Covid Attendance Reference Guide

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A ​ ttendance reference guide for Covid-19 What to do if... My child has C ​ OVID s​ ymptoms: ∙a ​ high temperature – ​ this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature) ∙a ​ new, continuous cough ​– this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual) ∙a ​ loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – ​ this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

Action needed...

Return to school when...

DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL INFORM SCHOOL BY TELEPHONE, CLASS DOJO OR EMAIL Book a test Self isolate the household for 14 days or until a negative test result is received Inform school of the result as soon as you receive it (positive or negative)

The test result is negative.

What to do if...

Action needed...

Return to school when...

My child has received a p ​ ositive t​ est... DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL

After 10 days from the start of symptoms and the child is feeling better. They can still return if they have a cough or Agree an earliest possible return date for loss of smell/taste - these symptoms can the child – this will be at least 10 days from continue for a few weeks after they are not contagious. the start of symptoms. INFORM SCHOOL BY TELEPHONE, EMAIL OR CLASS DOJO

Self-isolate the rest of the household for 14 days and arrange tests ​if other household members develop symptoms.

My child has recieved a N ​ egative test...

My child is ill with symptoms which ​are not COVID related​… If your child ​does not h ​ ave symptoms of COVID, but has o ​ ther cold-like symptoms e.g. a runny nose, t​ hey do not need to be tested and they and the rest of your household do not need to self-isolate​.

Contact school to inform them Arrange for the child to return to school, it can be the same day if the child is well.

They test Negative.

Your child can attend school if well enough to do so. Follow school procedure - inform school if your child is unwell and needs to be absent.

The child is well or 48 hours after the last bout of sickness/diarrhoea.

What to do if...

Action needed...

Return to school when...

Someone in the household has COVID symptoms ​as outlined above


Their test result is negative

Arrange a test for the person with symptoms The household has to isolate for 14 days or until a negative test result is received Inform school of the result once you have it

Someone in the household (not the child) tests ​positive​ for COVID

DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL INFORM SCHOOL BY TELEPHONE, EMAIL OR CLASS DOJO Agree an earliest possible return date for the child. They should self-isolate for 14 days from the test.

After 14 days self-isolation is completed (unless the child develops symptoms then see “​ what if my child has COVID symptoms”​)

What to do if...

Action needed...

Return to school when...

NHS test and trace ​identifies my child as being in close contact with a CONFIRMED ​case of COVID​.


After 14 days self-isolation is completed ​(unless the child develops symptoms then see “​ what if my child has COVID symptoms”​)

My child/our household has travelled and returned to the UK and has to quarantine.

Do not take unauthorised holiday leave in term time. Check government travel guidance before you travel and be aware that this changes frequently Agree a return date for the child which will be after 14 days self isolation.

Follow guidance from track and trace Agree an earliest possible return date for the child. They should self-isolate for 14 days from the test.

After the advised isolation time is completed (​ unless the child develops symptoms then see ​“what if my child has COVID symptoms”​)

What to do if...

Action needed...

Return to school when...

My child's bubble is closed due to a confirmed covid case in school.

DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL IF YOUR CHILD IS IN THE CLOSED BUBBLE School will inform of a return date for the class bubble Support your child to complete their learning which will be provided in line with our home learning policy

When school tells you the bubble is reopened.

One of my children’s class bubbles have closed. What happens with my other children?

Only the child whose bubble has closed needs to isolate. ALL OTHER CHILDREN IN THE HOUSEHOLD ATTEND SCHOOL. You will need to arrange a way to drop off and pick up without bringing the isolating child onto site.

Attend school as usual

We have received medical advice that DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL my child needs to shield.

Inform school by email, telephone or Class Dojo Shield until you have been advised to. (Provide proof if necessary.)

When shielding restrictions have been lifted for your child.

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