Discovering The Free Flow Administration In IV Pumps
Infusion pumps have gained a lot of popularity in the medical community lately. The medical device is available in different varieties, depending on why you need to buy IV pumps. The overall necessity dictates the right device, as well as model and size. For example, syringe pumps are very common for low rates and doses. They are also very handy for medications that need constant administration. On the other hand, longer uses ask for bigger pumps. The accuracy is also directly proportional to the duration. All in all, aside from size and accuracy, there are plenty of other factors that can help you make a wise selection. The concept of free flow in using infusion pumps When interested to buy IV pumps you will usually find all kinds of sets working on a modified gravity basis. Such models are often used in general administration as well. Normally, they can provide up to 100ml of liquid within one hour only. Customizing the infusion is not a problem though. If the patient needs 50ml, 25ml or even less on an hourly basis, adjusting the valves and clamps is a piece of cake. Most of these adjustments are performed by nurses and they imply rotating a small ring. Such helpful equipments have been implemented with the one and only purpose to prevent the risks of overdoses. While the free flow is often accepted for particular situations, there are many cases when the administration needs to be controlled. Nurses need to respect the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations in order to come up with the right dosage. This is one of the first things to look for in a store trying to sell you infusion pumps. At the same time, nurses are advised to count the drops for a few seconds before leaving the room. Occlusions are some of the most problematic issues arising during an infusion administration. Such occlusions can prevent the free or regulated flow. In order to prevent any accidents, the extra liquid needs to be released or directed toward the infusion reservoir. Releasing it toward the patient can cause a quick overdose with unpleasant side effects, hence the necessity to be cautious, even if it implies
“interrupting� the administration for a few minutes. This is one of the simplest rules in the medical world, yet it is sometimes overlooked. Some modern infusion pumps have small alarms that notify the nurse if there is an occlusion. Occlusions need to be handled by specific rules. First of all, you have to free the administration set, whether it is a syringe or a different type of set. It must be freed from the pump. Only then you can start clearing the end affecting the patient. In-line taps need to be stopped as well because they can force a large amount of liquid into the patient, which has the exact same effects as an overdose. In conclusion, understanding the free flow is just one of the several concepts required for a proper infusion administration, yet it can ensure a healthy treatment. Click Here