Pupil Premium

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Pupil Premium Funding Allocation plan / EOY report 2019 - 2020 Number of pupils & pupil premium grant (PPG) received Total number of pupils on role 350 Total numbers of pupils eligible for PPG 104 Amount PPG received per pupil £1,320 Total amount of PPG received £137,280 Objectives of spending PPG ● To raise attainment of lower attainers in Yr. 5 and Yr. 6 at risk of not attaining national expected. Identification of group of low attaining pupils in both year groups in Sept 19 to make above expected progress over the year. Progress checks mid-year and evaluation monitor attainment closely. ● To ensure that vulnerable children receive appropriate emotional support through employing two Learning Mentors support, We also pay for additional support from Rotherham MIND and Behaviour support and other bought in professional services to support specific groups of pupils, to provide 1-1 tuition throughout the year for the year 6 pupils to ensure all are supported for the SATs tes, including higher attainers. A volunteer has also supported this. ● To offer an enriched and creative curriculum to inspire and engage all learners, with a particularly focus on FSM 6 Ever, to provide additional expertise in ICT, art, music, Enterprise, sports and family programmes ● To offer additional support to vulnerable children through high quality intervention and classroom support through high quality staff. Record of PPG spending by item / project 2019 - 2020 Item Cost Objectives Outcomes Learning Mentor & Behaviour for Learning Leader


Family Engagement Assistant


Music and Performing


Improve attendance of target pupils. Improve behaviour, confidence and resilience of identified children. Reduce the number of children in need of SS/other agency intervention. Target pupils to make good progress and to close the attainment gap Family Learning sessions focusing on engagement activity for parents and children to develop effective school-parent relations, to encourage learning support to continue at home in order to accelerate progress. To improve self-confidence for pupils in Y3/4 by learning to play a musical instrument through professional

Attendance for children who attract PPG is 91.9%

Family learning sessions are well attended. Several PPG children attend these sessions with family members.

All PPG children have/ have had music tuition in school provided by external services. Music concerts have taken place and have been attended by parents.​ ​High

Arts Wider Opportunities

Bought in professional services sport


Bought in professional services ICT HLTA


Sports Coach


instruction to accelerate progress and close the attainment gap. Improve self confidence and oracy skills in Year 5 pupils by participating in Willow Tree Shakespeare festival.

quality learning outcomes instil a pride and commitment in target children through music. All Year 5 children, including PPG children have contributed to the production of a Shakespeare play and took an active reading role.

Bought in professional services to support the development of expertise in teaching and learning of sports. Identified children to have access to sporting extracurricular activities to improve self-confidence and behaviour for learning in order to accelerate progress and close the attainment gap. PPG pupils targeted by sports coach to attend after school clubs and sporting competitions. HLTA and ICT technician creating series of lessons to support the implementation of new ICT curriculum in school. All children will access specialist teaching and CPD for teaching staff provided during the lessons.

All children have accessed professional sports coaching. Coaching) Teachers have developed practised through CPD scheme (observing professional sports). Children perform well in competitive inter-school sports events.

Improve provision of sports /PE education so that children will benefit from quality teaching in this area. Encouraging development of talents in this area, improving self-confidence in order to accelerate progress.

Ipads used with target children to accelerate mental math skills. Y5 children have benefited from exclusive use of a set of Chrome books. PPG children in Y5 have made more progress in all areas than the cohort as a whole. Current whole school data shows few significant differences between the progress of PPG children in comparison to whole cohort data All children have accessed professional sports coaching. Coaching) Teachers have developed practised through CPD scheme (observing professional sports). Children perform well in competitive inter-school sports events.

Summary Total PPG received Total PPG expenditure PPG remaining

£137,280 £124,536.50 £12,744 (this amount would have been spent on the remaining sporting opportunities -coach and Live&Learn - had school not closed because of Covid 19)

Reading Children who attract PPG Cohort

1.82 2.53

Pupil Progress Spring 2020 (expected progress = 3 steps) Year 3 Writing Maths Children who Children who 1.35 attract PPG Cohort


attract PPG Cohort

GPaS 2

Children who attract PPG





Year 4 Reading Children who attract PPG Cohort

Writing 2.78 2.88

Children who attract PPG Cohort

Maths 2.66 2.7

Children who attract PPG Cohort

GPaS 2.66 2.82

Children who attract PPG Cohort

2.55 2.71

Year 5 Reading Children who attract PPG Cohort

Writing 2.21 2.75

Children who attract PPG Cohort

Maths 1.6 2.54

Children who attract PPG Cohort

GPaS 1.84 2.38

Children who attract PPG Cohort

1.6 2.54

Year 6 Reading Children who attract PPG Cohort

Writing 3.29 3.64

Children who attract PPG Cohort


attract PPG Cohort

Maths 3.08

Children who attract PPG Cohort

GPaS 3.08

Children who attract PPG Cohort

3.33 3.37 Attainment % children at or exceeding Age Related Expectations Spring 2020 Year 3 Reading Writing Maths GPaS Children who Children who Children who 71% Children who 50% 67% attract PPG Cohort


attract PPG Cohort


attract PPG Cohort

3.2 3.51

50% 83%

Year 4 Reading Children who attract PPG Cohort

Writing 82% 87%

Children who attract PPG Cohort

Maths 82% 85%

Children who attract PPG Cohort

GPaS 82% 87%

Children who attract PPG Cohort

82% 85%

Year 5 Reading Children who attract PPG Cohort

Writing 74% 86%

Children who attract PPG Cohort

Maths 47% 83%

Children who attract PPG Cohort

GPaS 58% 75%

Children who attract PPG Cohort

47% 83%

Year 6 Reading Children who attract PPG Cohort

Writing 96% 97%

Children who attract PPG Cohort

Maths 90% 94%

Children who attract PPG Cohort

GPaS 82%


Children who attract PPG Cohort

91% 98%

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