of will that is needed to free the soul from fear and doubt. This triple motif of thinking, feeling and willing is repeated many times in the verse. This is followed by two sets of invocations. The invocations deal with the time of the protection. There is a swing from the present to the future in both of the sets. These movements from the present to the future represent the progressive will we hope to engage in the pursuit of healing. For in the last instance all we are looking for is healing, not retribution or payback or gaining an upper edge. Only in the pursuit of healing can we truly resolve ancient and hidden curses in our lives that threaten not only our future but the future of humanity. The final thank you is an acknowledgement of the cosmic dimension in which the everyday life of human beings is embedded.
a clear headed insight into the parameters of the encounter that is not attained easily. Please see the lecture set Healing Meditations as a balance to the reciting of a protecting verse. In the context of healing we could say that the use of a protective verse is for acute events and the healing meditations are for chronic conditions. There are stories of Rudolf Steiner in his room pacing back and forth reciting the Our Father prayer at the top of his voice in the middle of the night in order to ward off negative intents that were coming towards him from the others. I take that story as an illustration of the sufferings he had to endure at the hands of others who wished ill intent towards him and his mission. It also illustrates the hazards on the path of self development in esoteric circles. We can and must protect ourselves from intrusions from the other side. That is our birthright. Our great consolation is that the Christ is the overseer of that protection. The Christ can become active in us when we move our own will. The action of that movement is answered with strength from the other side. Knock and it shall be opened. This article has been printed with permission from the author.
Dennis Klocek, MFA, is co-founder of the Coros Institute and a faculty member at Rudolf Steiner College. He is the author of nine books, including Colors of the Soul; Esoteric Physiology and also
Maintaining Balance A delicate and subtly difficult dimension of this work can be experienced when the repetition of the protection verse flips from seeking protection and itself becomes obsessive and aggressive. It is possible to be so obsessive in the impulse to protect oneself that a kind of psychic prison is built in which the one saying the verse of protection creates more anxiety than the one instigating the attack. To prevent this it is necessary to balance the recital of a protection verse with a sincere effort to pray for the offending soul. This takes
Sacred Agriculture: The Alchemy of Biodynamics. Dennis is also an international lecturer.
Dennis’ work focuses on soul work, meditation, consciousness and physiology, biodynamic gardening, weather, and teaching.
Photo by Tom Barrett on Unsplash
Dark Crystal THE EVIL OF DRUG ADDICTION by Lorenz Gabutina
No one leaves drug addiction unscarred. The scars are deep and permanent. In drug addiction, the addict’s mind gives way and enters a black hole. The sense of being redeemable or salvageable is completely gone. There is just hopelessness and despair. Days are spent just “waiting to die” or scoring the next shabu (metamphetamine) hit. The mind is incapable of thinking anything else. It is completely blanketed in fear. Fear dictates his day. So he is cocooned in his room all day where he thinks he is safe. “Buhay praning ang tawag namin dito.” (This is called a life of paranoia.) This was my mental state for three years --- the last years of my drugging life.
“The scars are deep and permanent.”
that came from my gut --- raw and pure. Rehabilitation helped but so did yoga and Sadhana which I did everyday for several years. It was a miracle that I was able to get out of my addiction. I have been sober and drug-free for 29 years now. I couldn’t have done it without God’s intervention.
Lorenz Gabutina is a self-taught digital artist who found that creating art opened up for him a vibrant, engaging and productive life. He also dabbles in poetry where he finds an outlet for his profound insights and philosophies.
But it was also the time that I became spiritual. When I was in a panic mode, I would read the Bible. In the deepest part of the night when it was dark and the whole world around me was asleep, I often called out to Abba Father to please help me and let me go through this night without harming myself and to give my mind some rest. It was a desperate call for help every night, a lamentation
The COVID-19 pandemic had all of us questioning life. We have seen and heard stories of people from all walks of life who had suffered terribly from the effects of the pandemic. Different tragedies are experienced by countless people all over the world. Bereaved families could only resort to prayers because they could not get near their departed loved ones who were infected with the illness. Parents, panicked and worried, had to do to everything they could to provide for their families. Quarantines and lock downs have made it excruciatingly difficult to deal with negative thoughts that have affected many young people. When we look at circumstances as they are, we may not make much sense of them. When we ask why bad things happen to good people, we may cry out to the Heavens, and ask “Why, God? I have tried to be good and not become a burden to others. Why do these have to happen to me?” We utter the same questions that Job had asked God at the height of his sufferings. In those times, God gave an answer to Job and it strengthened his spirit so that he is able to cast away Satan.
There are two ways to look at ‘bad things’ that happen to good people. First, look at it with the lens of a victim. In this lens, we are but pieces of drift wood that are being tossed all over the waves of circumstances without a choice but to just continue drifting. We can keep asking why and resist instead of trying to embracing what the situation brings. Second, look at it with the lens of meaning. In this way, we can look at circumstances with objectivity and possibilities. If we look back to the journey of the human being in this world, we can find clues that sufferings do not come to us for naught. In fairy tales and mythologies, wisdom would show us how every hero or heroine of a story holds a pure heart and yet they are not spared from difficulties and tribulations. In fact, they are the ones who go through ordeals, battles with dragons or challenges that they need to overcome. Odin and the dwellers of Asgard sacrificed themselves so that a new world may be born. Ahura Mazda, the Persian God of Light was always in throes with the dark lord Ahriman. The former’s faithful servant Zarathustra who incarnated in this world served Ahura Mazda so that the good remains triumphant over evil.
Photo by Hert Niks from Pexels
In the Greek Mythology, the goddess Athena had a dear sister, the dark-skinned Pallas. They were always together and they played in the meadows all the time. All was well until Athena slipped and accidentally hit and killed Pallas. The death of Athena’s beloved sister caused her much suffering that she carved a statue of Pallas in a black wood; this statue that was carved by the hands of a goddess and washed by her tears was called Palladium. Despite it, her suffering couldn’t be abated that she decided to call herself Pallas Athena to acknowledge and embrace her dark side. In the Egyptian Mythology, the dark-colored goddess Nephthys, the beautiful wife of Seth and sister of Isis, had an affair with Osiris, Isis’ consort. But Nephthys redeemed herself by helping the Goddess Isis to bring back Osiris to life, just enough for Isis to conceive Horus. Nephthys represents the dark side in us that fails but can also be redeemed. Even our local folktales tell of a ‘bakunawa’ that could be defeated only by a villager with courage in his heart.
the Greek god of the dead, was prominent in bringing forth the hero in Hercules by being the latter’s unrelenting adversary. Similarly, stories from the Old Testament are peppered with narratives of heroes such as David, a lowly shepherd who overcame the giant Goliath, and Daniel who was thrown to the lions because of his faith. There is a goldmine of wisdom in the tales of the old and in the sufferings in the world. Using the lens of meaning, one can say that bad things happen in order for a human being’s inner gifts to awaken. This idea won’t be easy to accept especially when one is in the midst of suffering.
The demigods and heroes had also tread the path where they only wanted to enjoy and get intoxicated with the beauty of the world and totally forget about the spiritual world. But misery always came and called them to be the heroes that they are. Hercules would have chosen to live a life that is oblivious to the destiny that gods have forged for him. However, he couldn’t turn away from the calling of his loved ones that entailed sacrifice on his part. In this way, he lived his own destiny. But is must be noted though, that the presence of Hades,
Modern-day visionary Rudolf Steiner had said, “For your happiness, you may thank many things in your life. But if you have gained knowledge and insight to the spiritual connection of existence, for that you have to thank your suffering, your pain. You owe your knowledge to the fact that you did not allow yourself to be mastered by suffering and pain, but were strong enough to rise above them.” Indeed, when one asks for strength, one has to go through a circumstance where she awakens to her very own strength.
When we, humans, respond to the things that call us to be brave and true, we actually tread the path that the Divine beings have set for us. We know that the sweet taste causes the human being to be sleepy and the bitter and sour taste awakens. This holds true in our lives as well. The sweetness in life causes us to be dreamy and unaware of what really needs our presence. But when we experience bitterness and sour events, we wake up to life and strive to do what needs to be done. And so it perhaps it must be why ‘bad things’ happen to good people: they need to grow better.
Joan Mae Soco is a mother, a writer, and a teacher in Tuburan Institute Steiner/Waldorf School. Her write-ups may be ready at For questions and comments, feel free to reach her at
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by Lorenz Gabutina I have gone over the ridges in my mind – and those jagged crystal stones that could kill: white detonations – and a wave of fear like tsunami rises. I go underground, unable to defend, cradling my scarcities and all, arms near full. The sibilants are not the same but guttural, almost deeper than the heart could ever bear.
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