HJS Newsletter 17 Jan 2020

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HERRINGTHORPE JUNIOR SCHOOL, CHATTERTON DRIVE, ROTHERHAM S65 2JW Tel: 01709 828168 Fax/Tel: 01709 828998 Executive Headteacher: Mrs. J. Fearnley (B.Ed. Hons) Chair of Governors: Mr A Trueman www.herringthorpejuniors.com

Dear Parent/Carer

Welcome back and Happy New Year everyone! We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break. Reading Awards

Before we finished for the Christmas break we presented our Hilary Ford awards to our children who have made the most progress in reading that term in each class. Well done to all the winners.

Young Voices

The Young Voices children had an amazing afternoon and evening on Tuesday, 7th January, 2020. The afternoon was spent rehearsing along with 5000 other children from school across the country, and in the evening we performed in a sold out arena. Well done to all of the children we hope you enjoyed the singing and dancing.

Shakespeare – Civic Theatre

The Year 5 children have been rehearsing in school their class Shakespeare plays and on Thursday, 9th January, 2020 the children performed their play at Rotherham Civic Theatre. The plays performed included Hamlet, Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet. Thank you to everyone involved.


We have had a number of children turn up to school with their hair dyed. Just a reminder to say that our school policy states that hair should not be dyed for school. Please if this applies to your child can you try to rectify the coloured hair as soon as possible.


We have had an increasing number of instances of children swearing at school. The language used is extremely offensive and extremely upsetting. Consequences will be in place for any child found swearing at school. Please speak to your child at home about the use of appropriate language.


Next week you will see our school councillors out putting our new parking buddies in place. We are still having huge issues with inconsiderate parking around school that is putting children and adults at risk. The parking buddies will be placed in a variety of different places where we are having the biggest issues with parking.


Anyone needing to use the staff car park must have a pre-authorised permit. We will need copies of insurance, driving licence for health and safety and safeguarding reasons. Thank you.


As you are aware we have a healthy lunch box policy. Sadly we have noticed an increasing number of children bringing crisps, chocolate and sweets. Crisps and high salt content snacks are not good for your child every day which is why we choose not to have these in school. As a treat on a visit day this is accepted but not as an everyday staple in a lunch box. Next week, we will be sending a reminder in lunch boxes and would greatly appreciate your support with encouraging healthy eating – please look out for the leaflet in your child’s lunch box.

We are here to help Recently staff feel that parents/carers are often rude or can be confrontational towards them. This is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. All staff are here to support every child and family in school and will always make time to listen should you have a concern or query. Your first port of call should always be your child’s class teacher as they spend the majority of every day with your child and should be able to iron out or resolve any thing you come to them with. Mrs Forshaw and Mrs Mawe are also available if you are unable to see the class teacher or teaching assistant. If you have a concern or are worried about something that is happening at school please always come and talk to us as sometimes children will go home and relay information that they have not shared at school. If we do not know, we cannot do anything to help a situation. If your child comes home and is worried encourage them to come and speak to a member of staff – they will always listen and help. One final thing – PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not post anything on FaceBook that brings the school into disrepute or names of other children. We can only sort an issue if we are aware of it in school, airing it on FaceBook before we know about it will not help and could make a situation far worse and cause a lot of upset. If this happens we seek police advice. We are here to work with you, support and help.

Mrs. Adams – Head of School

Dates for your Diary 21st & 22nd Jan – Y3 visit Magna 27th Jan – Chinese New Year celebration Half Term – Last Day at school – Friday, 14th February, 2020 Back in School Monday, 24th February, 2020

Yours sincerely,

J. K. Fearnley Executive Head Teacher.


term we are having a focus on kindness. Within each classroom there is a kindness jar where the children are able to nominate someone they have spotted doing an act of kindness. One act is then chosen from each classroom at the end of the week and celebrated in Friday’s assembly.

3S 4S 5S 6M

Mason W Rio L Zahra H Ismail R

Last week’s winners were 3J Aakifah M 3F 4K Rayyan Y 4C 5A Lily D 5Ad 6E Ahmad U 6S

Mayyar T Laiton M Harvey L Milly OR

Whole School Attendance target = 95% Attendance last week = 97.62% In School Attendance Champions (ISAC) week ending 10th January, 2020 is: Class 3F / 4C / 5Ad – 100%

School Dinner Menus If you would like your child to have school dinners (£2.30 per day) £11.50 per week. Payment should be made on-line via Sims Pay or you can ask for a barcode to pay at any Post Office/PayPoint.


Menu for week beginning Monday, 20th January, 2020

Monday Chicken Tikka Masala & Naan Bread Cheese Plait (V) Jacket Potato with Beans

Tuesday Burger in a Bun Salmon Fishcake (V) Jacket Potato with Cheese

Boiled Rice Creamed Potatoes Seasonal Vegetables

Wednesday Chicken Enchilada

Jacket Potato with Tuna Mayo

Thursday Roast Chicken with Sage & Onion Stuffing Quorn Slice (V) Jacket Potato with Cheese & Beans

Quorn Calzone (V) Jacket Potato with Chicken Mayo

Diced Potatoes

Potato Wedges

Roast Potatoes


Seasonal Vegetables

Seasonal Vegetables

Jam Sponge & Custard

Seasonal Vegetables Chocolate Brownie & Custard

Sticky Ginger Slice

Pinwheel Biscuits



Toffee Apple Sponge & Custard

Seasonal Vegetables Lemon Drizzle Cake

Cheese & Tomato Pizza (V)

Salad, Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt and Milk are all available daily

Cookie & Milk

Friday Battered Fish

Bun & Juice

Menu for Week beginning Monday, 27th January, 2020

Monday Lasagne

Tuesday Chicken Fajita

Wednesday Cottage Pie

Friday Fish Fingers Cheese & Potato Layer (V)

Jacket Potato with Beans Potato Wedges

Thursday Roast Chicken with Sage & Onion Stuffing Quorn Tortilla Stack (V) Jacket Potato with Tuna & Sweetcorn Roast Potatoes

Quorn Sausage & Bean Plait (V)

Quorn Hot Dog (V)

Cheese & Tomato Pizza (V)

Jacket Potato with Tuna Mayo Garlic Bread Sliced Potatoes Seasonal Vegetables

Jacket Potato with Cheese Savoury Rice Diced Potatoes Seasonal Vegetables

Seasonal Vegetables

Seasonal Vegetables

Iced Sponge & Custard

Cornflake Tart & Custard

Fruit Jelly

Bun & Juice

Chocolate & Orange Sponge & Chocolate Sauce Strawberry Mousse

Seasonal Vegetables Jam Whirl & Custard

Australian Crunch

Rice Pudding

Salad, Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt and Milk are all available daily • All food oven baked (including potato products) wherever possible. • All desserts are made on the premises.• Bread available daily without spread. • Menus may be subject to alteration at short notice.

Jacket Potato with Chicken Mayo Chips

Cookie & Milk

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