Dear Hospital Patients and Visitors,
Quinte Health is proud to serve our communities and provide high quality, compassionate care, close to home. Our services are provided through four hospitals—Belleville General Hospital, Trenton Memorial Hospital, Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital and North Hastings Hospital.
The people who work across our hospitals—a dedicated team of talented health care and support professionals—are our greatest strength. In addition to our caring and committed health care professionals, Quinte Health is also fortunate to receive community support from hard-working volunteers who give freely of their time and talents to serve our patients, staff and visitors. Exceptional community support also extends to our Foundations, which raise much-needed donations that enable us to purchase state-of-the-art medical equipment that improves care for you and your loved ones.
Two of our Quinte Health values are ‘Imagine it’s you’ and ‘Value everyone’. We want your health care experience to be a positive one. We welcome opportunities to hear about your experiences while under our care to help us learn what we are doing well and where we can improve. Contact our Patient Experience Specialist at (613) 969-7400 ext. 2033 or via email at feedback@qhc.on.ca. We value your feedback and look forward to serving you during your time with us.
Stacey Daub President & CEO Quinte Health
Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital
Quinte Health consists of four hospitals:
• Belleville General Hospital (in the city of Belleville, Ontario)
• Trenton Memorial Hospital (in the city of Quinte West, Ontario)
• North Hastings Hospital (in the town of Bancroft, Ontario)
• Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital (in the town of Picton, Ontario)
Quinte Health is a family of four hospitals that are working to “Create Healthier Communities. Together”.
The team of 2,600 staff and physicians provide care through four emergency departments, operating rooms at three hospitals, a rehabilitation day hospital, ambulatory care clinics, and a range of diagnostic services. There are more than 335 inpatient beds for acute medical patients, intensive care, obstetrics, paediatrics, mental health, complex continuing care, rehabilitation, and surgery. In addition, Quinte Health is proud to operate the Quinte Children’s Treatment Centre, community mental health programs, and to be a member of the Hastings Prince Edward Ontario Health Team.
Quinte Health is governed by its Board of Directors, which is responsible for monitoring quality and effectiveness; establishing strategic direction and ensuring financial and organizational viability.
Quinte Health is Fully Accredited by Accreditation Canada
Quinte Health’s main offices are located at Belleville General Hospital:
256 Dundas Street East Belleville, Ontario K8N 5A9
Phone: (613) 969-7400 ext. 2400
Fax: (613) 968-8234
directory has been prepared to help you get to know Quinte Health and QHC North Hastings Hospital ~ the services we provide, the responsibilities we assume and those we ask you to take on.
Your Health Care – Be Involved
are an essential member of the health care partnership with an important role to play throughout each step of your care. For your safety to ensure the highest quality care, it is very important that you and health care providers work together and communicate.
You are an essential member of the health care partnership with an important role to play throughout each step of your care. For your safety and to ensure the highest quality care, it is very important that you and your health care providers work together and communicate.
The following five tips outline what you can do to be involved and make informed decisions.
1. Speak up if you have questions or concerns about your care.
following five tips outline what you can do to be involved and make informed decisions.
1. Be involved in your health care. Speak up if you have questions or concerns about your care.
2. Tell a member of your health care team about your past illnesses and your current health condition.
2. Tell a member of your health care team about your past illnesses and your current health condition.
3. Bring a complete list of all your medications with you when you come to the hospital or go to any medical appointment.
3. Bring a complete list of all your medications with you when you come to the hospital or go to any medical appointment.
4. Tell a member of your health care team if you have ever had an allergic or bad reaction to any medication or food.
4. Tell a member of your health care team if you have ever had an allergic or bad reaction to any medication or food.
5. Make sure you ask questions and know what to do when you go home from the hospital or from your medical appointment.
5. Make sure you ask questions and know what to do when you go home from the hospital or from your medical appointment.
Be involved in your health care. Speak up if you have questions or concerns about your care.
Tell a member of your health care team about your past illnesses and your current health condition.
Bring all of your medicines with you when you go to the hospital or to a medical appointment.
Tell a member of your health care team if you have ever had an allergic or bad reaction to any medicine or food.
Make sure you know what to do when you go home from the hospital or from your medical appointment.
Hand hygiene is one the best ways you, your visitors and your health care team can prevent the spread of microorganisms.
Did you know that microorganisms are most often spread through your hands? There are two ways to clean your hands:
• Using soap and water if your hands are visibly soiled. Rub hands together briskly for 15 seconds
• With 70% alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Dispensers are located throughout Quinte Health, including near the entrance of and within each patient room. Rub hands briskly together until alcohol has dried.
Your health care team works hard to keep their hands clean. There are four important moments when your health care team must clean their hands:
• Before they come to your bedside
• After they have come into direct contact with you or anything in your room
• After they have had contact with blood or body fluids (ie. if they have assisted you with toileting or changed a dressing)
• When they leave your room or bedside
Our patients play an important role in preventing the spread of microorganisms. Make sure to clean your hands:
• After toileting
• After sneezing or blowing your nose
• Before meals
• If you are leaving your room
• Before you come back into your room if you have been off the unit for tests, therapies or to walk in the halls
You will be provided with a hand wipe on your meal tray to clean your hands before meals.
As a visitor, when you come to a hospital, hand hygiene is your responsibility too. Please clean your hands:
• Before entering a patient’s room
• After having any direct hands-on contact with a patient (ie. helping with toileting, a bath or feeding a patient)
• When you leave a patient’s room
• If you use the washroom (we ask that visitors use public washrooms located along the corridor on each unit and throughout Quinte Health)
To prevent the spread of microorganisms and to help keep you, your visitors, and your care team safe, you may require special isolation precautions while you are hospitalized.If so, you will have a special sign posted on the door to your room to guide staff and visitors coming to see you. If you require isolation precautions, your health care providers will come into your room wearing appropriate personal protective equipment, which could include a gown, gloves, mask and eye protection. You may also be required to wear a mask when anyone enters your room.
Visitor information boards are located on each nursing unit. They are located near the elevators to help visitors understand isolation signage and how to put on an isolation gown, hand hygiene and other important information.
Please ask your visitors to stay home if they are sick with any illness, including sore throat, runny nose, cough, fever, upset stomach or diarrhea.
For any Infection and Prevention related questions, please call extension 2361 to speak with a member of the Infection Prevention and Control Team.
Our values make us proud and reflect our courage. They are unique to Quinte Health and, while not a full representation of everything we do and everything we are, they embody our culture and how our teams strive to live and work every day. They are reflective of who we are as people and can be embraced by everyone connected to our hospitals—our staff, physicians, volunteers, foundations, learners, board members, patients, families, partners and community.
We show empathy and compassion with every interaction, always treating others as we would want ourselves or our family members to be treated. We ensure everyone feels safe and welcome, and take an extra moment to ensure we are treating each patient, family and coworker with humanity and kindness.
Everyone has their own story and is walking a unique path. We value each individual for who they are and appreciate their experiences and the lens through which they view the world. No matter who we are interacting with and for what purpose, we strive to see the whole person and we demonstrate inclusion, equity, dignity and respect, embracing each other’s differences without labels or judgement.
We each play a role individually and collectively in helping to improve lives and in making our hospitals and communities stronger. We celebrate the achievements and recognize the valuable contributions of the individuals and many teams that make up our hospitals. We embrace lifelong learning and are proactive, accountable, dedicated, and responsive to the needs of our community, our patients and their families, and each other.
We are united as a steadfast, supportive and resilient team of individuals, departments and hospitals pursuing quality care, innovation and continuous improvement. We are there for one another and work collaboratively together and with community partners to provide the best care possible for patients and our community.
Please care for us, while we care for you. Our hospitals are a place of respect for patients, families, guests, volunteers and staff. Aggressive, threatening or disrespectful behaviour toward staff or others will not be tolerated.
Quinte Health is committed to accessibility (as outlined in the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Ontario Regulation 429/07). If a patient or visitor requires an alternate format for documents, Quinte Health will work with that person to agree upon an alternate format and provide the person with materials which take into account the person’s needs. If you require an alternate format, please contact the Communications Department at (613) 969-7400 ext. 2677. To access a language interpreter or sign language interpreter, patients should ask a member of their care team.
When you arrive at the hospital, you will be required to present your Ontario Health Card. Please have your health card ready when waiting for Triage and/or Registration. Upon admission, you will be given an identification bracelet to be worn at all times while you are in the hospital.
• Ontario Health Card
• Proof of additional health insurance coverage for preferred hospital accommodations
• Calling card for long distance calls
• Workers Compensation Board (WCB) claim number (if you have one)
• Social Insurance Number
• Cheque or credit card to pay additional expenses
• Slippers, pajamas and robe, socks and supportive walking shoes
• Toothbrush and toothpaste
• Comb and brush
• Facial tissues and shaving supplies
• Sanitary items
• Complete list of all medications
Please Do Not Bring:
• More than $20 cash
• Personal valuables, such as jewellery
• Electric personal care items other than a hair dryer or electric razor
• Cigarettes, tobacco, pipes, cigars or e-cigarettes
• Medication (unless instructed by your physician or nurse)
A multi-disciplinary patient care team provides your care while in the hospital.
Your Team Members May Include:
• Dietitians
• Physician Assistants
• Nurses/Nurse Practitioners
• Pharmacists
• Physicians
• Physiotherapists / Occupational Therapists
• Recreation Therapists
• Therapy Assistants
• Technicians
• Respiratory Therapists
• Patient Flow Coordinators
• Personal Support Workers
• Speech Language Pathologists
• Spiritual Care (Clergy)
• Palliative Care/Grief Support
• Hospice
• Social Workers
Other members of the Health Care Team who add support include:
• Medical Device Reprocessing Department (MDRD)
• Clerical
• Facility Services (Maintenance)
• Food Services
• Health Records
• Hospitality Services (Housekeeping)
• Human Resources
• Information Services
• Materiel Management
• Patient Registration
• Volunteers
Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital (PECMH) offers a full range of Clinical and Diagnostic services including:
• Emergency Service
• Endoscopy
• Haemodialysis Clinic –operated by KHSC
• Medical Inpatient
• Outpatient Clinics
• PhysiotherapyInpatient only
• Radiology
*Please note, this is a list of services that are available at PECMH. Additional services are available at the other hospitals if required for your care.
The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care pays most of the cost for an ambulance trip (land or air ambulance) for a patient who is injured or very ill. The patient usually pays $45 of the cost*. The patient must pay the full cost of a land ambulance trip ($240) when the trip is not medically necessary or when the patient does not have a valid Ontario Health Card or Health 65 Card.
* The $45 charge does not apply to those who are:
• Receiving provincial social assistance
• Transferring from one hospital to another for insured, medically necessary treatment
• Transferring from hospital to rehabilitation facility, treatment facility for children with physical disabilities, medical laboratory or X-ray facility approved by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
• Enrolled in the Ministry’s Home Care Program
Since latex balloons can cause allergic reactions in some people, we ask that no latex balloons be brought onto the premises. Mylar balloons are permitted.
Quinte Health is a Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO). This designation from the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario is in recognition of our commitment to excellence in the care that we deliver every day. Our commitment to you is to use evidence and research in our clinical practices. Advantages of participating in this program include improved patient outcomes, increased safety, and quality patient care. We are passionate about the care we provide at Quinte Health and proud to be part of this international program.
Patient accounts may be settled at Patient Registration.
If you require immediate assistance, please use the call bell beside your bed. A staff member will answer your call as soon as possible.
The use of cellular phones and other wireless devices are permitted throughout our hospitals provided they do not interfere with patient care or violate respect for others’ need for quiet and privacy. Please do not take photos, video or audio recordings unless you have consent from those involved.
We know that when you are well, you would rather be at home. Our goal is to help get you there. As soon as you are admitted, we will work with you and your loved ones to plan your care and prepare you to go home. Your Physician or Nurse will inform you of your discharge date in advance, so you can make arrangements to have someone assist you in going home. Your collaboration related to discharge planning will help to ensure we have beds available for everyone accessing the hospital. If assistance is unavailable, the Unit Communications Clerk (UCC) can arrange for a taxi to meet you at the main entrance. Please be sure to take all personal belongings when you leave.
Need a prescription filled? Prescriptions for medications may be faxed to the pharmacy of your choice for you to pick up.
If you have questions, feedback or have a complaint about the care you or your family member is receiving, your health care team needs to know. Please don’t hesitate to initiate a discussion with a member of your care team or the clinical manager.
If, after speaking to your health care team or the manager you feel your case requires further attention, we invite you to contact our Patient Experience Specialist. You may do so by telephone, letter, or email.
Belleville General Hospital
Attn. Patient Experience Specialist
265 Dundas Street East Belleville, Ontario K8N 5A9
Phone: (613) 969-7400 ext. 2033
Toll Free: 1-800-483-2811 – ask switchboard to connect you to Patient Experience
Email: feedback@qhc.on.ca
Regular business hours are Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
To follow up on your concern, our Patient Experience Specialist will contact you to explain our process, which includes obtaining patient consent. Our process is open and transparent. We will keep you informed at appropriate intervals about the progress of the investigation.
If you need assistance contacting our team, please ask your health care team.
You may hear one of our regular fire drills during your hospital stay. When you hear the fire alarm, please return to your room and remain there with any visitors until you receive the all-clear message. We will inform you should any action become necessary. If you are in the hospital Cafeteria, please stay there until the all clear signal is given. Elevators must not be used when there is a fire or a fire drill and will be out of service.
To obtain medical records, learn more about the process on the “Health Records” section of the Quinte Health website, or email healthrecordsroi@qhc.on.ca to inquire.
Hospital staff, Medical staff, and Volunteers are easily identified by their photo identification badge. If you observe any suspicious activity or individuals, have lost personal items, or have any security concern, please notify a staff member immediately.
Family members wishing to inquire about your health should telephone the Patient Care Unit after 9:00 a.m. If you have many relatives, please assign one person to call and share the information received with your family. Information about your health is not released to anyone other than a family member and only with consent. Should you have any concerns during your hospital stay, please speak with your nurse, or the person in charge of the Unit.
Following Physician’s orders, the hospital provides drugs for patients during their stay in hospital. Patients using research drugs or patients routinely taking drugs which are not usually available at the hospital, may have to provide them if asked to do so by a Nurse, Physician or Pharmacist.
Quinte Health participates in an organ donation program. If you wish to be an organ and/or tissue donor at end-of-life, please register your consent at Beadonor.ca and express your wishes to your family.
A bracelet will be given to you upon admission and it must be worn for identification during your hospital stay to ensure we are providing services and medications to the right person, every time.
Patient room numbers, telephone extensions and directions to patient rooms are provided at the Patient Registration Desk. When you are provided with a patient’s room number, please dial (613) 476-1008, then “4”, then the room number for direct phone access.
Patient safety continues to be a top priority for Quinte Health, recognizing that health care cannot be high quality unless it is also safe. Quinte Health is committed to initiatives that develop, maintain and foster a culture of safety for our patients, families, staff and physicians. If you have any concerns about your safety, please speak to a member of your health care team.
Quinte Health is a Reduced-Scent Environment. Scented products can cause serious reactions among our patients, our staff, our volunteers, and our visitors. Reactions can include headache, nausea, breathing difficulties and skin reactions. Please refrain from wearing scented products in this hospital or having heavily scented flowers. Your cooperation will be very much appreciated by everyone.
At Quinte Health, an important part of our commitment to provide quality health care is our respect for your right to privacy. Keeping our patients’ information and affairs in strict confidence is a Quinte Health priority and we have a number of policies and procedures in place to ensure your privacy is protected.
If you would like to upgrade your room from ward to semiprivate, or from semi-private to private, you may do so provided the requested room is available. There is a daily cost to you to upgrade from your OHIP or other insured coverage room to the next categories. For more information, please call the Patient Registration Desk at 4589.
On January 1, 2016, the Smoke-Free Ontario Act mandated all hospitals to be smoke free. Smoking or vaping is not permitted on hospital property and anyone who is caught smoking on hospital property could face a fine. We appreciate your co-operation and understanding.
At Quinte Health, we are committed to the promotion of your good health. Therefore, we view your hospital stay as an ideal time to quit smoking. We can help. Speak to your health care provider for more information.
All valuables (jewellery, money, etc.) must be kept at home. All personal belongings brought to the hospital, including equipment, must be clearly labelled for identification purposes. The hospital is not responsible for the loss of any personal items. Equipment has to be checked to ensure it is working safely before being used in the hospital.
Quinte Health is committed to patient- and family-centred care and encourages visits from family throughout the patient’s hospital stay. We know that having loved ones nearby while in hospital will make our patients more comfortable and will support their recovery.
To protect your loved one and other vulnerable patients in our care, please do not visit if you have any symptoms of illness. Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as masks, must be worn as instructed to support safety
procedures and requirements. For the most up-to-date visiting information, including current restrictions and visiting hours, please visit the Quinte Health website and click on the Visiting section.
Please keep the following in mind:
• Visiting is based on the condition, care needs, and expressed wishes of the patient at the time of their current hospital experience.
• Visiting may be interrupted for the provision of patient care, or may be restricted in the event of an outbreak.
• Visiting may be restricted to protect the health care needs, safety and privacy of other patients or to maintain safety and security decisions.
• Visitors must perform hand hygiene with soap and water or alcohol based hand rub upon entry, before and after visiting a patient, and frequently throughout their visit.
• Visiting children under 12 years must be directly supervised by an adult, who is not the patient.
Main entrances at our hospitals are closed overnight. Please use the Emergency Department entrance (open 24/7).
Quinte Health believes in providing a standard of excellent patient-centred care and ensuring the safety of all patients throughout their hospital stay, including during times of transport. As primary and secondary referral centres for other health care facilities, Quinte Health provides a variety of inand out-patient services for residents of the community who may require transportation. Although urgent care may not always be required for transportation, patients sometimes require transportation by personnel trained in the safe portering of patients between facilities.
Although you have the right to choose your own non-urgent patient transfer service provider, Priority Patient Transfer Service is Quinte Health’s non-urgent transportation provider of choice. Priority offers transportation for patients who need a stretcher or wheelchair. Priority believes that the patient always comes first, and the first priority is getting you to your destination safely, comfortably, and on time. To contact Priority Patient Transfer, please call 1-866-561-7787 or visit ppts.ca.
Patients have the option to research and/or choose their own non-urgent patient transfer provider and may contact the provider they choose with their payment information.
If you receive flowers, they will be delivered by the florist’s delivery service. Please do not keep heavily scented flowers, as Quinte Health is a reduced-scent environment. Scented products can cause serious reactions, including headache, nausea, breathing difficulties and skin reactions, among our patients, staff, volunteers and our visitors.
Incoming mail will be delivered to your Patient Care Unit. Please inform friends and family to address your mail as follows:
Your Name and Unit / Room Number c/o Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital
403 Main Street East
Picton, Ontario K0K 2T0
Any mail received after your discharge will be forwarded to the address on your medical record.
Patient meals have been designed with Canada’s Guidelines to Healthy Eating in mind and will allow patients to obtain all of their nutritional requirements. A full range of therapeutic diets such as diabetic and cardiac can be ordered by your physician.
Patient meals are delivered at the following times:
Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. to 8 a.m.
Lunch: 11:30 p.m. to 12 p.m.
Dinner: 4:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
If you require dietary changes or have any concerns about menu items, please call ext. 2319. Messages can be left at any time.
Parking is available at the side and rear of the building.
Spiritual health care is available to patients, families, care givers, and hospital staff. As part of the health care team, a Spiritual Health Services (SHS) practitioner is on call to serve and support people of all life philosophies, faiths and denominations. They help people draw upon their own resources for wisdom, guidance, strength and healing as they journey through life stages. If you wish spiritual health care support, please request that your nurse contact switchboard. If you wish a visit from your own faith community, a nurse or the SHS practitioner would be pleased to make that contact for you.
The Sacred Space is located on the second floor on the Inpatient Unit, and is open 24 hours a day as an oasis for prayer, reflection and meditation.
Assistance will be provided, if required, by the Patient Care Unit Desk or Reception/Registration Desk.
Telephones are installed in most rooms. In a semi-private or ward room, telephones are shared between two patients.
Incoming calls:
Incoming calls can be directly dialed into patient rooms. Please give your family and friends the main hospital telephone number (613) 476-1008, then press 4 + room #.
Outgoing calls:
Local: Enter 9 + area code + number
Long distance: Enter “0” for Switchboard. All long distance calls must be charged to your calling card, home number or collect. If using a calling card, you may go through Bell Canada to make your call – dial 1-800-555-1111.
Pay phones are available for your convenience in the Emergency Department Lobby.
In-room television service may be purchased by patients. To order, turn on the television in your room and place order using credit card, or call 1-800-263-1113.
Have we missed anything in this directory that would have been valuable for you to know?
Please let us know by contacting our Communications Department at (613) 969-7400 ext. 2677.
Planning for a safe return home begins at the time of admission for all patients.
Your in-hospital care team will speak to you about a discharge plan and in-home supports so you may return home when it is no longer necessary for you to be in hospital.
When going home is complicated, there may be some additional supports.
In-home supports
There are additional supports to assist at-risk individuals and their family caregivers who:
• Need care and support in order to leave the hospital and go home.
• Are waiting for a vacancy in a long-term care home.
How do I get these supports?
• While in the hospital you may at any time ask any member of your in-hospital care team to arrange a meeting to discuss your needs when returning home.
• Care Coordinators are specialists in planning for inhome professional services, which include services such as nursing and personal care assistance. Care Coordinators and hospital staff may work together to assist you and your family to plan for services at discharge.
• Staff will work with Community Support Services agencies (specialists in home help, including meals, homemaking, and transportation), to support you at home or while you wait at home for a long-term care home vacancy.
If you already received services at home before coming to hospital, your in-hospital care team will work with you, your family and/or caregivers to ensure you receive appropriate supports when you return home. For more information on home and community care services, please call 310-2222 (no area code required).
Community Care for Central Hastings
A volunteer based agency for seniors and adults with physical disabilities. Provides programs and services that assist clients to remain in their own homes for as long as possible. www.ccch.ca or 613-478-2224
Community Care for South Hastings
A volunteer based agency for seniors and adults with physical disabilities. Provides programs and services that assist clients to remain in their own homes for as long as possible. www.ccsh.ca or 613-969-0130
Prince Edward County Community Care for Seniors
Assists older adults to live in a home environment in reasonable independence. www.communitycareforseniors.org or 613-476-7493
VON Hastings Northumberland & Prince Edward County
Provides home care, public health nursing, and home and community support services. https://von.ca/en/locations/hastings-northumberland-princeedward or 613-392-4181
The Seniors Managing Independent Living Easily (or SMILE) program connects seniors at risk of losing their independence with local services, helping them remain in their own homes. https://von.ca/en/smile or 1-888-866-6647 Transportation Quinte Transit 613-392-9640
Mobility Bus
Priority Patient Transfer
Community Care Escorted Transportation
• Central Hastings: 613-478-2224
• South Hastings: 613-969-0130
• Picton: 613-476-7493
Canadian Mental Health Association Hastings Prince Edward https://cmhahpe.ca/ or Central Intake: 310-OPEN (6736)
9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline – call or text 9-8-8 (toll-free, 24/7).
Learn more at 988.ca
Alzheimer Society of Hastings-Prince Edward
• Belleville: 613-962-0892
• Picton: 613-476-2085
• Bancroft: 613-332-4614
Hospice Quinte
https://hospicequinte.ca or 613-966-6610
Hospice Prince Edward
www.hospiceprinceedward.ca or 613-645-4040
The Heart of Hastings Hospice
www.heartofhastingshospice.ca or 613-473-1880
All four Quinte Health hospitals have highly supportive and dedicated Auxiliaries that assist us in providing health care services to our communities. Volunteers provide support and assistance to hospital staff, patients and visitors in a number of areas. Volunteer activities are as varied as the volunteers themselves, and each and every one makes a difference in the lives of our patients.
The Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Auxiliary offers opportunities to volunteer: in patient care areas; at the Second Time Around Shop (a thrift store in Picton with proceeds supporting the hospital); or through the annual Festival of Trees.
To learn more, visit www.pecmhaux.ca or call the PECMH Auxiliary office at 613-476-2181 ext. 4427.
Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation raises money to advance health care for the patients of the hospital and the people of Prince Edward County.
The foundation raises funds to support building infrastructure and maintenance, the purchase of priority equipment needed for patient care, and medical innovations that will transform how our hospital delivers care and improves the lives or all County residents and visitors.
Rarely does a day go by that we don’t hear about the outstanding care provided by a member of our hospital team.
If you are grateful for the care you or a loved one has received while in the hospital, consider making a gift to the PECMH Foundation to help ensure the hospital and our care teams have the tools they need to provide exceptional care.
When a Care Champion(s) is identified through a donation, the PECMH Foundation will notify that person or team and present them with a certificate of recognition, informing them of your appreciation. Your gift provides a spark of energy to the recipient while inspiring others to give. Your donation will be used to support the hospital, where it’s needed most.
If you are grateful for the care you or a loved one has received at PECMH, consider making a gift to the PECMH Foundation to help ensure the hospital and our care teams have the tools they need.
You can make a donation and nominate your Care Champion today by visiting www.pecmhf.ca.
For more information visit www.pecmhf.ca or scan the QR code above to donate today. BN 13287 6855 RR0001