10 Ways to Tell You’ve Gained Weight 1.
Chairs with arms make you uncomfortable.
Your feet are getting harder to see.
Family members say things like “marriage is treating you well.” Or “single life is treating you well.”
Seeing a picture of yourself 10 years ago makes you want to run a marathon... immediately.
You notice that something towards the center of your body is getting in the way when tying your shoes.
You consider “working out” a form of showing off.
You notice that you sweat a lot more easily than you remember.
Watching a child run around makes you feel exhausted.
You dread putting pants in the dryer for fear of the war that will ensue when trying to put them back on.
10. You’re smart enough to know that you aren’t as healthy as you want to be, and you’re ready to make a change. If #10 is you, then you’re not alone. This list was intended to be funny, but in reality, weight gain should be taken seriously. Too many health problems result from the simple issue of having too much weight. Some of these include:
Type 2 Diabetes
High blood pressure
High Cholesterol
And many, MANY more!
It’s time to make a change, and a permanent one. Say no to yo-yo diets and temporary fixes. You need to come up with a plan and stick to it.
Detox Drinks Detox drinks are one such way to ease yourself into a healthier lifestyle. They are quick to make, portable, and delicious. There are tons of free detox recipes you can make, and a lot of people doing it. This isn’t a diet, it’s a way to infuse more vitamins and minerals into your diet so your body can start doing what it was designed to do: detoxify itself. Detox drinks aren’t the cure to being overweight, but they are certainly a step in the right direction. The fact that they are delicious makes incorporating them that much easier. If you want to learn more about detox drinks, including detox drink recipes, then give us a visit at: http://Detox-Drinks.net T