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Each year community volunteers dedicate more than 10,000 hours of their expertise, skills, talents and caring. Their valuable contributions include caring for our patients, fundraising for much needed medical equipment and efficient operation of our services.
As well as the commitment of individuals, partnerships with other local community agencies add to the volunteer programs that we offer. friends; have the sense of satisfaction that comes from helping others; learn more about health care; develop leadership skills; create balance in one’s life; participate in social and fundraising events; enjoy new challenges; have fun; develop a sense of community; and make a difference!
You may also choose to join the hospital auxiliary and become part of an organization filled with great history!
Want to get involved? Here are some of the reasons people volunteer at Hotel Dieu Shaver: meet people and make
Email: volunteer@hoteldieushaver.org
If you are a past patient and are interested in giving back, the Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) may be for you!
• Meet and greet new patients • Meet with patients prior to discharge to offer participation in the Patient
Satisfaction Survey • Review the role of the Patient Advisors • Review the Patient Handbook for nonclinical services available • Bring a unique prospective to HDS based on your hospital experience • Actively participate on councils, committees, teams or focus groups • Provide input on patient care, organizational processes, education, patient safety, quality improvement and staff orientation • Help improve the environment /design of the organization
• One-time activities, such as sharing your hospital experience • Attend monthly Patient Advisor meetings, if suitable to your availability • Involvement in committees or working groups, at your discretion
If you are interested in becoming a Patient Advisor at HDS, please contact the Patient Relations Process Delegate at (905) 6851381 ext. 85323 or info@hoteldieushaver. org