NADIA FACCA President & Chief Executive Officer
MIKE BASTOW Chief Operating Officer & Vice President of Finance
ROW Chief Transformation Officer & Vice President, Human Resources
NADIA FACCA President & Chief Executive Officer
MIKE BASTOW Chief Operating Officer & Vice President of Finance
ROW Chief Transformation Officer & Vice President, Human Resources
Dear Patients, Families and Visitors, Welcome to the Alexandra Hospital Ingersoll (AHI). We are committed to supporting the health and wellness of our communities with excellent patient care and accessible specialized services close to home. We want your experience to be safe, comfortable and positive. You are an important part of our health care team. We urge you and your family to take an active role in your care by asking questions and seeking clarification whenever you or your family needs it. Your feedback is important as it can help us improve. We encourage you to speak with a team member or area leader should you have any compliments or concerns during your visit. You may also contact us at 519-485-1700 x8340 Patient Relations. Wishing you a speedy recovery and lasting health and wellness.
Nadia Facca, President & CEO
APRIL MULLEN Chief Nursing Executive & Vice President Clinical Services
The Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll (AHI) is an acute care community hospital that is committed to providing quality patient care to the residents of Ingersoll and the surrounding area.
AHI provides a wide variety of services and programs including:
• Complex Continuing Care
• Diabetes Education
• Diagnostic and Treatment Services
• Emergency Department
• Medical/Combined Unit
• Special Care Unit
• Rehabilitation Services
AHI also offers a number of outpatient services including:
• Cardiac Rehabilitation: A program available to individuals with any type of heart condition or to anyone who has had heart surgery. Cardiac Rehabilitation is an individualized program of exercise and education designed to help you live a healthier lifestyle and reduce your risk of future heart incidents. Please contact 519-485-1700 ext. 8298 for more information. Patients are required to have a physician’s referral.
• Diabetes Education Services: Provides education and support to those with newly diagnosed and established diabetes and their families. You may set up an appointment yourself with the team by calling 519-4851700 ext. 8249 or your physician may refer you to the service.
• Specialty Wound Care and Diabetic Foot Offloading Clinic. We offer wound care, minor surgical procedures and diabetic foot offloading provided by a certified wound care specialist. Patients are required to have a physician’s referral
• Several outpatient specialist clinics including Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Obstetrics/ Gynecology, and Pain management. Patients are required to have a physician’s referral for specialist clinics.
• Diagnostic Imaging: We offer X-rays, Ultrasounds, ECGs and Stress Testing on an outpatient basis. Physician referral required.
• Nutritional Services: Registered Dietitians assist with meal planning for various health conditions, including diabetes, elevated lipid levels and other digestive orders. To see the Dietitian, you can request a referral from your physician.
Our number one priority as your healthcare team is to ensure that you receive the right care, in the right place, at the right time. Throughout your hospital stay, you will meet many members of our team, all of whom have this same goal – to provide you with the highest quality and safest care possible and to get you back home quickly and safely. With our commitment to patient-centered care, we urge you to talk to our team, ask questions and, as much as you are able, participate in your care.
When you are sick, injured or have undergone surgery, the skilled and dedicated hospital team will deliver the right care to you. When you need acute hospital care, the hospital is definitely the right place to be.
When you no longer need this level of care, the right location for your care will be outside of the hospital. You will find it is better to be at home or your residence. You will be safer, more comfortable and you will be able to get back to your routine.
Our team will work with you to ensure that your stay in the hospital is only as long as necessary for you to get better. By planning your discharge carefully with you and your family, we are ensuring not only the very best care for you, but also for those patients who still need our services. On the journey to get home, you may need to transfer to another hospital for care, or to receive specialized services like rehabilitation. If extra health and personal care will be needed to support your continued recovery at your home, we will work with you and our community partners to develop a home care plan with you.
If you have any questions or suggestions while you are receiving care at the hospital:
3 Talk to your care team: As a first step, you may wish to speak with your care providers directly. Your care team includes your nurses, doctors and other people who provide your care such as your social worker or physiotherapist. Your care team is in the best position to respond your concerns as quickly as possible.
3 If you need more support or you don’t feel comfortable discussing the issue directly with the care team, the next step is to discuss the issue with the charge nurse or Director. If you don’t feel satisfied after this, please contact the Patient Relations office for help at 519-485-1700 x8340.
Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll (AHI) believes that hospital personnel should be a community of caring persons and strive to provide the highest quality of care. We value the following fundamental rights of patients and are committed to maintain an environment that both fosters and protects these rights:
1. To receive considerate and respectful care and assistance, appropriate nursing, medical assessment and treatment that is free from mental and physical abuse regardless of colour, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, religious belief or financial status.
2. To have your condition, care and all treatment options explained in simplified terms to you or your authorized decision maker.
3. The right and responsibility to participate in development of your personal care plan.
4. To receive ongoing information concerning your diagnosis, treatment and any known prognosis.
5. To have your personal, financial, medical and other records entrusted to the hospital, kept in confidence, and available only to those for whom the information is essential.
6. To refuse and/or accept medical treatment and medication, if mentally competent, except for mandatory rules for safety and to be informed of the medical consequences of any refusal.
7. To be introduced to and informed of the professional status of individuals providing care and service.
8. To be accommodated in a safe and clean environment.
9. To receive a complete explanation of the need to transfer to another facility, and of the alternatives to such a transfer.
10. To receive information regarding healthcare requirements when planning for discharge from the hospital. To expect that we will do our utmost to provide reasonable continuity of care, including appointments, resources, and health care in the community following discharge.
11. To have a choice of participating in research, studies, surveys and teaching opportunities.
12. To provide feedback to the hospital on the care you are receiving, or have received, and to have concerns addressed in a timely manner.
13. To be informed of your responsibilities and role in your safety and the safety of other patients.
14. To have a parent, guardian or family member stay 24 hours per day in specific circumstances.
15. To have your privacy, confidentiality, safety and security protected
Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll (AHI) is committed to promoting health care, which addresses the needs of each person and to provide compassionate and quality care to those we serve. We believe that patients should participate in their treatment and be given the opportunity to make decisions regarding their health. We also believe that patients have the following responsibilities:
1. To be considerate and respectful of health care providers.
2. To provide accurate information to appropriate personnel, and to report any unexpected changes in your condition.
3. To observe health and safety regulations, including the hospital’s infection control precautions, violence and harassment policy and smoking restrictions.
4. To follow the treatment plan as discussed and mutually agreed upon by you and your physician, including cooperating with other health care providers implementing physician orders.
5. To make appropriate and timely arrangements for leaving the hospital, upon discharge by your physician.
6. To consider participating in research, studies, surveys and teaching opportunities.
7. To ask questions when you do not understand or if you require additional information on the care you are receiving.
8. To provide feedback in a timely manner on the care that you receive.
When you arrive at the hospital, you will be required to present your Ontario Health Card. Upon admission, you will be given an identification bracelet to be worn at all times while you are in the hospital.
Residents of Ontario are covered by the Ontario Hospital Insurance Program (OHIP) and are entitled to standard unit care (four or more beds in one room). You may choose to upgrade your room to:
• Semi-private (two beds in one room)
• Private (single room)
If you request a semi-private or private room, it is important to realize you will be billed for the difference. Your insurance coverage may cover all or part of the costs. Check with your insurer before you arrive, if possible. Your health care provider can give you the most current rates for semiprivate and private coverage. We will try to place you in the type of room requested, but this is not always possible at the time of your admission. If you have concerns, please talk to a staff member. We will do our best to move you if another room becomes available. During your stay in the hospital, it may be necessary to move you to another room or another hospital so you receive the care best suited to your needs. Should you have to change rooms/hospitals, a member of your health care team will explain the reasons thoroughly.
• Valid Ontario Health Card
• Other Health Insurance Card
• Personal items, i.e. toothbrush, toothpaste, dentures, eye glasses, hearing aid, comb and brush, shaving items, toiletry items or cosmetics (NO scented products, please).
• Although the hospital provides patient gowns, you may want your own pajamas or nightgown together with a bathrobe and non-slip footwear.
• Walker or cane. The Hospital would advise that you place your name on your personal cane or walker.
Please note that the hospital is not responsible for lost, misplaced or stolen items. Please leave electrical equipment, personal items, large sums of money, credit cards and valuables at home.
You and your family are our primary focus. We encourage you to participate with the health care team in planning and making decisions regarding your care and treatment. To assist us, we ask that you designate one family member to act as spokesperson, who can relay information to others.
Before seeing your healthcare team, plan the questions you want to ask and write them down in the back of this book. If you do not understand the answers, it is fine to repeat the question. You should understand as much as you can about any:
• Medical problems you have
• Treatment or procedure that you will have
• Medicine you should take and how to take it
To care for patients in the hospital, Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll (AHI) has a hospitalist program. Our group of hospitalists are primarily local community physicians who provide daily hospital coverage and are readily available to discuss your care with you and your family.
Here are some common questions regarding our hospitalist program:
• A hospitalist is a medical doctor who specializes in caring for you while you are in the hospital.
• A hospitalist acts as your primary doctor while you are an inpatient, whether your admission is planned or an emergency. Why would I see a hospitalist in the hospital rather than my family doctor?
• It is difficult for your primary care physician to see patients in the office and the hospital at the same time. Our hospitalist program helps make sure you get the attention you need in the hospital, 7 days a week.
Will my family doctor still come to see me when I’m in the Hospital?
• It is unlikely that your family doctor will be available to see you while in hospital. The Hospitalist will, however, be sending reports to your family doctor and they will be able to get results and updates as required and as requested. Follow-up will be arranged with your family doctor upon your discharge from the hospital. Making
Before providing any treatments to a patient, health practitioners have the legal and ethical duty to obtain your informed consent. If the health practitioner is of the opinion that you are not capable to consent to the particular treatment, then the health practitioner must turn to your substitute decision maker (SDM) who gives or refuses the informed consent on your behalf. In an emergency, if you are incapable or unable to communicate with the health practitioner and a delay to obtain informed consent would put you at risk, health practitioners do not need consent in order to treat, but they must follow any of your known wishes in respect to treatment.
It is standard practice for a member of the health care team to discuss your resuscitation wishes on the day of your admission to the hospital should there be an untoward medical emergency. The health care team will share information to help you make an informed decision about resuscitation status.
Your physician will ask you about your wishes the day of your admission. You have the right to change your mind about treatments at any time. Whenever you have questions about your treatment options, please speak with your doctor or nurse.
The most responsible physician will record your wishes in your electronic health record. It is a good idea to share your wishes with your family and/ or your SDM so they can make an informed decision on your behalf.
• Talk to your family and support networks about your wishes, values and goals.
• Ask your doctor to develop a plan of treatment based on your current health condition(s) that address decisions related to treatments such
as dialysis, feeding tube, ventilation, medications and other lifeprolonging interventions that might be offered as you age.
• Decide who you would like to make health care decisions on your behalf for you in the event you become incapable of making your own decisions. This person is called a Substitute Decision Maker (SDM).
• Appoint your SDM by completing a Power of Attorney for Personal Care.
We are here to help you make decisions about your health care. Advanced Care Planning Ontario has a website to help people learn about this. It provides valuable information on the importance of having conversations with a Substitute Decision Maker (SDM) to be able to make health care choices on their behalf when they are unable to do so themselves.
For more information contact: 1-800-349-3111 ext. 231 OR Visit these websites: https://advancecareplanningontario.ca Home - ACP in Canada | PPS au Canada advancecareplanning.ca)
Infection control is everyone’s responsibility, including patients and their friends and family members. AHI uses special precautions and proper patient placement to help prevent bacteria and viruses from spreading to other patients, staff and visitors.
Patients may be placed in isolation for many reasons for example respiratory symptoms. Signs are placed at the doorway to the patient room to alert staff and visitors of the necessary precautions. Personal protective equipment required to enter the room such as a gown, gloves, mask and eye protection is available. Staff will support visitors to inform them of the type of protective equipment required and how to put on and remove the protective equipment.
For all patients, visitors and staff, frequent and careful hand washing
is the single most effective means of stopping the spread of potentially harmful bacteria. Dispensers are located throughout the hospital with hand sanitizer solution. Please wash your hands frequently with sanitizer or warm soap and water, and remind all who visit you to do so as well. Public restrooms are available throughout the hospital. Visitors and caregivers should never use patient washrooms or patient sinks. By stopping the means of travel for bacteria and viruses, we can break the chain of infection.
For more information, please speak to your health care provider or contact Infection Prevention and Control at 519-485-1700 ext. 5265.
AHI takes many steps to ensure patient, staff and visitor safety and to avoid, prevent or correct any adverse outcomes that may result from the delivery of patient care. Should you have a safety concern while at AHI, or see something that you think may need further attention, please point it out to a member of the health care team in your immediate area or ask to speak with a manager.
You can help by:
• Telling your health care team if you experience:
• Falls at home
• Weakness, dizziness, problems with blood pressure
• Blood sugar problems
• Allergies
• Ensuring your health care provider is aware of underlying conditions that would help you to receive the best care (e.g. dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, hearing impairment, etc.).
• Reporting any changes in your condition.
• Seeking information, asking for help and providing us with information that relates to your condition.
• Wearing non-slip footwear to reduce falls.
• Following health, safety and infection control rules.
• Asking your health care team members to wash their hands before providing care.
• Requesting that heath care team members ask for two patient identifiers before providing care.
• Following instructions for smoking restrictions. We thank you in advance for helping AHI maintain the safest possible environment for all.
Being a partner in your care helps you get the best care possible in the hospital. Taking part in the nurse bedside shift report is one way you can be a partner.
What is it?
Nurse shift changes occur when nurses who are going off duty share information about your care with nurses coming on duty. At AHI, we want you to be involved in bedside report to make sure you get high-quality
care. The nurses going off and coming on duty meet by your bedside to talk about your care. This gives you a chance to meet the nurse taking over your care, ask questions, and share important information with your nurses. The Nurse bedside shift report does not replace the conversations you have with your doctor. You can invite a family member or friend to stay during the nurse bedside shift report. We will only talk about your health with others when you say it is okay. The Nurse bedside shift report happens every day between 7 and 7:15am and 7 and 7:15pm.
During the bedside shift report, the nurses going off and coming on duty will:
• Introduce themselves to you and anyone with you. The nurse coming on duty will write their name on the white board in your room.
• Invite you to take part in the nurse bedside shift report. You should decide who else can take part with you.
• Talk with you about your health, including the reason you are in the hospital and what is going on with your care. The nurses will look at your medical chart.
• Check the medicines you are taking. The nurses will look at your IVs, any injuries, and bandages. They will also follow up on any tests that were done or lab work that was ordered.
• Ask you what could have gone better during the last shift and what you hope to do during the next shift. For example, you may want to get out of bed or just sleep. The nurse will try to help you meet this goal.
• Encourage you to ask questions and share your concerns. If needed, the nurse coming on duty may come back after the bedside shift report to spend more time discussing your concerns. What should I do?
• Listen. You are an important part of the health care team. We want to make sure you have complete and timely information about your care.
• Speak up. If you have questions or concerns, nurse bedside shift report is the perfect time to raise them.
• Ask questions if something is confusing. If the nurses use any words or share any information you don’t understand, feel free to ask them to explain it.
AHI wants to make sure you get the best care possible. If you have any concerns about the quality or safety of your care during your hospital stay, please let your nurse or doctor know. If you are still concerned, please ask to speak to the unit leader.
Whether you are being admitted or here for a medical appointment, it is important for your health team to have a complete, current list of the medications you take at home. Please bring all prescription and nonprescription medications (including vitamins, herbal remedies, food supplements) in their original containers, with information on dosage and time of day they are taken.
Be sure to include: prescription, patches, injections, inhalers, creams/ ointments, suppositories, eye drops, nose sprays, over the counter, nonprescription medications (e.g. Advil), vitamins, minerals, supplements and natural remedies.
Because of limited supplies of some medications, you may be asked to supply and use your own medications. Otherwise, all medications should be sent home for safekeeping.
When you are discharged, your medications will be returned to you along with an updated list of your current medications.
Please tell your health care team if you are allergic to any medication or suffer from other allergies. If you have questions about your medications, your health care team will assist you.
Each day, you will be offered menu choices for your selection. If you require a special diet (e.g. food allergy, vegetarian), please inform your health care team. Patients should be ready for meal service at:
• Breakfast – 8:30-8:45 a.m.
• Lunch – 12:15 -12:30 p.m.
• Supper – 5:00-5:15 p.m.
Patient snacks are available upon request.
We are committed to patient and family centered care, positive health outcomes and the safety and security of patients, their families, staff and our community.
Please keep the following in mind:
• At times, visiting may be restricted to protect the health care needs and privacy rights of other patients or to maintain safety and security decisions.
• Visitor guidelines and restrictions may change depending on local Public Health guidelines. Please check the hospital’s website before visiting for the most current information.
• Patients should stay in bed because they will get better faster if they rest.
• It is not safe for patients to get out of bed.
• Patients are not supposed to do their own personal care such as washing or dressing. These mistaken beliefs often lead patients to lose their ability to do things they want to do and have difficulty coping when they go home.
• Research shows that bed rest is not a good way to recover from many different conditions and may actually make recovery time longer.
• Staying in bed and not moving can lead to problems with breathing, skin breakdown (bedsores), muscle loss, weakness, tiredness and confusion.
• Although there can be risks to moving around, staying in bed can actually be more risky to overall health and well-being. There are many things that can be done to avoid falls and stay safe while moving around in hospital.
• If you don’t use it, you lose it! People who stay in bed are at risk of losing their ability to move around and do their own personal care, such as washing and dressing.
Better breathing
Better able to fight infections
Better appetite
Better sleep
Better mood
Better able to manage at home
Less skin breakdown (bed sores)
Less weakness and fatigue
Less dizziness
Less risk of falls
Less pain
Less confusion
Every little bit of activity can help to keep you healthy. If you are not sure what you are safe to do, ask a member of your healthcare team. Continue to perform tasks that you were able to do at home, such as dressing or walking to the washroom. Ask someone to bring your clothes, shoes, grooming supplies and gait aids.
1. Sit up for all your meals, either in a chair or at the edge of the bed
2. Sit up in a chair when you have visitors
3. Walk around the unit, either alone or with help
4. Do bed exercises on your own throughout the day
Please ask your health care team if you have any questions. A notes page has been provided at the back of this booklet for your use to record any questions you may have.
Your health care team is responsible for planning your discharge. This includes helping patients and families make plans for after-hospital care, if required. If you feel you will need help at home or at an assisted living facility, please ask to consult with a Home and Community Care Support Services- South West, Care Coordinator.
Discharge from Hospital
Your health care team will tell you what day you will be discharged from hospital. Please try to leave your room by 11:00 a.m. If your discharge notice is short, please arrange for a ride home as early as possible once you have been notified. The day before discharge, you or your family will need to arrange for:
• Transportation
• Some clothes and shoes that are appropriate for the weather outside of the hospital
• Your door key or someone at home to meet you
• Any heating turned on at your home during the colder months
• Any food you require at home to have been organized
Before leaving hospital, be sure to:
• Check with your health care team regarding medications, diet, activities, follow-up appointments, etc.
• Check with your health care team for discharge instructions. A copy will have been sent to your family doctor directly from the hospital giving details of your treatment.
• Take home all your personal belongings, including medications you brought from home.
• Check with your health care team about any equipment that you may require. This may be a walking aid, or items that will help you with your personal care. Any training in this equipment will be completed before you leave the hospital. If needed, your family will also be trained in how to use the equipment safely.
• If you have any additional expenses to be paid, stop at Registration to make payment.
• Ask Questions! It is important that you ask any questions you may have to make sure you understand what you need to do when you go home. You can write the information down or ask a friend to write it down for you.
A 24-hour bank machine (ATM) is located in the Emergency Department waiting room around the corner from Patient Registration.
Cafeteria - We invite you to visit the Cafeteria, located on the Lower Level, for fresh and delicious snacks and lunch. The cafeteria is open Monday – Friday: 11:30 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. and closed on weekends and all statutory holidays.
Vending machines - located on First floor by Emergency Entrance Gift Shop - carries a variety of snacks and beverages
Patients can receive greetings via E-Cards. Senders may log on to the hospital website www.alexandrahospital.on.ca where instructions are provided. These cards are not confidential and are delivered by volunteers when available. Outgoing messages may not be sent. If the patient has been discharged the message will be discarded without notification to you.
Incoming mail will be delivered to your room. Outgoing mail may be left at Patient Registration and postage can be paid there. If confined to your room, please ask your health care team or a volunteer to mail your letters.
The Gift Shop offers a wide variety of giftware, jewelry, clothing, children’s toys and handcrafted items. Gourmet coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cold beverages and a variety of snack items are available. The Gift Shop is operated by volunteers. All merchandise is HST exempt. We accept debit and credit payment only. All profit from the Gift Shop helps to purchase new hospital equipment.
AHI Gift Shop – located on Main Level Hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Patients and family members who need an interpreter to help them
communicate should ask their health care team for help. Many of our staff speak different languages and they will be pleased to assist. You may also invite a family member or friend to be present to interpret when members of your health care team visits.
If you would like to be visited by a Spiritual Leader while an inpatient, please contact your health care provider who will call a clergy member for you.
The Patient Registration team will ask you if we can share with Spiritual Leaders that you are in hospital. If you agree, you will be asked for your religious affiliation.
Pastoral Services is a volunteer service provided by the Ingersoll and District Ministerial Association. The Canon Thomas A. Griffin Room, located on 3rd floor, is available for patients and their families to use for private prayer and meditation.
In-room telephones
Most patient rooms have telephones (exception: Special Care Unit). For local calls, Dial 9, then the number. Long distance calling is not available on bedside phones.
People wishing to contact a patient should call Patient Registration and request the patient by name or room number. You can also contact a patient directly by dialing the proper extension (Note: the extension is not the same as the room number).
Cell phones, smart phones and recording devices
Cell phones and other wireless technology can be used in public areas of the hospital. To limit disruption to others, phones and other devices should be set to quiet or vibrate.
Users of wireless technologies are required to comply with hospital standards for confidentiality and privacy.
As a respectful health care environment, and in consideration of others, patients or visitors may be asked for refrain from using their cell phones or wireless devices. Recognizing that many families and loved ones will wish to record events important to their lives, the hospital supports and
encourages this so long as no party’s privacy rights are infringed upon. Patients/visitors must obtain verbal consent prior to photographing/ recording any individual on hospital property.
Located on the First floor of the hospital near the visitor’s elevator.
Televisions are available to at the patient’s bedside free of charge, compliments of the Alexandra Hospital Foundation.
Men and women from teenage to retirement age volunteer their time to bring you these services. Some of the many services they provide are: meal assistance, friendly visitor, gift shop operation, clerical, patient portering and cardiac rehabilitation clinic assistance. If you have a few hours per week to spare and would like to join our team of volunteers, please call volunteer services at 519-485-1700 ext. 8234.
AHI offers complementary guest wireless internet access suitable for web browsing, text messaging, reading the news, etc.
This hospital is committed to ensuring full accessibility to our facilities and services. Careful review has been completed of our facilities to ensure that barriers are identified and plans to manage or eliminate them are established.
Automatic doors, levered handles, elevated toilets, wheelchair washrooms and graphic signs are some of the features within the facility that make it more accessible.
Our Accessibility Plan is available on our website at www.alexandrahospital.on.ca
The Alexandra Hospital Foundation was incorporated in 1997 and since
that time has been raising funds in the community for AHI. AHI does not receive funding for new medical equipment or capital projects from the government. This is why Alexandra Hospital Foundation relies on our community to help us to meet these equipment needs! If you would like more information regarding the Alexandra Hospital Foundation please feel free to give the Foundation Office a call at 519-485-1700 ext. 8213. To donate, complete the form included at the end of this directory and mail to: Alexandra Hospital Foundation 29 Noxon Street Ingersoll, Ontario N5C 1B8, or go to www.alexandra hospital.on.ca and click the donate button to make an online donation.
Latex balloons are prohibited in the hospital due to latex allergies. Flowers that have been ordered from a local florist will be delivered to the patient’s room. When ordering, please include the patient’s room number on the delivery request to Alexandra Hospital, 29 Noxon St., Ingersoll, Ontario N5C 1B8. Please order only green plants or fragrance-free floral arrangements because the hospital supports a scent-free policy. Please note Poinsettias contain latex and are not allowed on hospital property.
There are fees for items such as canes, crutches, ortho-boots, helping aids, etc. Walkers and wheelchairs are hospital property and are not to be taken out of the hospital. If you require a wheelchair or walker the Home and Community Care Case Manager is available to support you with information on how to obtain.
A member of your healthcare team will inform you of any items you may be charged for. An invoice will be sent to you after discharge. Payments can be made online through many financial institutions, on the hospital website, by mail, over the telephone, or onsite at Patient Registration.
Any patient who is not a resident of Canada is charged a rate set by the Ministry of Health based on the actual cost of the hospitalization. For hospital patients, OHIP covers:
• Medically necessary services provided by a physician.
• Hospital services, including meals, required drugs, procedures and standard ward rooms (4 patients).
• Ambulance service for transportation between hospitals or deemed necessary by physician. (Note: $45 co-payment if transportation did not originate at a medical facility, such as your home.)
For hospital patients, OHIP does not cover:
• Semi-private and private rooms in a hospital.
• Ambulance transportation services if not deemed medically necessary
• An appointment with a physician that you missed.
• Co-Payments: Patients receiving publicly funded chronic care as insured persons under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) in a designated hospital can be required by the hospital to contribute to the cost of their meals and accommodation through a co-payment if, in the opinion of the attending physician, the patient both requires chronic care and is more or less permanently resident in hospital or another institution, including a Long-Term Care (LTC) Home.
NOTE: Necessary emergency medical treatment obtained outside of Canada (e.g. while traveling) is only covered on a very limited basis. It is highly recommended to have travel insurance protection if traveling outside of Canada. Out-of-province ambulance costs are not covered.
For the safety of our patients and staff, the Emergency Entrance outside doors are locked between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. If you require medical assistance during this time, or members of your family/visitors are coming to the hospital during this time, please use the intercom to speak directly with Patient Registration.
We are here to support you through your experience at the hospital and assist you with questions or concerns. Whether you have a complaint, a suggestion or a compliment, we’d like to hear your feedback. Complete our Patient Feedback Survey on our website or by scanning the QR code below using your smartphone or IPAD.
You can also provide feedback to your health care team, contact Patient Relations at 519-485-1700 ext. 8340, or send us your comments in writing to patientfeedback@ahi.ca
If you have completed a complaint process with Patient Relations and you weren’t satisfied with the outcome, the Ontario Patient Ombudsman can offer free, confidential support. Please visit their website for more information: www.patientombudsman.ca or call toll free: 1-888-321-0339.
Our staff is continuously trained to deal with emergencies. To assure emergency readiness, we test hospital codes and the fire alarm system. Do not be alarmed if a code announcement is made or the fire alarms are sounded. Remain where you are.
When the fire alarms sound, doors automatically shut or are closed by team members. A team member will reopen your door when the “All Clear” has been announced.
If it is an actual fire, it is important to remain calm and wait for instructions. Any visitors should remain with the patient. Please Do Not Use The Elevator.
If an item is lost, please report it to your health care team. You can also check with Patient Registration to see if it has been found.
You and your family and friends are welcome to use the patient lounges. There is a lounge on the Third Floor (Canon Griffin Room) and on First Floor across from the Gift shop (Donor Lounge).
Trillium Gift of Life Network (TGLN), part of Ontario Health, is responsible for delivering and coordinating organ and tissue donation and transplantation
services across the province. It also covers planning, promoting and supporting all health care and allied professionals, advocates and the Ontario public in fulfilling their shared and integrated responsibilities in saving the lives of Ontarians waiting for a life-saving transplant. Our organization is a designated facility under the Trillium Gift of Life Network Act. This means that our hospital is required to call and notify TGLN when a patient meets the referred indicators at or before the time of death. Notifying TGLN ensures donation eligibility can be established. Since 2005, this practice has help maximize organ and tissue donation for transplantation in Ontario.
For more information about routine notification go to www.giftoflife.on.ca
Palliative Care is concerned with the alleviation of physical, emotional and spiritual suffering. The goal of Palliative Care is to allow the patient and caregiver the highest quality of life possible each day. The Palliative Care Suite is located on the Combined Unit. A specialized team is available to assist patients and family in their time of need. If you require assistance, please notify your health care team.
AHI is committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality and security of all personal information to which it is entrusted in order to carry out its mission. Information on our privacy policy is available on our website at www.alexandrahospital.on.ca.You may also contact our Privacy Officer at 519-842-3611 ext. 5251 if you have any questions regarding privacy of personal information collected by AHI.
When visiting the hospital, we ask that you refrain from wearing scented products such as perfume, cologne, aftershave, lotions, body sprays, deodorant, hair products, laundry detergent and softeners. We thank you for your consideration of others that are sensitive to these products.
Members of your health care team and volunteers are easily identified by their photo identification badges. Please notify a member of your health care team immediately if you observe any suspicious activity or individuals, have a security concern, or if you’ve lost a personal item.
Alcohol and other impairing substances (e.g. cannabis) are not permitted on hospital premises unless ordered by a Physician.
Consistent with government legislation, smoking is strictly prohibited on the hospital property, including the parking lot. It is important to note that in Ontario, cannabis smoking is subject to the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, meaning that it will only be legally permitted anywhere that tobacco smoking is allowed. At AHI, this means that all patients and visitors wishing to smoke, vape, or hold lighted tobacco or cannabis products must move completely off the hospital property to do so. This also applies to patients that are wishing to smoke prescribed cannabis for medical purposes Use of these substances could result in a fine from the Public Health Tobacco Enforcement Officers under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act.
Alexandra Hospital Ingersoll (AHI) and Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital (TDMH) have an active Patient and Family Advisory Committee that is seeking new membership from the community. Patient and family advisors provide a voice that represents all patients and families who receive care at our hospitals. Advisors collaborate with TDMH and AHI’s leadership, staff, and physicians, bringing their unique perspective from their experiences to improve the quality of care within the hospital.
• Advisors act as active partners to hospital leaders, staff and physicians to assist with the enhancement of quality, patient centered care. Advisors participate in quality improvement initiatives, working groups and committees sharing their experiences to advance patient and family centred care
• A Patient and Family Advisor is a person who has had a recent experience (within 3 years) of being a patient or the family member of a patient at one of our hospitals and lives within the communities serviced by AHI or TDMH.
For more information or to apply to be a patient and family advisor at AHI and TDMH email us @ PatientFeedback@tdmh.on.ca or visit our websites www.alexandrahospital.on.ca or www.tillsonburghospital.on.ca
Memorial Gifts can be made to honour a family member, friend or colleague who has passed away. This is a special way to commemorate the memory of a loved one. It is also an investment in the health of the Ingersoll and area communities.
When we receive a memorial gift, a tax receipt will be issued to you. We will also send an acknowledgement to the family of the deceased of your thoughtfulness (donation amount is not disclosed), if you have provided the family’s next of kin name and address.
Tribute Gifts can be made to honour a family member, friend or colleague whether it be a get well soon gift, anniversary gift, birthday gift or other special occasion. When your gift is received a tax receipt will be issued to you and an acknowledgement card will be sent to the person(s) receiving the tribute (donation amount is not disclosed).
Planned Gifts are gifts made in your will to an organization. Gifts can be in the form of a certain dollar amount, a percentage of your estate or any assets remaining after your family has been provided for.
Donations can be easily made online by visiting our website www.alexandrahospital.on.ca
If you would like further information on making a donation or bequest, please call Alexandra Hospital Foundation at 519-485-1700 ext. 8213 or complete this form and mail to:
Alexandra Hospital Foundation 29 Noxon Street
Ingersoll, Ontario N5C 1B8
Please make cheques payable to: Alexandra Hospital Foundation. Online gifts can be made at www.alexandrahospital.on.ca
I would like to make a donation to Alexandra Hospital Foundation:
City: Postal Code:
Telephone: ( )
Donation Amount: $
In memory or honour of:
Please send notification to:
City: Postal Code:
All donations will receive an official tax receipt. Charitable Business Number 86907 7768 RR0001
Use this page to make any notes/reminders you may wish to share with your health care team.