Student Council Well being

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HJS School Council Present… Small Acts to Boost Wellbeing

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week. As a Student Council, we met and decided to make a booklet of ideas to support everyone’s wellbeing. The ideas on each page include our favourite joke, our favourite game, an exercise idea and an interesting fact. We hope you learn something new, get inspiration to try a new game with your family or have a laugh at one of our jokes! We have also included an idea of how you could improve someone else’s wellbeing too. Just make sure you check with your grown up at home before you post things through neighbour’s doors!

My favourite exercise to do is do star jumps, press ups and jogging on the spot.

Wellbeing in Lockdown An act of kindness i would do for a neighbour is to post them a card to check they are ok. Not everyone has someone to talk to.

why … s i oke over the ing j e t p nn uri favo cow jum e he’s ru e y M h the caus nd t does ? … be e dish a n moo from th y awa n. spoo

An i n fox terest e in mile s can r g fact u s pe i r ho n upto 3 s that ur. 0

Niko Moss

o game t e t i r u o y My fav with m . e m o h k play at hide and see s i family

At home i like to keep fit and do squats, lunges, sit ups and wall sits. It keeps me healthy and strong. I also like to do football exercises like shooting and practicing tricks in and out of cones. This improves my skills and control.

I but s e ok ny j m. a now to the k t ' n g I do istenin l like

Wellbeing in Lockdown My next door neighbour sometimes gives me dessert so maybe I could make them something too. I sometimes help my mum tidy up because she has to do a lot herself.

I am train a good f Wed with Sh ootballe e also nesday ffield r and e City played lite. I h a a g deve round t Manc ve he lopm as a Man ster ent play City er.

Archie Woods

y r with m e t is w t play are all e I like to w e s u e eca family b e, my dad is th all itiv compet ecause he is t it b best at ng. and stro

Wellbeing in Lockdown What do cows produce during an earthquake?

Act of kindness: Help your mum without being asked

Turtles breathe out of their bum while hibernating.

Answer: Milkshake

Black jack My favourite exercise to do is playing ring fit or running fast like sonic‌

It’s fun!

is my favourite game to play with my family, you might want to play it Kian Hopkinson too!

My favourite exercise to do at home is to practice doing the splits!!!

Wellbeing in Lockdown To do something kind for someone you could make them a picture!!!

ta r a t ou s ? y o d ace H ow bear r y tedd o! g t e ys d d e T

Did y larg ou know ? es Blue t anima The ls W can w hales’ on earth to , eleph eigh as m ngues ant. uch a s an

Summer Phipson

mily a f e t i r u o My fav game e h t y a l op game is t of life!!!

Wellbeing in Lockdown

g pin le p i k 0 s bstac 2 r s o p an o all p u b u it I try to help my mum as much as I can. I do 0 s ? Set a foot d on 1 o n s e d l u p cleaning , mopping and much more but I try you ar jum .Dribb ce aro t ’ n n to help my dad because we have a on st y d nd 9 garde or bou h allotment and we need to build a shed so I W ps a our ones y m n c ju rse i am helping him to do it. me per u o o s c p und ce ho o r a spa the Du r got ing w inju w2 red man and y s e d rit old o v mes an a k a g f i d i r l e a l s c ' ed rs ke to do ly frog li I a t's nopo play mo Wha ? o k me is g a g drin d r a c favorite cola y M a ak Cro fish. Isabelle Pyott

Wellbeing in Lockdown

I like to go on the cross trainer and practise weights

I helped pop to use the lawn mower because he's getting old.

wed o l l swa ng. y l l nta olouri m fine e d i a c a c I ac e food says I e dyed som doctor e I hav k The feel li . i but inside little

McD o bub nalds o bleg n um ce ma broc flavou de red coli

Liam George Smith

y s to pla e m a g rite My favo ite,Rocket tn are For uphead ,C League

My favorite exercise to do at home during lockdown is to go on my trampoline and practice my flips, I also like to go a local bike ride or my scooter.

jam … f o ind t? ……… k t a a Wh you e ’t can m!! a j fic f a r At

Wellbeing in Lockdown During lockdown you could write a message to your neighbor to let them know your thinking of them during this difficult time and offer help with anything they may need especially if they are eldely.

Did y croc ou kno w o its t dile ca a nn ongu e ou ot stic k t.


e favorit w e f e lay with I hav p o t e lik games I these are ily my fam fe, dobble, f li game o and the ent i j n a m u m j .s apart d . n . e . i . f.r game.

Wellbeing in Lockdown

My favourite exercise to do at home is 50 star jumps.

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Send a note to an elderly neighbour to see if they are all right.


Did ostr you kn o i than ch's ey w ……… .A its b e is b igge n rain r !!!


t ted n a It w rtie. sma

Ryan Harpham

family a e v a ily h My fam ght where we r ni ou games d games but ar play bo hing to do are t favorite quizes.

Go on the trampoline,if you do not have 1 do star jumps insead

Wellbeing in Lockdown Cook breakfast for your parents and siblings

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tor Ska .Doce you from

or. Doct one! ? e er this o's th u know *Ar table! h W k .ee yo Dale k knock h, I s c O o *Kn ho? rW o t c Do

Hannah Johnson

secon ds in a

a like to pl e w y l i m In my fa y monopol


I like to sometimes do gonoodle and also like to do sit ups,burpees,star jumps and also so goga. y a s e av w e h dt i d id d e t H a Wh friend? ed. v a w to its g he just in h t o n Rio lopez

Wellbeing in Lockdown

You could maybe make them a card or tell them my funny joke.

Mrs Kirby is the best Teach er.

games f o t o l a g in I love play y monopoly you iall but espec plete a m o c o t y tr could also puzzle..

I like to run around the garden a lot and do star jumps

Wellbeing in Lockdown You could speak to your neighbours from a distance to keep them company.

ogs r f re py? a y Wh ys hap alwa eat m y e e th ugs the s u a Bec ever b t wha Ava Doyle

Aus t than ralia is wi the moo der n!



My favourite exercise is going on long walks in the woods with my family!

were . They . n e e wish 3m n o e r d e a w h go There t they each o was ish a d h t o t d l to ir w ded y nee ke the All the e slide, ma in a pile of d th down y would lan d for. e e and th r they wish own the e d v whate t man went Gold!’ He ‘ rs The fi d shouted, ld. o n g a e slide in a pile of own th !’ d d i d l e s land one onds econd uted, ‘Diam onds. s e h T m o of dia nd sh slide a ed in a pile the slide. n d t He lan d man sat o at he forgo r h i t The th so excited d shouted, n s a a He w shing !’ You can i w e h t e about eeeeeeeee e in. e ‘Wee nded a l e h what guess

Wellbeing in Lockdown If you have a sibling you could try and put them to sleep so your parents don’t have to do it.

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Of e is hide m a g e urit est My favo and I am the b k and see whole family! y at it in m

Darcey Ailsa Olivia Binney


Wellbeing in Lockdown

Help them with their shopping Whe noth n you s n you ing com eeze r out nose it es out o t c mou hrough omes f y th!!!! eurg our h!

o to g e d tim a b ??? sa en i entist? h W ed h to t



y l o p o n Mo

Wellbeing in Lockdown If your neighbour isn't at home you could put out their bins for them or water their plants or look after their pets. You also could clear the ice on their drive or path for them. You could send presents at christmas and on their birthdays.

My favorite exercises are cycling and running even though I'm not very good at cycling. When dad gets it out I like running on the treadmill. Most of the times I go to the garden I cycle round it, with help.

s u cros o y f i get do you a thief ? t a h W n with a i c i t p an o blind . u o y s ob that r e n o e Som

Did you kn


Axolotls can regen e limbs an d some p rate entire a r organs. I t t also sp s of en entire lif e under w ds its ater.

Alice Summer

My favorit eg my family is ame to play with dungeons a nd dragons be cause it a s tory game with campagnes and strange cre atures like the beautiful d ragonne or the chaotic wyv ern.

You could maybe ďŹ nd household items and lay them out in a course and try and complete the course as fast as you can.

ton e l e e sk rty, h t id pa o d e y h Wh o to t had n . g not use he ce with n a bec to da y bod Divine

Wellbeing in Lockdown You maybe could do the shopping for someone in need who doesn't really have enough money.

Did y elep ou kno w h 50 t ants a that re im than es hea nearly vi hum ans er ?

ootball f g n i y I like pla rother and b with my . my dad

I like to do ten star jumps, then 45 seconds of jogging on the spot

Wellbeing in Lockdown To be kind to my sister since it’s her birthday đ&#x;Ľł and be generally kind to everyone.

r eve in n n r Pa e he’s e t e d P becaus i d Why flying: stop rland! e Nev

Kasim Masood

A gi ra their ffe has seve neck n bo .



with my 4 t c e n Con Playing mum.

My favourite exercise is superman where you lay on the ground on your stomach and lift up your legs and arms

Wellbeing in Lockdown For me I would send a letter to my brother who is in Leeds University and he can’t really come home because of lockdown .

Arm s a l a o n’t k s e r a Why ally bear actu on’t have d They e right th ns o i t a fic a l a o k

adi llo s bul letp hells a re roo f To set up teddies like bowling pins and try and knock them over with a ball

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