September Opening Information

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Herringthorpe Junior School September opening information

Dates Monday 31st August - Bank holiday Tuesday 1st September - INSET day [no school] Wednesday 2nd September - INSET day [no school] Thursday 3rd September - FIRST DAY BACK - everyone back at school!

Attendance Government guidance clearly states that “Attendance is not optional. Missing out on more time in the classroom risks pupils falling behind. School attendance will therefore be mandatory.” We would ask that if children do not attend school for any reason, parents / carers inform school before 9am on their child’s first day of absence stating the reason for absence.

Start and finish times Year





Teacher/ TA

Line number

Miss Sealey, Miss Higgins


Miss Dixon, Miss Latif


Miss Farmer, Miss Bennett, Mrs Turner


Mrs Kirby, Mrs Bailey


Miss Johnson, Miss Ford


Miss Adams, Mrs Barratt, Mrs Andrews


Miss Cooper, Miss Hayes


Mrs Ebbs, Mrs Marsh


Mrs Evans, Mrs O’Brian, Miss Reed


Miss Snowden, Mrs Savage


Miss Meaburn, Mr Jenkinson


Miss Stanton, Mrs Morris, Miss Littlemore



Mon - Thurs Leave

Fri from 11.9.20 Leave













Siblings can be dropped off at the earliest drop off time and collected at the latest. You must have messaged your child’s class teacher through Dojo to inform them that you will be dropping off earlier and picking up later and also which class their sibling is in so that we can ensure sufficient staffing.

Drop off and pick up ● ●

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Enter and exit either through Shenstone Road entrance or Wickersley Road entrance Children dropped off and collected from their allocated number on the playground. Children are not able to leave before getting to their space at the end of the day and until member of staff has seen them off to their designated adult this is for everyone’s safety Children to be dropped off at their allotted time slots ONLY. Please do not arrive early as we there will be too many people on site at one time Only ONE adult to accompany a child on site Everyone to adhere to social distancing when on site Please pass any messages on via phone or Class Dojo unfortunately staff cannot stop and chat on the playground. If your child is responsible and old enough to walk onto site by themselves we would suggest they are allowed to do this as this will reduce the number of bodies on site at any one time No bikes or scooters at school for the time being If your child is in year 5 or 6 and will be walking home by themselves please pass your permission through Dojo to your child’s class teacher.

If anyone is found not to be following the safety measure we have put in place they will be asked to leave and potentially not be allowed back on site. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure everyone’s safety.

What you’ll need Children ● To be in school uniform: a blue cardigan or jumper (logo optional), white polo shirt (logo optional), grey or black trousers or skirt and black school shoes, fully named. One pair of small studded earrings and a watch are allowed - no other jewellery is permitted at school. Head wear of simple headbands and bobbles only. ● P.E. kits (black shorts, white t shirt, trainers or pumps) in school throughout the whole week and fully named. ● Appropriate coat ● Book bag or small rucksack to keep home learning and home learning diary. ● Lunchbox [if having a packed lunch. Please remember no chocolate bars, crisps or fizzy drinks please] ● Completed summer home learning tasks to share with your class teacher Parents ● Arbor account set up - contact the school office if you are having any issues here ● Class Dojo account set up - contact your child’s class teacher if you are having any issues here School will provide ● Named water bottle - this will be brought home each night to be washed and returned the following day. Please do not bring in your own. ● Home school diary ● Pencil, pen, ruler - all resources that are needed in school ● Home learning book

Lunchtime We will continue to offer hot dinners when we return. Children will have the choice as to whether they bring sandwiches from home or choose from the lunchtime menu on offer (this will be available on the school website). The following organisation for lunchtimes has been put in place: Lunchtimes will be staggered Each year group has been allocated a time slot for hot dinners to ensure all children eat in the designated time Each year group will be allocated a space to eat their lunch in All tables and chairs will be wiped down before a new group of children use them. Outdoor playground spaces have been timetabled so that no group shares the space with another. A box of equipment has been organised for each group of children. These resources will not be shared with any other group. The children will be supervised by the same member of staff each day, wherever possible. Please remember our healthy lunchbox policy - we ask that children do have crisps, chocolate bars, ďŹ zzy drinks or sweets in their lunch boxes and that these are left as treats for when they are at home.

Week one menu

Measures we have place in school ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Consistent groups will be kept Year group bubbles There will be staggered start and finish times and staggered break and lunches so that year group bubbles do not mix Contact will be minimised and wherever possible - children encouraged to keep their distance Parents asked to social distance on school grounds and drop children off One parent/carer only is asked to accompany children Any child or adult exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms must not enter the school grounds Sanitizer station at doors - member of staff to dispense and wipe down doors after use Frequent hand washing ensuring thorough drying of hands afterwards Regular cleaning of areas - wipes available in all classrooms Removing resources that are difficult to clean Supporting children understand good hygiene practices including ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ - bins emptied throughout the day. Children will be taught in groups no larger than 31. Children will be allocated a space within the classroom. All children will be provided with new resources to use at school. These will be named and there is an expectation they will not be shared There will be no whole school assemblies

Symptoms/suspected COVID 19 As stated before, in order to minimise spread of infection, if your child or any household member is displaying symptoms of COVID-19 (see NHS definition below), children from this household must not attend school (call to inform us of non attendance) and self-isolate for 7 days if the child has symptoms, 14 days if another household member has symptoms. If any household member is being tested, children from this household should not attend until the test results have been confirmed.

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high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature) new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual) loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

In school should anyone display symptoms: ● Any adult or child exhibiting symptoms will be sent home immediately. Children will be isolated until they can be collected by a parent/carer. ● Anyone displaying symptoms will be expected to be tested and cannot return to school unless the test is negative and school has been provided with a copy of this confirmation. ● Where the child or adult tests positive the rest of their class, or group will be sent home to self isolate for 14 days.

Please also note ... ● ●

Currently we will not be running breakfast clubs or after school clubs. Friday’s we will be closed following lunch time to allow for a thorough deep clean to happen.

We are constantly reviewing the measures that we have in place to ensure that they are inline with the most current guidance shared. We will endeavour to keep you updated where changes occur. Thank you for your continued support and understanding for the changes that we have put in place to support keeping everyone safe during the pandemic. Please should you have any question do not hesitate to contact school or your child’s class teacher.

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