On behalf of our health care team, I welcome you to Cornwall Hospital.
Thank you for entrusting our staff, physicians and volunteers with your care. Our teams are committed to the hospital’s vision of “Exceptional care. Always.” And our ICARE values of integrity, compassion, accountability, respect, and engagement.
With 165 beds, more than 1200 employees and 180 physicians, Cornwall Hospital offers a wide range of care and services to a catchment area of 110,000 people from the communities of Cornwall, the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry and to the Mohawk Community of Akwesasne. These services include emergency, surgical, medicine and rehabilitation services, addiction and mental health programs as well as a family birthing centre.
Cornwall Community Hospital was incorporated in 2004 with the amalgamation of the Cornwall General Hospital and the acute care services of the Hotel Dieu Hospital, both with over 100 years of health care service to Cornwall and surrounding area. With the completion of a major redevelopment project in 2014, the hospital consolidated all acute care services on one site on McConnell Avenue. Now with the new Community Addiction and Mental Health Centre integration, the hospital is well positioned to meet community needs for years to come. In the fall of 2019, CCH received Accreditation with Exemplary Standing, the highest award granted by Accreditation Canada; an organization dedicated to establishing standards for safe, quality health care.
This patient handbook was prepared for you and reviewed by one of our Patient Experience Advisors; we hope that you will find all the information you need. We encourage you to share with us how we can improve your experience as a patient by contacting our patient relations office at 613-938-4240 ext: 3202 or by emailing feedback@cornwallhospital.ca or by going to our website at http://www. cornwallhospital.ca/en/Contact
Sincerely, Jeanette DespatieOur Mission
Our Team collaborates to provide exceptional people-centered care.
Our Vision
Exceptional Care. Always.
Our Values
Integrity: We will act with honesty and demonstrate strong moral principles.
Compassion: We will care for all people with empathy and kindness. Accountability: We will take responsibility for our words, our actions and our results.
Respect: We will treat everyone with dignity and recognize the individuality and inherent value of all people.
Engagement: We will create a trusting environment that encourages teamwork.
Our Strategic Directions
As a CCH patient, I value care providers who are trustworthy, truthful and transparent in their services. My healthcare team exemplifies a ‘patient first’ philosophy.
As a CCH patient, I value care and treatment which is holistic and patient-centered, responsive to my individual needs and sensitive to my care experience.
As a CCH patient, I value my healthcare team’s commitment to excellence from the beginning to the completion of my healthcare journey, always placing my safety and wellbeing at the forefront.
As a CCH patient, I value care and treatment which is culturally sensitive, provided in either official language, healthcare providers committed to patient advocacy and empowerment, and assuring that my rights and entitlements are protected.
As a CCH patient, I value being actively engaged as an equal partner in my care planning and treatment. My healthcare team respects my choices and preferences, and ensures my consent is fully informed.
The Ontarians with Disabilities Act, (ODA) was enacted to “improve opportunities for people with disabilities and to provide for their involvement in the identification, removal and prevention of barriers to their full participation in the life of the province”. The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) provides the standards to achieve accessibility for Ontarians. The Hospital with the introduction of Strategic Directions, Annual Corporate Operating Plan and the Mission, Vision & Values (MVV) statements reflect the organizations commitment to the community and also to the philosophy of the ODA and the AODA.
• Nurturing a culture of accessibility.
• New building and equipment procurement follows accessibility standards
• Removing physical barriers.
• Having information available in alternative ways upon request (ie: braille, audio, video).
• Providing great customer service to our patients, families, physicians & staff.
Shirley Belmore, a retired employee, is one example of the Hospital providing accessibility to patients and staff.
“I was employed at Cornwall Community Hospital for 41 years in Health Information Services (Medical Records Department).
I retired in March 2011.
Shirley BelmoreI have a physical disability which requires using forearm crutches, wheeled walker or a motorized power wheelchair for mobility. Accessibility could have been an issue for many of my working years, but my employer and I found ways to make it work.
I was invited to be a member of the Accessibility Committee first as an employee then as a patient advisor to help ensure future accessibility.”
- Shirley Belmore
The Accessibility Committee can be reached at 613-938-4240 ext. 4170.
As a patient, you have the right to:
• Be treated with respect, compassion, consideration, and dignity without discrimination.
• Receive medical advice and treatment that fully meets the currently accepted standards of care and quality.
• Receive information about your diagnosis, medications, treatments, prognosis and discharge plan in a way that is clear and easy to understand.
• Participate in decisions about your treatment and your discharge plans, and be notified when there are changes in your plan of care.
• Have your caregiver included in the plan of care as you wish.
• Accept or refuse any medication or treatment, be informed of the expected benefits and possible risks, and be supported in your decision.
• Have your privacy respected and have all your information and records remain confidential.
• Know where you can express a compliment, concern or complaint about your hospital experience.
As a caregiver, you have the right to:
• Be treated in accordance with the hospital’s iCare Values (integrity, compassion, accountability, respect and engagement).
• Be treated by caring staff who understand that the entire family is impacted by your loved one’s condition.
• A hospital setting and health care team that values your point of view and perspective about your loved one’s condition.
• To be actively involved in your loved one’s care with your loved one’s permission.
• Be given information on hospital and community resources.
• Know where you can express a compliment, concern or complaint about your hospital experience.
As a patient, you have the responsibility to:
• Ask questions if you don’t understand.
• Be honest and open with your health care providers.
• Follow your treatment plan.
• Inform staff of changes in your condition.
• Clean your hands and to encourage others, including healthcare providers,to do the same.
• Support a safe environment by reporting anything of concern.
• Invite loved ones and friends to visit you only if they are well.
• Use appropriate language and be respectful of hospital staff and fellow patients.
• Respect the privacy and confidentiality of fellow patients. As a caregiver, you have the responsibility to:
• Ask questions if you don’t understand.
• Clean your hands and to encourage others, including healthcare providers, to do the same.
• Support a safe environment by reporting anything of concern.
• Visit your loved one only if you are well.
• Use appropriate language and be respectful of hospital staff and patients.
• Respect the privacy and confidentiality of your loved one and of patients.
Personal information will not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the consent of the individual or as required by law. Personal information will be retained only as long as necessary for the fulfilment of those purposes.
The hospital requires the knowledge and consent of the individual or substitute decision-maker for the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information, except where inappropriate, i.e., legal requirements or serious illness.
• Consent is required for the collection of personal information and the subsequent use or disclosure of this information. Consent with respect to use or disclosure will be sought after the information has been collected but
before use (for example, when the hospital wants to use information for a purpose not previously identified).
• The hospital will make every effort to ensure that the individual is advised of the purposes for which the information will be used or disclosed. Patient privacy information brochures are available and privacy posters can be found in various locations throughout the hospital.
• The kind of the consent sought by the hospital may vary, depending upon the circumstances and the type of information.
• An individual may withdraw consent at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. The hospital will inform the individual of the implications of such withdrawal.
For your protection, Cornwall Community Hospital conducts fire drills and practice exercises regularly. If you hear the fire alarm please remain in your room and do not be concerned. Your health care providers have been trained in fire safety procedures and will advise you as needed. Fire exits are clearly marked throughout the building.
During a fire alarm, all elevators return to the ground floor and are not operational. All fire doors automatically close until there is an “all clear” announcement on the speaker system. Do not move to another place unless a member of the fire department or other hospital staff asks you to move.
If you bring electrical equipment to the hospital, like a hair dryer or a laptop, it has to be safe. Please ensure that your items are fully functional and are in good, safe, working condition. Please tell a member of your Patient Care Team if you are bringing electrical equipment with you.
• Items that run on batteries, like razors, lamps, or a radio with earphones.
• A hair dryer that is less than 800 watts or a curling iron. It is safest to use these items when out of bed and with someone’s assistance.
Please do not bring:
• T.V. sets, coffee makers, fans, humidifiers.
• Portable heaters or electric blankets.
• Hair dryers that use more than 800 watts.
• Any gas-powered equipment.
• Any device where the plugs have been altered (ground prong removed) or damaged.
Due to the Smoke Free Act, the entire hospital property is free of all types of smoke (cigarette, vaping, marijuana).
CCH is a scent-safe environment for all individuals who may be sensitive to scented products. Because of the serious effects scented products have on some of our staff, patients and volunteers we want to create an awareness of the potential hazards associated with the wearing and the use of scented products.
1. All staff, volunteers, auxiliary members and physicians should avoid wearing scented personal care products such as perfume, cologne, deodorants, aftercare lotions, hair products, body lotions and powders.
2. Patients and visitors should refrain from the use of strongly scented products in the hospital.
3. All departments shall make every effort to eliminate scented products.
4. Flowers sent to the hospital need to be low scent.
If you are allergic to latex please inform patient registration or your nurses station on your floor. Only Mylar non-latex based balloons are permitted in the hospital.
In the Emergency Department and on admission to CCH, all patients are assessed for Fall Risk. If you are unsure whether or not you are at risk of falling, ask your healthcare provider. We want you to be safe while in our care.
Most falls happen when people are getting in or out of their bed or going to the bathroom. Follow these tips to keep yourself from losing your balance or falling over.
• Keep important items within reach, including your call bell.
• Use the call bell if you feel dizzy, weak, or light headed and ask for help.
• Watch out for any clutter or obstacles in your way, and ask your healthcare team to move them.
• Use the handrails in the bathroom and hallway.
• Wear your glasses and or hearing aids.
• Use the devices that are assigned to you (walker, cane).
• Wear shoes that fit, or nonskid slippers.
• Turn on a light before getting out of bed at night.
Feel free to ask for help if you feel unsteady or if there is anything you are not sure about. Together we can reduce the risk of fall related injuries.
All patient admissions must be coordinated through Patient Registration. Admissions will be based on bed availability. Patient Registration will be responsible for assigning beds based on medical priority and preferred accommodation. You will be asked for:
• Your name and current address.
• Your Ontario Health Card.
• Details regarding health-care insurance coverage or method of payment if you require semi-private or private accommodations.
• Any other important information.
When you arrive at an Inpatient Unit, you will be shown to your room, how to use the call bell, told about mealtimes and visiting hours. We will encourage you to send excess clothing, valuables (cash, credit cards, jewelry) and medications home. If you cannot send valuables home, the nurse will help you write an itemized list and will have you sign it after you’ve double-checked it. These items, along with a receipt, will be kept locked up for safekeeping. Upon discharge you can claim your items with a copy of the clothing and valuables form.
Cornwall Hospital has adopted an open visiting policy. There are no hours of restriction which allows visiting at any time, to the patient’s preference. Between the hours of 20h00 and 06h00, visitors are asked to come through the Emergency Department door, ensuring that security is not compromised.
The policy advises visitors to stay away if they are feeling unwell, and also gives staff members the authority to ask a visitor to speak at a lower volume or leave if being disruptive.
Unit Restrictions: maximum of two visitors at a time. Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult.
Please ask the nurses on your unit if there is a telephone available in your room. The extension number usually matches the room number. If you plan to make a long- distance call, please have your calling card or credit card ready and dial “0” for the switchboard operator to connect you with a Bell Canada operator. To place a local call from your room, simply dial “9”, followed by the local phone number.
When leaving the hospital, feel free to utilize one of our discharge phones to inform us that the room can be cleaned for our next patient.
The single most effective thing you can do to protect yourself and others from getting infections is to practice
good hand hygiene. This can be achieved by:
• Using the alcohol-based hand sanitizer available on each unit and at hospital entrances.
• Cleaning your hands after using the washroom, before eating, and after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.
• Observing your caregiver’s hand hygiene practice – expect to see our staff clean their hands. If you don’t, it’s OK to ask.
For safety precautions, some patients require isolation. In this case, appropriate signs will provide information that is required to limit the spread of infection.
Visitors may be asked to wear personal protective equipment (such as gowns,masks, gloves) when visiting patients in isolation rooms.
DO NOT VISIT If you have any of the following symptoms:
• Diarrhea, nausea and/or vomiting within the past 48 hours.
• Fever.
• Sore throat.
• Influenza.
Please do not come to visit until you are feeling better and these symptoms are gone.
Overcrowded Emergency Departments (ED) across Ontario is not a new phenomenon. ED wait times and lengths of stay decrease the availability of inpatient beds which means patients can be treated in temporary locations. Placing patients in the hallway will be a short- term measure in order to manage the needs of the patients during periods of full capacity.
Why am I not being moved directly into a room from the emergency department?
When the hospital is overcapacity, we want to tend to our patient’s health care needs as best as possible. If you have finished being taken care of in the emergency department, you may be moved to the nursing unit to which you have been admitted before your room is ready. The nursing staff on the unit will begin your care
immediately, while you wait for a room to become available.
How long will I wait here?
We will do our best to move you into a bed in a room as soon as we can. We apologize that we can’t always have required resources available. We hope to limit the amount of time in the hallway and strive to never exceed 36hrs.
Am I the only one waiting in the hallway?
No, there are hallway patients on all units if units are at capacity and the Emergency Department is over capacity.
Why doesn’t the hospital open more beds and units?
That is not always possible due to space and budget limitations. During unexpected surges, we work to ensure that all patients receive safe nursing care.
I have insurance coverage for a private or semi-private bed. Will I wait in a hallway?
When the hospital is over capacity, our first priority is to make sure you’re placed in a unit where your treatment plan can be carried out. We may have to place you in the hallway, but will do everything possible to honour any request made for a private or semi-private room in a timely manner.
When you are admitted to the hospital, you will be asked by your physician or other member of the health care team, if you have made a decision about resuscitation or advance directives in terms of your end of life wishes. Our staff will be respectful of your intentions at this challenging time.
All ambulance transfers between facilities, hospital to hospital or hospital to nursing home are covered by OHIP. Ambulance from home or from the scene of an accident is billable to the patient or WSIB if it is a work-related injury. Ambulance transportation to the home is not covered by provincial insurance. The total cost of an ambulance in Ontario, $240.00, is charged to the patient.
When being discharged from the hospital, please arrange to have someone pick you up by 11:00 am on your discharge day. If you require patient transport services, there are numerous services that can transport you for a fee. The nursing staff would be glad to provide you with the contact information of any of these companies. If you are unable to coordinate transportation for yourself, the hospital will coordinate it for you, but you may be charged for this service.
Discharge planning is initiated as early in a patient’s treatment as possible. Multidisciplinary involvement in discharge planning helps to ensure that a client leaves the hospital in a timely manner with the necessary resources in place.
A patient will be requested to leave the hospital by 11:00am or as soon as possible after the discharge order is received. Patients who have been discharged may be asked to vacate their room to allow a new patient to be admitted.
If you live in Ontario, the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) usually covers the cost to stay in a standard room.
OHIP does not cover:
• A private or semi-private room.
• Non-urgent transport.
• Private nurses or sitters requested by your family.
• Crutches, canes or walkers.
• Certain surgeries.
You are responsible to pay for all services that OHIP and your insurance plan does not cover.
If you live in Canada but outside Ontario: Hospital costs are paid for residents of other Canadian provinces
when they showa valid provincial health card. Home-care services are not paid for out-of-province patients.
If you live outside of Canada:
You are responsible for all hospital costs as well as clinic visits and visits to the Emergency Department. Doctors will bill separately for their services.
Digital tools are putting patients at the centre of their care teams at Cornwall Hospital.
MyChart is a free, secure online tool providing patients, their designated family members, and caregivers at CCH access to medical records and personal health information. Using your computer or smart device, MyChart users can easily view test results, clinical documentation, and other health information. Learn more and register today at www.cornwallhospital.ca/en/ mychart.
With SeamlessMD, patients undergoing surgery at CCH are guided from pre-surgical preparation through post-surgical recovery via personalized education, progress-tracking, and post-op symptom monitoring using their own device (e.g. smartphone, tablet, computer). After surgery while recovering at home, patients can access education and self-report data such as pain scores, symptoms, range-of-motion, and share photos of their wounds through the platform remotely.
Providers at CCH can monitor patients on dashboards allowing for personalized care recommendations and faster intervention from the surgical care team if necessary.
SeamlessMD is currently available across several surgical service lines including Total Hip and Knee Replacement, Shoulder, Breast, Colorectal, and some Emergent General Surgery.
Please consult with an operating room registration clerk to register and learn more at www.cornwallhospital.ca/en/ seamlessmd.
What do you do first if you have a problem or a concern?
Step 1: Talk with a member of the health care team
• When you or your family have a concern, please share these concerns as soon as possible. Feel free to speak with any member of the health care team including Charge Nurse, Social Worker or other member of care team. They will listen and respond to your concerns.
Step 2: Ask to speak with the Manager of the department (contact information on bedside whiteboard during your stay, where applicable)
• If concerns are not resolved to your satisfaction, ask to speak with the Manager of the area in which you stayed, during the weekdays or the After Hours Manager during the evening, weekends or holidays. Here is a list of departments, and a phone number where the manager can be reached.
ext: 4304
Outpatient Clinics/Dialysis....................... 613-938-4240 ext: 1991
Patient Registration ................................. 613-938-4240 ext: 2312
Clinical Support Supervisor ................... 613-938-4240 ext: 3540
Laboratory ............................................... 613-938-4240 ext: 3309
I’m afraid that if I complain things will get worse for me and/or my relative.
Please be assured that raising a concern will not negatively affect your care (or loved one’s care) in any way. You may also go online to fill out and submit a confidential feedback form at www.cornwallhospital.ca/en/Contact.
With the completion of a major redevelopment project in 2014, and the construction the Addiction and Mental Health Centre at the end of 2016, the hospital consolidated all acute care and communitybased services on their McConnell Avenue site. These are the services available in the new centre strategically located across from the Emergency Department.
• Adult Mental Health Services.
• Geriatric Mental Health Services.
• Child and Youth Mental Health Services.
• Addiction Services.
• Assertive Community Treatment Team.
• Community Withdrawal Management Services.
• First Episode Psychosis.
• Mental Health Crisis Team.
• Child, Youth and Family Crisis Services.
The “Embrace” project is focused on improving the experience of family caregivers in the addiction and mental health system across Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry and Akwesasne. A COdesigned family caregiver centre is now available for information and support. It is located on level 1 in the JMP loggia (where the trees are located).
Emergency health care, counselling and resources for women, men and children who have been victims of domestic assault or sexual assault or abuse.
For an assault occurring within 72 hours, please go directly to the Emergency Department of the Cornwall Community Hospital at 840 McConnell Avenue.
Victim help – for assault over 72 hours
Health-care related: 613-938-4240, ext. 4552
Counselling: 613-938-4240, ext. 4658 or ext. 4567
Requests for training, presentations or general information
• 613-938-4240, ext. 4202 • 1-866-263-1560 (toll free)
• TTY 613-936-4643 • asap@cornwallhospital.ca
• www.cornwallhospital.ca/asap
We are hopeful that staff identification will enhance the patient experience. Wondering which colour distinguishes our staff? See our legend here.
RN (Registered Nurse) or RPN (Registered Practical Nurse) Blue-Royal
Diagnostic Imaging Including: CT EEG, Mammography, MRI, Nuclear Medicine and Ultrasound, X-Ray
Environmental Services Green
Food Services Khaki
Patient Care Aide Pewter
Pharmacy Wine Porter Red
Respiratory Therapist Caribbean
Clerk, Diabetes Educator, Dietitian, Nurse
Practitioner, Pharmacist, Social Work White (lab coat)
Mental Health Counsellor, Occupational Therapist, OT/PT assistant, Physiotherapist, Recreation Therapist, Speech Language pathologist
Facility Services Grey Stripe
Cornwall Community Hospital will make every reasonable effort to identify all potential sources of violence in order to eliminate and/or minimize these risks. CCH refuses to tolerate any type of violence within the workplace or at work-related activities. Violence is defined as any incident in which an employee or patient is abused, threatened, harassed, or in which injury is inflicted, or damage caused to property. This can be in the form of offensive comments including: jokes, obscene remarks, insults, teasing, bullying, mobbing, ridicule, swearing, shouting, demeaning or belittling statements, threats designed to hurt or isolate a person in the workplace causing emotional distress or personal humiliation, or threatening the health, safety and livelihood of an employee or patient. The act may be implied or actual, and be either verbal or physical in nature.
Hospital staff can refer requests for spiritual or religious services to religious services on call list. This service is available for those who need assistance with the grieving process, end-of-life issues, facilitating life transitions, issues of reconciliation, religious needs, and contacting community faith representatives. Please ask staff to assist you with the multi-faith directory.
There is a newly constructed Chapel on level 1, just past the tower elevators. This worship space is private and a safe space for prayer or meditation.
Cornwall Hospital is designated under the French Language Services Act (Ontario) to provide French language services. We believe that to meet our commitment to the provision of high
quality health services, we must meet the communication needs of our patients whenever possible. If you prefer to communicate in French, please let your care team know. If they cannot serve you in French, they will find someone in their department who can. The staff members who can offer French language services are identified with a “Je parle français” on their name tag.
The cafeteria is available for staff and visitors from 6:30am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday, and from 10am to 3pm on Saturday and Sunday and on statutory holidays. Our cafeteria includes a Tim Horton’s Kiosk (where Tim Horton’s beverages, and baked goods are available). Due to dietary restrictions, patients are not allowed to eat food from the cafeteria.
• Breakfast is served between 7:30am and 10:00am
• Lunch is served between 11:00am and 2:00pm Vending machines are available 24 hours a day in the Emergency Department, inthe JMP Loggia on level 1 and in front of the elevators on level 6.
Payment will be accepted inside the building at one of three “pay stations” located at the Main entrance, the Emergency entrance and the Clinic entrance. There is a 20 minute grace period from the time you pay for the ticket to the time it will expire. For this reason, always pay for the ticket on your way out.
Parking passes are available for $45/month with a refundable deposit of $20. These passes can be purchased at the cashier desk on level 1 between the hours of 8:00am and 4:00pm.
Lost and Found items are located at the security office level 1 by the Emergency Department Entrance.
Thanks to local donors like you, Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation can help fill the gaps where government funding stops. With your support, we can continue purchasing state-of-the-art equipment and facilities to enhance & save local lives. Because you give, we can help provide exceptional care, right here at home.
How to Make a Donation
In person or by mail (using the enclosed mailer) .................................................. Cornwall Hospital Foundation (Mon-Fri 8:00am4:00pm) .........................840 McConnell Ave. Cornwall, ON K6H 5S5
Phone .............................................................................. 613-930-4508
Types of Donations
Monthly: We invite you to join our new CCH Star Program as a monthly donor through consistent and convenient gifts that add up over time. Your monthly donation will help fund the most urgent needs at CCH as they arise.
In Memoriam Giving: Families may decide to choose Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation as the charity of choice for donations in tribute to a loved one who passes away. Donations to express your sympathy will be used to purchase equipment that will enhance and save local lives. Once your donation is received, our Foundation will send a card to the bereaved family acknowledging your kind gesture; the amount of your donation is kept strictly confidential.
Legacy: A legacy gift is a living, active reminder of individuals and families like yours who care about their communities and support causes that are important to them. As a benefit to you, your gift can also be a very practical addition to your financial or estate plan for tax purposes.
Healthcare Hero: Did someone make a difference in your care or the care of your loved one? By making a gift to CCH Foundation in honour of your Healthcare Hero, you will help provide quality care and support the many ongoing programs that benefit our
community. Your hero will receive a letter of recognition and a hero pin for their excellent care.
The Auxiliary is a group of over 200 enthusiastic active and inactive members who are committed to providing needed volunteer services to Cornwall Community Hospital. The Auxiliary is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to volunteerism and fundraising. It supports the provision of excellence in health care delivery and the effectiveness of hospital services at Cornwall Community Hospital.
The objective of the Auxiliary is to:
1. Assist the hospital with volunteer services to staff, patients and visitors.
2. Help the hospital purchase equipment, and other medical needs by raising funds.
The Auxiliary also manages a gift shop on site (level 1 at the Main Entrance) which is open Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm and from 11am to 2pm on weekends.
Cornwall Community Hospital is committed to provide high quality, safe and an excellent patient experience by ensuring that the voice and perspectives of patients and caregivers are considered across the continuum of care and services. Through collaboration with the Patient and Family Advisory Committee (PFAC) patients and caregivers will contribute to quality improvement initiatives by sharing their experience and making recommendations to Cornwall Community Hospital in regards to planning and delivering quality, safe and excellent health care services. If you are a former patient or caregiver to a patient and would like to get involved in discussions to help us improve care and service for the over 100,000 patients we see, please consider applying to become a patient/caregiver experience advisor by going to www.cornwallhospital.ca/en/patientcaregiveradvisors or by emailing feedback@cornwallhospitaI.ca.
Cornwall Community Hospital would like to thank the following local businesses/sponsors who made this Patient Handbook possible for our patients.
L’Hôpital communautaire de Cornwall remercie les entreprises et les commanditaires locaux ci-dessous qui ont rendu possible la rédaction de cet annuaire des services aux patients à l’usage de nos patients.
your medication record up to date. Remember to include: drug allergies vitamins and minerals herbal/natural products all medications including non-prescription products Ask your doctor, nurse or pharmacist to review all your medications to see if any can be stopped or reduced.